1__NAME__ ui_order_button_build
3	$Scratch->{tables_to_open} = join " ", @{$Config->{ProductFiles}};
4	return;
6[perl tables="[scratch tables_to_open]"]
7	delete $Scratch->{item_result};
8	delete $Scratch->{test_button};
9	my $result = <<EOF;
11<td colspan=2  class=rnorm VALIGN=TOP>
12	<B>Resulting button</B><BR>
13<TEXTAREA ROWS=5 COLS=70 NAME="item_result">
15	$result =~ s/\s+$//;
16	my @parms;
17	BUILD: {
18		if(! $CGI->{item_id}) {
19			$result .= "ERROR: no item selected";
20			last BUILD;
21		}
22		my (@items) = split /\0/, $CGI->{item_id};
23		for (@items) {
24			push @parms, "mv_order_item=$_";
25		}
26		my @ones;
28			last QUANTITY if ! length $CGI->{item_quantity};
29			$CGI->{item_quantity} =~ s/[\s\0,]+$//;
30			@ones = split /[\0,\s]/, $CGI->{item_quantity};
31			for(@ones) {
32				if(/[^\d.]/) {
33					$result .= "Error: item quantities must be numbers";
34					last BUILD;
35				}
36				if( ! $Config->{FractionalItems} and $_ =~ /\./) {
37					$result .= "Error: item quantities must be integers with FractionalItems=no";
38					last BUILD;
39				}
40				push @parms, "mv_order_quantity=$_";
41			}
42		}
43		if(length $CGI->{item_separate}) {
44			push @parms, "mv_separate_items=$CGI->{item_separate}";
45		}
46		if(length $CGI->{item_destination}) {
47			push @parms, "mv_nextpage=$CGI->{item_destination}";
48		}
49		if($CGI->{item_button} > 1) {
50			my @fly;
51			if(! $CGI->{description}) {
52				$result .= "Error: on-the-fly item requires description";
53				last BUILD;
54			}
55			push @fly, "description=$CGI->{description}";
56			if(! $CGI->{price}) {
57				$result .= "Error: on-the-fly item requires price";
58				last BUILD;
59			}
60			push @fly, "price=$CGI->{price}";
61			push @parms, "mv_order_fly=" . join("|", @fly);;
62		}
63		if(length $CGI->{item_group}) {
64			push @parms, "mv_order_group=$CGI->{item_group}";
65		}
66		if(length $CGI->{affiliate}) {
67			push @parms, "mv_source=$CGI->{affiliate}";
68		}
69		for my $mod (@{$Config->{UseModifier}}) {
70			if($CGI->{"item_modifier_$mod"}) {
71				@ones = split /\s*,\s*/, $CGI->{"item_modifier_$mod"};
72				for(@ones) {
73					push @parms, qq!mv_order_$mod=$_!;
74				}
75			}
76		}
77	}
78	my $button;
79	my $isbutton;
80	if(@parms) {
81		if($CGI->{item_button} == 1 || $CGI->{item_button} == 3) {
82			$isbutton = 1;
83			my $url = $Config->{VendURL} . '/order';
84			$button = qq{<FORM ACTION="$url" METHOD=POST>\n};
85			for(@parms) {
86				my ($name, $value) = split /=/, $_, 2;
87				$value =~ s/"/&quot;/g;
88				$button .= qq{<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=$name VALUE="$value">\n};
89			}
90			$button .= qq{<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Test button"></FORM>};
91		}
92		else {
93			$button = $Tag->area(
94							{
95								href => 'order',
96								form => join ("\n", @parms),
97							}
98						);
99			$button =~ s/\bmv_session_id=\w+&?//;
100		}
101		$result .= $button;
102	}
103	$result .= "</TEXTAREA>\n";
104	if ($isbutton and $button) {
105		$Scratch->{test_button} = $button;
106		$Scratch->{test_button} =~ s/METHOD=/TARGET=item_test METHOD=/;
107	}
108	else {
109		$Scratch->{test_button} = qq{<B><A HREF="$button" TARGET=item_test><FONT COLOR=__CONTRAST__>Test order link</FONT></A></B><BR>&nbsp;};
110	}
111	$result .= "</td></tr>\n\n";
112	$Scratch->{item_result} = $result;