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CopyDistH A D26-Apr-2000649 2725

READMEH A D09-Mar-20041.1 KiB3226

README_customH A D09-Mar-20042.8 KiB7558

httpd.tclH A D03-May-202211.6 KiB349188

httpdthread.tclH A D23-Apr-20046 KiB20492

tclhttpd.etc.initH A D27-Aug-2000878 4826

tclhttpd.rcH A D03-May-20226.7 KiB225156


1httpd.tcl	Sample startup script.  To run a server on port 8015, just do:
2	wish httpd.tcl -debug 1
3		This should work with any Tcl 8.0 or later wish or tclsh.
4		To run on a different port and in the background, try:
5	tclsh httpd.tcl -port 80 &
6		To try out threads, run with a thread-enabled tclsh and do:
7	tclsh httpd.tcl -threads 5
8		where this means use up to 5 worker threads.
10		httpd.tcl depends on both tclhttpd.rc and httpdthread.tcl,
11		as well as the packages in ../lib
13tclhttpd.rc	Configuration file with default port, etc.
14httpdthread.tcl	Per-thread initialization.
17		This is a Solaris startup script:
18		/etc/init.d/tclhttpd
19		You'd install this and make appropriate symbolic links
20		into the various runlevel directories (rc2.d)
21		to get the server to start at boot.  The details vary
22		among different UNIX's
24In the mini dirctory:
25mini1.1.tcl	- These are a set of tiny HTTPD implementations by
26minihttpd.tcl	- Steve Uhler (suhler@eng.sun.com)
29In test directory:
30echosrv.tcl	- Testing routines for Tcl sockets
31torture.tcl	- Testing for parallel HTTP fetches against servers


1You can use TclHTTPD "out of the box" to implement a basic Web server.
2However, if you want to create your own Web application, you'll want
3to integrate your own custom Tcl code with the server.
5*** Custom Code Directory ***
7The recommended way to do this is to create Tcl packages for your
8functionality and put them into a "custom code" directory.
9The "custom" directory of the distribution has some trivial examples.
11Specify the location of the custom code directory with the -library
12command line argument or the "library" .rc file Config specification.
13The files in this directory are sourced in alphabetical order.
14If you run with "-debug 1" then you'll see feedback as these are loaded.
16If you do not need to substantially change the way the default server
17works, but instead just add more stuff, then you are done.  Otherwise...
19*** Modifing the server startup code ***
21The Tcl scripts that start up the server are divided into three files.
22You will end up modifying one or more of the following files:
25	(The main program)
26	This main script processes command line arguments,
27	loads the configuration file,
28	starts the Http server,
29	loads the per-thread httpdthread.tcl file,
30	and enters the event loop.
32	This file embodies assumptions about the installation directory
33	structure.  If you repackage TclHttpd, you'll probably have
34	to modify this file.
37	(The Configuration File)
38	This script is sourced before the command line arguments are processed.
39	Its use is limited to setting simple parameters.  Typically these
40	correspond to command line arguments.  However, you are free to
41	add new Config parameters.  If you have
42		Config foo	"The value of foo"
43	in your .rc file, then you can access that value by using the
44	    config::cget foo
45	command, or (if you haven't changed bin/httpd.tcl) by using the
46	global Config array:
47	    global Config
48	    set foovalue $Config(foo)
51	(The per-thread main program)
52	This file is sourced by the main interpreter, and again by
53	each worker thread if you are using threads.
54	This file starts up most of the packages associated with a normal
55	web server.  At the very end it loads all the code from the custom
56	code directory described above.
58	If you need to disable some of the standard web server features,
59	you may need to edit this file.  You can select a different version
60	of this file with the "-main" command line argument, or the
61	"main" .rc Config specification.
63*** Starting the server ***
64	If you have created copies of the configuration
65	file and per-thread startup file, you'll need to specify those
66	on the command line:
68	tclsh httpd.tcl -config my.rc -main mythread.tcl
70	or you can also create a modified copy of httpd.tcl that embeds the
71	names of the other custom files, so starting the server reduces to
73	tclsh myhttpd.tcl