1=head1 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Support in RT
3The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of regulations passed by the European
4Union taking effect on 25 May 2018. You can read more about the new regulations on
5the L<GDPR website|https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection_en>.
7Many of these regulations fall to the web site owner or provider of a service, so they are outside
8the scope of a software solution. However, RT provides some features that make
9compliance easier for organizations who run RT, whatever your internal GDPR policies
10might be.
12=head1 Viewing User Data in RT
14One of the GDPR provisions asserts a "right of access" for users, meaning they can request
15access to the personal data an organization has stored for them. Core user data in RT, like
16name and email address, are typically stored on a user record.
17There are different options to manage how different classes of RT users can view
18and even edit their user information.
20=head2 Privileged Users
22Privileged users in RT are typically the staff of an organization, so they likely have access
23to their information in RT. If given the ModifySelf right, Privileged users can
24see and modify their full user record at Logged in as > Settings > About Me.
26=head2 Unprivileged Users
28Unprivileged users will interact with RT via the Self Service interface or through email only.
29These users are typically customers and will have much less default access in RT. Since there
30are many different relationships with end users, RT offers several different options to
31allow Self Service users to view and edit their user data. All of the options below except
32C<view-info> also require users to have the ModifySelf right.
34For C<view-info> and C<edit-prefs-view-info>, self service users can't update
35their user information directly, but you can provide an easy way for them
36to request an update. If you set L<RT_Config/SelfServiceRequestUpdateQueue> to
37the name of an RT queue, a quick create portlet will appear on the self service
38Preferences page. Users can then easily create a ticket to request updates to
39their user information.
41Note that self service users must have the CreateTicket right on the queue you
42select to allow them to create the new request.
44L<RT_Config/SelfServiceUserPrefs> has the following options:
48=item C<edit-prefs> (default)
50When set to C<edit-prefs>, self service users will be able to update
51their Timezone and Language preference and update their password.
52This is the default behavior of RT.
54=item C<view-info>
56When set to C<view-info>, users will have full access to all their
57user information stored in RT on a read-only page.
59=item C<edit-prefs-view-info>
61When set to C<edit-prefs-view-info>, users will have full access as in
62the C<view-info> option, but also will be able to update their Language
63and password as in the default C<edit-prefs> option.
65=item C<full-edit>
67When set to C<full-edit>, users will be able to fully view and update
68all of their stored RT user information.
72=head1 Downloading User Data
74To provide RT administrators a way to give end users a copy of their data on
75request, RT provides several different options to download user data to format-neutral
76tsv files. Access to these downloads are available for admins and can also
77be offered through self service.
79For RT administrators, user data downloads are available on the user admin
80page at Admin > Users > Select > [find a user].
82To offer download to users via self service, enable the option
83L<RT_Config/SelfServiceDownloadUserData> and grant the ModifySelf right
84to unprivileged users.
86=head2 Download Core User Data
88This option provides a file with basic user information from RT. The
89format of the download can be modified by setting L<RT_Config/UserDataResultFormat>.
91=head2 Download User Tickets
93This option provides a file with ticket summaries for all tickets that have
94the selected user as a requestor. The ticket summary file format can be
95configured with L<RT_Config/UserTicketDataResultFormat>.
97=head2 Download User Transactions
99This option provides transaction summaries for all transactions on which the
100selected user is the creator. This will typically be all of the correspondence
101where they replied back to a ticket, so it contains their part of ticket
102conversations. The format can be configured with L<RT_Config/UserTransactionDataResultFormat>.
104=head1 Removing User Data
106One provision of GDPR gives users the "right to be forgotten" which means they can
107request that their data be removed from an organization's system. RT provides several
108options to remove data associated with a user. These use the L<RT::Shredder> tool and
109links are provided from the user administration page to make removal easier.
111=head2 Anonymize User
113This option will clear all data on the user record for the current user,
114while preserving the user record. The required fields for a user are set
115to anonymous values.
117This option leaves all tickets intact, but the personal information, like
118email address, stored on the user record is removed.
120It is important to note that this action will not remove user information
121from ticket message bodies or email headers, only data from any RT-based sections like
122People. To anonymize ticket data, RT provides a script L<rt-munge-attachments>
123which you should also run. It is not linked from the web UI because it can
124require a long time to run.
126=head2 Replace User Information
128This option uses shredder with the replace_relations option to replace the
129existing userid with the RT user "Nobody" in transactions and other records
130that have the id. The user record is then deleted. This option is likely the
131easiest since it automatically handles linked objects in one step.
133As with the Anonymize User option, this shredder configuration does not find
134references to email address or other data in the body of correspondence.
135RT provides a script L<rt-munge-attachments> which you should also run to replace
136or remove these references.
138To replace with a user other than Nobody, update the replace_relations argument
139on the shredder page before running.
141=head2 Remove User Information
143This option uses shredder to remove the user record by running shredder
144without the replace_relations option. Note that this option will fail if
145it finds remaining references to the user. For example, if the user is a
146requestor on a ticket and the ticket is still in the system, the user
147will still be connected to the ticket, transactions on the ticket, etc.
149To resolve this, you can use other shredder plugins to first remove the other
150associated objects. For tickets, for example, you could run a search for
151"Requestor.EmailAddress = 'user1@example.com'" and then shred the tickets returned.
152Once the associated objects are shredded, you can try shredding the user again.
153See L<RT::Shredder> for information on plugins for other objects.