1User objects
4Authenticating against an external source is swell, but Django's auth module is
5tightly bound to a user model. When a user logs in, we have to create a model
6object to represent them in the database. Because the LDAP search is
7case-insensitive, the default implementation also searches for existing Django
8users with an iexact query and new users are created with lowercase usernames.
9See :meth:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.get_or_build_user` if you'd
10like to override this behavior. See
11:meth:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.get_user_model` if you'd like to
12substitute a proxy model.
14By default, lookups on existing users are done using the user model's
15:attr:`~django.contrib.auth.models.CustomUser.USERNAME_FIELD`. To lookup by a
16different field, use :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_USER_QUERY_FIELD`. When set, the
17username field is ignored.
19When using the default for lookups, the only required field for a user is the
20username. The default :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` model can be
21picky about the characters allowed in usernames, so
22:class:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend` includes a pair of hooks,
23:meth:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.ldap_to_django_username` and
24:meth:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.django_to_ldap_username`, to
25translate between LDAP usernames and Django usernames. You may need this, for
26example, if your LDAP names have periods in them. You can subclass
27:class:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend` to implement these hooks; by
28default the username is not modified. :class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User`
29objects that are authenticated by
30:class:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend` will have an ``ldap_username``
31attribute with the original (LDAP) username.
32:attr:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User.username` (or
33:meth:`~django.contrib.auth.models.AbstractBaseUser.get_username`) will, of
34course, be the Django username.
36.. note::
38    Users created by :class:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend` will have an
39    unusable password set. This will only happen when the user is created, so if
40    you set a valid password in Django, the user will be able to log in through
41    :class:`~django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend` (if configured) even if
42    they are rejected by LDAP. This is not generally recommended, but could be
43    useful as a fail-safe for selected users in case the LDAP server is
44    unavailable.
47Populating Users
50You can perform arbitrary population of your user models by adding listeners to
51the :mod:`Django signal <django:django.dispatch>`:
52:data:`django_auth_ldap.backend.populate_user`. This signal is sent after the
53user object has been constructed (but not necessarily saved) and any configured
54attribute mapping has been applied (see below). You can use this to propagate
55information from the LDAP directory to the user object any way you like. If you
56need the user object to exist in the database at this point, you can save it in
57your signal handler or override
58:meth:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.get_or_build_user`. In either case,
59the user instance will be saved automatically after the signal handlers are run.
61If you need an attribute that isn't included by default in the LDAP search
62results, see :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTRLIST`.
65Easy Attributes
68If you just want to copy a few attribute values directly from the user's LDAP
69directory entry to their Django user, the setting,
70:setting:`AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP`, makes it easy. This is a dictionary that
71maps user model keys, respectively, to (case-insensitive) LDAP attribute
74.. code-block:: python
76    AUTH_LDAP_USER_ATTR_MAP = {"first_name": "givenName", "last_name": "sn"}
78Only string fields can be mapped to attributes. Boolean fields can be defined by
79group membership:
81.. code-block:: python
84        "is_active": "cn=active,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
85        "is_staff": (
86            LDAPGroupQuery("cn=staff,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com")
87            | LDAPGroupQuery("cn=admin,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com")
88        ),
89        "is_superuser": "cn=superuser,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com",
90    }
92Values in this dictionary may be simple DNs (as strings), lists or tuples of
93DNs, or :class:`~django_auth_ldap.config.LDAPGroupQuery` instances. Lists are
94converted to queries joined by ``|``.
96Remember that if these settings don't do quite what you want, you can always use
97the signals described in the previous section to implement your own logic.
100Updating Users
103By default, all mapped user fields will be updated each time the user logs in.
104To disable this, set :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_ALWAYS_UPDATE_USER` to ``False``. If
105you need to populate a user outside of the authentication process—for example,
106to create associated model objects before the user logs in for the first
107time—you can call :meth:`django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.populate_user`.
108You'll need an instance of :class:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend`, which
109you should feel free to create yourself.
110:meth:`~django_auth_ldap.backend.LDAPBackend.populate_user` returns the
111:class:`~django.contrib.auth.models.User` or `None` if the user could not be
112found in LDAP.
114.. code-block:: python
116    from django_auth_ldap.backend import LDAPBackend
118    user = LDAPBackend().populate_user("alice")
119    if user is None:
120        raise Exception("No user named alice")
123.. _ldap_user:
125Direct Attribute Access
128If you need to access multi-value attributes or there is some other reason that
129the above is inadequate, you can also access the user's raw LDAP attributes.
130``user.ldap_user`` is an object with four public properties. The group
131properties are, of course, only valid if groups are configured.
133    * ``dn``: The user's distinguished name.
134    * ``attrs``: The user's LDAP attributes as a dictionary of lists of string
135      values. The dictionaries are modified to use case-insensitive keys.
136    * ``group_dns``: The set of groups that this user belongs to, as DNs.
137    * ``group_names``: The set of groups that this user belongs to, as simple
138      names. These are the names that will be used if
139      :setting:`AUTH_LDAP_MIRROR_GROUPS` is used.
141Python-ldap returns all attribute values as utf8-encoded strings. For
142convenience, this module will try to decode all values into Unicode strings. Any
143string that can not be successfully decoded will be left as-is; this may apply
144to binary values such as Active Directory's objectSid.