2if(!defined('OSTADMININC') || !$thisstaff || !$thisstaff->isAdmin()) die('Access Denied');
4$info = $qs = array();
6if ($_REQUEST['a']=='add'){
7    if (!$staff) {
8        $staff = Staff::create(array(
9            'isactive' => true,
10        ));
11        // Set some default permissions
12        $staff->updatePerms(array(
13            User::PERM_CREATE,
14            User::PERM_EDIT,
15            User::PERM_DELETE,
16            User::PERM_MANAGE,
17            User::PERM_DIRECTORY,
18            Organization::PERM_CREATE,
19            Organization::PERM_EDIT,
20            Organization::PERM_DELETE,
21            FAQ::PERM_MANAGE,
22            Dept::PERM_DEPT,
23            Staff::PERM_STAFF,
24        ));
25    }
26    $title=__('Add New Agent');
27    $action='create';
28    $submit_text=__('Create');
30else {
31    //Editing Department.
32    $title=__('Manage Agent');
33    $action='update';
34    $submit_text=__('Save Changes');
35    $info['id'] = $staff->getId();
36    $qs += array('id' => $staff->getId());
39$extras = new ArrayObject();
42<form action="staff.php?<?php echo Http::build_query($qs); ?>" method="post" class="save" autocomplete="off">
43  <?php csrf_token(); ?>
44  <input type="hidden" name="do" value="<?php echo $action; ?>">
45  <input type="hidden" name="a" value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($_REQUEST['a']); ?>">
46  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $info['id']; ?>">
48  <h2><?php echo $title; ?>
49      <?php if (isset($staff->staff_id)) { ?><small>
50<?php echo $staff->getName(); ?></small>
51      <?php } ?>
54  <ul class="clean tabs">
55    <li class="active"><a href="#account"><i class="icon-user"></i> <?php echo __('Account'); ?></a></li>
56    <li><a href="#access"><?php echo __('Access'); ?></a></li>
57    <li><a href="#permissions"><?php echo __('Permissions'); ?></a></li>
58    <li><a href="#teams"><?php echo __('Teams'); ?></a></li>
59    <?php Signal::send('agenttab.audit', $staff, $extras); ?>
60  </ul>
62  <div class="tab_content" id="account">
63    <table class="table two-column" width="940" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
64      <tbody>
65        <tr><td colspan="2"><div>
66        <div class="avatar pull-left" style="width: 100px; margin: 10px;">
67            <?php echo $staff->getAvatar(); ?>
68        </div>
69        <table class="table two-column" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="width: 760px">
70        <tr>
71          <td class="required"><?php echo __('Name'); ?>:</td>
72          <td>
73            <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="64" style="width: 145px" name="firstname" class="auto first"
74              autofocus value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($staff->firstname); ?>"
75              placeholder="<?php echo __("First Name"); ?>" />
76            <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="64" style="width: 145px" name="lastname" class="auto last"
77              value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($staff->lastname); ?>"
78              placeholder="<?php echo __("Last Name"); ?>" />
79            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['firstname']; ?></div>
80            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['lastname']; ?></div>
81          </td>
82        </tr>
83        <tr>
84          <td class="required"><?php echo __('Email Address'); ?>:</td>
85          <td>
86            <input type="email" size="40" maxlength="64" style="width: 300px" name="email" class="auto email"
87              value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($staff->email); ?>"
88              placeholder="<?php echo __('e.g. me@mycompany.com'); ?>" />
89            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['email']; ?></div>
90          </td>
91        </tr>
92        <tr>
93          <td><?php echo __('Phone Number');?>:</td>
94          <td>
95            <input type="tel" size="18" name="phone" class="auto phone"
96              value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($staff->phone); ?>" />
97            <?php echo __('Ext');?>
98            <input type="text" size="5" name="phone_ext"
99              value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($staff->phone_ext); ?>">
100            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['phone']; ?></div>
101            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['phone_ext']; ?></div>
102          </td>
103        </tr>
104        <tr>
105          <td><?php echo __('Mobile Number');?>:</td>
106          <td>
107            <input type="tel" size="18" name="mobile" class="auto phone"
108              value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($staff->mobile); ?>" />
109            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['mobile']; ?></div>
110          </td>
111        </tr>
112        </table></div></td></tr>
113      </tbody>
114      <!-- ================================================ -->
115      <tbody>
116        <tr class="header">
117          <th colspan="2">
118            <?php echo __('Authentication'); ?>
119          </th>
120        </tr>
121        <tr>
122          <td class="required"><?php echo __('Username'); ?>:
123            <span class="error">*</span></td>
124          <td>
125            <input type="text" size="40" style="width:300px"
126              class="staff-username typeahead"
127              name="username" value="<?php echo Format::htmlchars($staff->username); ?>" />
128<?php if (!($bk = $staff->getAuthBackend()) || $bk->supportsPasswordChange()) { ?>
129            <button type="button" class="action-button" onclick="javascript:
130            $.dialog('ajax.php/staff/'+<?php echo $info['id'] ?: '0'; ?>+'/set-password', 201);">
131              <i class="icon-refresh"></i> <?php echo __('Set Password'); ?>
132            </button>
133<?php } ?>
134            <i class="offset help-tip icon-question-sign" href="#username"></i>
135            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['username']; ?></div>
136          </td>
137        </tr>
139$bks = array();
140foreach (StaffAuthenticationBackend::allRegistered() as $ab) {
141  if (!$ab->supportsInteractiveAuthentication()) continue;
142  $bks[] = $ab;
144if (count($bks) > 1) {
146        <tr>
147          <td><?php echo __('Authentication Backend'); ?>:</td>
148          <td>
149            <select name="backend" id="backend-selection"
150              style="width:300px" onchange="javascript:
151                if (this.value != '' && this.value != 'local')
152                    $('#password-fields').hide();
153                else if (!$('#welcome-email').is(':checked'))
154                    $('#password-fields').show();
155                ">
156              <option value="">&mdash; <?php echo __('Use any available backend'); ?> &mdash;</option>
157<?php foreach ($bks as $ab) { ?>
158              <option value="<?php echo $ab::$id; ?>" <?php
159                if ($staff->backend == $ab::$id)
160                  echo 'selected="selected"'; ?>><?php
161                echo $ab->getName(); ?></option>
162<?php } ?>
163            </select>
164          </td>
165        </tr>
167} ?>
169if ($bks=Staff2FABackend::allRegistered() && $current = $staff->get2FABackend()) {
170    $_config = $staff->getConfig();
172        <tr>
173          <td><?php echo __('Default 2FA'); ?>:</td>
174          <td>
175              <input type="text" size="40" style="width:300px"
176                name="default_2fa" disabled value="<?php echo $current->getName(); ?>" />
177            &nbsp;
178            <button type="button" id="reset-2fa" class="action-button" onclick="javascript:
179                if (confirm('<?php echo __('You sure?'); ?>')) {
180                    $.ajax({
181                        url: 'ajax.php/staff/'+<?php echo $staff->getId(); ?>+'/reset-2fa',
182                        type: 'POST',
183                        data: {'staffId':<?php echo $staff->getId(); ?>},
184                        success: function(data) {
185                            location.reload();
186                        }
187                    });
188                }
189                return false;">
190              <i class="icon-gear"></i> <?php echo __('Reset 2FA'); ?>
191            </button>
192            <i class="offset help-tip icon-question-sign" href="#reset2fa"></i>
193          </td>
194        </tr>
196} ?>
197      </tbody>
198      <!-- ================================================ -->
199      <tbody>
200        <tr class="header">
201          <th colspan="2">
202            <?php echo __('Status and Settings'); ?>
203          </th>
204        </tr>
205        <tr>
206          <td colspan="2">
207            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['isadmin']; ?></div>
208            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['isactive']; ?></div>
209            <label class="checkbox">
210            <input type="checkbox" name="islocked" value="1"
211              <?php echo (!$staff->isactive) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
212              <?php echo __('Locked'); ?>
213            </label>
214            <label class="checkbox">
215            <input type="checkbox" name="isadmin" value="1"
216              <?php echo ($staff->isadmin) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
217              <?php echo __('Administrator'); ?>
218            </label>
219            <label class="checkbox">
220            <input type="checkbox" name="assigned_only"
221              <?php echo ($staff->assigned_only) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
222              <?php echo __('Limit ticket access to ONLY assigned tickets'); ?>
223            </label>
224            <label class="checkbox">
225            <input type="checkbox" name="onvacation"
226              <?php echo ($staff->onvacation) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />
227              <?php echo __('Vacation Mode'); ?>
228            </label>
229            <br/>
230        </tr>
231      </tbody>
232    </table>
234    <div style="padding:8px 3px; margin-top: 1.6em">
235        <strong class="big"><?php echo __('Internal Notes');?>: </strong>
236        <?php echo __("Be liberal, they're internal");?>
237    </div>
239    <textarea name="notes" class="richtext">
240      <?php echo Format::viewableImages($staff->notes); ?>
241    </textarea>
242  </div>
244  <!-- ============== DEPARTMENT ACCESS =================== -->
246  <div class="hidden tab_content" id="access">
247    <table class="table two-column" width="940" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
248      <tbody>
249        <tr class="header">
250          <th colspan="3">
251            <?php echo __('Access'); ?>
252            <div><small><?php echo __(
253            "Select the departments the agent is allowed to access and the corresponding effective role."
254          ); ?>
255            </small></div><br>
256            <div><?php echo __('Primary Department'); ?> <span
257            class="error">*</span></div>
258          </th>
259        </tr>
260        <tr>
261          <td style="vertical-align:top">
262            <select name="dept_id" id="dept_id" data-quick-add="department">
263              <option value="0">&mdash; <?php echo __('Select Department');?> &mdash;</option>
264              <?php
265              if($depts = Dept::getPublicDepartments()) {
266                if($staff->dept_id && !array_key_exists($staff->dept_id, $depts))
267                {
268                  $depts[$staff->dept_id] = $staff->dept;
269                  $warn = sprintf(__('%s selected must be active'), __('Department'));
270                }
271                  foreach($depts as $id =>$name) {
272                    $sel=($staff->dept_id==$id)?'selected="selected"':'';
273                      echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',$id,$sel,$name);
274                  }
275              }
276              ?>
277              <option value="0" data-quick-add>&mdash; <?php echo __('Add New');?> &mdash;</option>
278            </select>
279            <i class="offset help-tip icon-question-sign" href="#primary_department"></i>
280            <?php
281            if($warn) { ?>
282                &nbsp;<span class="error">*&nbsp;<?php echo $warn; ?></span>
283            <?php } ?>
284          </td>
285          <td style="vertical-align:top">
286            <select name="role_id" data-quick-add="role">
287              <option value="0">&mdash; <?php echo __('Select Role');?> &mdash;</option>
288              <?php
289              foreach (Role::getRoles() as $id=>$name) {
290                $sel=($staff->role_id==$id)?'selected="selected"':'';
291                echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',$id,$sel,$name);
292              }
293              ?>
294              <option value="0" data-quick-add>&mdash; <?php echo __('Add New');?> &mdash;</option>
295            </select>
296            <i class="offset help-tip icon-question-sign" href="#primary_role"></i>
297          </td>
298          <td>
299            <label class="inline checkbox">
300            <input type="checkbox" name="assign_use_pri_role" <?php
301                if ($staff->usePrimaryRoleOnAssignment())
302                    echo 'checked="checked"';
303                ?> />
304                <?php echo __('Fall back to primary role on assignments'); ?>
305                <i class="icon-question-sign help-tip"
306                    href="#primary_role_on_assign"></i>
307            </label>
309            <div class="error"><?php echo $errors['role_id']; ?></div>
310          </td>
311        </tr>
312      </tbody>
313      <tbody>
314        <tr id="extended_access_template" class="hidden">
315          <td>
316            <input type="hidden" data-name="dept_access[]" value="" />
317          </td>
318          <td>
319            <select data-name="dept_access_role" data-quick-add="role">
320              <option value="0">&mdash; <?php echo __('Select Role');?> &mdash;</option>
321              <?php
322              foreach (Role::getRoles() as $id=>$name) {
323                echo sprintf('<option value="%d" %s>%s</option>',$id,$sel,$name);
324              }
325              ?>
326              <option value="0" data-quick-add>&mdash; <?php echo __('Add New');?> &mdash;</option>
327            </select>
328          </td>
329          <td>
330            <label class="inline checkbox">
331              <input type="checkbox" data-name="dept_access_alerts" value="1" />
332              <?php echo __('Alerts'); ?>
333            </label>
334            <a href="#" class="pull-right drop-access" title="<?php echo __('Delete');
335              ?>"><i class="icon-trash"></i></a>
336          </td>
337        </tr>
338      </tbody>
339      <tbody>
340        <tr class="header">
341          <th colspan="3">
342            <?php echo __('Extended Access'); ?>
343          </th>
344        </tr>
346$depts = Dept::getDepartments();
347foreach ($staff->dept_access as $dept_access) {
348  unset($depts[$dept_access->dept_id]);
351        <tr id="add_extended_access">
352          <td colspan="2">
353            <i class="icon-plus-sign"></i>
354            <select id="add_access" data-quick-add="department">
355              <option value="0">&mdash; <?php echo __('Select Department');?> &mdash;</option>
356              <?php
357              foreach ($depts as $id=>$name) {
358                echo sprintf('<option value="%d">%s</option>',$id,Format::htmlchars($name));
359              }
360              ?>
361              <option value="0" data-quick-add>&mdash; <?php echo __('Add New');?> &mdash;</option>
362            </select>
363            <button type="button" class="green button">
364              <?php echo __('Add'); ?>
365            </button>
366          </td>
367        </tr>
368      </tbody>
369    </table>
370  </div>
372  <!-- ================= PERMISSIONS ====================== -->
374  <div id="permissions" class="hidden">
376    $permissions = array();
377    foreach (RolePermission::allPermissions() as $g => $perms) {
378        foreach ($perms as $k=>$P) {
379            if (!$P['primary'])
380                continue;
381            if (!isset($permissions[$g]))
382                $permissions[$g] = array();
383            $permissions[$g][$k] = $P;
384        }
385    }
387    <ul class="alt tabs">
389    $first = true;
390    foreach ($permissions as $g => $perms) { ?>
391      <li <?php if ($first) { echo 'class="active"'; $first=false; } ?>>
392        <a href="#<?php echo Format::slugify($g); ?>"><?php echo Format::htmlchars(__($g));?></a>
393      </li>
394<?php } ?>
395    </ul>
397    $first = true;
398    foreach ($permissions as $g => $perms) { ?>
399    <div class="tab_content <?php if (!$first) { echo 'hidden'; } else { $first = false; }
400      ?>" id="<?php echo Format::slugify($g); ?>">
401      <table class="table">
402<?php foreach ($perms as $k => $v) { ?>
403        <tr>
404          <td>
405            <label>
406            <?php
407            echo sprintf('<input type="checkbox" name="perms[]" value="%s" %s />',
408              $k, ($staff->hasPerm($k)) ? 'checked="checked"' : '');
409            ?>
410            &nbsp;
411            <?php echo Format::htmlchars(__($v['title'])); ?>
412413            <em><?php echo Format::htmlchars(__($v['desc'])); ?></em>
414           </label>
415          </td>
416        </tr>
417<?php   } ?>
418      </table>
419    </div>
420<?php } ?>
421  </div>
423  <!-- ============== TEAM MEMBERSHIP =================== -->
425  <div class="hidden tab_content" id="teams">
426    <table class="table two-column" width="100%">
427      <tbody>
428        <tr class="header">
429          <th colspan="2">
430            <?php echo __('Assigned Teams'); ?>
431            <div><small><?php echo __(
432            "Agent will have access to tickets assigned to a team they belong to regardless of the ticket's department. Alerts can be enabled for each associated team."
433            ); ?>
434            </small></div>
435          </th>
436        </tr>
438$teams = Team::getTeams();
439foreach ($staff->teams as $TM) {
440  unset($teams[$TM->team_id]);
443        <tr id="join_team">
444          <td colspan="2">
445            <i class="icon-plus-sign"></i>
446            <select id="add_team" data-quick-add="team">
447              <option value="0">&mdash; <?php echo __('Select Team');?> &mdash;</option>
448              <?php
449              foreach ($teams as $id=>$name) {
450                echo sprintf('<option value="%d">%s</option>',$id,Format::htmlchars($name));
451              }
452              ?>
453              <option value="0" data-quick-add>&mdash; <?php echo __('Add New');?> &mdash;</option>
454            </select>
455            <button type="button" class="green button">
456              <?php echo __('Add'); ?>
457            </button>
458          </td>
459        </tr>
460      </tbody>
461      <tbody>
462        <tr id="team_member_template" class="hidden">
463          <td>
464            <input type="hidden" data-name="teams[]" value="" />
465          </td>
466          <td>
467            <label>
468              <input type="checkbox" data-name="team_alerts" value="1" />
469              <?php echo __('Alerts'); ?>
470            </label>
471            <a href="#" class="pull-right drop-membership" title="<?php echo __('Delete');
472              ?>"><i class="icon-trash"></i></a>
473          </td>
474        </tr>
475      </tbody>
476    </table>
477  </div>
479  <!-- ============== Audits =================== -->
480<?php Signal::send('agent.audit', $staff, $extras); ?>
482  <p style="text-align:center;">
483      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo $submit_text; ?>">
484      <input type="reset"  name="reset"  value="<?php echo __('Reset');?>">
485      <input type="button" name="cancel" value="<?php echo __('Cancel');?>" onclick="window.history.go(-1);">
486  </p>
489<script type="text/javascript">
490var addAccess = function(daid, name, role, alerts, error) {
491  if (!daid) return;
492  var copy = $('#extended_access_template').clone();
494  copy.find('[data-name=dept_access\\[\\]]')
495    .attr('name', 'dept_access[]')
496    .val(daid);
497  copy.find('[data-name^=dept_access_role]')
498    .attr('name', 'dept_access_role['+daid+']')
499    .val(role || 0);
500  copy.find('[data-name^=dept_access_alerts]')
501    .attr('name', 'dept_access_alerts['+daid+']')
502    .prop('checked', alerts);
503  copy.find('td:first').append(document.createTextNode(name));
504  copy.attr('id', '').show().insertBefore($('#add_extended_access'));
505  copy.removeClass('hidden')
506  if (error)
507      $('<div class="error">').text(error).appendTo(copy.find('td:last'));
508  copy.find('a.drop-access').click(function() {
509    $('#add_access').append(
510      $('<option>')
511        .attr('value', copy.find('input[name^=dept_access][type=hidden]').val())
512        .text(copy.find('td:first').text())
513    );
514    copy.fadeOut(function() { $(this).remove(); });
515    return false;
516  });
519$('#add_extended_access').find('button').on('click', function() {
520  var selected = $('#add_access').find(':selected'),
521      id = parseInt(selected.val());
522  if (!id)
523      return;
524  addAccess(id, selected.text(), 0, true);
525  selected.remove();
526  return false;
529var joinTeam = function(teamid, name, alerts, error) {
530  if (!teamid) return;
531  var copy = $('#team_member_template').clone();
533  copy.find('[data-name=teams\\[\\]]')
534    .attr('name', 'teams[]')
535    .val(teamid);
536  copy.find('[data-name^=team_alerts]')
537    .attr('name', 'team_alerts['+teamid+']')
538    .prop('checked', alerts);
539  copy.find('td:first').append(document.createTextNode(name));
540  copy.attr('id', '').show().insertBefore($('#join_team'));
541  copy.removeClass('hidden');
542  if (error)
543      $('<div class="error">').text(error).appendTo(copy.find('td:last'));
544  copy.find('a.drop-membership').click(function() {
545    $('#add_team').append(
546      $('<option>')
547        .attr('value', copy.find('input[name^=teams][type=hidden]').val())
548        .text(copy.find('td:first').text())
549    );
550    copy.fadeOut(function() { $(this).remove(); });
551    return false;
552  });
555$('#join_team').find('button').on('click', function() {
556  var selected = $('#add_team').find(':selected'),
557      id = parseInt(selected.val());
558  if (!id)
559      return;
560  joinTeam(id, selected.text(), true);
561  selected.remove();
562  return false;
567foreach ($staff->dept_access as $dept_access) {
568  if (!$dept_access->dept_id) continue;
569  echo sprintf('addAccess(%d, %s, %d, %d, %s);', $dept_access->dept_id,
570    JsonDataEncoder::encode($dept_access->dept->getName()),
571    $dept_access->role_id,
572    $dept_access->isAlertsEnabled(),
573    JsonDataEncoder::encode(@$errors['dept_access'][$dept_access->dept_id])
574  );
577foreach ($staff->teams as $member) {
578  if (!$member->team) continue;
579  echo sprintf('joinTeam(%d, %s, %d, %s);', $member->team_id,
580    JsonDataEncoder::encode($member->team->getName()),
581    $member->isAlertsEnabled(),
582    JsonDataEncoder::encode(@$errors['teams'][$member->team_id])
583  );