1 /*! A dynamically-allocated buffer containing a `BitSlice<O, T>` region.
3 You can read the standard library’s [`alloc::vec` module documentation][std]
4 here.
6 This module defines the [`BitVec`] buffer, and all of its associated support
7 code.
9 `BitVec` is equivalent to `Vec<bool>`, in its operation and in its relationship
10 to the `BitSlice` type. Most of the interesting work to be done on a
11 bit-sequence is implemented in `BitSlice`, to which `BitVec` dereferences, and
12 the vector container itself only exists to maintain ownership, implement dynamic
13 resizing, and provide some specializations that cannot safely be done on
14 `BitSlice` alone.
16 [`BitVec`]: struct.BitVec.html
17 [std]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/vec
18 !*/
20 #![cfg(feature = "alloc")]
22 use crate::{
23 	boxed::BitBox,
24 	index::BitIdx,
25 	mem::BitMemory,
26 	order::{
27 		BitOrder,
28 		Lsb0,
29 	},
30 	pointer::BitPtr,
31 	slice::BitSlice,
32 	store::BitStore,
33 };
35 use alloc::vec::Vec;
37 use core::{
38 	mem::ManuallyDrop,
39 	ptr::NonNull,
40 	slice,
41 };
43 use funty::IsInteger;
45 use tap::{
46 	pipe::Pipe,
47 	tap::Tap,
48 };
50 /** A vector of individual bits, allocated on the heap.
52 This is a managed, heap-allocated, buffer that contains a `BitSlice` region. It
53 is analagous to `Vec<bool>`, and is written to be as close as possible to
54 drop-in replacabale for it. This type contains little interesting behavior in
55 its own right, dereferencing instead to [`BitSlice`] for manipulation of the
56 buffer contents, and serves primarily as an interface to the allocator. If you
57 require statically-allocated, fixed-size, owned buffers, you should use the
58 [`BitArray`] type.
60 Because `BitVec` directly owns its memory, and can guarantee that no other
61 object in a program has access to its buffers, `BitVec` is able to override some
62 behavior from `BitSlice` in more efficient manners.
64 # Documentation
66 All APIs that mirror something in the standard library will have an `Original`
67 section linking to the corresponding item. All APIs that have a different
68 signature or behavior than the original will have an `API Differences` section
69 explaining what has changed, and how to adapt your existing code to the change.
71 These sections look like this:
73 # Original
75 [`Vec<T>`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html)
77 # API Differences
79 The buffer type `Vec<bool>` has no type parameters. `BitVec<O, T>` has the same
80 two type parameters as `BitSlice<O, T>`. Otherwise, `BitVec` is able to
81 implement the full API surface of `Vec<bool>`.
83 # Behavior
85 Because `BitVec` is a fully-owned buffer, it is able to operate on its memory
86 without concern for any other views that may alias. This enables it to
87 specialize some `BitSlice` behavior to be faster or more efficient.
89 # Type Parameters
91 This takes the same two type parameters, `O: BitOrder` and `T: BitStore`, as
92 `BitSlice`.
94 # Safety
96 Like `BitSlice`, `BitVec` is exactly equal in size to `Vec`, and is also
97 absolutely representation-incompatible with it. You must never attempt to
98 type-cast between `Vec<T>` and `BitVec` in any way, nor attempt to modify the
99 memory value of a `BitVec` handle. Doing so will cause allocator and memory
100 errors in your program, likely inducing a panic.
102 Everything in the `BitVec` public API, even the `unsafe` parts, are guaranteed
103 to have no more unsafety than their equivalent items in the standard library.
104 All `unsafe` APIs will have documentation explicitly detailing what the API
105 requires you to uphold in order for it to function safely and correctly. All
106 safe APIs will do so themselves.
108 # Performance
110 The choice of `T: BitStore` type parameter can impact your vector’s performance,
111 as the allocator operates in units of `T` rather than in bits. This means that
112 larger register types will increase the amount of memory reserved in each call
113 to the allocator, meaning fewer calls to `.push()` will actually cause a
114 reällocation. In addition, iteration over the vector is governed by the
115 `BitSlice` characteristics on the type parameter. You are generally better off
116 using larger types when your vector is a data collection rather than a specific
117 I/O protocol buffer.
119 # Macro Construction
121 Heap allocation can only occur at runtime, but the [`bitvec!`] macro will
122 construct an appropriate `BitSlice` buffer at compile-time, and at run-time,
123 only copy the buffer into a heap allocation.
125 [`BitArray`]: ../array/struct.BitArray.html
126 [`BitSlice`]: ../slice/struct.BitSlice.html
127 [`bitvec!`]: ../macro.bitvec.html
128 **/
129 #[repr(C)]
130 pub struct BitVec<O = Lsb0, T = usize>
131 where
132 	O: BitOrder,
133 	T: BitStore,
134 {
135 	/// Region pointer describing the live portion of the owned buffer.
136 	pointer: NonNull<BitSlice<O, T>>,
137 	/// Allocated capacity, in elements `T`, of the owned buffer.
138 	capacity: usize,
139 }
141 /// Methods specific to `BitVec<_, T>`, and not present on `Vec<T>`.
142 impl<O, T> BitVec<O, T>
143 where
144 	O: BitOrder,
145 	T: BitStore,
146 {
147 	/// Constructs a `BitVec` from a value repeated many times.
148 	///
149 	/// This function is equivalent to the `bitvec![O, T; bit; len]` macro call,
150 	/// and is in fact the implementation of that macro syntax.
151 	///
152 	/// # Parameters
153 	///
154 	/// - `bit`: The bit value to which all `len` allocated bits will be set.
155 	/// - `len`: The number of live bits in the constructed `BitVec`.
156 	///
157 	/// # Returns
158 	///
159 	/// A `BitVec` with `len` live bits, all set to `bit`.
160 	///
161 	/// # Examples
162 	///
163 	/// ```rust
164 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
165 	///
166 	/// let bv = BitVec::<Msb0, u8>::repeat(true, 20);
167 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits![1; 20]);
168 	/// ```
169 	#[inline]
repeat(bit: bool, len: usize) -> Self170 	pub fn repeat(bit: bool, len: usize) -> Self {
171 		let mut out = Self::with_capacity(len);
172 		unsafe {
173 			out.set_len(len);
174 		}
175 		out.set_elements(if bit { T::Mem::ALL } else { T::Mem::ZERO });
176 		out
177 	}
179 	/// Clones a `&BitSlice` into a `BitVec`.
180 	///
181 	/// # Original
182 	///
183 	/// [`<Vec<T: Clone> as Clone>::clone`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html#impl-Clone)
184 	///
185 	/// # Effects
186 	///
187 	/// This performs a direct element-wise copy from the source slice to the
188 	/// newly-allocated buffer, then sets the vector to have the same starting
189 	/// bit as the slice did. This allows for faster behavior. If you require
190 	/// that the vector start at the leading edge of the first element, use
191 	/// [`force_align`] to guarantee this.
192 	///
193 	/// # Examples
194 	///
195 	/// ```rust
196 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
197 	///
198 	/// let bits = bits![0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1];
199 	/// let bv = BitVec::from_bitslice(&bits[2 ..]);
200 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits[2 ..]);
201 	/// ```
202 	///
203 	/// [`force_align`]: #method.force_align
204 	#[inline]
from_bitslice(slice: &BitSlice<O, T>) -> Self205 	pub fn from_bitslice(slice: &BitSlice<O, T>) -> Self {
206 		let mut bitptr = slice.bitptr();
207 		let (base, elts) = (bitptr.pointer().to_const(), bitptr.elements());
208 		let source = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(base, elts) };
210 		let vec = elts
211 			.pipe(Vec::with_capacity)
212 			.pipe(ManuallyDrop::new)
213 			.tap_mut(|v| v.extend(source.iter().map(BitStore::load_value)));
215 		unsafe {
216 			bitptr.set_pointer(vec.as_ptr() as *const T);
217 		}
219 		let capacity = vec.capacity();
220 		Self {
221 			pointer: bitptr.to_nonnull(),
222 			capacity,
223 		}
224 	}
226 	/// Converts a `Vec<T>` into a `BitVec<O, T>` without copying its buffer.
227 	///
228 	/// # Parameters
229 	///
230 	/// - `vec`: A vector to view as bits.
231 	///
232 	/// # Returns
233 	///
234 	/// A `BitVec` over the `vec` buffer.
235 	///
236 	/// # Panics
237 	///
238 	/// This panics if `vec` is too long to convert into a `BitVec`. See
239 	/// [`BitSlice::MAX_ELTS`].
240 	///
241 	/// # Examples
242 	///
243 	/// ```rust
244 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
245 	///
246 	/// let vec = vec![0u8; 4];
247 	/// let bv = BitVec::<LocalBits, _>::from_vec(vec);
248 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits![0; 32]);
249 	/// ```
250 	///
251 	/// [`BitSlice::MAX_ELTS`]:
252 	/// ../slice/struct.BitSlice.html#associatedconstant.MAX_ELTS
253 	#[inline]
from_vec(vec: Vec<T>) -> Self254 	pub fn from_vec(vec: Vec<T>) -> Self {
255 		Self::try_from_vec(vec)
256 			.expect("Vector was too long to be converted into a `BitVec`")
257 	}
259 	/// Converts a `Vec<T>` into a `BitVec<O, T>` without copying its buffer.
260 	///
261 	/// This method takes ownership of a memory buffer and enables it to be used
262 	/// as a bit-vector. Because `Vec` can be longer than `BitVec`s, this is a
263 	/// fallible method, and the original vector will be returned if it cannot
264 	/// be converted.
265 	///
266 	/// # Parameters
267 	///
268 	/// - `vec`: Some vector of memory, to be viewed as bits.
269 	///
270 	/// # Returns
271 	///
272 	/// If `vec` is short enough to be viewed as a `BitVec`, then this returns
273 	/// a `BitVec` over the `vec` buffer. If `vec` is too long, then this
274 	/// returns `vec` unmodified.
275 	///
276 	/// # Examples
277 	///
278 	/// ```rust
279 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
280 	///
281 	/// let vec = vec![0u8; 4];
282 	/// let bv = BitVec::<LocalBits, _>::try_from_vec(vec).unwrap();
283 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits![0; 32]);
284 	/// ```
285 	///
286 	/// An example showing this function failing would require an allocation
287 	/// exceeding `!0usize >> 3` bytes in size, which is infeasible to produce.
288 	#[inline]
try_from_vec(vec: Vec<T>) -> Result<Self, Vec<T>>289 	pub fn try_from_vec(vec: Vec<T>) -> Result<Self, Vec<T>> {
290 		let len = vec.len();
291 		if len > BitSlice::<O, T>::MAX_ELTS {
292 			return Err(vec);
293 		}
295 		let vec = ManuallyDrop::new(vec);
296 		let (base, capacity) = (vec.as_ptr(), vec.capacity());
297 		Ok(Self {
298 			pointer: unsafe {
299 				BitPtr::new_unchecked(
300 					base,
301 					BitIdx::ZERO,
302 					len * T::Mem::BITS as usize,
303 				)
304 			}
305 			.to_nonnull(),
306 			capacity,
307 		})
308 	}
310 	/// Copies all bits in a `BitSlice` into the `BitVec`.
311 	///
312 	/// This is provided for API completeness; it has no performance benefits
313 	/// compared to use of the [`Extend`] implementation.
314 	///
315 	/// # Parameters
316 	///
317 	/// - `&mut self`
318 	/// - `other`: A `BitSlice` reference of the same type parameters as `self`.
319 	///
320 	/// # Behavior
321 	///
322 	/// `self` is extended by the length of `other`, and then the contents of
323 	/// `other` are copied into the newly-allocated end of `self`.
324 	///
325 	/// ```rust
326 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
327 	///
328 	/// let mut bv = bitvec![0, 1];
329 	/// bv.extend_from_bitslice(bits![1, 1, 0, 1]);
330 	///
331 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits![0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]);
332 	/// ```
333 	///
334 	/// [`Extend`]: #impl-Extend<%26'a bool>
335 	/// [`.as_bitslice()`]: #method.as_bitslice()
336 	#[inline]
extend_from_bitslice(&mut self, other: &BitSlice<O, T>)337 	pub fn extend_from_bitslice(&mut self, other: &BitSlice<O, T>) {
338 		let len = self.len();
339 		let olen = other.len();
340 		self.resize(len + olen, false);
341 		unsafe { self.get_unchecked_mut(len ..) }.clone_from_bitslice(other);
342 	}
344 	/// Converts the vector into [`BitBox<O, T>`].
345 	///
346 	/// Note that this will drop any excess capacity.
347 	///
348 	/// # Original
349 	///
350 	/// [`Vec::into_boxed_slice`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html#method.into_boxed_slice)
351 	///
352 	/// # Examples
353 	///
354 	/// ```rust
355 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
356 	///
357 	/// let mut bv = bitvec![1; 50];
358 	/// let bb: BitBox = bv.into_boxed_bitslice();
359 	/// assert_eq!(bb, bits![1; 50]);
360 	/// ```
361 	///
362 	/// [`BitBox<O, T>`]: ../boxed/struct.BitBox.html
363 	#[inline]
into_boxed_bitslice(self) -> BitBox<O, T>364 	pub fn into_boxed_bitslice(self) -> BitBox<O, T> {
365 		let mut bitptr = self.bitptr();
366 		let boxed = self.into_boxed_slice().pipe(ManuallyDrop::new);
367 		unsafe {
368 			bitptr.set_pointer(boxed.as_ptr());
369 		}
370 		unsafe { BitBox::from_raw(bitptr.to_bitslice_ptr_mut::<O>()) }
371 	}
373 	/// Converts the vector back into an ordinary vector of memory elements.
374 	///
375 	/// This does not affect the vector’s buffer, only the handle used to
376 	/// control it.
377 	///
378 	/// # Parameters
379 	///
380 	/// - `self`
381 	///
382 	/// # Returns
383 	///
384 	/// An ordinary vector containing all of the bit-vector’s memory buffer.
385 	///
386 	/// # Examples
387 	///
388 	/// ```rust
389 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
390 	///
391 	/// let bv = bitvec![0; 5];
392 	/// let vec = bv.into_vec();
393 	/// assert_eq!(vec, [0]);
394 	/// ```
395 	#[inline]
into_vec(self) -> Vec<T>396 	pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<T> {
397 		let mut this = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
398 		let buf = this.as_mut_slice();
399 		unsafe {
400 			Vec::from_raw_parts(
401 				buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut T,
402 				buf.len(),
403 				this.capacity,
404 			)
405 		}
406 	}
408 	/// Gets the number of elements `T` that contain live bits of the vector.
409 	///
410 	/// # Examples
411 	///
412 	/// ```rust
413 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
414 	///
415 	/// let bv = bitvec![LocalBits, u16; 1; 50];
416 	/// assert_eq!(bv.elements(), 4);
417 	/// ```
418 	#[inline]
elements(&self) -> usize419 	pub fn elements(&self) -> usize {
420 		self.bitptr().elements()
421 	}
423 	/// Sets the uninitialized bits of the vector to a fixed value.
424 	///
425 	/// This method modifies all bits in the allocated buffer that are outside
426 	/// the `self.as_bitslice()` view so that they have a consistent value. This
427 	/// can be used to zero the uninitialized memory so that when viewed as a
428 	/// raw memory slice, bits outside the live region have a predictable value.
429 	///
430 	/// # Examples
431 	///
432 	/// ```rust
433 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
434 	///
435 	/// let mut bv = 220u8.view_bits::<Lsb0>().to_bitvec();
436 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), &[220u8]);
437 	/// bv.truncate(4);
438 	/// assert_eq!(bv.count_ones(), 2);
439 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), &[220u8]);
440 	///
441 	/// bv.set_uninitialized(false);
442 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), &[12u8]);
443 	///
444 	/// bv.set_uninitialized(true);
445 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), &[!3u8]);
446 	/// ```
447 	#[inline]
set_uninitialized(&mut self, value: bool)448 	pub fn set_uninitialized(&mut self, value: bool) {
449 		let head = self.bitptr().head().value() as usize;
450 		let tail = head + self.len();
451 		let capa = self.capacity();
452 		let mut bp = self.bitptr();
453 		unsafe {
454 			bp.set_head(BitIdx::ZERO);
455 			bp.set_len(capa);
456 			let bits = bp.to_bitslice_mut::<O>();
457 			bits.get_unchecked_mut(.. head).set_all(value);
458 			bits.get_unchecked_mut(tail ..).set_all(value);
459 		}
460 	}
462 	/// Ensures that the live region of the vector’s contents begins at the
463 	/// leading edge of the buffer.
464 	///
465 	/// # Examples
466 	///
467 	/// ```rust
468 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
469 	///
470 	/// let data = 0x3Cu8;
471 	/// let bits = data.view_bits::<Msb0>();
472 	///
473 	/// let mut bv = bits[2 .. 6].to_bitvec();
474 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits[2 .. 6]);
475 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice()[0], data);
476 	///
477 	/// bv.force_align();
478 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits[2 .. 6]);
479 	/// //  It is not specified what happens to bits that are no longer used.
480 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice()[0] & 0xF0, 0xF0);
481 	/// ```
482 	#[inline]
force_align(&mut self)483 	pub fn force_align(&mut self) {
484 		let bitptr = self.bitptr();
485 		let head = bitptr.head().value() as usize;
486 		if head == 0 {
487 			return;
488 		}
489 		let last = bitptr.len() + head;
490 		unsafe {
491 			self.pointer =
492 				bitptr.tap_mut(|bp| bp.set_head(BitIdx::ZERO)).to_nonnull();
493 			self.copy_within_unchecked(head .. last, 0);
494 		}
495 	}
497 	/// Writes a value into every element that the vector considers live.
498 	///
499 	/// This unconditionally writes `element` into each live location in the
500 	/// backing buffer, without altering the `BitVec`’s length or capacity.
501 	///
502 	/// It is unspecified what effects this has on the allocated but dead
503 	/// elements in the buffer.
504 	///
505 	/// # Parameters
506 	///
507 	/// - `&mut self`
508 	/// - `element`: The value which will be written to each live location in
509 	///   the vector’s buffer.
510 	///
511 	/// # Examples
512 	///
513 	/// ```rust
514 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
515 	///
516 	/// let mut bv = bitvec![LocalBits, u8; 0; 10];
517 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), [0, 0]);
518 	/// bv.set_elements(0xA5);
519 	/// assert_eq!(bv.as_slice(), [0xA5, 0xA5]);
520 	/// ```
521 	#[inline]
set_elements(&mut self, element: T::Mem)522 	pub fn set_elements(&mut self, element: T::Mem) {
523 		self.as_mut_slice()
524 			.iter_mut()
525 			.for_each(|elt| *elt = element.into());
526 	}
528 	/// Views the buffer’s contents as a `BitSlice`.
529 	///
530 	/// This is equivalent to `&bv[..]`.
531 	///
532 	/// # Original
533 	///
534 	/// [`Vec::as_slice`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html#method.as_slice)
535 	///
536 	/// # Examples
537 	///
538 	/// ```rust
539 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
540 	///
541 	/// let bv = bitvec![0, 1, 1, 0];
542 	/// let bits = bv.as_bitslice();
543 	/// ```
544 	#[inline]
545 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
as_bitslice(&self) -> &BitSlice<O, T>546 	pub fn as_bitslice(&self) -> &BitSlice<O, T> {
547 		unsafe { &*self.pointer.as_ptr() }
548 	}
550 	/// Extracts a mutable bit-slice of the entire vector.
551 	///
552 	/// Equivalent to `&mut bv[..]`.
553 	///
554 	/// # Original
555 	///
556 	/// [`Vec::as_mut_slice`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/vec/struct.Vec.html#method.as_mut_slice)
557 	///
558 	/// # Examples
559 	///
560 	/// ```rust
561 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
562 	///
563 	/// let mut bv = bitvec![0, 1, 0, 1];
564 	/// let bits = bv.as_mut_bitslice();
565 	/// bits.set(0, true);
566 	/// ```
567 	#[inline]
568 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
as_mut_bitslice(&mut self) -> &mut BitSlice<O, T>569 	pub fn as_mut_bitslice(&mut self) -> &mut BitSlice<O, T> {
570 		unsafe { &mut *self.pointer.as_ptr() }
571 	}
573 	/// Returns a raw pointer to the vector’s region.
574 	///
575 	/// The caller must ensure that the vector outlives the pointer this
576 	/// function returns, or else it will end up pointing to garbage. Modifying
577 	/// the vector may cause its buffer to be reallocated, which would also make
578 	/// any pointers to it invalid.
579 	///
580 	/// The caller must also ensure that the memory the pointer
581 	/// (non-transitively) points to is never written to (except inside an
582 	/// `UnsafeCell`) using this pointer or any pointer derived from it. If you
583 	/// need to mutate the contents of the region, use [`as_mut_bitptr`].
584 	///
585 	/// This pointer is an opaque crate-internal type. Its in-memory
586 	/// representation is unsafe to modify in any way. The only safe action to
587 	/// take with this pointer is to pass it, unchanged, back into a `bitvec`
588 	/// API.
589 	///
590 	/// # Examples
591 	///
592 	/// ```rust
593 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
594 	///
595 	/// let bv = bitvec![0; 20];
596 	/// let ptr = bv.as_bitptr();
597 	///
598 	/// let bits = unsafe { &*ptr };
599 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits);
600 	/// ```
601 	///
602 	/// [`as_mut_bitptr`]: #method.as_mut_bitptr
603 	#[inline]
604 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
as_bitptr(&self) -> *const BitSlice<O, T>605 	pub fn as_bitptr(&self) -> *const BitSlice<O, T> {
606 		self.pointer.as_ptr() as *const BitSlice<O, T>
607 	}
609 	/// Returns an unsafe mutable pointer to the vector’s region.
610 	///
611 	/// The caller must ensure that the vector outlives the pointer this
612 	/// function returns, or else it will end up pointing to garbage. Modifying
613 	/// the vector may cause its buffer to be reallocated, which would also make
614 	/// any pointers to it invalid.
615 	///
616 	/// This pointer is an opaque crate-internal type. Its in-memory
617 	/// representation is unsafe to modify in any way. The only safe action to
618 	/// take with this pointer is to pass it, unchanged, back into a `bitvec`
619 	/// API.
620 	///
621 	/// # Examples
622 	///
623 	/// ```rust
624 	/// use bitvec::prelude::*;
625 	///
626 	/// let mut bv = bitvec![0; 20];
627 	/// let ptr = bv.as_mut_bitptr();
628 	///
629 	/// let bits = unsafe { &mut *ptr };
630 	/// assert_eq!(bv, bits);
631 	/// ```
632 	#[inline]
633 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
as_mut_bitptr(&mut self) -> *mut BitSlice<O, T>634 	pub fn as_mut_bitptr(&mut self) -> *mut BitSlice<O, T> {
635 		self.pointer.as_ptr()
636 	}
638 	#[inline]
639 	#[cfg(not(tarpaulin_include))]
bitptr(&self) -> BitPtr<T>640 	pub(crate) fn bitptr(&self) -> BitPtr<T> {
641 		self.pointer.as_ptr().pipe(BitPtr::from_bitslice_ptr_mut)
642 	}
644 	/// Permits a function to modify the `Vec<T>` backing storage of a
645 	/// `BitVec<_, T>`.
646 	///
647 	/// This produces a temporary `Vec<T::Mem>` structure governing the
648 	/// `BitVec`’s buffer and allows a function to view it mutably. After the
649 	/// callback returns, the `Vec` is written back into `self` and forgotten.
650 	///
651 	/// # Type Parameters
652 	///
653 	/// - `F`: A function which operates on a mutable borrow of a `Vec<T::Mem>`
654 	///   buffer controller.
655 	/// - `R`: The return type of the `F` function.
656 	///
657 	/// # Parameters
658 	///
659 	/// - `&mut self`
660 	/// - `func`: A function which receives a mutable borrow of a `Vec<T::Mem>`
661 	///   controlling `self`’s buffer.
662 	///
663 	/// # Returns
664 	///
665 	/// The return value of `func`. `func` is forbidden from borrowing any part
666 	/// of the `Vec<T::Mem>` temporary view.
with_vec<F, R>(&mut self, func: F) -> R where F: FnOnce(&mut ManuallyDrop<Vec<T::Mem>>) -> R667 	fn with_vec<F, R>(&mut self, func: F) -> R
668 	where F: FnOnce(&mut ManuallyDrop<Vec<T::Mem>>) -> R {
669 		let cap = self.capacity;
670 		let mut bitptr = self.bitptr();
671 		let (base, elts) =
672 			(bitptr.pointer().to_mut() as *mut T::Mem, bitptr.elements());
674 		let mut vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(base, elts, cap) }
675 			.pipe(ManuallyDrop::new);
676 		let out = func(&mut vec);
678 		unsafe {
679 			bitptr.set_pointer(vec.as_ptr() as *mut T);
680 		}
681 		self.pointer = bitptr.to_nonnull();
682 		self.capacity = vec.capacity();
683 		out
684 	}
685 }
687 mod api;
688 mod iter;
689 mod ops;
690 mod traits;
692 pub use iter::{
693 	Drain,
694 	IntoIter,
695 	Splice,
696 };
698 #[cfg(test)]
699 mod tests;