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LICENSEH A D16-Sep-201811.1 KiB

README.mdH A D16-Sep-20181.5 KiB

glob.goH A D16-Sep-20183 KiB

match.goH A D16-Sep-20181.5 KiB

match_test.goH A D16-Sep-20181.4 KiB

non_empty.goH A D16-Sep-20184.7 KiB

non_empty_bench_test.goH A D16-Sep-20183.4 KiB

non_empty_test.goH A D16-Sep-20181.7 KiB

simplify.goH A D16-Sep-20181.1 KiB

simplify_test.goH A D16-Sep-20181.2 KiB

test_samples.goH A D16-Sep-20182.1 KiB

tokenize.goH A D16-Sep-20186.3 KiB

tokenize_test.goH A D16-Sep-20182.2 KiB


1# glob-intersection
2Go package to check if the set of non-empty strings matched by the intersection of two regexp-style globs is non-empty.
4### Examples
5- `gintersect.NonEmpty("a.a.", ".b.b")` is `true` because both globs match the string `abab`.
6- `gintersect.NonEmpty("[a-z]+", "[0-9]*)` is `false` because there are no non-empty strings that both globs match.
8### Limitations
10- It is assumed that all input is rooted at the beginning and the end, i.e, starts and ends with the regexp symbols `^` and `$` respectively. This is done because any non-rooted expressions will always match a non-empty set of non-empty strings.
11- The only special symbols are:
12  - `.` for any character.
13  - `+` for 1 or more of the preceding expression.
14  - `*` for 0 or more of the preceding expression.
15  - `[` and `]` to define regexp-style character classes.
16  - `-` to specify Unicode ranges inside character class definitions.
17  - `\` escapes any special symbol, including itself.
19### Complexity
21Complexity is exponential in the number of flags (`+` or `*`) present in the glob with the smaller flag count.
22Benchmarks (see [`non_empty_bench_test.go`](/non_empty_bench_test.go)) reveal that inputs where one of the globs has <= 10 flags, and both globs have 100s of characters, will run in less than a nanosecond. This should be ok for most use cases.
24### Acknowledgements
26[This StackOverflow discussion](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18695727/algorithm-to-find-out-whether-the-matches-for-two-glob-patterns-or-regular-expr) for fleshing out the logic.