1 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 |   Copyright (c) 1999 Jochen Loewer (loewerj@hotmail.com)
3 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 |
5 |   $Id$
6 |
7 |
8 |   A DOM implementation for Tcl using James Clark's expat XML parser
9 |
10 |
11 |   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
12 |   Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
13 |   compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
14 |   http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
15 |
16 |   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
17 |   basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
18 |   License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
19 |   under the License.
20 |
21 |   The Original Code is tDOM.
22 |
23 |   The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jochen Loewer
24 |   Portions created by Jochen Loewer are Copyright (C) 1998, 1999
25 |   Jochen Loewer. All Rights Reserved.
26 |
27 |   Contributor(s):
28 |       Sept99  Carsten Zerbst    Added comment and processing instructions
29 |                                 nodes.
30 |       June00  Zoran Vasiljevic  Made thread-safe.
31 |       July00  Zoran Vasiljevic  Added "domNode appendFromScript"
32 |
33 |
34 |   written by Jochen Loewer
35 |   April, 1999
36 |
37 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
40 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 |   Includes
42 |
43 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
44 #include <tcl.h>
45 #include <dom.h>
46 #include <domxpath.h>
47 #include <domxslt.h>
48 #include <xmlsimple.h>
49 #include <domjson.h>
50 #include <domhtml.h>
51 #include <domhtml5.h>
52 #include <nodecmd.h>
53 #include <tcldom.h>
54 #include <versionhash.h>
56 /* #define DEBUG */
57 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 |   Debug Macros
59 |
60 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
61 #ifdef DEBUG
62 # define DBG(x) x
63 #else
64 # define DBG(x)
65 #endif
68 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 |   Macros
70 |
71 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
72 #define XP_CHILD         0
73 #define XP_DESCENDANT    1
74 #define XP_ANCESTOR      2
75 #define XP_FSIBLING      3
76 #define XP_PSIBLING      4
78 #define MAX_REWRITE_ARGS 50
80 #define MAX_XSLT_APPLY_DEPTH 3000
82 #define SetResult(str) Tcl_ResetResult(interp); \
83                      Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), (str), -1)
85 #define SetResult3(str1,str2,str3) Tcl_ResetResult(interp);     \
86                      Tcl_AppendResult(interp, (str1), (str2), (str3), NULL)
88 #define SetIntResult(i) Tcl_ResetResult(interp);                        \
89                      Tcl_SetIntObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), (i))
91 #define SetDoubleResult(d) Tcl_ResetResult(interp); \
92                      Tcl_SetDoubleObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), (d))
94 #define SetBooleanResult(i) Tcl_ResetResult(interp); \
95                      Tcl_SetBooleanObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), (i))
97 #define AppendResult(str) {Tcl_Obj *o = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp); \
98                      if (Tcl_IsShared(o)) { \
99                           o = Tcl_DuplicateObj(o); \
100                           Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, o); \
101                      } \
102                      Tcl_AppendToObj(o, (str), -1);}
104 #define CheckArgs(min,max,n,msg) \
105                      if ((objc < min) || (objc >max)) { \
106                          Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, n, objv, msg); \
107                          return TCL_ERROR; \
108                      }
109 #define CheckName(interp, name, errText, isFQ) \
110                      if (!TSD(dontCheckName)) { \
111                          if (!tcldom_nameCheck(interp, name, errText, isFQ)) {\
112                              return TCL_ERROR; \
113                          } \
114                      }
116 #define CheckPIName(interp, name) \
117                      if (!TSD(dontCheckName)) { \
118                          if (!tcldom_PINameCheck(interp, name)) {\
119                              return TCL_ERROR; \
120                          } \
121                      }
123 #define CheckText(interp, text, errText) \
124                      if (!TSD(dontCheckCharData)) { \
125                          if (!tcldom_textCheck(interp, text, errText)) {\
126                              return TCL_ERROR; \
127                          } \
128                      }
130 #define CheckComment(interp, text) \
131                      if (!TSD(dontCheckCharData)) { \
132                          if (!tcldom_commentCheck(interp, text)) {\
133                              return TCL_ERROR; \
134                          } \
135                      }
137 #define CheckCDATA(interp, text) \
138                      if (!TSD(dontCheckCharData)) { \
139                          if (!tcldom_CDATACheck(interp, text)) {\
140                              return TCL_ERROR; \
141                          } \
142                      }
144 #define CheckPIValue(interp, text) \
145                      if (!TSD(dontCheckCharData)) { \
146                          if (!tcldom_PIValueCheck(interp, text)) {\
147                              return TCL_ERROR; \
148                          } \
149                      }
151 #define writeChars(var,chan,buf,len)  (chan) ? \
152                      ((void)Tcl_WriteChars ((chan), (buf), (len) )) : \
153                      (Tcl_AppendToObj ((var), (buf), (len) ));
161 #define SERIALIZE_FOR_ATTR 4
168 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
169 |   Module Globals
170 |
171 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
172 #ifndef TCL_THREADS
173     static int        storeLineColumn       = 0;
174     static int        dontCreateObjCommands = 0;
175     static int        dontCheckCharData     = 0;
176     static int        dontCheckName         = 0;
177     static int        domCreateCmdMode      = 0;
178 #   define TSD(x)     x
179 #   define GetTcldomTSD()
180 #else
181     typedef struct ThreadSpecificData {
182         int        storeLineColumn;
183         int        dontCreateObjCommands;
184         int        dontCheckCharData;
185         int        dontCheckName;
186         int        domCreateCmdMode;
187     } ThreadSpecificData;
188     static Tcl_ThreadDataKey dataKey;
189     static Tcl_HashTable     sharedDocs;
190     static Tcl_Mutex         tableMutex;
191     static int               tcldomInitialized;
192 #   define TSD(x)            tsdPtr->x
193 #   define GetTcldomTSD()  ThreadSpecificData *tsdPtr = \
194                                 (ThreadSpecificData*)   \
195                                 Tcl_GetThreadData(      \
196                                     &dataKey,           \
197                                     sizeof(ThreadSpecificData));
198 #endif /* TCL_THREADS */
200 static char dom_usage[] =
201     "Usage dom <subCommand> <args>, where subCommand can be:    \n"
202     "    parse ?-keepEmpties? ?-channel <channel> ?-baseurl <baseurl>?  \n"
203     "        ?-feedbackAfter <#Bytes>?                    \n"
204     "        ?-feedbackcmd <cmd>?                         \n"
205     "        ?-externalentitycommand <cmd>?               \n"
206     "        ?-useForeignDTD <boolean>?                   \n"
207     "        ?-paramentityparsing <none|always|standalone>\n"
208     "        ?-simple? ?-html? ?-html5? ?-json?           \n"
209     "        ?-jsonmaxnesting <#nr>?                      \n"
210     "        ?-jsonroot name?                             \n"
211     "        ?<xml|html|json>? ?<objVar>?                 \n"
212     "    createDocument docElemName ?objVar?              \n"
213     "    createDocumentNS uri docElemName ?objVar?        \n"
214     "    createDocumentNode ?objVar?                      \n"
215     TDomThreaded(
216     "    attachDocument domDoc ?objVar?                   \n"
217     "    detachDocument domDoc                            \n"
218     )
219     "    createNodeCmd ?-returnNodeCmd? ?-tagName name? ?-jsonType jsonType? ?-namespace URI? (element|comment|text|cdata|pi)Node cmdName \n"
220     "    setStoreLineColumn ?boolean?                     \n"
221     "    setNameCheck ?boolean?                           \n"
222     "    setTextCheck ?boolean?                           \n"
223     "    setObjectCommands ?(automatic|token|command)?    \n"
224     "    isCharData string                                \n"
225     "    isComment string                                 \n"
226     "    isCDATA string                                   \n"
227     "    isPIValue string                                 \n"
228     "    isName string                                    \n"
229     "    isQName string                                   \n"
230     "    isNCName string                                  \n"
231     "    isPIName string                                  \n"
232     "    featureinfo feature                              \n"
233 ;
235 static char doc_usage[] =
236     "Usage domDoc <method> <args>, where method can be:\n"
237     "    documentElement ?objVar?                \n"
238     "    getElementsByTagName name               \n"
239     "    getElementsByTagNameNS uri localname    \n"
240     "    createElement tagName ?objVar?          \n"
241     "    createElementNS uri tagName ?objVar?    \n"
242     "    createCDATASection data ?objVar?        \n"
243     "    createTextNode text ?objVar?            \n"
244     "    createComment text ?objVar?             \n"
245     "    createProcessingInstruction target data ?objVar? \n"
246     "    asXML ?-indent <none,0..8>? ?-channel <channel>? ?-escapeNonASCII? ?-escapeAllQuot? ?-doctypeDeclaration <boolean>?\n"
247     "    asHTML ?-channel <channelId>? ?-escapeNonASCII? ?-htmlEntities?\n"
248     "    asText                                  \n"
249     "    asJSON ?-indent <none,0..8>?            \n"
250     "    getDefaultOutputMethod                  \n"
251     "    publicId ?publicId?                     \n"
252     "    systemId ?systemId?                     \n"
253     "    internalSubset ?internalSubset?         \n"
254     "    indent ?boolean?                        \n"
255     "    omit-xml-declaration ?boolean?          \n"
256     "    encoding ?value?                        \n"
257     "    standalone ?boolean?                    \n"
258     "    mediaType ?value?                       \n"
259     "    delete                                  \n"
260     "    xslt ?-parameters parameterList? ?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? ?-xsltmessagecmd cmd? <xsltDocNode> ?objVar?\n"
261     "    toXSLTcmd                               \n"
262     "    cdataSectionElements (?URI:?localname|*) ?boolean?\n"
263     "    normalize ?-forXPath?                   \n"
264     "    nodeType                                \n"
265     "    hasChildNodes                           \n"
266     "    childNodes                              \n"
267     "    firstChild ?nodeObjVar?                 \n"
268     "    lastChild ?nodeObjVar?                  \n"
269     "    appendChild new                         \n"
270     "    insertBefore new ref                    \n"
271     "    replaceChild new old                    \n"
272     "    removeChild child                       \n"
273     "    ownerDocument                           \n"
274     "    getElementById id                       \n"
275     "    baseURI ?URI?                           \n"
276     "    appendFromList nestedList               \n"
277     "    appendFromScript script                 \n"
278     "    insertBeforeFromScript script ref       \n"
279     "    appendXML xmlString                     \n"
280     "    selectNodesNamespaces ?prefixUriList?   \n"
281     "    selectNodes ?-namespaces prefixUriList? ?-cache <boolean>? xpathQuery ?typeVar? \n"
282     "    renameNode <nodelist> <newName>         \n"
283     "    deleteXPathCache ?xpathQuery?           \n"
284     TDomThreaded(
285     "    readlock                                \n"
286     "    writelock                               \n"
287     "    renumber                                \n"
288     )
289 ;
291 static char node_usage[] =
292     "Usage nodeObj <method> <args>, where method can be:\n"
293     "    nodeType                     \n"
294     "    nodeName                     \n"
295     "    nodeValue ?newValue?         \n"
296     "    hasChildNodes                \n"
297     "    childNodes                   \n"
298     "    childNodesLive               \n"
299     "    parentNode                   \n"
300     "    firstChild ?nodeObjVar?      \n"
301     "    lastChild ?nodeObjVar?       \n"
302     "    nextSibling ?nodeObjVar?     \n"
303     "    previousSibling ?nodeObjVar? \n"
304     "    hasAttribute attrName        \n"
305     "    getAttribute attrName ?defaultValue? \n"
306     "    setAttribute attrName value ?attrName value ...? \n"
307     "    removeAttribute attrName     \n"
308     "    hasAttributeNS uri localName \n"
309     "    getAttributeNS uri localName ?defaultValue? \n"
310     "    setAttributeNS uri attrName value ?attrName value ...? \n"
311     "    removeAttributeNS uri attrName \n"
312     "    attributes ?attrNamePattern?   \n"
313     "    attributeNames ?attrNamePattern?   \n"
314     "    appendChild new              \n"
315     "    insertBefore new ref         \n"
316     "    replaceChild new old         \n"
317     "    removeChild child            \n"
318     "    cloneNode ?-deep?            \n"
319     "    ownerDocument                \n"
320     "    getElementsByTagName name    \n"
321     "    getElementsByTagNameNS uri localname \n"
322     "    getElementById id            \n"
323     "    find attrName attrValue ?nodeObjVar?   \n"
324     "    child      number|all ?type? ?attrName attrValue? \n"
325     "    descendant number|all ?type? ?attrName attrValue? \n"
326     "    ancestor   number|all ?type? ?attrName attrValue? \n"
327     "    fsibling   number|all ?type? ?attrName attrValue? \n"
328     "    psibling   number|all ?type? ?attrName attrValue? \n"
329     "    root ?nodeObjVar?            \n"
330     "    target                       \n"
331     "    data                         \n"
332     "    text                         \n"
333     "    prefix                       \n"
334     "    namespaceURI                 \n"
335     "    getBaseURI                   \n"
336     "    baseURI ?URI?                \n"
337     "    localName                    \n"
338     "    delete                       \n"
339     "    getLine                      \n"
340     "    getColumn                    \n"
341     "    @<attrName> ?defaultValue?   \n"
342     "    asList                       \n"
343     "    asXML ?-indent <none,0..8>? ?-channel <channel>? ?-escapeNonASCII? ?-escapeAllQuot? ?-doctypeDeclaration <boolean>?\n"
344     "    asHTML ?-channel <channelId>? ?-escapeNonASCII? ?-htmlEntities?\n"
345     "    asText                       \n"
346     "    asJSON ?-indent <none,0..8>? \n"
347     "    appendFromList nestedList    \n"
348     "    appendFromScript script      \n"
349     "    insertBeforeFromScript script ref \n"
350     "    appendXML xmlString          \n"
351     "    selectNodes ?-namespaces prefixUriList? ?-cache <boolean>? xpathQuery ?typeVar? \n"
352     "    toXPath ?-legacy?            \n"
353     "    disableOutputEscaping ?boolean? \n"
354     "    precedes node                \n"
355     "    normalize ?-forXPath?        \n"
356     "    xslt ?-parameters parameterList? <xsltDocNode>\n"
357     "    jsonType ?jsonType?          \n"
358     TDomThreaded(
359     "    readlock                     \n"
360     "    writelock                    \n"
361     )
362 ;
364 static const char *jsonTypes[] = {
365     "NONE",
366     "ARRAY",
367     "OBJECT",
368     "NULL",
369     "TRUE",
370     "FALSE",
371     "STRING",
372     "NUMBER",
373     NULL
374 };
376 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
377 |   Types
378 |
379 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
381 typedef struct XsltMsgCBInfo {
382     Tcl_Interp * interp;
383     Tcl_Obj    * msgcmd;
384 } XsltMsgCBInfo;
387 static void UpdateStringOfTdomNode(Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
388 static int  SetTdomNodeFromAny(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
390 const Tcl_ObjType tdomNodeType = {
391     "tdom-node",
392     NULL,
393     NULL,
394     UpdateStringOfTdomNode,
395     SetTdomNodeFromAny
396 };
398 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 |   Prototypes for procedures defined later in this file:
400 |
401 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
402 #if (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8) && (TCL_MINOR_VERSION <= 3)
403 /*
404  * Before Tcl 8.4, Tcl_VarTraceProc and Tcl_CmdDeleteProc were not
405  * CONST84'ified. When compiling with -DTCL_NO_DEPRECATED, CONST84 is
406  * gone, therefore we can't use the function type definitions of
407  * Tcl_VarTraceProc and Tcl_CmdDeleteProc for these old version.
408  *
409  */
410 static char * tcldom_docTrace(
411     ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp,
412     const char *part1, const char *part2, int flags);
413 static void tcldom_docCmdDeleteProc(ClientData clientData);
414 #else
415 static Tcl_VarTraceProc  tcldom_docTrace;
416 static Tcl_CmdDeleteProc tcldom_docCmdDeleteProc;
417 #endif
419 static void tcldom_treeAsJSON(Tcl_Obj *jstring, domNode *node,
420                               Tcl_Channel channel, int indent,
421                               int level,
422                               int inside);
424 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
426 static int tcldom_EvalLocked(Tcl_Interp* interp, Tcl_Obj** objv,
427                              domDocument* doc, int flag);
429 static int tcldom_RegisterDocShared(domDocument* doc);
430 static int tcldom_CheckDocShared(domDocument* doc);
431 static int tcldom_UnregisterDocShared(Tcl_Interp* interp, domDocument* doc);
433 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
434 |   tcldom_Finalize
435 |
436 |   Activated in application exit handler to delete shared document table
437 |   Table entries are deleted by the object command deletion callbacks,
438 |   so at this time, table should be empty. If not, we will leave some
439 |   memory leaks. This is not fatal, though: we're exiting the app anyway.
440 |   This is a private function to this file.
441 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
443 static void
tcldom_Finalize(ClientData unused)444 tcldom_Finalize(
445     ClientData unused
446 )
447 {
448     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "--> tcldom_Finalize\n"));
449     Tcl_MutexLock(&tableMutex);
450     Tcl_DeleteHashTable(&sharedDocs);
451     tcldomInitialized = 0;
452     Tcl_MutexUnlock(&tableMutex);
453 }
455 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
456 |   tcldom_initialize
457 |   Activated at module load to initialize shared document table.
458 |   This is exported since we need it in tdominit.c.
459 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_initialize(void)461 void tcldom_initialize(void)
462 {
463     if (!tcldomInitialized) {
464         DBG(fprintf(stderr, "--> tcldom_initialize\n"));
465         Tcl_MutexLock(&tableMutex);
466         Tcl_InitHashTable(&sharedDocs, TCL_ONE_WORD_KEYS);
467         Tcl_CreateExitHandler(tcldom_Finalize, NULL);
468         tcldomInitialized = 1;
469         Tcl_MutexUnlock(&tableMutex);
470     }
471 }
473 #endif /* TCL_THREADS */
475 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
476 |   tcldom_deleteNode
477 |
478 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
479 static void
tcldom_deleteNode(domNode * node,void * clientData)480 tcldom_deleteNode (
481     domNode  * node,
482     void     * clientData
483 )
484 {
485     Tcl_Interp *interp = clientData;
486     char        objCmdName[80];
488     /* Try to delete the node object commands, ignore errors */
489     if (node->nodeFlags & VISIBLE_IN_TCL) {
490         NODE_CMD(objCmdName, node);
491         Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, objCmdName);
492         node->nodeFlags &= ~VISIBLE_IN_TCL;
493     }
494 }
496 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
497 |   tcldom_deleteDoc
498 |
499 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
500 static
tcldom_deleteDoc(Tcl_Interp * interp,domDocument * doc)501 void tcldom_deleteDoc (
502     Tcl_Interp  * interp,
503     domDocument * doc
504 )
505 {
506     int deleted = 1;
508     TDomThreaded(deleted = tcldom_UnregisterDocShared(interp, doc));
509     if (deleted) {
510         domFreeDocument(doc, tcldom_deleteNode, interp);
511     }
512 }
514 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
515 |   tcldom_docCmdDeleteProc
516 |
517 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
518 static
tcldom_docCmdDeleteProc(ClientData clientData)519 void tcldom_docCmdDeleteProc(
520     ClientData clientData
521 )
522 {
523     domDeleteInfo *dinfo = (domDeleteInfo *)clientData;
524     domDocument   *doc   = dinfo->document;
525     int            hasTrace  = dinfo->document->nodeFlags & VAR_TRACE;
527     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "--> tcldom_docCmdDeleteProc doc %p\n", doc));
528     tcldom_deleteDoc(dinfo->interp, doc);
530     if (hasTrace) {
531         dinfo->document = NULL;
532     } else {
533         FREE((void*)dinfo);
534     }
535 }
537 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
538 |   tcldom_docTrace
539 |
540 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
541 static
tcldom_docTrace(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,const char * name1,const char * name2,int flags)542 char * tcldom_docTrace (
543     ClientData    clientData,
544     Tcl_Interp   *interp,
545     const char *name1,
546     const char *name2,
547     int           flags
548 )
549 {
550     domDeleteInfo *dinfo = (domDeleteInfo*) clientData;
551     domDocument   *doc   = dinfo->document;
552     char           objCmdName[80];
554     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "--> tcldom_docTrace %x %p\n", flags, doc));
556     if (doc == NULL) {
557         if (!(flags & TCL_INTERP_DESTROYED)) {
558             Tcl_UntraceVar(dinfo->interp, dinfo->traceVarName,
559                            TCL_TRACE_WRITES|TCL_TRACE_UNSETS,
560                            tcldom_docTrace, clientData);
561         }
562         FREE (dinfo->traceVarName);
563         FREE (dinfo);
564         return NULL;
565     }
566     if (flags & TCL_TRACE_WRITES) {
567         DOC_CMD(objCmdName, doc);
568         Tcl_SetVar2 (interp, name1, name2, objCmdName, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG);
569         return "var is read-only";
570     }
571     if (flags & TCL_TRACE_UNSETS) {
572         DOC_CMD(objCmdName, doc);
573         DBG(fprintf(stderr, "--> tcldom_docTrace delete doc %p\n", doc));
574         Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, objCmdName);
575         FREE (dinfo->traceVarName);
576         FREE (dinfo);
577     }
579     return NULL;
580 }
582 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
583 |   UpdateStringOfTdomNode
584 |
585 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
586 static void
UpdateStringOfTdomNode(Tcl_Obj * objPtr)587 UpdateStringOfTdomNode(
588     Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
589 {
590     char nodeName[80];
591     int  len;
593     NODE_CMD(nodeName, objPtr->internalRep.otherValuePtr);
594     len = strlen(nodeName);
595     objPtr->bytes = (ckalloc((unsigned char) len+1));
596     memcpy(objPtr->bytes, nodeName, len+1);
597     objPtr->length = len;
598 }
600 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
601 |   SetTdomNodeFromAny
602 |
603 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
604 static int
SetTdomNodeFromAny(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Obj * objPtr)605 SetTdomNodeFromAny(
606     Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Tcl interpreter or NULL */
607     Tcl_Obj *objPtr)		/* Pointer to the object to parse */
608 {
609     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
610     domNode     *node = NULL;
611     char        *nodeName;
612     char         eolcheck;
614     if (objPtr->typePtr == &tdomNodeType) {
615         return TCL_OK;
616     }
618     nodeName = Tcl_GetString(objPtr);
619     if (strncmp(nodeName, "domNode", 7)) {
620         if (interp) {
621             SetResult3("Parameter \"", nodeName, "\" is not a domNode.");
622             return TCL_ERROR;
623         }
624     }
625     if (sscanf(&nodeName[7], "%p%1c", (void **)&node, &eolcheck) != 1) {
626         if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, nodeName, &cmdInfo)) {
627             if (interp) {
628                 SetResult3("Parameter \"", nodeName, "\" is not a domNode.");
629                 return TCL_ERROR;
630             }
631         }
632         if (   (cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc == 0)
633             || (cmdInfo.objProc != (Tcl_ObjCmdProc*)tcldom_NodeObjCmd)) {
634             if (interp) {
635                 SetResult3("Parameter \"", nodeName, "\" is not a domNode"
636                     " object command");
637                 return TCL_ERROR;
638             }
639         }
640         node = (domNode*)cmdInfo.objClientData;
641     }
642     if (objPtr->typePtr && objPtr->typePtr->freeIntRepProc) {
643         objPtr->typePtr->freeIntRepProc(objPtr);
644     }
645     objPtr->internalRep.otherValuePtr = node;
646     objPtr->typePtr = &tdomNodeType;
648     return TCL_OK;
649 }
651 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
652 |   tcldom_createNodeObj
653 |
654 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_createNodeObj(Tcl_Interp * interp,domNode * node,char * objCmdName)655 void tcldom_createNodeObj (
656     Tcl_Interp * interp,
657     domNode    * node,
658     char       * objCmdName
659 )
660 {
661     GetTcldomTSD()
663     NODE_CMD(objCmdName, node);
665     if (TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) == 0) {
666         DBG(fprintf(stderr,"--> creating node %s\n", objCmdName));
668         Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, objCmdName,
669                              (Tcl_ObjCmdProc *)  tcldom_NodeObjCmd,
670                              (ClientData)        node,
671                              (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*)NULL);
672         node->nodeFlags |= VISIBLE_IN_TCL;
673     }
674 }
676 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
677 |   tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar
678 |
679 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
680 static
tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(Tcl_Interp * interp,domNode * node,int setVariable,Tcl_Obj * var_name)681 int tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar (
682     Tcl_Interp *interp,
683     domNode    *node,
684     int         setVariable,
685     Tcl_Obj    *var_name
686 )
687 {
688     char     objCmdName[80];
689     Tcl_Obj *resultObj;
691     GetTcldomTSD()
693     if (node == NULL) {
694         if (setVariable) {
695             if (!Tcl_ObjSetVar2 (interp, var_name, NULL,
696                                  Tcl_NewStringObj("",0),
697                                  TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG)) {
698                 return TCL_ERROR;
699             }
700         }
701         SetResult("");
702         return TCL_OK;
703     }
704     resultObj = Tcl_NewObj();
705     resultObj->bytes = NULL;
706     resultObj->length = 0;
707     resultObj->internalRep.otherValuePtr = node;
708     resultObj->typePtr = &tdomNodeType;
709     Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, resultObj);
710     if (TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) == 0) {
711         tcldom_createNodeObj(interp, node, objCmdName);
712     }
713     if (setVariable) {
714         if (!Tcl_ObjSetVar2 (interp, var_name, NULL, resultObj,
715                              TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG)) {
716             return TCL_ERROR;
717         }
718     }
719     return TCL_OK;
720 }
722 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
723 |   tcldom_returnNodeObj
724 |
725 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
726 static
tcldom_returnNodeObj(Tcl_Interp * interp,domNode * node)727 Tcl_Obj *tcldom_returnNodeObj (
728     Tcl_Interp *interp,
729     domNode    *node)
730 {
731     char     objCmdName[80];
732     Tcl_Obj *resultObj;
734     GetTcldomTSD()
736     resultObj = Tcl_NewObj();
737     if (node == NULL) {
738         return resultObj;
739     }
740     if (TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) == 0) {
741         tcldom_createNodeObj(interp, node, objCmdName);
742     }
743     resultObj->bytes = NULL;
744     resultObj->length = 0;
745     resultObj->internalRep.otherValuePtr = node;
746     resultObj->typePtr = &tdomNodeType;
747     return resultObj;
748 }
750 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
751 |   tcldom_returnDocumentObj
752 |
753 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_returnDocumentObj(Tcl_Interp * interp,domDocument * document,int setVariable,Tcl_Obj * var_name,int trace,int forOwnerDocument)754 int tcldom_returnDocumentObj (
755     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
756     domDocument *document,
757     int          setVariable,
758     Tcl_Obj     *var_name,
759     int          trace,
760     int          forOwnerDocument
761 )
762 {
763     char           objCmdName[80], *objVar;
764     domDeleteInfo *dinfo;
765     Tcl_CmdInfo    cmd_info;
767     GetTcldomTSD()
769     if (document == NULL) {
770         if (setVariable) {
771             objVar = Tcl_GetString(var_name);
772             Tcl_UnsetVar(interp, objVar, 0);
773             Tcl_SetVar  (interp, objVar, "", 0);
774         }
775         SetResult("");
776         return TCL_OK;
777     }
779     DOC_CMD(objCmdName, document);
781     if (TSD(dontCreateObjCommands)) {
782         if (setVariable) {
783             objVar = Tcl_GetString(var_name);
784             Tcl_SetVar(interp, objVar, objCmdName, 0);
785         }
786     } else {
787         if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, objCmdName, &cmd_info)) {
788             dinfo = (domDeleteInfo*)MALLOC(sizeof(domDeleteInfo));
789             dinfo->interp       = interp;
790             dinfo->document     = document;
791             document->nodeFlags |= DOCUMENT_CMD;
792             dinfo->traceVarName = NULL;
793             Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, objCmdName,
794                                  (Tcl_ObjCmdProc *)  tcldom_DocObjCmd,
795                                  (ClientData)        dinfo,
796                                  (Tcl_CmdDeleteProc*)tcldom_docCmdDeleteProc);
797         } else {
798             dinfo = (domDeleteInfo*)cmd_info.objClientData;
799         }
800         if (setVariable) {
801             objVar = Tcl_GetString(var_name);
802             Tcl_UnsetVar(interp, objVar, 0);
803             Tcl_SetVar  (interp, objVar, objCmdName, 0);
804             if (trace) {
805                 document->nodeFlags |= VAR_TRACE;
806                 dinfo->traceVarName = tdomstrdup(objVar);
807                 Tcl_TraceVar(interp,objVar,TCL_TRACE_WRITES|TCL_TRACE_UNSETS,
808                              (Tcl_VarTraceProc*)tcldom_docTrace,
809                              (ClientData)dinfo);
810             }
811         }
812     }
814     if (!forOwnerDocument) {
815         TDomThreaded(tcldom_RegisterDocShared(document));
816     }
817     SetResult(objCmdName);
819     return TCL_OK;
820 }
823 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
824 |   tcldom_getElementsByTagName
825 |
826 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
827 static int
tcldom_getElementsByTagName(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * namePattern,domNode * node,int nsIndex,const char * uri)828 tcldom_getElementsByTagName (
829     Tcl_Interp *interp,
830     char       *namePattern,
831     domNode    *node,
832     int         nsIndex,
833     const char *uri
834 )
835 {
836     int         result;
837     domNode    *child;
838     char        prefix[MAX_PREFIX_LEN];
839     const char *localName;
840     Tcl_Obj    *namePtr, *resultPtr;
842     /* nsIndex == -1 ==> DOM 1 no NS i.e getElementsByTagName
843        nsIndex != -1 are the NS aware cases
844        nsIndex == -2 ==> more than one namespace in the document with the
845                          requested namespace, we have to strcmp the URI
846                          with the namespace uri of every node
847        nsIndex == -3 ==> NS wildcard '*'
848        nsIndex == -4 ==> special handled case uri == "", i.e. all
849                          nodes not in a namespace */
851     while (node) {
852         if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
853             node = node->nextSibling;
854             continue;
855         }
856         if ( (nsIndex == -1)
857              || (nsIndex == (int)node->namespace)
858              || (nsIndex == -3)
859              || (nsIndex == -2
860                  && node->namespace
861                  && strcmp(uri, domNamespaceURI (node)) == 0)
862              || (nsIndex == -4
863                  && (!node->namespace
864                      || strcmp ("", domNamespaceURI (node))==0)) )
865         {
866             if (nsIndex == -1) {
867                 localName = node->nodeName;
868             } else {
869                 domSplitQName(node->nodeName, prefix, &localName);
870             }
871             if (Tcl_StringMatch(localName, namePattern)) {
872                 resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
873                 namePtr = tcldom_returnNodeObj(interp, node);
874                 result = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, resultPtr, namePtr);
875                 if (result != TCL_OK) {
876                     Tcl_DecrRefCount(namePtr);
877                     return result;
878                 }
879             }
880         }
882         /* recurs to the child nodes */
883         child = node->firstChild;
884         result = tcldom_getElementsByTagName(interp, namePattern, child,
885                                              nsIndex, uri);
886         if (result != TCL_OK) {
887             return result;
888         }
889         node = node->nextSibling;
890     }
892     return TCL_OK;
893 }
896 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
897 |   tcldom_find
898 |
899 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
900 static
tcldom_find(domNode * node,char * attrName,char * attrVal,int length)901 domNode * tcldom_find (
902     domNode    *node,
903     char       *attrName,
904     char       *attrVal,
905     int         length
906 )
907 {
908     domNode     *child, *result;
909     domAttrNode *attrs;
911     if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) return NULL;
913     attrs = node->firstAttr;
914     while (attrs) {
915         if ((strcmp(attrs->nodeName, attrName)==0) &&
916             (length == attrs->valueLength)         &&
917             (strncmp(attrs->nodeValue, attrVal, length)==0)) {
919             return node;
920         }
921         attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
922     }
923     child = node->firstChild;
924     while (child != NULL) {
926         result = tcldom_find(child, attrName, attrVal, length);
927         if (result != NULL) {
928             return result;
929         }
930         child = child->nextSibling;
931     }
932     return NULL;
933 }
936 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
937 |   tcldom_xpointerAddCallback
938 |
939 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
940 static
tcldom_xpointerAddCallback(domNode * node,void * clientData)941 int tcldom_xpointerAddCallback (
942     domNode    * node,
943     void       * clientData
944 )
945 {
946     Tcl_Interp * interp = (Tcl_Interp*)clientData;
947     Tcl_Obj    * resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
948     Tcl_Obj    * namePtr;
949     int          result;
952     namePtr = tcldom_returnNodeObj(interp, node);
953     result  = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, resultPtr, namePtr);
954     if (result != TCL_OK) {
955         Tcl_DecrRefCount(namePtr);
956     }
957     return result;
958 }
961 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
962 |   tcldom_xpointerSearch
963 |
964 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
965 static
tcldom_xpointerSearch(Tcl_Interp * interp,int mode,domNode * node,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])966 int tcldom_xpointerSearch (
967     Tcl_Interp * interp,
968     int          mode,
969     domNode    * node,
970     int          objc,
971     Tcl_Obj    * const  objv[]
972 )
973 {
974     char *str;
975     int   i = 0;
976     int   result = 0;
977     int   all = 0;
978     int   instance = 0;
979     int   type = ELEMENT_NODE;
980     char *element   = NULL;
981     char *attrName  = NULL;
982     char *attrValue = NULL;
983     int   attrLen;
986     str = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
987     if (strcmp(str, "all")==0) {
988         all = 1;
989     } else {
990         if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[2], &instance) != TCL_OK) {
991             SetResult( "instance must be integer or 'all'");
992             return TCL_ERROR;
993         }
994     }
995     if (objc > 3) {
996         str = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
997         if (*str == '#') {
998             if (strcmp(str,"#text")==0) {
999                 type = TEXT_NODE;
1000             } else if (strcmp(str,"#cdata")==0) {
1001                 type = CDATA_SECTION_NODE;
1002             } else if (strcmp(str,"#all")==0) {
1003                 type = ALL_NODES;
1004             } else if (strcmp(str,"#element")==0) {
1005                 type = ELEMENT_NODE;
1006             } else {
1007                 SetResult( "wrong node type");
1008                 return TCL_ERROR;
1009             }
1010         } else {
1011             element = str;
1012         }
1013     }
1014     if (objc >= 5) {
1015         if ((type != ELEMENT_NODE) && (type != ALL_NODES)) {
1016             SetResult( "Attribute search only for element nodes");
1017             return TCL_ERROR;
1018         }
1019         attrName  = Tcl_GetString(objv[4]);
1020         if (objc == 6) {
1021             attrValue = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[5], &attrLen);
1022         } else {
1023             attrValue = "*";
1024             attrLen = 1;
1025         }
1026     }
1027     Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
1028     switch (mode) {
1029         case XP_CHILD:
1030             result = domXPointerChild
1031                 (node, all, instance, type, element, attrName,
1032                  attrValue, attrLen, tcldom_xpointerAddCallback, interp);
1033             break;
1035         case XP_DESCENDANT:
1036             result = domXPointerDescendant
1037                 (node, all, instance, &i, type, element, attrName,
1038                  attrValue, attrLen, tcldom_xpointerAddCallback, interp);
1039             break;
1041         case XP_ANCESTOR:
1042             result = domXPointerAncestor
1043                 (node, all, instance, &i, type, element, attrName,
1044                  attrValue, attrLen, tcldom_xpointerAddCallback, interp);
1045             break;
1047         case XP_FSIBLING:
1048             result = domXPointerXSibling
1049                 (node, 1, all, instance, type, element, attrName,
1050                  attrValue, attrLen, tcldom_xpointerAddCallback, interp);
1051             break;
1053         case XP_PSIBLING:
1054             result = domXPointerXSibling
1055                 (node, 0, all, instance, type, element, attrName,
1056                  attrValue,  attrLen, tcldom_xpointerAddCallback, interp);
1057             break;
1058     }
1059     if (result != 0) {
1060         return TCL_ERROR;
1061     }
1062     return TCL_OK;
1063 }
1066 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1067 |   tcldom_getNodeFromObj
1068 |
1069 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_getNodeFromObj(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Obj * nodeObj)1070 domNode * tcldom_getNodeFromObj (
1071     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
1072     Tcl_Obj     *nodeObj
1073 )
1074 {
1075     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
1076     domNode     *node = NULL;
1077     char        *nodeName;
1078     char         eolcheck;
1080     GetTcldomTSD()
1082     if (nodeObj->typePtr == &tdomNodeType) {
1083         return (domNode*)nodeObj->internalRep.otherValuePtr;
1084     }
1086     if (TSD(dontCreateObjCommands)) {
1087         if (SetTdomNodeFromAny (interp, nodeObj) == TCL_OK) {
1088             return (domNode*)nodeObj->internalRep.otherValuePtr;
1089         }
1090         return NULL;
1091     }
1093     nodeName = Tcl_GetString(nodeObj);
1094     if (strncmp(nodeName, "domNode", 7)) {
1095         SetResult3("Parameter \"", nodeName, "\" is not a domNode.");
1096         return NULL;
1097     }
1098     if (sscanf(&nodeName[7], "%p%1c", (void **)&node, &eolcheck) != 1) {
1099         if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, nodeName, &cmdInfo)) {
1100             SetResult3("Parameter \"", nodeName, "\" is not a domNode.");
1101             return NULL;
1102         }
1103         if (   (cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc == 0)
1104             || (cmdInfo.objProc != (Tcl_ObjCmdProc*)tcldom_NodeObjCmd)) {
1105             SetResult3("Parameter \"", nodeName, "\" is not a domNode"
1106                        " object command.");
1107             return NULL;
1108         }
1109         node = (domNode*)cmdInfo.objClientData;
1110     }
1112     return node;
1113 }
1115 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1116 |   tcldom_getNodeFromName
1117 |
1118 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_getNodeFromName(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * nodeName,char ** errMsg)1119 domNode * tcldom_getNodeFromName (
1120     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
1121     char        *nodeName,
1122     char       **errMsg
1123 )
1124 {
1125     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
1126     domNode     *node = NULL;
1127     char         eolcheck;
1129     if (strncmp(nodeName, "domNode", 7)) {
1130         *errMsg = "parameter not a domNode!";
1131         return NULL;
1132     }
1133     if (sscanf(&nodeName[7], "%p%1c", (void **)&node, &eolcheck) != 1) {
1134         if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, nodeName, &cmdInfo)) {
1135            *errMsg = "parameter not a domNode!";
1136            return NULL;
1137         }
1138         if (   (cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc == 0)
1139             || (cmdInfo.objProc != (Tcl_ObjCmdProc*)tcldom_NodeObjCmd)) {
1140             *errMsg = "parameter not a domNode object command!";
1141             return NULL;
1142         }
1143         node = (domNode*)cmdInfo.objClientData;
1144     }
1146     return node;
1147 }
1149 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1150 |   tcldom_getDocumentFromName
1151 |
1152 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_getDocumentFromName(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * docName,char ** errMsg)1153 domDocument * tcldom_getDocumentFromName (
1154     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
1155     char        *docName,
1156     char       **errMsg
1157 )
1158 {
1159     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
1160     domDocument *doc = NULL;
1161     int          shared = 1;
1162     char         eolcheck;
1164     if (strncmp(docName, "domDoc", 6)) {
1165         *errMsg = "parameter not a domDoc!";
1166         return NULL;
1167     }
1168     if (sscanf(&docName[6], "%p%1c", (void **)&doc, &eolcheck) != 1) {
1169         if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, docName, &cmdInfo)) {
1170             *errMsg = "parameter not a domDoc!";
1171             return NULL;
1172         }
1173         if (   (cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc == 0)
1174             || (cmdInfo.objProc != (Tcl_ObjCmdProc*)tcldom_DocObjCmd)) {
1175             *errMsg = "parameter not a domDoc object command!";
1176             return NULL;
1177         }
1178         doc = ((domDeleteInfo*)cmdInfo.objClientData)->document;
1179     }
1181     TDomThreaded(shared = tcldom_CheckDocShared(doc));
1183     if (!shared) {
1184         *errMsg = "parameter not a shared domDoc!";
1185         return NULL;
1186     }
1188     return doc;
1189 }
1192 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1193 |   tcldom_appendXML
1194 |
1195 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_appendXML(Tcl_Interp * interp,domNode * node,Tcl_Obj * obj)1196 int tcldom_appendXML (
1197     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1198     domNode    *node,
1199     Tcl_Obj    *obj
1200 )
1201 {
1202     char        *xml_string;
1203     Tcl_Obj     *extResolver = NULL;
1204     int          xml_string_len;
1205     int          resultcode = 0;
1206     int          ignorexmlns = 0;
1207     domDocument *doc;
1208     domNode     *nodeToAppend;
1209     XML_Parser   parser;
1211     GetTcldomTSD()
1213     xml_string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(obj, &xml_string_len);
1215 #ifdef TDOM_NO_EXPAT
1216     SetResult("tDOM was compiled without Expat!");
1217     return TCL_ERROR;
1218 #else
1219     parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, MEM_SUITE, NULL);
1221     if (node->ownerDocument->extResolver) {
1222         extResolver = Tcl_NewStringObj(node->ownerDocument->extResolver, -1);
1223         Tcl_IncrRefCount (extResolver);
1224     }
1225     if (node->ownerDocument->nodeFlags & IGNORE_XMLNS) {
1226         ignorexmlns = 1;
1227     }
1229     doc = domReadDocument(parser,
1230                           xml_string,
1231                           xml_string_len,
1232                           1,
1233                           0,
1234                           TSD(storeLineColumn),
1235                           ignorexmlns,
1236                           0,
1237                           NULL,
1238                           NULL,
1239                           NULL,
1240                           extResolver,
1241                           0,
1242                           (int) XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS,
1243                           interp,
1244                           &resultcode);
1245     if (extResolver) {
1246         Tcl_DecrRefCount(extResolver);
1247     }
1248     if (doc == NULL) {
1249         char s[50];
1250         long byteIndex, i;
1252         Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
1253         sprintf(s, "%ld", XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser));
1254         Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "error \"",
1255                          XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)),
1256                          "\" at line ", s, " character ", NULL);
1257         sprintf(s, "%ld", XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser));
1258         Tcl_AppendResult(interp, s, NULL);
1259         byteIndex = XML_GetCurrentByteIndex(parser);
1260         if (byteIndex != -1) {
1261              Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n\"", NULL);
1262              s[1] = '\0';
1263              for (i=-20; i < 40; i++) {
1264                  if ((byteIndex+i)>=0) {
1265                      if (xml_string[byteIndex+i]) {
1266                          s[0] = xml_string[byteIndex+i];
1267                          Tcl_AppendResult(interp, s, NULL);
1268                          if (i==0) {
1269                              Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " <--Error-- ", NULL);
1270                          }
1271                      } else {
1272                          break;
1273                      }
1274                  }
1275              }
1276              Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"",NULL);
1277         }
1278         XML_ParserFree(parser);
1279         return TCL_ERROR;
1280     }
1281     XML_ParserFree(parser);
1284     nodeToAppend = doc->rootNode->firstChild;
1285     while (nodeToAppend) {
1286         domAppendChild(node, nodeToAppend);
1287         nodeToAppend = nodeToAppend->nextSibling;
1288     }
1289     domFreeDocument(doc, NULL, NULL);
1291     return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
1292 #endif
1293 }
1296 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1297 |   tcldom_xpathResultSet
1298 |
1299 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1300 static
tcldom_xpathResultSet(Tcl_Interp * interp,xpathResultSet * rs,Tcl_Obj * type,Tcl_Obj * value)1301 int tcldom_xpathResultSet (
1302     Tcl_Interp      *interp,
1303     xpathResultSet  *rs,
1304     Tcl_Obj         *type,
1305     Tcl_Obj         *value
1306 )
1307 {
1308     int          rc, i;
1309     Tcl_Obj     *namePtr, *objv[2];
1310     domAttrNode *attr;
1311     domNodeType  startType;
1312     int          mixedNodeSet;
1314     switch (rs->type) {
1315         case EmptyResult:
1316              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "empty", -1);
1317              Tcl_SetStringObj(value, "", -1);
1318              break;
1320         case BoolResult:
1321              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "bool", -1);
1322              Tcl_SetIntObj(value, rs->intvalue);
1323              break;
1325         case IntResult:
1326              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "number", -1);
1327              Tcl_SetIntObj(value, rs->intvalue);
1328              break;
1330         case RealResult:
1331              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "number", -1);
1332              Tcl_SetDoubleObj(value, rs->realvalue);
1333              break;
1335         case NaNResult:
1336              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "number", -1);
1337              Tcl_SetStringObj(value, "NaN", -1);
1338              break;
1340         case InfResult:
1341              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "number", -1);
1342              Tcl_SetStringObj(value, "Infinity", -1);
1343              break;
1345         case NInfResult:
1346              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "number", -1);
1347              Tcl_SetStringObj(value, "-Infinity", -1);
1348              break;
1350         case StringResult:
1351              Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "string", -1);
1352              Tcl_SetStringObj(value, rs->string, rs->string_len);
1353              break;
1355         case xNodeSetResult:
1356              startType = rs->nodes[0]->nodeType;
1357              mixedNodeSet = 0;
1358              for (i=0; i<rs->nr_nodes; i++) {
1359                  if (rs->nodes[i]->nodeType != startType) mixedNodeSet = 1;
1361                  if (rs->nodes[i]->nodeType == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
1362                      attr = (domAttrNode*)rs->nodes[i];
1363                      objv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(attr->nodeName, -1);
1364                      objv[1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(attr->nodeValue,
1365                                                 attr->valueLength);
1366                      namePtr = Tcl_NewListObj(2, objv);
1367                  } else {
1368                      namePtr = tcldom_returnNodeObj(interp, rs->nodes[i]);
1369                  }
1370                  rc = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, value, namePtr);
1371                  if (rc != TCL_OK) {
1372                      Tcl_DecrRefCount(namePtr);
1373                      return rc;
1374                  }
1375              }
1376              if (mixedNodeSet) {
1377                  Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "mixed", 5);
1378              } else {
1379                  if (startType == ATTRIBUTE_NODE)
1380                      Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "attrnodes",-1);
1381                  else
1382                      Tcl_SetStringObj(type, "nodes", 5);
1383              }
1384              break;
1386      }
1387      return TCL_OK;
1388 }
1391 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1392 |   tcldom_xpathFuncCallBack
1393 |
1394 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1395 static
tcldom_xpathFuncCallBack(void * clientData,char * functionName,domNode * ctxNode,int position,xpathResultSet * nodeList,domNode * exprContext,int argc,xpathResultSets * args,xpathResultSet * result,char ** errMsg)1396 int tcldom_xpathFuncCallBack (
1397     void            *clientData,
1398     char            *functionName,
1399     domNode         *ctxNode,
1400     int              position,
1401     xpathResultSet  *nodeList,
1402     domNode         *exprContext,
1403     int              argc,
1404     xpathResultSets *args,
1405     xpathResultSet  *result,
1406     char           **errMsg
1407 )
1408 {
1409     Tcl_Interp  *interp = (Tcl_Interp*) clientData;
1410     char         tclxpathFuncName[200], objCmdName[80];
1411     char         *errStr, *typeStr;
1412     Tcl_Obj     *resultPtr, *objv[MAX_REWRITE_ARGS], *type, *value, *nodeObj,
1413                 *tmpObj;
1414     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
1415     int          objc, rc, i, errStrLen, listLen, intValue, res;
1416     double       doubleValue;
1417     domNode     *node;
1419     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "tcldom_xpathFuncCallBack functionName=%s "
1420                 "position=%d argc=%d\n", functionName, position, argc);)
1422     if (strlen(functionName) > 199) {
1423         *errMsg = (char*)MALLOC (80 + strlen (functionName));
1424         strcpy (*errMsg, "Unreasonable long XPath function name: \"");
1425         strcat (*errMsg, functionName);
1426         strcat (*errMsg, "\"!");
1427         return XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1428     }
1429     sprintf (tclxpathFuncName, "::dom::xpathFunc::%s", functionName);
1430     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "testing %s\n", tclxpathFuncName);)
1431     rc = Tcl_GetCommandInfo (interp, tclxpathFuncName, &cmdInfo);
1432     if (!rc) {
1433         *errMsg = (char*)MALLOC (80 + strlen (functionName));
1434         strcpy (*errMsg, "Unknown XPath function: \"");
1435         strcat (*errMsg, functionName);
1436         strcat (*errMsg, "\"!");
1437         return XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1438     }
1439     if (!cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc) {
1440         *errMsg = (char*)tdomstrdup("can't access Tcl level method!");
1441         return XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1442     }
1443     if ( (5+(2*argc)) >= MAX_REWRITE_ARGS) {
1444         *errMsg = (char*)tdomstrdup("too many args for Tcl level method!");
1445         return XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1446     }
1447     objc = 0;
1448     objv[objc] = Tcl_NewStringObj(tclxpathFuncName, -1);
1449     Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[objc++]);
1450     if (ctxNode->nodeType == ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
1451         tcldom_createNodeObj(interp, ((domAttrNode*)ctxNode)->parentNode,
1452                              objCmdName);
1453         tmpObj = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
1454         Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, tmpObj,
1455                                  Tcl_NewStringObj(objCmdName, -1));
1456         Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(
1457             interp, tmpObj,
1458             Tcl_NewStringObj(((domAttrNode*)ctxNode)->nodeName, -1));
1459     } else {
1460         tmpObj = tcldom_returnNodeObj(interp, ctxNode);
1461     }
1462     objv[objc] = tmpObj;
1463     Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[objc++]);
1465     objv[objc] = Tcl_NewIntObj(position);
1466     Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[objc++]);
1468     type  = Tcl_NewObj();
1469     value = Tcl_NewObj();
1470     tcldom_xpathResultSet(interp, nodeList, type, value);
1471     objv[objc] = type;
1472     Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[objc++]);
1473     objv[objc] = value;
1474     Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[objc++]);
1476     for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
1477         type  = Tcl_NewObj();
1478         value = Tcl_NewObj();
1479         tcldom_xpathResultSet(interp, args[i], type, value);
1480         objv[objc] = type;
1481         Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[objc++]);
1482         objv[objc] = value;
1483         Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[objc++]);
1484     }
1485     rc = (cmdInfo.objProc(cmdInfo.objClientData, interp, objc, objv));
1486     if (rc == TCL_OK) {
1487         xpathRSInit(result);
1488         resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
1489         rc = Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, resultPtr, &listLen);
1490         if (rc == TCL_OK) {
1491             if (listLen == 1) {
1492                 rsSetString(result, Tcl_GetString(resultPtr));
1493                 res = XPATH_OK;
1494                 Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
1495                 goto funcCallCleanup;
1496             }
1497             if (listLen != 2) {
1498                 *errMsg = (char*)tdomstrdup("wrong return tuple; "
1499                                             "must be {type value}!");
1500                 res = XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1501                 goto funcCallCleanup;
1502             }
1503             rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, resultPtr, 0, &type);
1504             rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, resultPtr, 1, &value);
1505             typeStr = Tcl_GetString(type);
1506             if (strcmp(typeStr, "bool")==0) {
1507                 rc = Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, value, &intValue);
1508                 rsSetBool(result, intValue );
1509             } else
1510             if (strcmp(typeStr, "number")==0) {
1511                 rc = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, value, &intValue);
1512                 if (rc == TCL_OK) {
1513                     rsSetInt(result, intValue);
1514                 } else {
1515                     rc = Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, value, &doubleValue);
1516                     rsSetReal(result, doubleValue);
1517                 }
1518             } else
1519             if (strcmp(typeStr, "string")==0) {
1520                 rsSetString(result, Tcl_GetString(value));
1521             } else
1522             if (strcmp(typeStr, "nodes")==0) {
1523                 rc = Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, value, &listLen);
1524                 if (rc != TCL_OK) {
1525                     *errMsg = tdomstrdup("value not a node list!");
1526                     res = XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1527                     goto funcCallCleanup;
1528                 }
1529                 for (i=0; i < listLen; i++) {
1530                     rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, value, i, &nodeObj);
1531                     node = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, nodeObj);
1532                     if (node == NULL) {
1533                         *errMsg = tdomstrdup(Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
1534                         res = XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1535                         goto funcCallCleanup;
1536                     }
1537                     rsAddNode(result, node);
1538                 }
1539                 sortByDocOrder(result);
1540             } else
1541             if (strcmp(typeStr, "attrnodes")==0) {
1542                 *errMsg = tdomstrdup("attrnodes not implemented yet!");
1543                 res = XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1544                 goto funcCallCleanup;
1545             } else
1546             if (strcmp(typeStr, "attrvalues")==0) {
1547                 rsSetString(result, Tcl_GetString(value));
1548             } else {
1549                 *errMsg = (char*)MALLOC (80 + strlen (typeStr)
1550                                          + strlen (functionName));
1551                 strcpy(*errMsg, "Unknown type of return value \"");
1552                 strcat(*errMsg, typeStr);
1553                 strcat(*errMsg, "\" from Tcl coded XPath function \"");
1554                 strcat(*errMsg, functionName);
1555                 strcat(*errMsg, "\"!");
1556                 res = XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1557                 goto funcCallCleanup;
1558             }
1559         } else {
1560             DBG(fprintf(stderr, "ListObjLength != TCL_OK "
1561                         "--> returning XPATH_EVAL_ERR \n");)
1562             res = XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1563             goto funcCallCleanup;
1564         }
1565         Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
1566         res = XPATH_OK;
1567     } else {
1568         errStr = Tcl_GetStringFromObj( Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), &errStrLen);
1569         *errMsg = (char*)MALLOC(120+strlen(functionName) + errStrLen);
1570         strcpy(*errMsg, "Tcl error while executing XPath extension function '");
1571         strcat(*errMsg, functionName );
1572         strcat(*errMsg, "':\n" );
1573         strcat(*errMsg, errStr);
1574         Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
1575         DBG(fprintf(stderr, "returning XPATH_EVAL_ERR \n");)
1576         res = XPATH_EVAL_ERR;
1577     }
1578  funcCallCleanup:
1579     for (i = 0; i < objc; i++) {
1580         Tcl_DecrRefCount(objv[i]);
1581     }
1582     return res;
1583 }
1585 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1586 |   tcldom_xsltMsgCB
1587 |
1588 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1589 static
tcldom_xsltMsgCB(void * clientData,char * str,int length,int terminate)1590 int tcldom_xsltMsgCB (
1591     void *clientData,
1592     char *str,
1593     int   length,
1594     int   terminate
1595     )
1596 {
1597     XsltMsgCBInfo *msgCBInfo = (XsltMsgCBInfo *)clientData;
1598     Tcl_Obj       *cmdPtr;
1599     int            rc;
1601     if (msgCBInfo->msgcmd == NULL) {
1602         return 0;
1603     }
1605     cmdPtr = Tcl_DuplicateObj(msgCBInfo->msgcmd);
1606     Tcl_IncrRefCount(cmdPtr);
1607     if (Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(msgCBInfo->interp, cmdPtr,
1608                                  Tcl_NewStringObj(str, length)) != TCL_OK) {
1609         Tcl_DecrRefCount(cmdPtr);
1610         return 1;
1611     }
1612     if (terminate) {
1613         Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(msgCBInfo->interp, cmdPtr,
1614                                  Tcl_NewBooleanObj(1));
1615     } else {
1616         Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(msgCBInfo->interp, cmdPtr,
1617                                  Tcl_NewBooleanObj(0));
1618     }
1619     rc = Tcl_GlobalEvalObj(msgCBInfo->interp, cmdPtr);
1620     Tcl_DecrRefCount(cmdPtr);
1621     switch (rc) {
1622     case TCL_OK: return 0;
1623     case TCL_BREAK: return 3;
1624     default: return rc;
1625     }
1626 }
1628 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1629 |   tcldom_xpathResolveVar
1630 |
1631 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1632 static
tcldom_xpathResolveVar(void * clientData,char * strToParse,int * offset,char ** errMsg)1633 char * tcldom_xpathResolveVar (
1634     void  *clientData,
1635     char  *strToParse,
1636     int   *offset,
1637     char **errMsg
1638     )
1639 {
1640     const char *varValue;
1641     const char *termPtr;
1642     Tcl_Interp *interp = (Tcl_Interp *) clientData;
1644     *offset = 0;
1645     varValue = Tcl_ParseVar(interp, strToParse, &termPtr);
1646     if (varValue) {
1647         *offset = termPtr - strToParse;
1648         /* If strToParse start with a single '$' without a following
1649          * var name (according to Tcl var name rules), Tcl_ParseVar()
1650          * doesn't report a parsing error but returns just a pointer
1651          * to a static string "$". */
1652         if (*offset == 1) {
1653             *errMsg = tdomstrdup ("Missing var name after '$'.");
1654             varValue = NULL;
1655         }
1656     } else {
1657         *errMsg = tdomstrdup (Tcl_GetStringResult(interp));
1658     }
1659     Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1660     return (char*)varValue;
1661 }
1663 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1664 |   tcldom_selectNodes
1665 |
1666 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1667 static
tcldom_selectNodes(Tcl_Interp * interp,domNode * node,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])1668 int tcldom_selectNodes (
1669     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1670     domNode    *node,
1671     int         objc,
1672     Tcl_Obj    *const objv[]
1673 )
1674 {
1675     char          *xpathQuery, *typeVar, *option;
1676     char          *errMsg = NULL, **mappings = NULL;
1677     int            rc, i, len, optionIndex, localmapping = 0, cache = 0;
1678     int            mappingListObjLen = 0;
1679     xpathResultSet rs;
1680     Tcl_Obj       *type, *objPtr, *objPtr1, *mappingListObj = NULL;
1681     xpathCBs       cbs;
1682     xpathParseVarCB parseVarCB;
1684     static const char *selectNodesOptions[] = {
1685         "-namespaces", "-cache", NULL
1686     };
1687     enum selectNodesOption {
1688         o_namespaces, o_cache
1689     };
1691     if (objc < 2) {
1692         SetResult("Wrong # of arguments.");
1693         return TCL_ERROR;
1694     }
1695     while (objc > 2) {
1696         option = Tcl_GetString (objv[1]);
1697         if (option[0] != '-') {
1698             break;
1699         }
1700         if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (NULL, objv[1], selectNodesOptions, "option",
1701                                  0, &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
1702             break;
1703         }
1704         switch ((enum selectNodesOption) optionIndex) {
1705         case o_namespaces:
1706             rc = Tcl_ListObjLength (interp, objv[2], &len);
1707             if (rc != TCL_OK || (len % 2) != 0) {
1708                 SetResult ("The \"-namespaces\" option requires a 'prefix"
1709                            " namespace' pairs list as argument");
1710                 rc = TCL_ERROR;
1711                 goto cleanup;
1712             }
1713             if (mappings) {
1714                 for (i = 0; i < mappingListObjLen; i++) {
1715                     Tcl_ListObjIndex (interp, mappingListObj, i, &objPtr1);
1716                     Tcl_DecrRefCount (objPtr1);
1717                 }
1718                 Tcl_DecrRefCount (mappingListObj);
1719                 FREE (mappings);
1720             }
1721             mappings = MALLOC (sizeof (char *) * (len + 1));
1722             localmapping = 1;
1723             for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
1724                 Tcl_ListObjIndex (interp, objv[2], i, &objPtr);
1725                 Tcl_IncrRefCount (objPtr);
1726                 mappings[i] = Tcl_GetString (objPtr);
1727             }
1728             mappings[len] = NULL;
1729             mappingListObj = objv[2];
1730             Tcl_IncrRefCount (mappingListObj);
1731             mappingListObjLen = len;
1732             objc -= 2;
1733             objv += 2;
1734             break;
1736         case o_cache:
1737             if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, objv[2], &cache) != TCL_OK) {
1738                 return TCL_ERROR;
1739             }
1740             objc -= 2;
1741             objv += 2;
1742             break;
1744         default:
1745             Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1746             Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "bad option \"",
1747                               Tcl_GetString (objv[1]), "\"; must be "
1748                               "-namespaces", NULL);
1749             return TCL_ERROR;
1750         }
1751     }
1752     if (objc != 2 && objc != 3) {
1753         SetResult("Wrong # of arguments.");
1754         rc = TCL_ERROR;
1755         goto cleanup;
1756     }
1758     xpathQuery = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
1760     xpathRSInit(&rs);
1762     cbs.funcCB         = tcldom_xpathFuncCallBack;
1763     cbs.funcClientData = interp;
1764     cbs.varCB          = NULL;
1765     cbs.varClientData  = NULL;
1767     parseVarCB.parseVarCB         = tcldom_xpathResolveVar;
1768     parseVarCB.parseVarClientData = interp;
1770     if (mappings == NULL) {
1771         mappings = node->ownerDocument->prefixNSMappings;
1772     }
1774     if (cache) {
1775         if (!node->ownerDocument->xpathCache) {
1776             node->ownerDocument->xpathCache = MALLOC (sizeof (Tcl_HashTable));
1777             Tcl_InitHashTable (node->ownerDocument->xpathCache,
1778                                TCL_STRING_KEYS);
1779         }
1780         rc = xpathEval (node, node, xpathQuery, mappings, &cbs, &parseVarCB,
1781                         node->ownerDocument->xpathCache, &errMsg, &rs);
1782     } else {
1783         rc = xpathEval (node, node, xpathQuery, mappings, &cbs, &parseVarCB,
1784                         NULL, &errMsg, &rs);
1785     }
1787     if (rc != XPATH_OK) {
1788         xpathRSFree(&rs);
1789         SetResult(errMsg);
1790         DBG(fprintf(stderr, "errMsg = %s \n", errMsg);)
1791         if (errMsg) {
1792             FREE(errMsg);
1793         }
1794         rc = TCL_ERROR;
1795         goto cleanup;
1796     }
1797     if (errMsg) {
1798         fprintf (stderr, "Why this: '%s'\n", errMsg);
1799         FREE(errMsg);
1800     }
1801     typeVar = NULL;
1802     if (objc > 2) {
1803         typeVar = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
1804     }
1805     type = Tcl_NewObj();
1806     Tcl_IncrRefCount(type);
1807     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "before tcldom_xpathResultSet \n");)
1808     tcldom_xpathResultSet(interp, &rs, type, Tcl_GetObjResult(interp));
1809     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "after tcldom_xpathResultSet \n");)
1810     if (typeVar) {
1811         Tcl_SetVar(interp,typeVar, Tcl_GetString(type), 0);
1812     }
1813     rc = TCL_OK;
1814     Tcl_DecrRefCount(type);
1816     xpathRSFree( &rs );
1817 cleanup:
1818     if (localmapping) {
1819         for (i = 0; i < mappingListObjLen; i++) {
1820             Tcl_ListObjIndex (interp, mappingListObj, i, &objPtr1);
1821             Tcl_DecrRefCount (objPtr1);
1822         }
1823         Tcl_DecrRefCount (mappingListObj);
1824         FREE (mappings);
1825     }
1826     return rc;
1827 }
1829 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1830 |   tcldom_nameCheck
1831 |
1832 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_nameCheck(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * name,char * nameType,int isFQName)1833 int tcldom_nameCheck (
1834     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1835     char       *name,
1836     char       *nameType,
1837     int         isFQName
1838 )
1839 {
1840     int         result;
1842     if (isFQName) {
1843         result = domIsQNAME (name);
1844     } else {
1845         result = domIsNAME (name);
1846     }
1847     if (!result) {
1848         Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1849         Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "Invalid ", nameType, " name '", name, "'",
1850                           (char *) NULL);
1851         return 0;
1852     }
1853     return 1;
1854 }
1856 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1857 |   tcldom_PINameCheck
1858 |
1859 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_PINameCheck(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * name)1860 int tcldom_PINameCheck (
1861     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1862     char       *name
1863 )
1864 {
1865     /* XML rec, production 17 */
1866     if (!domIsPINAME (name)) {
1867         Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1868         Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "Invalid processing instruction name '",
1869                           name, "'", NULL);
1870         return 0;
1871     }
1872     return 1;
1873 }
1875 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1876 |   tcldom_textCheck
1877 |
1878 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_textCheck(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * text,char * errText)1879 int tcldom_textCheck (
1880     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1881     char       *text,
1882     char       *errText
1883 )
1884 {
1885     if (!domIsChar (text)) {
1886         Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1887         Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "Invalid ", errText, " value '", text, "'",
1888                           (char *) NULL);
1889         return 0;
1890     }
1891     return 1;
1892 }
1895 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1896 |   tcldom_commentCheck
1897 |
1898 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_commentCheck(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * text)1899 int tcldom_commentCheck (
1900     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1901     char       *text
1902 )
1903 {
1904     if (!domIsComment (text)) {
1905         Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1906         Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "Invalid comment value '", text, "'",
1907                           (char *) NULL);
1908         return 0;
1909     }
1910     return 1;
1911 }
1913 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1914 |   tcldom_CDATACheck
1915 |
1916 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_CDATACheck(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * text)1917 int tcldom_CDATACheck (
1918     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1919     char       *text
1920 )
1921 {
1922     if (!domIsCDATA (text)) {
1923         Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1924         Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "Invalid CDATA section value '", text, "'",
1925                           (char *) NULL);
1926         return 0;
1927     }
1928     return 1;
1929 }
1931 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1932 |   tcldom_PIValueCheck
1933 |
1934 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_PIValueCheck(Tcl_Interp * interp,char * text)1935 int tcldom_PIValueCheck (
1936     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1937     char       *text
1938 )
1939 {
1940     if (!domIsPIValue (text)) {
1941         Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
1942         Tcl_AppendResult (interp, "Invalid processing instruction value '",
1943                           text, "'", (char *) NULL);
1944         return 0;
1945     }
1946     return 1;
1947 }
1949 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1950 |   tcldom_appendFromTclList
1951 |
1952 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1953 static
tcldom_appendFromTclList(Tcl_Interp * interp,domNode * node,Tcl_Obj * obj)1954 int tcldom_appendFromTclList (
1955     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1956     domNode    *node,
1957     Tcl_Obj    *obj
1958 )
1959 {
1960     int      i, rc, length, valueLength, attrLength, attrValueLength;
1961     int      childListLength;
1962     Tcl_Obj *lnode, *tagNameObj, *piNameObj, *valueObj,
1963             *attrListObj, *attrObj, *childListObj, *childObj;
1964     char    *tag_name, *pi_name, *value, *attrName, *attrValue;
1965     domNode *newnode;
1967     GetTcldomTSD();
1969     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
1970     |   check format of Tcl list node
1971     \-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1972     lnode = obj;
1973     if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, lnode, &length)) != TCL_OK) {
1974         return rc;
1975     }
1976     if ((length != 3) && (length != 2)) {
1977         SetResult( "invalid node list format!");
1978         return TCL_ERROR;
1979     }
1981     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
1982     |   create node
1983     \-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1984     if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, lnode, 0, &tagNameObj)) != TCL_OK) {
1985         return rc;
1986     }
1987     tag_name = Tcl_GetString(tagNameObj);
1989     if (   (strcmp(tag_name,"#cdata")==0)
1990         || (strcmp(tag_name,"#text")==0)
1991         || (strcmp(tag_name,"#comment")==0) ) {
1992         if (length != 2) {
1993             SetResult( "invalid text or comment node list format!");
1994             return TCL_ERROR;
1995         }
1996         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
1997         |   create text node
1998         \-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1999         if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, lnode, 1, &valueObj)) != TCL_OK) {
2000             return rc;
2001         }
2002         value = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(valueObj, &valueLength);
2003         if (strcmp(tag_name, "#text")==0) {
2004             CheckText (interp, value, "text");
2005             newnode = (domNode*)domNewTextNode(node->ownerDocument, value,
2006                                                valueLength, TEXT_NODE);
2007         } else if (strcmp(tag_name, "#comment")==0) {
2008             CheckComment (interp, value);
2009             newnode = (domNode*)domNewTextNode(node->ownerDocument, value,
2010                                                valueLength, COMMENT_NODE);
2011         } else {
2012             CheckCDATA (interp, value);
2013             newnode = (domNode*)domNewTextNode(node->ownerDocument, value,
2014                                               valueLength, CDATA_SECTION_NODE);
2015         }
2016         domAppendChild(node, newnode);
2017         return TCL_OK;
2018     }
2020     if (strcmp(tag_name,"#pi")==0) {
2021         if (length != 3) {
2022             SetResult( "invalid PI node list format!");
2023             return TCL_ERROR;
2024         }
2025         /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2026         |   create processing instruction node
2027         \-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2028         if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, lnode, 1, &piNameObj)) != TCL_OK) {
2029             return rc;
2030         }
2031         if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, lnode, 2, &valueObj)) != TCL_OK) {
2032             return rc;
2033         }
2034         pi_name = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(piNameObj, &length);
2035         CheckPIName (interp, pi_name);
2036         value   = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(valueObj, &valueLength);
2037         CheckPIValue (interp, value);
2038         newnode = (domNode*)domNewProcessingInstructionNode
2039             (node->ownerDocument, pi_name, length, value, valueLength);
2041         domAppendChild(node, newnode);
2042         return TCL_OK;
2043     }
2045     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
2046     |   create element node
2047     \-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2048     if (length != 3) {
2049         SetResult("invalid element node list format!");
2050         return TCL_ERROR;
2051     }
2052     CheckName (interp, tag_name, "tag", 0);
2053     newnode = domNewElementNode(node->ownerDocument, tag_name);
2054     domAppendChild(node, newnode);
2056     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
2057     |   create attributes
2058     \-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2059     if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, lnode, 1, &attrListObj)) != TCL_OK) {
2060         return rc;
2061     }
2062     if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, attrListObj, &attrLength))
2063         != TCL_OK) {
2064         return rc;
2065     }
2066     if (attrLength % 2) {
2067         SetResult("invalid attributes list format!");
2068         return TCL_ERROR;
2069     }
2070     for (i=0; i<attrLength; i++) {
2072         if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, attrListObj, i, &attrObj))
2073             != TCL_OK) {
2074             return rc;
2075         }
2076         attrName = Tcl_GetString(attrObj);
2077         CheckName (interp, attrName, "attribute", 0);
2078         i++;
2080         if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, attrListObj, i, &attrObj))
2081             != TCL_OK) {
2082             return rc;
2083         }
2084         attrValue = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(attrObj, &attrValueLength);
2085         CheckText (interp, attrValue, "attribute");
2086         domSetAttribute(newnode, attrName, attrValue);
2087     }
2089     /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
2090     |   add child nodes
2091     \-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2092     if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, lnode, 2, &childListObj))
2093         != TCL_OK) {
2094         return rc;
2095     }
2096     if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, childListObj, &childListLength))
2097         != TCL_OK) {
2098         return rc;
2099     }
2100     for (i=0; i<childListLength; i++) {
2101         if ((rc = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, childListObj, i, &childObj))
2102             != TCL_OK) {
2103             return rc;
2104         }
2105         if ((rc = tcldom_appendFromTclList(interp, newnode, childObj))
2106             != TCL_OK) {
2107             return rc;
2108         }
2109     }
2110     return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
2111 }
2114 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2115 |   tcldom_treeAsTclList
2116 |
2117 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2118 static
tcldom_treeAsTclList(Tcl_Interp * interp,domNode * node)2119 Tcl_Obj * tcldom_treeAsTclList (
2120     Tcl_Interp *interp,
2121     domNode    *node
2122 )
2123 {
2124     Tcl_Obj *name, *value;
2125     Tcl_Obj *attrsList, *attrName, *attrValue;
2126     Tcl_Obj *childList;
2127     Tcl_Obj *objv[4];
2128     int     result;
2129     domNode     *child;
2130     domAttrNode *attrs;
2134     if (   (node->nodeType == TEXT_NODE)
2135         || (node->nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE)) {
2137         value   = Tcl_NewStringObj(((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2138                                      ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2139         objv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj("#text", -1);
2140         objv[1] = value;
2141         return Tcl_NewListObj(2, objv);
2142     }
2144     if (node->nodeType == COMMENT_NODE) {
2145         value   = Tcl_NewStringObj(((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2146                                      ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2147         objv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj("#comment", -1);
2148         objv[1] = value;
2149         return Tcl_NewListObj(2, objv);
2150     }
2152     if (node->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
2153         domProcessingInstructionNode *dpn;
2154         dpn = (domProcessingInstructionNode *)node;
2155         name    = Tcl_NewStringObj(dpn->targetValue, dpn->targetLength);
2156         value   = Tcl_NewStringObj(dpn->dataValue, dpn->dataLength);
2157         objv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj("#pi", -1);
2158         objv[1] = name;
2159         objv[2] = value;
2160         return Tcl_NewListObj(3, objv);
2161     }
2163     name = Tcl_NewStringObj(node->nodeName, -1);
2165     attrsList = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
2166     attrs = node->firstAttr;
2167     while (attrs) {
2168         attrName = Tcl_NewStringObj(attrs->nodeName, -1);
2169         attrValue = Tcl_NewStringObj(attrs->nodeValue, attrs->valueLength);
2170         Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, attrsList, attrName);
2171         Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, attrsList, attrValue);
2172         attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
2173     }
2175     childList = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
2176     if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
2177         child = node->firstChild;
2178         while (child != NULL) {
2179             result = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement
2180                 (interp, childList, tcldom_treeAsTclList(interp, child));
2181             if (result != TCL_OK) {
2182                 return NULL;
2183             }
2184             child = child->nextSibling;
2185         }
2186     }
2188     objv[0] = name;
2189     objv[1] = attrsList;
2190     objv[2] = childList;
2192     return Tcl_NewListObj(3, objv);
2193 }
2195 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2196 |   tcldom_AppendEscaped
2197 |
2198 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2199 static
tcldom_AppendEscaped(Tcl_Obj * xmlString,Tcl_Channel chan,char * value,int value_length,int outputFlags)2200 void tcldom_AppendEscaped (
2201     Tcl_Obj    *xmlString,
2202     Tcl_Channel chan,
2203     char       *value,
2204     int         value_length,
2205     int         outputFlags
2206 )
2207 {
2208 #define APESC_BUF_SIZE 512
2209 #define AP(c)  *b++ = c;
2210 #define AE(s)  pc1 = s; while(*pc1) *b++ = *pc1++;
2211     char  buf[APESC_BUF_SIZE+80], *b, *bLimit,  *pc, *pc1, *pEnd, charRef[10];
2212     int   charDone, i;
2213     int   clen = 0;
2214     int   unicode;
2215     Tcl_UniChar uniChar;
2217     b = buf;
2218     bLimit = b + APESC_BUF_SIZE;
2219     pc = pEnd = value;
2220     if (value_length != -1) {
2221         pEnd = pc + value_length;
2222     }
2223     while (   (value_length == -1 && *pc)
2224            || (value_length != -1 && pc != pEnd)
2225     ) {
2226         if ((*pc == '"') && (outputFlags & SERIALIZE_FOR_ATTR
2227                              || outputFlags & SERIALIZE_ESCAPE_ALL_QUOT)) {
2228             AP('&') AP('q') AP('u') AP('o') AP('t') AP(';')
2229         } else
2230         if (*pc == '&') { AP('&') AP('a') AP('m') AP('p') AP(';')
2231         } else
2232         if (*pc == '<') { AP('&') AP('l') AP('t') AP(';')
2233         } else
2234         if (*pc == '>' && !(outputFlags & SERIALIZE_NO_GT_ESCAPE)) {
2235             AP('&') AP('g') AP('t') AP(';')
2236         } else
2237         if ((*pc == '\n') && outputFlags & SERIALIZE_FOR_ATTR) {
2238             AP('&') AP('#') AP('x') AP('A') AP(';')
2239         } else
2240         {
2241             charDone = 0;
2242             if (outputFlags & SERIALIZE_HTML_ENTITIES) {
2243                 charDone = 1;
2244                 Tcl_UtfToUniChar(pc, &uniChar);
2245                 switch (uniChar)
2246                 {
2247                 case 0240: AE("&nbsp;");    break;
2248                 case 0241: AE("&iexcl;");   break;
2249                 case 0242: AE("&cent;");    break;
2250                 case 0243: AE("&pound;");   break;
2251                 case 0244: AE("&curren;");  break;
2252                 case 0245: AE("&yen;");     break;
2253                 case 0246: AE("&brvbar;");  break;
2254                 case 0247: AE("&sect;");    break;
2255                 case 0250: AE("&uml;");     break;
2256                 case 0251: AE("&copy;");    break;
2257                 case 0252: AE("&ordf;");    break;
2258                 case 0253: AE("&laquo;");   break;
2259                 case 0254: AE("&not;");     break;
2260                 case 0255: AE("&shy;");     break;
2261                 case 0256: AE("&reg;");     break;
2262                 case 0257: AE("&macr;");    break;
2263                 case 0260: AE("&deg;");     break;
2264                 case 0261: AE("&plusmn;");  break;
2265                 case 0262: AE("&sup2;");    break;
2266                 case 0263: AE("&sup3;");    break;
2267                 case 0264: AE("&acute;");   break;
2268                 case 0265: AE("&micro;");   break;
2269                 case 0266: AE("&para;");    break;
2270                 case 0267: AE("&middot;");  break;
2271                 case 0270: AE("&cedil;");   break;
2272                 case 0271: AE("&sup1;");    break;
2273                 case 0272: AE("&ordm;");    break;
2274                 case 0273: AE("&raquo;");   break;
2275                 case 0274: AE("&frac14;");  break;
2276                 case 0275: AE("&frac12;");  break;
2277                 case 0276: AE("&frac34;");  break;
2278                 case 0277: AE("&iquest;");  break;
2279                 case 0300: AE("&Agrave;");  break;
2280                 case 0301: AE("&Aacute;");  break;
2281                 case 0302: AE("&Acirc;");   break;
2282                 case 0303: AE("&Atilde;");  break;
2283                 case 0304: AE("&Auml;");    break;
2284                 case 0305: AE("&Aring;");   break;
2285                 case 0306: AE("&AElig;");   break;
2286                 case 0307: AE("&Ccedil;");  break;
2287                 case 0310: AE("&Egrave;");  break;
2288                 case 0311: AE("&Eacute;");  break;
2289                 case 0312: AE("&Ecirc;");   break;
2290                 case 0313: AE("&Euml;");    break;
2291                 case 0314: AE("&Igrave;");  break;
2292                 case 0315: AE("&Iacute;");  break;
2293                 case 0316: AE("&Icirc;");   break;
2294                 case 0317: AE("&Iuml;");    break;
2295                 case 0320: AE("&ETH;");     break;
2296                 case 0321: AE("&Ntilde;");  break;
2297                 case 0322: AE("&Ograve;");  break;
2298                 case 0323: AE("&Oacute;");  break;
2299                 case 0324: AE("&Ocirc;");   break;
2300                 case 0325: AE("&Otilde;");  break;
2301                 case 0326: AE("&Ouml;");    break;
2302                 case 0327: AE("&times;");   break;
2303                 case 0330: AE("&Oslash;");  break;
2304                 case 0331: AE("&Ugrave;");  break;
2305                 case 0332: AE("&Uacute;");  break;
2306                 case 0333: AE("&Ucirc;");   break;
2307                 case 0334: AE("&Uuml;");    break;
2308                 case 0335: AE("&Yacute;");  break;
2309                 case 0336: AE("&THORN;");   break;
2310                 case 0337: AE("&szlig;");   break;
2311                 case 0340: AE("&agrave;");  break;
2312                 case 0341: AE("&aacute;");  break;
2313                 case 0342: AE("&acirc;");   break;
2314                 case 0343: AE("&atilde;");  break;
2315                 case 0344: AE("&auml;");    break;
2316                 case 0345: AE("&aring;");   break;
2317                 case 0346: AE("&aelig;");   break;
2318                 case 0347: AE("&ccedil;");  break;
2319                 case 0350: AE("&egrave;");  break;
2320                 case 0351: AE("&eacute;");  break;
2321                 case 0352: AE("&ecirc;");   break;
2322                 case 0353: AE("&euml;");    break;
2323                 case 0354: AE("&igrave;");  break;
2324                 case 0355: AE("&iacute;");  break;
2325                 case 0356: AE("&icirc;");   break;
2326                 case 0357: AE("&iuml;");    break;
2327                 case 0360: AE("&eth;");     break;
2328                 case 0361: AE("&ntilde;");  break;
2329                 case 0362: AE("&ograve;");  break;
2330                 case 0363: AE("&oacute;");  break;
2331                 case 0364: AE("&ocirc;");   break;
2332                 case 0365: AE("&otilde;");  break;
2333                 case 0366: AE("&ouml;");    break;
2334                 case 0367: AE("&divide;");  break;
2335                 case 0370: AE("&oslash;");  break;
2336                 case 0371: AE("&ugrave;");  break;
2337                 case 0372: AE("&uacute;");  break;
2338                 case 0373: AE("&ucirc;");   break;
2339                 case 0374: AE("&uuml;");    break;
2340                 case 0375: AE("&yacute;");  break;
2341                 case 0376: AE("&thorn;");   break;
2342                 case 0377: AE("&yuml;");    break;
2343                 /* "Special" chars, according to XHTML xhtml-special.ent */
2344                 case 338:  AE("&OElig;");   break;
2345                 case 339:  AE("&oelig;");   break;
2346                 case 352:  AE("&Scaron;");  break;
2347                 case 353:  AE("&scaron;");  break;
2348                 case 376:  AE("&Yuml;");    break;
2349                 case 710:  AE("&circ;");    break;
2350                 case 732:  AE("&tilde;");   break;
2351                 case 8194: AE("&ensp;");    break;
2352                 case 8195: AE("&emsp;");    break;
2353                 case 8201: AE("&thinsp;");  break;
2354                 case 8204: AE("&zwnj;");    break;
2355                 case 8205: AE("&zwj;");     break;
2356                 case 8206: AE("&lrm;");     break;
2357                 case 8207: AE("&rlm;");     break;
2358                 case 8211: AE("&ndash;");   break;
2359                 case 8212: AE("&mdash;");   break;
2360                 case 8216: AE("&lsquo;");   break;
2361                 case 8217: AE("&rsquo;");   break;
2362                 case 8218: AE("&sbquo;");   break;
2363                 case 8220: AE("&ldquo;");   break;
2364                 case 8221: AE("&rdquo;");   break;
2365                 case 8222: AE("&bdquo;");   break;
2366                 case 8224: AE("&dagger;");  break;
2367                 case 8225: AE("&Dagger;");  break;
2368                 case 8240: AE("&permil;");  break;
2369                 case 8249: AE("&lsaquo;");  break;
2370                 case 8250: AE("&rsaquo;");  break;
2371                 case 8364: AE("&euro;");    break;
2372                 /* "Symbol" chars, according to XHTML xhtml-symbol.ent */
2373                 case 402:  AE("&fnof;");    break;
2374                 case 913:  AE("&Alpha;");   break;
2375                 case 914:  AE("&Beta;");    break;
2376                 case 915:  AE("&Gamma;");   break;
2377                 case 916:  AE("&Delta;");   break;
2378                 case 917:  AE("&Epsilon;"); break;
2379                 case 918:  AE("&Zeta;");    break;
2380                 case 919:  AE("&Eta;");     break;
2381                 case 920:  AE("&Theta;");   break;
2382                 case 921:  AE("&Iota;");    break;
2383                 case 922:  AE("&Kappa;");   break;
2384                 case 923:  AE("&Lambda;");  break;
2385                 case 924:  AE("&Mu;");      break;
2386                 case 925:  AE("&Nu;");      break;
2387                 case 926:  AE("&Xi;");      break;
2388                 case 927:  AE("&Omicron;"); break;
2389                 case 928:  AE("&Pi;");      break;
2390                 case 929:  AE("&Rho;");     break;
2391                 case 931:  AE("&Sigma;");   break;
2392                 case 932:  AE("&Tau;");     break;
2393                 case 933:  AE("&Upsilon;"); break;
2394                 case 934:  AE("&Phi;");     break;
2395                 case 935:  AE("&Chi;");     break;
2396                 case 936:  AE("&Psi;");     break;
2397                 case 937:  AE("&Omega;");   break;
2398                 case 945:  AE("&alpha;");   break;
2399                 case 946:  AE("&beta;");    break;
2400                 case 947:  AE("&gamma;");   break;
2401                 case 948:  AE("&delta;");   break;
2402                 case 949:  AE("&epsilon;"); break;
2403                 case 950:  AE("&zeta;");    break;
2404                 case 951:  AE("&eta;");     break;
2405                 case 952:  AE("&theta;");   break;
2406                 case 953:  AE("&iota;");    break;
2407                 case 954:  AE("&kappa;");   break;
2408                 case 955:  AE("&lambda;");  break;
2409                 case 956:  AE("&mu;");      break;
2410                 case 957:  AE("&nu;");      break;
2411                 case 958:  AE("&xi;");      break;
2412                 case 959:  AE("&omicron;"); break;
2413                 case 960:  AE("&pi;");      break;
2414                 case 961:  AE("&rho;");     break;
2415                 case 962:  AE("&sigmaf;");  break;
2416                 case 963:  AE("&sigma;");   break;
2417                 case 964:  AE("&tau;");     break;
2418                 case 965:  AE("&upsilon;"); break;
2419                 case 966:  AE("&phi;");     break;
2420                 case 967:  AE("&chi;");     break;
2421                 case 968:  AE("&psi;");     break;
2422                 case 969:  AE("&omega;");   break;
2423                 case 977:  AE("&thetasym;");break;
2424                 case 978:  AE("&upsih;");   break;
2425                 case 982:  AE("&piv;");     break;
2426                 case 8226: AE("&bull;");    break;
2427                 case 8230: AE("&hellip;");  break;
2428                 case 8242: AE("&prime;");   break;
2429                 case 8243: AE("&Prime;");   break;
2430                 case 8254: AE("&oline;");   break;
2431                 case 8260: AE("&frasl;");   break;
2432                 case 8472: AE("&weierp;");  break;
2433                 case 8465: AE("&image;");   break;
2434                 case 8476: AE("&real;");    break;
2435                 case 8482: AE("&trade;");   break;
2436                 case 8501: AE("&alefsym;"); break;
2437                 case 8592: AE("&larr;");    break;
2438                 case 8593: AE("&uarr;");    break;
2439                 case 8594: AE("&rarr;");    break;
2440                 case 8595: AE("&darr;");    break;
2441                 case 8596: AE("&harr;");    break;
2442                 case 8629: AE("&crarr;");   break;
2443                 case 8656: AE("&lArr;");    break;
2444                 case 8657: AE("&uArr;");    break;
2445                 case 8658: AE("&rArr;");    break;
2446                 case 8659: AE("&dArr;");    break;
2447                 case 8660: AE("&hArr;");    break;
2448                 case 8704: AE("&forall;");  break;
2449                 case 8706: AE("&part;");    break;
2450                 case 8707: AE("&exist;");   break;
2451                 case 8709: AE("&empty;");   break;
2452                 case 8711: AE("&nabla;");   break;
2453                 case 8712: AE("&isin;");    break;
2454                 case 8713: AE("&notin;");   break;
2455                 case 8715: AE("&ni;");      break;
2456                 case 8719: AE("&prod;");    break;
2457                 case 8721: AE("&sum;");     break;
2458                 case 8722: AE("&minus;");   break;
2459                 case 8727: AE("&lowast;");  break;
2460                 case 8730: AE("&radic;");   break;
2461                 case 8733: AE("&prop;");    break;
2462                 case 8734: AE("&infin;");   break;
2463                 case 8736: AE("&ang;");     break;
2464                 case 8743: AE("&and;");     break;
2465                 case 8744: AE("&or;");      break;
2466                 case 8745: AE("&cap;");     break;
2467                 case 8746: AE("&cup;");     break;
2468                 case 8747: AE("&int;");     break;
2469                 case 8756: AE("&there4;");  break;
2470                 case 8764: AE("&sim;");     break;
2471                 case 8773: AE("&cong;");    break;
2472                 case 8776: AE("&asymp;");   break;
2473                 case 8800: AE("&ne;");      break;
2474                 case 8801: AE("&equiv;");   break;
2475                 case 8804: AE("&le;");      break;
2476                 case 8805: AE("&ge;");      break;
2477                 case 8834: AE("&sub;");     break;
2478                 case 8835: AE("&sup;");     break;
2479                 case 8836: AE("&nsub;");    break;
2480                 case 8838: AE("&sube;");    break;
2481                 case 8839: AE("&supe;");    break;
2482                 case 8853: AE("&oplus;");   break;
2483                 case 8855: AE("&otimes;");  break;
2484                 case 8869: AE("&perp;");    break;
2485                 case 8901: AE("&sdot;");    break;
2486                 case 8968: AE("&lceil;");   break;
2487                 case 8969: AE("&rceil;");   break;
2488                 case 8970: AE("&lfloor;");  break;
2489                 case 8971: AE("&rfloor;");  break;
2490                 case 9001: AE("&lang;");    break;
2491                 case 9002: AE("&rang;");    break;
2492                 case 9674: AE("&loz;");     break;
2493                 case 9824: AE("&spades;");  break;
2494                 case 9827: AE("&clubs;");   break;
2495                 case 9829: AE("&hearts;");  break;
2496                 case 9830: AE("&diams;");   break;
2497                 default: charDone = 0;
2498                 }
2499                 if (charDone) {
2500                     clen = UTF8_CHAR_LEN(*pc);
2501                     pc += (clen - 1);
2502                 }
2503             }
2504             if (!charDone) {
2505                 if ((unsigned char)*pc > 127) {
2506                     clen = UTF8_CHAR_LEN(*pc);
2507                     if (!clen) {
2508                         domPanic("tcldom_AppendEscaped: can only handle "
2509                                  "UTF-8 chars up to 4 bytes length");
2511                     }
2512                     if (clen == 4 || outputFlags & SERIALIZE_ESCAPE_NON_ASCII) {
2513                         if (clen == 4) {
2514                             unicode = ((pc[0] & 0x07) << 18)
2515                                 + ((pc[1] & 0x3F) << 12)
2516                                 + ((pc[2] & 0x3F) <<  6)
2517                                 + (pc[3] & 0x3F);
2518                         } else {
2519                             unicode = 0;
2520                             Tcl_UtfToUniChar(pc, (Tcl_UniChar*)&unicode);
2521                         }
2522                         AP('&') AP('#')
2523                         sprintf(charRef, "%d", unicode);
2524                         for (i = 0; i < (int)strlen(charRef); i++) {
2525                             AP(charRef[i]);
2526                         }
2527                         AP(';')
2528                         pc += (clen - 1);
2529                     } else {
2530                         for (i = 0; i < clen; i++) {
2531                             AP(*pc);
2532                             pc++;
2533                         }
2534                         pc--;
2535                     }
2536                 } else {
2537                     AP(*pc);
2538                 }
2539             }
2540         }
2541         if (b >= bLimit) {
2542             writeChars(xmlString, chan, buf, b - buf);
2543             b = buf;
2544         }
2545         pc++;
2546     }
2547     if (b > buf) {
2548         writeChars(xmlString, chan, buf, b - buf);
2549     }
2550 }
2552 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2553 |   tcldom_tolower
2554 |
2555 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_tolower(const char * str,char * str_out,int len)2556 void tcldom_tolower (
2557     const char *str,
2558     char *str_out,
2559     int  len
2560 )
2561 {
2562     char *p;
2563     int  i;
2565     len--; i = 0; p = str_out;
2566     while (*str && (i < len)) {
2567         *p++ = tolower((unsigned char)*str++);
2568         i++;
2569     }
2570     *p++ = '\0';
2571 }
2574 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2575 |   tcldom_treeAsHTML
2576 |
2577 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2578 static
tcldom_treeAsHTML(Tcl_Obj * htmlString,domNode * node,Tcl_Channel chan,int escapeNonASCII,int htmlEntities,int doctypeDeclaration,int noEscaping)2579 void tcldom_treeAsHTML (
2580     Tcl_Obj     *htmlString,
2581     domNode     *node,
2582     Tcl_Channel  chan,
2583     int          escapeNonASCII,
2584     int          htmlEntities,
2585     int          doctypeDeclaration,
2586     int          noEscaping
2587 )
2588 {
2589     int          empty, scriptTag, outputFlags = 0;
2590     domNode     *child;
2591     domAttrNode *attrs;
2592     domDocument *doc;
2593     char         tag[80], attrName[80];
2595     if (escapeNonASCII) outputFlags = SERIALIZE_ESCAPE_NON_ASCII;
2596     if (htmlEntities) outputFlags |= SERIALIZE_HTML_ENTITIES;
2597     if (node->nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE) {
2598         doc = (domDocument*) node;
2599         if (doctypeDeclaration && doc->documentElement) {
2600             writeChars(htmlString, chan, "<!DOCTYPE ", 10);
2601             writeChars(htmlString, chan, doc->documentElement->nodeName, -1);
2602             if (   doc->doctype
2603                 && doc->doctype->systemId
2604                 && doc->doctype->systemId[0] != '\0') {
2605                 if (   doc->doctype->publicId
2606                     && doc->doctype->publicId[0] != '\0') {
2607                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, " PUBLIC \"", 9);
2608                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, doc->doctype->publicId, -1);
2609                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, "\" \"", 3);
2610                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, doc->doctype->systemId, -1);
2611                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2612                 } else {
2613                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, " SYSTEM \"", 9);
2614                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, doc->doctype->systemId, -1);
2615                     writeChars(htmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2616                 }
2617             }
2618             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->internalSubset) {
2619                 writeChars(htmlString, chan, " [", 2);
2620                 writeChars(htmlString, chan, doc->doctype->internalSubset, -1);
2621                 writeChars(htmlString, chan, "]", 1);
2622             }
2623             writeChars(htmlString, chan, ">\n", 2);
2624         }
2625         child = doc->rootNode->firstChild;
2626         while (child) {
2627             tcldom_treeAsHTML(htmlString, child, chan, escapeNonASCII,
2628                               htmlEntities, doctypeDeclaration, 0);
2629             child = child->nextSibling;
2630         }
2631         return;
2632     }
2634     if (node->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
2635         domProcessingInstructionNode *dpn;
2636         dpn = (domProcessingInstructionNode *)node;
2637         writeChars(htmlString, chan, "<?", 2);
2638         writeChars(htmlString, chan, dpn->targetValue, dpn->targetLength);
2639         writeChars(htmlString, chan, " ", 1);
2640         writeChars(htmlString, chan, dpn->dataValue, dpn->dataLength);
2641         writeChars(htmlString, chan, ">", 1);
2642         return;
2643     }
2645     if (node->nodeType == TEXT_NODE) {
2646         if ((node->nodeFlags & DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING)
2647             || noEscaping) {
2648             writeChars(htmlString, chan, ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2649                        ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2650         } else {
2651             tcldom_AppendEscaped(htmlString, chan,
2652                                  ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2653                                  ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength,
2654                                  outputFlags);
2655         }
2656         return;
2657     }
2659     if (node->nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
2660         if (noEscaping) {
2661             writeChars(htmlString, chan, ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2662                        ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2663         } else {
2664             tcldom_AppendEscaped(htmlString, chan,
2665                                  ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2666                                  ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength,
2667                                  outputFlags);
2668         }
2669         return;
2670     }
2672     if (node->nodeType == COMMENT_NODE) {
2673         writeChars(htmlString, chan, "<!--", 4);
2674         writeChars(htmlString, chan, ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2675                    ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2676         writeChars(htmlString, chan,  "-->", 3);
2677         return;
2679     }
2681     tcldom_tolower(node->nodeName, tag, 80);
2682     writeChars(htmlString, chan, "<", 1);
2683     writeChars(htmlString, chan, tag, -1);
2686     /*-----------------------------------------------------------
2687     |   check for HTML tags, that must be handled special:
2688     |   empty tags and script tags (todo: HTML tags with
2689     |   URI attributes, to do escaping of Non-ASCII chars
2690     |   in the URI).
2691     \----------------------------------------------------------*/
2692     empty = 0;
2693     scriptTag = 0;
2694     switch (tag[0]) {
2695     case 'a':  if (!strcmp(tag,"area"))       {empty = 1;} break;
2696     case 'b':  if (!strcmp(tag,"br")     ||
2697                    !strcmp(tag,"base")   ||
2698                    !strcmp(tag,"basefont"))   {empty = 1;} break;
2699     case 'c':  if (!strcmp(tag,"col"))        {empty = 1;} break;
2700     case 'f':  if (!strcmp(tag,"frame"))      {empty = 1;} break;
2701     case 'h':  if (!strcmp(tag,"hr"))         {empty = 1;} break;
2702     case 'i':  if (!strcmp(tag,"img")    ||
2703                    !strcmp(tag,"input")  ||
2704                    !strcmp(tag,"isindex"))    {empty = 1;} break;
2705     case 'l':  if (!strcmp(tag,"link"))       {empty = 1;} break;
2706     case 'm':  if (!strcmp(tag,"meta"))       {empty = 1;} break;
2707     case 'p':  if (!strcmp(tag,"param"))      {empty = 1;} break;
2708     case 's':  if (!strcmp(tag,"script") ||
2709                    !strcmp(tag,"style"))  {scriptTag = 1;} break;
2710     }
2713     attrs = node->firstAttr;
2714     while (attrs) {
2715         tcldom_tolower(attrs->nodeName, attrName, 80);
2716         writeChars(htmlString, chan, " ", 1);
2717         writeChars (htmlString, chan, attrName, -1);
2718         writeChars(htmlString, chan, "=\"", 2);
2719         tcldom_AppendEscaped(htmlString, chan, attrs->nodeValue, -1,
2720                              outputFlags | SERIALIZE_FOR_ATTR);
2721         writeChars(htmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2722         attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
2723     }
2724     writeChars(htmlString, chan, ">", 1);
2727     if (empty) {
2728         /* strange ! should not happen ! */
2729         child = node->firstChild;
2730         while (child != NULL) {
2731             tcldom_treeAsHTML(htmlString, child, chan, escapeNonASCII,
2732                               htmlEntities, doctypeDeclaration, scriptTag);
2733             child = child->nextSibling;
2734         }
2735         return;
2736     }
2738     if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
2739         child = node->firstChild;
2740         if ((child != NULL) && (child != node->lastChild)
2741             && (child->nodeType != TEXT_NODE)) {
2742             writeChars(htmlString, chan, "\n", 1);
2743         }
2744         while (child != NULL) {
2745             tcldom_treeAsHTML(htmlString, child, chan, escapeNonASCII,
2746                                htmlEntities, doctypeDeclaration, scriptTag);
2747             child = child->nextSibling;
2748         }
2749         if ((node->firstChild != NULL) && (node->firstChild != node->lastChild)
2750             && (node->lastChild->nodeType != TEXT_NODE)) {
2751             writeChars(htmlString, chan, "\n", 1);
2752         }
2753     }
2754     writeChars(htmlString, chan, "</", 2);
2755     writeChars(htmlString, chan, tag, -1);
2756     writeChars(htmlString, chan, ">",  1);
2757 }
2760 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2761 |   tcldom_treeAsXML
2762 |
2763 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2764 static
tcldom_treeAsXML(Tcl_Obj * xmlString,domNode * node,int indent,int level,int doIndent,Tcl_Channel chan,Tcl_Obj * encString,int cdataChild,int outputFlags,int indentAttrs)2765 void tcldom_treeAsXML (
2766     Tcl_Obj    *xmlString,
2767     domNode    *node,
2768     int         indent,
2769     int         level,
2770     int         doIndent,
2771     Tcl_Channel chan,
2772     Tcl_Obj    *encString,
2773     int         cdataChild,
2774     int         outputFlags,
2775     int         indentAttrs
2776 )
2777 {
2778     domAttrNode   *attrs;
2779     domNode       *child;
2780     domDocument   *doc;
2781     int            first, hasElements, i;
2782     char           prefix[MAX_PREFIX_LEN], *start, *p;
2783     const char    *localName;
2784     Tcl_HashEntry *h;
2785     Tcl_DString    dStr;
2787     if (outputFlags & SERIALIZE_XML_DECLARATION) {
2788         outputFlags &= ~SERIALIZE_XML_DECLARATION;
2789         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"", 19);
2790         if (encString) {
2791             writeChars(xmlString, chan, " encoding=\"", 11);
2792             writeChars(xmlString, chan,
2793                        Tcl_GetString(encString), -1);
2794             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2795         } else if (node->nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE &&
2796                    ((domDocument*) node)->doctype &&
2797                    ((domDocument*) node)->doctype->encoding) {
2798             writeChars(xmlString, chan, " encoding=\"", 11);
2799             writeChars(xmlString, chan,
2800                        ((domDocument*) node)->doctype->encoding, -1);
2801             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2802         }
2803         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "?>\n", 3);
2804     }
2805     if (node->nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE) {
2806         doc = (domDocument*) node;
2807         if (outputFlags & SERIALIZE_DOCTYPE_DECLARATION
2808             && doc->documentElement) {
2809             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "<!DOCTYPE ", 10);
2810             writeChars(xmlString, chan, doc->documentElement->nodeName, -1);
2811             if (   doc->doctype
2812                 && doc->doctype->systemId
2813                 && (doc->doctype->systemId[0] != '\0')) {
2814                 if (   doc->doctype->publicId
2815                     && doc->doctype->publicId[0] != '\0') {
2816                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, " PUBLIC \"", 9);
2817                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, doc->doctype->publicId, -1);
2818                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\" \"", 3);
2819                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, doc->doctype->systemId, -1);
2820                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2821                 } else {
2822                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, " SYSTEM \"", 9);
2823                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, doc->doctype->systemId, -1);
2824                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2825                 }
2826                 if (doc->doctype->internalSubset) {
2827                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, " [", 2);
2828                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, doc->doctype->internalSubset,
2829                                -1);
2830                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "]", 1);
2831                 }
2832             }
2833             writeChars(xmlString, chan, ">\n", 2);
2834         }
2835         child = doc->rootNode->firstChild;
2836         while (child) {
2837             tcldom_treeAsXML(xmlString, child, indent, level, doIndent, chan,
2838                              NULL, 0, outputFlags, indentAttrs);
2839             child = child->nextSibling;
2840         }
2841         return;
2842     }
2844     if (node->nodeType == TEXT_NODE) {
2845         if (cdataChild) {
2846             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "<![CDATA[", 9);
2847             i = 0;
2848             start = p = ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue;
2849             while (i < ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength) {
2850                 if (*p == ']') {
2851                     p++; i++;;
2852                     if (i >= ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength) break;
2853                     if (*p == ']') {
2854                         p++; i++;;
2855                         if (i >= ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength) break;
2856                         if (*p == '>') {
2857                             writeChars(xmlString, chan, start, p-start);
2858                             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "]]><![CDATA[>", 13);
2859                             start = p+1;
2860                         }
2861                     }
2862                 }
2863                 p++; i++;;
2864             }
2865             writeChars(xmlString, chan, start, p-start);
2866             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "]]>", 3);
2867         } else {
2868             if (node->nodeFlags & DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING) {
2869                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2870                            ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2871             } else {
2872                 tcldom_AppendEscaped(xmlString, chan,
2873                                      ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2874                                      ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength,
2875                                      outputFlags);
2876             }
2877         }
2878         return;
2879     }
2881     if (node->nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
2882         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "<![CDATA[", 9);
2883         writeChars(xmlString, chan, ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2884                                     ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2885         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "]]>", 3);
2886         return;
2887     }
2889     if ((indent != -1) && doIndent) {
2890         for(i=0; i<level; i++) {
2891             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "        ", indent);
2892         }
2893     }
2895     if (node->nodeType == COMMENT_NODE) {
2896         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "<!--", 4);
2897         writeChars(xmlString, chan, ((domTextNode*)node)->nodeValue,
2898                                     ((domTextNode*)node)->valueLength);
2899         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "-->", 3);
2900         if (indent != -1) writeChars (xmlString, chan, "\n", 1);
2901         return;
2902     }
2904     if (node->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
2905         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "<?", 2);
2906         writeChars(xmlString, chan,
2907                     ((domProcessingInstructionNode*)node)->targetValue,
2908                     ((domProcessingInstructionNode*)node)->targetLength);
2909         writeChars(xmlString, chan, " ", 1);
2910         writeChars(xmlString, chan,
2911                    ((domProcessingInstructionNode*)node)->dataValue,
2912                    ((domProcessingInstructionNode*)node)->dataLength);
2913         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "?>", 2);
2914         if (indent != -1) writeChars (xmlString, chan, "\n", 1);
2915         return;
2916     }
2918     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "<", 1);
2919     writeChars(xmlString, chan, node->nodeName, -1);
2921     attrs = node->firstAttr;
2922     while (attrs) {
2923         if (indentAttrs > -1) {
2924             writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\n", 1);
2925             if ((indent != -1) && doIndent) {
2926                 for(i=0; i<level; i++) {
2927                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "        ", indent);
2928                 }
2929                 if (indentAttrs) {
2930                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "        ", indentAttrs);
2931                 }
2932             }
2933         } else {
2934             writeChars(xmlString, chan, " ", 1);
2935         }
2936         writeChars(xmlString, chan, attrs->nodeName, -1);
2937         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "=\"", 2);
2938         tcldom_AppendEscaped(xmlString, chan, attrs->nodeValue,
2939                              attrs->valueLength,
2940                              outputFlags | SERIALIZE_FOR_ATTR);
2941         writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\"", 1);
2942         attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
2943     }
2945     hasElements = 0;
2946     first       = 1;
2947     doIndent    = 1;
2949     if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
2950         cdataChild = 0;
2951         if (node->ownerDocument->doctype
2952             && node->ownerDocument->doctype->cdataSectionElements) {
2953             if (node->namespace) {
2954                 Tcl_DStringInit (&dStr);
2955                 Tcl_DStringAppend (&dStr, domNamespaceURI(node), -1);
2956                 Tcl_DStringAppend (&dStr, ":", 1);
2957                 domSplitQName (node->nodeName, prefix, &localName);
2958                 Tcl_DStringAppend (&dStr, localName, -1);
2959                 h = Tcl_FindHashEntry (
2960                     node->ownerDocument->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
2961                     Tcl_DStringValue (&dStr));
2962                 Tcl_DStringFree (&dStr);
2963             } else {
2964                 h = Tcl_FindHashEntry (
2965                     node->ownerDocument->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
2966                     node->nodeName);
2967             }
2968             if (h) {
2969                 cdataChild = 1;
2970             }
2971         }
2972         child = node->firstChild;
2973         while (child != NULL) {
2975             if (  (child->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE)
2976                 ||(child->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)
2977                 ||(child->nodeType == COMMENT_NODE) )
2978             {
2979                 hasElements = 1;
2980             }
2981             if (first) {
2982                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, ">", 1);
2983                 if ((indent != -1) && hasElements) {
2984                     writeChars(xmlString, chan, "\n", 1);
2985                 }
2986             }
2987             first = 0;
2988             tcldom_treeAsXML(xmlString, child, indent, level+1, doIndent,
2989                              chan, NULL, cdataChild, outputFlags, indentAttrs);
2990             doIndent = 0;
2991             if (  (child->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE)
2992                 ||(child->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)
2993                 ||(child->nodeType == COMMENT_NODE) )
2994             {
2995                doIndent = 1;
2996             }
2997             child = child->nextSibling;
2998         }
2999     }
3001     if (first) {
3002         if (indent != -1) {
3003             if (outputFlags & SERIALIZE_NO_EMPTY_ELEMENT_TAG) {
3004                 writeChars (xmlString, chan, "></", 3);
3005                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, node->nodeName, -1);
3006                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, ">\n", 2);
3007             } else {
3008                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, "/>\n", 3);
3009             }
3010         } else {
3011             if (outputFlags & SERIALIZE_NO_EMPTY_ELEMENT_TAG) {
3012                 writeChars (xmlString, chan, "></", 3);
3013                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, node->nodeName, -1);
3014                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, ">", 1);
3015             } else {
3016                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, "/>",   2);
3017             }
3018         }
3019     } else {
3020         if ((indent != -1) && hasElements) {
3021             for(i=0; i<level; i++) {
3022                 writeChars(xmlString, chan, "        ", indent);
3023             }
3024         }
3025         writeChars (xmlString, chan, "</", 2);
3026         writeChars(xmlString, chan, node->nodeName, -1);
3027         if (indent != -1) {
3028             writeChars(xmlString, chan, ">\n", 2);
3029         } else {
3030             writeChars(xmlString, chan, ">",   1);
3031         }
3032     }
3033 }
3035 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3036 |   tcldom_AppendEscapedJSON
3037 |
3038 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3039 static
tcldom_AppendEscapedJSON(Tcl_Obj * jstring,Tcl_Channel chan,char * value,int value_length)3040 void tcldom_AppendEscapedJSON (
3041     Tcl_Obj    *jstring,
3042     Tcl_Channel chan,
3043     char       *value,
3044     int         value_length
3045 )
3046 {
3047     char  buf[APESC_BUF_SIZE+80], *b, *bLimit,  *pc, *pEnd;
3048     int   i;
3049     int   clen = 0;
3051     b = buf;
3052     bLimit = b + APESC_BUF_SIZE;
3053     pc = pEnd = value;
3054     if (value_length != -1) {
3055         pEnd = pc + value_length;
3056     }
3057     AP('"');
3058     while (
3059         (value_length == -1 && *pc)
3060         || (value_length != -1 && pc != pEnd)
3061     ) {
3062         clen = UTF8_CHAR_LEN(*pc);
3063         if (!clen) {
3064             /* This would be invalid utf-8 encoding. */
3065             clen = 1;
3066         }
3067         if (clen == 1) {
3068             if (*pc == '\\') {
3069                 AP('\\'); AP('\\');
3070             } else if (*pc == '"') {
3071                 AP('\\'); AP('"');
3072             } else if (*pc == '\b') {
3073                 AP('\\'); AP('b');
3074             } else if (*pc == '\f') {
3075                 AP('\\'); AP('f');
3076             } else if (*pc == '\n') {
3077                 AP('\\'); AP('n');
3078             } else if (*pc == '\r') {
3079                 AP('\\'); AP('r');
3080             } else if (*pc == '\t') {
3081                 AP('\\'); AP('t');
3082             } else if ((unsigned char)*pc < 0x20) {
3083                 AP('\\'); AP('u'); AP('0'); AP('0');
3084                 AP('0' + (*pc>>4));
3085                 AP("0123456789abcdef"[*pc&0xf]);
3086             } else {
3087                 AP(*pc);
3088             }
3089             pc++;
3090         } else {
3091             if ((unsigned char)*pc == 0xC0 && (unsigned char)*(pc+1) == 0x80) {
3092                 AP('\\');AP('u');AP('0');AP('0');AP('0');AP('0');
3093                 pc++;pc++;
3094             } else {
3095                 for (i = 0; i < clen; i++) {
3096                     AP(*pc);
3097                     pc++;
3098                 }
3099             }
3100         }
3101         if (b >= bLimit) {
3102             writeChars(jstring, chan, buf, b - buf);
3103             b = buf;
3104         }
3105     }
3106     AP('"');
3107     writeChars(jstring, chan, buf, b - buf);
3108 }
3110 static
tcldom_childsAsJSON(Tcl_Obj * jstring,domNode * node,Tcl_Channel channel,int indent,int level,int inside)3111 void tcldom_childsAsJSON (
3112     Tcl_Obj     *jstring,
3113     domNode     *node, /* Must be an ELEMENT_NODE */
3114     Tcl_Channel  channel,
3115     int          indent,
3116     int          level,
3117     int          inside
3118     )
3119 {
3120     domNode   *child, *nextChild;
3121     int i, effectivParentType = 0;
3122     int first = 1;
3124     child = node->firstChild;
3125     while (child
3126            && child->nodeType != TEXT_NODE
3127            && child->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
3128         child = child->nextSibling;
3129     }
3131     if (node->info == JSON_ARRAY || node->info == JSON_OBJECT) {
3132         effectivParentType = node->info;
3133     } else if (child == NULL) {
3134         /* Need 'heuristic rule' to decide, what to do. */
3135         switch (inside) {
3136         case JSON_OBJECT:
3137             /* The childs to serialize are the value of an object member. */
3138             /* No content at all. This could be an empty string,
3139              * an empty object or an empty array. We default to
3140              * empty string. */
3141             writeChars(jstring, channel, "\"\"",2);
3142             return;
3143         case JSON_START:
3144         case JSON_ARRAY:
3145             /* The childs, we serialize are the value of an array
3146              * element. The node is a container for either a
3147              * (nested, in case of JSON_ARRAY) array or an object. */
3148             /* Look, if the name of the container gives a hint.*/
3149             if (strcmp (node->nodeName, JSON_ARRAY_CONTAINER)==0) {
3150                 effectivParentType = JSON_ARRAY;
3151                 break;
3152             }
3153             /* If we here, heuristics didn't helped. We have to
3154              * default to something. Let's say ... */
3155             effectivParentType = JSON_OBJECT;
3156             break;
3157         }
3158     } else {
3159         if (child->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
3160             /* The first 'relevant' child node is ELEMENT_NODE */
3161             effectivParentType = JSON_OBJECT;
3162             if (inside == JSON_ARRAY) {
3163                 /* Though, if we inside of an array and the node name
3164                  * of the first 'relevant' child is the array
3165                  * container element, we assume an array (with a
3166                  * nested array as first value of that array. */
3167                 if (strcmp (child->nodeName, JSON_ARRAY_CONTAINER))
3168                     effectivParentType = JSON_ARRAY;
3169             }
3170         } else {
3171             /* If we are here, the first 'relevant' child is a
3172              * text node. If there is any other 'relevant' child,
3173              * we assume the value to be an array. Otherwise (only
3174              * single 'relevant' child is a text node), this is
3175              * any of string, true, false null. Child may have a
3176              * type hint. */
3177             nextChild = child->nextSibling;
3178             while (nextChild
3179                    && nextChild->nodeType != TEXT_NODE
3180                    && nextChild->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
3181                 nextChild = nextChild->nextSibling;
3182             }
3183             if (nextChild) {
3184                 effectivParentType = JSON_ARRAY;
3185             } else {
3186                 /* Exactly one 'relevant' child node, a text node;
3187                  * serialize it as simple token value. */
3188                 tcldom_treeAsJSON (jstring, child, channel, indent,
3189                                    level, JSON_ARRAY);
3190                 return;
3191             }
3192         }
3193     }
3195     switch (effectivParentType) {
3196     case JSON_ARRAY:
3197         writeChars(jstring, channel, "[",1);
3198         while (child) {
3199             if (first) {
3200                 first = 0;
3201                 level++;
3202             } else {
3203                 writeChars(jstring, channel, ",", 1);
3204             }
3205             if (indent > -1) {
3206                 writeChars(jstring, channel, "\n", 1);
3207                 if (first) level++;
3208                 for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
3209                     writeChars(jstring, channel, "        ", indent);
3210                 }
3211             }
3212             tcldom_treeAsJSON (jstring, child, channel, indent,
3213                                level, JSON_ARRAY);
3214             child = child->nextSibling;
3215             while (child
3216                    && child->nodeType != TEXT_NODE
3217                    && child->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
3218                 child = child->nextSibling;
3219             }
3220         }
3221         if (indent > -1 && first == 0) {
3222             writeChars(jstring, channel, "\n", 1);
3223             level--;
3224             for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
3225                 writeChars(jstring, channel, "        ", indent);
3226             }
3227         }
3228         writeChars(jstring, channel, "]",1);
3229         break;
3230     case JSON_OBJECT:
3231         writeChars(jstring, channel, "{",1);
3232         while (child) {
3233             if (first) {
3234                 first = 0;
3235                 level++;
3236             } else {
3237                 writeChars(jstring, channel, ",", 1);
3238             }
3239             if (indent > -1) {
3240                 writeChars(jstring, channel, "\n", 1);
3241                 if (first) level++;
3242                 for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
3243                     writeChars(jstring, channel, "        ", indent);
3244                 }
3245             }
3246             tcldom_treeAsJSON (jstring, child, channel, indent,
3247                                level, JSON_OBJECT);
3248             child = child->nextSibling;
3249             /* Inside of a JSON_OBJECT, only element childs make
3250              * semantically sense. */
3251             while (child && child->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
3252                 child = child->nextSibling;
3253             }
3254         }
3255         if (indent > -1 && first == 0) {
3256             writeChars(jstring, channel, "\n", 1);
3257             level--;
3258             for (i = 0; i < level; i++) {
3259                 writeChars(jstring, channel, "        ", indent);
3260             }
3261         }
3262         writeChars(jstring, channel, "}",1);
3263         break;
3264     default:
3265         break;
3266     }
3267 }
3270 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3271 |   tcldom_treeAsJSON
3272 |
3273 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
3274 static
tcldom_treeAsJSON(Tcl_Obj * jstring,domNode * node,Tcl_Channel channel,int indent,int level,int inside)3275 void tcldom_treeAsJSON (
3276     Tcl_Obj     *jstring,
3277     domNode     *node,  /* Must not be NULL */
3278     Tcl_Channel  channel,
3279     int          indent,
3280     int          level,
3281     int          inside
3282     )
3283 {
3284     domTextNode *textNode;
3285     int i, seenDP, seenE;
3286     unsigned char c;
3287     char *num;
3289     switch (node->nodeType) {
3290     case TEXT_NODE:
3291         if (inside == JSON_OBJECT) {
3292             /* We're inside a JSON object. A text node can not be
3293              * meaningful interpreted as member of an object. Ignore
3294              * the node */
3295             return;
3296         }
3297         textNode = (domTextNode *) node;
3298         switch (node->info) {
3299         case JSON_NUMBER:
3300             /* Check, if the text value is a JSON number and fall back
3301              * to string token, if not. This is to ensure, the
3302              * serialization is always a valid JSON string. */
3303             if (textNode->valueLength == 0) goto notANumber;
3304             seenDP = 0;
3305             seenE = 0;
3306             i = 0;
3307             num = textNode->nodeValue;
3308             c = num[0];
3309             if (!(c == '-' || (c>='0' && c<='9'))) goto notANumber;
3310             if (c<='0') {
3311                 i = (c == '-' ? i+1 : i);
3312                 if (i+1 < textNode->valueLength) {
3313                     if (num[i] == '0' && num[i+1] >= '0' && num[i+1] <= '9') {
3314                         goto notANumber;
3315                     }
3316                 }
3317             }
3318             i = 1;
3319             for (; i < textNode->valueLength; i++) {
3320                 c = num[i];
3321                 if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') continue;
3322                 if (c == '.') {
3323                     if (num[i-1] == '-') goto notANumber;
3324                     if (seenDP) goto notANumber;
3325                     seenDP = 1;
3326                     continue;
3327                 }
3328                 if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {
3329                     if (num[i-1] < '0') goto notANumber;
3330                     if (seenE) goto notANumber;
3331                     seenDP = seenE = 1;
3332                     c = num[i+1];
3333                     if (c == '+' || c == '-') {
3334                         i++;
3335                         c = num[i+1];
3336                     }
3337                     if (c < '0' || c > '9') goto notANumber;
3338                     continue;
3339                 }
3340                 break;
3341             }
3342             /* Catches a plain '-' without following digits */
3343             if (num[i-1] < '0') goto notANumber;
3344             /* Catches trailing chars */
3345             if (i < textNode->valueLength) goto notANumber;
3346             writeChars(jstring, channel, textNode->nodeValue,
3347                        textNode->valueLength);
3348             break;
3349             notANumber:
3350             tcldom_AppendEscapedJSON (jstring, channel,
3351                                       textNode->nodeValue,
3352                                       textNode->valueLength);
3353             break;
3354         case JSON_NULL:
3355             writeChars(jstring, channel, "null",4);
3356             break;
3357         case JSON_TRUE:
3358             writeChars(jstring, channel, "true",4);
3359             break;
3360         case JSON_FALSE:
3361             writeChars(jstring, channel, "false",5);
3362             break;
3363         case JSON_STRING:
3364             /* Fall through */
3365         default:
3366             tcldom_AppendEscapedJSON (jstring, channel,
3367                                       textNode->nodeValue,
3368                                       textNode->valueLength);
3369             break;
3370         };
3371         return;
3372     case ELEMENT_NODE:
3373         switch (inside) {
3374         case JSON_OBJECT:
3375             /* Write the member name and recurse to the childs for the
3376              * value. */
3377             tcldom_AppendEscapedJSON (jstring, channel,
3378                                       node->nodeName, -1);
3379             writeChars (jstring, channel, ":", 1);
3380             tcldom_childsAsJSON (jstring, node, channel, indent,
3381                                  level, inside);
3382             break;
3383         case JSON_ARRAY:
3384             /* Since we're already inside of an array, the element can
3385                only be interpreted as a container for a nested JSON
3386                object or array. */
3387             tcldom_childsAsJSON (jstring, node, channel, indent,
3388                                  level, inside);
3389             break;
3390         case JSON_START:
3391             tcldom_childsAsJSON (jstring, node, channel, indent,
3392                                  level, inside);
3393             break;
3394         }
3395         return;
3396     default:
3397         /* Any other node types (COMMENT_NODE, CDATA_SECTION_NODE,
3398            PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) are ignored. */
3399         return;
3400     }
3401 }
3403 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3404 |   findBaseURI
3405 |
3406 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
findBaseURI(domNode * node)3407 const char *findBaseURI (
3408     domNode *node
3409 )
3410 {
3411     const char *baseURI = NULL;
3412     Tcl_HashEntry *entryPtr;
3413     domNode       *orgNode;
3415     orgNode = node;
3416     do {
3417         if (node->nodeFlags & HAS_BASEURI) {
3418             entryPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(node->ownerDocument->baseURIs,
3419                                          (char*)node);
3420             baseURI = (const char *)Tcl_GetHashValue(entryPtr);
3421             break;
3422         } else {
3423             node = node->parentNode;
3424         }
3425     } while (node);
3426     if (!baseURI) {
3427         node = orgNode->ownerDocument->rootNode;
3428         if (node->nodeFlags & HAS_BASEURI) {
3429             entryPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(node->ownerDocument->baseURIs,
3430                                           (char*)node);
3431             baseURI = (const char *)Tcl_GetHashValue(entryPtr);
3432         }
3433     }
3434     return baseURI;
3435 }
3437 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3438 |   serializeAsXML
3439 |
3440 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
serializeAsXML(domNode * node,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3441 static int serializeAsXML (
3442     domNode    *node,
3443     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3444     int         objc,
3445     Tcl_Obj    *const objv[]
3446 )
3447 {
3448     char          *channelId, prefix[MAX_PREFIX_LEN];
3449     const char    *localName;
3450     int            indent, mode, bool;
3451     int            outputFlags = 0;
3452     int            optionIndex, cdataChild;
3453     Tcl_Obj       *resultPtr, *encString = NULL;
3454     Tcl_Channel    chan = (Tcl_Channel) NULL;
3455     Tcl_HashEntry *h;
3456     Tcl_DString    dStr;
3457     int            indentAttrs = -1;
3459     static const char *asXMLOptions[] = {
3460         "-indent", "-channel", "-escapeNonASCII", "-doctypeDeclaration",
3461         "-xmlDeclaration", "-encString", "-escapeAllQuot", "-indentAttrs",
3462         "-nogtescape", "-noEmptyElementTag",
3463         NULL
3464     };
3465     enum asXMLOption {
3466         m_indent, m_channel, m_escapeNonASCII, m_doctypeDeclaration,
3467         m_xmlDeclaration, m_encString, m_escapeAllQuot, m_indentAttrs,
3468         m_nogtescape, m_noEmptyElementTag
3469     };
3471     indent = 4;
3472     while (objc > 2) {
3473         if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], asXMLOptions, "option", 0,
3474                                &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
3475             goto cleanup;
3476         }
3477         switch ((enum asXMLOption) optionIndex) {
3479         case m_indent:
3480             if (objc < 4) {
3481                 SetResult("-indent must have an argument "
3482                           "(0..8 or 'no'/'none')");
3483                 goto cleanup;
3484             }
3485             if (strcmp("none", Tcl_GetString(objv[3]))==0) {
3486                 indent = -1;
3487             }
3488             else if (strcmp("no", Tcl_GetString(objv[3]))==0) {
3489                 indent = -1;
3490             }
3491             else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &indent) != TCL_OK) {
3492                 SetResult( "indent must be an integer (0..8) or 'no'/'none'");
3493                 goto cleanup;
3494             }
3495             objc -= 2;
3496             objv += 2;
3497             break;
3499         case m_indentAttrs:
3500             if (objc < 4) {
3501                 SetResult("-indentAttrs must have an argument "
3502                           "(0..8 or 'no'/'none')");
3503                 goto cleanup;
3504             }
3505             if (strcmp("none", Tcl_GetString(objv[3]))==0) {
3506                 indentAttrs = -1;
3507             }
3508             else if (strcmp("no", Tcl_GetString(objv[3]))==0) {
3509                 indentAttrs = -1;
3510             }
3511             else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &indentAttrs) != TCL_OK) {
3512                 SetResult( "indentAttrs must be an integer (0..8) or 'no'/'none'");
3513                 goto cleanup;
3514             }
3515             if (indentAttrs > 8) indentAttrs = 8;
3516             if (indentAttrs < 0) indentAttrs = 0;
3517             objc -= 2;
3518             objv += 2;
3519             break;
3521         case m_channel:
3522             if (objc < 4) {
3523                 SetResult("-channel must have a channeldID as argument");
3524                 goto cleanup;
3525             }
3526             channelId = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
3527             chan = Tcl_GetChannel(interp, channelId, &mode);
3528             if (chan == (Tcl_Channel) NULL) {
3529                 SetResult("-channel must have a channeldID as argument");
3530                 goto cleanup;
3531             }
3532             if ((mode & TCL_WRITABLE) == 0) {
3533                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "channel \"", channelId,
3534                                 "\" isnt't opened for writing", (char*)NULL);
3535                 goto cleanup;
3536             }
3537             objc -= 2;
3538             objv += 2;
3539             break;
3541         case m_escapeNonASCII:
3542             outputFlags |= SERIALIZE_ESCAPE_NON_ASCII;
3543             objc--;
3544             objv++;
3545             break;
3547         case m_doctypeDeclaration:
3548             if (node->nodeType != DOCUMENT_NODE) {
3549                 SetResult("-doctypeDeclaration as flag to the method "
3550                           "'asXML' is only allowed for domDocCmds");
3551                 goto cleanup;
3552             }
3553             if (objc < 4) {
3554                 SetResult("-doctypeDeclaration must have a boolean value "
3555                           "as argument");
3556                 goto cleanup;
3557             }
3558             if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[3], &bool)
3559                 != TCL_OK) {
3560                 goto cleanup;
3561             }
3562             if (bool) outputFlags |= SERIALIZE_DOCTYPE_DECLARATION;
3563             objc -= 2;
3564             objv += 2;
3565             break;
3567         case m_xmlDeclaration:
3568             if (objc < 4) {
3569                 SetResult("-xmlDeclaration must have a boolean value "
3570                           "as argument");
3571                 goto cleanup;
3572             }
3573             if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[3], &bool)
3574                 != TCL_OK) {
3575                 goto cleanup;
3576             }
3577             if (bool) outputFlags |= SERIALIZE_XML_DECLARATION;
3578             objc -= 2;
3579             objv += 2;
3580             break;
3582         case m_encString:
3583             if (objc < 4) {
3584                 SetResult("-encString must have a string "
3585                           "as argument");
3586                 goto cleanup;
3587             }
3588             if (encString) {
3589                 Tcl_DecrRefCount(encString);
3590             }
3591             encString = objv[3];
3592             Tcl_IncrRefCount(encString);
3593             objc -= 2;
3594             objv += 2;
3595             break;
3597         case m_escapeAllQuot:
3598             outputFlags |= SERIALIZE_ESCAPE_ALL_QUOT;
3599             objc -= 1;
3600             objv += 1;
3601             break;
3603         case m_nogtescape:
3604             outputFlags |= SERIALIZE_NO_GT_ESCAPE;
3605             objc -= 1;
3606             objv += 1;
3607             break;
3609         case m_noEmptyElementTag:
3610             outputFlags |= SERIALIZE_NO_EMPTY_ELEMENT_TAG;
3611             objc -= 1;
3612             objv += 1;
3613             break;
3614         }
3615     }
3616     if (indent > 8)  indent = 8;
3617     if (indent < -1) indent = -1;
3619     resultPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj("", 0);
3620     cdataChild = 0;
3621     if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE
3622         && node->ownerDocument->doctype
3623         && node->ownerDocument->doctype->cdataSectionElements) {
3624         if (node->namespace) {
3625             Tcl_DStringInit (&dStr);
3626             Tcl_DStringAppend (&dStr, domNamespaceURI(node), -1);
3627             Tcl_DStringAppend (&dStr, ":", 1);
3628             domSplitQName (node->nodeName, prefix, &localName);
3629             Tcl_DStringAppend (&dStr, localName, -1);
3630             h = Tcl_FindHashEntry (
3631                 node->ownerDocument->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
3632                 Tcl_DStringValue (&dStr));
3633             Tcl_DStringFree (&dStr);
3634         } else {
3635             h = Tcl_FindHashEntry (
3636                 node->ownerDocument->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
3637                 node->nodeName);
3638         }
3639         if (h) {
3640             cdataChild = 1;
3641         }
3642     }
3643     tcldom_treeAsXML(resultPtr, node, indent, 0, 1, chan, encString,
3644                      cdataChild, outputFlags, indentAttrs);
3645     Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, resultPtr);
3646     if (encString) {
3647         Tcl_DecrRefCount(encString);
3648     }
3649     return TCL_OK;
3650 cleanup:
3651     if (encString) {
3652         Tcl_DecrRefCount(encString);
3653     }
3654     return TCL_ERROR;
3655 }
3657 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3658 |   serializeAsHTML
3659 |
3660 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
serializeAsHTML(domNode * node,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3661 static int serializeAsHTML (
3662     domNode    *node,
3663     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3664     int         objc,
3665     Tcl_Obj    *const objv[]
3666 )
3667 {
3668     char       *channelId;
3669     int         optionIndex, mode, escapeNonASCII = 0, htmlEntities = 0;
3670     int         doctypeDeclaration = 0;
3671     Tcl_Obj    *resultPtr;
3672     Tcl_Channel chan = (Tcl_Channel) NULL;
3674     static const char *asHTMLOptions[] = {
3675         "-channel", "-escapeNonASCII", "-htmlEntities", "-doctypeDeclaration",
3676         NULL
3677     };
3678     enum asHTMLOption {
3679         m_channel, m_escapeNonASCII, m_htmlEntities, m_doctypeDeclaration
3680     };
3682     if (objc > 8) {
3683         Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv,
3684                          "?-channel <channelId>? ?-escapeNonASCII? "
3685                          "?-htmlEntities? ?-doctypeDeclaration <boolean>?");
3686         return TCL_ERROR;
3687     }
3688     while (objc > 2) {
3689         if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], asHTMLOptions, "option",
3690                                 0, &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
3691             return TCL_ERROR;
3692         }
3693         switch ((enum asHTMLOption) optionIndex) {
3695         case m_channel:
3696             if (objc < 4) {
3697                 SetResult("-channel must have a channeldID as argument");
3698                 return TCL_ERROR;
3699             }
3700             channelId = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
3701             chan = Tcl_GetChannel(interp, channelId, &mode);
3702             if (chan == (Tcl_Channel) NULL) {
3703                 SetResult("-channel must have a channeldID as argument");
3704                 return TCL_ERROR;
3705             }
3706             if ((mode & TCL_WRITABLE) == 0) {
3707                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "channel \"", channelId,
3708                                 "\" wasn't opened for writing", (char*)NULL);
3709                 return TCL_ERROR;
3710             }
3711             objc -= 2;
3712             objv += 2;
3713             break;
3715         case m_escapeNonASCII:
3716             escapeNonASCII = 1;
3717             objc--;
3718             objv++;
3719             break;
3721         case m_htmlEntities:
3722             htmlEntities = 1;
3723             objc--;
3724             objv++;
3725             break;
3727         case m_doctypeDeclaration:
3728             if (node->nodeType != DOCUMENT_NODE) {
3729                 SetResult("-doctypeDeclaration as flag to the method "
3730                           "'asHTML' is only allowed for domDocCmds");
3731                 return TCL_ERROR;
3732             }
3733             if (objc < 4) {
3734                 SetResult("-doctypeDeclaration must have a boolean value "
3735                           "as argument");
3736                 return TCL_ERROR;
3737             }
3738             if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[3], &doctypeDeclaration)
3739                 != TCL_OK) {
3740                 return TCL_ERROR;
3741             }
3742             objc -= 2;
3743             objv += 2;
3744             break;
3745         }
3746     }
3747     resultPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj("", 0);
3748     tcldom_treeAsHTML(resultPtr, node, chan, escapeNonASCII, htmlEntities,
3749                       doctypeDeclaration, 0);
3750     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, Tcl_GetString(resultPtr), NULL);
3751     Tcl_DecrRefCount(resultPtr);
3752     return TCL_OK;
3753 }
3755 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3756 |   serializeAsJSON
3757 |
3758 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
serializeAsJSON(domNode * node,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3759 static int serializeAsJSON (
3760     domNode    *node,
3761     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3762     int         objc,
3763     Tcl_Obj    *const objv[]
3764 )
3765 {
3766     char       *channelId;
3767     int         optionIndex, mode, indent = -1;
3768     Tcl_Obj    *resultPtr;
3769     Tcl_Channel chan = (Tcl_Channel) NULL;
3771     static const char *asJSONOptions[] = {
3772         "-channel", "-indent",
3773         NULL
3774     };
3775     enum asJSONOption {
3776         m_channel, m_indent
3777     };
3779     if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
3780         SetResult("Not an element node.\n");
3781         return TCL_ERROR;
3782     }
3784     if (objc > 5) {
3785         Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv,
3786                          "?-channel <channelId>? "
3787                          "?-indent <none,0..8>?");
3788         return TCL_ERROR;
3789     }
3790     while (objc > 2) {
3791         if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], asJSONOptions, "option",
3792                                 0, &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
3793             return TCL_ERROR;
3794         }
3795         switch ((enum asJSONOption) optionIndex) {
3797         case m_channel:
3798             if (objc < 4) {
3799                 SetResult("-channel must have a channeldID as argument");
3800                 return TCL_ERROR;
3801             }
3802             channelId = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
3803             chan = Tcl_GetChannel(interp, channelId, &mode);
3804             if (chan == (Tcl_Channel) NULL) {
3805                 SetResult("-channel must have a channeldID as argument");
3806                 return TCL_ERROR;
3807             }
3808             if ((mode & TCL_WRITABLE) == 0) {
3809                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "channel \"", channelId,
3810                                 "\" wasn't opened for writing", (char*)NULL);
3811                 return TCL_ERROR;
3812             }
3813             objc -= 2;
3814             objv += 2;
3815             break;
3817         case m_indent:
3818             if (objc < 4) {
3819                 SetResult("-indent must have an argument "
3820                           "(0..8 or 'no'/'none')");
3821                 return TCL_ERROR;
3822             }
3823             if (strcmp("none", Tcl_GetString(objv[3]))==0) {
3824                 indent = -1;
3825             }
3826             else if (strcmp("no", Tcl_GetString(objv[3]))==0) {
3827                 indent = -1;
3828             }
3829             else if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[3], &indent) != TCL_OK) {
3830                 SetResult( "indent must be an integer (0..8) or 'no'/'none'");
3831                 return TCL_ERROR;
3832             } else if (indent < 0 || indent > 8) {
3833                 SetResult( "indent must be an integer (0..8) or 'no'/'none'");
3834                 return TCL_ERROR;
3835             }
3837             objc -= 2;
3838             objv += 2;
3839             break;
3840         }
3841     }
3842     resultPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj("", 0);
3843     tcldom_treeAsJSON(resultPtr, node, chan, indent, 0, JSON_START);
3844     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, Tcl_GetString(resultPtr), NULL);
3845     Tcl_DecrRefCount(resultPtr);
3846     return TCL_OK;
3847 }
3849 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3850 |   cdataSectionElements
3851 |
3852 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
cdataSectionElements(domDocument * doc,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3853 static int cdataSectionElements (
3854     domDocument *doc,
3855     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
3856     int          objc,
3857     Tcl_Obj     *const objv[]
3858     )
3859 {
3860     int result, hnew;
3861     Tcl_Obj *resultPtr,*namePtr;
3862     Tcl_HashEntry *h;
3863     Tcl_HashSearch search;
3865     CheckArgs (3,4,0, "<domDoc> cdataSectionElements ?URI:?localname "
3866                "?boolean?");
3867     if (objc == 3) {
3868         if (Tcl_GetString(objv[2])[0] == '*'
3869             && Tcl_GetString(objv[2])[1] == '\0') {
3870             Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
3871             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements) {
3872                 resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult (interp);
3873                 for (h = Tcl_FirstHashEntry (
3874                          doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements, &search);
3875                      h != NULL;
3876                      h = Tcl_NextHashEntry(&search)) {
3877                     namePtr = Tcl_NewStringObj (
3878                         Tcl_GetHashKey (doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
3879                                         h), -1);
3880                     result = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement (interp, resultPtr,
3881                                                        namePtr);
3882                     if (result != TCL_OK) {
3883                         Tcl_DecrRefCount(namePtr);
3884                         return result;
3885                     }
3886                 }
3887             }
3888             return TCL_OK;
3889         }
3890         if (!doc->doctype || !doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements) {
3891             SetBooleanResult (0);
3892         } else {
3893             if (Tcl_FindHashEntry (doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
3894                                    Tcl_GetString (objv[2]))) {
3895                 SetBooleanResult (1);
3896             } else {
3897                 SetBooleanResult (0);
3898             }
3899         }
3900     } else {
3901         if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, objv[3], &result)
3902             != TCL_OK) {
3903             return TCL_ERROR;
3904         }
3905         if (result) {
3906             if (!doc->doctype) {
3907                 doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
3908                 memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
3909             }
3910             if (!doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements) {
3911                 doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements =
3912                     (Tcl_HashTable *)MALLOC(sizeof(Tcl_HashTable));
3913                 Tcl_InitHashTable (doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
3914                                    TCL_STRING_KEYS);
3915             }
3916             Tcl_CreateHashEntry (doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
3917                                  Tcl_GetString (objv[2]), &hnew);
3918         } else {
3919             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements) {
3920                 h = Tcl_FindHashEntry (doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements,
3921                                        Tcl_GetString (objv[2]));
3922                 if (h) {
3923                     Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (h);
3924                     if (!doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements->numEntries) {
3925                         Tcl_DeleteHashTable (
3926                             doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements
3927                             );
3928                         FREE (doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements);
3929                         doc->doctype->cdataSectionElements = NULL;
3930                     }
3931                 }
3932             }
3933         }
3934         SetBooleanResult(result);
3935     }
3936     return TCL_OK;
3937 }
3939 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3940 |   selectNodesNamespaces
3941 |
3942 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
selectNodesNamespaces(domDocument * doc,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3943 static int selectNodesNamespaces (
3944     domDocument *doc,
3945     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
3946     int          objc,
3947     Tcl_Obj     *const objv[]
3948     )
3949 {
3950     int      len, i, result;
3951     Tcl_Obj *objPtr, *listPtr;
3953     CheckArgs (2,3,2, "?prefixUriList?");
3954     if (objc == 3) {
3955         result = Tcl_ListObjLength (interp, objv[2], &len);
3956         if (result != TCL_OK || (len % 2) != 0) {
3957             SetResult ("The optional argument to the selectNodesNamespaces"
3958                        " method must be a 'prefix namespace' pairs list");
3959             return TCL_ERROR;
3960         }
3961         i = 0;
3962         if (doc->prefixNSMappings) {
3963             while (doc->prefixNSMappings[i]) {
3964                 FREE (doc->prefixNSMappings[i]);
3965                 i++;
3966             }
3967         }
3968         if (i < len + 1) {
3969             if (doc->prefixNSMappings) FREE (doc->prefixNSMappings);
3970             doc->prefixNSMappings = MALLOC (sizeof (char*)*(len+1));
3971         }
3972         for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
3973             Tcl_ListObjIndex (interp, objv[2], i, &objPtr);
3974             doc->prefixNSMappings[i] = tdomstrdup (Tcl_GetString (objPtr));
3975         }
3976         doc->prefixNSMappings[len] = NULL;
3977         Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, objv[2]);
3978     } else {
3979         listPtr = Tcl_NewListObj (0, NULL);
3980         i = 0;
3981         if (doc->prefixNSMappings) {
3982             while (doc->prefixNSMappings[i]) {
3983                 objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj (doc->prefixNSMappings[i], -1);
3984                 Tcl_ListObjAppendElement (interp, listPtr, objPtr);
3985                 i++;
3986             }
3987         }
3988         Tcl_SetObjResult (interp, listPtr);
3989     }
3990     return TCL_OK;
3991 }
3993 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3994 |   renameNodes
3995 |
3996 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
renameNodes(domDocument * doc,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])3997 static int renameNodes (
3998     domDocument *doc,
3999     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
4000     int          objc,
4001     Tcl_Obj     *const objv[]
4002     )
4003 {
4004     int      len, i, hnew;
4005     Tcl_HashEntry *h;
4006     Tcl_Obj *objPtr;
4007     domNode     *node;
4009     CheckArgs (4,4,0, "<domDoc> renameNode nodeList name");
4010     if (Tcl_ListObjLength (interp, objv[2], &len) != TCL_OK) {
4011         SetResult ("The first argument to the renameNode method"
4012                    " must be a list of element nodes.");
4013         return TCL_ERROR;
4014     }
4015     h = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&HASHTAB(doc,tdom_tagNames),
4016                             Tcl_GetString(objv[3]), &hnew);
4017     for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
4018         Tcl_ListObjIndex (interp, objv[2], i, &objPtr);
4019         node = tcldom_getNodeFromObj (interp, objPtr);
4020         if (node == NULL) {
4021             return TCL_ERROR;
4022         }
4023         node->nodeName = (char *)&(h->key);
4024     }
4025     return TCL_OK;
4026 }
4028 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4029 |   deleteXPathCache
4030 |
4031 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
deleteXPathCache(domDocument * doc,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])4032 static int deleteXPathCache (
4033     domDocument *doc,
4034     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
4035     int          objc,
4036     Tcl_Obj     *const objv[]
4037     )
4038 {
4039     Tcl_HashEntry *h;
4040     Tcl_HashSearch search;
4042     CheckArgs (2,3,0, "<domDoc> deleteXPathCache ?xpathQuery?");
4043     if (objc == 3) {
4044         if (!doc->xpathCache) {
4045             return TCL_OK;
4046         }
4047         h = Tcl_FindHashEntry (doc->xpathCache, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
4048         if (h) {
4049             xpathFreeAst((ast)Tcl_GetHashValue (h));
4050             Tcl_DeleteHashEntry (h);
4051         }
4052         return TCL_OK;
4053     }
4054     if (!doc->xpathCache) {
4055         return TCL_OK;
4056     }
4057     h = Tcl_FirstHashEntry (doc->xpathCache, &search);
4058     while (h) {
4059         xpathFreeAst((ast)Tcl_GetHashValue (h));
4060         h = Tcl_NextHashEntry (&search);
4061     }
4062     Tcl_DeleteHashTable (doc->xpathCache);
4063     FREE (doc->xpathCache);
4064     doc->xpathCache = NULL;
4065     return TCL_OK;
4066 }
4069 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4070 |   applyXSLT
4071 |
4072 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
applyXSLT(domNode * node,Tcl_Interp * interp,void * clientData,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])4073 static int applyXSLT (
4074     domNode     *node,
4075     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
4076     void        *clientData,
4077     int          objc,
4078     Tcl_Obj     *const objv[]
4079     )
4080 {
4081     char          *usage, **parameters = NULL, *errMsg, *option;
4082     Tcl_Obj       *objPtr, *localListPtr = (Tcl_Obj *)NULL;
4083     int            i, result, length, optionIndex;
4084     int            ignoreUndeclaredParameters = 0;
4085     int            maxApplyDepth = MAX_XSLT_APPLY_DEPTH;
4086     domDocument   *xsltDoc, *xmlDoc, *resultDoc = NULL;
4087     XsltMsgCBInfo  xsltMsgInfo;
4089     static char *method_usage =
4090         "wrong # args: should be \"nodeObj xslt ?-parameters parameterList? "
4091         "?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? ?-maxApplyDepth int? "
4092         "?-xsltmessagecmd cmd? xsltDocNode ?varname?\"";
4094     static char *cmd_usage =
4095         "wrong # args: should be \"?-parameters parameterList? "
4096         "?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? ?-maxApplyDepth int? "
4097         "?-xsltmessagecmd cmd? <xmlDocObj> ?objVar?\"";
4099     static const char *xsltOptions[] = {
4100         "-parameters", "-ignoreUndeclaredParameters",
4101         "-maxApplyDepth", "-xsltmessagecmd", NULL
4102     };
4104     enum xsltOption {
4105         m_parameters, m_ignoreUndeclaredParameters, m_maxApplyDepth,
4106         m_xsltmessagecmd
4107     };
4109     xsltMsgInfo.interp = interp;
4110     xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd = NULL;
4112     if (node)  usage = method_usage;
4113     else       usage = cmd_usage;
4115     while (objc > 1) {
4116         option = Tcl_GetString(objv[0]);
4117         if (option[0] != '-') {
4118             break;
4119         }
4120         if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[0], xsltOptions, "option", 0,
4121                                  &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
4122             goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4123         }
4125         switch ((enum xsltOption) optionIndex) {
4127         case m_parameters:
4128             if (objc < 3) {SetResult(usage); goto applyXSLTCleanUP;}
4129             if (Tcl_ListObjLength(interp, objv[1], &length) != TCL_OK) {
4130                 SetResult("ill-formed parameters list: the -parameters "
4131                           "option needs a list of parameter name and "
4132                           "parameter value pairs");
4133                 goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4134             }
4135             if (length % 2) {
4136                 SetResult("parameter value missing: the -parameters "
4137                           "option needs a list of parameter name and "
4138                           "parameter value pairs");
4139                 goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4140             }
4141             if (parameters) {
4142                 SetResult("only one -parameters option allowed");
4143                 goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4144             }
4145             localListPtr = Tcl_DuplicateObj(objv[1]);
4146             Tcl_IncrRefCount(localListPtr);
4147             parameters =  (char **)MALLOC(sizeof(char *)*(length+1));
4148             for (i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
4149                 Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, localListPtr, i, &objPtr);
4150                 parameters[i] = Tcl_GetString(objPtr);
4151             }
4152             parameters[length] = NULL;
4153             objc -= 2;
4154             objv += 2;
4155             break;
4157         case m_maxApplyDepth:
4158             if (objc < 3) {SetResult(usage); goto applyXSLTCleanUP;}
4159             if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &maxApplyDepth)
4160                 != TCL_OK) {
4161                 SetResult("-maxApplyDepth requires a positive integer "
4162                           "as argument");
4163                 goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4164             }
4165             if (maxApplyDepth < 1) {
4166                 SetResult("-maxApplyDepth requires a positive integer "
4167                           "as argument");
4168                 goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4169             }
4170             objc -= 2;
4171             objv += 2;
4172             break;
4174         case m_ignoreUndeclaredParameters:
4175             if (objc < 2) {SetResult(usage); goto applyXSLTCleanUP;}
4176             ignoreUndeclaredParameters = 1;
4177             objc--; objv++;
4178             break;
4180         case m_xsltmessagecmd:
4181             if (objc < 3) {SetResult(usage); goto applyXSLTCleanUP;}
4182             if (xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd) {
4183                 Tcl_DecrRefCount(xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd);
4184             }
4185             xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd = objv[1];
4186             Tcl_IncrRefCount(xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd);
4187             objc -= 2;
4188             objv += 2;
4189             break;
4190         }
4191     }
4192     if (objc > 2 || objc < 1) {SetResult(usage); goto applyXSLTCleanUP;}
4193     if (node) {
4194         xsltDoc = tcldom_getDocumentFromName(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[0]),
4195                                              &errMsg);
4196         if (xsltDoc == NULL) {
4197             SetResult( errMsg );
4198             goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4199         }
4200     } else {
4201         xmlDoc = tcldom_getDocumentFromName(interp,Tcl_GetString(objv[0]),
4202                                             &errMsg);
4203         if (xmlDoc == NULL) {
4204             SetResult( errMsg );
4205             goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4206         }
4207         node = (domNode *) xmlDoc;
4208         xsltDoc = NULL;
4209     }
4210     result = xsltProcess(xsltDoc, node, clientData, parameters,
4211                          ignoreUndeclaredParameters,
4212                          maxApplyDepth,
4213                          tcldom_xpathFuncCallBack,  interp,
4214                          tcldom_xsltMsgCB, &xsltMsgInfo,
4215                          &errMsg, &resultDoc);
4217     if (result < 0) {
4218         SetResult( errMsg );
4219         FREE(errMsg);
4220         if (objc == 2) {
4221             Tcl_SetVar (interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), "", 0);
4222         }
4223         goto applyXSLTCleanUP;
4224     }
4225     if (parameters) {
4226         Tcl_DecrRefCount(localListPtr);
4227         FREE((char *) parameters);
4228     }
4229     if (xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd) {
4230         Tcl_DecrRefCount(xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd);
4231     }
4232     return tcldom_returnDocumentObj(interp, resultDoc, (objc == 2),
4233                                     (objc == 2) ? objv[1] : NULL, 1, 0);
4235  applyXSLTCleanUP:
4236     if (localListPtr) {
4237         Tcl_DecrRefCount(localListPtr);
4238         FREE((char *) parameters);
4239     }
4240     if (xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd) {
4241         Tcl_DecrRefCount(xsltMsgInfo.msgcmd);
4242     }
4243     return TCL_ERROR;
4244 }
4246 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4247 |   tcldom_XSLTObjCmd
4248 |
4249 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_XSLTObjCmd(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])4250 static int tcldom_XSLTObjCmd (
4251     ClientData  clientData,
4252     Tcl_Interp *interp,
4253     int         objc,
4254     Tcl_Obj    *const objv[]
4255 )
4256 {
4257     int          index;
4258     char        *errMsg = NULL;
4260     static const char *options[] = {
4261         "transform", "delete", NULL
4262     };
4263     enum option {
4264         m_transform, m_delete
4265     };
4268     /* Longest possible call currently is:
4269        xsltCmd transform -parameters parameterList \
4270                          -ignoreUndeclaredParameters
4271                          -xsltmessagecmd cmd <xmlDocObj> objVar */
4272     CheckArgs(2,9,1,"option ?arg ...?");
4274     /* This is not optimal, because we do the
4275        tcldom_getDocumentFromName call here and again in
4276        applyXSLT. This is only transitional, until <domNode xslt ..>
4277        will be deprecated */
4278     if ((tcldom_getDocumentFromName (interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), &errMsg)
4279          != NULL)
4280         || (Tcl_GetString (objv[1])[0] == '-')) {
4281         /* Method obmitted, may default to "transform", try this */
4282         objv++;
4283         objc--;
4284         return applyXSLT(NULL, interp, (void *) clientData, objc, objv);
4285     }
4287     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, objv[1], options, "option", 0, &index)
4288         != TCL_OK) {
4289         return TCL_ERROR;
4290     }
4291     switch ((enum option) index) {
4292     case m_transform:
4293         objv++;objv++;
4294         objc--;objc--;
4295         return applyXSLT(NULL, interp, (void *) clientData, objc, objv);
4296     case m_delete:
4297         if (objc != 2) {
4298             Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 2, objv, "");
4299             return TCL_ERROR;
4300         }
4301         Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[0]));
4302     }
4303     return TCL_OK;
4304 }
4306 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4307 |   convertToXSLTCmd
4308 |
4309 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
convertToXSLTCmd(domDocument * doc,Tcl_Interp * interp,int setVariable,Tcl_Obj * var_name)4310 static int convertToXSLTCmd (
4311     domDocument *doc,
4312     Tcl_Interp  *interp,
4313     int          setVariable,
4314     Tcl_Obj     *var_name
4315     )
4316 {
4317     char *errMsg, *objVar, objCmdName[80];
4318     ClientData *clientData;
4320     doc->nodeFlags |= DONT_FREE;
4321     clientData = (ClientData *) xsltCompileStylesheet(doc,
4322                                                       tcldom_xpathFuncCallBack,
4323                                                       interp, 0, &errMsg);
4324     if (!clientData) {
4325         SetResult(errMsg);
4326         if (setVariable) {
4327             objVar = Tcl_GetString(var_name);
4328             Tcl_UnsetVar(interp, objVar, 0);
4329             Tcl_SetVar   (interp, objVar, "", 0);
4330         }
4331         FREE(errMsg);
4332         return TCL_ERROR;
4333     }
4334     DOC_CMD(objCmdName, doc);
4335     Tcl_DeleteCommand( interp, objCmdName );
4336     XSLT_CMD(objCmdName, doc);
4337     Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, objCmdName, tcldom_XSLTObjCmd, clientData,
4338                           xsltFreeStateWrapper);
4339     if (setVariable) {
4340         objVar = Tcl_GetString(var_name);
4341         Tcl_UnsetVar (interp, objVar, 0);
4342         Tcl_SetVar   (interp, objVar, objCmdName, 0);
4343     }
4344     SetResult(objCmdName);
4345     return TCL_OK;
4346 }
4348 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4349 |   tcldom_NodeObjCmd
4350 |
4351 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_NodeObjCmd(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])4352 int tcldom_NodeObjCmd (
4353     ClientData  clientData,
4354     Tcl_Interp *interp,
4355     int         objc,
4356     Tcl_Obj    *const objv[]
4357 )
4358 {
4359     GetTcldomTSD()
4361     domNode     *node, *child, *refChild, *oldChild, *refNode;
4362     domNS       *ns;
4363     domAttrNode *attrs;
4364     domException exception;
4365     char         tmp[200], prefix[MAX_PREFIX_LEN], *method, *nodeName,
4366                  *str, *attr_name, *attr_val, *filter;
4367     const char  *localName, *uri, *nsStr;
4368     int          result, length, methodIndex, i, line, column;
4369     int          nsIndex, bool, hnew, legacy, jsonType, fromToken = 0;
4370     Tcl_Obj     *namePtr, *resultPtr;
4371     Tcl_Obj     *mobjv[MAX_REWRITE_ARGS];
4372     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
4373     Tcl_HashEntry *h;
4375     static const char *nodeMethods[] = {
4376         "firstChild",      "nextSibling",    "getAttribute",    "nodeName",
4377         "nodeValue",       "nodeType",       "attributes",      "asList",
4378         "find",            "setAttribute",   "removeAttribute", "parentNode",
4379         "previousSibling", "lastChild",      "appendChild",     "removeChild",
4380         "hasChildNodes",   "localName",      "childNodes",      "ownerDocument",
4381         "insertBefore",    "replaceChild",   "getLine",         "getColumn",
4382         "asXML",           "appendFromList", "child",           "fsibling",
4383         "psibling",        "descendant",     "ancestor",        "text",
4384         "root",            "hasAttribute",   "cloneNode",       "appendXML",
4385         "target",          "data",           "selectNodes",     "namespaceURI",
4386         "getAttributeNS",  "setAttributeNS", "hasAttributeNS",  "removeAttributeNS",
4387         "asHTML",          "prefix",         "getBaseURI",      "appendFromScript",
4388         "xslt",            "toXPath",        "delete",          "getElementById",
4389         "getElementsByTagName",              "getElementsByTagNameNS",
4390         "disableOutputEscaping",             "precedes",         "asText",
4391         "insertBeforeFromScript",            "normalize",        "baseURI",
4392         "asJSON",          "jsonType",       "attributeNames",
4393 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
4394         "readlock",        "writelock",
4395 #endif
4396         NULL
4397     };
4398     enum nodeMethod {
4399         m_firstChild,      m_nextSibling,    m_getAttribute,    m_nodeName,
4400         m_nodeValue,       m_nodeType,       m_attributes,      m_asList,
4401         m_find,            m_setAttribute,   m_removeAttribute, m_parentNode,
4402         m_previousSibling, m_lastChild,      m_appendChild,     m_removeChild,
4403         m_hasChildNodes,   m_localName,      m_childNodes,      m_ownerDocument,
4404         m_insertBefore,    m_replaceChild,   m_getLine,         m_getColumn,
4405         m_asXML,           m_appendFromList, m_child,           m_fsibling,
4406         m_psibling,        m_descendant,     m_ancestor,        m_text,
4407         m_root,            m_hasAttribute,   m_cloneNode,       m_appendXML,
4408         m_target,          m_data,           m_selectNodes,     m_namespaceURI,
4409         m_getAttributeNS,  m_setAttributeNS, m_hasAttributeNS,  m_removeAttributeNS,
4410         m_asHTML,          m_prefix,         m_getBaseURI,      m_appendFromScript,
4411         m_xslt,            m_toXPath,        m_delete,          m_getElementById,
4412         m_getElementsByTagName,              m_getElementsByTagNameNS,
4413         m_disableOutputEscaping,             m_precedes,        m_asText,
4414         m_insertBeforeFromScript,            m_normalize,       m_baseURI,
4415         m_asJSON,          m_jsonType,       m_attributeNames
4416 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
4417         ,m_readlock,       m_writelock
4418 #endif
4419     };
4421     node = (domNode*) clientData;
4422     if (TSD(domCreateCmdMode) == DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO) {
4423         TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 0;
4424     }
4425     if (node == NULL) {
4426         if (objc < 3) {
4427             SetResult(node_usage);
4428             return TCL_ERROR;
4429         }
4430         if (TSD(domCreateCmdMode) == DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO) {
4431             TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 1;
4432         }
4433         node = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, objv[1]);
4434         if (node == NULL) {
4435             return TCL_ERROR;
4436         }
4437         fromToken = 1;
4438         objc--;
4439         objv++;
4440     }
4441     if (objc < 2) {
4442         SetResult(node_usage);
4443         return TCL_ERROR;
4444     }
4445     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(NULL, objv[1], nodeMethods, "method", 0,
4446                             &methodIndex) != TCL_OK) {
4448         method = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
4449         if (*method != '@') {
4450             /*--------------------------------------------------------
4451             |   not a getAttribute short cut:
4452             |   try to find method implemented as normal Tcl proc
4453             \-------------------------------------------------------*/
4454             result = 0;
4455             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
4456                 /*----------------------------------------------------
4457                 |   try to find Tcl level node specific method proc
4458                 |
4459                 |       ::dom::domNode::<nodeName>::<method>
4460                 |
4461                 \---------------------------------------------------*/
4462                 sprintf(tmp, "::dom::domNode::%s::%s", (char*)node->nodeName,
4463                         method);
4464                 DBG(fprintf(stderr, "testing %s\n", tmp));
4465                 result = Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, tmp, &cmdInfo);
4466             }
4467             if (!result) {
4468                 /*----------------------------------------------------
4469                 |   try to find Tcl level general method proc
4470                 |
4471                 |       ::dom::domNode::<method>
4472                 |
4473                 \---------------------------------------------------*/
4474                 sprintf(tmp, "::dom::domNode::%s", method);
4475                 DBG(fprintf(stderr, "testing %s\n", tmp));
4476                 result = Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, tmp, &cmdInfo);
4477             }
4478             if (!result) {
4479                 SetResult(node_usage);
4480                 return TCL_ERROR;
4481             }
4482             if (!cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc) {
4483                 SetResult("can't access Tcl level method!");
4484                 return TCL_ERROR;
4485             }
4486             if (objc >= MAX_REWRITE_ARGS) {
4487                 SetResult("too many args to call Tcl level method!");
4488                 return TCL_ERROR;
4489             }
4490             mobjv[0] = objv[1];
4491             mobjv[1] = objv[0];
4492             for (i=2; i<objc; i++) mobjv[i] = objv[i];
4493             return cmdInfo.objProc(cmdInfo.objClientData, interp, objc, mobjv);
4494         }
4496         /*--------------------------------------------------------
4497         |   @<attributeName>: try to look up attribute
4498         \-------------------------------------------------------*/
4499         Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
4500         CheckArgs(2,3,1,"@<attributeName> ?defaultvalue?");
4501         if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4502             SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4503             return TCL_ERROR;
4504         }
4505         attrs = node->firstAttr;
4506         while (attrs && strcmp(attrs->nodeName, &(method[1]))) {
4507             attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
4508         }
4509         if (attrs) {
4510             SetResult(attrs->nodeValue);
4511         } else {
4512             if (objc == 3) {
4513                 SetResult(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
4514             } else {
4515                 Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
4516                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Attribute \"", &(method[1]),
4517                                  "\" not found!", NULL);
4518                 return TCL_ERROR;
4519             }
4520         }
4521         return TCL_OK;
4522     }
4524     /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
4525     |   node may have been deleted in the meantime by some other
4526     |   thread operating on the tree, so check this fact before.
4527     |
4528     \---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4530     if (node->nodeFlags & IS_DELETED) {
4531         SetResult("node has been deleted");
4532         return TCL_ERROR;
4533     }
4535     /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
4536     |   dispatch the node object method
4537     |
4538     \---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4539     switch ((enum nodeMethod)methodIndex) {
4541         case m_toXPath:
4542             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?-legacy?");
4543             legacy = 0;
4544             if (objc == 3) {
4545                 if (!strcmp(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), "-legacy")) {
4546                     legacy = 1;
4547                 } else {
4548                     SetResult("unknown option! Options: ?-legacy?");
4549                     return TCL_ERROR;
4550                 }
4551             }
4552             str = xpathNodeToXPath(node, legacy);
4553             SetResult (str);
4554             FREE (str);
4555             return TCL_OK;
4557         case m_xslt:
4558             CheckArgs(3,9,2, "?-parameters parameterList? "
4559                       "?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? ?-xsltmessagecmd cmd? "
4560                       "<xsltDocNode> ?objVar?");
4561             objv += 2; objc -= 2;
4562             return applyXSLT(node, interp, NULL, objc, objv);
4564         case m_selectNodes:
4565             return tcldom_selectNodes (interp, node, --objc, ++objv);
4567         case m_find:
4568             CheckArgs(4,5,2,"attrName attrVal ?nodeObjVar?");
4569             attr_name = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], NULL);
4570             attr_val  = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[3], &length);
4571             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar
4572                 (interp, tcldom_find(node, attr_name, attr_val, length),
4573                  (objc == 5), (objc == 5) ? objv[4] : NULL);
4575         case m_child:
4576             CheckArgs(3,6,2,"instance|all ?type? ?attr value?");
4577             return tcldom_xpointerSearch(interp, XP_CHILD, node, objc, objv);
4579         case m_descendant:
4580             CheckArgs(3,6,2,"instance|all ?type? ?attr value?");
4581             return tcldom_xpointerSearch(interp, XP_DESCENDANT,node,objc,objv);
4583         case m_ancestor:
4584             CheckArgs(3,6,2,"instance|all ?type? ?attr value?");
4585             return tcldom_xpointerSearch(interp, XP_ANCESTOR, node,objc,objv);
4587         case m_fsibling:
4588             CheckArgs(3,6,2,"instance|all ?type? ?attr value?");
4589             return tcldom_xpointerSearch(interp, XP_FSIBLING, node,objc,objv);
4591         case m_psibling:
4592             CheckArgs(3,6,2,"instance|all ?type? ?attr value?");
4593             return tcldom_xpointerSearch(interp, XP_PSIBLING, node,objc,objv);
4595         case m_root:
4596             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nodeObjVar?");
4597             while (node->parentNode) {
4598                 node = node->parentNode;
4599             }
4600             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, (objc == 3),
4601                                         (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4603         case m_text:
4604             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
4605             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4606                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT");
4607                 return TCL_ERROR;
4608             }
4609             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
4610             child = node->firstChild;
4611             while (child) {
4612                 if ((child->nodeType == TEXT_NODE) ||
4613                     (child->nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE)) {
4614                     Tcl_AppendToObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
4615                                      ((domTextNode*)child)->nodeValue,
4616                                      ((domTextNode*)child)->valueLength);
4617                 }
4618                 child = child->nextSibling;
4619             }
4620             return TCL_OK;
4622         case m_attributes:
4623             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nameFilter?");
4624             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4625                 SetResult("");
4626                 return TCL_OK;
4627             }
4628             filter = NULL;
4629             if (objc == 3) {
4630                 filter = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4631             }
4632             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
4633             resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
4635             attrs = node->firstAttr;
4636             while (attrs != NULL) {
4637                 if (!filter || Tcl_StringMatch((char*)attrs->nodeName, filter)) {
4638                     if (attrs->namespace == 0) {
4639                         namePtr = Tcl_NewStringObj((char*)attrs->nodeName, -1);
4640                     } else {
4641                         domSplitQName((char*)attrs->nodeName, prefix,
4642                                       &localName);
4643                         mobjv[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj((char*)localName, -1);
4644                         mobjv[1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(
4645                             domNamespacePrefix((domNode*)attrs), -1
4646                             );
4647                         mobjv[2] = Tcl_NewStringObj(
4648                             domNamespaceURI((domNode*)attrs), -1
4649                             );
4650                         namePtr  = Tcl_NewListObj(3, mobjv);
4651                     }
4652                     result = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, resultPtr,
4653                                                       namePtr);
4654                     if (result != TCL_OK) {
4655                         Tcl_DecrRefCount(namePtr);
4656                         return result;
4657                     }
4658                 }
4659                 attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
4660             }
4661             break;
4663         case m_attributeNames:
4664             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nameFilter?");
4665             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4666                 SetResult("");
4667                 return TCL_OK;
4668             }
4669             filter = NULL;
4670             if (objc == 3) {
4671                 filter = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4672             }
4673             resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
4675             attrs = node->firstAttr;
4676             while (attrs != NULL) {
4677                 if (!filter || Tcl_StringMatch((char*)attrs->nodeName, filter)) {
4678                     namePtr = Tcl_NewStringObj((char*)attrs->nodeName, -1);
4679                     result = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, resultPtr,
4680                                                       namePtr);
4681                     if (result != TCL_OK) {
4682                         Tcl_DecrRefCount(namePtr);
4683                         return result;
4684                     }
4685                 }
4686                 attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
4687             }
4688             break;
4690         case m_asList:
4691             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
4692             Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, tcldom_treeAsTclList(interp, node));
4693             break;
4695         case m_asXML:
4696             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
4697             if (serializeAsXML(node, interp, objc, objv) != TCL_OK) {
4698                 return TCL_ERROR;
4699             }
4700             break;
4702         case m_asHTML:
4703             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
4704             if (serializeAsHTML(node, interp, objc, objv) != TCL_OK) {
4705                 return TCL_ERROR;
4706             }
4707             break;
4709         case m_asJSON:
4710             if (serializeAsJSON(node, interp, objc, objv) != TCL_OK) {
4711                 return TCL_ERROR;
4712             }
4713             break;
4715         case m_getAttribute:
4716             CheckArgs(3,4,2,"attrName ?defaultValue?");
4717             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4718                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4719                 return TCL_ERROR;
4720             }
4721             attr_name = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4722             attrs = node->firstAttr;
4723             while(attrs && strcmp(attrs->nodeName, attr_name)) {
4724                 attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
4725             }
4726             if (attrs) {
4727                 SetResult(attrs->nodeValue);
4728                 return TCL_OK;
4729             }
4730             if (objc == 4) {
4731                 SetResult(Tcl_GetString(objv[3]));
4732                 return TCL_OK;
4733             } else {
4734                 Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
4735                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Attribute \"", attr_name,
4736                                  "\" not found!", NULL);
4737                 return TCL_ERROR;
4738             }
4739             break;
4741         case m_getAttributeNS:
4742             CheckArgs(4,4,2,"uri localName");
4743             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4744                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4745                 return TCL_ERROR;
4746             }
4747             uri = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4748             localName = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
4749             attrs = domGetAttributeNodeNS(node, uri, localName);
4750             if (attrs) {
4751                 SetResult(attrs->nodeValue);
4752                 return TCL_OK;
4753             }
4754             sprintf(tmp,"attribute with localName %80.80s not found!",localName);
4755             SetResult(tmp);
4756             return TCL_ERROR;
4758         case m_setAttribute:
4759             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4760                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4761                 return TCL_ERROR;
4762             }
4763             if ((objc < 4) || ((objc % 2)!=0)) {
4764                 SetResult("attrName value pairs expected");
4765                 return TCL_ERROR;
4766             }
4767             for ( i = 2;  i < objc; ) {
4768                 attr_name = Tcl_GetString(objv[i++]);
4769                 CheckName (interp, attr_name, "attribute", 0);
4770                 attr_val  = Tcl_GetString(objv[i++]);
4771                 CheckText (interp, attr_val, "attribute");
4772                 domSetAttribute(node, attr_name, attr_val);
4773             }
4774             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
4776         case m_setAttributeNS:
4777             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4778                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4779                 return TCL_ERROR;
4780             }
4781             if ((objc < 5) || (((objc - 2) % 3) != 0)) {
4782                 SetResult("uri attrName value triples expected");
4783                 return TCL_ERROR;
4784             }
4785             for (i = 2; i < objc;) {
4786                 uri       = Tcl_GetString(objv[i++]);
4787                 attr_name = Tcl_GetString(objv[i++]);
4788                 CheckName (interp, attr_name, "full qualified attribute", 1);
4789                 attr_val  = Tcl_GetString(objv[i++]);
4790                 CheckText (interp, attr_val, "attribute");
4791                 attrs = domSetAttributeNS(node, attr_name, attr_val, uri, 0);
4792                 if (!attrs) {
4793                     if (uri[0]) {
4794                         SetResult("An attribute in a namespace "
4795                                   "must have a prefix");
4796                     } else {
4797                         SetResult("For all prefixed attributes with prefixes "
4798                                   "other than 'xml' or 'xmlns' "
4799                                   "you have to provide a namespace URI");
4800                     }
4801                     return TCL_ERROR;
4802                 }
4803             }
4804             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
4806         case m_hasAttribute:
4807             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"attrName");
4808             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4809                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4810                 return TCL_ERROR;
4811             }
4812             attr_name = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4813             attrs = node->firstAttr;
4814             while (attrs && strcmp(attrs->nodeName, attr_name)) {
4815                 attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
4816             }
4817             if (attrs) {
4818                 SetResult("1");
4819                 return TCL_OK;
4820             }
4821             SetResult("0");
4822             return TCL_OK;
4824         case m_hasAttributeNS:
4825             CheckArgs(4,4,2,"uri localName");
4826             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4827                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4828                 return TCL_ERROR;
4829             }
4830             uri = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4831             localName = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
4832             attrs = node->firstAttr;
4833             while (attrs) {
4834                 domSplitQName(attrs->nodeName, prefix, &nsStr);
4835                 if (!strcmp(localName,nsStr)) {
4836                     ns = domGetNamespaceByIndex(node->ownerDocument,
4837                                                 attrs->namespace);
4838                     if (ns && !strcmp(ns->uri, uri)) {
4839                         SetResult("1");
4840                         return TCL_OK;
4841                     }
4842                 }
4843                 attrs = attrs->nextSibling;
4844             }
4845             SetResult("0");
4846             return TCL_OK;
4848         case m_removeAttribute:
4849             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"attrName");
4850             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4851                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4852                 return TCL_ERROR;
4853             }
4854             attr_name = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4855             result = domRemoveAttribute(node, attr_name);
4856             if (result) {
4857                 SetResult("can't remove attribute '");
4858                 AppendResult(attr_name);
4859                 AppendResult("'");
4860                 return TCL_ERROR;
4861             }
4862             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
4864         case m_removeAttributeNS:
4865             CheckArgs(4,4,2,"uri attrName");
4866             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
4867                 SetResult("NOT_AN_ELEMENT : there are no attributes");
4868                 return TCL_ERROR;
4869             }
4870             uri = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
4871             localName = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
4872             result = domRemoveAttributeNS(node, uri, localName);
4873             if (result < 0) {
4874                 SetResult("can't remove attribute with localName '");
4875                 AppendResult(localName);
4876                 AppendResult("'");
4877                 return TCL_ERROR;
4878             }
4879             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
4881         case m_nextSibling:
4882             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nodeObjVar?");
4883             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node->nextSibling,
4884                                         (objc == 3),
4885                                         (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4886         case m_previousSibling:
4887             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nodeObjVar?");
4888             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node->previousSibling,
4889                                         (objc == 3),
4890                                         (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4891         case m_firstChild:
4892             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nodeObjVar?");
4893             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
4894                 return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node->firstChild,
4895                                             (objc == 3),
4896                                             (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4897             }
4898             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, NULL, (objc == 3),
4899                                         (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4900         case m_lastChild:
4901             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nodeObjVar?");
4902             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
4903                 return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node->lastChild,
4904                                             (objc == 3),
4905                                             (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4906             }
4907             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, NULL, (objc == 3),
4908                                         (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4909         case m_parentNode:
4910             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?nodeObjVar?");
4911             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node->parentNode, (objc == 3),
4912                                         (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
4913         case m_appendFromList:
4914             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"list");
4915             return tcldom_appendFromTclList(interp, node, objv[2]);
4917         case m_appendFromScript:
4918             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"script");
4919             if (nodecmd_appendFromScript(interp, node, objv[2]) != TCL_OK) {
4920                 return TCL_ERROR;
4921             }
4922             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
4924         case m_insertBeforeFromScript:
4925             CheckArgs(4,4,2, "script refChild");
4926             if (objv[3]->typePtr == &tdomNodeType) {
4927                 refChild = objv[3]->internalRep.otherValuePtr;
4928             } else {
4929                 nodeName = Tcl_GetString (objv[3]);
4930                 if (nodeName[0] == '\0') {
4931                     refChild = NULL;
4932                 } else {
4933                     refChild = tcldom_getNodeFromObj (interp, objv[3]);
4934                     if (refChild == NULL) {
4935                         return TCL_ERROR;
4936                     }
4937                 }
4938             }
4939             if (nodecmd_insertBeforeFromScript(interp, node, objv[2], refChild)
4940                 != TCL_OK) {
4941                 return TCL_ERROR;
4942             }
4943             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar (interp, node, 0, NULL);
4945         case m_appendXML:
4946             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"xmlString");
4947             return tcldom_appendXML(interp, node, objv[2]);
4949         case m_appendChild:
4950             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"nodeToAppend");
4951             child = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, objv[2]);
4952             if (child == NULL) {
4953                 return TCL_ERROR;
4954             }
4955             exception = domAppendChild (node, child);
4956             if (exception != OK) {
4957                 SetResult(domException2String(exception));
4958                 return TCL_ERROR;
4959             }
4960             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, child, 0, NULL);
4962         case m_cloneNode:
4963             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?-deep?");
4964             if (objc == 3) {
4965                 if (!strcmp(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), "-deep")) {
4966                     return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, domCloneNode(node, 1),
4967                                                 0, NULL);
4968                 }
4969                 SetResult("unknown option! Options: ?-deep? ");
4970                 return TCL_ERROR;
4971             }
4972             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, domCloneNode(node, 0), 0, NULL);
4974         case m_removeChild:
4975             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"childToRemove");
4976             child = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, objv[2]);
4977             if (child == NULL) {
4978                 return TCL_ERROR;
4979             }
4980             exception = domRemoveChild (node, child);
4981             if (exception != OK) {
4982                 SetResult (domException2String (exception));
4983                 return TCL_ERROR;
4984             }
4985             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, child, 0, NULL);
4987         case m_insertBefore:
4988             CheckArgs(4,4,2,"childToInsert refChild");
4989             child = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, objv[2]);
4990             if (child == NULL) {
4991                 return TCL_ERROR;
4992             }
4994             if (objv[3]->typePtr == &tdomNodeType) {
4995                 refChild = objv[3]->internalRep.otherValuePtr;
4996             } else {
4997                 nodeName = Tcl_GetString (objv[3]);
4998                 if (nodeName[0] == '\0') {
4999                     refChild = NULL;
5000                 } else {
5001                     refChild = tcldom_getNodeFromObj (interp, objv[3]);
5002                     if (refChild == NULL) {
5003                         return TCL_ERROR;
5004                     }
5005                 }
5006             }
5007             exception = domInsertBefore(node, child, refChild);
5008             if (exception != OK) {
5009                 SetResult(domException2String(exception));
5010                 return TCL_ERROR;
5011             }
5012             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, child, 0, NULL);
5014         case m_replaceChild:
5015             CheckArgs(4,4,2,"new old");
5016             child = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, objv[2]);
5017             if (child == NULL) {
5018                 return TCL_ERROR;
5019             }
5020             oldChild = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, objv[3]);
5021             if (oldChild == NULL) {
5022                 return TCL_ERROR;
5023             }
5024             exception = domReplaceChild(node, child, oldChild);
5025             if (exception != OK) {
5026                 SetResult(domException2String(exception));
5027                 return TCL_ERROR;
5028             }
5029             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, oldChild, 0, NULL);
5031         case m_hasChildNodes:
5032             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5033             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
5034                 SetIntResult(node->firstChild ? 1 : 0);
5035             } else {
5036                 SetIntResult(0);
5037             }
5038             break;
5040         case m_childNodes:
5041             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5042             resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp);
5043             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
5044                 child = node->firstChild;
5045                 while (child != NULL) {
5046                     namePtr = tcldom_returnNodeObj(interp, child);
5047                     result  = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, resultPtr,
5048                                                        namePtr);
5049                     if (result != TCL_OK) {
5050                         Tcl_DecrRefCount(namePtr);
5051                         return result;
5052                     }
5053                     child = child->nextSibling;
5054                 }
5055             }
5056             break;
5058         case m_getElementsByTagName:
5059             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"elementName");
5060             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
5061                 SetResult("Node must be an element node.");
5062                 return TCL_ERROR;
5063             }
5064             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
5065             return tcldom_getElementsByTagName(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]),
5066                                                node->firstChild, -1, NULL);
5068         case m_getElementsByTagNameNS:
5069             CheckArgs(4,4,2,"uri localname");
5070             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE) {
5071                 SetResult("Node must be an element node.");
5072                 return TCL_ERROR;
5073             }
5074             uri = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
5075             str = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
5076             nsIndex = -1;
5077             if (uri[0] == '*' && uri[1] == '\0') {
5078                 nsIndex = -3;
5079             } else if (uri[0] == '\0') {
5080                 /* all elements not in a namespace */
5081                 nsIndex = -4;
5082             } else {
5083                 for (i = 0; i <= node->ownerDocument->nsptr; i++) {
5084                     if (strcmp (node->ownerDocument->namespaces[i]->uri,
5085                                 uri)==0) {
5086                         if (nsIndex != -1) {
5087                             /* OK, this is one of the 'degenerated' (though
5088                                legal) documents, which bind the same URI
5089                                to different prefixes. */
5090                             nsIndex = -2;
5091                             break;
5092                         }
5093                         nsIndex = node->ownerDocument->namespaces[i]->index;
5094                     }
5095                 }
5096             }
5097             if (nsIndex == -1) {
5098                 /* There isn't such a namespace declared in this document.
5099                    Since getElementsByTagNameNS doesn't raise an exception
5100                    short cut: return empty result */
5101                 Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
5102                 return TCL_OK;
5103             }
5104             return tcldom_getElementsByTagName(interp, str, node->firstChild,
5105                                                 nsIndex, uri);
5107         case m_getElementById:
5108             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"id");
5109             if (node->ownerDocument->ids) {
5110                 str = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
5111                 h = Tcl_FindHashEntry(node->ownerDocument->ids, str);
5112                 if (h) {
5113                     domNode *node = Tcl_GetHashValue(h);
5114                     return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, node, 0, NULL);
5115                 }
5116             }
5117             SetResult("");
5118             return TCL_OK;
5120         case m_nodeName:
5121             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5122             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
5123                 SetResult((char*)node->nodeName);
5124             } else
5125             if (node->nodeType == TEXT_NODE) {
5126                 SetResult("#text");
5127             } else
5128             if (node->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
5129                 domProcessingInstructionNode *dpn;
5130                 dpn = (domProcessingInstructionNode *)node;
5131                 Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
5132                                  dpn->targetValue, dpn->targetLength);
5133             } else
5134             if (node->nodeType == COMMENT_NODE) {
5135                 SetResult("#comment");
5136             } else
5137             if (node->nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
5138                 SetResult("#cdata-section");
5139             } else {
5140                 SetResult("");
5141             }
5142             break;
5144         case m_nodeValue:
5145             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?newValue?");
5146             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
5147                 Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), "", 0);
5148             } else if (node->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
5149                 domProcessingInstructionNode *dpn;
5150                 dpn = (domProcessingInstructionNode *)node;
5151                 Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
5152                                  dpn->dataValue, dpn->dataLength);
5153             } else {
5154                 domTextNode *dtn;
5155                 dtn = (domTextNode*)node;
5156                 Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
5157                                  dtn->nodeValue, dtn->valueLength);
5158             }
5159             if (objc == 3) {
5160                 str = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], &length);
5161                 switch (node->nodeType) {
5162                 case TEXT_NODE: CheckText (interp, str, "text"); break;
5163                 case COMMENT_NODE: CheckComment (interp, str); break;
5164                 case CDATA_SECTION_NODE: CheckCDATA (interp, str); break;
5165                 default: break; /* Do nothing */
5166                 }
5167                 exception = domSetNodeValue(node, str, length);
5168                 if (exception != OK) {
5169                     SetResult(domException2String(exception));
5170                     return TCL_ERROR;
5171                 }
5172             }
5173             break;
5175         case m_nodeType:
5176             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5177             switch (node->nodeType) {
5178                case ELEMENT_NODE:
5179                     SetResult("ELEMENT_NODE");
5180                     break;
5181                case ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
5182                     SetResult("ATTRIBUTE_NODE");
5183                     break;
5184                case TEXT_NODE:
5185                     SetResult("TEXT_NODE");
5186                     break;
5187                case CDATA_SECTION_NODE:
5188                     SetResult("CDATA_SECTION_NODE");
5189                     break;
5190                case COMMENT_NODE:
5191                     SetResult("COMMENT_NODE");
5192                     break;
5194                     SetResult("PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE");
5195                     break;
5196                default:
5197                     SetResult("unknown nodeType!");
5198                     return TCL_ERROR;
5199             }
5200             break;
5202         case m_prefix:
5203             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5204             nsStr = domNamespacePrefix(node);
5205             if (nsStr) {
5206                 SetResult(nsStr);
5207             } else {
5208                 SetResult("");
5209             }
5210             return TCL_OK;
5212         case m_namespaceURI:
5213             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5214             nsStr = domNamespaceURI(node);
5215             if (nsStr) {
5216                 SetResult(nsStr);
5217             } else {
5218                 SetResult("");
5219             }
5220             return TCL_OK;
5222         case m_localName:
5223             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5224             if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
5225                 if (node->namespace != 0) {
5226                     SetResult(domGetLocalName((char*)node->nodeName));
5227                     break;
5228                 }
5229             }
5230             SetResult("");
5231             break;
5233         case m_ownerDocument:
5234             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?docObjVar?");
5235             return tcldom_returnDocumentObj(interp, node->ownerDocument,
5236                                             (objc == 3),
5237                                             (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL, 0,
5238                                             1);
5239         case m_target:
5240             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5241             if (node->nodeType != PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
5242                 SetResult("not a PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE!");
5243                 return TCL_ERROR;
5244             } else {
5245                 domProcessingInstructionNode *dpn;
5246                 dpn = (domProcessingInstructionNode *)node;
5247                 Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
5248                                  dpn->targetValue, dpn->targetLength);
5249             }
5250             break;
5252         case m_delete:
5253             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5254             domDeleteNode(node, tcldom_deleteNode, interp);
5255             if (fromToken && (objv[0]->typePtr == &tdomNodeType)) {
5256                 if (objv[0]->bytes) ckfree (objv[0]->bytes);
5257                 objv[0]->typePtr = NULL;
5258                 objv[0]->bytes = ckalloc((unsigned char) 1);
5259                 objv[0]->bytes[0] = '\0';
5260                 objv[0]->length = 0;
5261             }
5262             break;
5264         case m_data:
5265             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5266             if (node->nodeType == PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) {
5267                 domProcessingInstructionNode *dpn;
5268                 dpn = (domProcessingInstructionNode*)node;
5269                 Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
5270                                  dpn->dataValue, dpn->dataLength);
5271             } else
5272             if (   node->nodeType == TEXT_NODE
5273                 || node->nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE
5274                 || node->nodeType == COMMENT_NODE) {
5275                 domTextNode *dtn;
5276                 dtn = (domTextNode*)node;
5277                 Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp),
5278                                  dtn->nodeValue, dtn->valueLength);
5279             } else {
5280                 SetResult("not a "
5281                           "TEXT_NODE / "
5282                           "CDATA_SECTION_NODE / "
5283                           "COMMENT_NODE / "
5284                           "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE !");
5285                 return TCL_ERROR;
5286             }
5287             break;
5289         case m_getLine:
5290             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5291             if (domGetLineColumn(node, &line, &column) < 0) {
5292                 SetResult("no line/column information available!");
5293                 return TCL_ERROR;
5294             }
5295             SetIntResult(line);
5296             break;
5298         case m_getColumn:
5299             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5300             if (domGetLineColumn (node, &line, &column) < 0) {
5301                 SetResult("no line/column information available!");
5302                 return TCL_ERROR;
5303             }
5304             SetIntResult(column);
5305             break;
5307         case m_getBaseURI:
5308             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5309             /* fall thru */
5311         case m_baseURI:
5312             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?URI?");
5313             if (objc == 3) {
5314                 h = Tcl_CreateHashEntry (node->ownerDocument->baseURIs,
5315                                          (char *) node, &hnew);
5316                 if (!hnew) {
5317                     FREE (Tcl_GetHashValue (h));
5318                 }
5319                 Tcl_SetHashValue (h, tdomstrdup (Tcl_GetString (objv[2])));
5320                 node->nodeFlags |= HAS_BASEURI;
5321                 SetResult (Tcl_GetString (objv[2]));
5322             } else {
5323                 nsStr = findBaseURI(node);
5324                 if (!nsStr) {
5325                     SetResult("");
5326                 } else {
5327                     SetResult(nsStr);
5328                 }
5329             }
5330             break;
5332         case m_disableOutputEscaping:
5333             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"?boolean?");
5334             if (node->nodeType != TEXT_NODE) {
5335                 SetResult("not a TEXT_NODE!");
5336                 return TCL_ERROR;
5337             }
5338             SetIntResult(
5339                 (((node->nodeFlags & DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING) == 0) ? 0 : 1));
5340             if (objc == 3) {
5341                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[2], &bool) != TCL_OK) {
5342                     return TCL_ERROR;
5343                 }
5344                 if (bool) {
5345                     node->nodeFlags |= DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING;
5346                 } else {
5347                     node->nodeFlags &= (~DISABLE_OUTPUT_ESCAPING);
5348                 }
5349             }
5350             break;
5352         case m_precedes:
5353             CheckArgs(3,3,2, "node");
5354             refNode = tcldom_getNodeFromObj(interp, objv[2]);
5355             if (refNode == NULL) {
5356                 return TCL_ERROR;
5357             }
5358             if (node->ownerDocument != refNode->ownerDocument) {
5359                 SetResult("Cannot compare the relative order of nodes "
5360                           "out of different documents.");
5361                 return TCL_ERROR;
5362             }
5363             if (((node->parentNode == NULL)
5364                  && (node != node->ownerDocument->documentElement)
5365                  && (node != node->ownerDocument->rootNode))
5366                 ||
5367                 ((refNode->parentNode == NULL)
5368                  && (refNode != refNode->ownerDocument->documentElement)
5369                  && (refNode != refNode->ownerDocument->rootNode))) {
5370                 SetResult("Cannot compare the relative order of a node "
5371                           "with a node out of the fragment list.");
5372                 return TCL_ERROR;
5373             }
5374             SetBooleanResult (domPrecedes (node, refNode));
5375             break;
5377         case m_asText:
5378             CheckArgs (2,2,2, "");
5379             str = xpathGetStringValue(node, &length);
5380             Tcl_SetStringObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), str, length);
5381             FREE (str);
5382             return TCL_OK;
5384         case m_normalize:
5385             CheckArgs (2,3,2, "?-forXPath?");
5386             bool = 0;
5387             if (objc == 3) {
5388                 if (strcmp (Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), "-forXPath") == 0) {
5389                     bool = 1;
5390                 } else {
5391                     SetResult("unknown option! Options: ?-forXPath?");
5392                     return TCL_ERROR;
5393                 }
5394             }
5395             domNormalize (node, bool, tcldom_deleteNode, interp);
5396             return TCL_OK;
5398         case m_jsonType:
5399             CheckArgs (2,3,2, "?jsonType?");
5400             if (node->nodeType != ELEMENT_NODE
5401                 && node->nodeType != TEXT_NODE) {
5402                 SetResult("Only element and text nodes may have a JSON type.");
5403                 return TCL_ERROR;
5404             }
5405             if (objc == 3) {
5406                 if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, objv[2], jsonTypes,
5407                                          "jsonType", 0, &jsonType)
5408                     != TCL_OK) {
5409                     return TCL_ERROR;
5410                 }
5411                 if (node->nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
5412                     if (jsonType > 2) {
5413                         SetResult("For an element node the jsonType argument "
5414                                   "must be one out of this list: ARRAY OBJECT NONE.");
5415                         return TCL_ERROR;
5416                     }
5417                 } else {
5418                     /* Text nodes */
5419                     if (jsonType < 3 && jsonType > 0) {
5420                         SetResult("For a text node the jsonType argument must be "
5421                                   "one out of this list: TRUE FALSE NULL NUMBER "
5422                                   "STRING NONE");
5423                         return TCL_ERROR;
5424                     }
5425                 }
5426                 node->info = jsonType;
5427                 SetIntResult(jsonType);
5428                 return TCL_OK;
5429             }
5430             if (node->info < 0 || node->info > 7) {
5431                 SetResult(jsonTypes[0]);
5432             } else {
5433                 SetResult(jsonTypes[node->info]);
5434             }
5435             return TCL_OK;
5437         TDomThreaded(
5438         case m_writelock:
5439             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"script");
5440             return tcldom_EvalLocked(interp, (Tcl_Obj**)objv,
5441                                      node->ownerDocument, LOCK_WRITE);
5442         case m_readlock:
5443             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"script");
5444             return tcldom_EvalLocked(interp, (Tcl_Obj**)objv,
5445                                      node->ownerDocument, LOCK_READ);
5446         )
5447     }
5448     return TCL_OK;}
5452 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5453 |   tcldom_DocObjCmd
5454 |
5455 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_DocObjCmd(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])5456 int tcldom_DocObjCmd (
5457     ClientData  clientData,
5458     Tcl_Interp *interp,
5459     int         objc,
5460     Tcl_Obj    *const objv[]
5461 )
5462 {
5463     GetTcldomTSD()
5465     domDeleteInfo       * dinfo;
5466     domDocument         * doc;
5467     char                * method, *tag, *data, *target, *uri, tmp[100];
5468     char                * str, *docName, *errMsg;
5469     int                   methodIndex, result, data_length, target_length, i;
5470     int                   nsIndex, forXPath, bool, setDocumentElement = 0;
5471     int                   restoreDomCreateCmdMode = 0;
5472     domNode             * n;
5473     Tcl_CmdInfo           cmdInfo;
5474     Tcl_Obj             * mobjv[MAX_REWRITE_ARGS];
5476     static const char *docMethods[] = {
5477         "documentElement", "getElementsByTagName",       "delete",
5478         "createElement",   "createCDATASection",         "createTextNode",
5479         "createComment",   "createProcessingInstruction",
5480         "createElementNS", "getDefaultOutputMethod",     "asXML",
5481         "asHTML",          "getElementsByTagNameNS",     "xslt",
5482         "publicId",        "systemId",                   "internalSubset",
5483         "toXSLTcmd",       "asText",                     "normalize",
5484         "indent",          "omit-xml-declaration",       "encoding",
5485         "standalone",      "mediaType",                  "nodeType",
5486         "cdataSectionElements",
5487         "selectNodesNamespaces",
5488         "renameNode",      "deleteXPathCache",
5489         /* The following methods will be dispatched to tcldom_NodeObjCmd */
5490         "getElementById",  "firstChild",                 "lastChild",
5491         "appendChild",     "removeChild",                "hasChildNodes",
5492         "childNodes",      "ownerDocument",              "insertBefore",
5493         "replaceChild",    "appendFromList",             "appendXML",
5494         "selectNodes",     "baseURI",                    "appendFromScript",
5495         "insertBeforeFromScript",                        "asJSON",
5496         "jsonType",
5497 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
5498         "readlock",        "writelock",                  "renumber",
5499 #endif
5500         NULL
5501     };
5502     enum docMethod {
5503         m_documentElement,  m_getElementsByTagName,       m_delete,
5504         m_createElement,    m_createCDATASection,         m_createTextNode,
5505         m_createComment,    m_createProcessingInstruction,
5506         m_createElementNS,  m_getdefaultoutputmethod,     m_asXML,
5507         m_asHTML,           m_getElementsByTagNameNS,     m_xslt,
5508         m_publicId,         m_systemId,                   m_internalSubset,
5509         m_toXSLTcmd,        m_asText,                     m_normalize,
5510         m_indent,           m_omitXMLDeclaration,         m_encoding,
5511         m_standalone,       m_mediaType,                  m_nodeType,
5512         m_cdataSectionElements,
5513         m_selectNodesNamespaces,
5514         m_renameNode,       m_deleteXPathCache,
5515         /* The following methods will be dispatched to tcldom_NodeObjCmd */
5516         m_getElementById,   m_firstChild,                 m_lastChild,
5517         m_appendChild,      m_removeChild,                m_hasChildNodes,
5518         m_childNodes,       m_ownerDocument,              m_insertBefore,
5519         m_replaceChild,     m_appendFromList,             m_appendXML,
5520         m_selectNodes,      m_baseURI,                    m_appendFromScript,
5521         m_insertBeforeFromScript,                         m_asJSON,
5522         m_jsonType
5523 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
5524        ,m_readlock,         m_writelock,                  m_renumber
5525 #endif
5526     };
5528     dinfo = (domDeleteInfo*)clientData;
5529     if (TSD(domCreateCmdMode) == DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO) {
5530         TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 0;
5531     }
5532     if (dinfo == NULL) {
5533         if (objc < 3) {
5534             SetResult(doc_usage);
5535             return TCL_ERROR;
5536         }
5537         if (TSD(domCreateCmdMode) == DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO) {
5538             TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 1;
5539         }
5540         docName = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
5541         doc = tcldom_getDocumentFromName(interp, docName, &errMsg);
5542         if (doc == NULL) {
5543             SetResult(errMsg);
5544             return TCL_ERROR;
5545         }
5546         objc--;
5547         objv++;
5548     } else {
5549         doc = dinfo->document;
5550     }
5552     if (objc < 2) {
5553         SetResult(doc_usage);
5554         return TCL_ERROR;
5555     }
5556     method = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
5557     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(NULL, objv[1], docMethods, "method", 0,
5558                             &methodIndex) != TCL_OK)
5559     {
5560         /*--------------------------------------------------------
5561         |   try to find method implemented as normal Tcl proc
5562         \-------------------------------------------------------*/
5563         sprintf(tmp, "::dom::domDoc::%s", method);
5564         DBG(fprintf(stderr, "testing %s\n", tmp));
5565         result = Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, tmp, &cmdInfo);
5566         if (!result) {
5567             SetResult(doc_usage);
5568             return TCL_ERROR;
5569         }
5570         if (!cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc) {
5571             SetResult( "can't access Tcl level method!");
5572             return TCL_ERROR;
5573         }
5574         if (objc >= MAX_REWRITE_ARGS) {
5575             SetResult("too many args to call Tcl level method!");
5576             return TCL_ERROR;
5577         }
5578         mobjv[0] = objv[1];
5579         mobjv[1] = objv[0];
5580         for (i = 2; i < objc; i++) {
5581             mobjv[i] = objv[i];
5582         }
5583         return cmdInfo.objProc(cmdInfo.objClientData, interp, objc, mobjv);
5584     }
5586     CheckArgs (2,10,1,doc_usage);
5587     Tcl_ResetResult (interp);
5589     /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
5590     |   dispatch the doc object method
5591     |
5592     \---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5594     switch ((enum docMethod) methodIndex ) {
5596         case m_documentElement:
5597             CheckArgs(2,3,2,"");
5598             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, doc->documentElement,
5599                                         (objc == 3),
5600                                         (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
5601         case m_getElementsByTagName:
5602             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"elementName");
5603             return tcldom_getElementsByTagName(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]),
5604                                                doc->documentElement, -1, NULL);
5605         case m_getElementsByTagNameNS:
5606             CheckArgs(4,4,2,"uri localname");
5607             uri = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
5608             str = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
5609             nsIndex = -1;
5610             if (uri[0] == '*' && uri[1] == '\0') {
5611                 nsIndex = -3;
5612             } else if (uri[0] == '\0') {
5613                 /* all elements not in a namespace i.e. */
5614                 nsIndex = -4;
5615             } else {
5616                 for (i = 0; i <= doc->nsptr; i++) {
5617                     if (strcmp(doc->namespaces[i]->uri, uri)==0) {
5618                         if (nsIndex != -1) {
5619                             /* OK, this is one of the 'degenerated' (though
5620                                legal) documents, which bind the same URI
5621                                to different prefixes. */
5622                             nsIndex = -2;
5623                             break;
5624                         }
5625                         nsIndex = doc->namespaces[i]->index;
5626                     }
5627                 }
5628             }
5629             if (nsIndex == -1) {
5630                 /* There isn't such a namespace declared in this document.
5631                    Since getElementsByTagNameNS doesn't raise an exception
5632                    short cut: return empty result */
5633                 return TCL_OK;
5634             }
5635             return tcldom_getElementsByTagName(interp, str,
5636                                                doc->documentElement, nsIndex,
5637                                                uri);
5638         case m_createElement:
5639             CheckArgs(3,4,2,"elementName ?newObjVar?");
5640             tag = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
5641             CheckName (interp, tag, "tag", 0);
5642             n = domNewElementNode(doc, tag);
5643             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, n, (objc == 4),
5644                                         (objc == 4) ? objv[3] : NULL);
5646         case m_createElementNS:
5647             CheckArgs(4,5,2,"elementName uri ?newObjVar?");
5648             uri = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
5649             tag = Tcl_GetString(objv[3]);
5650             CheckName (interp, tag, "full qualified tag", 1);
5651             n = domNewElementNodeNS(doc, tag, uri);
5652             if (n == NULL) {
5653                 SetResult("Missing URI in Namespace declaration");
5654                 return TCL_ERROR;
5655             }
5656             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, n, (objc == 5),
5657                                         (objc == 5) ? objv[4] : NULL);
5659         case m_createTextNode:
5660             CheckArgs(3,4,2,"data ?newObjVar?");
5661             data = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], &data_length);
5662             CheckText (interp, data, "text");
5663             n = (domNode*)domNewTextNode(doc, data, data_length, TEXT_NODE);
5664             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, n, (objc == 4),
5665                                         (objc == 4) ? objv[3] : NULL);
5667         case m_createCDATASection:
5668             CheckArgs(3,4,2,"data ?newObjVar?");
5669             data = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], &data_length);
5670             CheckCDATA (interp, data);
5671             n = (domNode*)domNewTextNode(doc, data, data_length,
5672                                          CDATA_SECTION_NODE);
5673             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, n, (objc == 4),
5674                                         (objc == 4) ? objv[3] : NULL);
5676         case m_createComment:
5677             CheckArgs(3,4,2,"data ?newObjVar?");
5678             data = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], &data_length);
5679             CheckComment(interp, data);
5680             n = (domNode*)domNewTextNode(doc, data, data_length, COMMENT_NODE);
5681             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, n, (objc == 4),
5682                                         (objc == 4) ? objv[3] : NULL);
5684         case m_createProcessingInstruction:
5685             CheckArgs(4,5,2,"target data ?newObjVar?");
5686             target = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[2], &target_length);
5687             CheckPIName (interp, target);
5688             data   = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[3], &data_length);
5689             CheckPIValue (interp, data);
5690             n = (domNode*)domNewProcessingInstructionNode(doc, target,
5691                                                           target_length, data,
5692                                                           data_length);
5693             return tcldom_setInterpAndReturnVar(interp, n, (objc == 5),
5694                                         (objc == 5) ? objv[4] : NULL);
5696         case m_delete:
5697             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5698             if (clientData != NULL || doc->nodeFlags & DOCUMENT_CMD) {
5699                 Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, Tcl_GetString (objv[0]));
5700             } else {
5701                 tcldom_deleteDoc(interp, doc);
5702             }
5703             SetResult("");
5704             return TCL_OK;
5706         case m_getdefaultoutputmethod:
5707             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5708             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->method) {
5709                 SetResult (doc->doctype->method);
5710             } else {
5711                 SetResult("xml");
5712             }
5713             return TCL_OK;
5715         case m_asXML:
5716             if (serializeAsXML((domNode*)doc, interp, objc, objv) != TCL_OK) {
5717                 return TCL_ERROR;
5718             }
5719             return TCL_OK;
5721         case m_asHTML:
5722             if (serializeAsHTML((domNode*)doc, interp, objc, objv)
5723                 != TCL_OK) {
5724                 return TCL_ERROR;
5725             }
5726             return TCL_OK;
5728         case m_xslt:
5729             CheckArgs(3,9,2, "?-parameters parameterList? "
5730                       "?-ignoreUndeclaredParameters? "
5731                       "?-xsltmessagecmd cmd? <xsltDocNode> ?objVar?");
5732             objv += 2; objc -= 2;
5733             return applyXSLT((domNode *) doc, interp, NULL, objc, objv);
5736         case m_toXSLTcmd:
5737             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?objVar?");
5738             return convertToXSLTCmd(doc, interp, (objc == 3),
5739                                     (objc == 3) ? objv[2] : NULL);
5741         case m_publicId:
5742             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?publicID?");
5743             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->publicId) {
5744                 SetResult(doc->doctype->publicId);
5745             } else {
5746                 SetResult("");
5747             }
5748             if (objc == 3) {
5749                 if (!doc->doctype) {
5750                     doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
5751                     memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
5752                 } else if (doc->doctype->publicId) {
5753                     FREE(doc->doctype->publicId);
5754                 }
5755                 doc->doctype->publicId = tdomstrdup(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
5756             }
5757             return TCL_OK;
5759         case m_systemId:
5760             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?systemID?");
5761             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->systemId) {
5762                 SetResult(doc->doctype->systemId);
5763             } else {
5764                 SetResult("");
5765             }
5766             if (objc == 3) {
5767                 if (!doc->doctype) {
5768                     doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
5769                     memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
5770                 } else if (doc->doctype->systemId) {
5771                     FREE(doc->doctype->systemId);
5772                 }
5773                 doc->doctype->systemId =
5774                     tdomstrdup(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
5775             }
5776             return TCL_OK;
5778         case m_internalSubset:
5779             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?internalSubset?");
5780             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->internalSubset) {
5781                 SetResult(doc->doctype->internalSubset);
5782             } else {
5783                 SetResult("");
5784             }
5785             if (objc == 3) {
5786                 if (!doc->doctype) {
5787                     doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
5788                     memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
5789                 } else if (doc->doctype->systemId) {
5790                     FREE(doc->doctype->systemId);
5791                 }
5792                 doc->doctype->internalSubset =
5793                     tdomstrdup(Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
5794             }
5795             return TCL_OK;
5797         case m_indent:
5798             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?boolean?");
5799             if (doc->nodeFlags & OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INDENT) {
5800                 SetBooleanResult (1);
5801             } else {
5802                 SetBooleanResult(0);
5803             }
5804             if (objc == 3) {
5805                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (interp, objv[2], &bool) != TCL_OK) {
5806                     return TCL_ERROR;
5807                 }
5808                 if (bool) {
5809                     doc->nodeFlags |= OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INDENT;
5810                 } else {
5811                     doc->nodeFlags &= ~OUTPUT_DEFAULT_INDENT;
5812                 }
5813             }
5814             return TCL_OK;
5816         case m_omitXMLDeclaration:
5817             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?boolean?");
5818             if (doc->doctype) {
5819                 SetBooleanResult (doc->doctype->omitXMLDeclaration);
5820             } else {
5821                 SetBooleanResult (1);
5822             }
5823             if (objc == 3) {
5824                 if (!doc->doctype) {
5825                     doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
5826                     memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
5827                 }
5828                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (
5829                         interp, objv[2], &(doc->doctype->omitXMLDeclaration)
5830                         ) != TCL_OK) {
5831                     return TCL_ERROR;
5832                 }
5833             }
5834             return TCL_OK;
5836         case m_encoding:
5837             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?value?");
5838             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->encoding) {
5839                 SetResult (doc->doctype->encoding);
5840             } else {
5841                 SetResult ("");
5842             }
5843             if (objc == 3) {
5844                 if (!doc->doctype) {
5845                     doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
5846                     memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
5847                 } else {
5848                     if (doc->doctype->encoding) FREE (doc->doctype->encoding);
5849                 }
5850                 doc->doctype->encoding = tdomstrdup (Tcl_GetString (objv[2]));
5851             }
5852             return TCL_OK;
5854         case m_standalone:
5855             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?boolean?");
5856             if (doc->doctype) {
5857                 SetBooleanResult (doc->doctype->standalone);
5858             } else {
5859                 SetBooleanResult (0);
5860             }
5861             if (objc == 3) {
5862                 if (!doc->doctype) {
5863                     doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
5864                     memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
5865                 }
5866                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj (
5867                         interp, objv[2], &(doc->doctype->standalone)
5868                         ) != TCL_OK) {
5869                     return TCL_ERROR;
5870                 }
5871             }
5872             return TCL_OK;
5874         case m_mediaType:
5875             CheckArgs(2,3,2, "?value?");
5876             if (doc->doctype && doc->doctype->mediaType) {
5877                 SetResult (doc->doctype->mediaType);
5878             } else {
5879                 SetResult ("");
5880             }
5881             if (objc == 3) {
5882                 if (!doc->doctype) {
5883                     doc->doctype = (domDocInfo *)MALLOC(sizeof(domDocInfo));
5884                     memset(doc->doctype, 0,(sizeof(domDocInfo)));
5885                 } else {
5886                     if (doc->doctype->mediaType) FREE(doc->doctype->mediaType);
5887                 }
5888                 doc->doctype->mediaType = tdomstrdup (Tcl_GetString (objv[2]));
5889             }
5890             return TCL_OK;
5892         case m_asText:
5893             CheckArgs (2,2,2,"");
5894             data = xpathGetStringValue (doc->rootNode, &data_length);
5895             Tcl_SetStringObj (Tcl_GetObjResult (interp), data, data_length);
5896             FREE (data);
5897             return TCL_OK;
5899         case m_normalize:
5900             CheckArgs (2,3,2, "?-forXPath?");
5901             forXPath = 0;
5902             if (objc == 3) {
5903                 if (strcmp (Tcl_GetString (objv[2]), "-forXPath") == 0) {
5904                     forXPath = 1;
5905                 } else {
5906                     SetResult("unknown option! Options: ?-forXPath?");
5907                     return TCL_ERROR;
5908                 }
5909             }
5910             domNormalize(doc->rootNode, forXPath, tcldom_deleteNode, interp);
5911             return TCL_OK;
5913         case m_nodeType:
5914             CheckArgs (2,2,2, "");
5915             SetResult("DOCUMENT_NODE");
5916             return TCL_OK;
5918         case m_cdataSectionElements:
5919             return cdataSectionElements (doc, interp, objc, objv);
5921         case m_selectNodesNamespaces:
5922             return selectNodesNamespaces (doc, interp, objc, objv);
5924         case m_renameNode:
5925             return renameNodes (doc, interp, objc, objv);
5927         case m_deleteXPathCache:
5928             return deleteXPathCache (doc, interp, objc, objv);
5930         case m_appendChild:
5931         case m_removeChild:
5932         case m_insertBefore:
5933         case m_replaceChild:
5934         case m_appendFromList:
5935         case m_appendXML:
5936         case m_appendFromScript:
5937         case m_insertBeforeFromScript:
5938             setDocumentElement = 1;
5939             /* Fall throuh */
5940         case m_firstChild:
5941         case m_lastChild:
5942         case m_hasChildNodes:
5943         case m_childNodes:
5944         case m_ownerDocument:
5945         case m_selectNodes:
5946         case m_baseURI:
5947         case m_asJSON:
5948         case m_jsonType:
5949         case m_getElementById:
5950             /* We dispatch the method call to tcldom_NodeObjCmd */
5951             if (TSD(domCreateCmdMode) == DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO) {
5952                 if (dinfo == NULL) {
5953                     /* tcldom_DocObjCmd was called with a doc token.
5954                        Since the domCreateCmdMode is 'automatic'
5955                        and we call tcldom_DocObjCmd with the root node
5956                        as 'clientData', we temporarily set domCreateCmdMode
5957                        to 'token', to get token results from that call
5958                        and later to set it back. */
5959                     TSD(domCreateCmdMode) = DOM_CREATECMDMODE_TOKENS;
5960                     restoreDomCreateCmdMode = 1;
5961                 }
5962             }
5963             if (tcldom_NodeObjCmd (doc->rootNode, interp, objc, objv) !=
5964                 TCL_OK) {
5965                 if (restoreDomCreateCmdMode) {
5966                     TSD(domCreateCmdMode) = DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO;
5967                     TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 0;
5968                 }
5969                 return TCL_ERROR;
5970             }
5971             if (setDocumentElement) {
5972                 /* The method call may have altered the documentElement. */
5973                 /* There may be even no node anymore */
5974                 domSetDocumentElement (doc);
5975             }
5976             if (restoreDomCreateCmdMode) {
5977                 TSD(domCreateCmdMode) = DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO;
5978                 TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 0;
5979             }
5980             return TCL_OK;
5982         TDomThreaded(
5983         case m_writelock:
5984             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"script");
5985             return tcldom_EvalLocked(interp, (Tcl_Obj**)objv, doc, LOCK_WRITE);
5987         case m_readlock:
5988             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"script");
5989             return tcldom_EvalLocked(interp, (Tcl_Obj**)objv, doc, LOCK_READ);
5991         case m_renumber:
5992             CheckArgs(2,2,2,"");
5993             if (doc->nodeFlags & NEEDS_RENUMBERING) {
5994                 domRenumberTree (doc->rootNode);
5995                 doc->nodeFlags &= ~NEEDS_RENUMBERING;
5996             }
5997             return TCL_OK;
5998         )
5999     }
6001     SetResult(doc_usage);
6002     return TCL_ERROR;
6003 }
6006 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6007 |   tcldom_createDocument
6008 |
6009 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6010 static
tcldom_createDocument(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])6011 int tcldom_createDocument (
6012     ClientData  clientData,
6013     Tcl_Interp *interp,
6014     int         objc,
6015     Tcl_Obj    * const objv[]
6016 )
6017 {
6018     int          setVariable = 0;
6019     domDocument *doc;
6020     Tcl_Obj     *newObjName = NULL;
6022     GetTcldomTSD()
6024     CheckArgs(2,3,1,"docElemName ?newObjVar?");
6026     if (objc == 3) {
6027         newObjName = objv[2];
6028         setVariable = 1;
6029     }
6031     CheckName(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), "root element", 0);
6032     doc = domCreateDocument(NULL, Tcl_GetString(objv[1]));
6033     return tcldom_returnDocumentObj(interp, doc, setVariable, newObjName, 1,
6034                                     0);
6035 }
6037 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6038 |   tcldom_createDocumentNode
6039 |
6040 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6041 static
tcldom_createDocumentNode(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])6042 int tcldom_createDocumentNode (
6043     ClientData  clientData,
6044     Tcl_Interp *interp,
6045     int         objc,
6046     Tcl_Obj    * const objv[]
6047 )
6048 {
6049     int          setVariable = 0, jsonType = 0, index;
6050     domDocument *doc;
6051     Tcl_Obj     *newObjName = NULL;
6053     static const char *options[] = {"-jsonType", NULL};
6055     CheckArgs(1,4,1,"?-jsonType jsonType? ?newObjVar?");
6057     if (objc == 2) {
6058         newObjName = objv[1];
6059         setVariable = 1;
6060     }
6061     if (objc > 2) {
6062         if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[1], options, "option",
6063                                 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
6064             return TCL_ERROR;
6065         }
6066         Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
6067             if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2], jsonTypes, "jsonType",
6068                                 0, &jsonType) != TCL_OK) {
6069             return TCL_ERROR;
6070         }
6071         if (objc == 4) {
6072             newObjName = objv[3];
6073             setVariable = 1;
6074         }
6075     }
6077     doc = domCreateDoc(NULL, 0);
6078     doc->rootNode->info = jsonType;
6080     return tcldom_returnDocumentObj(interp, doc, setVariable, newObjName, 1,
6081                                     0);
6082 }
6084 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6085 |   tcldom_createDocumentNS
6086 |
6087 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6088 static
tcldom_createDocumentNS(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])6089 int tcldom_createDocumentNS (
6090     ClientData  clientData,
6091     Tcl_Interp *interp,
6092     int         objc,
6093     Tcl_Obj    * const objv[]
6094 )
6095 {
6096     int          setVariable = 0, len;
6097     char        *uri;
6098     domDocument *doc;
6099     Tcl_Obj     *newObjName = NULL;
6101     GetTcldomTSD()
6103     CheckArgs(3,4,1,"uri docElemName ?newObjVar?");
6105     if (objc == 4) {
6106         newObjName = objv[3];
6107         setVariable = 1;
6108     }
6110     CheckName(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]), "root element", 1);
6111     uri = Tcl_GetStringFromObj (objv[1], &len);
6112     if (len == 0) {
6113         if (!TSD(dontCheckName)) {
6114             if (!domIsNCNAME (Tcl_GetString(objv[2]))) {
6115                 SetResult ("Missing URI in Namespace declaration");
6116                 return TCL_ERROR;
6117             }
6118         }
6119         doc = domCreateDocument (NULL, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
6120     } else {
6121         doc = domCreateDocument (uri, Tcl_GetString(objv[2]));
6122     }
6123     return tcldom_returnDocumentObj (interp, doc, setVariable, newObjName, 1,
6124                                     0);
6125 }
6127 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6128 |   tcldom_parse
6129 |
6130 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6131 static
tcldom_parse(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])6132 int tcldom_parse (
6133     ClientData  clientData,
6134     Tcl_Interp *interp,
6135     int         objc,
6136     Tcl_Obj    * const objv[]
6137 )
6138 {
6139     GetTcldomTSD()
6141     char        *xml_string, *option, *errStr, *channelId, *baseURI = NULL;
6142     char        *jsonRoot = NULL;
6143     Tcl_Obj     *extResolver = NULL;
6144     Tcl_Obj     *feedbackCmd = NULL;
6145     const char  *interpResult;
6146     int          optionIndex, value, xml_string_len, mode;
6147     int          jsonmaxnesting = JSON_MAX_NESTING;
6148     int          ignoreWhiteSpaces   = 1;
6149     int          takeJSONParser      = 0;
6150     int          takeSimpleParser    = 0;
6151     int          takeHTMLParser      = 0;
6152     int          takeGUMBOParser     = 0;
6153     int          setVariable         = 0;
6154     int          ignorexmlns         = 0;
6155     int          feedbackAfter       = 0;
6156     int          useForeignDTD       = 0;
6157     int          paramEntityParsing  = (int)XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS;
6158     int          keepCDATA           = 0;
6159     int          status              = 0;
6160     domDocument *doc;
6161     Tcl_Obj     *newObjName = NULL;
6162     XML_Parser   parser;
6163     Tcl_Channel  chan = (Tcl_Channel) NULL;
6164     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
6166     static const char *parseOptions[] = {
6167         "-keepEmpties",           "-simple",        "-html",
6168         "-feedbackAfter",         "-channel",       "-baseurl",
6169         "-externalentitycommand", "-useForeignDTD", "-paramentityparsing",
6170         "-feedbackcmd",           "-json",          "-jsonroot",
6171 #ifdef TDOM_HAVE_GUMBO
6172         "-html5",
6173 #endif
6174         "-jsonmaxnesting",        "-ignorexmlns",   "--",
6175         "-keepCDATA",                NULL
6176     };
6177     enum parseOption {
6178         o_keepEmpties,            o_simple,         o_html,
6179         o_feedbackAfter,          o_channel,        o_baseurl,
6180         o_externalentitycommand,  o_useForeignDTD,  o_paramentityparsing,
6181         o_feedbackcmd,            o_json,           o_jsonroot,
6182 #ifdef TDOM_HAVE_GUMBO
6183         o_htmlfive,
6184 #endif
6185         o_jsonmaxnesting,         o_ignorexmlns,    o_LAST,
6186         o_keepCDATA
6187     };
6189     static const char *paramEntityParsingValues[] = {
6190         "always",
6191         "never",
6192         "notstandalone",
6193         (char *) NULL
6194     };
6195     enum paramEntityParsingValue {
6199     };
6201     while (objc > 1) {
6202         option = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
6203         if (option[0] != '-') {
6204             break;
6205         }
6206         if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[1], parseOptions, "option", 0,
6207                                  &optionIndex) != TCL_OK) {
6208             return TCL_ERROR;
6209         }
6211         switch ((enum parseOption) optionIndex) {
6213         case o_keepEmpties:
6214             ignoreWhiteSpaces = 0;
6215             objv++;  objc--; continue;
6217         case o_json:
6218             if (takeGUMBOParser || takeHTMLParser) {
6219                 SetResult("The options -html, -html5 and -json are "
6220                           "mutually exclusive.");
6221                 return TCL_ERROR;
6222             }
6223             takeJSONParser = 1;
6224             objv++;  objc--; continue;
6226         case o_jsonroot:
6227             objv++; objc--;
6228             if (objc > 1) {
6229                 jsonRoot = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
6230             } else {
6231                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-jsonroot\" "
6232                           "expects the document element name of the "
6233                           "DOM tree to create as argument.");
6234                 return TCL_ERROR;
6235             }
6236             if (!domIsNAME(jsonRoot)) {
6237                 SetResult("-jsonroot value: not a valid element name");
6238                 return TCL_ERROR;
6239             }
6240             objv++; objc--; continue;
6242         case o_simple:
6243             takeSimpleParser = 1;
6244             objv++;  objc--; continue;
6246         case o_html:
6247             if (takeGUMBOParser || takeJSONParser) {
6248                 SetResult("The options -html, -html5 and -json are "
6249                           "mutually exclusive.");
6250                 return TCL_ERROR;
6251             }
6252             takeSimpleParser = 1;
6253             takeHTMLParser = 1;
6254             objv++;  objc--; continue;
6256 #ifdef TDOM_HAVE_GUMBO
6257         case o_htmlfive:
6258             if (takeHTMLParser || takeJSONParser) {
6259                 SetResult("The options -html, -html5 and -json are "
6260                           "mutually exclusive.");
6261                 return TCL_ERROR;
6262             }
6263             takeGUMBOParser = 1;
6264             objv++;  objc--; continue;
6265 #endif
6267         case o_feedbackAfter:
6268             objv++; objc--;
6269             if (objc > 1) {
6270                 if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &feedbackAfter)
6271                     != TCL_OK) {
6272                     SetResult("-feedbackAfter must have an integer argument");
6273                     return TCL_ERROR;
6274                 }
6275             } else {
6276                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-feedbackAfter\" requires"
6277                           " a positive integer as argument.");
6278                 return TCL_ERROR;
6279             }
6280             if (feedbackAfter <= 0) {
6281                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-feedbackAfter\" requires"
6282                           " a positive integer as argument.");
6283                 return TCL_ERROR;
6284             }
6285             objv++; objc--;
6286             continue;
6288         case o_channel:
6289             objv++; objc--;
6290             if (objc > 1) {
6291                 channelId = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
6292             } else {
6293                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-channel\" "
6294                           "requires a Tcl channel as argument.");
6295                 return TCL_ERROR;
6296             }
6297             chan = Tcl_GetChannel(interp, channelId, &mode);
6298             if (chan == (Tcl_Channel) NULL) {
6299                 return TCL_ERROR;
6300             }
6301             if ((mode & TCL_READABLE) == 0) {
6302                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "channel \"", channelId,
6303                                 "\" wasn't opened for reading", (char *) NULL);
6304                 return TCL_ERROR;
6305             }
6306             objv++; objc--;
6307             continue;
6309         case o_baseurl:
6310             objv++; objc--;
6311             if (objc > 1) {
6312                 baseURI = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
6313             } else {
6314                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-baseurl\" "
6315                           "requires the base URL of the document "
6316                           "to parse as argument.");
6317                 return TCL_ERROR;
6318             }
6319             objv++; objc--;
6320             continue;
6322         case o_externalentitycommand:
6323             objv++; objc--;
6324             if (objc > 1) {
6325                 extResolver = objv[1];
6326             } else {
6327                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-externalentitycommand\" "
6328                           "requires a script as argument.");
6329                 return TCL_ERROR;
6330             }
6331             objv++; objc--;
6332             continue;
6334         case o_useForeignDTD:
6335             objv++; objc--;
6336             if (objc > 1) {
6337                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[1], &useForeignDTD)
6338                     != TCL_OK) {
6339                     return TCL_ERROR;
6340                 }
6341             } else {
6342                 SetResult(dom_usage);
6343                 return TCL_ERROR;
6344             }
6345             objv++; objc--;
6346             continue;
6348         case o_paramentityparsing:
6349             if (objc > 2) {
6350                 if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[2],
6351                                         paramEntityParsingValues, "value", 0,
6352                                         &value) != TCL_OK) {
6353                     return TCL_ERROR;
6354                 }
6355                 switch ((enum paramEntityParsingValue) value) {
6357                     paramEntityParsing = (int) XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_ALWAYS;
6358                     break;
6359                 case EXPAT_PARAMENTITYPARSINGNEVER:
6360                     paramEntityParsing = (int) XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_NEVER;
6361                     break;
6363                     paramEntityParsing =
6364                         (int) XML_PARAM_ENTITY_PARSING_UNLESS_STANDALONE;
6365                     break;
6366                 }
6367             } else {
6368                 SetResult("-paramEntityParsing requires 'always', 'never' "
6369                           "or 'notstandalone' as argument");
6370                 return TCL_ERROR;
6371             }
6372             objv++; objc--;
6373             objv++; objc--;
6374             continue;
6376         case o_feedbackcmd:
6377             objv++; objc--;
6378             if (objc > 1) {
6379                 feedbackCmd = objv[1];
6380             } else {
6381                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-feedbackcmd\" "
6382                           "requires a script as argument.");
6383                 return TCL_ERROR;
6384             }
6385             objv++; objc--;
6386             continue;
6388         case o_ignorexmlns:
6389             ignorexmlns = 1;
6390             objv++;  objc--; continue;
6392         case o_jsonmaxnesting:
6393             objv++; objc--;
6394             if (objc < 2) {
6395                 SetResult("The \"dom parse\" option \"-jsonmaxnesting\" "
6396                           "requires an integer as argument.");
6397                 return TCL_ERROR;
6398             }
6399             if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[1], &jsonmaxnesting)
6400                 != TCL_OK) {
6401                 SetResult("-jsonmaxnesting must have an integer argument");
6402                 return TCL_ERROR;
6403             }
6404             if (jsonmaxnesting < 0) {
6405                 SetResult("The value of -jsonmaxnesting cannot be negativ");
6406                 return TCL_ERROR;
6407             }
6408             objv++;  objc--; continue;
6410         case o_LAST:
6411             objv++;  objc--; break;
6413         case o_keepCDATA:
6414             keepCDATA = 1;
6415             objv++;  objc--; break;
6417         }
6418         if ((enum parseOption) optionIndex == o_LAST) break;
6419     }
6421     if (feedbackAfter && !feedbackCmd) {
6422         if (!Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, "::dom::domParseFeedback",
6423                                 &cmdInfo)) {
6424             SetResult("If -feedbackAfter is used, "
6425                       "-feedbackcmd must also be used.");
6426             return TCL_ERROR;
6427         }
6428     }
6429     if (chan == NULL) {
6430         if (objc < 2) {
6431             SetResult(dom_usage);
6432             return TCL_ERROR;
6433         }
6434         xml_string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj( objv[1], &xml_string_len);
6435         if (objc == 3) {
6436             newObjName = objv[2];
6437             setVariable = 1;
6438         }
6439     } else {
6440         if (objc > 2) {
6441             SetResult(dom_usage);
6442             return TCL_ERROR;
6443         }
6444         xml_string = NULL;
6445         xml_string_len = 0;
6446         if (takeSimpleParser || takeHTMLParser || takeJSONParser
6447 #ifdef TDOM_HAVE_GUMBO
6448                 || takeGUMBOParser
6449 #endif
6450             ) {
6451             Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "simple, JSON or HTML parser(s) "
6452                              " don't support channel reading", NULL);
6453             return TCL_ERROR;
6454         }
6455         if (objc == 2) {
6456             newObjName = objv[1];
6457             setVariable = 1;
6458         }
6459     }
6461 #ifdef TDOM_HAVE_GUMBO
6462     if (takeGUMBOParser) {
6463         doc = HTML_GumboParseDocument(xml_string, ignoreWhiteSpaces,
6464                                       ignorexmlns);
6465         return tcldom_returnDocumentObj (interp, doc, setVariable, newObjName,
6466                                          1, 0);
6467     }
6468 #endif
6470     if (takeJSONParser) {
6471         char s[50];
6472         int byteIndex, i;
6474         errStr = NULL;
6476         doc = JSON_Parse (xml_string, jsonRoot, jsonmaxnesting, &errStr,
6477                           &byteIndex);
6478         if (doc) {
6479             return tcldom_returnDocumentObj (interp, doc, setVariable,
6480                                              newObjName, 1, 0);
6481         } else {
6482             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
6483             sprintf(s, "%d", byteIndex);
6484             Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "error \"", errStr, "\" at position ",
6485                              s, NULL);
6486             Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n\"", NULL);
6487             s[1] = '\0';
6488             for (i=-20; i < 40; i++) {
6489                 if (byteIndex+i>=0) {
6490                     if (xml_string[byteIndex+i]) {
6491                         s[0] = xml_string[byteIndex+i];
6492                         Tcl_AppendResult(interp, s, NULL);
6493                         if (i==0) {
6494                             Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " <--Error-- ", NULL);
6495                         }
6496                     } else {
6497                         break;
6498                     }
6499                 }
6500             }
6501             Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"",NULL);
6502             return TCL_ERROR;
6503         }
6504     }
6506     if (takeSimpleParser) {
6507         char s[50];
6508         int  byteIndex, i;
6510         errStr = NULL;
6512         if (takeHTMLParser) {
6513             doc = HTML_SimpleParseDocument(xml_string, ignoreWhiteSpaces,
6514                                            &byteIndex, &errStr);
6515         } else {
6516             doc = XML_SimpleParseDocument(xml_string, ignoreWhiteSpaces,
6517                                           keepCDATA,
6518                                           baseURI, extResolver,
6519                                           &byteIndex, &errStr);
6520         }
6521         if (errStr != NULL) {
6522             domFreeDocument (doc, NULL, interp);
6524             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
6525             sprintf(s, "%d", byteIndex);
6526             Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "error \"", errStr, "\" at position ",
6527                              s, NULL);
6528             if (byteIndex != -1) {
6529                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n\"", NULL);
6530                 s[1] = '\0';
6531                 for (i=-80; i < 80; i++) {
6532                     if ((byteIndex+i)>=0) {
6533                         if (xml_string[byteIndex+i]) {
6534                             s[0] = xml_string[byteIndex+i];
6535                             Tcl_AppendResult(interp, s, NULL);
6536                             if (i==0) {
6537                                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " <--Error-- ", NULL);
6538                             }
6539                         } else {
6540                             break;
6541                         }
6542                     }
6543                 }
6544                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"",NULL);
6545             }
6546             if (takeHTMLParser) {
6547                 FREE(errStr);
6548             }
6549             return TCL_ERROR;
6550         }
6551         return tcldom_returnDocumentObj (interp, doc, setVariable, newObjName,
6552                                          1, 0);
6553     }
6555 #ifdef TDOM_NO_EXPAT
6556     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "tDOM was compiled without Expat!", NULL);
6557     return TCL_ERROR;
6558 #else
6559     parser = XML_ParserCreate_MM(NULL, MEM_SUITE, NULL);
6560     Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
6562     doc = domReadDocument(parser, xml_string,
6563                           xml_string_len,
6564                           ignoreWhiteSpaces,
6565                           keepCDATA,
6566                           TSD(storeLineColumn),
6567                           ignorexmlns,
6568                           feedbackAfter,
6569                           feedbackCmd,
6570                           chan,
6571                           baseURI,
6572                           extResolver,
6573                           useForeignDTD,
6574                           paramEntityParsing,
6575                           interp,
6576                           &status);
6577     if (doc == NULL) {
6578         char s[50];
6579         long byteIndex, i;
6581         switch (status) {
6582         case TCL_BREAK:
6583             /* Abort of parsing by the application */
6584             Tcl_ResetResult(interp);
6585             XML_ParserFree(parser);
6586             return TCL_OK;
6587         default:
6588             interpResult = Tcl_GetStringResult(interp);
6589             sprintf(s, "%ld", XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser));
6590             if (interpResult[0] == '\0') {
6591                 /* If the interp result isn't empty, then there was an error
6592                    in an enternal entity and the interp result has already the
6593                    error msg. If we don't got a document, but interp result is
6594                    empty, the error occurred in the main document and we
6595                    build the error msg as follows. */
6596                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "error \"",
6597                                  XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)),
6598                                  "\" at line ", s, " character ", NULL);
6599                 sprintf(s, "%ld", XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser));
6600                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, s, NULL);
6601                 byteIndex = XML_GetCurrentByteIndex(parser);
6602                 if ((byteIndex != -1) && (chan == NULL)) {
6603                     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\n\"", NULL);
6604                     s[1] = '\0';
6605                     for (i=-20; i < 40; i++) {
6606                         if ((byteIndex+i)>=0) {
6607                             if (xml_string[byteIndex+i]) {
6608                                 s[0] = xml_string[byteIndex+i];
6609                                 Tcl_AppendResult(interp, s, NULL);
6610                                 if (i==0) {
6611                                     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " <--Error-- ", NULL);
6612                                 }
6613                             } else {
6614                                 break;
6615                             }
6616                         }
6617                     }
6618                     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "\"",NULL);
6619                 }
6620             } else {
6621                 if (status == TCL_OK) {
6622                     /* For Tcl errors (in -externalentitycommand or
6623                      * feedback callback) we leave the error msg in
6624                      * the interpreter alone. If there wasn't a Tcl
6625                      * error, there was a parsing error. Because the
6626                      * interp has already an error msg, that parsing
6627                      * error was in an external entity. Therefore, we
6628                      * just add the place of the referencing entity in
6629                      * the mail document.*/
6630                     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, ", referenced at line ", s, NULL);
6631                     sprintf(s, "%ld", XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser));
6632                     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, " character ", s, NULL);
6633                 }
6634             }
6635             XML_ParserFree(parser);
6636             return TCL_ERROR;
6637         }
6638     }
6639     XML_ParserFree(parser);
6641     return tcldom_returnDocumentObj (interp, doc, setVariable, newObjName, 1,
6642                                      0);
6643 #endif
6645 }
6647 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6648 |   tcldom_featureinfo
6649 |
6650 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6651 static
tcldom_featureinfo(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])6652 int tcldom_featureinfo (
6653     ClientData  clientData,
6654     Tcl_Interp *interp,
6655     int         objc,
6656     Tcl_Obj    * const objv[]
6657 )
6658 {
6659     int featureIndex, result;
6661     static const char *features[] = {
6662         "expatversion",      "expatmajorversion",  "expatminorversion",
6663         "expatmicroversion", "dtd",                "ns",
6664         "unknown",           "tdomalloc",          "lessns",
6665         "html5",             "jsonmaxnesting",     "versionhash",
6666         "pullparser",        "TCL_UTF_MAX",        NULL
6667     };
6668     enum feature {
6669         o_expatversion,      o_expatmajorversion,  o_expatminorversion,
6670         o_expatmicroversion, o_dtd,                o_ns,
6671         o_unknown,           o_tdomalloc,          o_lessns,
6672         o_html5,             o_jsonmaxnesting,     o_versionhash,
6673         o_pullparser,        o_TCL_UTF_MAX,
6674     };
6676     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[1], features, "feature", 0,
6677                             &featureIndex) != TCL_OK) {
6678         return TCL_ERROR;
6679     }
6681     switch ((enum feature) featureIndex) {
6682     case o_expatversion:
6683         SetResult(XML_ExpatVersion());
6684         break;
6685     case o_expatmajorversion:
6686         SetIntResult(XML_MAJOR_VERSION);
6687         break;
6688     case o_expatminorversion:
6689         SetIntResult(XML_MINOR_VERSION);
6690         break;
6691     case o_expatmicroversion:
6692         SetIntResult(XML_MICRO_VERSION);
6693         break;
6694     case o_dtd:
6695 #ifdef XML_DTD
6696         result = 1;
6697 #else
6698         result = 0;
6699 #endif
6700         SetBooleanResult(result);
6701         break;
6702     case o_ns:
6703 #ifdef XML_NS
6704         result = 1;
6705 #else
6706         result = 0;
6707 #endif
6708         SetBooleanResult(result);
6709         break;
6710     case o_unknown:
6712         result = 0;
6713 #else
6714         result = 1;
6715 #endif
6716         SetBooleanResult(result);
6717         break;
6718     case o_tdomalloc:
6720         result = 0;
6721 #else
6722         result = 1;
6723 #endif
6724         SetBooleanResult(result);
6725         break;
6726     case o_lessns:
6727 #ifdef TDOM_LESS_NS
6728         result = 1;
6729 #else
6730         result = 0;
6731 #endif
6732         SetBooleanResult(result);
6733         break;
6734     case o_html5:
6735 #ifdef TDOM_HAVE_GUMBO
6736         result = 1;
6737 #else
6738         result = 0;
6739 #endif
6740         SetBooleanResult(result);
6741         break;
6742     case o_jsonmaxnesting:
6743         SetIntResult(JSON_MAX_NESTING);
6744         break;
6746     case o_versionhash:
6747         SetResult(FOSSIL_HASH);
6748         break;
6749     case o_pullparser:
6750 #ifndef TDOM_NO_PULL
6751         result = 1;
6752 #else
6753         result = 0;
6754 #endif
6755         SetBooleanResult(result);
6756         break;
6757     case o_TCL_UTF_MAX:
6758         SetIntResult(TCL_UTF_MAX);
6759         break;
6760     }
6761     return TCL_OK;
6762 }
6764 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6765 |   tcldom_DomObjCmd
6766 |
6767 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_DomObjCmd(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])6768 int tcldom_DomObjCmd (
6769     ClientData   clientData,
6770     Tcl_Interp * interp,
6771     int          objc,
6772     Tcl_Obj    * const objv[]
6773 )
6774 {
6775     GetTcldomTSD()
6777     char        * method, tmp[300];
6778     int           methodIndex, result, i, bool;
6779     Tcl_CmdInfo   cmdInfo;
6780     Tcl_Obj     * mobjv[MAX_REWRITE_ARGS];
6782     static const char *domMethods[] = {
6783         "createDocument",  "createDocumentNS",   "createNodeCmd",
6784         "parse",                                 "setStoreLineColumn",
6785         "isCharData",      "isName",             "isPIName",
6786         "isQName",         "isComment",          "isCDATA",
6787         "isPIValue",       "isNCName",           "createDocumentNode",
6788         "setNameCheck",    "setTextCheck",       "setObjectCommands",
6789         "featureinfo",     "isBMPCharData",
6790 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
6791         "attachDocument",  "detachDocument",
6792 #endif
6793         NULL
6794     };
6795     enum domMethod {
6796         m_createDocument,    m_createDocumentNS,   m_createNodeCmd,
6797         m_parse,                                   m_setStoreLineColumn,
6798         m_isCharData,        m_isName,             m_isPIName,
6799         m_isQName,           m_isComment,          m_isCDATA,
6800         m_isPIValue,         m_isNCName,           m_createDocumentNode,
6801         m_setNameCheck,      m_setTextCheck,       m_setObjectCommands,
6802         m_featureinfo,       m_isBMPCharData
6803 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
6804         ,m_attachDocument,   m_detachDocument
6805 #endif
6806     };
6808     static const char *nodeModeValues[] = {
6809         "automatic", "command", "token", NULL
6810     };
6811     enum nodeModeValue {
6812         v_automatic, v_command, v_token
6813     };
6815     if (objc < 2) {
6816         SetResult(dom_usage);
6817         return TCL_ERROR;
6818     }
6819     if (TSD(domCreateCmdMode) == DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO) {
6820         TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 0;
6821     }
6822     method = Tcl_GetString(objv[1]);
6823     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(NULL, objv[1], domMethods, "method", 0,
6824                             &methodIndex) != TCL_OK) {
6825         /*--------------------------------------------------------
6826         |   try to find method implemented as normal Tcl proc
6827         \-------------------------------------------------------*/
6828         if ((strlen(method)-1) >= 270) {
6829             SetResult("method name too long!");
6830             return TCL_ERROR;
6831         }
6832         sprintf(tmp, "::dom::DOMImplementation::%s", method);
6833         DBG(fprintf(stderr, "testing %s\n", tmp));
6834         result = Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, tmp, &cmdInfo);
6835         if (!result) {
6836             SetResult(dom_usage);
6837             return TCL_ERROR;
6838         }
6839         if (!cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc) {
6840             SetResult("can't access Tcl level method!");
6841             return TCL_ERROR;
6842         }
6843         if (objc >= MAX_REWRITE_ARGS) {
6844             SetResult("too many args to call Tcl level method!");
6845             return TCL_ERROR;
6846         }
6847         mobjv[0] = objv[1];
6848         mobjv[1] = objv[0];
6849         for (i=2; i<objc; i++) mobjv[i] = objv[i];
6850         return cmdInfo.objProc(cmdInfo.objClientData, interp, objc, mobjv);
6851     }
6852     CheckArgs(2,12,1,dom_usage);
6853     switch ((enum domMethod) methodIndex) {
6855         case m_createDocument:
6856             return tcldom_createDocument(clientData, interp, --objc, objv+1);
6858         case m_createDocumentNS:
6859             return tcldom_createDocumentNS(clientData, interp, --objc, objv+1);
6861         case m_createDocumentNode:
6862             return tcldom_createDocumentNode (clientData, interp, --objc,
6863                                               objv+1);
6864         case m_createNodeCmd:
6865             return nodecmd_createNodeCmd(interp, --objc, objv+1,
6866                                          !TSD(dontCheckName),
6867                                          !TSD(dontCheckCharData));
6868         case m_parse:
6869             return tcldom_parse(clientData, interp, --objc, objv+1);
6871 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
6872         case m_attachDocument:
6873             {
6874                 char *cmdName, *errMsg;
6875                 domDocument *doc;
6876                 if (objc < 3) {
6877                     SetResult(dom_usage);
6878                     return TCL_ERROR;
6879                 }
6880                 cmdName = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
6881                 doc = tcldom_getDocumentFromName(interp, cmdName, &errMsg);
6882                 if (doc == NULL) {
6883                     SetResult(errMsg);
6884                     return TCL_ERROR;
6885                 }
6886                 return tcldom_returnDocumentObj(interp, doc, (objc == 4),
6887                                                 (objc==4) ? objv[3] : NULL,
6888                                                 1, 0);
6889             }
6890             break;
6891         case m_detachDocument:
6892             {
6893                 char objCmdName[80], *cmdName, *errMsg;
6894                 Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;
6895                 domDocument *doc;
6896                 if (objc < 3) {
6897                     SetResult(dom_usage);
6898                     return TCL_ERROR;
6899                 }
6900                 cmdName = Tcl_GetString(objv[2]);
6901                 doc = tcldom_getDocumentFromName(interp, cmdName, &errMsg);
6902                 if (doc == NULL) {
6903                     SetResult(errMsg);
6904                     return TCL_ERROR;
6905                 }
6906                 DOC_CMD(objCmdName, doc);
6907                 if (Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, objCmdName, &cmdInfo)) {
6908                     Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, objCmdName);
6909                 } else {
6910                     tcldom_deleteDoc(interp, doc);
6911                 }
6912                 SetResult("");
6913                 return TCL_OK;
6914             }
6915             break;
6916 #endif
6918         case m_setStoreLineColumn:
6919             if (objc == 3) {
6920                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[2], &bool) != TCL_OK) {
6921                     return TCL_ERROR;
6922                 }
6923                 TSD(storeLineColumn) = bool;
6924             }
6925             SetBooleanResult(TSD(storeLineColumn));
6926             return TCL_OK;
6928         case m_setNameCheck:
6929             if (objc == 3) {
6930                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[2], &bool) != TCL_OK) {
6931                     return TCL_ERROR;
6932                 }
6933                 TSD(dontCheckName) = !bool;
6934             }
6935             SetBooleanResult(!TSD(dontCheckName));
6936             return TCL_OK;
6938         case m_setTextCheck:
6939             if (objc == 3) {
6940                 if (Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, objv[2], &bool) != TCL_OK) {
6941                     return TCL_ERROR;
6942                 }
6943                 TSD(dontCheckCharData) = !bool;
6944             }
6945             SetBooleanResult(!TSD(dontCheckCharData));
6946             return TCL_OK;
6948         case m_setObjectCommands:
6949             if (objc == 3) {
6950                 if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj (interp, objv[2], nodeModeValues,
6951                                          "mode value", 0, &i) != TCL_OK) {
6952                     return TCL_ERROR;
6953                 }
6954                 switch ((enum nodeModeValue) i) {
6955                 case v_automatic:
6956                     TSD(domCreateCmdMode) = DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO;
6957                     TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 0;
6958                     break;
6959                 case v_command:
6960                     TSD(domCreateCmdMode) = DOM_CREATECMDMODE_CMDS;
6961                     TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 0;
6962                     break;
6963                 case v_token:
6964                     TSD(domCreateCmdMode) = DOM_CREATECMDMODE_TOKENS;
6965                     TSD(dontCreateObjCommands) = 1;
6966                     break;
6967                 }
6968             }
6969             switch (TSD(domCreateCmdMode)) {
6970             case DOM_CREATECMDMODE_AUTO:
6971                 SetResult("automatic");
6972                 break;
6973             case DOM_CREATECMDMODE_CMDS:
6974                 SetResult("command");
6975                 break;
6976             case DOM_CREATECMDMODE_TOKENS:
6977                 SetResult("token");
6978                 break;
6979             default:
6980                 domPanic("Impossible node creation mode.");
6981             }
6982             return TCL_OK;
6984         case m_isCharData:
6985             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
6986             SetBooleanResult(domIsChar(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
6987             return TCL_OK;
6989         case m_isName:
6990             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
6991             SetBooleanResult(domIsNAME(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
6992             return TCL_OK;
6994         case m_isPIName:
6995             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
6996             SetBooleanResult(domIsPINAME(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
6997             return TCL_OK;
6999         case m_isQName:
7000             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
7001             SetBooleanResult(domIsQNAME(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
7002             return TCL_OK;
7004         case m_isComment:
7005             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
7006             SetBooleanResult(domIsComment(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
7007             return TCL_OK;
7009         case m_isCDATA:
7010             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
7011             SetBooleanResult(domIsCDATA(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
7012             return TCL_OK;
7014         case m_isPIValue:
7015             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
7016             SetBooleanResult(domIsPIValue(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
7017             return TCL_OK;
7019         case m_isNCName:
7020             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
7021             SetBooleanResult(domIsNCNAME(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
7022             return TCL_OK;
7024         case m_featureinfo:
7025             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"feature")
7026             return tcldom_featureinfo(clientData, interp, --objc, objv+1);
7028         case m_isBMPCharData:
7029             CheckArgs(3,3,2,"string");
7030             SetBooleanResult(domIsBMPChar(Tcl_GetString(objv[2])));
7031             return TCL_OK;
7033     }
7034     SetResult( dom_usage);
7035     return TCL_ERROR;
7036 }
7038 #ifdef TCL_THREADS
7040 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7041 |   tcldom_EvalLocked
7042 |
7043 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7045 static
tcldom_EvalLocked(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Obj ** objv,domDocument * doc,int flag)7046 int tcldom_EvalLocked (
7047     Tcl_Interp  * interp,
7048     Tcl_Obj    ** objv,
7049     domDocument * doc,
7050     int          flag
7051 )
7052 {
7053     int ret;
7054     domlock *dl = doc->lock;
7056     domLocksLock(dl, flag);
7058     Tcl_AllowExceptions(interp);
7059     ret = Tcl_EvalObjEx(interp, objv[2], 0);
7060     if (ret == TCL_ERROR) {
7061         char msg[64 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE];
7062         sprintf(msg, "\n    (\"%s %s\" body line %d)", Tcl_GetString(objv[0]),
7063                 Tcl_GetString(objv[1]), Tcl_GetErrorLine(interp));
7064         Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, msg);
7065     }
7067     domLocksUnlock(dl);
7069     return (ret == TCL_BREAK) ? TCL_OK : ret;
7070 }
7072 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7073 |   tcldom_RegisterDocShared
7074 |
7075 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7077 static
tcldom_RegisterDocShared(domDocument * doc)7078 int tcldom_RegisterDocShared (
7079     domDocument * doc
7080 )
7081 {
7082     Tcl_HashEntry *entryPtr;
7083     int newEntry = 0;
7084 #ifdef DEBUG
7085     int refCount;
7086 #endif
7088     Tcl_MutexLock(&tableMutex);
7089 #ifdef DEBUG
7090     refCount = ++doc->refCount;
7091 #else
7092     ++doc->refCount;
7093 #endif
7094     entryPtr = Tcl_CreateHashEntry(&sharedDocs, (char*)doc, &newEntry);
7095     if (newEntry) {
7096         Tcl_SetHashValue(entryPtr, (ClientData)doc);
7097     }
7098     Tcl_MutexUnlock(&tableMutex);
7100     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "--> tcldom_RegisterDocShared: doc %p %s "
7101                 "shared table now with refcount of %d\n", doc,
7102                 newEntry ? "entered into" : "already in", refCount));
7103     return 0;
7104 }
7106 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7107 |   tcldom_UnregisterDocShared
7108 |
7109 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7111 static
tcldom_UnregisterDocShared(Tcl_Interp * interp,domDocument * doc)7112 int tcldom_UnregisterDocShared (
7113     Tcl_Interp  * interp,
7114     domDocument * doc
7115 )
7116 {
7117     int deleted;
7119     Tcl_MutexLock(&tableMutex);
7120     if (doc->refCount > 1) {
7121         tcldom_deleteNode(doc->rootNode, interp);
7122         domFreeNode(doc->rootNode, tcldom_deleteNode, interp, 1);
7123         doc->refCount--;
7124         deleted = 0;
7125     } else {
7126         if (tcldomInitialized) {
7127             Tcl_HashEntry *entryPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&sharedDocs, (char*)doc);
7128             if (entryPtr) {
7129                 Tcl_DeleteHashEntry(entryPtr);
7130                 deleted = 1;
7131             } else {
7132                 deleted = 0;
7133             }
7134         } else {
7135             deleted = 0;
7136         }
7137     }
7138     Tcl_MutexUnlock(&tableMutex);
7140     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "--> tcldom_UnregisterDocShared: doc %p %s "
7141                 "shared table\n", doc, deleted ? "deleted from" : "left in"));
7143     return deleted;
7144 }
7146 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7147 |   tcldom_CheckDocShared
7148 |
7149 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7151 static
tcldom_CheckDocShared(domDocument * doc)7152 int tcldom_CheckDocShared (
7153     domDocument * doc
7154 )
7155 {
7156     Tcl_HashEntry *entryPtr;
7157     domDocument *tabDoc = NULL;
7158     int found = 0;
7160     Tcl_MutexLock(&tableMutex);
7161     if (tcldomInitialized) {
7162         entryPtr = Tcl_FindHashEntry(&sharedDocs, (char*)doc);
7163         if (entryPtr == NULL) {
7164             found = 0;
7165         } else {
7166             tabDoc = (domDocument*)Tcl_GetHashValue(entryPtr);
7167             found  = tabDoc ? 1 : 0;
7168         }
7169     }
7170     Tcl_MutexUnlock(&tableMutex);
7172     if (found && doc != tabDoc) {
7173         Tcl_Panic("document mismatch; doc=%p, in table=%p\n", (void *)doc,
7174                   (void *)tabDoc);
7175     }
7177     return found;
7178 }
7180 #endif /* TCL_THREADS */
7182 #ifndef TDOM_NO_UNKNOWN_CMD
7184 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7185 |   tcldom_unknownCmd
7186 |
7187 \---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
tcldom_unknownCmd(ClientData clientData,Tcl_Interp * interp,int objc,Tcl_Obj * const objv[])7188 int tcldom_unknownCmd (
7189     ClientData   clientData,
7190     Tcl_Interp * interp,
7191     int          objc,
7192     Tcl_Obj    * const objv[]
7193 )
7194 {
7195     int          len, i, rc, openedParen, count, args;
7196     char        *cmd, *dot, *paren, *arg[MAX_REWRITE_ARGS], *object, *method;
7197     Tcl_DString  callString;
7198     Tcl_CmdInfo  cmdInfo;
7199     Tcl_Obj     *vector[2+MAX_REWRITE_ARGS];
7200     Tcl_Obj     **objvCall;
7203     cmd = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[1], &len);
7205     DBG(fprintf(stderr, "tcldom_unknownCmd: cmd=-%s- \n", cmd));
7207     dot = strchr(cmd,'.');
7208     if ((dot != NULL) && (dot != cmd)) {
7210         object = cmd;
7211         cmd    = dot+1;
7212         *dot   = '\0';
7213         dot    = strchr(cmd,'.');
7215         while (dot != NULL) {
7217             method = cmd;
7218             paren = strchr(cmd,'(');
7219             args = 0;
7220             if (paren && (paren < dot)) {
7221                 *paren = '\0';
7222                 paren++;
7223                 arg[args] = paren;
7224                 openedParen = 1;
7225                 while (*paren) {
7226                     if (*paren == '\\') {
7227                         (void) Tcl_Backslash(paren, &count);
7228                         paren += count;
7229                     } else if (*paren == ')') {
7230                         openedParen--;
7231                         if (openedParen==0) {
7232                             *paren = '\0';
7233                             args++;
7234                             break;
7235                         }
7236                     } else if (*paren == '(') {
7237                         openedParen++;
7238                         paren++;
7239                     } else if (*paren == ',') {
7240                         *paren = '\0';
7241                         arg[++args] = paren+1;
7242                         if (args >= MAX_REWRITE_ARGS) {
7243                             SetResult( "too many args");
7244                             return TCL_ERROR;
7245                         }
7246                         paren++;
7247                     } else {
7248                         paren++;
7249                     }
7250                 }
7251                 if (openedParen!=0) {
7252                     SetResult( "mismatched (");
7253                     return TCL_ERROR;
7254                 }
7255             }
7256             cmd    = dot+1;
7257             *dot   = '\0';
7259             DBG(fprintf(stderr, "method=-%s- \n", method);
7260                 fprintf(stderr, "rest=-%s- \n", cmd);
7261                 for(i=0; i<args; i++) {
7262                     fprintf(stderr, "args %d =-%s- \n", i, arg[i]);
7263                 }
7264             )
7266             /*---------------------------------------------------------
7267             |   intermediate call
7268             \--------------------------------------------------------*/
7269             rc = Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, object, &cmdInfo);
7270             if (rc && cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc) {
7271                 vector[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(object, -1);
7272                 vector[1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(method, -1);
7273                 for(i=0; i<args; i++) {
7274                     vector[2+i] = Tcl_NewStringObj(arg[i], -1);
7275                 }
7276                 rc = cmdInfo.objProc(cmdInfo.objClientData, interp, 2+args,
7277                                      vector);
7278                 if (rc != TCL_OK) {
7279                    return rc;
7280                 }
7281                 for(i=args+1; i >= 0; i--) {
7282                     Tcl_DecrRefCount(vector[i]);
7283                 }
7284             } else {
7285                 Tcl_DStringInit(&callString);
7286                 Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, object);
7287                 Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, method);
7288                 for(i=0; i<args; i++) {
7289                     Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, arg[i] );
7290                 }
7291                 rc = Tcl_Eval(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&callString));
7292                 Tcl_DStringFree(&callString);
7293                 if (rc != TCL_OK) {
7294                    return rc;
7295                 }
7296             }
7297             /* get the new object returned from above call */
7298             object = Tcl_GetStringResult(interp);
7299             dot = strchr(cmd,'.');
7300         }
7302         method = cmd;
7303             paren = strchr(cmd,'(');
7304             args = 0;
7305             if (paren) {
7306                 *paren = '\0';
7307                 paren++;
7308                 arg[args] = paren;
7309                 openedParen = 1;
7310                 while (*paren) {
7311                     if (*paren == '\\') {
7312                         (void) Tcl_Backslash(paren, &count);
7313                         paren += count;
7314                     } else if (*paren == ')') {
7315                         openedParen--;
7316                         if (openedParen==0) {
7317                             *paren = '\0';
7318                             args++;
7319                             break;
7320                         }
7321                     } else if (*paren == '(') {
7322                         openedParen++;
7323                         paren++;
7324                     } else if (*paren == ',') {
7325                         *paren = '\0';
7326                         arg[++args] = paren+1;
7327                         if (args >= MAX_REWRITE_ARGS) {
7328                             SetResult( "too many args");
7329                             return TCL_ERROR;
7330                         }
7331                         paren++;
7332                     } else {
7333                         paren++;
7334                     }
7335                 }
7336                 if (openedParen!=0) {
7337                     SetResult( "mismatched (");
7338                     return TCL_ERROR;
7339                 }
7340             }
7341             DBG(fprintf(stderr, "method=-%s- \n", method);
7342                 fprintf(stderr, "rest=-%s- \n", cmd);
7343                 for(i=0; i<args; i++) {
7344                     fprintf(stderr, "args %d =-%s- \n", i, arg[i]);
7345                 }
7346             )
7348         /*----------------------------------------------------------------
7349         |   final call
7350         \---------------------------------------------------------------*/
7351         rc = Tcl_GetCommandInfo(interp, object, &cmdInfo);
7352         if (rc && cmdInfo.isNativeObjectProc) {
7354             objvCall = (Tcl_Obj**)MALLOC(sizeof(Tcl_Obj*) * (objc+args));
7356             objvCall[0] = Tcl_NewStringObj(object, -1);
7357             objvCall[1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(method, -1);
7358             for(i=0; i<args; i++) {
7359                 objvCall[2+i] = Tcl_NewStringObj(arg[i], -1);
7360             }
7361             for (i=2; i<objc; i++) {
7362                 objvCall[i+args] = objv[i];
7363             }
7364             rc = cmdInfo.objProc(cmdInfo.objClientData, interp, objc + args,
7365                                  objvCall);
7366             for(i=objc+args-1; i >= 0; i--) {
7367                 Tcl_DecrRefCount(objvCall[i]);
7368             }
7369             FREE((void*)objvCall);
7371         } else {
7372             Tcl_DStringInit(&callString);
7373             Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, object);
7374             Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, method);
7375             for(i=2; i<objc; i++) {
7376                 Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, Tcl_GetString(objv[i]));
7377             }
7378             rc = Tcl_Eval(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&callString));
7379             Tcl_DStringFree(&callString);
7380         }
7381         return rc;
7383     } else {
7385         /*----------------------------------------------------------------
7386         |   call the original unknown function
7387         |
7388         \---------------------------------------------------------------*/
7389         Tcl_DStringInit(&callString);
7390         Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, "unknown_tdom");
7391         for(i=1; i<objc; i++) {
7392             Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&callString, Tcl_GetString(objv[i]));
7393         }
7394         rc = Tcl_Eval(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&callString));
7395         Tcl_DStringFree(&callString);
7396         return rc;
7397     }
7398 }
7400 #endif