3 * MyBB 1.8
4 * Copyright 2014 MyBB Group, All Rights Reserved
5 *
6 * Website: http://www.mybb.com
7 * License: http://www.mybb.com/about/license
8 *
9 */
12 * @property string title The title of the database access layer.
13 * @property string short_title The short title of the database access layer.
14 * @property string type The type of db software being used.
15 * @property int query_count A count of the number of queries.
16 * @property array querylist A list of the performed queries.
17 * @property float query_time The time spent performing queries.
18 * @property string engine The engine used to run the SQL database.
19 * @property bool can_search Whether or not this engine can use the search functionality.
20 */
21interface DB_Base
23	/**
24	 * Connect to the database server.
25	 *
26	 * @param array $config Array of DBMS connection details.
27	 * @return resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result The DB connection resource. Returns false on fail or -1 on a db connect failure.
28	 */
29	function connect($config);
31	/**
32	 * Query the database.
33	 *
34	 * @param string $string The query SQL.
35	 * @param integer|bool $hide_errors 1 if hide errors, 0 if not.
36	 * @param integer 1 $write_query if executes on master database, 0 if not.
37	 * @return resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result The query data.
38	 */
39	function query($string, $hide_errors=0, $write_query=0);
41	/**
42	 * Execute a write query on the master database
43	 *
44	 * @param string $query The query SQL.
45	 * @param boolean|int $hide_errors 1 if hide errors, 0 if not.
46	 * @return resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result The query data.
47	 */
48	function write_query($query, $hide_errors=0);
50	/**
51	 * Explain a query on the database.
52	 *
53	 * @param string $string The query SQL.
54	 * @param string $qtime The time it took to perform the query.
55	 */
56	function explain_query($string, $qtime);
58	/**
59	 * Return a result array for a query.
60	 *
61	 * @param resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result $query The query ID.
62	 * @param int $resulttype The type of array to return. Specified with the different constants for the type using
63	 *
64	 * @return array The array of results.
65	 */
66	function fetch_array($query, $resulttype=1);
68	/**
69	 * Return a specific field from a query.
70	 *
71	 * @param resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result $query The query ID.
72	 * @param string $field The name of the field to return.
73	 * @param int|boolean $row The number of the row to fetch it from.
74	 */
75	function fetch_field($query, $field, $row=false);
77	/**
78	 * Moves internal row pointer to the next row
79	 *
80	 * @param resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result $query The query ID.
81	 * @param int $row The pointer to move the row to.
82	 */
83	function data_seek($query, $row);
85	/**
86	 * Return the number of rows resulting from a query.
87	 *
88	 * @param resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result $query The query ID.
89	 * @return int The number of rows in the result.
90	 */
91	function num_rows($query);
93	/**
94	 * Return the last id number of inserted data.
95	 *
96	 * @return int The id number.
97	 */
98	function insert_id();
100	/**
101	 * Close the connection with the DBMS.
102	 *
103	 */
104	function close();
106	/**
107	 * Return an error number.
108	 *
109	 * @return int The error number of the current error.
110	 */
111	function error_number();
113	/**
114	 * Return an error string.
115	 *
116	 * @return string The explanation for the current error.
117	 */
118	function error_string();
120	/**
121	 * Output a database error.
122	 *
123	 * @param string $string The string to present as an error.
124	 */
125	function error($string="");
127	/**
128	 * Returns the number of affected rows in a query.
129	 *
130	 * @return int The number of affected rows.
131	 */
132	function affected_rows();
134	/**
135	 * Return the number of fields.
136	 *
137	 * @param resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result $query The query ID.
138	 * @return int The number of fields.
139	 */
140	function num_fields($query);
142	/**
143	 * Lists all functions in the database.
144	 *
145	 * @param string $database The database name.
146	 * @param string $prefix Prefix of the table (optional)
147	 * @return array The table list.
148	 */
149	function list_tables($database, $prefix='');
151	/**
152	 * Check if a table exists in a database.
153	 *
154	 * @param string $table The table name.
155	 * @return boolean True when exists, false if not.
156	 */
157	function table_exists($table);
159	/**
160	 * Check if a field exists in a database.
161	 *
162	 * @param string $field The field name.
163	 * @param string $table The table name.
164	 * @return boolean True when exists, false if not.
165	 */
166	function field_exists($field, $table);
168	/**
169	 * Add a shutdown query.
170	 *
171	 * @param resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result $query The query data.
172	 * @param string $name An optional name for the query.
173	 */
174	function shutdown_query($query, $name='');
176	/**
177	 * Performs a simple select query.
178	 *
179	 * @param string $table The table name to be queried.
180	 * @param string $fields Comma delimited list of fields to be selected.
181	 * @param string $conditions SQL formatted list of conditions to be matched.
182	 * @param array $options List of options: group by, order by, order direction, limit, limit start.
183	 * @return resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result The query data.
184	 */
185	function simple_select($table, $fields="*", $conditions="", $options=array());
187	/**
188	 * Build an insert query from an array.
189	 *
190	 * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
191	 * @param array $array An array of fields and their values.
192	 * @return int The insert ID if available
193	 */
194	function insert_query($table, $array);
196	/**
197	 * Build one query for multiple inserts from a multidimensional array.
198	 *
199	 * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
200	 * @param array $array An array of inserts.
201	 * @return void
202	 */
203	function insert_query_multiple($table, $array);
205	/**
206	 * Build an update query from an array.
207	 *
208	 * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
209	 * @param array $array An array of fields and their values.
210	 * @param string $where An optional where clause for the query.
211	 * @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query.
212	 * @param boolean $no_quote An option to quote incoming values of the array.
213	 * @return resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result The query data.
214	 */
215	function update_query($table, $array, $where="", $limit="", $no_quote=false);
217	/**
218	 * Build a delete query.
219	 *
220	 * @param string $table The table name to perform the query on.
221	 * @param string $where An optional where clause for the query.
222	 * @param string $limit An optional limit clause for the query.
223	 * @return resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result The query data.
224	 */
225	function delete_query($table, $where="", $limit="");
227	/**
228	 * Escape a string according to the MySQL escape format.
229	 *
230	 * @param string $string The string to be escaped.
231	 * @return string The escaped string.
232	 */
233	function escape_string($string);
235	/**
236	 * Frees the resources of a query.
237	 *
238	 * @param resource|PDOStatement|mysqli_result $query The query to destroy.
239	 * @return boolean Returns true on success, false on faliure
240	 */
241	function free_result($query);
243	/**
244	 * Escape a string used within a like command.
245	 *
246	 * @param string $string The string to be escaped.
247	 * @return string The escaped string.
248	 */
249	function escape_string_like($string);
251	/**
252	 * Gets the current version of MySQL.
253	 *
254	 * @return string Version of MySQL.
255	 */
256	function get_version();
258	/**
259	 * Optimizes a specific table.
260	 *
261	 * @param string $table The name of the table to be optimized.
262	 */
263	function optimize_table($table);
265	/**
266	 * Analyzes a specific table.
267	 *
268	 * @param string $table The name of the table to be analyzed.
269	 */
270	function analyze_table($table);
272	/**
273	 * Show the "create table" command for a specific table.
274	 *
275	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
276	 * @return string The SQL command to create the specified table.
277	 */
278	function show_create_table($table);
280	/**
281	 * Show the "show fields from" command for a specific table.
282	 *
283	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
284	 * @return array Field info for that table
285	 */
286	function show_fields_from($table);
288	/**
289	 * Returns whether or not the table contains a fulltext index.
290	 *
291	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
292	 * @param string $index Optionally specify the name of the index.
293	 * @return boolean True or false if the table has a fulltext index or not.
294	 */
295	function is_fulltext($table, $index="");
297	/**
298	 * Returns whether or not this database engine supports fulltext indexing.
299	 *
300	 * @param string $table The table to be checked.
301	 * @return boolean True or false if supported or not.
302	 */
303	function supports_fulltext($table);
305	/**
306	 * Checks to see if an index exists on a specified table
307	 *
308	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
309	 * @param string $index The name of the index.
310	 */
311	function index_exists($table, $index);
313	/**
314	 * Returns whether or not this database engine supports boolean fulltext matching.
315	 *
316	 * @param string $table The table to be checked.
317	 * @return boolean True or false if supported or not.
318	 */
319	function supports_fulltext_boolean($table);
321	/**
322	 * Creates a fulltext index on the specified column in the specified table with optional index name.
323	 *
324	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
325	 * @param string $column Name of the column to be indexed.
326	 * @param string $name The index name, optional.
327	 */
328	function create_fulltext_index($table, $column, $name="");
330	/**
331	 * Drop an index with the specified name from the specified table
332	 *
333	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
334	 * @param string $name The name of the index.
335	 */
336	function drop_index($table, $name);
338	/**
339	 * Drop an table with the specified table
340	 *
341	 * @param string $table The name of the table.
342	 * @param boolean $hard Hard drop - no checking
343	 * @param boolean $table_prefix Use table prefix?
344	 */
345	function drop_table($table, $hard=false, $table_prefix=true);
347	/**
348	 * Renames a table
349	 *
350	 * @param string $old_table The old table name
351	 * @param string $new_table the new table name
352	 * @param boolean $table_prefix Use table prefix?
353	 */
354	function rename_table($old_table, $new_table, $table_prefix=true);
356	/**
357	 * Replace contents of table with values
358	 *
359	 * @param string $table The table
360	 * @param array $replacements The replacements
361	 * @param string|array $default_field The default field(s)
362	 * @param boolean $insert_id Whether or not to return an insert id. True by default
363	 */
364	function replace_query($table, $replacements=array(), $default_field="", $insert_id=true);
366	/**
367	 * Drops a column
368	 *
369	 * @param string $table The table
370	 * @param string $column The column name
371	 */
372	function drop_column($table, $column);
374	/**
375	 * Adds a column
376	 *
377	 * @param string $table The table
378	 * @param string $column The column name
379	 * @param string $definition The new column definition
380	 */
381	function add_column($table, $column, $definition);
383	/**
384	 * Modifies a column
385	 *
386	 * @param string $table The table
387	 * @param string $column The column name
388	 * @param string $new_definition the new column definition
389	 * @param boolean|string $new_not_null Whether to "drop" or "set" the NOT NULL attribute (no change if false)
390	 * @param boolean|string $new_default_value The new default value, or false to drop the attribute
391	 * @return bool Returns true if all queries are executed successfully or false if one of them failed
392	 */
393	function modify_column($table, $column, $new_definition, $new_not_null=false, $new_default_value=false);
395	/**
396	 * Renames a column
397	 *
398	 * @param string $table The table
399	 * @param string $old_column The old column name
400	 * @param string $new_column the new column name
401	 * @param string $new_definition the new column definition
402	 * @param boolean|string $new_not_null Whether to "drop" or "set" the NOT NULL attribute (no change if false)
403	 * @param boolean|string $new_default_value The new default value, or false to drop the attribute
404	 * @return bool Returns true if all queries are executed successfully
405	 */
406	function rename_column($table, $old_column, $new_column, $new_definition, $new_not_null=false, $new_default_value=false);
408	/**
409	 * Sets the table prefix used by the simple select, insert, update and delete functions
410	 *
411	 * @param string $prefix The new table prefix
412	 */
413	function set_table_prefix($prefix);
415	/**
416	 * Fetched the total size of all mysql tables or a specific table
417	 *
418	 * @param string $table The table (optional)
419	 * @return integer the total size of all mysql tables or a specific table
420	 */
421	function fetch_size($table='');
423	/**
424	 * Fetch a list of database character sets this DBMS supports
425	 *
426	 * @return array|bool Array of supported character sets with array key being the name, array value being display name. False if unsupported
427	 */
428	function fetch_db_charsets();
430	/**
431	 * Fetch a database collation for a particular database character set
432	 *
433	 * @param string $charset The database character set
434	 * @return string|bool The matching database collation, false if unsupported
435	 */
436	function fetch_charset_collation($charset);
438	/**
439	 * Fetch a character set/collation string for use with CREATE TABLE statements. Uses current DB encoding
440	 *
441	 * @return string The built string, empty if unsupported
442	 */
443	function build_create_table_collation();
445	/**
446	 * Time how long it takes for a particular piece of code to run. Place calls above & below the block of code.
447	 *
448	 * @deprecated
449	 */
450	function get_execution_time();
452	/**
453	 * Binary database fields require special attention.
454	 *
455	 * @param string $string Binary value
456	 * @return string Encoded binary value
457	 */
458	function escape_binary($string);
460	/**
461	 * Unescape binary data.
462	 *
463	 * @param string $string Binary value
464	 * @return string Encoded binary value
465	 */
466	function unescape_binary($string);