2// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
4// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7// (at your option) any later version.
9// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12// GNU General Public License for more details.
14// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 * Database manager instance is responsible for all database structure modifications.
19 *
20 * @package    core_ddl
21 * @copyright  1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas     http://dougiamas.com
22 *             2001-3001 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) http://contiento.com
23 *             2008 Petr Skoda                   http://skodak.org
24 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
25 */
27defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
30 * Database manager instance is responsible for all database structure modifications.
31 *
32 * It is using db specific generators to find out the correct SQL syntax to do that.
33 *
34 * @package    core_ddl
35 * @copyright  1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas     http://dougiamas.com
36 *             2001-3001 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) http://contiento.com
37 *             2008 Petr Skoda                   http://skodak.org
38 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
39 */
40class database_manager {
42    /** @var moodle_database A moodle_database driver specific instance.*/
43    protected $mdb;
45    /** @var sql_generator A driver specific SQL generator instance. Public because XMLDB editor needs to access it.*/
46    public $generator;
48    /**
49     * Creates a new database manager instance.
50     * @param moodle_database $mdb A moodle_database driver specific instance.
51     * @param sql_generator $generator A driver specific SQL generator instance.
52     */
53    public function __construct($mdb, $generator) {
54        $this->mdb       = $mdb;
55        $this->generator = $generator;
56    }
58    /**
59     * Releases all resources
60     */
61    public function dispose() {
62        if ($this->generator) {
63            $this->generator->dispose();
64            $this->generator = null;
65        }
66        $this->mdb = null;
67    }
69    /**
70     * This function will execute an array of SQL commands.
71     *
72     * @param string[] $sqlarr Array of sql statements to execute.
73     * @param array|null $tablenames an array of xmldb table names affected by this request.
74     * @throws ddl_change_structure_exception This exception is thrown if any error is found.
75     */
76    protected function execute_sql_arr(array $sqlarr, $tablenames = null) {
77        $this->mdb->change_database_structure($sqlarr, $tablenames);
78    }
80    /**
81     * Execute a given sql command string.
82     *
83     * @param string $sql The sql string you wish to be executed.
84     * @throws ddl_change_structure_exception This exception is thrown if any error is found.
85     */
86    protected function execute_sql($sql) {
87        $this->mdb->change_database_structure($sql);
88    }
90    /**
91     * Given one xmldb_table, check if it exists in DB (true/false).
92     *
93     * @param string|xmldb_table $table The table to be searched (string name or xmldb_table instance).
94     * @return bool True is a table exists, false otherwise.
95     */
96    public function table_exists($table) {
97        if (!is_string($table) and !($table instanceof xmldb_table)) {
98            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', NULL, 'incorrect table parameter!');
99        }
100        return $this->generator->table_exists($table);
101    }
103    /**
104     * Reset a sequence to the id field of a table.
105     * @param string|xmldb_table $table Name of table.
106     * @throws ddl_exception thrown upon reset errors.
107     */
108    public function reset_sequence($table) {
109        if (!is_string($table) and !($table instanceof xmldb_table)) {
110            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', NULL, 'incorrect table parameter!');
111        } else {
112            if ($table instanceof xmldb_table) {
113                $tablename = $table->getName();
114            } else {
115                $tablename = $table;
116            }
117        }
119        // Do not test if table exists because it is slow
121        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getResetSequenceSQL($table)) {
122            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'table reset sequence sql not generated');
123        }
125        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($tablename));
126    }
128    /**
129     * Given one xmldb_field, check if it exists in DB (true/false).
130     *
131     * @param string|xmldb_table $table The table to be searched (string name or xmldb_table instance).
132     * @param string|xmldb_field $field The field to be searched for (string name or xmldb_field instance).
133     * @return boolean true is exists false otherwise.
134     * @throws ddl_table_missing_exception
135     */
136    public function field_exists($table, $field) {
137        // Calculate the name of the table
138        if (is_string($table)) {
139            $tablename = $table;
140        } else {
141            $tablename = $table->getName();
142        }
144        // Check the table exists
145        if (!$this->table_exists($table)) {
146            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($tablename);
147        }
149        if (is_string($field)) {
150            $fieldname = $field;
151        } else {
152            // Calculate the name of the table
153            $fieldname = $field->getName();
154        }
156        // Get list of fields in table
157        $columns = $this->mdb->get_columns($tablename);
159        $exists = array_key_exists($fieldname,  $columns);
161        return $exists;
162    }
164    /**
165     * Given one xmldb_index, the function returns the name of the index in DB
166     * of false if it doesn't exist
167     *
168     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table table to be searched
169     * @param xmldb_index $xmldb_index the index to be searched
170     * @param bool $returnall true means return array of all indexes, false means first index only as string
171     * @return array|string|bool Index name, array of index names or false if no indexes are found.
172     * @throws ddl_table_missing_exception Thrown when table is not found.
173     */
174    public function find_index_name(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_index $xmldb_index, $returnall = false) {
175        // Calculate the name of the table
176        $tablename = $xmldb_table->getName();
178        // Check the table exists
179        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
180            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($tablename);
181        }
183        // Extract index columns
184        $indcolumns = $xmldb_index->getFields();
186        // Get list of indexes in table
187        $indexes = $this->mdb->get_indexes($tablename);
189        $return = array();
191        // Iterate over them looking for columns coincidence
192        foreach ($indexes as $indexname => $index) {
193            $columns = $index['columns'];
194            // Check if index matches queried index
195            $diferences = array_merge(array_diff($columns, $indcolumns), array_diff($indcolumns, $columns));
196            // If no differences, we have find the index
197            if (empty($diferences)) {
198                if ($returnall) {
199                    $return[] = $indexname;
200                } else {
201                    return $indexname;
202                }
203            }
204        }
206        if ($return and $returnall) {
207            return $return;
208        }
210        // Arriving here, index not found
211        return false;
212    }
214    /**
215     * Given one xmldb_index, check if it exists in DB (true/false).
216     *
217     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The table to be searched.
218     * @param xmldb_index $xmldb_index The index to be searched for.
219     * @return boolean true id index exists, false otherwise.
220     */
221    public function index_exists(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_index $xmldb_index) {
222        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
223            return false;
224        }
225        return ($this->find_index_name($xmldb_table, $xmldb_index) !== false);
226    }
228    /**
232     * Given one xmldb_key, the function returns the name of the key in DB (if exists)
233     * of false if it doesn't exist
234     *
235     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The table to be searched.
236     * @param xmldb_key $xmldb_key The key to be searched.
237     * @return string key name if found
238     */
239    public function find_key_name(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_key $xmldb_key) {
241        $keycolumns = $xmldb_key->getFields();
243        // Get list of keys in table
244        // first primaries (we aren't going to use this now, because the MetaPrimaryKeys is awful)
245            //TODO: To implement when we advance in relational integrity
246        // then uniques (note that Moodle, for now, shouldn't have any UNIQUE KEY for now, but unique indexes)
247            //TODO: To implement when we advance in relational integrity (note that AdoDB hasn't any MetaXXX for this.
248        // then foreign (note that Moodle, for now, shouldn't have any FOREIGN KEY for now, but indexes)
249            //TODO: To implement when we advance in relational integrity (note that AdoDB has one MetaForeignKeys()
250            //but it's far from perfect.
251        // TODO: To create the proper functions inside each generator to retrieve all the needed KEY info (name
252        //       columns, reftable and refcolumns
254        // So all we do is to return the official name of the requested key without any confirmation!)
255        // One exception, hardcoded primary constraint names
256        if ($this->generator->primary_key_name && $xmldb_key->getType() == XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY) {
257            return $this->generator->primary_key_name;
258        } else {
259            // Calculate the name suffix
260            switch ($xmldb_key->getType()) {
261                case XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY:
262                    $suffix = 'pk';
263                    break;
264                case XMLDB_KEY_UNIQUE:
265                    $suffix = 'uk';
266                    break;
267                case XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN_UNIQUE:
268                case XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN:
269                    $suffix = 'fk';
270                    break;
271            }
272            // And simply, return the official name
273            return $this->generator->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), implode(', ', $xmldb_key->getFields()), $suffix);
274        }
275    }
277    /**
278     * This function will delete all tables found in XMLDB file from db
279     *
280     * @param string $file Full path to the XML file to be used.
281     * @return void
282     */
283    public function delete_tables_from_xmldb_file($file) {
285        $xmldb_file = new xmldb_file($file);
287        if (!$xmldb_file->fileExists()) {
288            throw new ddl_exception('ddlxmlfileerror', null, 'File does not exist');
289        }
291        $loaded    = $xmldb_file->loadXMLStructure();
292        $structure = $xmldb_file->getStructure();
294        if (!$loaded || !$xmldb_file->isLoaded()) {
295            // Show info about the error if we can find it
296            if ($structure) {
297                if ($errors = $structure->getAllErrors()) {
298                    throw new ddl_exception('ddlxmlfileerror', null, 'Errors found in XMLDB file: '. implode (', ', $errors));
299                }
300            }
301            throw new ddl_exception('ddlxmlfileerror', null, 'not loaded??');
302        }
304        if ($xmldb_tables = $structure->getTables()) {
305            // Delete in opposite order, this should help with foreign keys in the future.
306            $xmldb_tables = array_reverse($xmldb_tables);
307            foreach($xmldb_tables as $table) {
308                if ($this->table_exists($table)) {
309                    $this->drop_table($table);
310                }
311            }
312        }
313    }
315    /**
316     * This function will drop the table passed as argument
317     * and all the associated objects (keys, indexes, constraints, sequences, triggers)
318     * will be dropped too.
319     *
320     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
321     * @return void
322     */
323    public function drop_table(xmldb_table $xmldb_table) {
324        // Check table exists
325        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
326            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
327        }
329        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getDropTableSQL($xmldb_table)) {
330            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'table drop sql not generated');
331        }
332        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
334        $this->generator->cleanup_after_drop($xmldb_table);
335    }
337    /**
338     * Load an install.xml file, checking that it exists, and that the structure is OK.
339     * @param string $file the full path to the XMLDB file.
340     * @return xmldb_file the loaded file.
341     */
342    private function load_xmldb_file($file) {
343        $xmldb_file = new xmldb_file($file);
345        if (!$xmldb_file->fileExists()) {
346            throw new ddl_exception('ddlxmlfileerror', null, 'File does not exist');
347        }
349        $loaded = $xmldb_file->loadXMLStructure();
350        if (!$loaded || !$xmldb_file->isLoaded()) {
351            // Show info about the error if we can find it
352            if ($structure = $xmldb_file->getStructure()) {
353                if ($errors = $structure->getAllErrors()) {
354                    throw new ddl_exception('ddlxmlfileerror', null, 'Errors found in XMLDB file: '. implode (', ', $errors));
355                }
356            }
357            throw new ddl_exception('ddlxmlfileerror', null, 'not loaded??');
358        }
360        return $xmldb_file;
361    }
363    /**
364     * This function will load one entire XMLDB file and call install_from_xmldb_structure.
365     *
366     * @param string $file full path to the XML file to be used
367     * @return void
368     */
369    public function install_from_xmldb_file($file) {
370        $xmldb_file = $this->load_xmldb_file($file);
371        $xmldb_structure = $xmldb_file->getStructure();
372        $this->install_from_xmldb_structure($xmldb_structure);
373    }
375    /**
376     * This function will load one entire XMLDB file and call install_from_xmldb_structure.
377     *
378     * @param string $file full path to the XML file to be used
379     * @param string $tablename the name of the table.
380     * @param bool $cachestructures boolean to decide if loaded xmldb structures can be safely cached
381     *             useful for testunits loading the enormous main xml file hundred of times (100x)
382     */
383    public function install_one_table_from_xmldb_file($file, $tablename, $cachestructures = false) {
385        static $xmldbstructurecache = array(); // To store cached structures
386        if (!empty($xmldbstructurecache) && array_key_exists($file, $xmldbstructurecache)) {
387            $xmldb_structure = $xmldbstructurecache[$file];
388        } else {
389            $xmldb_file = $this->load_xmldb_file($file);
390            $xmldb_structure = $xmldb_file->getStructure();
391            if ($cachestructures) {
392                $xmldbstructurecache[$file] = $xmldb_structure;
393            }
394        }
396        $targettable = $xmldb_structure->getTable($tablename);
397        if (is_null($targettable)) {
398            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknowntable', null, 'The table ' . $tablename . ' is not defined in file ' . $file);
399        }
400        $targettable->setNext(NULL);
401        $targettable->setPrevious(NULL);
403        $tempstructure = new xmldb_structure('temp');
404        $tempstructure->addTable($targettable);
405        $this->install_from_xmldb_structure($tempstructure);
406    }
408    /**
409     * This function will generate all the needed SQL statements, specific for each
410     * RDBMS type and, finally, it will execute all those statements against the DB.
411     *
412     * @param stdClass $xmldb_structure xmldb_structure object.
413     * @return void
414     */
415    public function install_from_xmldb_structure($xmldb_structure) {
417        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getCreateStructureSQL($xmldb_structure)) {
418            return; // nothing to do
419        }
421        $tablenames = array();
422        foreach ($xmldb_structure as $xmldb_table) {
423            if ($xmldb_table instanceof xmldb_table) {
424                $tablenames[] = $xmldb_table->getName();
425            }
426        }
427        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, $tablenames);
428    }
430    /**
431     * This function will create the table passed as argument with all its
432     * fields/keys/indexes/sequences, everything based in the XMLDB object
433     *
434     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (full specs are required).
435     * @return void
436     */
437    public function create_table(xmldb_table $xmldb_table) {
438        // Check table doesn't exist
439        if ($this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
440            throw new ddl_exception('ddltablealreadyexists', $xmldb_table->getName());
441        }
443        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getCreateTableSQL($xmldb_table)) {
444            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'table create sql not generated');
445        }
446        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
447    }
449    /**
450     * This function will create the temporary table passed as argument with all its
451     * fields/keys/indexes/sequences, everything based in the XMLDB object
452     *
453     * If table already exists ddl_exception will be thrown, please make sure
454     * the table name does not collide with existing normal table!
455     *
456     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (full specs are required).
457     * @return void
458     */
459    public function create_temp_table(xmldb_table $xmldb_table) {
461        // Check table doesn't exist
462        if ($this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
463            throw new ddl_exception('ddltablealreadyexists', $xmldb_table->getName());
464        }
466        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getCreateTempTableSQL($xmldb_table)) {
467            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'temp table create sql not generated');
468        }
469        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
470    }
472    /**
473     * This function will drop the temporary table passed as argument with all its
474     * fields/keys/indexes/sequences, everything based in the XMLDB object
475     *
476     * It is recommended to drop temp table when not used anymore.
477     *
478     * @deprecated since 2.3, use drop_table() for all table types
479     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object.
480     * @return void
481     */
482    public function drop_temp_table(xmldb_table $xmldb_table) {
483        debugging('database_manager::drop_temp_table() is deprecated, use database_manager::drop_table() instead');
484        $this->drop_table($xmldb_table);
485    }
487    /**
488     * This function will rename the table passed as argument
489     * Before renaming the index, the function will check it exists
490     *
491     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
492     * @param string $newname New name of the index.
493     * @return void
494     */
495    public function rename_table(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, $newname) {
496        // Check newname isn't empty
497        if (!$newname) {
498            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'newname can not be empty');
499        }
501        $check = new xmldb_table($newname);
503        // Check table already renamed
504        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
505            if ($this->table_exists($check)) {
506                throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'table probably already renamed');
507            } else {
508                throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
509            }
510        }
512        // Check new table doesn't exist
513        if ($this->table_exists($check)) {
514            throw new ddl_exception('ddltablealreadyexists', $check->getName(), 'can not rename table');
515        }
517        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getRenameTableSQL($xmldb_table, $newname)) {
518            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'table rename sql not generated');
519        }
521        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr);
522    }
524    /**
525     * This function will add the field to the table passed as arguments
526     *
527     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
528     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
529     * @return void
530     */
531    public function add_field(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
532         // Check the field doesn't exist
533        if ($this->field_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
534            throw new ddl_exception('ddlfieldalreadyexists', $xmldb_field->getName());
535        }
537        // If NOT NULL and no default given (we ask the generator about the
538        // *real* default that will be used) check the table is empty
539        if ($xmldb_field->getNotNull() && $this->generator->getDefaultValue($xmldb_field) === NULL && $this->mdb->count_records($xmldb_table->getName())) {
540            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'Field ' . $xmldb_table->getName() . '->' . $xmldb_field->getName() .
541                      ' cannot be added. Not null fields added to non empty tables require default value. Create skipped');
542        }
544        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getAddFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
545            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'addfield sql not generated');
546        }
547        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
548    }
550    /**
551     * This function will drop the field from the table passed as arguments
552     *
553     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
554     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
555     * @return void
556     */
557    public function drop_field(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
558        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
559            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
560        }
561        // Check the field exists
562        if (!$this->field_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
563            throw new ddl_field_missing_exception($xmldb_field->getName(), $xmldb_table->getName());
564        }
565        // Check for dependencies in the DB before performing any action
566        $this->check_field_dependencies($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
568        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getDropFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
569            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'drop_field sql not generated');
570        }
572        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
573    }
575    /**
576     * This function will change the type of the field in the table passed as arguments
577     *
578     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
579     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
580     * @return void
581     */
582    public function change_field_type(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
583        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
584            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
585        }
586        // Check the field exists
587        if (!$this->field_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
588            throw new ddl_field_missing_exception($xmldb_field->getName(), $xmldb_table->getName());
589        }
590        // Check for dependencies in the DB before performing any action
591        $this->check_field_dependencies($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
593        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
594            return; // probably nothing to do
595        }
597        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
598    }
600    /**
601     * This function will change the precision of the field in the table passed as arguments
602     *
603     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
604     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
605     * @return void
606     */
607    public function change_field_precision(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
608        // Just a wrapper over change_field_type. Does exactly the same processing
609        $this->change_field_type($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
610    }
612    /**
613     * This function will change the unsigned/signed of the field in the table passed as arguments
614     *
615     * @deprecated since 2.3, only singed numbers are allowed now, migration is automatic
616     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
617     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Field object (full specs are required).
618     * @return void
619     */
620    public function change_field_unsigned(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
621        debugging('All unsigned numbers are converted to signed automatically during Moodle upgrade.');
622        $this->change_field_type($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
623    }
625    /**
626     * This function will change the nullability of the field in the table passed as arguments
627     *
628     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
629     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
630     * @return void
631     */
632    public function change_field_notnull(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
633        // Just a wrapper over change_field_type. Does exactly the same processing
634        $this->change_field_type($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
635    }
637    /**
638     * This function will change the default of the field in the table passed as arguments
639     * One null value in the default field means delete the default
640     *
641     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
642     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
643     * @return void
644     */
645    public function change_field_default(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
646        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
647            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
648        }
649        // Check the field exists
650        if (!$this->field_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
651            throw new ddl_field_missing_exception($xmldb_field->getName(), $xmldb_table->getName());
652        }
653        // Check for dependencies in the DB before performing any action
654        $this->check_field_dependencies($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field);
656        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getModifyDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
657            return; //Empty array = nothing to do = no error
658        }
660        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
661    }
663    /**
664     * This function will rename the field in the table passed as arguments
665     * Before renaming the field, the function will check it exists
666     *
667     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
668     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
669     * @param string $newname New name of the field.
670     * @return void
671     */
672    public function rename_field(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field, $newname) {
673        if (empty($newname)) {
674            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'newname can not be empty');
675        }
677        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
678            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
679        }
681        // Check the field exists
682        if (!$this->field_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
683            throw new ddl_field_missing_exception($xmldb_field->getName(), $xmldb_table->getName());
684        }
686        // Check we have included full field specs
687        if (!$xmldb_field->getType()) {
688            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null,
689                      'Field ' . $xmldb_table->getName() . '->' . $xmldb_field->getName() .
690                      ' must contain full specs. Rename skipped');
691        }
693        // Check field isn't id. Renaming over that field is not allowed
694        if ($xmldb_field->getName() == 'id') {
695            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null,
696                      'Field ' . $xmldb_table->getName() . '->' . $xmldb_field->getName() .
697                      ' cannot be renamed. Rename skipped');
698        }
700        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getRenameFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $newname)) {
701            return; //Empty array = nothing to do = no error
702        }
704        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
705    }
707    /**
708     * This function will check, for the given table and field, if there there is any dependency
709     * preventing the field to be modified. It's used by all the public methods that perform any
710     * DDL change on fields, throwing one ddl_dependency_exception if dependencies are found.
711     *
712     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
713     * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field Index object (full specs are required).
714     * @return void
715     * @throws ddl_dependency_exception|ddl_field_missing_exception|ddl_table_missing_exception if dependency not met.
716     */
717    private function check_field_dependencies(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_field $xmldb_field) {
719        // Check the table exists
720        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
721            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
722        }
724        // Check the field exists
725        if (!$this->field_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)) {
726            throw new ddl_field_missing_exception($xmldb_field->getName(), $xmldb_table->getName());
727        }
729        // Check the field isn't in use by any index in the table
730        if ($indexes = $this->mdb->get_indexes($xmldb_table->getName(), false)) {
731            foreach ($indexes as $indexname => $index) {
732                $columns = $index['columns'];
733                if (in_array($xmldb_field->getName(), $columns)) {
734                    throw new ddl_dependency_exception('column', $xmldb_table->getName() . '->' . $xmldb_field->getName(),
735                                                       'index', $indexname . ' (' . implode(', ', $columns)  . ')');
736                }
737            }
738        }
739    }
741    /**
742     * This function will create the key in the table passed as arguments
743     *
744     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
745     * @param xmldb_key $xmldb_key Index object (full specs are required).
746     * @return void
747     */
748    public function add_key(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_key $xmldb_key) {
750        if ($xmldb_key->getType() == XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY) { // Prevent PRIMARY to be added (only in create table, being serious  :-P)
751            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'Primary Keys can be added at table create time only');
752        }
754        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getAddKeySQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_key)) {
755            return; //Empty array = nothing to do = no error
756        }
758        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
759    }
761    /**
762     * This function will drop the key in the table passed as arguments
763     *
764     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
765     * @param xmldb_key $xmldb_key Key object (full specs are required).
766     * @return void
767     */
768    public function drop_key(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_key $xmldb_key) {
769        if ($xmldb_key->getType() == XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY) { // Prevent PRIMARY to be dropped (only in drop table, being serious  :-P)
770            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'Primary Keys can be deleted at table drop time only');
771        }
773        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getDropKeySQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_key)) {
774            return; //Empty array = nothing to do = no error
775        }
777        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
778    }
780    /**
781     * This function will rename the key in the table passed as arguments
782     * Experimental. Shouldn't be used at all in normal installation/upgrade!
783     *
784     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
785     * @param xmldb_key $xmldb_key key object (full specs are required).
786     * @param string $newname New name of the key.
787     * @return void
788     */
789    public function rename_key(xmldb_table $xmldb_table, xmldb_key $xmldb_key, $newname) {
790        debugging('rename_key() is one experimental feature. You must not use it in production!', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
792        // Check newname isn't empty
793        if (!$newname) {
794            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'newname can not be empty');
795        }
797        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getRenameKeySQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_key, $newname)) {
798            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'Some DBs do not support key renaming (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MsSQL). Rename skipped');
799        }
801        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
802    }
804    /**
805     * This function will create the index in the table passed as arguments
806     * Before creating the index, the function will check it doesn't exists
807     *
808     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
809     * @param xmldb_index $xmldb_intex Index object (full specs are required).
810     * @return void
811     */
812    public function add_index($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex) {
813        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
814            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
815        }
817        // Check index doesn't exist
818        if ($this->index_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex)) {
819            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null,
820                      'Index ' . $xmldb_table->getName() . '->' . $xmldb_intex->getName() .
821                      ' already exists. Create skipped');
822        }
824        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getAddIndexSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex)) {
825            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'add_index sql not generated');
826        }
828        try {
829            $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
830        } catch (ddl_change_structure_exception $e) {
831            // There could be a problem with the index length related to the row format of the table.
832            // If we are using utf8mb4 and the row format is 'compact' or 'redundant' then we need to change it over to
833            // 'compressed' or 'dynamic'.
834            if (method_exists($this->mdb, 'convert_table_row_format')) {
835                $this->mdb->convert_table_row_format($xmldb_table->getName());
836                $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
837            } else {
838                // It's some other problem that we are currently not handling.
839                throw $e;
840            }
841        }
842    }
844    /**
845     * This function will drop the index in the table passed as arguments
846     * Before dropping the index, the function will check it exists
847     *
848     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
849     * @param xmldb_index $xmldb_intex Index object (full specs are required).
850     * @return void
851     */
852    public function drop_index($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex) {
853        if (!$this->table_exists($xmldb_table)) {
854            throw new ddl_table_missing_exception($xmldb_table->getName());
855        }
857        // Check index exists
858        if (!$this->index_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex)) {
859            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null,
860                      'Index ' . $xmldb_table->getName() . '->' . $xmldb_intex->getName() .
861                      ' does not exist. Drop skipped');
862        }
864        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getDropIndexSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex)) {
865            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'drop_index sql not generated');
866        }
868        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
869    }
871    /**
872     * This function will rename the index in the table passed as arguments
873     * Before renaming the index, the function will check it exists
874     * Experimental. Shouldn't be used at all!
875     *
876     * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table Table object (just the name is mandatory).
877     * @param xmldb_index $xmldb_intex Index object (full specs are required).
878     * @param string $newname New name of the index.
879     * @return void
880     */
881    public function rename_index($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex, $newname) {
882        debugging('rename_index() is one experimental feature. You must not use it in production!', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
884        // Check newname isn't empty
885        if (!$newname) {
886            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'newname can not be empty');
887        }
889        // Check index exists
890        if (!$this->index_exists($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex)) {
891            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null,
892                      'Index ' . $xmldb_table->getName() . '->' . $xmldb_intex->getName() .
893                      ' does not exist. Rename skipped');
894        }
896        if (!$sqlarr = $this->generator->getRenameIndexSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_intex, $newname)) {
897            throw new ddl_exception('ddlunknownerror', null, 'Some DBs do not support index renaming (MySQL). Rename skipped');
898        }
900        $this->execute_sql_arr($sqlarr, array($xmldb_table->getName()));
901    }
903    /**
904     * Get the list of install.xml files.
905     *
906     * @return array
907     */
908    public function get_install_xml_files(): array {
909        global $CFG;
910        require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php');
912        $files = [];
913        $dbdirs = get_db_directories();
914        foreach ($dbdirs as $dbdir) {
915            $filename = "{$dbdir}/install.xml";
916            if (file_exists($filename)) {
917                $files[] = $filename;
918            }
919        }
921        return $files;
922    }
924    /**
925     * Reads the install.xml files for Moodle core and modules and returns an array of
926     * xmldb_structure object with xmldb_table from these files.
927     * @return xmldb_structure schema from install.xml files
928     */
929    public function get_install_xml_schema() {
930        global $CFG;
931        require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php');
933        $schema = new xmldb_structure('export');
934        $schema->setVersion($CFG->version);
936        foreach ($this->get_install_xml_files() as $filename) {
937            $xmldb_file = new xmldb_file($filename);
938            if (!$xmldb_file->loadXMLStructure()) {
939                continue;
940            }
941            $structure = $xmldb_file->getStructure();
942            $tables = $structure->getTables();
943            foreach ($tables as $table) {
944                $table->setPrevious(null);
945                $table->setNext(null);
946                $schema->addTable($table);
947            }
948        }
949        return $schema;
950    }
952    /**
953     * Checks the database schema against a schema specified by an xmldb_structure object
954     * @param xmldb_structure $schema export schema describing all known tables
955     * @param array $options
956     * @return array keyed by table name with array of difference messages as values
957     */
958    public function check_database_schema(xmldb_structure $schema, array $options = null) {
959        $alloptions = array(
960            'extratables' => true,
961            'missingtables' => true,
962            'extracolumns' => true,
963            'missingcolumns' => true,
964            'changedcolumns' => true,
965            'missingindexes' => true,
966            'extraindexes' => true
967        );
969        $typesmap = array(
970            'I' => XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER,
971            'R' => XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER,
972            'N' => XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER,
973            'F' => XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, // Nobody should be using floats!
974            'C' => XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR,
975            'X' => XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT,
976            'B' => XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY,
977            'T' => XMLDB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
978            'D' => XMLDB_TYPE_DATETIME,
979        );
981        $options = (array)$options;
982        $options = array_merge($alloptions, $options);
984        // Note: the error descriptions are not supposed to be localised,
985        //       it is intended for developers and skilled admins only.
986        $errors = array();
988        /** @var string[] $dbtables */
989        $dbtables = $this->mdb->get_tables(false);
990        /** @var xmldb_table[] $tables */
991        $tables = $schema->getTables();
993        foreach ($tables as $table) {
994            $tablename = $table->getName();
996            if ($options['missingtables']) {
997                // Missing tables are a fatal problem.
998                if (empty($dbtables[$tablename])) {
999                    $errors[$tablename][] = "table is missing";
1000                    continue;
1001                }
1002            }
1004            /** @var database_column_info[] $dbfields */
1005            $dbfields = $this->mdb->get_columns($tablename, false);
1006            $dbindexes = $this->mdb->get_indexes($tablename);
1007            /** @var xmldb_field[] $fields */
1008            $fields = $table->getFields();
1010            foreach ($fields as $field) {
1011                $fieldname = $field->getName();
1012                if (empty($dbfields[$fieldname])) {
1013                    if ($options['missingcolumns']) {
1014                        // Missing columns are a fatal problem.
1015                        $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' is missing";
1016                    }
1017                } else if ($options['changedcolumns']) {
1018                    $dbfield = $dbfields[$fieldname];
1020                    if (!isset($typesmap[$dbfield->meta_type])) {
1021                        $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' has unsupported type '$dbfield->meta_type'";
1022                    } else {
1023                        $dbtype = $typesmap[$dbfield->meta_type];
1024                        $type = $field->getType();
1025                        if ($type == XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT) {
1026                            $type = XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER;
1027                        }
1028                        if ($type != $dbtype) {
1029                            if ($expected = array_search($type, $typesmap)) {
1030                                $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' has incorrect type '$dbfield->meta_type', expected '$expected'";
1031                            } else {
1032                                $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' has incorrect type '$dbfield->meta_type'";
1033                            }
1034                        } else {
1035                            if ($field->getNotNull() != $dbfield->not_null) {
1036                                if ($field->getNotNull()) {
1037                                    $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' should be NOT NULL ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1038                                } else {
1039                                    $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' should allow NULL ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1040                                }
1041                            }
1042                            if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT) {
1043                                // No length check necessary - there is one size only now.
1045                            } else if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER) {
1046                                if ($field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT) {
1047                                    // Do not use floats in any new code, they are deprecated in XMLDB editor!
1049                                } else if ($field->getLength() != $dbfield->max_length or $field->getDecimals() != $dbfield->scale) {
1050                                    $size = "({$field->getLength()},{$field->getDecimals()})";
1051                                    $dbsize = "($dbfield->max_length,$dbfield->scale)";
1052                                    $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' size is $dbsize, expected $size ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1053                                }
1055                            } else if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR) {
1056                                // This is not critical, but they should ideally match.
1057                                if ($field->getLength() != $dbfield->max_length) {
1058                                    $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' length is $dbfield->max_length, expected {$field->getLength()} ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1059                                }
1061                            } else if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER) {
1062                                // Integers may be bigger in some DBs.
1063                                $length = $field->getLength();
1064                                if ($length > 18) {
1065                                    // Integers are not supposed to be bigger than 18.
1066                                    $length = 18;
1067                                }
1068                                if ($length > $dbfield->max_length) {
1069                                    $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' length is $dbfield->max_length, expected at least {$field->getLength()} ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1070                                }
1072                            } else if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY) {
1073                                // Ignore binary types.
1074                                continue;
1076                            } else if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) {
1077                                $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' is a timestamp, this type is not supported ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1078                                continue;
1080                            } else if ($dbtype == XMLDB_TYPE_DATETIME) {
1081                                $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' is a datetime, this type is not supported ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1082                                continue;
1084                            } else {
1085                                // Report all other unsupported types as problems.
1086                                $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' has unknown type ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1087                                continue;
1088                            }
1090                            // Note: The empty string defaults are a bit messy...
1091                            if ($field->getDefault() != $dbfield->default_value) {
1092                                $default = is_null($field->getDefault()) ? 'NULL' : $field->getDefault();
1093                                $dbdefault = is_null($dbfield->default_value) ? 'NULL' : $dbfield->default_value;
1094                                $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' has default '$dbdefault', expected '$default' ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1095                            }
1096                        }
1097                    }
1098                }
1099                unset($dbfields[$fieldname]);
1100            }
1102            // Check for missing indexes/keys.
1103            if ($options['missingindexes']) {
1104                // Check the foreign keys.
1105                if ($keys = $table->getKeys()) {
1106                    foreach ($keys as $key) {
1107                        // Primary keys are skipped.
1108                        if ($key->getType() == XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY) {
1109                            continue;
1110                        }
1112                        $keyname = $key->getName();
1114                        // Create the interim index.
1115                        $index = new xmldb_index('anyname');
1116                        $index->setFields($key->getFields());
1117                        switch ($key->getType()) {
1118                            case XMLDB_KEY_UNIQUE:
1119                            case XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN_UNIQUE:
1120                                $index->setUnique(true);
1121                                break;
1122                            case XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN:
1123                                $index->setUnique(false);
1124                                break;
1125                        }
1126                        if (!$this->index_exists($table, $index)) {
1127                            $errors[$tablename][] = $this->get_missing_index_error($table, $index, $keyname);
1128                        } else {
1129                            $this->remove_index_from_dbindex($dbindexes, $index);
1130                        }
1131                    }
1132                }
1134                // Check the indexes.
1135                if ($indexes = $table->getIndexes()) {
1136                    foreach ($indexes as $index) {
1137                        if (!$this->index_exists($table, $index)) {
1138                            $errors[$tablename][] = $this->get_missing_index_error($table, $index, $index->getName());
1139                        } else {
1140                            $this->remove_index_from_dbindex($dbindexes, $index);
1141                        }
1142                    }
1143                }
1144            }
1146            // Check if we should show the extra indexes.
1147            if ($options['extraindexes']) {
1148                // Hack - skip for table 'search_simpledb_index' as this plugin adds indexes dynamically on install
1149                // which are not included in install.xml. See search/engine/simpledb/db/install.php.
1150                if ($tablename != 'search_simpledb_index') {
1151                    foreach ($dbindexes as $indexname => $index) {
1152                        $errors[$tablename][] = "Unexpected index '$indexname'.";
1153                    }
1154                }
1155            }
1157            // Check for extra columns (indicates unsupported hacks) - modify install.xml if you want to pass validation.
1158            foreach ($dbfields as $fieldname => $dbfield) {
1159                if ($options['extracolumns']) {
1160                    $errors[$tablename][] = "column '$fieldname' is not expected ($dbfield->meta_type)";
1161                }
1162            }
1163            unset($dbtables[$tablename]);
1164        }
1166        if ($options['extratables']) {
1167            // Look for unsupported tables - local custom tables should be in /local/xxxx/db/install.xml file.
1168            // If there is no prefix, we can not say if table is ours, sorry.
1169            if ($this->generator->prefix !== '') {
1170                foreach ($dbtables as $tablename => $unused) {
1171                    if (strpos($tablename, 'pma_') === 0) {
1172                        // Ignore phpmyadmin tables.
1173                        continue;
1174                    }
1175                    if (strpos($tablename, 'test') === 0) {
1176                        // Legacy simple test db tables need to be eventually removed,
1177                        // report them as problems!
1178                        $errors[$tablename][] = "table is not expected (it may be a leftover after Simpletest unit tests)";
1179                    } else {
1180                        $errors[$tablename][] = "table is not expected";
1181                    }
1182                }
1183            }
1184        }
1186        return $errors;
1187    }
1189    /**
1190     * Returns a string describing the missing index error.
1191     *
1192     * @param xmldb_table $table
1193     * @param xmldb_index $index
1194     * @param string $indexname
1195     * @return string
1196     */
1197    private function get_missing_index_error(xmldb_table $table, xmldb_index $index, string $indexname): string {
1198        $sqlarr = $this->generator->getAddIndexSQL($table, $index);
1199        $sqlarr = $this->generator->getEndedStatements($sqlarr);
1200        $sqltoadd = reset($sqlarr);
1202        return "Missing index '" . $indexname . "' " . "(" . $index->readableInfo() . "). \n" . $sqltoadd;
1203    }
1205    /**
1206     * Removes an index from the array $dbindexes if it is found.
1207     *
1208     * @param array $dbindexes
1209     * @param xmldb_index $index
1210     */
1211    private function remove_index_from_dbindex(array &$dbindexes, xmldb_index $index) {
1212        foreach ($dbindexes as $key => $dbindex) {
1213            if ($dbindex['columns'] == $index->getFields()) {
1214                unset($dbindexes[$key]);
1215            }
1216        }
1217    }