1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.7.2" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>HTTP_Request</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests</summary>
6 <description>Supports GET/POST/HEAD/TRACE/PUT/DELETE, Basic authentication, Proxy,
7Proxy Authentication, SSL, file uploads etc.</description>
8 <lead>
9  <name>Richard Heyes</name>
10  <user>richard</user>
11  <email>richard@php.net</email>
12  <active>no</active>
13 </lead>
14 <lead>
15  <name>Alexey Borzov</name>
16  <user>avb</user>
17  <email>avb@php.net</email>
18  <active>yes</active>
19 </lead>
20 <date>2008-11-17</date>
21 <time>16:53:59</time>
22 <version>
23  <release>1.4.4</release>
24  <api>1.4.0</api>
25 </version>
26 <stability>
27  <release>stable</release>
28  <api>stable</api>
29 </stability>
30 <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
31 <notes>Development of HTTP_Request package is halted, only bug fixing will be done.
32Please submit feature requests for HTTP_Request2 package.
35  * Improved memory usage of _buildRequest() method (bug #14574)
36  * Clarified documentation for addFile() method to mention that it is useful
37    only for POST method file uploads (bug #14635)
38  * Do not send &quot;Content-Length: 0&quot; header for methods other than
39    POST and PUT, as some servers may return error 400 (bug #14740)</notes>
40 <contents>
41  <dir name="/">
42   <file baseinstalldir="HTTP" md5sum="68487aa75c18b885eee7325d8e3dd158" name="docs/download-progress.php" role="doc" />
43   <file baseinstalldir="HTTP" md5sum="fe960afe6f17f428ec941217b6b9c1e8" name="docs/example.php" role="doc" />
44   <file baseinstalldir="HTTP" md5sum="77b53a700acc70a55713efd0642bc28a" name="Request/Listener.php" role="php">
45    <tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
46   </file>
47   <file baseinstalldir="HTTP" md5sum="d8e17e102a7a321dcf01d3368d9ecc34" name="Request.php" role="php">
48    <tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
49   </file>
50  </dir>
51 </contents>
52 <dependencies>
53  <required>
54   <php>
55    <min>4.2.0</min>
56   </php>
57   <pearinstaller>
58    <min>1.4.3</min>
59   </pearinstaller>
60   <package>
61    <name>Net_URL</name>
62    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
63    <min>1.0.12</min>
64   </package>
65   <package>
66    <name>Net_Socket</name>
67    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
68    <min>1.0.7</min>
69   </package>
70  </required>
71 </dependencies>
72 <phprelease />
73 <changelog>
74  <release>
75   <version>
76    <release>1.4.3</release>
77    <api>1.4.0</api>
78   </version>
79   <stability>
80    <release>stable</release>
81    <api>stable</api>
82   </stability>
83   <date>2008-07-21</date>
84   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
85   <notes>* Added possibility to get reason phrase from HTTP response (request #12352)
86* PHP 4.2.0 should be the minimal PHP version (bug #12354), also updated other
87  dependencies&apos; versions to saner values
88* Send a Content-Length header in request even if body is empty (request #12900)
89* Do not pass length parameter to gzinflate(), it could cause problems in some
90  corner cases (bugs #13135, #14370)
91* Return an error if trying to do a HTTPS request without OpenSSL support
92  (bug #14127)
93* Do not stop reading chunked response body prematurely (bug #14200)</notes>
94  </release>
95  <release>
96   <version>
97    <release>1.4.2</release>
98    <api>1.4.0</api>
99   </version>
100   <stability>
101    <release>stable</release>
102    <api>stable</api>
103   </stability>
104   <date>2007-10-26</date>
105   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
106   <notes>* The final CRLF was not properly added to request headers on POST request
107  with no post data (Thanks to Brock Weaver)
108* Added error codes (request #12335, thanks to Joe Stump for the patch)
109* HTTP_Request sent broken requests on redirects with no trailing slash
110  (bug #12308, thanks to Joe Stump for the patch)
111* Requests with a body consisting of only a symbol &apos;0&apos; were sent without body
112  (reported privately by Sam Ghods)
113* download-progress.php example was broken since 1.4.0 due to addition of
114  &apos;connect&apos; and &apos;disconnect&apos; events. Now works again.</notes>
115  </release>
116  <release>
117   <version>
118    <release>1.4.1</release>
119    <api>1.4.0</api>
120   </version>
121   <stability>
122    <release>stable</release>
123    <api>stable</api>
124   </stability>
125   <date>2007-05-18</date>
126   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
127   <notes>* Removed bogus parameter for getURL() (Bug #9586, thanks to Martin Jansen)
128* Improved API documentation (Bug #9984, thanks to Martin Jansen)
129* Fixed wrong Content-Length if using mbstring function overloading (bug #10605)
130* Fixed bogus &quot;data CRC check failed&quot; error on 64-bit systems (bug #10790,
131  thanks to Bill Moran)
132* Redone the way package handles mbstring function overloading, this will allow
133  using gzip Content-Encoding when said overloading is switched on
134* Added proper header comment blocks, improved phpdoc comments</notes>
135  </release>
136  <release>
137   <version>
138    <release>1.4.0</release>
139    <api>1.4.0</api>
140   </version>
141   <stability>
142    <release>stable</release>
143    <api>stable</api>
144   </stability>
145   <date>2006-10-25</date>
146   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
147   <notes>* Added Keep-Alive support (request #4806), thanks to Justin Patrin for the
148  initial patch. Please note that &quot;Connection: close&quot; header is still added
149  by default, you need to explicitly add &quot;Connection: Keep-Alive&quot; header or
150  remove &quot;Connection&quot; header if using HTTP 1.1
151* A new disconnect() method was added which forces disconnection from the
152  server if Keep-Alive is used. Also two new events are sent to the Listeners:
153  &quot;connect&quot; and &quot;disconnect&quot;
154* Added getUrl() method (request #6589)
155* Added method to properly parse header of gzip-encoded data (see RFC 1952).
156  This takes care of situations when the server adds some additional data
157  to the header (bug #8245) or sends data that is not gzip-encoded when
158  &quot;Content-Encoding: gzip&quot; header is present (bug #8213)
159* &quot;Proxy-Authorization&quot; header is now properly set by constructor
160  (bug #5913)
161* Fixed doc comments mentioning addBody() method instead of proper setBody()
162  (bug #5969)
163* Fixed erroneous removal of &quot;Content-Type&quot; header from request
164  (bug #7922)
165* Bogus HTTP headers are now ignored (bug #8214)
166* Path is set to &quot;/&quot; if an URL without path (http://www.example.com)
167  is given (bug #8662)
168* Moved to package.xml version 2.0</notes>
169  </release>
170  <release>
171   <version>
172    <release>1.3.0</release>
173    <api>1.3.0</api>
174   </version>
175   <stability>
176    <release>stable</release>
177    <api>stable</api>
178   </stability>
179   <date>2005-11-06</date>
180   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
181   <notes>* All request and response headers are now treated case-insensitively,
182  per RFC 2616 (bug #1045, bug #4367).
183* Values of multiple response headers with the same name are combined
184  into a comma-separated string per RFC 2616 (bug #1045)
185* Generate proper closing boundary for multipart/form-data requests,
186  per RFC 1521 (bug #4397)
187* magic_quotes_runtime directive is switched off when performing the
188  request since it may break file uploads and chunked responses (bug #4543)
189* Response::_readChunked() will finish on zero-length chunk rather than
190  socket eof (patch from bug #3037)
191* Added HTTP_Request::setBody() method, deprecated addRawPostData() due to
192  misleading name. The request body will be sent with all request methods
193  except those that explicitly forbid this (e.g. TRACE). Data set via
194  addPostData() / addFile() will only be sent with POST (see request #4716)</notes>
195  </release>
196  <release>
197   <version>
198    <release>1.2.4</release>
199    <api>1.2.4</api>
200   </version>
201   <stability>
202    <release>stable</release>
203    <api>stable</api>
204   </stability>
205   <date>2004-12-30</date>
206   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
207   <notes>* Notice was raised when processing a response containing secure
208  cookies (bug #2741)
209* Warning was raised when processing a response with empty body and
210  chunked Transfer-encoding (bug #2792)
211* Improved inline documentation on constructor parameters (bug #2751)</notes>
212  </release>
213  <release>
214   <version>
215    <release>1.2.3</release>
216    <api>1.2.3</api>
217   </version>
218   <stability>
219    <release>stable</release>
220    <api>stable</api>
221   </stability>
222   <date>2004-10-01</date>
223   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
224   <notes>* Auth information is properly extracted from URLs of the form http://user:pass@host/
225  (bug #1507)
226* Connection to server is closed after performing request (bug #1692)
227* Use correct argument separator for generated query stings (bug #1857, see
228  also bug #704 for Net_URL)
229* Do not use gzip encoding if certain string functions are overloaded by
230  mbstring extension (bug #1781)
231* addPostData() now properly handles multidimensional arrays (bug #2233)</notes>
232  </release>
233  <release>
234   <version>
235    <release>1.2.2</release>
236    <api>1.2.2</api>
237   </version>
238   <stability>
239    <release>stable</release>
240    <api>stable</api>
241   </stability>
242   <date>2004-05-19</date>
243   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
244   <notes>Bug fixes:
245* Fixed #1037 (unable to connect to port 80 through HTTPS). This relies
246  on fix for Net_URL bug #1036, thus Net_URL 1.0.12 is now required.
247* Fixed #1333 (sending POST data on non-POST requests).
248* Fixed #1433 (overwriting the variable name when adding multiple files
249  for upload).</notes>
250  </release>
251  <release>
252   <version>
253    <release>1.2.1</release>
254    <api>1.2.1</api>
255   </version>
256   <stability>
257    <release>stable</release>
258    <api>stable</api>
259   </stability>
260   <date>2004-04-29</date>
261   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
262   <notes>Additions and changes:
263 * Applied patch from #851 (First parameter of constructor is now optional)
264 * Implemented #526 (It is now possible to set timeout on socket, via
265   parameter readTimeout)
266 * Implemented #1141 (It is now possible to pass options to socket via
267   parameter socketOptions, Net_Socket 1.0.2 is needed for this functionality)
270 * Fixed #842 (Doc comments incorrectly described the possible return values)
271 * Fixed #1152 (Incorrect handling of cookies with &apos;=&apos; in value)
272 * Fixed #1158 (Cookie parameters are not necessarily lowercase)
273 * Fixed #1080 (Cookies should not be urlencoded/urldecoded)</notes>
274  </release>
275  <release>
276   <version>
277    <release>1.2</release>
278    <api>1.2</api>
279   </version>
280   <stability>
281    <release>stable</release>
282    <api>stable</api>
283   </stability>
284   <date>2003-10-27</date>
285   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
286   <notes>Feature additions:
287 * Support for multipart/form-data POST requests and file uploads (partly based on Christian Stocker&apos;s work)
288 * Brackets [] after array variables are optional (on by default, controlled by useBrackets parameter)
289 * HTTP_Request now implements a Subject-Observer design pattern. It is possible to add Listeners
290   to the Request object to e.g. draw a progress bar when downloading a large file. This is partly
291   based on Stefan Walk&apos;s work. A usage example for this is available.
293Migration to 1.2:
294 * Redirect support is now OFF by default
295 * Redirect support is DEPRECATED
296 * Methods clearCookies(), clearPostData(), reset() are DEPRECATED
299 * Fixed PEAR bug #18 (Lowercased headers, fix by Dave Mertens)
300 * Fixed PEAR bug #131 (Domain without trailing slash)
301 * Fixed PHP bug #25486 (100 Continue handling)
302 * Fixed PEAR bug #150 (Notices being generated)
303 * Fixed problems with HTTP responses without bodies</notes>
304  </release>
305  <release>
306   <version>
307    <release>1.1.1</release>
308    <api>1.1.1</api>
309   </version>
310   <stability>
311    <release>stable</release>
312    <api>stable</api>
313   </stability>
314   <date>2003-01-30</date>
315   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
316   <notes>Added redirect support. Net_URL 1.0.7 is now required.</notes>
317  </release>
318  <release>
319   <version>
320    <release>1.1.0</release>
321    <api>1.1.0</api>
322   </version>
323   <stability>
324    <release>stable</release>
325    <api>stable</api>
326   </stability>
327   <date>2003-01-20</date>
328   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
329   <notes>Added SSL support as long as you have PHP 4.3.0+ and the OpenSSL extension. Net_URL 1.0.6 is now required.</notes>
330  </release>
331  <release>
332   <version>
333    <release>1.0.2</release>
334    <api>1.0.2</api>
335   </version>
336   <stability>
337    <release>stable</release>
338    <api>stable</api>
339   </stability>
340   <date>2002-09-16</date>
341   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
342   <notes>Added cookie support</notes>
343  </release>
344  <release>
345   <version>
346    <release>1.0.1</release>
347    <api>1.0.1</api>
348   </version>
349   <stability>
350    <release>stable</release>
351    <api>stable</api>
352   </stability>
353   <date>2002-07-27</date>
354   <license uri="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
355   <notes>License change</notes>
356  </release>
357  <release>
358   <version>
359    <release>1.0</release>
360    <api>1.0</api>
361   </version>
362   <stability>
363    <release>stable</release>
364    <api>stable</api>
365   </stability>
366   <date>2002-02-17</date>
367   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
368   <notes>Initial release of the HTTP_Request package.</notes>
369  </release>
370 </changelog>