1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_download_manager.h"
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <tuple>
9 #include <utility>
11 #include "base/base64url.h"
12 #include "base/bind.h"
13 #include "base/command_line.h"
14 #include "base/location.h"
15 #include "base/logging.h"
16 #include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
17 #include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
18 #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
19 #include "base/numerics/ranges.h"
20 #include "base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
21 #include "base/rand_util.h"
22 #include "base/strings/strcat.h"
23 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
24 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
25 #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
26 #include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
27 #include "build/build_config.h"
28 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_driver.h"
29 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_metrics.h"
30 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/form_structure.h"
31 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/logging/log_manager.h"
32 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/logging/log_protobufs.h"
33 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/proto/legacy_proto_bridge.h"
34 #include "components/autofill/core/browser/proto/server.pb.h"
35 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_clock.h"
36 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_features.h"
37 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_internals/log_message.h"
38 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_internals/logging_scope.h"
39 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_prefs.h"
40 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_switches.h"
41 #include "components/autofill/core/common/autofill_tick_clock.h"
42 #include "components/autofill/core/common/logging/log_buffer.h"
43 #include "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom.h"
44 #include "components/google/core/common/google_util.h"
45 #include "components/history/core/browser/history_service.h"
46 #include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
47 #include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
48 #include "components/variations/net/variations_http_headers.h"
49 #include "net/base/load_flags.h"
50 #include "net/http/http_request_headers.h"
51 #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
52 #include "net/http/http_status_code.h"
53 #include "net/http/http_util.h"
54 #include "net/traffic_annotation/network_traffic_annotation.h"
55 #include "services/network/public/cpp/resource_request.h"
56 #include "services/network/public/cpp/shared_url_loader_factory.h"
57 #include "url/gurl.h"
59 namespace autofill {
61 namespace {
63 // The reserved identifier ranges for autofill server experiments.
64 constexpr std::pair<int, int> kAutofillExperimentRanges[] = {
65     {3312923, 3312930}, {3314208, 3314209}, {3314711, 3314712},
66     {3314445, 3314448}, {3314854, 3314883},
67 };
69 const size_t kMaxQueryGetSize = 1400;  // 1.25 KiB
70 const size_t kAutofillDownloadManagerMaxFormCacheSize = 16;
71 const size_t kMaxFieldsPerQueryRequest = 100;
73 const net::BackoffEntry::Policy kAutofillBackoffPolicy = {
74     // Number of initial errors (in sequence) to ignore before applying
75     // exponential back-off rules.
76     0,
78     // Initial delay for exponential back-off in ms.
79     1000,  // 1 second.
81     // Factor by which the waiting time will be multiplied.
82     2,
84     // Fuzzing percentage. ex: 10% will spread requests randomly
85     // between 90%-100% of the calculated time.
86     0.33,  // 33%.
88     // Maximum amount of time we are willing to delay our request in ms.
89     30 * 1000,  // 30 seconds.
91     // Time to keep an entry from being discarded even when it
92     // has no significant state, -1 to never discard.
93     -1,
95     // Don't use initial delay unless the last request was an error.
96     false,
97 };
99 const char kDefaultAutofillServerURL[] =
100     "https://clients1.google.com/tbproxy/af/";
102 // The default number of days after which to reset the registry of autofill
103 // events for which an upload has been sent.
104 constexpr base::FeatureParam<int> kAutofillUploadThrottlingPeriodInDays(
105     &features::kAutofillUploadThrottling,
106     switches::kAutofillUploadThrottlingPeriodInDays,
107     28);
109 // Header for API key.
110 constexpr char kGoogApiKey[] = "X-Goog-Api-Key";
111 // Header to get base64 encoded serialized proto from API for safety.
112 constexpr char kGoogEncodeResponseIfExecutable[] =
113     "X-Goog-Encode-Response-If-Executable";
115 constexpr char kDefaultAPIKey[] = "";
117 // The maximum number of attempts for a given autofill request.
118 constexpr base::FeatureParam<int> kAutofillMaxServerAttempts(
119     &features::kAutofillServerCommunication,
120     "max-attempts",
121     5);
123 // Returns the base URL for the autofill server.
GetAutofillServerURL()124 GURL GetAutofillServerURL() {
125   // If a valid autofill server URL is specified on the command line, then the
126   // AutofillDownlaodManager will use it, and assume that server communication
127   // is enabled.
128   const base::CommandLine& command_line =
129       *base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
130   if (command_line.HasSwitch(switches::kAutofillServerURL)) {
131     GURL url(command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kAutofillServerURL));
132     if (url.is_valid())
133       return url;
135     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid URL value for --" << switches::kAutofillServerURL
136                << ": "
137                << command_line.GetSwitchValueASCII(
138                       switches::kAutofillServerURL);
139   }
141   // If communication is disabled, leave the autofill server URL unset.
142   if (!base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kAutofillServerCommunication))
143     return GURL();
145   // Server communication is enabled. If there's an autofill server url param
146   // use it, otherwise use the default.
147   const std::string autofill_server_url_str =
148       base::FeatureParam<std::string>(&features::kAutofillServerCommunication,
149                                       switches::kAutofillServerURL,
150                                       kDefaultAutofillServerURL)
151           .Get();
153   GURL autofill_server_url(autofill_server_url_str);
155   if (!autofill_server_url.is_valid()) {
156     LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid URL param for "
157                << features::kAutofillServerCommunication.name << "/"
158                << switches::kAutofillServerURL << ": "
159                << autofill_server_url_str;
160     return GURL();
161   }
163   return autofill_server_url;
164 }
GetThrottleResetPeriod()166 base::TimeDelta GetThrottleResetPeriod() {
167   return base::TimeDelta::FromDays(
168       std::max(1, kAutofillUploadThrottlingPeriodInDays.Get()));
169 }
171 // Returns true if |id| is within |kAutofillExperimentRanges|.
IsAutofillExperimentId(int id)172 bool IsAutofillExperimentId(int id) {
173   for (const auto& range : kAutofillExperimentRanges) {
174     if (range.first <= id && id <= range.second)
175       return true;
176   }
177   return false;
178 }
180 // Helper to log the HTTP |response_code| and other data received for
181 // |request_type| to UMA.
LogHttpResponseData(AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType request_type,int response_code,int net_error,base::TimeDelta request_duration)182 void LogHttpResponseData(AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType request_type,
183                          int response_code,
184                          int net_error,
185                          base::TimeDelta request_duration) {
186   int response_or_error_code = net_error;
187   if (net_error == net::OK || net_error == net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE)
188     response_or_error_code = response_code;
190   switch (request_type) {
191     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY:
192       base::UmaHistogramSparse("Autofill.Query.HttpResponseOrErrorCode",
193                                response_or_error_code);
194       UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Autofill.Query.RequestDuration", request_duration);
195       break;
196     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD:
197       base::UmaHistogramSparse("Autofill.Upload.HttpResponseOrErrorCode",
198                                response_or_error_code);
199       UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("Autofill.Upload.RequestDuration", request_duration);
200       break;
201     default:
202       NOTREACHED();
203   }
204 }
206 // Helper to log, to UMA, the |num_bytes| sent for a failing instance of
207 // |request_type|.
LogFailingPayloadSize(AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType request_type,size_t num_bytes)208 void LogFailingPayloadSize(AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType request_type,
209                            size_t num_bytes) {
210   switch (request_type) {
211     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY:
212       UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100000("Autofill.Query.FailingPayloadSize",
213                                   num_bytes);
214       break;
215     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD:
216       UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100000("Autofill.Upload.FailingPayloadSize",
217                                   num_bytes);
218       break;
219     default:
220       NOTREACHED();
221   }
222 }
224 // Helper to log, to UMA, the |delay| caused by exponential backoff.
LogExponentialBackoffDelay(AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType request_type,base::TimeDelta delay)225 void LogExponentialBackoffDelay(
226     AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType request_type,
227     base::TimeDelta delay) {
228   switch (request_type) {
229     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY:
230       UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES("Autofill.Query.BackoffDelay", delay);
231       break;
232     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD:
233       UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES("Autofill.Upload.BackoffDelay", delay);
234       break;
235     default:
236       NOTREACHED();
237   }
238 }
GetNetworkTrafficAnnotation(const autofill::AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType & request_type)240 net::NetworkTrafficAnnotationTag GetNetworkTrafficAnnotation(
241     const autofill::AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType& request_type) {
242   if (request_type == autofill::AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY) {
243     return net::DefineNetworkTrafficAnnotation("autofill_query", R"(
244         semantics {
245           sender: "Autofill"
246           description:
247             "Chromium can automatically fill in web forms. If the feature is "
248             "enabled, Chromium will send a non-identifying description of the "
249             "form to Google's servers, which will respond with the type of "
250             "data required by each of the form's fields, if known. I.e., if a "
251             "field expects to receive a name, phone number, street address, "
252             "etc."
253           trigger: "User encounters a web form."
254           data:
255             "Hashed descriptions of the form and its fields. User data is not "
256             "sent."
257           destination: GOOGLE_OWNED_SERVICE
258         }
259         policy {
260           cookies_allowed: NO
261           setting:
262             "You can enable or disable this feature via 'Enable autofill to "
263             "fill out web forms in a single click.' in Chromium's settings "
264             "under 'Passwords and forms'. The feature is enabled by default."
265           chrome_policy {
266             AutoFillEnabled {
267                 policy_options {mode: MANDATORY}
268                 AutoFillEnabled: false
269             }
270           }
271         })");
272   }
274   DCHECK_EQ(request_type, autofill::AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD);
275   return net::DefineNetworkTrafficAnnotation("autofill_upload", R"(
276       semantics {
277         sender: "Autofill"
278         description:
279           "Chromium relies on crowd-sourced field type classifications to "
280           "help it automatically fill in web forms. If the feature is "
281           "enabled, Chromium will send a non-identifying description of the "
282           "form to Google's servers along with the type of data Chromium "
283           "observed being given to the form. I.e., if you entered your first "
284           "name into a form field, Chromium will 'vote' for that form field "
285           "being a first name field."
286         trigger: "User submits a web form."
287         data:
288           "Hashed descriptions of the form and its fields along with type of "
289           "data given to each field, if recognized from the user's "
290           "profile(s). User data is not sent."
291         destination: GOOGLE_OWNED_SERVICE
292       }
293       policy {
294         cookies_allowed: NO
295         setting:
296           "You can enable or disable this feature via 'Enable autofill to "
297           "fill out web forms in a single click.' in Chromium's settings "
298           "under 'Passwords and forms'. The feature is enabled by default."
299         chrome_policy {
300           AutoFillEnabled {
301               policy_options {mode: MANDATORY}
302               AutoFillEnabled: false
303           }
304         }
305       })");
306 }
308 size_t CountActiveFieldsInForms(const std::vector<FormStructure*>& forms) {
309   size_t active_field_count = 0;
310   for (const auto* form : forms)
311     active_field_count += form->active_field_count();
312   return active_field_count;
313 }
315 const char* RequestTypeToString(AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType type) {
316   switch (type) {
317     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY:
318       return "query";
319     case AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD:
320       return "upload";
321   }
323   return "";
324 }
326 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
327                          const autofill::AutofillQueryContents& query) {
328   out << "client_version: " << query.client_version();
329   for (const auto& form : query.form()) {
330     out << "\nForm\n signature: " << form.signature();
331     for (const auto& field : form.field()) {
332       out << "\n Field\n  signature: " << field.signature();
333       if (!field.name().empty())
334         out << "\n  name: " << field.name();
335       if (!field.type().empty())
336         out << "\n  type: " << field.type();
337     }
338   }
339   return out;
340 }
342 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
343                          const autofill::AutofillUploadContents& upload) {
344   out << "client_version: " << upload.client_version() << "\n";
345   out << "form_signature: " << upload.form_signature() << "\n";
346   out << "data_present: " << upload.data_present() << "\n";
347   out << "submission: " << upload.submission() << "\n";
348   if (upload.action_signature())
349     out << "action_signature: " << upload.action_signature() << "\n";
350   if (upload.login_form_signature())
351     out << "login_form_signature: " << upload.login_form_signature() << "\n";
352   if (!upload.form_name().empty())
353     out << "form_name: " << upload.form_name() << "\n";
355   for (const auto& field : upload.field()) {
356     out << "\n Field"
357         << "\n signature: " << field.signature() << "\n autofill_type: [";
358     for (int i = 0; i < field.autofill_type_size(); ++i) {
359       if (i)
360         out << ", ";
361       out << field.autofill_type(i);
362     }
363     out << "]";
365     out << "\n (autofill_type, validity_states): [";
366     for (const auto& type_validities : field.autofill_type_validities()) {
367       out << "(type: " << type_validities.type() << ", validities: {";
368       for (int i = 0; i < type_validities.validity_size(); ++i) {
369         if (i)
370           out << ", ";
371         out << type_validities.validity(i);
372       }
373       out << "})";
374     }
375     out << "]\n";
376     if (!field.name().empty())
377       out << "\n name: " << field.name();
378     if (!field.autocomplete().empty())
379       out << "\n autocomplete: " << field.autocomplete();
380     if (!field.type().empty())
381       out << "\n type: " << field.type();
382     if (field.generation_type())
383       out << "\n generation_type: " << field.generation_type();
384   }
385   return out;
386 }
388 std::string FieldTypeToString(int type) {
389   return base::StrCat(
390       {base::NumberToString(type), std::string("/"),
391        AutofillType(static_cast<ServerFieldType>(type)).ToString()});
392 }
394 LogBuffer& operator<<(LogBuffer& out,
395                       const autofill::AutofillUploadContents& upload) {
396   if (!out.active())
397     return out;
398   out << Tag{"div"} << Attrib{"class", "form"};
399   out << Tag{"table"};
400   out << Tr{} << "client_version:" << upload.client_version();
401   out << Tr{} << "data_present:" << upload.data_present();
402   out << Tr{} << "autofill_used:" << upload.autofill_used();
403   out << Tr{} << "submission:" << upload.submission();
404   if (upload.has_submission_event()) {
405     out << Tr{}
406         << "submission_event:" << static_cast<int>(upload.submission_event());
407   }
408   if (upload.action_signature())
409     out << Tr{} << "action_signature:" << upload.action_signature();
410   if (upload.login_form_signature())
411     out << Tr{} << "login_form_signature:" << upload.login_form_signature();
412   if (!upload.form_name().empty())
413     out << Tr{} << "form_name:" << upload.form_name();
414   if (upload.has_passwords_revealed())
415     out << Tr{} << "passwords_revealed:" << upload.passwords_revealed();
416   if (upload.has_has_form_tag())
417     out << Tr{} << "has_form_tag:" << upload.has_form_tag();
419   out << Tr{} << "form_signature:" << upload.form_signature();
420   for (const auto& field : upload.field()) {
421     out << Tr{} << Attrib{"style", "font-weight: bold"}
422         << "field_signature:" << field.signature();
424     std::vector<std::string> types_as_strings;
425     types_as_strings.reserve(field.autofill_type_size());
426     for (int type : field.autofill_type())
427       types_as_strings.emplace_back(FieldTypeToString(type));
428     out << Tr{} << "autofill_type:" << types_as_strings;
430     LogBuffer validities;
431     validities << Tag{"span"} << "[";
432     for (const auto& type_validities : field.autofill_type_validities()) {
433       validities << "(type: " << type_validities.type()
434                  << ", validities: " << type_validities.validity() << ")";
435     }
436     validities << "]";
437     out << Tr{} << "validity_states" << std::move(validities);
439     if (!field.name().empty())
440       out << Tr{} << "name:" << field.name();
441     if (!field.autocomplete().empty())
442       out << Tr{} << "autocomplete:" << field.autocomplete();
443     if (!field.type().empty())
444       out << Tr{} << "type:" << field.type();
445     if (field.generation_type()) {
446       out << Tr{}
447           << "generation_type:" << static_cast<int>(field.generation_type());
448     }
449   }
450   out << CTag{"table"};
451   out << CTag{"div"};
452   return out;
453 }
455 // Returns true if an upload of |form| triggered by |form.submission_source()|
456 // can be throttled/suppressed. This is true if |prefs| indicates that this
457 // upload has already happened within the last update window. Updates |prefs|
458 // account for the upload for |form|.
459 bool CanThrottleUpload(const FormStructure& form,
460                        base::TimeDelta throttle_reset_period,
461                        PrefService* pref_service) {
462   // PasswordManager uploads are triggered via specific first occurrences and
463   // do not participate in the pref-service tracked throttling mechanism. Return
464   // false for these uploads.
465   if (!pref_service)
466     return false;
468   // If the upload event pref needs to be reset, clear it now.
469   base::Time now = AutofillClock::Now();
470   base::Time last_reset =
471       pref_service->GetTime(prefs::kAutofillUploadEventsLastResetTimestamp);
472   if ((now - last_reset) > throttle_reset_period) {
473     AutofillDownloadManager::ClearUploadHistory(pref_service);
474   }
476   // Get the key for the upload bucket and extract the current bitfield value.
477   static constexpr size_t kNumUploadBuckets = 1021;
478   std::string key = base::StringPrintf(
479       "%03X", static_cast<int>(form.form_signature() % kNumUploadBuckets));
480   auto* upload_events =
481       pref_service->GetDictionary(prefs::kAutofillUploadEvents);
482   auto* found = upload_events->FindKeyOfType(key, base::Value::Type::INTEGER);
483   int value = found ? found->GetInt() : 0;
485   // Calculate the mask we expect to be set for the form's upload bucket.
486   const int bit = static_cast<int>(form.submission_source());
487   DCHECK_LE(0, bit);
488   DCHECK_LT(bit, 32);
489   const int mask = (1 << bit);
491   // Check if this is the first upload for this event. If so, update the upload
492   // event pref to set the appropriate bit.
493   bool is_first_upload_for_event = ((value & mask) == 0);
494   if (is_first_upload_for_event) {
495     DictionaryPrefUpdate update(pref_service, prefs::kAutofillUploadEvents);
496     update->SetKey(std::move(key), base::Value(value | mask));
497   }
499   return !is_first_upload_for_event;
500 }
502 // Determines whether to use the API instead of the legacy server.
503 inline bool UseApi() {
504   return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kAutofillUseApi);
505 }
507 // Determines whether a HTTP request was successful based on its response code.
508 bool IsHttpSuccess(int response_code) {
509   return (response_code >= 200 && response_code < 300);
510 }
512 // Gets an upload payload for requests to the legacy server.
513 inline bool GetUploadPayloadForLegacy(const AutofillUploadContents& upload,
514                                       std::string* payload) {
515   return upload.SerializeToString(payload);
516 }
518 bool GetUploadPayloadForApi(const AutofillUploadContents& upload,
519                             std::string* payload) {
520   AutofillUploadRequest upload_request;
521   *upload_request.mutable_upload() = upload;
522   return upload_request.SerializeToString(payload);
523 }
525 // Gets an API method URL given its type (query or upload), an optional
526 // resource ID, and the HTTP method to be used.
527 // Example usage:
528 // * GetAPIMethodUrl(REQUEST_QUERY, "1234", "GET") will return "/v1/pages/1234".
529 // * GetAPIMethodUrl(REQUEST_QUERY, "1234", "POST") will return "/v1/pages:get".
530 // * GetAPIMethodUrl(REQUEST_UPLOAD, "", "POST") will return "/v1/forms:vote".
531 std::string GetAPIMethodUrl(AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType type,
532                             base::StringPiece resource_id,
533                             base::StringPiece method) {
534   const char* api_method_url;
535   if (type == AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY) {
536     if (method == "POST") {
537       api_method_url = "/v1/pages:get";
538     } else {
539       api_method_url = "/v1/pages";
540     }
541   } else if (type == AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD) {
542     api_method_url = "/v1/forms:vote";
543   } else {
544     // This should not be reached, but we never know.
545     NOTREACHED() << "Request of type " << type << " is invalid";
546     return "";
547   }
548   if (resource_id.empty()) {
549     return std::string(api_method_url);
550   }
551   return base::StrCat({api_method_url, "/", resource_id});
552 }
554 // Gets HTTP body payload for API POST request.
555 bool GetAPIBodyPayload(const std::string& payload,
556                        AutofillDownloadManager::RequestType type,
557                        std::string* output_payload) {
558   // Don't do anything for payloads not related to Query.
559   if (type != AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY) {
560     *output_payload = payload;
561     return true;
562   }
563   // Wrap query payload in a request proto to interface with API Query method.
564   AutofillPageResourceQueryRequest request;
565   request.set_serialized_request(payload);
566   if (!request.SerializeToString(output_payload)) {
567     return false;
568   }
569   return true;
570 }
572 // Gets the data payload for API Query (POST and GET).
573 bool GetAPIQueryPayload(const AutofillQueryContents& query,
574                         std::string* payload) {
575   std::string serialized_query;
576   if (!CreateApiRequestFromLegacyRequest(query).SerializeToString(
577           &serialized_query)) {
578     return false;
579   }
580   base::Base64UrlEncode(serialized_query,
581                         base::Base64UrlEncodePolicy::INCLUDE_PADDING, payload);
582   return true;
583 }
585 }  // namespace
587 struct AutofillDownloadManager::FormRequestData {
588   std::vector<std::string> form_signatures;
589   RequestType request_type;
590   std::string payload;
591   int num_attempts = 0;
592 };
ScopedActiveAutofillExperiments()594 ScopedActiveAutofillExperiments::ScopedActiveAutofillExperiments() {
595   AutofillDownloadManager::ResetActiveExperiments();
596 }
~ScopedActiveAutofillExperiments()598 ScopedActiveAutofillExperiments::~ScopedActiveAutofillExperiments() {
599   AutofillDownloadManager::ResetActiveExperiments();
600 }
602 std::vector<variations::VariationID>*
603     AutofillDownloadManager::active_experiments_ = nullptr;
AutofillDownloadManager(AutofillDriver * driver,Observer * observer,const std::string & api_key,LogManager * log_manager)605 AutofillDownloadManager::AutofillDownloadManager(AutofillDriver* driver,
606                                                  Observer* observer,
607                                                  const std::string& api_key,
608                                                  LogManager* log_manager)
609     : driver_(driver),
610       observer_(observer),
611       api_key_(api_key),
612       log_manager_(log_manager),
613       autofill_server_url_(GetAutofillServerURL()),
614       throttle_reset_period_(GetThrottleResetPeriod()),
615       max_form_cache_size_(kAutofillDownloadManagerMaxFormCacheSize),
616       loader_backoff_(&kAutofillBackoffPolicy) {
617   DCHECK(observer_);
618 }
AutofillDownloadManager(AutofillDriver * driver,Observer * observer)620 AutofillDownloadManager::AutofillDownloadManager(AutofillDriver* driver,
621                                                  Observer* observer)
622     : AutofillDownloadManager(driver,
623                               observer,
624                               kDefaultAPIKey,
625                               /*log_manager=*/nullptr) {}
627 AutofillDownloadManager::~AutofillDownloadManager() = default;
StartQueryRequest(const std::vector<FormStructure * > & forms)629 bool AutofillDownloadManager::StartQueryRequest(
630     const std::vector<FormStructure*>& forms) {
631   if (!IsEnabled())
632     return false;
634   // Do not send the request if it contains more fields than the server can
635   // accept.
636   if (CountActiveFieldsInForms(forms) > kMaxFieldsPerQueryRequest)
637     return false;
639   // Encode the query for the requested forms.
640   AutofillQueryContents query;
641   FormRequestData request_data;
642   if (!FormStructure::EncodeQueryRequest(forms, &request_data.form_signatures,
643                                          &query)) {
644     return false;
645   }
647   // The set of active autofill experiments is constant for the life of the
648   // process. We initialize and statically cache it on first use. Leaked on
649   // process termination.
650   if (active_experiments_ == nullptr)
651     InitActiveExperiments();
653   // Attach any active autofill experiments.
654   query.mutable_experiments()->Reserve(active_experiments_->size());
655   for (int id : *active_experiments_)
656     query.mutable_experiments()->Add(id);
658   // Get the query request payload.
659   std::string payload;
660   bool is_payload_serialized = UseApi() ? GetAPIQueryPayload(query, &payload)
661                                         : query.SerializeToString(&payload);
662   if (!is_payload_serialized) {
663     return false;
664   }
666   request_data.request_type = AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY;
667   request_data.payload = std::move(payload);
668   AutofillMetrics::LogServerQueryMetric(AutofillMetrics::QUERY_SENT);
670   std::string query_data;
671   if (CheckCacheForQueryRequest(request_data.form_signatures, &query_data)) {
672     DVLOG(1) << "AutofillDownloadManager: query request has been retrieved "
673              << "from the cache, form signatures: "
674              << GetCombinedSignature(request_data.form_signatures);
675     observer_->OnLoadedServerPredictions(std::move(query_data),
676                                          request_data.form_signatures);
677     return true;
678   }
680   DVLOG(1) << "Sending Autofill Query Request:\n" << query;
682   return StartRequest(std::move(request_data));
683 }
StartUploadRequest(const FormStructure & form,bool form_was_autofilled,const ServerFieldTypeSet & available_field_types,const std::string & login_form_signature,bool observed_submission,PrefService * prefs)685 bool AutofillDownloadManager::StartUploadRequest(
686     const FormStructure& form,
687     bool form_was_autofilled,
688     const ServerFieldTypeSet& available_field_types,
689     const std::string& login_form_signature,
690     bool observed_submission,
691     PrefService* prefs) {
692   if (!IsEnabled())
693     return false;
695   bool can_throttle_upload =
696       CanThrottleUpload(form, throttle_reset_period_, prefs);
697   bool throttling_is_enabled =
698       base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kAutofillUploadThrottling);
699   bool is_small_form = form.active_field_count() < 3;
700   bool allow_upload =
701       !(can_throttle_upload && (throttling_is_enabled || is_small_form));
702   AutofillMetrics::LogUploadEvent(form.submission_source(), allow_upload);
704   // For debugging purposes, even throttled uploads are logged. If no log
705   // manager is active, the function can exit early for throttled uploads.
706   bool needs_logging = log_manager_ && log_manager_->IsLoggingActive();
707   if (!needs_logging && !allow_upload)
708     return false;
710   AutofillUploadContents upload;
711   if (!form.EncodeUploadRequest(available_field_types, form_was_autofilled,
712                                 login_form_signature, observed_submission,
713                                 &upload)) {
714     return false;
715   }
717   // If this upload was a candidate for throttling, tag it and make sure that
718   // any throttling sensitive features are enforced.
719   if (can_throttle_upload) {
720     upload.set_was_throttleable(true);
722     // Don't send randomized metadata.
723     upload.clear_randomized_form_metadata();
724     for (auto& f : *upload.mutable_field()) {
725       f.clear_randomized_field_metadata();
726     }
727   }
729   // Get the POST payload that contains upload data.
730   std::string payload;
731   bool is_payload = UseApi() ? GetUploadPayloadForApi(upload, &payload)
732                              : GetUploadPayloadForLegacy(upload, &payload);
733   // Indicate that we could not serialize upload in the payload.
734   if (!is_payload) {
735     return false;
736   }
738   if (form.upload_required() == UPLOAD_NOT_REQUIRED) {
739     // If we ever need notification that upload was skipped, add it here.
740     return false;
741   }
743   FormRequestData request_data;
744   request_data.form_signatures.push_back(form.FormSignatureAsStr());
745   request_data.request_type = AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD;
746   request_data.payload = std::move(payload);
748   DVLOG(1) << "Sending Autofill Upload Request:\n" << upload;
749   if (log_manager_) {
750     log_manager_->Log() << LoggingScope::kAutofillServer
751                         << LogMessage::kSendAutofillUpload << Br{}
752                         << "Allow upload?: " << allow_upload << Br{}
753                         << "Data: " << Br{} << upload;
754   }
756   if (!allow_upload)
757     return false;
759   return StartRequest(std::move(request_data));
760 }
ClearUploadHistory(PrefService * pref_service)762 void AutofillDownloadManager::ClearUploadHistory(PrefService* pref_service) {
763   if (pref_service) {
764     pref_service->ClearPref(prefs::kAutofillUploadEvents);
765     pref_service->SetTime(prefs::kAutofillUploadEventsLastResetTimestamp,
766                           AutofillClock::Now());
767   }
768 }
GetPayloadLength(base::StringPiece payload) const770 size_t AutofillDownloadManager::GetPayloadLength(
771     base::StringPiece payload) const {
772   return payload.length();
773 }
GetRequestURLAndMethod(const FormRequestData & request_data) const775 std::tuple<GURL, std::string> AutofillDownloadManager::GetRequestURLAndMethod(
776     const FormRequestData& request_data) const {
777   std::string method("POST");
778   std::string query_str;
780   if (request_data.request_type == AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY) {
781     if (request_data.payload.length() <= kMaxQueryGetSize &&
782         base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kAutofillCacheQueryResponses)) {
783       method = "GET";
784       std::string base64_payload;
785       base::Base64UrlEncode(request_data.payload,
786                             base::Base64UrlEncodePolicy::INCLUDE_PADDING,
787                             &base64_payload);
788       base::StrAppend(&query_str, {"q=", base64_payload});
789     }
790     UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Autofill.Query.Method", (method == "GET") ? 0 : 1);
791   }
793   GURL::Replacements replacements;
794   replacements.SetQueryStr(query_str);
796   GURL url = autofill_server_url_
797                  .Resolve(RequestTypeToString(request_data.request_type))
798                  .ReplaceComponents(replacements);
799   return std::make_tuple(std::move(url), std::move(method));
800 }
802 std::tuple<GURL, std::string>
GetRequestURLAndMethodForApi(const FormRequestData & request_data) const803 AutofillDownloadManager::GetRequestURLAndMethodForApi(
804     const FormRequestData& request_data) const {
805   // ID of the resource to add to the API request URL. Nothing will be added if
806   // |resource_id| is empty.
807   std::string resource_id;
808   std::string method = "POST";
810   if (request_data.request_type == AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY) {
811     if (GetPayloadLength(request_data.payload) <= kMaxAPIQueryGetSize) {
812       resource_id = request_data.payload;
813       method = "GET";
814       UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Autofill.Query.ApiUrlIsTooLong", false);
815     } else {
816       UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Autofill.Query.ApiUrlIsTooLong", true);
817     }
818     UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Autofill.Query.Method", (method == "GET") ? 0 : 1);
819   }
821   // Make the canonical URL to query the API, e.g.,
822   // https://autofill.googleapis.com/v1/forms/1234?alt=proto.
823   GURL url = autofill_server_url_.Resolve(
824       GetAPIMethodUrl(request_data.request_type, resource_id, method));
826   // Add the query parameter to set the response format to a serialized proto.
827   url = net::AppendQueryParameter(url, "alt", "proto");
829   return std::make_tuple(std::move(url), std::move(method));
830 }
StartRequest(FormRequestData request_data)832 bool AutofillDownloadManager::StartRequest(FormRequestData request_data) {
833   scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> url_loader_factory =
834       driver_->GetURLLoaderFactory();
835   DCHECK(url_loader_factory);
837   // Get the URL and method to use for this request.
838   std::string method;
839   GURL request_url;
840   std::tie(request_url, method) =
841       UseApi() ? GetRequestURLAndMethodForApi(request_data)
842                : GetRequestURLAndMethod(request_data);
844   // Track the URL length for GET queries because the URL length can be in the
845   // thousands when rich metadata is enabled.
846   if (request_data.request_type == AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY &&
847       method == "GET") {
848     UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100000("Autofill.Query.GetUrlLength",
849                                 request_url.spec().length());
850   }
852   auto resource_request = std::make_unique<network::ResourceRequest>();
853   resource_request->url = request_url;
854   resource_request->credentials_mode = network::mojom::CredentialsMode::kOmit;
855   resource_request->method = method;
857   // On iOS we have a single, shared URLLoaderFactory provided by BrowserState.
858   // As it is shared, it is not trusted and we cannot assign trusted_params
859   // to the network request.
860 #if !defined(OS_IOS)
861   resource_request->trusted_params = network::ResourceRequest::TrustedParams();
862   resource_request->trusted_params->network_isolation_key =
863       driver_->NetworkIsolationKey();
864 #endif
866   // Add Chrome experiment state to the request headers.
867   variations::AppendVariationsHeaderUnknownSignedIn(
868       request_url,
869       driver_->IsIncognito() ? variations::InIncognito::kYes
870                              : variations::InIncognito::kNo,
871       resource_request.get());
873   // Set headers specific to the API if using it.
874   if (UseApi())
875     // Encode response serialized proto in base64 for safety.
876     resource_request->headers.SetHeader(kGoogEncodeResponseIfExecutable,
877                                         "base64");
879   // Put API key in request's header if a key exists, and the endpoint is
880   // trusted by Google.
881   if (!api_key_.empty() && request_url.SchemeIs(url::kHttpsScheme) &&
882       google_util::IsGoogleAssociatedDomainUrl(request_url)) {
883     resource_request->headers.SetHeader(kGoogApiKey, api_key_);
884   }
886   auto simple_loader = network::SimpleURLLoader::Create(
887       std::move(resource_request),
888       GetNetworkTrafficAnnotation(request_data.request_type));
890   // This allows reading the error message within the API response when status
891   // is not 200 (e.g., 400). Otherwise, URL loader will not give any content in
892   // the response when there is a failure, which makes debugging hard.
893   simple_loader->SetAllowHttpErrorResults(true);
895   if (method == "POST") {
896     const std::string content_type =
897         UseApi() ? "application/x-protobuf" : "text/proto";
898     std::string payload;
899     if (UseApi()) {
900       if (!GetAPIBodyPayload(request_data.payload, request_data.request_type,
901                              &payload)) {
902         return false;
903       }
904     } else {
905       payload = request_data.payload;
906     }
907     // Attach payload data and add data format header.
908     simple_loader->AttachStringForUpload(payload, content_type);
909   }
911   // Transfer ownership of the loader into url_loaders_. Temporarily hang
912   // onto the raw pointer to use it as a key and to kick off the request;
913   // transferring ownership (std::move) invalidates the |simple_loader|
914   // variable.
915   auto* raw_simple_loader = simple_loader.get();
916   url_loaders_.push_back(std::move(simple_loader));
917   raw_simple_loader->DownloadToStringOfUnboundedSizeUntilCrashAndDie(
918       url_loader_factory.get(),
919       base::BindOnce(&AutofillDownloadManager::OnSimpleLoaderComplete,
920                      base::Unretained(this), std::move(--url_loaders_.end()),
921                      std::move(request_data), AutofillTickClock::NowTicks()));
922   return true;
923 }
CacheQueryRequest(const std::vector<std::string> & forms_in_query,const std::string & query_data)925 void AutofillDownloadManager::CacheQueryRequest(
926     const std::vector<std::string>& forms_in_query,
927     const std::string& query_data) {
928   std::string signature = GetCombinedSignature(forms_in_query);
929   for (auto it = cached_forms_.begin(); it != cached_forms_.end(); ++it) {
930     if (it->first == signature) {
931       // We hit the cache, move to the first position and return.
932       std::pair<std::string, std::string> data = *it;
933       cached_forms_.erase(it);
934       cached_forms_.push_front(data);
935       return;
936     }
937   }
938   std::pair<std::string, std::string> data;
939   data.first = signature;
940   data.second = query_data;
941   cached_forms_.push_front(data);
942   while (cached_forms_.size() > max_form_cache_size_)
943     cached_forms_.pop_back();
944 }
CheckCacheForQueryRequest(const std::vector<std::string> & forms_in_query,std::string * query_data) const946 bool AutofillDownloadManager::CheckCacheForQueryRequest(
947     const std::vector<std::string>& forms_in_query,
948     std::string* query_data) const {
949   std::string signature = GetCombinedSignature(forms_in_query);
950   for (const auto& it : cached_forms_) {
951     if (it.first == signature) {
952       // We hit the cache, fill the data and return.
953       *query_data = it.second;
954       return true;
955     }
956   }
957   return false;
958 }
GetCombinedSignature(const std::vector<std::string> & forms_in_query) const960 std::string AutofillDownloadManager::GetCombinedSignature(
961     const std::vector<std::string>& forms_in_query) const {
962   size_t total_size = forms_in_query.size();
963   for (size_t i = 0; i < forms_in_query.size(); ++i)
964     total_size += forms_in_query[i].length();
965   std::string signature;
967   signature.reserve(total_size);
969   for (size_t i = 0; i < forms_in_query.size(); ++i) {
970     if (i)
971       signature.append(",");
972     signature.append(forms_in_query[i]);
973   }
974   return signature;
975 }
977 // static
GetMaxServerAttempts()978 int AutofillDownloadManager::GetMaxServerAttempts() {
979   // This value is constant for the life of the browser, so we cache it
980   // statically on first use to avoid re-parsing the param on each retry
981   // opportunity.
982   static const int max_attempts =
983       base::ClampToRange(kAutofillMaxServerAttempts.Get(), 1, 20);
984   return max_attempts;
985 }
OnSimpleLoaderComplete(std::list<std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader>>::iterator it,FormRequestData request_data,base::TimeTicks request_start,std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body)987 void AutofillDownloadManager::OnSimpleLoaderComplete(
988     std::list<std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader>>::iterator it,
989     FormRequestData request_data,
990     base::TimeTicks request_start,
991     std::unique_ptr<std::string> response_body) {
992   // Move the loader out of the active loaders list.
993   std::unique_ptr<network::SimpleURLLoader> simple_loader = std::move(*it);
994   url_loaders_.erase(it);
996   CHECK(request_data.form_signatures.size());
997   int response_code = -1;  // Invalid response code.
998   if (simple_loader->ResponseInfo() && simple_loader->ResponseInfo()->headers) {
999     response_code = simple_loader->ResponseInfo()->headers->response_code();
1000   }
1002   // We define success as getting 2XX response code and having a response body.
1003   // Even if the server does not fill the response body when responding, the
1004   // corresponding response string will be at least instantiated and empty.
1005   // Having the response body a nullptr probably reflects a problem.
1006   const bool success =
1007       IsHttpSuccess(response_code) && (response_body != nullptr);
1008   loader_backoff_.InformOfRequest(success);
1010   LogHttpResponseData(request_data.request_type, response_code,
1011                       simple_loader->NetError(),
1012                       AutofillTickClock::NowTicks() - request_start);
1014   // Handle error if there is and return.
1015   if (!success) {
1016     std::string error_message =
1017         (response_body != nullptr) ? *response_body : "";
1018     DVLOG(1) << "AutofillDownloadManager: "
1019              << RequestTypeToString(request_data.request_type)
1020              << " request has failed with net error "
1021              << simple_loader->NetError() << " and HTTP response code "
1022              << response_code << " and error message from the server "
1023              << error_message;
1025     observer_->OnServerRequestError(request_data.form_signatures[0],
1026                                     request_data.request_type, response_code);
1028     LogFailingPayloadSize(request_data.request_type,
1029                           request_data.payload.length());
1031     // If the failure was a client error don't retry.
1032     if (response_code >= 400 && response_code <= 499)
1033       return;
1035     // If we've exhausted the maximum number of attempts, don't retry.
1036     if (++request_data.num_attempts >= GetMaxServerAttempts())
1037       return;
1039     base::TimeDelta backoff = loader_backoff_.GetTimeUntilRelease();
1040     LogExponentialBackoffDelay(request_data.request_type, backoff);
1042     // Reschedule with the appropriate delay, ignoring return value because
1043     // payload is already well formed.
1044     base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostDelayedTask(
1045         FROM_HERE,
1046         base::BindOnce(
1047             base::IgnoreResult(&AutofillDownloadManager::StartRequest),
1048             weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), std::move(request_data)),
1049         backoff);
1050     return;
1051   }
1053   if (request_data.request_type == AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_QUERY) {
1054     CacheQueryRequest(request_data.form_signatures, *response_body);
1055     UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Autofill.Query.WasInCache",
1056                           simple_loader->LoadedFromCache());
1057     observer_->OnLoadedServerPredictions(std::move(*response_body),
1058                                          request_data.form_signatures);
1059     return;
1060   }
1062   DCHECK_EQ(request_data.request_type, AutofillDownloadManager::REQUEST_UPLOAD);
1063   DVLOG(1) << "AutofillDownloadManager: upload request has succeeded.";
1065   observer_->OnUploadedPossibleFieldTypes();
1066 }
InitActiveExperiments()1068 void AutofillDownloadManager::InitActiveExperiments() {
1069   auto* variations_http_header_provider =
1070       variations::VariationsHttpHeaderProvider::GetInstance();
1071   DCHECK(variations_http_header_provider != nullptr);
1073   delete active_experiments_;
1074   active_experiments_ = new std::vector<variations::VariationID>(
1075       variations_http_header_provider->GetVariationsVector(
1076           variations::GOOGLE_WEB_PROPERTIES_TRIGGER));
1077   base::EraseIf(*active_experiments_, [](variations::VariationID id) {
1078     return !IsAutofillExperimentId(id);
1079   });
1080   std::sort(active_experiments_->begin(), active_experiments_->end());
1081 }
1083 // static
ResetActiveExperiments()1084 void AutofillDownloadManager::ResetActiveExperiments() {
1085   delete active_experiments_;
1086   active_experiments_ = nullptr;
1087 }
1089 }  // namespace autofill