1 // Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "media/muxers/webm_muxer.h"
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <memory>
10 #include "base/bind.h"
11 #include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
12 #include "media/base/limits.h"
13 #include "media/base/video_frame.h"
14 #include "media/formats/common/opus_constants.h"
16 namespace media {
18 namespace {
WriteOpusHeader(const media::AudioParameters & params,uint8_t * header)20 void WriteOpusHeader(const media::AudioParameters& params, uint8_t* header) {
21   // See https://wiki.xiph.org/OggOpus#ID_Header.
22   // Set magic signature.
23   std::string label = "OpusHead";
24   memcpy(header + OPUS_EXTRADATA_LABEL_OFFSET, label.c_str(), label.size());
25   // Set Opus version.
27   // Set channel count.
28   DCHECK_LE(params.channels(), 2);
29   header[OPUS_EXTRADATA_CHANNELS_OFFSET] = params.channels();
30   // Set pre-skip
31   uint16_t skip = 0;
32   memcpy(header + OPUS_EXTRADATA_SKIP_SAMPLES_OFFSET, &skip, sizeof(uint16_t));
33   // Set original input sample rate in Hz.
34   uint32_t sample_rate = params.sample_rate();
35   memcpy(header + OPUS_EXTRADATA_SAMPLE_RATE_OFFSET, &sample_rate,
36          sizeof(uint32_t));
37   // Set output gain in dB.
38   uint16_t gain = 0;
39   memcpy(header + OPUS_EXTRADATA_GAIN_OFFSET, &gain, 2);
42 }
GetFrameRate(const WebmMuxer::VideoParameters & params)44 static double GetFrameRate(const WebmMuxer::VideoParameters& params) {
45   const double kZeroFrameRate = 0.0;
46   const double kDefaultFrameRate = 30.0;
48   double frame_rate = params.frame_rate;
49   if (frame_rate <= kZeroFrameRate ||
50       frame_rate > media::limits::kMaxFramesPerSecond) {
51     frame_rate = kDefaultFrameRate;
52   }
53   return frame_rate;
54 }
56 static const char kH264CodecId[] = "V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC";
57 static const char kPcmCodecId[] = "A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE";
MkvCodeIcForMediaVideoCodecId(VideoCodec video_codec)59 static const char* MkvCodeIcForMediaVideoCodecId(VideoCodec video_codec) {
60   switch (video_codec) {
61     case kCodecVP8:
62       return mkvmuxer::Tracks::kVp8CodecId;
63     case kCodecVP9:
64       return mkvmuxer::Tracks::kVp9CodecId;
65     case kCodecH264:
66       return kH264CodecId;
67     default:
68       NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported codec " << GetCodecName(video_codec);
69       return "";
70   }
71 }
ColorFromColorSpace(const gfx::ColorSpace & color)73 base::Optional<mkvmuxer::Colour> ColorFromColorSpace(
74     const gfx::ColorSpace& color) {
75   using mkvmuxer::Colour;
76   using MatrixID = gfx::ColorSpace::MatrixID;
77   using RangeID = gfx::ColorSpace::RangeID;
78   using TransferID = gfx::ColorSpace::TransferID;
79   using PrimaryID = gfx::ColorSpace::PrimaryID;
80   Colour colour;
81   int matrix_coefficients;
82   switch (color.GetMatrixID()) {
83     case MatrixID::BT709:
84       matrix_coefficients = Colour::kBt709;
85       break;
86     case MatrixID::BT2020_NCL:
87       matrix_coefficients = Colour::kBt2020NonConstantLuminance;
88       break;
89     default:
90       return base::nullopt;
91   }
92   colour.set_matrix_coefficients(matrix_coefficients);
93   int range;
94   switch (color.GetRangeID()) {
95     case RangeID::LIMITED:
96       range = Colour::kBroadcastRange;
97       break;
98     case RangeID::FULL:
99       range = Colour::kFullRange;
100       break;
101     default:
102       return base::nullopt;
103   }
104   colour.set_range(range);
105   int transfer_characteristics;
106   switch (color.GetTransferID()) {
107     case TransferID::BT709:
108       transfer_characteristics = Colour::kIturBt709Tc;
109       break;
110     case TransferID::IEC61966_2_1:
111       transfer_characteristics = Colour::kIec6196621;
112       break;
113     case TransferID::SMPTEST2084:
114       transfer_characteristics = Colour::kSmpteSt2084;
115       break;
116     default:
117       return base::nullopt;
118   }
119   colour.set_transfer_characteristics(transfer_characteristics);
120   int primaries;
121   switch (color.GetPrimaryID()) {
122     case PrimaryID::BT709:
123       primaries = Colour::kIturBt709P;
124       break;
125     case PrimaryID::BT2020:
126       primaries = Colour::kIturBt2020;
127       break;
128     default:
129       return base::nullopt;
130   }
131   colour.set_primaries(primaries);
132   return colour;
133 }
135 }  // anonymous namespace
VideoParameters(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame)137 WebmMuxer::VideoParameters::VideoParameters(
138     scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame)
139     : visible_rect_size(frame->visible_rect().size()),
140       frame_rate(0.0),
141       codec(kUnknownVideoCodec),
142       color_space(frame->ColorSpace()) {
143   ignore_result(frame->metadata()->GetDouble(VideoFrameMetadata::FRAME_RATE,
144                                              &frame_rate));
145 }
VideoParameters(gfx::Size visible_rect_size,double frame_rate,VideoCodec codec,base::Optional<gfx::ColorSpace> color_space)147 WebmMuxer::VideoParameters::VideoParameters(
148     gfx::Size visible_rect_size,
149     double frame_rate,
150     VideoCodec codec,
151     base::Optional<gfx::ColorSpace> color_space)
152     : visible_rect_size(visible_rect_size),
153       frame_rate(frame_rate),
154       codec(codec),
155       color_space(color_space) {}
157 WebmMuxer::VideoParameters::VideoParameters(const VideoParameters&) = default;
159 WebmMuxer::VideoParameters::~VideoParameters() = default;
WebmMuxer(AudioCodec audio_codec,bool has_video,bool has_audio,const WriteDataCB & write_data_callback)161 WebmMuxer::WebmMuxer(AudioCodec audio_codec,
162                      bool has_video,
163                      bool has_audio,
164                      const WriteDataCB& write_data_callback)
165     : audio_codec_(audio_codec),
166       video_codec_(kUnknownVideoCodec),
167       video_track_index_(0),
168       audio_track_index_(0),
169       has_video_(has_video),
170       has_audio_(has_audio),
171       write_data_callback_(write_data_callback),
172       position_(0),
173       force_one_libwebm_error_(false) {
174   DCHECK(has_video_ || has_audio_);
175   DCHECK(!write_data_callback_.is_null());
176   DCHECK(audio_codec == kCodecOpus || audio_codec == kCodecPCM)
177       << " Unsupported audio codec: " << GetCodecName(audio_codec);
179   segment_.Init(this);
180   segment_.set_mode(mkvmuxer::Segment::kLive);
181   segment_.OutputCues(false);
183   mkvmuxer::SegmentInfo* const info = segment_.GetSegmentInfo();
184   info->set_writing_app("Chrome");
185   info->set_muxing_app("Chrome");
187   // Creation is done on a different thread than main activities.
188   thread_checker_.DetachFromThread();
189 }
~WebmMuxer()191 WebmMuxer::~WebmMuxer() {
192   // No need to segment_.Finalize() since is not Seekable(), i.e. a live
193   // stream, but is a good practice.
194   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
195   FlushQueues();
196   segment_.Finalize();
197 }
OnEncodedVideo(const VideoParameters & params,std::string encoded_data,std::string encoded_alpha,base::TimeTicks timestamp,bool is_key_frame)199 bool WebmMuxer::OnEncodedVideo(const VideoParameters& params,
200                                std::string encoded_data,
201                                std::string encoded_alpha,
202                                base::TimeTicks timestamp,
203                                bool is_key_frame) {
204   DVLOG(1) << __func__ << " - " << encoded_data.size() << "B";
205   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
206   DCHECK(params.codec == kCodecVP8 || params.codec == kCodecVP9 ||
207          params.codec == kCodecH264)
208       << " Unsupported video codec: " << GetCodecName(params.codec);
209   DCHECK(video_codec_ == kUnknownVideoCodec || video_codec_ == params.codec)
210       << "Unsupported: codec switched, to: " << GetCodecName(params.codec);
212   if (encoded_data.size() == 0u) {
213     DLOG(WARNING) << __func__ << ": zero size encoded frame, skipping";
214     // Some encoders give sporadic zero-size data, see https://crbug.com/716451.
215     return true;
216   }
218   if (!video_track_index_) {
219     // |track_index_|, cannot be zero (!), initialize WebmMuxer in that case.
220     // http://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html#Tracks
221     video_codec_ = params.codec;
222     AddVideoTrack(params.visible_rect_size, GetFrameRate(params),
223                   params.color_space);
224     if (first_frame_timestamp_video_.is_null()) {
225       // Compensate for time in pause spent before the first frame.
226       first_frame_timestamp_video_ = timestamp - total_time_in_pause_;
227     }
228   }
230   // TODO(ajose): Support multiple tracks: http://crbug.com/528523
231   if (has_audio_ && !audio_track_index_) {
232     DVLOG(1) << __func__ << ": delaying until audio track ready.";
233     if (is_key_frame)  // Upon Key frame reception, empty the encoded queue.
234       video_frames_.clear();
235   }
236   const base::TimeTicks recorded_timestamp =
237       UpdateLastTimestampMonotonically(timestamp, &last_frame_timestamp_video_);
238   video_frames_.push_back(EncodedFrame{
239       std::move(encoded_data), std::move(encoded_alpha),
240       recorded_timestamp - first_frame_timestamp_video_, is_key_frame});
241   return PartiallyFlushQueues();
242 }
OnEncodedAudio(const media::AudioParameters & params,std::string encoded_data,base::TimeTicks timestamp)244 bool WebmMuxer::OnEncodedAudio(const media::AudioParameters& params,
245                                std::string encoded_data,
246                                base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
247   DVLOG(2) << __func__ << " - " << encoded_data.size() << "B";
248   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
250   if (!audio_track_index_) {
251     AddAudioTrack(params);
252     if (first_frame_timestamp_audio_.is_null()) {
253       // Compensate for time in pause spent before the first frame.
254       first_frame_timestamp_audio_ = timestamp - total_time_in_pause_;
255     }
256   }
258   const base::TimeTicks recorded_timestamp =
259       UpdateLastTimestampMonotonically(timestamp, &last_frame_timestamp_audio_);
260   audio_frames_.push_back(
261       EncodedFrame{encoded_data, std::string(),
262                    recorded_timestamp - first_frame_timestamp_audio_,
263                    /*is_keyframe=*/true});
264   return PartiallyFlushQueues();
265 }
Pause()267 void WebmMuxer::Pause() {
268   DVLOG(1) << __func__;
269   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
270   if (!elapsed_time_in_pause_)
271     elapsed_time_in_pause_.reset(new base::ElapsedTimer());
272 }
Resume()274 void WebmMuxer::Resume() {
275   DVLOG(1) << __func__;
276   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
277   if (elapsed_time_in_pause_) {
278     total_time_in_pause_ += elapsed_time_in_pause_->Elapsed();
279     elapsed_time_in_pause_.reset();
280   }
281 }
AddVideoTrack(const gfx::Size & frame_size,double frame_rate,const base::Optional<gfx::ColorSpace> & color_space)283 void WebmMuxer::AddVideoTrack(
284     const gfx::Size& frame_size,
285     double frame_rate,
286     const base::Optional<gfx::ColorSpace>& color_space) {
287   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
288   DCHECK_EQ(0u, video_track_index_)
289       << "WebmMuxer can only be initialized once.";
291   video_track_index_ =
292       segment_.AddVideoTrack(frame_size.width(), frame_size.height(), 0);
293   if (video_track_index_ <= 0) {  // See https://crbug.com/616391.
294     NOTREACHED() << "Error adding video track";
295     return;
296   }
298   mkvmuxer::VideoTrack* const video_track =
299       reinterpret_cast<mkvmuxer::VideoTrack*>(
300           segment_.GetTrackByNumber(video_track_index_));
301   if (color_space) {
302     auto colour = ColorFromColorSpace(*color_space);
303     if (colour)
304       video_track->SetColour(*colour);
305   }
306   DCHECK(video_track);
307   video_track->set_codec_id(MkvCodeIcForMediaVideoCodecId(video_codec_));
308   DCHECK_EQ(0ull, video_track->crop_right());
309   DCHECK_EQ(0ull, video_track->crop_left());
310   DCHECK_EQ(0ull, video_track->crop_top());
311   DCHECK_EQ(0ull, video_track->crop_bottom());
312   DCHECK_EQ(0.0f, video_track->frame_rate());
314   // Segment's timestamps should be in milliseconds, DCHECK it. See
315   // http://www.webmproject.org/docs/container/#muxer-guidelines
316   DCHECK_EQ(1000000ull, segment_.GetSegmentInfo()->timecode_scale());
318   // Set alpha channel parameters for only VPX (crbug.com/711825).
319   if (video_codec_ == kCodecH264)
320     return;
321   video_track->SetAlphaMode(mkvmuxer::VideoTrack::kAlpha);
322   // Alpha channel, if present, is stored in a BlockAdditional next to the
323   // associated opaque Block, see
324   // https://matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html#BlockAdditional.
325   // This follows Method 1 for VP8 encoding of A-channel described on
326   // http://wiki.webmproject.org/alpha-channel.
327   video_track->set_max_block_additional_id(1);
328 }
AddAudioTrack(const media::AudioParameters & params)330 void WebmMuxer::AddAudioTrack(const media::AudioParameters& params) {
331   DVLOG(1) << __func__ << " " << params.AsHumanReadableString();
332   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
333   DCHECK_EQ(0u, audio_track_index_)
334       << "WebmMuxer audio can only be initialised once.";
336   audio_track_index_ =
337       segment_.AddAudioTrack(params.sample_rate(), params.channels(), 0);
338   if (audio_track_index_ <= 0) {  // See https://crbug.com/616391.
339     NOTREACHED() << "Error adding audio track";
340     return;
341   }
343   mkvmuxer::AudioTrack* const audio_track =
344       reinterpret_cast<mkvmuxer::AudioTrack*>(
345           segment_.GetTrackByNumber(audio_track_index_));
346   DCHECK(audio_track);
347   DCHECK_EQ(params.sample_rate(), audio_track->sample_rate());
348   DCHECK_EQ(params.channels(), static_cast<int>(audio_track->channels()));
349   DCHECK_LE(params.channels(), 2)
350       << "Only 1 or 2 channels supported, requested " << params.channels();
352   // Audio data is always pcm_f32le.
353   audio_track->set_bit_depth(32u);
355   if (audio_codec_ == kCodecOpus) {
356     audio_track->set_codec_id(mkvmuxer::Tracks::kOpusCodecId);
358     uint8_t opus_header[OPUS_EXTRADATA_SIZE];
359     WriteOpusHeader(params, opus_header);
361     if (!audio_track->SetCodecPrivate(opus_header, OPUS_EXTRADATA_SIZE))
362       LOG(ERROR) << __func__ << ": failed to set opus header.";
364     // Segment's timestamps should be in milliseconds, DCHECK it. See
365     // http://www.webmproject.org/docs/container/#muxer-guidelines
366     DCHECK_EQ(1000000ull, segment_.GetSegmentInfo()->timecode_scale());
367   } else if (audio_codec_ == kCodecPCM) {
368     audio_track->set_codec_id(kPcmCodecId);
369   }
370 }
Write(const void * buf,mkvmuxer::uint32 len)372 mkvmuxer::int32 WebmMuxer::Write(const void* buf, mkvmuxer::uint32 len) {
373   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
374   DCHECK(buf);
375   write_data_callback_.Run(
376       base::StringPiece(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), len));
377   position_ += len;
378   return 0;
379 }
Position() const381 mkvmuxer::int64 WebmMuxer::Position() const {
382   return position_.ValueOrDie();
383 }
Position(mkvmuxer::int64 position)385 mkvmuxer::int32 WebmMuxer::Position(mkvmuxer::int64 position) {
386   // The stream is not Seekable() so indicate we cannot set the position.
387   return -1;
388 }
Seekable() const390 bool WebmMuxer::Seekable() const {
391   return false;
392 }
ElementStartNotify(mkvmuxer::uint64 element_id,mkvmuxer::int64 position)394 void WebmMuxer::ElementStartNotify(mkvmuxer::uint64 element_id,
395                                    mkvmuxer::int64 position) {
396   // This method gets pinged before items are sent to |write_data_callback_|.
397   DCHECK_GE(position, position_.ValueOrDefault(0))
398       << "Can't go back in a live WebM stream.";
399 }
FlushQueues()401 void WebmMuxer::FlushQueues() {
402   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
403   while ((!video_frames_.empty() || !audio_frames_.empty()) &&
404          FlushNextFrame()) {
405   }
406 }
PartiallyFlushQueues()408 bool WebmMuxer::PartiallyFlushQueues() {
409   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
410   bool result = true;
411   while (!(has_video_ && video_frames_.empty()) &&
412          !(has_audio_ && audio_frames_.empty()) && result) {
413     result = FlushNextFrame();
414   }
415   return result;
416 }
FlushNextFrame()418 bool WebmMuxer::FlushNextFrame() {
419   DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
420   base::TimeDelta min_timestamp = base::TimeDelta::Max();
421   base::circular_deque<EncodedFrame>* queue = &video_frames_;
422   uint8_t track_index = video_track_index_;
423   if (!video_frames_.empty())
424     min_timestamp = video_frames_.front().relative_timestamp;
426   if (!audio_frames_.empty() &&
427       audio_frames_.front().relative_timestamp < min_timestamp) {
428     queue = &audio_frames_;
429     track_index = audio_track_index_;
430   }
432   EncodedFrame frame = std::move(queue->front());
433   queue->pop_front();
434   auto recorded_timestamp = frame.relative_timestamp.InMicroseconds() *
435                             base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond;
437   if (force_one_libwebm_error_) {
438     DVLOG(1) << "Forcing a libwebm error";
439     force_one_libwebm_error_ = false;
440     return false;
441   }
443   DCHECK(frame.data.data());
444   bool result =
445       frame.alpha_data.empty()
446           ? segment_.AddFrame(
447                 reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(frame.data.data()),
448                 frame.data.size(), track_index, recorded_timestamp,
449                 frame.is_keyframe)
450           : segment_.AddFrameWithAdditional(
451                 reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(frame.data.data()),
452                 frame.data.size(),
453                 reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(frame.alpha_data.data()),
454                 frame.alpha_data.size(), 1 /* add_id */, track_index,
455                 recorded_timestamp, frame.is_keyframe);
456   return result;
457 }
UpdateLastTimestampMonotonically(base::TimeTicks timestamp,base::TimeTicks * last_timestamp)459 base::TimeTicks WebmMuxer::UpdateLastTimestampMonotonically(
460     base::TimeTicks timestamp,
461     base::TimeTicks* last_timestamp) {
462   base::TimeTicks compensated_timestamp = timestamp - total_time_in_pause_;
463   // In theory, time increases monotonically. In practice, it does not.
464   // See http://crbug/618407.
465   DLOG_IF(WARNING, compensated_timestamp < *last_timestamp)
466       << "Encountered a non-monotonically increasing timestamp. Was: "
467       << *last_timestamp << ", compensated: " << compensated_timestamp
468       << ", uncompensated: " << timestamp;
469   *last_timestamp = std::max(*last_timestamp, compensated_timestamp);
470   return *last_timestamp;
471 }
473 }  // namespace media