1# Configuration: Prefs, Settings, Features, Switches & Flags
3This document outlines all the runtime configuration surfaces of Chromium,
4and discusses appropriate uses and standard patterns for each of them. Some of
5these are intended for use by users, some by developers, and some by system
8## Prefs
10Example: prefs::kAllowDinosaurEasterEgg aka "allow_dinosaur_easter_egg"
12Prefs are implemented by registering them with a central pref service, usually
13via [Profile::RegisterProfilePrefs][profile-register]. They store typed values,
14which persist across restarts and may be synced between browser instances via
15the Sync service. There are several pref stores, which are documented in detail
16in the [prefs docs][prefs]. They can be directly configured via enterprise
21* *Are not* directly surfaced to the user
22* *Are not* localized into the user's language
23* *Are* configurable via enterprise policy
24* *Are not* reported via UMA when in use
25* *Are not* included in chrome://version
26* *Are* automatically persistent across restarts (usually)
28## Features
30Example: base::kDCheckIsFatalFeature
32These are implemented via creating a [base::Feature][base-feature] anywhere.
33These can be enabled via server-side experimentation or via the command-line
34using --enable-feature.  Which features are in use is tracked by UMA metrics,
35and is visible in chrome://version as the "Variations" field. Do note that in
36release builds, only a series of hashes show up in chrome://version rather than
37the string names of the variations, but these hashes can be turned back into
38string names if needed. This is done by consulting [the testing
39config][fieldtrial-config] for Chromium builds, or a Google-internal tool for
40Chrome builds.
42*Features are the best way to add runtime conditional behavior.*
46* *Are not* directly surfaced to the user
47* *Are not* localized into the user's language
48* *Are not* configurable via enterprise policy
49* *Are* reported via UMA/crash when in use
50* *Are* included in chrome://version
51* *Are not* automatically persistent across restarts
53## Switches
55Example: switches::kIncognito aka "--incognito"
57These are implemented by testing anywhere in the codebase for the presence or
58value of a switch in [base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess][base-commandline].
59There is no centralized registry of switches and they can be used for
60essentially any purpose.
64* *Are not* directly surfaced to the user
65* *Are not* localized into the user's language
66* *Are* configurable via enterprise policy
67* *Are not* reported via UMA when in use
68* *Are* included in chrome://version
69* *Are not* automatically persistent across restarts
71In general, switches are inferior to use of base::Feature, which has the same
72capabilities and low engineering overhead but ties into UMA reporting. New code
73should use base::Feature instead of switches. An exception to this is when the
74configuration value is a string, since features can't take an arbitrary string
77## Flags
79Example: chrome://flags/#ignore-gpu-blacklist
81These are implemented by adding an entry in [about_flags.cc][about-flags]
82describing the flag, as well as metadata in [flag-metadata][flag-metadata].
83Flags have a name and description, and show up in chrome://flags. Flags also
84have an expiration milestone, after which they will be hidden from that UI and
85disabled, then later removed. Flags are backed by either a feature or a set of
86switches, which they enable at browser startup depending on the value of the
89Flags should usually be temporary, to allow for pre-launch testing of a feature.
90Permanent flags (those with expiration -1) should only be used when either:
92* The flag is regularly used for support/debugging purposes, by asking users to
93  flip it to eliminate a possible problem (such as ignore-gpu-blacklist)
94* The flag is used for ongoing QA/test purposes in environments where command-line
95  switches can't be used (e.g. on mobile)
97"Users might need to turn the feature on/off" is not a sufficient justification
98for a permanent flag. If at all possible, we should design features such that
99users don't want or need to turn them off, but if we need to retain that choice,
100we should promote it to a full setting (see below) with translations and
101support.  "Developers/QA might need to turn the feature on/off", on the other
102hand, is justification for a permanent flag.
106* *Are* directly surfaced to the user
107* *Are not* localized into the user's language
108* *Are* configurable via enterprise policy
109* *Are* reported via UMA when in use (via Launch.FlagsAtStartup)
110* *Are not* included in chrome://version
111* *Are* automatically persistent across restarts
113## Settings
115Example: "Show home button"
117Settings are implemented in WebUI, and show up in chrome://settings or one of
118its subpages. They generally are bound to a pref which stores the value of that
119setting. These are comparatively expensive to add, since they require
120localization and some amount of UX involvement to figure out how to fit them
121into chrome://settings, plus documentation and support material. Many settings
122are implemented via prefs, but not all prefs correspond to settings; some are
123used for tracking internal browser state across restarts.
127* *Are* directly surfaced to the user
128* *Are* localized into the user's language
129* *Are not* configurable via enterprise policy (but their backing prefs may be)
130* *Are not* reported via UMA when in use
131* *Are not* included in chrome://version
132* *Are* automatically persistent across restarts (via their backing prefs)
134You should add a setting if end-users might want to change this behavior. A
135decent litmus test for whether something should be a flag or a setting is: "will
136someone who can't read or write code want to change this?"
138[base-commandline]: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/command_line.h?type=cs&l=98
139[base-feature]: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/base/feature_list.h?sq=package:chromium&g=0&l=53
140[about-flags]: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/browser/about_flags.cc
141[fieldtrial-config]: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/testing/variations/fieldtrial_testing_config.json
142[flag-metadata]: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/browser/flag-metadata.json
143[prefs]: https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/preferences
144[profile-register]: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/browser/profiles/profile.cc?type=cs&g=0&l=138