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BUILD.gnH A D07-Nov-20201.3 KiB6657

DEPSH A D07-Nov-2020147 87

OWNERSH A D07-Nov-2020114 75

README.mdH A D07-Nov-2020947 2115

consent_auditor.hH A D07-Nov-20203.8 KiB10453

consent_auditor_impl.ccH A D07-Nov-20205.8 KiB161127

consent_auditor_impl.hH A D07-Nov-20203 KiB8968

consent_auditor_impl_unittest.ccH A D07-Nov-202016.7 KiB437334

consent_sync_bridge.hH A D07-Nov-2020966 3419

consent_sync_bridge_impl.ccH A D07-Nov-202011.2 KiB323254

consent_sync_bridge_impl.hH A D07-Nov-20204.4 KiB10572

consent_sync_bridge_impl_unittest.ccH A D07-Nov-202015.7 KiB419322

fake_consent_auditor.ccH A D07-Nov-20202.6 KiB7958

fake_consent_auditor.hH A D07-Nov-20204.3 KiB13396

pref_names.ccH A D07-Nov-2020378 146

pref_names.hH A D07-Nov-2020466 178


1# Consent Auditor
3The consent auditor component is a service containing methods used for
4recording and retrieving the records of the exact language the user consented to
5when enabling a feature.
7These methods should be called from any UI which enables a feature based on
8the user's consent, and record the consent language that the user has seen.
9If we later find out there was a mistranslation, need to expand the scope of
10a setting etc., we will know which users are affected.
12TO EMPHASIZE, these methods should ALWAYS be called from the corresponding UI,
13not from the backend code or pref change observers. The latter could cause
14the consent to be wrongfully recorded if feature was enabled through other
15means (through extensions, a new UI surface added, or even a bug).
17Consents related to local features will be stored in a local preference.
19Consents related to features for signed-in users will be stored in the user's
20Google account.