2// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
4// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7// (at your option) any later version.
9// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12// GNU General Public License for more details.
14// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 * Definition of a class to represent an individual user's grade
19 *
20 * @package   core_grades
21 * @category  grade
22 * @copyright 2006 Nicolas Connault
23 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
24 */
26defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
31 * grade_grades is an object mapped to DB table {prefix}grade_grades
32 *
33 * @package   core_grades
34 * @category  grade
35 * @copyright 2006 Nicolas Connault
36 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
37 */
38class grade_grade extends grade_object {
40    /**
41     * The DB table.
42     * @var string $table
43     */
44    public $table = 'grade_grades';
46    /**
47     * Array of required table fields, must start with 'id'.
48     * @var array $required_fields
49     */
50    public $required_fields = array('id', 'itemid', 'userid', 'rawgrade', 'rawgrademax', 'rawgrademin',
51                                 'rawscaleid', 'usermodified', 'finalgrade', 'hidden', 'locked',
52                                 'locktime', 'exported', 'overridden', 'excluded', 'timecreated',
53                                 'timemodified', 'aggregationstatus', 'aggregationweight');
55    /**
56     * Array of optional fields with default values (these should match db defaults)
57     * @var array $optional_fields
58     */
59    public $optional_fields = array('feedback'=>null, 'feedbackformat'=>0, 'information'=>null, 'informationformat'=>0);
61    /**
62     * The id of the grade_item this grade belongs to.
63     * @var int $itemid
64     */
65    public $itemid;
67    /**
68     * The grade_item object referenced by $this->itemid.
69     * @var grade_item $grade_item
70     */
71    public $grade_item;
73    /**
74     * The id of the user this grade belongs to.
75     * @var int $userid
76     */
77    public $userid;
79    /**
80     * The grade value of this raw grade, if such was provided by the module.
81     * @var float $rawgrade
82     */
83    public $rawgrade;
85    /**
86     * The maximum allowable grade when this grade was created.
87     * @var float $rawgrademax
88     */
89    public $rawgrademax = 100;
91    /**
92     * The minimum allowable grade when this grade was created.
93     * @var float $rawgrademin
94     */
95    public $rawgrademin = 0;
97    /**
98     * id of the scale, if this grade is based on a scale.
99     * @var int $rawscaleid
100     */
101    public $rawscaleid;
103    /**
104     * The userid of the person who last modified this grade.
105     * @var int $usermodified
106     */
107    public $usermodified;
109    /**
110     * The final value of this grade.
111     * @var float $finalgrade
112     */
113    public $finalgrade;
115    /**
116     * 0 if visible, 1 always hidden or date not visible until
117     * @var float $hidden
118     */
119    public $hidden = 0;
121    /**
122     * 0 not locked, date when the item was locked
123     * @var float locked
124     */
125    public $locked = 0;
127    /**
128     * 0 no automatic locking, date when to lock the grade automatically
129     * @var float $locktime
130     */
131    public $locktime = 0;
133    /**
134     * Exported flag
135     * @var bool $exported
136     */
137    public $exported = 0;
139    /**
140     * Overridden flag
141     * @var bool $overridden
142     */
143    public $overridden = 0;
145    /**
146     * Grade excluded from aggregation functions
147     * @var bool $excluded
148     */
149    public $excluded = 0;
151    /**
152     * TODO: HACK: create a new field datesubmitted - the date of submission if any (MDL-31377)
153     * @var bool $timecreated
154     */
155    public $timecreated = null;
157    /**
158     * TODO: HACK: create a new field dategraded - the date of grading (MDL-31378)
159     * @var bool $timemodified
160     */
161    public $timemodified = null;
163    /**
164     * Aggregation status flag. Can be one of 'unknown', 'dropped', 'novalue' or 'used'.
165     * @var string $aggregationstatus
166     */
167    public $aggregationstatus = 'unknown';
169    /**
170     * Aggregation weight is the specific weight used in the aggregation calculation for this grade.
171     * @var float $aggregationweight
172     */
173    public $aggregationweight = null;
175    /**
176     * Feedback files to copy.
177     *
178     * Example -
179     *
180     * [
181     *     'contextid' => 1,
182     *     'component' => 'mod_xyz',
183     *     'filearea' => 'mod_xyz_feedback',
184     *     'itemid' => 2
185     * ];
186     *
187     * @var array
188     */
189    public $feedbackfiles = [];
191    /**
192     * Returns array of grades for given grade_item+users
193     *
194     * @param grade_item $grade_item
195     * @param array $userids
196     * @param bool $include_missing include grades that do not exist yet
197     * @return array userid=>grade_grade array
198     */
199    public static function fetch_users_grades($grade_item, $userids, $include_missing=true) {
200        global $DB;
202        // hmm, there might be a problem with length of sql query
203        // if there are too many users requested - we might run out of memory anyway
204        $limit = 2000;
205        $count = count($userids);
206        if ($count > $limit) {
207            $half = (int)($count/2);
208            $first  = array_slice($userids, 0, $half);
209            $second = array_slice($userids, $half);
210            return grade_grade::fetch_users_grades($grade_item, $first, $include_missing) + grade_grade::fetch_users_grades($grade_item, $second, $include_missing);
211        }
213        list($user_ids_cvs, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'uid0');
214        $params['giid'] = $grade_item->id;
215        $result = array();
216        if ($grade_records = $DB->get_records_select('grade_grades', "itemid=:giid AND userid $user_ids_cvs", $params)) {
217            foreach ($grade_records as $record) {
218                $result[$record->userid] = new grade_grade($record, false);
219            }
220        }
221        if ($include_missing) {
222            foreach ($userids as $userid) {
223                if (!array_key_exists($userid, $result)) {
224                    $grade_grade = new grade_grade();
225                    $grade_grade->userid = $userid;
226                    $grade_grade->itemid = $grade_item->id;
227                    $result[$userid] = $grade_grade;
228                }
229            }
230        }
232        return $result;
233    }
235    /**
236     * Loads the grade_item object referenced by $this->itemid and saves it as $this->grade_item for easy access
237     *
238     * @return grade_item The grade_item instance referenced by $this->itemid
239     */
240    public function load_grade_item() {
241        if (empty($this->itemid)) {
242            debugging('Missing itemid');
243            $this->grade_item = null;
244            return null;
245        }
247        if (empty($this->grade_item)) {
248            $this->grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('id'=>$this->itemid));
250        } else if ($this->grade_item->id != $this->itemid) {
251            debugging('Itemid mismatch');
252            $this->grade_item = grade_item::fetch(array('id'=>$this->itemid));
253        }
255        if (empty($this->grade_item)) {
256            debugging("Missing grade item id $this->itemid", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
257        }
259        return $this->grade_item;
260    }
262    /**
263     * Is grading object editable?
264     *
265     * @return bool
266     */
267    public function is_editable() {
268        if ($this->is_locked()) {
269            return false;
270        }
272        $grade_item = $this->load_grade_item();
274        if ($grade_item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_NONE) {
275            return false;
276        }
278        if ($grade_item->is_course_item() or $grade_item->is_category_item()) {
279            return (bool)get_config('moodle', 'grade_overridecat');
280        }
282        return true;
283    }
285    /**
286     * Check grade lock status. Uses both grade item lock and grade lock.
287     * Internally any date in locked field (including future ones) means locked,
288     * the date is stored for logging purposes only.
289     *
290     * @return bool True if locked, false if not
291     */
292    public function is_locked() {
293        $this->load_grade_item();
294        if (empty($this->grade_item)) {
295            return !empty($this->locked);
296        } else {
297            return !empty($this->locked) or $this->grade_item->is_locked();
298        }
299    }
301    /**
302     * Checks if grade overridden
303     *
304     * @return bool True if grade is overriden
305     */
306    public function is_overridden() {
307        return !empty($this->overridden);
308    }
310    /**
311     * Returns timestamp of submission related to this grade, null if not submitted.
312     *
313     * @return int Timestamp
314     */
315    public function get_datesubmitted() {
316        //TODO: HACK - create new fields (MDL-31379)
317        return $this->timecreated;
318    }
320    /**
321     * Returns the weight this grade contributed to the aggregated grade
322     *
323     * @return float|null
324     */
325    public function get_aggregationweight() {
326        return $this->aggregationweight;
327    }
329    /**
330     * Set aggregationweight.
331     *
332     * @param float $aggregationweight
333     * @return void
334     */
335    public function set_aggregationweight($aggregationweight) {
336        $this->aggregationweight = $aggregationweight;
337        $this->update();
338    }
340    /**
341     * Returns the info on how this value was used in the aggregated grade
342     *
343     * @return string One of 'dropped', 'excluded', 'novalue', 'used' or 'extra'
344     */
345    public function get_aggregationstatus() {
346        return $this->aggregationstatus;
347    }
349    /**
350     * Set aggregationstatus flag
351     *
352     * @param string $aggregationstatus
353     * @return void
354     */
355    public function set_aggregationstatus($aggregationstatus) {
356        $this->aggregationstatus = $aggregationstatus;
357        $this->update();
358    }
360    /**
361     * Returns the minimum and maximum number of points this grade is graded with respect to.
362     *
363     * @since  Moodle 2.8.7, 2.9.1
364     * @return array A list containing, in order, the minimum and maximum number of points.
365     */
366    protected function get_grade_min_and_max() {
367        global $CFG;
368        $this->load_grade_item();
370        // When the following setting is turned on we use the grade_grade raw min and max values.
371        $minmaxtouse = grade_get_setting($this->grade_item->courseid, 'minmaxtouse', $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse);
373        // Check to see if the gradebook is frozen. This allows grades to not be altered at all until a user verifies that they
374        // wish to update the grades.
375        $gradebookcalculationsfreeze = 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $this->grade_item->courseid;
376        // Gradebook is frozen, run through old code.
377        if (isset($CFG->$gradebookcalculationsfreeze) && (int)$CFG->$gradebookcalculationsfreeze <= 20150627) {
378            // Only aggregate items use separate min grades.
379            if ($minmaxtouse == GRADE_MIN_MAX_FROM_GRADE_GRADE || $this->grade_item->is_aggregate_item()) {
380                return array($this->rawgrademin, $this->rawgrademax);
381            } else {
382                return array($this->grade_item->grademin, $this->grade_item->grademax);
383            }
384        } else {
385            // Only aggregate items use separate min grades, unless they are calculated grade items.
386            if (($this->grade_item->is_aggregate_item() && !$this->grade_item->is_calculated())
387                    || $minmaxtouse == GRADE_MIN_MAX_FROM_GRADE_GRADE) {
388                return array($this->rawgrademin, $this->rawgrademax);
389            } else {
390                return array($this->grade_item->grademin, $this->grade_item->grademax);
391            }
392        }
393    }
395    /**
396     * Returns the minimum number of points this grade is graded with.
397     *
398     * @since  Moodle 2.8.7, 2.9.1
399     * @return float The minimum number of points
400     */
401    public function get_grade_min() {
402        list($min, $max) = $this->get_grade_min_and_max();
404        return $min;
405    }
407    /**
408     * Returns the maximum number of points this grade is graded with respect to.
409     *
410     * @since  Moodle 2.8.7, 2.9.1
411     * @return float The maximum number of points
412     */
413    public function get_grade_max() {
414        list($min, $max) = $this->get_grade_min_and_max();
416        return $max;
417    }
419    /**
420     * Returns timestamp when last graded, null if no grade present
421     *
422     * @return int
423     */
424    public function get_dategraded() {
425        //TODO: HACK - create new fields (MDL-31379)
426        if (is_null($this->finalgrade) and is_null($this->feedback)) {
427            return null; // no grade == no date
428        } else if ($this->overridden) {
429            return $this->overridden;
430        } else {
431            return $this->timemodified;
432        }
433    }
435    /**
436     * Set the overridden status of grade
437     *
438     * @param bool $state requested overridden state
439     * @param bool $refresh refresh grades from external activities if needed
440     * @return bool true is db state changed
441     */
442    public function set_overridden($state, $refresh = true) {
443        if (empty($this->overridden) and $state) {
444            $this->overridden = time();
445            $this->update();
446            return true;
448        } else if (!empty($this->overridden) and !$state) {
449            $this->overridden = 0;
450            $this->update();
452            if ($refresh) {
453                //refresh when unlocking
454                $this->grade_item->refresh_grades($this->userid);
455            }
457            return true;
458        }
459        return false;
460    }
462    /**
463     * Checks if grade excluded from aggregation functions
464     *
465     * @return bool True if grade is excluded from aggregation
466     */
467    public function is_excluded() {
468        return !empty($this->excluded);
469    }
471    /**
472     * Set the excluded status of grade
473     *
474     * @param bool $state requested excluded state
475     * @return bool True is database state changed
476     */
477    public function set_excluded($state) {
478        if (empty($this->excluded) and $state) {
479            $this->excluded = time();
480            $this->update();
481            return true;
483        } else if (!empty($this->excluded) and !$state) {
484            $this->excluded = 0;
485            $this->update();
486            return true;
487        }
488        return false;
489    }
491    /**
492     * Lock/unlock this grade.
493     *
494     * @param int $lockedstate 0, 1 or a timestamp int(10) after which date the item will be locked.
495     * @param bool $cascade Ignored param
496     * @param bool $refresh Refresh grades when unlocking
497     * @return bool True if successful, false if can not set new lock state for grade
498     */
499    public function set_locked($lockedstate, $cascade=false, $refresh=true) {
500        $this->load_grade_item();
502        if ($lockedstate) {
503            if ($this->grade_item->needsupdate) {
504                //can not lock grade if final not calculated!
505                return false;
506            }
508            $this->locked = time();
509            $this->update();
511            return true;
513        } else {
514            if (!empty($this->locked) and $this->locktime < time()) {
515                //we have to reset locktime or else it would lock up again
516                $this->locktime = 0;
517            }
519            // remove the locked flag
520            $this->locked = 0;
521            $this->update();
523            if ($refresh and !$this->is_overridden()) {
524                //refresh when unlocking and not overridden
525                $this->grade_item->refresh_grades($this->userid);
526            }
528            return true;
529        }
530    }
532    /**
533     * Lock the grade if needed. Make sure this is called only when final grades are valid
534     *
535     * @param array $items array of all grade item ids
536     * @return void
537     */
538    public static function check_locktime_all($items) {
539        global $CFG, $DB;
541        $now = time(); // no rounding needed, this is not supposed to be called every 10 seconds
542        list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($items);
543        $params[] = $now;
544        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_select('grade_grades', "itemid $usql AND locked = 0 AND locktime > 0 AND locktime < ?", $params);
545        foreach ($rs as $grade) {
546            $grade_grade = new grade_grade($grade, false);
547            $grade_grade->locked = time();
548            $grade_grade->update('locktime');
549        }
550        $rs->close();
551    }
553    /**
554     * Set the locktime for this grade.
555     *
556     * @param int $locktime timestamp for lock to activate
557     * @return void
558     */
559    public function set_locktime($locktime) {
560        $this->locktime = $locktime;
561        $this->update();
562    }
564    /**
565     * Get the locktime for this grade.
566     *
567     * @return int $locktime timestamp for lock to activate
568     */
569    public function get_locktime() {
570        $this->load_grade_item();
572        $item_locktime = $this->grade_item->get_locktime();
574        if (empty($this->locktime) or ($item_locktime and $item_locktime < $this->locktime)) {
575            return $item_locktime;
577        } else {
578            return $this->locktime;
579        }
580    }
582    /**
583     * Check grade hidden status. Uses data from both grade item and grade.
584     *
585     * @return bool true if hidden, false if not
586     */
587    public function is_hidden() {
588        $this->load_grade_item();
589        if (empty($this->grade_item)) {
590            return $this->hidden == 1 or ($this->hidden != 0 and $this->hidden > time());
591        } else {
592            return $this->hidden == 1 or ($this->hidden != 0 and $this->hidden > time()) or $this->grade_item->is_hidden();
593        }
594    }
596    /**
597     * Check grade hidden status. Uses data from both grade item and grade.
598     *
599     * @return bool true if hiddenuntil, false if not
600     */
601    public function is_hiddenuntil() {
602        $this->load_grade_item();
604        if ($this->hidden == 1 or $this->grade_item->hidden == 1) {
605            return false; //always hidden
606        }
608        if ($this->hidden > 1 or $this->grade_item->hidden > 1) {
609            return true;
610        }
612        return false;
613    }
615    /**
616     * Check grade hidden status. Uses data from both grade item and grade.
617     *
618     * @return int 0 means visible, 1 hidden always, timestamp hidden until
619     */
620    public function get_hidden() {
621        $this->load_grade_item();
623        $item_hidden = $this->grade_item->get_hidden();
625        if ($item_hidden == 1) {
626            return 1;
628        } else if ($item_hidden == 0) {
629            return $this->hidden;
631        } else {
632            if ($this->hidden == 0) {
633                return $item_hidden;
634            } else if ($this->hidden == 1) {
635                return 1;
636            } else if ($this->hidden > $item_hidden) {
637                return $this->hidden;
638            } else {
639                return $item_hidden;
640            }
641        }
642    }
644    /**
645     * Set the hidden status of grade, 0 mean visible, 1 always hidden, number means date to hide until.
646     *
647     * @param int $hidden new hidden status
648     * @param bool $cascade ignored
649     */
650    public function set_hidden($hidden, $cascade=false) {
651       $this->hidden = $hidden;
652       $this->update();
653    }
655    /**
656     * Finds and returns a grade_grade instance based on params.
657     *
658     * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value
659     * @return grade_grade Returns a grade_grade instance or false if none found
660     */
661    public static function fetch($params) {
662        return grade_object::fetch_helper('grade_grades', 'grade_grade', $params);
663    }
665    /**
666     * Finds and returns all grade_grade instances based on params.
667     *
668     * @param array $params associative arrays varname=>value
669     * @return array array of grade_grade instances or false if none found.
670     */
671    public static function fetch_all($params) {
672        return grade_object::fetch_all_helper('grade_grades', 'grade_grade', $params);
673    }
675    /**
676     * Given a float value situated between a source minimum and a source maximum, converts it to the
677     * corresponding value situated between a target minimum and a target maximum. Thanks to Darlene
678     * for the formula :-)
679     *
680     * @param float $rawgrade
681     * @param float $source_min
682     * @param float $source_max
683     * @param float $target_min
684     * @param float $target_max
685     * @return float Converted value
686     */
687    public static function standardise_score($rawgrade, $source_min, $source_max, $target_min, $target_max) {
688        if (is_null($rawgrade)) {
689          return null;
690        }
692        if ($source_max == $source_min or $target_min == $target_max) {
693            // prevent division by 0
694            return $target_max;
695        }
697        $factor = ($rawgrade - $source_min) / ($source_max - $source_min);
698        $diff = $target_max - $target_min;
699        $standardised_value = $factor * $diff + $target_min;
700        return $standardised_value;
701    }
703    /**
704     * Given an array like this:
705     * $a = array(1=>array(2, 3),
706     *            2=>array(4),
707     *            3=>array(1),
708     *            4=>array())
709     * this function fully resolves the dependencies so each value will be an array of
710     * the all items this item depends on and their dependencies (and their dependencies...).
711     * It should not explode if there are circular dependencies.
712     * The dependency depth array will list the number of branches in the tree above each leaf.
713     *
714     * @param array $dependson Array to flatten
715     * @param array $dependencydepth Array of itemids => depth. Initially these should be all set to 1.
716     * @return array Flattened array
717     */
718    protected static function flatten_dependencies_array(&$dependson, &$dependencydepth) {
719        // Flatten the nested dependencies - this will handle recursion bombs because it removes duplicates.
720        $somethingchanged = true;
721        while ($somethingchanged) {
722            $somethingchanged = false;
724            foreach ($dependson as $itemid => $depends) {
725                // Make a copy so we can tell if it changed.
726                $before = $dependson[$itemid];
727                foreach ($depends as $subitemid => $subdepends) {
728                    $dependson[$itemid] = array_unique(array_merge($depends, $dependson[$subdepends]));
729                    sort($dependson[$itemid], SORT_NUMERIC);
730                }
731                if ($before != $dependson[$itemid]) {
732                    $somethingchanged = true;
733                    if (!isset($dependencydepth[$itemid])) {
734                        $dependencydepth[$itemid] = 1;
735                    } else {
736                        $dependencydepth[$itemid]++;
737                    }
738                }
739            }
740        }
741    }
743    /**
744     * Return array of grade item ids that are either hidden or indirectly depend
745     * on hidden grades, excluded grades are not returned.
746     * THIS IS A REALLY BIG HACK! to be replaced by conditional aggregation of hidden grades in 2.0
747     *
748     * @param array $grade_grades all course grades of one user, & used for better internal caching
749     * @param array $grade_items array of grade items, & used for better internal caching
750     * @return array This is an array of following arrays:
751     *      unknown => list of item ids that may be affected by hiding (with the ITEM ID as both the key and the value) - for BC with old gradereport plugins
752     *      unknowngrades => list of item ids that may be affected by hiding (with the calculated grade as the value)
753     *      altered => list of item ids that are definitely affected by hiding (with the calculated grade as the value)
754     *      alteredgrademax => for each item in altered or unknown, the new value of the grademax
755     *      alteredgrademin => for each item in altered or unknown, the new value of the grademin
756     *      alteredgradestatus => for each item with a modified status - the value of the new status
757     *      alteredgradeweight => for each item with a modified weight - the value of the new weight
758     */
759    public static function get_hiding_affected(&$grade_grades, &$grade_items) {
760        global $CFG;
762        if (count($grade_grades) !== count($grade_items)) {
763            print_error('invalidarraysize', 'debug', '', 'grade_grade::get_hiding_affected()!');
764        }
766        $dependson = array();
767        $todo = array();
768        $unknown = array();  // can not find altered
769        $altered = array();  // altered grades
770        $alteredgrademax = array();  // Altered grade max values.
771        $alteredgrademin = array();  // Altered grade min values.
772        $alteredaggregationstatus = array();  // Altered aggregation status.
773        $alteredaggregationweight = array();  // Altered aggregation weight.
774        $dependencydepth = array();
776        $hiddenfound = false;
777        foreach($grade_grades as $itemid=>$unused) {
778            $grade_grade =& $grade_grades[$itemid];
779            // We need the immediate dependencies of all every grade_item so we can calculate nested dependencies.
780            $dependson[$grade_grade->itemid] = $grade_items[$grade_grade->itemid]->depends_on();
781            if ($grade_grade->is_excluded()) {
782                //nothing to do, aggregation is ok
783                continue;
784            } else if ($grade_grade->is_hidden()) {
785                $hiddenfound = true;
786                $altered[$grade_grade->itemid] = null;
787                $alteredaggregationstatus[$grade_grade->itemid] = 'dropped';
788                $alteredaggregationweight[$grade_grade->itemid] = 0;
789            } else if ($grade_grade->is_overridden()) {
790                // No need to recalculate overridden grades.
791                continue;
792            } else {
793                if (!empty($dependson[$grade_grade->itemid])) {
794                    $dependencydepth[$grade_grade->itemid] = 1;
795                    $todo[] = $grade_grade->itemid;
796                }
797            }
798        }
800        // Flatten the dependency tree and count number of branches to each leaf.
801        self::flatten_dependencies_array($dependson, $dependencydepth);
803        if (!$hiddenfound) {
804            return array('unknown' => array(),
805                         'unknowngrades' => array(),
806                         'altered' => array(),
807                         'alteredgrademax' => array(),
808                         'alteredgrademin' => array(),
809                         'alteredaggregationstatus' => array(),
810                         'alteredaggregationweight' => array());
811        }
812        // This line ensures that $dependencydepth has the same number of items as $todo.
813        $dependencydepth = array_intersect_key($dependencydepth, array_flip($todo));
814        // We need to resort the todo list by the dependency depth. This guarantees we process the leaves, then the branches.
815        array_multisort($dependencydepth, $todo);
817        $max = count($todo);
818        $hidden_precursors = null;
819        for($i=0; $i<$max; $i++) {
820            $found = false;
821            foreach($todo as $key=>$do) {
822                $hidden_precursors = array_intersect($dependson[$do], array_keys($unknown));
823                if ($hidden_precursors) {
824                    // this item depends on hidden grade indirectly
825                    $unknown[$do] = $grade_grades[$do]->finalgrade;
826                    unset($todo[$key]);
827                    $found = true;
828                    continue;
830                } else if (!array_intersect($dependson[$do], $todo)) {
831                    $hidden_precursors = array_intersect($dependson[$do], array_keys($altered));
832                    // If the dependency is a sum aggregation, we need to process it as if it had hidden items.
833                    // The reason for this, is that the code will recalculate the maxgrade by removing ungraded
834                    // items and accounting for 'drop x grades' and then stored back in our virtual grade_items.
835                    // This recalculation is necessary because there will be a call to:
836                    //              $grade_category->aggregate_values_and_adjust_bounds
837                    // for the top level grade that will depend on knowing what that caclulated grademax is
838                    // and it finds that value by checking the virtual grade_items.
839                    $issumaggregate = false;
840                    if ($grade_items[$do]->itemtype == 'category') {
841                        $issumaggregate = $grade_items[$do]->load_item_category()->aggregation == GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM;
842                    }
843                    if (!$hidden_precursors && !$issumaggregate) {
844                        unset($todo[$key]);
845                        $found = true;
846                        continue;
848                    } else {
849                        // depends on altered grades - we should try to recalculate if possible
850                        if ($grade_items[$do]->is_calculated() or
851                            (!$grade_items[$do]->is_category_item() and !$grade_items[$do]->is_course_item()) or
852                            ($grade_items[$do]->is_category_item() and $grade_items[$do]->is_locked())
853                        ) {
854                            // This is a grade item that is not a category or course and has been affected by grade hiding.
855                            // Or a grade item that is a category and it is locked.
856                            // I guess this means it is a calculation that needs to be recalculated.
857                            $unknown[$do] = $grade_grades[$do]->finalgrade;
858                            unset($todo[$key]);
859                            $found = true;
860                            continue;
862                        } else {
863                            // This is a grade category (or course).
864                            $grade_category = $grade_items[$do]->load_item_category();
866                            // Build a new list of the grades in this category.
867                            $values = array();
868                            $immediatedepends = $grade_items[$do]->depends_on();
869                            foreach ($immediatedepends as $itemid) {
870                                if (array_key_exists($itemid, $altered)) {
871                                    //nulling an altered precursor
872                                    $values[$itemid] = $altered[$itemid];
873                                    if (is_null($values[$itemid])) {
874                                        // This means this was a hidden grade item removed from the result.
875                                        unset($values[$itemid]);
876                                    }
877                                } elseif (empty($values[$itemid])) {
878                                    $values[$itemid] = $grade_grades[$itemid]->finalgrade;
879                                }
880                            }
882                            foreach ($values as $itemid=>$value) {
883                                if ($grade_grades[$itemid]->is_excluded()) {
884                                    unset($values[$itemid]);
885                                    $alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid] = 'excluded';
886                                    $alteredaggregationweight[$itemid] = null;
887                                    continue;
888                                }
889                                // The grade min/max may have been altered by hiding.
890                                $grademin = $grade_items[$itemid]->grademin;
891                                if (isset($alteredgrademin[$itemid])) {
892                                    $grademin = $alteredgrademin[$itemid];
893                                }
894                                $grademax = $grade_items[$itemid]->grademax;
895                                if (isset($alteredgrademax[$itemid])) {
896                                    $grademax = $alteredgrademax[$itemid];
897                                }
898                                $values[$itemid] = grade_grade::standardise_score($value, $grademin, $grademax, 0, 1);
899                            }
901                            if ($grade_category->aggregateonlygraded) {
902                                foreach ($values as $itemid=>$value) {
903                                    if (is_null($value)) {
904                                        unset($values[$itemid]);
905                                        $alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid] = 'novalue';
906                                        $alteredaggregationweight[$itemid] = null;
907                                    }
908                                }
909                            } else {
910                                foreach ($values as $itemid=>$value) {
911                                    if (is_null($value)) {
912                                        $values[$itemid] = 0;
913                                    }
914                                }
915                            }
917                            // limit and sort
918                            $allvalues = $values;
919                            $grade_category->apply_limit_rules($values, $grade_items);
921                            $moredropped = array_diff($allvalues, $values);
922                            foreach ($moredropped as $drop => $unused) {
923                                $alteredaggregationstatus[$drop] = 'dropped';
924                                $alteredaggregationweight[$drop] = null;
925                            }
927                            foreach ($values as $itemid => $val) {
928                                if ($grade_category->is_extracredit_used() && ($grade_items[$itemid]->aggregationcoef > 0)) {
929                                    $alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid] = 'extra';
930                                }
931                            }
933                            asort($values, SORT_NUMERIC);
935                            // let's see we have still enough grades to do any statistics
936                            if (count($values) == 0) {
937                                // not enough attempts yet
938                                $altered[$do] = null;
939                                unset($todo[$key]);
940                                $found = true;
941                                continue;
942                            }
944                            $usedweights = array();
945                            $adjustedgrade = $grade_category->aggregate_values_and_adjust_bounds($values, $grade_items, $usedweights);
947                            // recalculate the rawgrade back to requested range
948                            $finalgrade = grade_grade::standardise_score($adjustedgrade['grade'],
949                                                                         0,
950                                                                         1,
951                                                                         $adjustedgrade['grademin'],
952                                                                         $adjustedgrade['grademax']);
954                            foreach ($usedweights as $itemid => $weight) {
955                                if (!isset($alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid])) {
956                                    $alteredaggregationstatus[$itemid] = 'used';
957                                }
958                                $alteredaggregationweight[$itemid] = $weight;
959                            }
961                            $finalgrade = $grade_items[$do]->bounded_grade($finalgrade);
962                            $alteredgrademin[$do] = $adjustedgrade['grademin'];
963                            $alteredgrademax[$do] = $adjustedgrade['grademax'];
964                            // We need to muck with the "in-memory" grade_items records so
965                            // that subsequent calculations will use the adjusted grademin and grademax.
966                            $grade_items[$do]->grademin = $adjustedgrade['grademin'];
967                            $grade_items[$do]->grademax = $adjustedgrade['grademax'];
969                            $altered[$do] = $finalgrade;
970                            unset($todo[$key]);
971                            $found = true;
972                            continue;
973                        }
974                    }
975                }
976            }
977            if (!$found) {
978                break;
979            }
980        }
982        return array('unknown' => array_combine(array_keys($unknown), array_keys($unknown)), // Left for BC in case some gradereport plugins expect it.
983                     'unknowngrades' => $unknown,
984                     'altered' => $altered,
985                     'alteredgrademax' => $alteredgrademax,
986                     'alteredgrademin' => $alteredgrademin,
987                     'alteredaggregationstatus' => $alteredaggregationstatus,
988                     'alteredaggregationweight' => $alteredaggregationweight);
989    }
991    /**
992     * Returns true if the grade's value is superior or equal to the grade item's gradepass value, false otherwise.
993     *
994     * @param grade_item $grade_item An optional grade_item of which gradepass value we can use, saves having to load the grade_grade's grade_item
995     * @return bool
996     */
997    public function is_passed($grade_item = null) {
998        if (empty($grade_item)) {
999            if (!isset($this->grade_item)) {
1000                $this->load_grade_item();
1001            }
1002        } else {
1003            $this->grade_item = $grade_item;
1004            $this->itemid = $grade_item->id;
1005        }
1007        // Return null if finalgrade is null
1008        if (is_null($this->finalgrade)) {
1009            return null;
1010        }
1012        // Return null if gradepass == grademin, gradepass is null, or grade item is a scale and gradepass is 0.
1013        if (is_null($this->grade_item->gradepass)) {
1014            return null;
1015        } else if ($this->grade_item->gradepass == $this->grade_item->grademin) {
1016            return null;
1017        } else if ($this->grade_item->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE && !grade_floats_different($this->grade_item->gradepass, 0.0)) {
1018            return null;
1019        }
1021        return $this->finalgrade >= $this->grade_item->gradepass;
1022    }
1024    /**
1025     * Insert the grade_grade instance into the database.
1026     *
1027     * @param string $source From where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
1028     * @return int The new grade_grade ID if successful, false otherwise
1029     */
1030    public function insert($source=null) {
1031        // TODO: dategraded hack - do not update times, they are used for submission and grading (MDL-31379)
1032        //$this->timecreated = $this->timemodified = time();
1033        return parent::insert($source);
1034    }
1036    /**
1037     * In addition to update() as defined in grade_object rounds the float numbers using php function,
1038     * the reason is we need to compare the db value with computed number to skip updates if possible.
1039     *
1040     * @param string $source from where was the object inserted (mod/forum, manual, etc.)
1041     * @return bool success
1042     */
1043    public function update($source=null) {
1044        $this->rawgrade = grade_floatval($this->rawgrade);
1045        $this->finalgrade = grade_floatval($this->finalgrade);
1046        $this->rawgrademin = grade_floatval($this->rawgrademin);
1047        $this->rawgrademax = grade_floatval($this->rawgrademax);
1048        return parent::update($source);
1049    }
1052    /**
1053     * Handles adding feedback files in the gradebook.
1054     *
1055     * @param int|null $historyid
1056     */
1057    protected function add_feedback_files(int $historyid = null) {
1058        global $CFG;
1060        // We only support feedback files for modules atm.
1061        if ($this->grade_item && $this->grade_item->is_external_item()) {
1062            $context = $this->get_context();
1063            $this->copy_feedback_files($context, GRADE_FEEDBACK_FILEAREA, $this->id);
1065            if (empty($CFG->disablegradehistory) && $historyid) {
1066                $this->copy_feedback_files($context, GRADE_HISTORY_FEEDBACK_FILEAREA, $historyid);
1067            }
1068        }
1070        return $this->id;
1071    }
1073    /**
1074     * Handles updating feedback files in the gradebook.
1075     *
1076     * @param int|null $historyid
1077     */
1078    protected function update_feedback_files(int $historyid = null) {
1079        global $CFG;
1081        // We only support feedback files for modules atm.
1082        if ($this->grade_item && $this->grade_item->is_external_item()) {
1083            $context = $this->get_context();
1085            $fs = new file_storage();
1086            $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, GRADE_FILE_COMPONENT, GRADE_FEEDBACK_FILEAREA, $this->id);
1088            $this->copy_feedback_files($context, GRADE_FEEDBACK_FILEAREA, $this->id);
1090            if (empty($CFG->disablegradehistory) && $historyid) {
1091                $this->copy_feedback_files($context, GRADE_HISTORY_FEEDBACK_FILEAREA, $historyid);
1092            }
1093        }
1095        return true;
1096    }
1098    /**
1099     * Handles deleting feedback files in the gradebook.
1100     */
1101    protected function delete_feedback_files() {
1102        // We only support feedback files for modules atm.
1103        if ($this->grade_item && $this->grade_item->is_external_item()) {
1104            $context = $this->get_context();
1106            $fs = new file_storage();
1107            $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, GRADE_FILE_COMPONENT, GRADE_FEEDBACK_FILEAREA, $this->id);
1109            // Grade history only gets deleted when we delete the whole grade item.
1110        }
1112        return true;
1113    }
1115    /**
1116     * Deletes the grade_grade instance from the database.
1117     *
1118     * @param string $source The location the deletion occurred (mod/forum, manual, etc.).
1119     * @return bool Returns true if the deletion was successful, false otherwise.
1120     */
1121    public function delete($source = null) {
1122        global $DB;
1124        $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
1125        $success = parent::delete($source);
1127        // If the grade was deleted successfully trigger a grade_deleted event.
1128        if ($success && !empty($this->grade_item)) {
1129            \core\event\grade_deleted::create_from_grade($this)->trigger();
1130        }
1132        $transaction->allow_commit();
1133        return $success;
1134    }
1136    /**
1137     * Used to notify the completion system (if necessary) that a user's grade
1138     * has changed, and clear up a possible score cache.
1139     *
1140     * @param bool $deleted True if grade was actually deleted
1141     */
1142    protected function notify_changed($deleted) {
1143        global $CFG;
1145        // Condition code may cache the grades for conditional availability of
1146        // modules or sections. (This code should use a hook for communication
1147        // with plugin, but hooks are not implemented at time of writing.)
1148        if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability) && class_exists('\availability_grade\callbacks')) {
1149            \availability_grade\callbacks::grade_changed($this->userid);
1150        }
1152        require_once($CFG->libdir.'/completionlib.php');
1154        // Bail out immediately if completion is not enabled for site (saves loading
1155        // grade item & requiring the restore stuff).
1156        if (!completion_info::is_enabled_for_site()) {
1157            return;
1158        }
1160        // Ignore during restore, as completion data will be updated anyway and
1161        // doing it now will result in incorrect dates (it will say they got the
1162        // grade completion now, instead of the correct time).
1163        if (class_exists('restore_controller', false) && restore_controller::is_executing()) {
1164            return;
1165        }
1167        // Load information about grade item, exit if the grade item is missing.
1168        if (!$this->load_grade_item()) {
1169            return;
1170        }
1172        // Only course-modules have completion data
1173        if ($this->grade_item->itemtype!='mod') {
1174            return;
1175        }
1177        // Use $COURSE if available otherwise get it via item fields
1178        $course = get_course($this->grade_item->courseid, false);
1180        // Bail out if completion is not enabled for course
1181        $completion = new completion_info($course);
1182        if (!$completion->is_enabled()) {
1183            return;
1184        }
1186        // Get course-module
1187        $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($this->grade_item->itemmodule,
1188              $this->grade_item->iteminstance, $this->grade_item->courseid);
1189        // If the course-module doesn't exist, display a warning...
1190        if (!$cm) {
1191            // ...unless the grade is being deleted in which case it's likely
1192            // that the course-module was just deleted too, so that's okay.
1193            if (!$deleted) {
1194                debugging("Couldn't find course-module for module '" .
1195                        $this->grade_item->itemmodule . "', instance '" .
1196                        $this->grade_item->iteminstance . "', course '" .
1197                        $this->grade_item->courseid . "'");
1198            }
1199            return;
1200        }
1202        // Pass information on to completion system
1203        $completion->inform_grade_changed($cm, $this->grade_item, $this, $deleted);
1204    }
1206    /**
1207     * Get some useful information about how this grade_grade is reflected in the aggregation
1208     * for the grade_category. For example this could be an extra credit item, and it could be
1209     * dropped because it's in the X lowest or highest.
1210     *
1211     * @return array(status, weight) - A keyword and a numerical weight that represents how this grade was included in the aggregation.
1212     */
1213    function get_aggregation_hint() {
1214        return array('status' => $this->get_aggregationstatus(),
1215                     'weight' => $this->get_aggregationweight());
1216    }
1218    /**
1219     * Handles copying feedback files to a specified gradebook file area.
1220     *
1221     * @param context $context
1222     * @param string $filearea
1223     * @param int $itemid
1224     */
1225    private function copy_feedback_files(context $context, string $filearea, int $itemid) {
1226        if ($this->feedbackfiles) {
1227            $filestocopycontextid = $this->feedbackfiles['contextid'];
1228            $filestocopycomponent = $this->feedbackfiles['component'];
1229            $filestocopyfilearea = $this->feedbackfiles['filearea'];
1230            $filestocopyitemid = $this->feedbackfiles['itemid'];
1232            $fs = new file_storage();
1233            if ($filestocopy = $fs->get_area_files($filestocopycontextid, $filestocopycomponent, $filestocopyfilearea,
1234                    $filestocopyitemid)) {
1235                foreach ($filestocopy as $filetocopy) {
1236                    $destination = [
1237                        'contextid' => $context->id,
1238                        'component' => GRADE_FILE_COMPONENT,
1239                        'filearea' => $filearea,
1240                        'itemid' => $itemid
1241                    ];
1242                    $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($destination, $filetocopy);
1243                }
1244            }
1245        }
1246    }
1248    /**
1249     * Determine the correct context for this grade_grade.
1250     *
1251     * @return context
1252     */
1253    public function get_context() {
1254        $this->load_grade_item();
1255        return $this->grade_item->get_context();
1256    }