2 * Declaration module describing the TypeScript Server protocol
3 */
4declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
5    const enum CommandTypes {
6        JsxClosingTag = "jsxClosingTag",
7        Brace = "brace",
8        BraceCompletion = "braceCompletion",
9        GetSpanOfEnclosingComment = "getSpanOfEnclosingComment",
10        Change = "change",
11        Close = "close",
12        /** @deprecated Prefer CompletionInfo -- see comment on CompletionsResponse */
13        Completions = "completions",
14        CompletionInfo = "completionInfo",
15        CompletionDetails = "completionEntryDetails",
16        CompileOnSaveAffectedFileList = "compileOnSaveAffectedFileList",
17        CompileOnSaveEmitFile = "compileOnSaveEmitFile",
18        Configure = "configure",
19        Definition = "definition",
20        DefinitionAndBoundSpan = "definitionAndBoundSpan",
21        Implementation = "implementation",
22        Exit = "exit",
23        Format = "format",
24        Formatonkey = "formatonkey",
25        Geterr = "geterr",
26        GeterrForProject = "geterrForProject",
27        SemanticDiagnosticsSync = "semanticDiagnosticsSync",
28        SyntacticDiagnosticsSync = "syntacticDiagnosticsSync",
29        SuggestionDiagnosticsSync = "suggestionDiagnosticsSync",
30        NavBar = "navbar",
31        Navto = "navto",
32        NavTree = "navtree",
33        NavTreeFull = "navtree-full",
34        /** @deprecated */
35        Occurrences = "occurrences",
36        DocumentHighlights = "documentHighlights",
37        Open = "open",
38        Quickinfo = "quickinfo",
39        References = "references",
40        Reload = "reload",
41        Rename = "rename",
42        Saveto = "saveto",
43        SignatureHelp = "signatureHelp",
44        Status = "status",
45        TypeDefinition = "typeDefinition",
46        ProjectInfo = "projectInfo",
47        ReloadProjects = "reloadProjects",
48        Unknown = "unknown",
49        OpenExternalProject = "openExternalProject",
50        OpenExternalProjects = "openExternalProjects",
51        CloseExternalProject = "closeExternalProject",
52        UpdateOpen = "updateOpen",
53        GetOutliningSpans = "getOutliningSpans",
54        TodoComments = "todoComments",
55        Indentation = "indentation",
56        DocCommentTemplate = "docCommentTemplate",
57        CompilerOptionsForInferredProjects = "compilerOptionsForInferredProjects",
58        GetCodeFixes = "getCodeFixes",
59        GetCombinedCodeFix = "getCombinedCodeFix",
60        ApplyCodeActionCommand = "applyCodeActionCommand",
61        GetSupportedCodeFixes = "getSupportedCodeFixes",
62        GetApplicableRefactors = "getApplicableRefactors",
63        GetEditsForRefactor = "getEditsForRefactor",
64        OrganizeImports = "organizeImports",
65        GetEditsForFileRename = "getEditsForFileRename",
66        ConfigurePlugin = "configurePlugin",
67        SelectionRange = "selectionRange",
68        PrepareCallHierarchy = "prepareCallHierarchy",
69        ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls = "provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls",
70        ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls = "provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls"
71    }
72    /**
73     * A TypeScript Server message
74     */
75    interface Message {
76        /**
77         * Sequence number of the message
78         */
79        seq: number;
80        /**
81         * One of "request", "response", or "event"
82         */
83        type: "request" | "response" | "event";
84    }
85    /**
86     * Client-initiated request message
87     */
88    interface Request extends Message {
89        type: "request";
90        /**
91         * The command to execute
92         */
93        command: string;
94        /**
95         * Object containing arguments for the command
96         */
97        arguments?: any;
98    }
99    /**
100     * Request to reload the project structure for all the opened files
101     */
102    interface ReloadProjectsRequest extends Message {
103        command: CommandTypes.ReloadProjects;
104    }
105    /**
106     * Server-initiated event message
107     */
108    interface Event extends Message {
109        type: "event";
110        /**
111         * Name of event
112         */
113        event: string;
114        /**
115         * Event-specific information
116         */
117        body?: any;
118    }
119    /**
120     * Response by server to client request message.
121     */
122    interface Response extends Message {
123        type: "response";
124        /**
125         * Sequence number of the request message.
126         */
127        request_seq: number;
128        /**
129         * Outcome of the request.
130         */
131        success: boolean;
132        /**
133         * The command requested.
134         */
135        command: string;
136        /**
137         * If success === false, this should always be provided.
138         * Otherwise, may (or may not) contain a success message.
139         */
140        message?: string;
141        /**
142         * Contains message body if success === true.
143         */
144        body?: any;
145        /**
146         * Contains extra information that plugin can include to be passed on
147         */
148        metadata?: unknown;
149        /**
150         * Exposes information about the performance of this request-response pair.
151         */
152        performanceData?: PerformanceData;
153    }
154    interface PerformanceData {
155        /**
156         * Time spent updating the program graph, in milliseconds.
157         */
158        updateGraphDurationMs?: number;
159    }
160    /**
161     * Arguments for FileRequest messages.
162     */
163    interface FileRequestArgs {
164        /**
165         * The file for the request (absolute pathname required).
166         */
167        file: string;
168        projectFileName?: string;
169    }
170    interface StatusRequest extends Request {
171        command: CommandTypes.Status;
172    }
173    interface StatusResponseBody {
174        /**
175         * The TypeScript version (`ts.version`).
176         */
177        version: string;
178    }
179    /**
180     * Response to StatusRequest
181     */
182    interface StatusResponse extends Response {
183        body: StatusResponseBody;
184    }
185    /**
186     * Requests a JS Doc comment template for a given position
187     */
188    interface DocCommentTemplateRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
189        command: CommandTypes.DocCommentTemplate;
190    }
191    /**
192     * Response to DocCommentTemplateRequest
193     */
194    interface DocCommandTemplateResponse extends Response {
195        body?: TextInsertion;
196    }
197    /**
198     * A request to get TODO comments from the file
199     */
200    interface TodoCommentRequest extends FileRequest {
201        command: CommandTypes.TodoComments;
202        arguments: TodoCommentRequestArgs;
203    }
204    /**
205     * Arguments for TodoCommentRequest request.
206     */
207    interface TodoCommentRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
208        /**
209         * Array of target TodoCommentDescriptors that describes TODO comments to be found
210         */
211        descriptors: TodoCommentDescriptor[];
212    }
213    /**
214     * Response for TodoCommentRequest request.
215     */
216    interface TodoCommentsResponse extends Response {
217        body?: TodoComment[];
218    }
219    /**
220     * A request to determine if the caret is inside a comment.
221     */
222    interface SpanOfEnclosingCommentRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
223        command: CommandTypes.GetSpanOfEnclosingComment;
224        arguments: SpanOfEnclosingCommentRequestArgs;
225    }
226    interface SpanOfEnclosingCommentRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
227        /**
228         * Requires that the enclosing span be a multi-line comment, or else the request returns undefined.
229         */
230        onlyMultiLine: boolean;
231    }
232    /**
233     * Request to obtain outlining spans in file.
234     */
235    interface OutliningSpansRequest extends FileRequest {
236        command: CommandTypes.GetOutliningSpans;
237    }
238    interface OutliningSpan {
239        /** The span of the document to actually collapse. */
240        textSpan: TextSpan;
241        /** The span of the document to display when the user hovers over the collapsed span. */
242        hintSpan: TextSpan;
243        /** The text to display in the editor for the collapsed region. */
244        bannerText: string;
245        /**
246         * Whether or not this region should be automatically collapsed when
247         * the 'Collapse to Definitions' command is invoked.
248         */
249        autoCollapse: boolean;
250        /**
251         * Classification of the contents of the span
252         */
253        kind: OutliningSpanKind;
254    }
255    /**
256     * Response to OutliningSpansRequest request.
257     */
258    interface OutliningSpansResponse extends Response {
259        body?: OutliningSpan[];
260    }
261    /**
262     * A request to get indentation for a location in file
263     */
264    interface IndentationRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
265        command: CommandTypes.Indentation;
266        arguments: IndentationRequestArgs;
267    }
268    /**
269     * Response for IndentationRequest request.
270     */
271    interface IndentationResponse extends Response {
272        body?: IndentationResult;
273    }
274    /**
275     * Indentation result representing where indentation should be placed
276     */
277    interface IndentationResult {
278        /**
279         * The base position in the document that the indent should be relative to
280         */
281        position: number;
282        /**
283         * The number of columns the indent should be at relative to the position's column.
284         */
285        indentation: number;
286    }
287    /**
288     * Arguments for IndentationRequest request.
289     */
290    interface IndentationRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
291        /**
292         * An optional set of settings to be used when computing indentation.
293         * If argument is omitted - then it will use settings for file that were previously set via 'configure' request or global settings.
294         */
295        options?: EditorSettings;
296    }
297    /**
298     * Arguments for ProjectInfoRequest request.
299     */
300    interface ProjectInfoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
301        /**
302         * Indicate if the file name list of the project is needed
303         */
304        needFileNameList: boolean;
305    }
306    /**
307     * A request to get the project information of the current file.
308     */
309    interface ProjectInfoRequest extends Request {
310        command: CommandTypes.ProjectInfo;
311        arguments: ProjectInfoRequestArgs;
312    }
313    /**
314     * A request to retrieve compiler options diagnostics for a project
315     */
316    interface CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequest extends Request {
317        arguments: CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequestArgs;
318    }
319    /**
320     * Arguments for CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequest request.
321     */
322    interface CompilerOptionsDiagnosticsRequestArgs {
323        /**
324         * Name of the project to retrieve compiler options diagnostics.
325         */
326        projectFileName: string;
327    }
328    /**
329     * Response message body for "projectInfo" request
330     */
331    interface ProjectInfo {
332        /**
333         * For configured project, this is the normalized path of the 'tsconfig.json' file
334         * For inferred project, this is undefined
335         */
336        configFileName: string;
337        /**
338         * The list of normalized file name in the project, including 'lib.d.ts'
339         */
340        fileNames?: string[];
341        /**
342         * Indicates if the project has a active language service instance
343         */
344        languageServiceDisabled?: boolean;
345    }
346    /**
347     * Represents diagnostic info that includes location of diagnostic in two forms
348     * - start position and length of the error span
349     * - startLocation and endLocation - a pair of Location objects that store start/end line and offset of the error span.
350     */
351    interface DiagnosticWithLinePosition {
352        message: string;
353        start: number;
354        length: number;
355        startLocation: Location;
356        endLocation: Location;
357        category: string;
358        code: number;
359        /** May store more in future. For now, this will simply be `true` to indicate when a diagnostic is an unused-identifier diagnostic. */
360        reportsUnnecessary?: {};
361        relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[];
362    }
363    /**
364     * Response message for "projectInfo" request
365     */
366    interface ProjectInfoResponse extends Response {
367        body?: ProjectInfo;
368    }
369    /**
370     * Request whose sole parameter is a file name.
371     */
372    interface FileRequest extends Request {
373        arguments: FileRequestArgs;
374    }
375    /**
376     * Instances of this interface specify a location in a source file:
377     * (file, line, character offset), where line and character offset are 1-based.
378     */
379    interface FileLocationRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
380        /**
381         * The line number for the request (1-based).
382         */
383        line: number;
384        /**
385         * The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
386         */
387        offset: number;
388    }
389    type FileLocationOrRangeRequestArgs = FileLocationRequestArgs | FileRangeRequestArgs;
390    /**
391     * Request refactorings at a given position or selection area.
392     */
393    interface GetApplicableRefactorsRequest extends Request {
394        command: CommandTypes.GetApplicableRefactors;
395        arguments: GetApplicableRefactorsRequestArgs;
396    }
397    type GetApplicableRefactorsRequestArgs = FileLocationOrRangeRequestArgs;
398    /**
399     * Response is a list of available refactorings.
400     * Each refactoring exposes one or more "Actions"; a user selects one action to invoke a refactoring
401     */
402    interface GetApplicableRefactorsResponse extends Response {
403        body?: ApplicableRefactorInfo[];
404    }
405    /**
406     * A set of one or more available refactoring actions, grouped under a parent refactoring.
407     */
408    interface ApplicableRefactorInfo {
409        /**
410         * The programmatic name of the refactoring
411         */
412        name: string;
413        /**
414         * A description of this refactoring category to show to the user.
415         * If the refactoring gets inlined (see below), this text will not be visible.
416         */
417        description: string;
418        /**
419         * Inlineable refactorings can have their actions hoisted out to the top level
420         * of a context menu. Non-inlineanable refactorings should always be shown inside
421         * their parent grouping.
422         *
423         * If not specified, this value is assumed to be 'true'
424         */
425        inlineable?: boolean;
426        actions: RefactorActionInfo[];
427    }
428    /**
429     * Represents a single refactoring action - for example, the "Extract Method..." refactor might
430     * offer several actions, each corresponding to a surround class or closure to extract into.
431     */
432    interface RefactorActionInfo {
433        /**
434         * The programmatic name of the refactoring action
435         */
436        name: string;
437        /**
438         * A description of this refactoring action to show to the user.
439         * If the parent refactoring is inlined away, this will be the only text shown,
440         * so this description should make sense by itself if the parent is inlineable=true
441         */
442        description: string;
443    }
444    interface GetEditsForRefactorRequest extends Request {
445        command: CommandTypes.GetEditsForRefactor;
446        arguments: GetEditsForRefactorRequestArgs;
447    }
448    /**
449     * Request the edits that a particular refactoring action produces.
450     * Callers must specify the name of the refactor and the name of the action.
451     */
452    type GetEditsForRefactorRequestArgs = FileLocationOrRangeRequestArgs & {
453        refactor: string;
454        action: string;
455    };
456    interface GetEditsForRefactorResponse extends Response {
457        body?: RefactorEditInfo;
458    }
459    interface RefactorEditInfo {
460        edits: FileCodeEdits[];
461        /**
462         * An optional location where the editor should start a rename operation once
463         * the refactoring edits have been applied
464         */
465        renameLocation?: Location;
466        renameFilename?: string;
467    }
468    /**
469     * Organize imports by:
470     *   1) Removing unused imports
471     *   2) Coalescing imports from the same module
472     *   3) Sorting imports
473     */
474    interface OrganizeImportsRequest extends Request {
475        command: CommandTypes.OrganizeImports;
476        arguments: OrganizeImportsRequestArgs;
477    }
478    type OrganizeImportsScope = GetCombinedCodeFixScope;
479    interface OrganizeImportsRequestArgs {
480        scope: OrganizeImportsScope;
481    }
482    interface OrganizeImportsResponse extends Response {
483        body: readonly FileCodeEdits[];
484    }
485    interface GetEditsForFileRenameRequest extends Request {
486        command: CommandTypes.GetEditsForFileRename;
487        arguments: GetEditsForFileRenameRequestArgs;
488    }
489    /** Note: Paths may also be directories. */
490    interface GetEditsForFileRenameRequestArgs {
491        readonly oldFilePath: string;
492        readonly newFilePath: string;
493    }
494    interface GetEditsForFileRenameResponse extends Response {
495        body: readonly FileCodeEdits[];
496    }
497    /**
498     * Request for the available codefixes at a specific position.
499     */
500    interface CodeFixRequest extends Request {
501        command: CommandTypes.GetCodeFixes;
502        arguments: CodeFixRequestArgs;
503    }
504    interface GetCombinedCodeFixRequest extends Request {
505        command: CommandTypes.GetCombinedCodeFix;
506        arguments: GetCombinedCodeFixRequestArgs;
507    }
508    interface GetCombinedCodeFixResponse extends Response {
509        body: CombinedCodeActions;
510    }
511    interface ApplyCodeActionCommandRequest extends Request {
512        command: CommandTypes.ApplyCodeActionCommand;
513        arguments: ApplyCodeActionCommandRequestArgs;
514    }
515    interface ApplyCodeActionCommandResponse extends Response {
516    }
517    interface FileRangeRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
518        /**
519         * The line number for the request (1-based).
520         */
521        startLine: number;
522        /**
523         * The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
524         */
525        startOffset: number;
526        /**
527         * The line number for the request (1-based).
528         */
529        endLine: number;
530        /**
531         * The character offset (on the line) for the request (1-based).
532         */
533        endOffset: number;
534    }
535    /**
536     * Instances of this interface specify errorcodes on a specific location in a sourcefile.
537     */
538    interface CodeFixRequestArgs extends FileRangeRequestArgs {
539        /**
540         * Errorcodes we want to get the fixes for.
541         */
542        errorCodes: readonly number[];
543    }
544    interface GetCombinedCodeFixRequestArgs {
545        scope: GetCombinedCodeFixScope;
546        fixId: {};
547    }
548    interface GetCombinedCodeFixScope {
549        type: "file";
550        args: FileRequestArgs;
551    }
552    interface ApplyCodeActionCommandRequestArgs {
553        /** May also be an array of commands. */
554        command: {};
555    }
556    /**
557     * Response for GetCodeFixes request.
558     */
559    interface GetCodeFixesResponse extends Response {
560        body?: CodeAction[];
561    }
562    /**
563     * A request whose arguments specify a file location (file, line, col).
564     */
565    interface FileLocationRequest extends FileRequest {
566        arguments: FileLocationRequestArgs;
567    }
568    /**
569     * A request to get codes of supported code fixes.
570     */
571    interface GetSupportedCodeFixesRequest extends Request {
572        command: CommandTypes.GetSupportedCodeFixes;
573    }
574    /**
575     * A response for GetSupportedCodeFixesRequest request.
576     */
577    interface GetSupportedCodeFixesResponse extends Response {
578        /**
579         * List of error codes supported by the server.
580         */
581        body?: string[];
582    }
583    /**
584     * Arguments in document highlight request; include: filesToSearch, file,
585     * line, offset.
586     */
587    interface DocumentHighlightsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
588        /**
589         * List of files to search for document highlights.
590         */
591        filesToSearch: string[];
592    }
593    /**
594     * Go to definition request; value of command field is
595     * "definition". Return response giving the file locations that
596     * define the symbol found in file at location line, col.
597     */
598    interface DefinitionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
599        command: CommandTypes.Definition;
600    }
601    interface DefinitionAndBoundSpanRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
602        readonly command: CommandTypes.DefinitionAndBoundSpan;
603    }
604    interface DefinitionAndBoundSpanResponse extends Response {
605        readonly body: DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan;
606    }
607    /**
608     * Go to type request; value of command field is
609     * "typeDefinition". Return response giving the file locations that
610     * define the type for the symbol found in file at location line, col.
611     */
612    interface TypeDefinitionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
613        command: CommandTypes.TypeDefinition;
614    }
615    /**
616     * Go to implementation request; value of command field is
617     * "implementation". Return response giving the file locations that
618     * implement the symbol found in file at location line, col.
619     */
620    interface ImplementationRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
621        command: CommandTypes.Implementation;
622    }
623    /**
624     * Location in source code expressed as (one-based) line and (one-based) column offset.
625     */
626    interface Location {
627        line: number;
628        offset: number;
629    }
630    /**
631     * Object found in response messages defining a span of text in source code.
632     */
633    interface TextSpan {
634        /**
635         * First character of the definition.
636         */
637        start: Location;
638        /**
639         * One character past last character of the definition.
640         */
641        end: Location;
642    }
643    /**
644     * Object found in response messages defining a span of text in a specific source file.
645     */
646    interface FileSpan extends TextSpan {
647        /**
648         * File containing text span.
649         */
650        file: string;
651    }
652    interface TextSpanWithContext extends TextSpan {
653        contextStart?: Location;
654        contextEnd?: Location;
655    }
656    interface FileSpanWithContext extends FileSpan, TextSpanWithContext {
657    }
658    interface DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan {
659        definitions: readonly FileSpanWithContext[];
660        textSpan: TextSpan;
661    }
662    /**
663     * Definition response message.  Gives text range for definition.
664     */
665    interface DefinitionResponse extends Response {
666        body?: FileSpanWithContext[];
667    }
668    interface DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanResponse extends Response {
669        body?: DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan;
670    }
671    /** @deprecated Use `DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanResponse` instead. */
672    type DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanReponse = DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpanResponse;
673    /**
674     * Definition response message.  Gives text range for definition.
675     */
676    interface TypeDefinitionResponse extends Response {
677        body?: FileSpanWithContext[];
678    }
679    /**
680     * Implementation response message.  Gives text range for implementations.
681     */
682    interface ImplementationResponse extends Response {
683        body?: FileSpanWithContext[];
684    }
685    /**
686     * Request to get brace completion for a location in the file.
687     */
688    interface BraceCompletionRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
689        command: CommandTypes.BraceCompletion;
690        arguments: BraceCompletionRequestArgs;
691    }
692    /**
693     * Argument for BraceCompletionRequest request.
694     */
695    interface BraceCompletionRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
696        /**
697         * Kind of opening brace
698         */
699        openingBrace: string;
700    }
701    interface JsxClosingTagRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
702        readonly command: CommandTypes.JsxClosingTag;
703        readonly arguments: JsxClosingTagRequestArgs;
704    }
705    interface JsxClosingTagRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
706    }
707    interface JsxClosingTagResponse extends Response {
708        readonly body: TextInsertion;
709    }
710    /**
711     * @deprecated
712     * Get occurrences request; value of command field is
713     * "occurrences". Return response giving spans that are relevant
714     * in the file at a given line and column.
715     */
716    interface OccurrencesRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
717        command: CommandTypes.Occurrences;
718    }
719    /** @deprecated */
720    interface OccurrencesResponseItem extends FileSpanWithContext {
721        /**
722         * True if the occurrence is a write location, false otherwise.
723         */
724        isWriteAccess: boolean;
725        /**
726         * True if the occurrence is in a string, undefined otherwise;
727         */
728        isInString?: true;
729    }
730    /** @deprecated */
731    interface OccurrencesResponse extends Response {
732        body?: OccurrencesResponseItem[];
733    }
734    /**
735     * Get document highlights request; value of command field is
736     * "documentHighlights". Return response giving spans that are relevant
737     * in the file at a given line and column.
738     */
739    interface DocumentHighlightsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
740        command: CommandTypes.DocumentHighlights;
741        arguments: DocumentHighlightsRequestArgs;
742    }
743    /**
744     * Span augmented with extra information that denotes the kind of the highlighting to be used for span.
745     */
746    interface HighlightSpan extends TextSpanWithContext {
747        kind: HighlightSpanKind;
748    }
749    /**
750     * Represents a set of highligh spans for a give name
751     */
752    interface DocumentHighlightsItem {
753        /**
754         * File containing highlight spans.
755         */
756        file: string;
757        /**
758         * Spans to highlight in file.
759         */
760        highlightSpans: HighlightSpan[];
761    }
762    /**
763     * Response for a DocumentHighlightsRequest request.
764     */
765    interface DocumentHighlightsResponse extends Response {
766        body?: DocumentHighlightsItem[];
767    }
768    /**
769     * Find references request; value of command field is
770     * "references". Return response giving the file locations that
771     * reference the symbol found in file at location line, col.
772     */
773    interface ReferencesRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
774        command: CommandTypes.References;
775    }
776    interface ReferencesResponseItem extends FileSpanWithContext {
777        /** Text of line containing the reference.  Including this
778         *  with the response avoids latency of editor loading files
779         * to show text of reference line (the server already has
780         * loaded the referencing files).
781         */
782        lineText: string;
783        /**
784         * True if reference is a write location, false otherwise.
785         */
786        isWriteAccess: boolean;
787        /**
788         * True if reference is a definition, false otherwise.
789         */
790        isDefinition: boolean;
791    }
792    /**
793     * The body of a "references" response message.
794     */
795    interface ReferencesResponseBody {
796        /**
797         * The file locations referencing the symbol.
798         */
799        refs: readonly ReferencesResponseItem[];
800        /**
801         * The name of the symbol.
802         */
803        symbolName: string;
804        /**
805         * The start character offset of the symbol (on the line provided by the references request).
806         */
807        symbolStartOffset: number;
808        /**
809         * The full display name of the symbol.
810         */
811        symbolDisplayString: string;
812    }
813    /**
814     * Response to "references" request.
815     */
816    interface ReferencesResponse extends Response {
817        body?: ReferencesResponseBody;
818    }
819    /**
820     * Argument for RenameRequest request.
821     */
822    interface RenameRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
823        /**
824         * Should text at specified location be found/changed in comments?
825         */
826        findInComments?: boolean;
827        /**
828         * Should text at specified location be found/changed in strings?
829         */
830        findInStrings?: boolean;
831    }
832    /**
833     * Rename request; value of command field is "rename". Return
834     * response giving the file locations that reference the symbol
835     * found in file at location line, col. Also return full display
836     * name of the symbol so that client can print it unambiguously.
837     */
838    interface RenameRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
839        command: CommandTypes.Rename;
840        arguments: RenameRequestArgs;
841    }
842    /**
843     * Information about the item to be renamed.
844     */
845    type RenameInfo = RenameInfoSuccess | RenameInfoFailure;
846    interface RenameInfoSuccess {
847        /**
848         * True if item can be renamed.
849         */
850        canRename: true;
851        /**
852         * File or directory to rename.
853         * If set, `getEditsForFileRename` should be called instead of `findRenameLocations`.
854         */
855        fileToRename?: string;
856        /**
857         * Display name of the item to be renamed.
858         */
859        displayName: string;
860        /**
861         * Full display name of item to be renamed.
862         */
863        fullDisplayName: string;
864        /**
865         * The items's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
866         */
867        kind: ScriptElementKind;
868        /**
869         * Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
870         */
871        kindModifiers: string;
872        /** Span of text to rename. */
873        triggerSpan: TextSpan;
874    }
875    interface RenameInfoFailure {
876        canRename: false;
877        /**
878         * Error message if item can not be renamed.
879         */
880        localizedErrorMessage: string;
881    }
882    /**
883     *  A group of text spans, all in 'file'.
884     */
885    interface SpanGroup {
886        /** The file to which the spans apply */
887        file: string;
888        /** The text spans in this group */
889        locs: RenameTextSpan[];
890    }
891    interface RenameTextSpan extends TextSpanWithContext {
892        readonly prefixText?: string;
893        readonly suffixText?: string;
894    }
895    interface RenameResponseBody {
896        /**
897         * Information about the item to be renamed.
898         */
899        info: RenameInfo;
900        /**
901         * An array of span groups (one per file) that refer to the item to be renamed.
902         */
903        locs: readonly SpanGroup[];
904    }
905    /**
906     * Rename response message.
907     */
908    interface RenameResponse extends Response {
909        body?: RenameResponseBody;
910    }
911    /**
912     * Represents a file in external project.
913     * External project is project whose set of files, compilation options and open\close state
914     * is maintained by the client (i.e. if all this data come from .csproj file in Visual Studio).
915     * External project will exist even if all files in it are closed and should be closed explicitly.
916     * If external project includes one or more tsconfig.json/jsconfig.json files then tsserver will
917     * create configured project for every config file but will maintain a link that these projects were created
918     * as a result of opening external project so they should be removed once external project is closed.
919     */
920    interface ExternalFile {
921        /**
922         * Name of file file
923         */
924        fileName: string;
925        /**
926         * Script kind of the file
927         */
928        scriptKind?: ScriptKindName | ts.ScriptKind;
929        /**
930         * Whether file has mixed content (i.e. .cshtml file that combines html markup with C#/JavaScript)
931         */
932        hasMixedContent?: boolean;
933        /**
934         * Content of the file
935         */
936        content?: string;
937    }
938    /**
939     * Represent an external project
940     */
941    interface ExternalProject {
942        /**
943         * Project name
944         */
945        projectFileName: string;
946        /**
947         * List of root files in project
948         */
949        rootFiles: ExternalFile[];
950        /**
951         * Compiler options for the project
952         */
953        options: ExternalProjectCompilerOptions;
954        /**
955         * @deprecated typingOptions. Use typeAcquisition instead
956         */
957        typingOptions?: TypeAcquisition;
958        /**
959         * Explicitly specified type acquisition for the project
960         */
961        typeAcquisition?: TypeAcquisition;
962    }
963    interface CompileOnSaveMixin {
964        /**
965         * If compile on save is enabled for the project
966         */
967        compileOnSave?: boolean;
968    }
969    /**
970     * For external projects, some of the project settings are sent together with
971     * compiler settings.
972     */
973    type ExternalProjectCompilerOptions = CompilerOptions & CompileOnSaveMixin & WatchOptions;
974    interface FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo {
975        /**
976         * Name of file
977         */
978        fileName: string;
979        /**
980         * True if the file is primarily included in a referenced project
981         */
982        isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: boolean;
983    }
984    /**
985     * Represents a set of changes that happen in project
986     */
987    interface ProjectChanges {
988        /**
989         * List of added files
990         */
991        added: string[] | FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
992        /**
993         * List of removed files
994         */
995        removed: string[] | FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
996        /**
997         * List of updated files
998         */
999        updated: string[] | FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
1000        /**
1001         * List of files that have had their project reference redirect status updated
1002         * Only provided when the synchronizeProjectList request has includeProjectReferenceRedirectInfo set to true
1003         */
1004        updatedRedirects?: FileWithProjectReferenceRedirectInfo[];
1005    }
1006    /**
1007     * Information found in a configure request.
1008     */
1009    interface ConfigureRequestArguments {
1010        /**
1011         * Information about the host, for example 'Emacs 24.4' or
1012         * 'Sublime Text version 3075'
1013         */
1014        hostInfo?: string;
1015        /**
1016         * If present, tab settings apply only to this file.
1017         */
1018        file?: string;
1019        /**
1020         * The format options to use during formatting and other code editing features.
1021         */
1022        formatOptions?: FormatCodeSettings;
1023        preferences?: UserPreferences;
1024        /**
1025         * The host's additional supported .js file extensions
1026         */
1027        extraFileExtensions?: FileExtensionInfo[];
1028        watchOptions?: WatchOptions;
1029    }
1030    const enum WatchFileKind {
1031        FixedPollingInterval = "FixedPollingInterval",
1032        PriorityPollingInterval = "PriorityPollingInterval",
1033        DynamicPriorityPolling = "DynamicPriorityPolling",
1034        UseFsEvents = "UseFsEvents",
1035        UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory = "UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory"
1036    }
1037    const enum WatchDirectoryKind {
1038        UseFsEvents = "UseFsEvents",
1039        FixedPollingInterval = "FixedPollingInterval",
1040        DynamicPriorityPolling = "DynamicPriorityPolling"
1041    }
1042    const enum PollingWatchKind {
1043        FixedInterval = "FixedInterval",
1044        PriorityInterval = "PriorityInterval",
1045        DynamicPriority = "DynamicPriority"
1046    }
1047    interface WatchOptions {
1048        watchFile?: WatchFileKind | ts.WatchFileKind;
1049        watchDirectory?: WatchDirectoryKind | ts.WatchDirectoryKind;
1050        fallbackPolling?: PollingWatchKind | ts.PollingWatchKind;
1051        synchronousWatchDirectory?: boolean;
1052        [option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | undefined;
1053    }
1054    /**
1055     *  Configure request; value of command field is "configure".  Specifies
1056     *  host information, such as host type, tab size, and indent size.
1057     */
1058    interface ConfigureRequest extends Request {
1059        command: CommandTypes.Configure;
1060        arguments: ConfigureRequestArguments;
1061    }
1062    /**
1063     * Response to "configure" request.  This is just an acknowledgement, so
1064     * no body field is required.
1065     */
1066    interface ConfigureResponse extends Response {
1067    }
1068    interface ConfigurePluginRequestArguments {
1069        pluginName: string;
1070        configuration: any;
1071    }
1072    interface ConfigurePluginRequest extends Request {
1073        command: CommandTypes.ConfigurePlugin;
1074        arguments: ConfigurePluginRequestArguments;
1075    }
1076    interface ConfigurePluginResponse extends Response {
1077    }
1078    interface SelectionRangeRequest extends FileRequest {
1079        command: CommandTypes.SelectionRange;
1080        arguments: SelectionRangeRequestArgs;
1081    }
1082    interface SelectionRangeRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
1083        locations: Location[];
1084    }
1085    interface SelectionRangeResponse extends Response {
1086        body?: SelectionRange[];
1087    }
1088    interface SelectionRange {
1089        textSpan: TextSpan;
1090        parent?: SelectionRange;
1091    }
1092    /**
1093     *  Information found in an "open" request.
1094     */
1095    interface OpenRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
1096        /**
1097         * Used when a version of the file content is known to be more up to date than the one on disk.
1098         * Then the known content will be used upon opening instead of the disk copy
1099         */
1100        fileContent?: string;
1101        /**
1102         * Used to specify the script kind of the file explicitly. It could be one of the following:
1103         *      "TS", "JS", "TSX", "JSX"
1104         */
1105        scriptKindName?: ScriptKindName;
1106        /**
1107         * Used to limit the searching for project config file. If given the searching will stop at this
1108         * root path; otherwise it will go all the way up to the dist root path.
1109         */
1110        projectRootPath?: string;
1111    }
1112    type ScriptKindName = "TS" | "JS" | "TSX" | "JSX";
1113    /**
1114     * Open request; value of command field is "open". Notify the
1115     * server that the client has file open.  The server will not
1116     * monitor the filesystem for changes in this file and will assume
1117     * that the client is updating the server (using the change and/or
1118     * reload messages) when the file changes. Server does not currently
1119     * send a response to an open request.
1120     */
1121    interface OpenRequest extends Request {
1122        command: CommandTypes.Open;
1123        arguments: OpenRequestArgs;
1124    }
1125    /**
1126     * Request to open or update external project
1127     */
1128    interface OpenExternalProjectRequest extends Request {
1129        command: CommandTypes.OpenExternalProject;
1130        arguments: OpenExternalProjectArgs;
1131    }
1132    /**
1133     * Arguments to OpenExternalProjectRequest request
1134     */
1135    type OpenExternalProjectArgs = ExternalProject;
1136    /**
1137     * Request to open multiple external projects
1138     */
1139    interface OpenExternalProjectsRequest extends Request {
1140        command: CommandTypes.OpenExternalProjects;
1141        arguments: OpenExternalProjectsArgs;
1142    }
1143    /**
1144     * Arguments to OpenExternalProjectsRequest
1145     */
1146    interface OpenExternalProjectsArgs {
1147        /**
1148         * List of external projects to open or update
1149         */
1150        projects: ExternalProject[];
1151    }
1152    /**
1153     * Response to OpenExternalProjectRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
1154     * no body field is required.
1155     */
1156    interface OpenExternalProjectResponse extends Response {
1157    }
1158    /**
1159     * Response to OpenExternalProjectsRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
1160     * no body field is required.
1161     */
1162    interface OpenExternalProjectsResponse extends Response {
1163    }
1164    /**
1165     * Request to close external project.
1166     */
1167    interface CloseExternalProjectRequest extends Request {
1168        command: CommandTypes.CloseExternalProject;
1169        arguments: CloseExternalProjectRequestArgs;
1170    }
1171    /**
1172     * Arguments to CloseExternalProjectRequest request
1173     */
1174    interface CloseExternalProjectRequestArgs {
1175        /**
1176         * Name of the project to close
1177         */
1178        projectFileName: string;
1179    }
1180    /**
1181     * Response to CloseExternalProjectRequest request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
1182     * no body field is required.
1183     */
1184    interface CloseExternalProjectResponse extends Response {
1185    }
1186    /**
1187     * Request to synchronize list of open files with the client
1188     */
1189    interface UpdateOpenRequest extends Request {
1190        command: CommandTypes.UpdateOpen;
1191        arguments: UpdateOpenRequestArgs;
1192    }
1193    /**
1194     * Arguments to UpdateOpenRequest
1195     */
1196    interface UpdateOpenRequestArgs {
1197        /**
1198         * List of newly open files
1199         */
1200        openFiles?: OpenRequestArgs[];
1201        /**
1202         * List of open files files that were changes
1203         */
1204        changedFiles?: FileCodeEdits[];
1205        /**
1206         * List of files that were closed
1207         */
1208        closedFiles?: string[];
1209    }
1210    /**
1211     * Request to set compiler options for inferred projects.
1212     * External projects are opened / closed explicitly.
1213     * Configured projects are opened when user opens loose file that has 'tsconfig.json' or 'jsconfig.json' anywhere in one of containing folders.
1214     * This configuration file will be used to obtain a list of files and configuration settings for the project.
1215     * Inferred projects are created when user opens a loose file that is not the part of external project
1216     * or configured project and will contain only open file and transitive closure of referenced files if 'useOneInferredProject' is false,
1217     * or all open loose files and its transitive closure of referenced files if 'useOneInferredProject' is true.
1218     */
1219    interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsRequest extends Request {
1220        command: CommandTypes.CompilerOptionsForInferredProjects;
1221        arguments: SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsArgs;
1222    }
1223    /**
1224     * Argument for SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsRequest request.
1225     */
1226    interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsArgs {
1227        /**
1228         * Compiler options to be used with inferred projects.
1229         */
1230        options: ExternalProjectCompilerOptions;
1231        /**
1232         * Specifies the project root path used to scope compiler options.
1233         * It is an error to provide this property if the server has not been started with
1234         * `useInferredProjectPerProjectRoot` enabled.
1235         */
1236        projectRootPath?: string;
1237    }
1238    /**
1239     * Response to SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsResponse request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
1240     * no body field is required.
1241     */
1242    interface SetCompilerOptionsForInferredProjectsResponse extends Response {
1243    }
1244    /**
1245     *  Exit request; value of command field is "exit".  Ask the server process
1246     *  to exit.
1247     */
1248    interface ExitRequest extends Request {
1249        command: CommandTypes.Exit;
1250    }
1251    /**
1252     * Close request; value of command field is "close". Notify the
1253     * server that the client has closed a previously open file.  If
1254     * file is still referenced by open files, the server will resume
1255     * monitoring the filesystem for changes to file.  Server does not
1256     * currently send a response to a close request.
1257     */
1258    interface CloseRequest extends FileRequest {
1259        command: CommandTypes.Close;
1260    }
1261    /**
1262     * Request to obtain the list of files that should be regenerated if target file is recompiled.
1263     * NOTE: this us query-only operation and does not generate any output on disk.
1264     */
1265    interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListRequest extends FileRequest {
1266        command: CommandTypes.CompileOnSaveAffectedFileList;
1267    }
1268    /**
1269     * Contains a list of files that should be regenerated in a project
1270     */
1271    interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListSingleProject {
1272        /**
1273         * Project name
1274         */
1275        projectFileName: string;
1276        /**
1277         * List of files names that should be recompiled
1278         */
1279        fileNames: string[];
1280        /**
1281         * true if project uses outFile or out compiler option
1282         */
1283        projectUsesOutFile: boolean;
1284    }
1285    /**
1286     * Response for CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListRequest request;
1287     */
1288    interface CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListResponse extends Response {
1289        body: CompileOnSaveAffectedFileListSingleProject[];
1290    }
1291    /**
1292     * Request to recompile the file. All generated outputs (.js, .d.ts or .js.map files) is written on disk.
1293     */
1294    interface CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequest extends FileRequest {
1295        command: CommandTypes.CompileOnSaveEmitFile;
1296        arguments: CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequestArgs;
1297    }
1298    /**
1299     * Arguments for CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequest
1300     */
1301    interface CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
1302        /**
1303         * if true - then file should be recompiled even if it does not have any changes.
1304         */
1305        forced?: boolean;
1306    }
1307    /**
1308     * Quickinfo request; value of command field is
1309     * "quickinfo". Return response giving a quick type and
1310     * documentation string for the symbol found in file at location
1311     * line, col.
1312     */
1313    interface QuickInfoRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
1314        command: CommandTypes.Quickinfo;
1315    }
1316    /**
1317     * Body of QuickInfoResponse.
1318     */
1319    interface QuickInfoResponseBody {
1320        /**
1321         * The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
1322         */
1323        kind: ScriptElementKind;
1324        /**
1325         * Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
1326         */
1327        kindModifiers: string;
1328        /**
1329         * Starting file location of symbol.
1330         */
1331        start: Location;
1332        /**
1333         * One past last character of symbol.
1334         */
1335        end: Location;
1336        /**
1337         * Type and kind of symbol.
1338         */
1339        displayString: string;
1340        /**
1341         * Documentation associated with symbol.
1342         */
1343        documentation: string;
1344        /**
1345         * JSDoc tags associated with symbol.
1346         */
1347        tags: JSDocTagInfo[];
1348    }
1349    /**
1350     * Quickinfo response message.
1351     */
1352    interface QuickInfoResponse extends Response {
1353        body?: QuickInfoResponseBody;
1354    }
1355    /**
1356     * Arguments for format messages.
1357     */
1358    interface FormatRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
1359        /**
1360         * Last line of range for which to format text in file.
1361         */
1362        endLine: number;
1363        /**
1364         * Character offset on last line of range for which to format text in file.
1365         */
1366        endOffset: number;
1367        /**
1368         * Format options to be used.
1369         */
1370        options?: FormatCodeSettings;
1371    }
1372    /**
1373     * Format request; value of command field is "format".  Return
1374     * response giving zero or more edit instructions.  The edit
1375     * instructions will be sorted in file order.  Applying the edit
1376     * instructions in reverse to file will result in correctly
1377     * reformatted text.
1378     */
1379    interface FormatRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
1380        command: CommandTypes.Format;
1381        arguments: FormatRequestArgs;
1382    }
1383    /**
1384     * Object found in response messages defining an editing
1385     * instruction for a span of text in source code.  The effect of
1386     * this instruction is to replace the text starting at start and
1387     * ending one character before end with newText. For an insertion,
1388     * the text span is empty.  For a deletion, newText is empty.
1389     */
1390    interface CodeEdit {
1391        /**
1392         * First character of the text span to edit.
1393         */
1394        start: Location;
1395        /**
1396         * One character past last character of the text span to edit.
1397         */
1398        end: Location;
1399        /**
1400         * Replace the span defined above with this string (may be
1401         * the empty string).
1402         */
1403        newText: string;
1404    }
1405    interface FileCodeEdits {
1406        fileName: string;
1407        textChanges: CodeEdit[];
1408    }
1409    interface CodeFixResponse extends Response {
1410        /** The code actions that are available */
1411        body?: CodeFixAction[];
1412    }
1413    interface CodeAction {
1414        /** Description of the code action to display in the UI of the editor */
1415        description: string;
1416        /** Text changes to apply to each file as part of the code action */
1417        changes: FileCodeEdits[];
1418        /** A command is an opaque object that should be passed to `ApplyCodeActionCommandRequestArgs` without modification.  */
1419        commands?: {}[];
1420    }
1421    interface CombinedCodeActions {
1422        changes: readonly FileCodeEdits[];
1423        commands?: readonly {}[];
1424    }
1425    interface CodeFixAction extends CodeAction {
1426        /** Short name to identify the fix, for use by telemetry. */
1427        fixName: string;
1428        /**
1429         * If present, one may call 'getCombinedCodeFix' with this fixId.
1430         * This may be omitted to indicate that the code fix can't be applied in a group.
1431         */
1432        fixId?: {};
1433        /** Should be present if and only if 'fixId' is. */
1434        fixAllDescription?: string;
1435    }
1436    /**
1437     * Format and format on key response message.
1438     */
1439    interface FormatResponse extends Response {
1440        body?: CodeEdit[];
1441    }
1442    /**
1443     * Arguments for format on key messages.
1444     */
1445    interface FormatOnKeyRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
1446        /**
1447         * Key pressed (';', '\n', or '}').
1448         */
1449        key: string;
1450        options?: FormatCodeSettings;
1451    }
1452    /**
1453     * Format on key request; value of command field is
1454     * "formatonkey". Given file location and key typed (as string),
1455     * return response giving zero or more edit instructions.  The
1456     * edit instructions will be sorted in file order.  Applying the
1457     * edit instructions in reverse to file will result in correctly
1458     * reformatted text.
1459     */
1460    interface FormatOnKeyRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
1461        command: CommandTypes.Formatonkey;
1462        arguments: FormatOnKeyRequestArgs;
1463    }
1464    type CompletionsTriggerCharacter = "." | '"' | "'" | "`" | "/" | "@" | "<" | "#";
1465    /**
1466     * Arguments for completions messages.
1467     */
1468    interface CompletionsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
1469        /**
1470         * Optional prefix to apply to possible completions.
1471         */
1472        prefix?: string;
1473        /**
1474         * Character that was responsible for triggering completion.
1475         * Should be `undefined` if a user manually requested completion.
1476         */
1477        triggerCharacter?: CompletionsTriggerCharacter;
1478        /**
1479         * @deprecated Use UserPreferences.includeCompletionsForModuleExports
1480         */
1481        includeExternalModuleExports?: boolean;
1482        /**
1483         * @deprecated Use UserPreferences.includeCompletionsWithInsertText
1484         */
1485        includeInsertTextCompletions?: boolean;
1486    }
1487    /**
1488     * Completions request; value of command field is "completions".
1489     * Given a file location (file, line, col) and a prefix (which may
1490     * be the empty string), return the possible completions that
1491     * begin with prefix.
1492     */
1493    interface CompletionsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
1494        command: CommandTypes.Completions | CommandTypes.CompletionInfo;
1495        arguments: CompletionsRequestArgs;
1496    }
1497    /**
1498     * Arguments for completion details request.
1499     */
1500    interface CompletionDetailsRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
1501        /**
1502         * Names of one or more entries for which to obtain details.
1503         */
1504        entryNames: (string | CompletionEntryIdentifier)[];
1505    }
1506    interface CompletionEntryIdentifier {
1507        name: string;
1508        source?: string;
1509    }
1510    /**
1511     * Completion entry details request; value of command field is
1512     * "completionEntryDetails".  Given a file location (file, line,
1513     * col) and an array of completion entry names return more
1514     * detailed information for each completion entry.
1515     */
1516    interface CompletionDetailsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
1517        command: CommandTypes.CompletionDetails;
1518        arguments: CompletionDetailsRequestArgs;
1519    }
1520    /**
1521     * Part of a symbol description.
1522     */
1523    interface SymbolDisplayPart {
1524        /**
1525         * Text of an item describing the symbol.
1526         */
1527        text: string;
1528        /**
1529         * The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName' or plain 'text').
1530         */
1531        kind: string;
1532    }
1533    /**
1534     * An item found in a completion response.
1535     */
1536    interface CompletionEntry {
1537        /**
1538         * The symbol's name.
1539         */
1540        name: string;
1541        /**
1542         * The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
1543         */
1544        kind: ScriptElementKind;
1545        /**
1546         * Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
1547         */
1548        kindModifiers?: string;
1549        /**
1550         * A string that is used for comparing completion items so that they can be ordered.  This
1551         * is often the same as the name but may be different in certain circumstances.
1552         */
1553        sortText: string;
1554        /**
1555         * Text to insert instead of `name`.
1556         * This is used to support bracketed completions; If `name` might be "a-b" but `insertText` would be `["a-b"]`,
1557         * coupled with `replacementSpan` to replace a dotted access with a bracket access.
1558         */
1559        insertText?: string;
1560        /**
1561         * An optional span that indicates the text to be replaced by this completion item.
1562         * If present, this span should be used instead of the default one.
1563         * It will be set if the required span differs from the one generated by the default replacement behavior.
1564         */
1565        replacementSpan?: TextSpan;
1566        /**
1567         * Indicates whether commiting this completion entry will require additional code actions to be
1568         * made to avoid errors. The CompletionEntryDetails will have these actions.
1569         */
1570        hasAction?: true;
1571        /**
1572         * Identifier (not necessarily human-readable) identifying where this completion came from.
1573         */
1574        source?: string;
1575        /**
1576         * If true, this completion should be highlighted as recommended. There will only be one of these.
1577         * This will be set when we know the user should write an expression with a certain type and that type is an enum or constructable class.
1578         * Then either that enum/class or a namespace containing it will be the recommended symbol.
1579         */
1580        isRecommended?: true;
1581        /**
1582         * If true, this completion was generated from traversing the name table of an unchecked JS file,
1583         * and therefore may not be accurate.
1584         */
1585        isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
1586    }
1587    /**
1588     * Additional completion entry details, available on demand
1589     */
1590    interface CompletionEntryDetails {
1591        /**
1592         * The symbol's name.
1593         */
1594        name: string;
1595        /**
1596         * The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
1597         */
1598        kind: ScriptElementKind;
1599        /**
1600         * Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
1601         */
1602        kindModifiers: string;
1603        /**
1604         * Display parts of the symbol (similar to quick info).
1605         */
1606        displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1607        /**
1608         * Documentation strings for the symbol.
1609         */
1610        documentation?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1611        /**
1612         * JSDoc tags for the symbol.
1613         */
1614        tags?: JSDocTagInfo[];
1615        /**
1616         * The associated code actions for this entry
1617         */
1618        codeActions?: CodeAction[];
1619        /**
1620         * Human-readable description of the `source` from the CompletionEntry.
1621         */
1622        source?: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1623    }
1624    /** @deprecated Prefer CompletionInfoResponse, which supports several top-level fields in addition to the array of entries. */
1625    interface CompletionsResponse extends Response {
1626        body?: CompletionEntry[];
1627    }
1628    interface CompletionInfoResponse extends Response {
1629        body?: CompletionInfo;
1630    }
1631    interface CompletionInfo {
1632        readonly isGlobalCompletion: boolean;
1633        readonly isMemberCompletion: boolean;
1634        readonly isNewIdentifierLocation: boolean;
1635        readonly entries: readonly CompletionEntry[];
1636    }
1637    interface CompletionDetailsResponse extends Response {
1638        body?: CompletionEntryDetails[];
1639    }
1640    /**
1641     * Signature help information for a single parameter
1642     */
1643    interface SignatureHelpParameter {
1644        /**
1645         * The parameter's name
1646         */
1647        name: string;
1648        /**
1649         * Documentation of the parameter.
1650         */
1651        documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1652        /**
1653         * Display parts of the parameter.
1654         */
1655        displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1656        /**
1657         * Whether the parameter is optional or not.
1658         */
1659        isOptional: boolean;
1660    }
1661    /**
1662     * Represents a single signature to show in signature help.
1663     */
1664    interface SignatureHelpItem {
1665        /**
1666         * Whether the signature accepts a variable number of arguments.
1667         */
1668        isVariadic: boolean;
1669        /**
1670         * The prefix display parts.
1671         */
1672        prefixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1673        /**
1674         * The suffix display parts.
1675         */
1676        suffixDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1677        /**
1678         * The separator display parts.
1679         */
1680        separatorDisplayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1681        /**
1682         * The signature helps items for the parameters.
1683         */
1684        parameters: SignatureHelpParameter[];
1685        /**
1686         * The signature's documentation
1687         */
1688        documentation: SymbolDisplayPart[];
1689        /**
1690         * The signature's JSDoc tags
1691         */
1692        tags: JSDocTagInfo[];
1693    }
1694    /**
1695     * Signature help items found in the response of a signature help request.
1696     */
1697    interface SignatureHelpItems {
1698        /**
1699         * The signature help items.
1700         */
1701        items: SignatureHelpItem[];
1702        /**
1703         * The span for which signature help should appear on a signature
1704         */
1705        applicableSpan: TextSpan;
1706        /**
1707         * The item selected in the set of available help items.
1708         */
1709        selectedItemIndex: number;
1710        /**
1711         * The argument selected in the set of parameters.
1712         */
1713        argumentIndex: number;
1714        /**
1715         * The argument count
1716         */
1717        argumentCount: number;
1718    }
1719    type SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter = "," | "(" | "<";
1720    type SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter = SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter | ")";
1721    /**
1722     * Arguments of a signature help request.
1723     */
1724    interface SignatureHelpRequestArgs extends FileLocationRequestArgs {
1725        /**
1726         * Reason why signature help was invoked.
1727         * See each individual possible
1728         */
1729        triggerReason?: SignatureHelpTriggerReason;
1730    }
1731    type SignatureHelpTriggerReason = SignatureHelpInvokedReason | SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason | SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason;
1732    /**
1733     * Signals that the user manually requested signature help.
1734     * The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result.
1735     */
1736    interface SignatureHelpInvokedReason {
1737        kind: "invoked";
1738        triggerCharacter?: undefined;
1739    }
1740    /**
1741     * Signals that the signature help request came from a user typing a character.
1742     * Depending on the character and the syntactic context, the request may or may not be served a result.
1743     */
1744    interface SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason {
1745        kind: "characterTyped";
1746        /**
1747         * Character that was responsible for triggering signature help.
1748         */
1749        triggerCharacter: SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter;
1750    }
1751    /**
1752     * Signals that this signature help request came from typing a character or moving the cursor.
1753     * This should only occur if a signature help session was already active and the editor needs to see if it should adjust.
1754     * The language service will unconditionally attempt to provide a result.
1755     * `triggerCharacter` can be `undefined` for a retrigger caused by a cursor move.
1756     */
1757    interface SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason {
1758        kind: "retrigger";
1759        /**
1760         * Character that was responsible for triggering signature help.
1761         */
1762        triggerCharacter?: SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter;
1763    }
1764    /**
1765     * Signature help request; value of command field is "signatureHelp".
1766     * Given a file location (file, line, col), return the signature
1767     * help.
1768     */
1769    interface SignatureHelpRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
1770        command: CommandTypes.SignatureHelp;
1771        arguments: SignatureHelpRequestArgs;
1772    }
1773    /**
1774     * Response object for a SignatureHelpRequest.
1775     */
1776    interface SignatureHelpResponse extends Response {
1777        body?: SignatureHelpItems;
1778    }
1779    /**
1780     * Synchronous request for semantic diagnostics of one file.
1781     */
1782    interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
1783        command: CommandTypes.SemanticDiagnosticsSync;
1784        arguments: SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
1785    }
1786    interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
1787        includeLinePosition?: boolean;
1788    }
1789    /**
1790     * Response object for synchronous sematic diagnostics request.
1791     */
1792    interface SemanticDiagnosticsSyncResponse extends Response {
1793        body?: Diagnostic[] | DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
1794    }
1795    interface SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
1796        command: CommandTypes.SuggestionDiagnosticsSync;
1797        arguments: SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
1798    }
1799    type SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs = SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
1800    type SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncResponse = SemanticDiagnosticsSyncResponse;
1801    /**
1802     * Synchronous request for syntactic diagnostics of one file.
1803     */
1804    interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequest extends FileRequest {
1805        command: CommandTypes.SyntacticDiagnosticsSync;
1806        arguments: SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs;
1807    }
1808    interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
1809        includeLinePosition?: boolean;
1810    }
1811    /**
1812     * Response object for synchronous syntactic diagnostics request.
1813     */
1814    interface SyntacticDiagnosticsSyncResponse extends Response {
1815        body?: Diagnostic[] | DiagnosticWithLinePosition[];
1816    }
1817    /**
1818     * Arguments for GeterrForProject request.
1819     */
1820    interface GeterrForProjectRequestArgs {
1821        /**
1822         * the file requesting project error list
1823         */
1824        file: string;
1825        /**
1826         * Delay in milliseconds to wait before starting to compute
1827         * errors for the files in the file list
1828         */
1829        delay: number;
1830    }
1831    /**
1832     * GeterrForProjectRequest request; value of command field is
1833     * "geterrForProject". It works similarly with 'Geterr', only
1834     * it request for every file in this project.
1835     */
1836    interface GeterrForProjectRequest extends Request {
1837        command: CommandTypes.GeterrForProject;
1838        arguments: GeterrForProjectRequestArgs;
1839    }
1840    /**
1841     * Arguments for geterr messages.
1842     */
1843    interface GeterrRequestArgs {
1844        /**
1845         * List of file names for which to compute compiler errors.
1846         * The files will be checked in list order.
1847         */
1848        files: string[];
1849        /**
1850         * Delay in milliseconds to wait before starting to compute
1851         * errors for the files in the file list
1852         */
1853        delay: number;
1854    }
1855    /**
1856     * Geterr request; value of command field is "geterr". Wait for
1857     * delay milliseconds and then, if during the wait no change or
1858     * reload messages have arrived for the first file in the files
1859     * list, get the syntactic errors for the file, field requests,
1860     * and then get the semantic errors for the file.  Repeat with a
1861     * smaller delay for each subsequent file on the files list.  Best
1862     * practice for an editor is to send a file list containing each
1863     * file that is currently visible, in most-recently-used order.
1864     */
1865    interface GeterrRequest extends Request {
1866        command: CommandTypes.Geterr;
1867        arguments: GeterrRequestArgs;
1868    }
1869    type RequestCompletedEventName = "requestCompleted";
1870    /**
1871     * Event that is sent when server have finished processing request with specified id.
1872     */
1873    interface RequestCompletedEvent extends Event {
1874        event: RequestCompletedEventName;
1875        body: RequestCompletedEventBody;
1876    }
1877    interface RequestCompletedEventBody {
1878        request_seq: number;
1879    }
1880    /**
1881     * Item of diagnostic information found in a DiagnosticEvent message.
1882     */
1883    interface Diagnostic {
1884        /**
1885         * Starting file location at which text applies.
1886         */
1887        start: Location;
1888        /**
1889         * The last file location at which the text applies.
1890         */
1891        end: Location;
1892        /**
1893         * Text of diagnostic message.
1894         */
1895        text: string;
1896        /**
1897         * The category of the diagnostic message, e.g. "error", "warning", or "suggestion".
1898         */
1899        category: string;
1900        reportsUnnecessary?: {};
1901        /**
1902         * Any related spans the diagnostic may have, such as other locations relevant to an error, such as declarartion sites
1903         */
1904        relatedInformation?: DiagnosticRelatedInformation[];
1905        /**
1906         * The error code of the diagnostic message.
1907         */
1908        code?: number;
1909        /**
1910         * The name of the plugin reporting the message.
1911         */
1912        source?: string;
1913    }
1914    interface DiagnosticWithFileName extends Diagnostic {
1915        /**
1916         * Name of the file the diagnostic is in
1917         */
1918        fileName: string;
1919    }
1920    /**
1921     * Represents additional spans returned with a diagnostic which are relevant to it
1922     */
1923    interface DiagnosticRelatedInformation {
1924        /**
1925         * The category of the related information message, e.g. "error", "warning", or "suggestion".
1926         */
1927        category: string;
1928        /**
1929         * The code used ot identify the related information
1930         */
1931        code: number;
1932        /**
1933         * Text of related or additional information.
1934         */
1935        message: string;
1936        /**
1937         * Associated location
1938         */
1939        span?: FileSpan;
1940    }
1941    interface DiagnosticEventBody {
1942        /**
1943         * The file for which diagnostic information is reported.
1944         */
1945        file: string;
1946        /**
1947         * An array of diagnostic information items.
1948         */
1949        diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
1950    }
1951    type DiagnosticEventKind = "semanticDiag" | "syntaxDiag" | "suggestionDiag";
1952    /**
1953     * Event message for DiagnosticEventKind event types.
1954     * These events provide syntactic and semantic errors for a file.
1955     */
1956    interface DiagnosticEvent extends Event {
1957        body?: DiagnosticEventBody;
1958        event: DiagnosticEventKind;
1959    }
1960    interface ConfigFileDiagnosticEventBody {
1961        /**
1962         * The file which trigged the searching and error-checking of the config file
1963         */
1964        triggerFile: string;
1965        /**
1966         * The name of the found config file.
1967         */
1968        configFile: string;
1969        /**
1970         * An arry of diagnostic information items for the found config file.
1971         */
1972        diagnostics: DiagnosticWithFileName[];
1973    }
1974    /**
1975     * Event message for "configFileDiag" event type.
1976     * This event provides errors for a found config file.
1977     */
1978    interface ConfigFileDiagnosticEvent extends Event {
1979        body?: ConfigFileDiagnosticEventBody;
1980        event: "configFileDiag";
1981    }
1982    type ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventName = "projectLanguageServiceState";
1983    interface ProjectLanguageServiceStateEvent extends Event {
1984        event: ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventName;
1985        body?: ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventBody;
1986    }
1987    interface ProjectLanguageServiceStateEventBody {
1988        /**
1989         * Project name that has changes in the state of language service.
1990         * For configured projects this will be the config file path.
1991         * For external projects this will be the name of the projects specified when project was open.
1992         * For inferred projects this event is not raised.
1993         */
1994        projectName: string;
1995        /**
1996         * True if language service state switched from disabled to enabled
1997         * and false otherwise.
1998         */
1999        languageServiceEnabled: boolean;
2000    }
2001    type ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventName = "projectsUpdatedInBackground";
2002    interface ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent extends Event {
2003        event: ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventName;
2004        body: ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventBody;
2005    }
2006    interface ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventBody {
2007        /**
2008         * Current set of open files
2009         */
2010        openFiles: string[];
2011    }
2012    type ProjectLoadingStartEventName = "projectLoadingStart";
2013    interface ProjectLoadingStartEvent extends Event {
2014        event: ProjectLoadingStartEventName;
2015        body: ProjectLoadingStartEventBody;
2016    }
2017    interface ProjectLoadingStartEventBody {
2018        /** name of the project */
2019        projectName: string;
2020        /** reason for loading */
2021        reason: string;
2022    }
2023    type ProjectLoadingFinishEventName = "projectLoadingFinish";
2024    interface ProjectLoadingFinishEvent extends Event {
2025        event: ProjectLoadingFinishEventName;
2026        body: ProjectLoadingFinishEventBody;
2027    }
2028    interface ProjectLoadingFinishEventBody {
2029        /** name of the project */
2030        projectName: string;
2031    }
2032    type SurveyReadyEventName = "surveyReady";
2033    interface SurveyReadyEvent extends Event {
2034        event: SurveyReadyEventName;
2035        body: SurveyReadyEventBody;
2036    }
2037    interface SurveyReadyEventBody {
2038        /** Name of the survey. This is an internal machine- and programmer-friendly name */
2039        surveyId: string;
2040    }
2041    type LargeFileReferencedEventName = "largeFileReferenced";
2042    interface LargeFileReferencedEvent extends Event {
2043        event: LargeFileReferencedEventName;
2044        body: LargeFileReferencedEventBody;
2045    }
2046    interface LargeFileReferencedEventBody {
2047        /**
2048         * name of the large file being loaded
2049         */
2050        file: string;
2051        /**
2052         * size of the file
2053         */
2054        fileSize: number;
2055        /**
2056         * max file size allowed on the server
2057         */
2058        maxFileSize: number;
2059    }
2060    /**
2061     * Arguments for reload request.
2062     */
2063    interface ReloadRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
2064        /**
2065         * Name of temporary file from which to reload file
2066         * contents. May be same as file.
2067         */
2068        tmpfile: string;
2069    }
2070    /**
2071     * Reload request message; value of command field is "reload".
2072     * Reload contents of file with name given by the 'file' argument
2073     * from temporary file with name given by the 'tmpfile' argument.
2074     * The two names can be identical.
2075     */
2076    interface ReloadRequest extends FileRequest {
2077        command: CommandTypes.Reload;
2078        arguments: ReloadRequestArgs;
2079    }
2080    /**
2081     * Response to "reload" request. This is just an acknowledgement, so
2082     * no body field is required.
2083     */
2084    interface ReloadResponse extends Response {
2085    }
2086    /**
2087     * Arguments for saveto request.
2088     */
2089    interface SavetoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
2090        /**
2091         * Name of temporary file into which to save server's view of
2092         * file contents.
2093         */
2094        tmpfile: string;
2095    }
2096    /**
2097     * Saveto request message; value of command field is "saveto".
2098     * For debugging purposes, save to a temporaryfile (named by
2099     * argument 'tmpfile') the contents of file named by argument
2100     * 'file'.  The server does not currently send a response to a
2101     * "saveto" request.
2102     */
2103    interface SavetoRequest extends FileRequest {
2104        command: CommandTypes.Saveto;
2105        arguments: SavetoRequestArgs;
2106    }
2107    /**
2108     * Arguments for navto request message.
2109     */
2110    interface NavtoRequestArgs extends FileRequestArgs {
2111        /**
2112         * Search term to navigate to from current location; term can
2113         * be '.*' or an identifier prefix.
2114         */
2115        searchValue: string;
2116        /**
2117         *  Optional limit on the number of items to return.
2118         */
2119        maxResultCount?: number;
2120        /**
2121         * Optional flag to indicate we want results for just the current file
2122         * or the entire project.
2123         */
2124        currentFileOnly?: boolean;
2125        projectFileName?: string;
2126    }
2127    /**
2128     * Navto request message; value of command field is "navto".
2129     * Return list of objects giving file locations and symbols that
2130     * match the search term given in argument 'searchTerm'.  The
2131     * context for the search is given by the named file.
2132     */
2133    interface NavtoRequest extends FileRequest {
2134        command: CommandTypes.Navto;
2135        arguments: NavtoRequestArgs;
2136    }
2137    /**
2138     * An item found in a navto response.
2139     */
2140    interface NavtoItem extends FileSpan {
2141        /**
2142         * The symbol's name.
2143         */
2144        name: string;
2145        /**
2146         * The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
2147         */
2148        kind: ScriptElementKind;
2149        /**
2150         * exact, substring, or prefix.
2151         */
2152        matchKind: string;
2153        /**
2154         * If this was a case sensitive or insensitive match.
2155         */
2156        isCaseSensitive: boolean;
2157        /**
2158         * Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
2159         */
2160        kindModifiers?: string;
2161        /**
2162         * Name of symbol's container symbol (if any); for example,
2163         * the class name if symbol is a class member.
2164         */
2165        containerName?: string;
2166        /**
2167         * Kind of symbol's container symbol (if any).
2168         */
2169        containerKind?: ScriptElementKind;
2170    }
2171    /**
2172     * Navto response message. Body is an array of navto items.  Each
2173     * item gives a symbol that matched the search term.
2174     */
2175    interface NavtoResponse extends Response {
2176        body?: NavtoItem[];
2177    }
2178    /**
2179     * Arguments for change request message.
2180     */
2181    interface ChangeRequestArgs extends FormatRequestArgs {
2182        /**
2183         * Optional string to insert at location (file, line, offset).
2184         */
2185        insertString?: string;
2186    }
2187    /**
2188     * Change request message; value of command field is "change".
2189     * Update the server's view of the file named by argument 'file'.
2190     * Server does not currently send a response to a change request.
2191     */
2192    interface ChangeRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
2193        command: CommandTypes.Change;
2194        arguments: ChangeRequestArgs;
2195    }
2196    /**
2197     * Response to "brace" request.
2198     */
2199    interface BraceResponse extends Response {
2200        body?: TextSpan[];
2201    }
2202    /**
2203     * Brace matching request; value of command field is "brace".
2204     * Return response giving the file locations of matching braces
2205     * found in file at location line, offset.
2206     */
2207    interface BraceRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
2208        command: CommandTypes.Brace;
2209    }
2210    /**
2211     * NavBar items request; value of command field is "navbar".
2212     * Return response giving the list of navigation bar entries
2213     * extracted from the requested file.
2214     */
2215    interface NavBarRequest extends FileRequest {
2216        command: CommandTypes.NavBar;
2217    }
2218    /**
2219     * NavTree request; value of command field is "navtree".
2220     * Return response giving the navigation tree of the requested file.
2221     */
2222    interface NavTreeRequest extends FileRequest {
2223        command: CommandTypes.NavTree;
2224    }
2225    interface NavigationBarItem {
2226        /**
2227         * The item's display text.
2228         */
2229        text: string;
2230        /**
2231         * The symbol's kind (such as 'className' or 'parameterName').
2232         */
2233        kind: ScriptElementKind;
2234        /**
2235         * Optional modifiers for the kind (such as 'public').
2236         */
2237        kindModifiers?: string;
2238        /**
2239         * The definition locations of the item.
2240         */
2241        spans: TextSpan[];
2242        /**
2243         * Optional children.
2244         */
2245        childItems?: NavigationBarItem[];
2246        /**
2247         * Number of levels deep this item should appear.
2248         */
2249        indent: number;
2250    }
2251    /** protocol.NavigationTree is identical to ts.NavigationTree, except using protocol.TextSpan instead of ts.TextSpan */
2252    interface NavigationTree {
2253        text: string;
2254        kind: ScriptElementKind;
2255        kindModifiers: string;
2256        spans: TextSpan[];
2257        nameSpan: TextSpan | undefined;
2258        childItems?: NavigationTree[];
2259    }
2260    type TelemetryEventName = "telemetry";
2261    interface TelemetryEvent extends Event {
2262        event: TelemetryEventName;
2263        body: TelemetryEventBody;
2264    }
2265    interface TelemetryEventBody {
2266        telemetryEventName: string;
2267        payload: any;
2268    }
2269    type TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventName = "typesInstallerInitializationFailed";
2270    interface TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEvent extends Event {
2271        event: TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventName;
2272        body: TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventBody;
2273    }
2274    interface TypesInstallerInitializationFailedEventBody {
2275        message: string;
2276    }
2277    type TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventName = "typingsInstalled";
2278    interface TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventBody extends TelemetryEventBody {
2279        telemetryEventName: TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventName;
2280        payload: TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventPayload;
2281    }
2282    interface TypingsInstalledTelemetryEventPayload {
2283        /**
2284         * Comma separated list of installed typing packages
2285         */
2286        installedPackages: string;
2287        /**
2288         * true if install request succeeded, otherwise - false
2289         */
2290        installSuccess: boolean;
2291        /**
2292         * version of typings installer
2293         */
2294        typingsInstallerVersion: string;
2295    }
2296    type BeginInstallTypesEventName = "beginInstallTypes";
2297    type EndInstallTypesEventName = "endInstallTypes";
2298    interface BeginInstallTypesEvent extends Event {
2299        event: BeginInstallTypesEventName;
2300        body: BeginInstallTypesEventBody;
2301    }
2302    interface EndInstallTypesEvent extends Event {
2303        event: EndInstallTypesEventName;
2304        body: EndInstallTypesEventBody;
2305    }
2306    interface InstallTypesEventBody {
2307        /**
2308         * correlation id to match begin and end events
2309         */
2310        eventId: number;
2311        /**
2312         * list of packages to install
2313         */
2314        packages: readonly string[];
2315    }
2316    interface BeginInstallTypesEventBody extends InstallTypesEventBody {
2317    }
2318    interface EndInstallTypesEventBody extends InstallTypesEventBody {
2319        /**
2320         * true if installation succeeded, otherwise false
2321         */
2322        success: boolean;
2323    }
2324    interface NavBarResponse extends Response {
2325        body?: NavigationBarItem[];
2326    }
2327    interface NavTreeResponse extends Response {
2328        body?: NavigationTree;
2329    }
2330    interface CallHierarchyItem {
2331        name: string;
2332        kind: ScriptElementKind;
2333        file: string;
2334        span: TextSpan;
2335        selectionSpan: TextSpan;
2336    }
2337    interface CallHierarchyIncomingCall {
2338        from: CallHierarchyItem;
2339        fromSpans: TextSpan[];
2340    }
2341    interface CallHierarchyOutgoingCall {
2342        to: CallHierarchyItem;
2343        fromSpans: TextSpan[];
2344    }
2345    interface PrepareCallHierarchyRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
2346        command: CommandTypes.PrepareCallHierarchy;
2347    }
2348    interface PrepareCallHierarchyResponse extends Response {
2349        readonly body: CallHierarchyItem | CallHierarchyItem[];
2350    }
2351    interface ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCallsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
2352        command: CommandTypes.ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls;
2353    }
2354    interface ProvideCallHierarchyIncomingCallsResponse extends Response {
2355        readonly body: CallHierarchyIncomingCall[];
2356    }
2357    interface ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCallsRequest extends FileLocationRequest {
2358        command: CommandTypes.ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls;
2359    }
2360    interface ProvideCallHierarchyOutgoingCallsResponse extends Response {
2361        readonly body: CallHierarchyOutgoingCall[];
2362    }
2363    const enum IndentStyle {
2364        None = "None",
2365        Block = "Block",
2366        Smart = "Smart"
2367    }
2368    enum SemicolonPreference {
2369        Ignore = "ignore",
2370        Insert = "insert",
2371        Remove = "remove"
2372    }
2373    interface EditorSettings {
2374        baseIndentSize?: number;
2375        indentSize?: number;
2376        tabSize?: number;
2377        newLineCharacter?: string;
2378        convertTabsToSpaces?: boolean;
2379        indentStyle?: IndentStyle | ts.IndentStyle;
2380    }
2381    interface FormatCodeSettings extends EditorSettings {
2382        insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter?: boolean;
2383        insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements?: boolean;
2384        insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators?: boolean;
2385        insertSpaceAfterConstructor?: boolean;
2386        insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements?: boolean;
2387        insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions?: boolean;
2388        insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis?: boolean;
2389        insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets?: boolean;
2390        insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces?: boolean;
2391        insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces?: boolean;
2392        insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces?: boolean;
2393        insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion?: boolean;
2394        insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis?: boolean;
2395        placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions?: boolean;
2396        placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks?: boolean;
2397        insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation?: boolean;
2398        semicolons?: SemicolonPreference;
2399    }
2400    interface UserPreferences {
2401        readonly disableSuggestions?: boolean;
2402        readonly quotePreference?: "auto" | "double" | "single";
2403        /**
2404         * If enabled, TypeScript will search through all external modules' exports and add them to the completions list.
2405         * This affects lone identifier completions but not completions on the right hand side of `obj.`.
2406         */
2407        readonly includeCompletionsForModuleExports?: boolean;
2408        /**
2409         * If enabled, the completion list will include completions with invalid identifier names.
2410         * For those entries, The `insertText` and `replacementSpan` properties will be set to change from `.x` property access to `["x"]`.
2411         */
2412        readonly includeCompletionsWithInsertText?: boolean;
2413        /**
2414         * Unless this option is `false`, or `includeCompletionsWithInsertText` is not enabled,
2415         * member completion lists triggered with `.` will include entries on potentially-null and potentially-undefined
2416         * values, with insertion text to replace preceding `.` tokens with `?.`.
2417         */
2418        readonly includeAutomaticOptionalChainCompletions?: boolean;
2419        readonly importModuleSpecifierPreference?: "auto" | "relative" | "non-relative";
2420        readonly allowTextChangesInNewFiles?: boolean;
2421        readonly lazyConfiguredProjectsFromExternalProject?: boolean;
2422        readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
2423        readonly allowRenameOfImportPath?: boolean;
2424    }
2425    interface CompilerOptions {
2426        allowJs?: boolean;
2427        allowSyntheticDefaultImports?: boolean;
2428        allowUnreachableCode?: boolean;
2429        allowUnusedLabels?: boolean;
2430        alwaysStrict?: boolean;
2431        baseUrl?: string;
2432        charset?: string;
2433        checkJs?: boolean;
2434        declaration?: boolean;
2435        declarationDir?: string;
2436        disableSizeLimit?: boolean;
2437        downlevelIteration?: boolean;
2438        emitBOM?: boolean;
2439        emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean;
2440        experimentalDecorators?: boolean;
2441        forceConsistentCasingInFileNames?: boolean;
2442        importHelpers?: boolean;
2443        inlineSourceMap?: boolean;
2444        inlineSources?: boolean;
2445        isolatedModules?: boolean;
2446        jsx?: JsxEmit | ts.JsxEmit;
2447        lib?: string[];
2448        locale?: string;
2449        mapRoot?: string;
2450        maxNodeModuleJsDepth?: number;
2451        module?: ModuleKind | ts.ModuleKind;
2452        moduleResolution?: ModuleResolutionKind | ts.ModuleResolutionKind;
2453        newLine?: NewLineKind | ts.NewLineKind;
2454        noEmit?: boolean;
2455        noEmitHelpers?: boolean;
2456        noEmitOnError?: boolean;
2457        noErrorTruncation?: boolean;
2458        noFallthroughCasesInSwitch?: boolean;
2459        noImplicitAny?: boolean;
2460        noImplicitReturns?: boolean;
2461        noImplicitThis?: boolean;
2462        noUnusedLocals?: boolean;
2463        noUnusedParameters?: boolean;
2464        noImplicitUseStrict?: boolean;
2465        noLib?: boolean;
2466        noResolve?: boolean;
2467        out?: string;
2468        outDir?: string;
2469        outFile?: string;
2470        paths?: MapLike<string[]>;
2471        plugins?: PluginImport[];
2472        preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
2473        preserveSymlinks?: boolean;
2474        project?: string;
2475        reactNamespace?: string;
2476        removeComments?: boolean;
2477        references?: ProjectReference[];
2478        rootDir?: string;
2479        rootDirs?: string[];
2480        skipLibCheck?: boolean;
2481        skipDefaultLibCheck?: boolean;
2482        sourceMap?: boolean;
2483        sourceRoot?: string;
2484        strict?: boolean;
2485        strictNullChecks?: boolean;
2486        suppressExcessPropertyErrors?: boolean;
2487        suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors?: boolean;
2488        useDefineForClassFields?: boolean;
2489        target?: ScriptTarget | ts.ScriptTarget;
2490        traceResolution?: boolean;
2491        resolveJsonModule?: boolean;
2492        types?: string[];
2493        /** Paths used to used to compute primary types search locations */
2494        typeRoots?: string[];
2495        [option: string]: CompilerOptionsValue | undefined;
2496    }
2497    const enum JsxEmit {
2498        None = "None",
2499        Preserve = "Preserve",
2500        ReactNative = "ReactNative",
2501        React = "React"
2502    }
2503    const enum ModuleKind {
2504        None = "None",
2505        CommonJS = "CommonJS",
2506        AMD = "AMD",
2507        UMD = "UMD",
2508        System = "System",
2509        ES6 = "ES6",
2510        ES2015 = "ES2015",
2511        ESNext = "ESNext"
2512    }
2513    const enum ModuleResolutionKind {
2514        Classic = "Classic",
2515        Node = "Node"
2516    }
2517    const enum NewLineKind {
2518        Crlf = "Crlf",
2519        Lf = "Lf"
2520    }
2521    const enum ScriptTarget {
2522        ES3 = "ES3",
2523        ES5 = "ES5",
2524        ES6 = "ES6",
2525        ES2015 = "ES2015",
2526        ES2016 = "ES2016",
2527        ES2017 = "ES2017",
2528        ES2018 = "ES2018",
2529        ES2019 = "ES2019",
2530        ES2020 = "ES2020",
2531        ESNext = "ESNext"
2532    }
2534declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
2536    interface TextInsertion {
2537        newText: string;
2538        /** The position in newText the caret should point to after the insertion. */
2539        caretOffset: number;
2540    }
2542    interface TodoCommentDescriptor {
2543        text: string;
2544        priority: number;
2545    }
2547    interface TodoComment {
2548        descriptor: TodoCommentDescriptor;
2549        message: string;
2550        position: number;
2551    }
2553    enum OutliningSpanKind {
2554        /** Single or multi-line comments */
2555        Comment = "comment",
2556        /** Sections marked by '// #region' and '// #endregion' comments */
2557        Region = "region",
2558        /** Declarations and expressions */
2559        Code = "code",
2560        /** Contiguous blocks of import declarations */
2561        Imports = "imports"
2562    }
2564    enum HighlightSpanKind {
2565        none = "none",
2566        definition = "definition",
2567        reference = "reference",
2568        writtenReference = "writtenReference"
2569    }
2571    enum ScriptElementKind {
2572        unknown = "",
2573        warning = "warning",
2574        /** predefined type (void) or keyword (class) */
2575        keyword = "keyword",
2576        /** top level script node */
2577        scriptElement = "script",
2578        /** module foo {} */
2579        moduleElement = "module",
2580        /** class X {} */
2581        classElement = "class",
2582        /** var x = class X {} */
2583        localClassElement = "local class",
2584        /** interface Y {} */
2585        interfaceElement = "interface",
2586        /** type T = ... */
2587        typeElement = "type",
2588        /** enum E */
2589        enumElement = "enum",
2590        enumMemberElement = "enum member",
2591        /**
2592         * Inside module and script only
2593         * const v = ..
2594         */
2595        variableElement = "var",
2596        /** Inside function */
2597        localVariableElement = "local var",
2598        /**
2599         * Inside module and script only
2600         * function f() { }
2601         */
2602        functionElement = "function",
2603        /** Inside function */
2604        localFunctionElement = "local function",
2605        /** class X { [public|private]* foo() {} } */
2606        memberFunctionElement = "method",
2607        /** class X { [public|private]* [get|set] foo:number; } */
2608        memberGetAccessorElement = "getter",
2609        memberSetAccessorElement = "setter",
2610        /**
2611         * class X { [public|private]* foo:number; }
2612         * interface Y { foo:number; }
2613         */
2614        memberVariableElement = "property",
2615        /** class X { constructor() { } } */
2616        constructorImplementationElement = "constructor",
2617        /** interface Y { ():number; } */
2618        callSignatureElement = "call",
2619        /** interface Y { []:number; } */
2620        indexSignatureElement = "index",
2621        /** interface Y { new():Y; } */
2622        constructSignatureElement = "construct",
2623        /** function foo(*Y*: string) */
2624        parameterElement = "parameter",
2625        typeParameterElement = "type parameter",
2626        primitiveType = "primitive type",
2627        label = "label",
2628        alias = "alias",
2629        constElement = "const",
2630        letElement = "let",
2631        directory = "directory",
2632        externalModuleName = "external module name",
2633        /**
2634         * <JsxTagName attribute1 attribute2={0} />
2635         */
2636        jsxAttribute = "JSX attribute",
2637        /** String literal */
2638        string = "string"
2639    }
2641    export interface TypeAcquisition {
2642        /**
2643         * @deprecated typingOptions.enableAutoDiscovery
2644         * Use typeAcquisition.enable instead.
2645         */
2646        enableAutoDiscovery?: boolean;
2647        enable?: boolean;
2648        include?: string[];
2649        exclude?: string[];
2650        [option: string]: string[] | boolean | undefined;
2651    }
2653    export interface FileExtensionInfo {
2654        extension: string;
2655        isMixedContent: boolean;
2656        scriptKind?: ScriptKind;
2657    }
2659    export type CompilerOptionsValue = string | number | boolean | (string | number)[] | string[] | MapLike<string[]> | PluginImport[] | ProjectReference[] | null | undefined;
2661    interface JSDocTagInfo {
2662        name: string;
2663        text?: string;
2664    }
2666    /**
2667     * Type of objects whose values are all of the same type.
2668     * The `in` and `for-in` operators can *not* be safely used,
2669     * since `Object.prototype` may be modified by outside code.
2670     */
2671    interface MapLike<T> {
2672        [index: string]: T;
2673    }
2675    export interface PluginImport {
2676        name: string;
2677    }
2679    export interface ProjectReference {
2680        /** A normalized path on disk */
2681        path: string;
2682        /** The path as the user originally wrote it */
2683        originalPath?: string;
2684        /** True if the output of this reference should be prepended to the output of this project. Only valid for --outFile compilations */
2685        prepend?: boolean;
2686        /** True if it is intended that this reference form a circularity */
2687        circular?: boolean;
2688    }
2690declare namespace ts {
2691    // these types are empty stubs for types from services and should not be used directly
2692    export type ScriptKind = never;
2693    export type WatchFileKind = never;
2694    export type WatchDirectoryKind = never;
2695    export type PollingWatchKind = never;
2696    export type IndentStyle = never;
2697    export type JsxEmit = never;
2698    export type ModuleKind = never;
2699    export type ModuleResolutionKind = never;
2700    export type NewLineKind = never;
2701    export type ScriptTarget = never;
2703import protocol = ts.server.protocol;
2704export = protocol;
2705export as namespace protocol;