3namespace Doctrine\DBAL;
5use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
6use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\DrizzlePDOMySql\Driver as DrizzlePDOMySQLDriver;
7use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2\DB2Driver;
8use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Mysqli\Driver as MySQLiDriver;
9use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\Driver as OCI8Driver;
10use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver as PDOMySQLDriver;
11use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOOracle\Driver as PDOOCIDriver;
12use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOPgSql\Driver as PDOPgSQLDriver;
13use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOSqlite\Driver as PDOSQLiteDriver;
14use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOSqlsrv\Driver as PDOSQLSrvDriver;
15use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLAnywhere\Driver as SQLAnywhereDriver;
16use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLSrv\Driver as SQLSrvDriver;
17use PDO;
18use function array_keys;
19use function array_map;
20use function array_merge;
21use function assert;
22use function class_implements;
23use function in_array;
24use function is_string;
25use function is_subclass_of;
26use function parse_str;
27use function parse_url;
28use function preg_replace;
29use function str_replace;
30use function strpos;
31use function substr;
34 * Factory for creating Doctrine\DBAL\Connection instances.
35 */
36final class DriverManager
38    /**
39     * List of supported drivers and their mappings to the driver classes.
40     *
41     * To add your own driver use the 'driverClass' parameter to
42     * {@link DriverManager::getConnection()}.
43     *
44     * @var string[]
45     */
46    private static $_driverMap = [
47        'pdo_mysql'          => PDOMySQLDriver::class,
48        'pdo_sqlite'         => PDOSQLiteDriver::class,
49        'pdo_pgsql'          => PDOPgSQLDriver::class,
50        'pdo_oci'            => PDOOCIDriver::class,
51        'oci8'               => OCI8Driver::class,
52        'ibm_db2'            => DB2Driver::class,
53        'pdo_sqlsrv'         => PDOSQLSrvDriver::class,
54        'mysqli'             => MySQLiDriver::class,
55        'drizzle_pdo_mysql'  => DrizzlePDOMySQLDriver::class,
56        'sqlanywhere'        => SQLAnywhereDriver::class,
57        'sqlsrv'             => SQLSrvDriver::class,
58    ];
60    /**
61     * List of URL schemes from a database URL and their mappings to driver.
62     *
63     * @var string[]
64     */
65    private static $driverSchemeAliases = [
66        'db2'        => 'ibm_db2',
67        'mssql'      => 'pdo_sqlsrv',
68        'mysql'      => 'pdo_mysql',
69        'mysql2'     => 'pdo_mysql', // Amazon RDS, for some weird reason
70        'postgres'   => 'pdo_pgsql',
71        'postgresql' => 'pdo_pgsql',
72        'pgsql'      => 'pdo_pgsql',
73        'sqlite'     => 'pdo_sqlite',
74        'sqlite3'    => 'pdo_sqlite',
75    ];
77    /**
78     * Private constructor. This class cannot be instantiated.
79     */
80    private function __construct()
81    {
82    }
84    /**
85     * Creates a connection object based on the specified parameters.
86     * This method returns a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection which wraps the underlying
87     * driver connection.
88     *
89     * $params must contain at least one of the following.
90     *
91     * Either 'driver' with one of the following values:
92     *
93     *     pdo_mysql
94     *     pdo_sqlite
95     *     pdo_pgsql
96     *     pdo_oci (unstable)
97     *     pdo_sqlsrv
98     *     pdo_sqlsrv
99     *     mysqli
100     *     sqlanywhere
101     *     sqlsrv
102     *     ibm_db2 (unstable)
103     *     drizzle_pdo_mysql
104     *
105     * OR 'driverClass' that contains the full class name (with namespace) of the
106     * driver class to instantiate.
107     *
108     * Other (optional) parameters:
109     *
110     * <b>user (string)</b>:
111     * The username to use when connecting.
112     *
113     * <b>password (string)</b>:
114     * The password to use when connecting.
115     *
116     * <b>driverOptions (array)</b>:
117     * Any additional driver-specific options for the driver. These are just passed
118     * through to the driver.
119     *
120     * <b>pdo</b>:
121     * You can pass an existing PDO instance through this parameter. The PDO
122     * instance will be wrapped in a Doctrine\DBAL\Connection.
123     *
124     * <b>wrapperClass</b>:
125     * You may specify a custom wrapper class through the 'wrapperClass'
126     * parameter but this class MUST inherit from Doctrine\DBAL\Connection.
127     *
128     * <b>driverClass</b>:
129     * The driver class to use.
130     *
131     * @param mixed[]            $params       The parameters.
132     * @param Configuration|null $config       The configuration to use.
133     * @param EventManager|null  $eventManager The event manager to use.
134     *
135     * @throws DBALException
136     */
137    public static function getConnection(
138        array $params,
139        ?Configuration $config = null,
140        ?EventManager $eventManager = null
141    ) : Connection {
142        // create default config and event manager, if not set
143        if (! $config) {
144            $config = new Configuration();
145        }
146        if (! $eventManager) {
147            $eventManager = new EventManager();
148        }
150        $params = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params);
152        // URL support for MasterSlaveConnection
153        if (isset($params['master'])) {
154            $params['master'] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params['master']);
155        }
157        if (isset($params['slaves'])) {
158            foreach ($params['slaves'] as $key => $slaveParams) {
159                $params['slaves'][$key] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($slaveParams);
160            }
161        }
163        // URL support for PoolingShardConnection
164        if (isset($params['global'])) {
165            $params['global'] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($params['global']);
166        }
168        if (isset($params['shards'])) {
169            foreach ($params['shards'] as $key => $shardParams) {
170                $params['shards'][$key] = self::parseDatabaseUrl($shardParams);
171            }
172        }
174        // check for existing pdo object
175        if (isset($params['pdo']) && ! $params['pdo'] instanceof PDO) {
176            throw DBALException::invalidPdoInstance();
177        }
179        if (isset($params['pdo'])) {
180            $params['pdo']->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
181            $params['driver'] = 'pdo_' . $params['pdo']->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
182        } else {
183            self::_checkParams($params);
184        }
186        $className = $params['driverClass'] ?? self::$_driverMap[$params['driver']];
188        $driver = new $className();
190        $wrapperClass = Connection::class;
191        if (isset($params['wrapperClass'])) {
192            if (! is_subclass_of($params['wrapperClass'], $wrapperClass)) {
193                throw DBALException::invalidWrapperClass($params['wrapperClass']);
194            }
196            $wrapperClass = $params['wrapperClass'];
197        }
199        return new $wrapperClass($params, $driver, $config, $eventManager);
200    }
202    /**
203     * Returns the list of supported drivers.
204     *
205     * @return string[]
206     */
207    public static function getAvailableDrivers() : array
208    {
209        return array_keys(self::$_driverMap);
210    }
212    /**
213     * Checks the list of parameters.
214     *
215     * @param mixed[] $params The list of parameters.
216     *
217     * @throws DBALException
218     */
219    private static function _checkParams(array $params) : void
220    {
221        // check existence of mandatory parameters
223        // driver
224        if (! isset($params['driver']) && ! isset($params['driverClass'])) {
225            throw DBALException::driverRequired();
226        }
228        // check validity of parameters
230        // driver
231        if (isset($params['driver']) && ! isset(self::$_driverMap[$params['driver']])) {
232            throw DBALException::unknownDriver($params['driver'], array_keys(self::$_driverMap));
233        }
235        if (isset($params['driverClass']) && ! in_array(Driver::class, class_implements($params['driverClass'], true))) {
236            throw DBALException::invalidDriverClass($params['driverClass']);
237        }
238    }
240    /**
241     * Normalizes the given connection URL path.
242     *
243     * @return string The normalized connection URL path
244     */
245    private static function normalizeDatabaseUrlPath(string $urlPath) : string
246    {
247        // Trim leading slash from URL path.
248        return substr($urlPath, 1);
249    }
251    /**
252     * Extracts parts from a database URL, if present, and returns an
253     * updated list of parameters.
254     *
255     * @param mixed[] $params The list of parameters.
256     *
257     * @return mixed[] A modified list of parameters with info from a database
258     *                 URL extracted into indidivual parameter parts.
259     *
260     * @throws DBALException
261     */
262    private static function parseDatabaseUrl(array $params) : array
263    {
264        if (! isset($params['url'])) {
265            return $params;
266        }
268        // (pdo_)?sqlite3?:///... => (pdo_)?sqlite3?://localhost/... or else the URL will be invalid
269        $url = preg_replace('#^((?:pdo_)?sqlite3?):///#', '$1://localhost/', $params['url']);
270        assert(is_string($url));
272        $url = parse_url($url);
274        if ($url === false) {
275            throw new DBALException('Malformed parameter "url".');
276        }
278        $url = array_map('rawurldecode', $url);
280        // If we have a connection URL, we have to unset the default PDO instance connection parameter (if any)
281        // as we cannot merge connection details from the URL into the PDO instance (URL takes precedence).
282        unset($params['pdo']);
284        $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlScheme($url, $params);
286        if (isset($url['host'])) {
287            $params['host'] = $url['host'];
288        }
289        if (isset($url['port'])) {
290            $params['port'] = $url['port'];
291        }
292        if (isset($url['user'])) {
293            $params['user'] = $url['user'];
294        }
295        if (isset($url['pass'])) {
296            $params['password'] = $url['pass'];
297        }
299        $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params);
300        $params = self::parseDatabaseUrlQuery($url, $params);
302        return $params;
303    }
305    /**
306     * Parses the given connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters.
307     *
308     * Assumes that the connection URL scheme is already parsed and resolved into the given connection parameters
309     * via {@link parseDatabaseUrlScheme}.
310     *
311     * @see parseDatabaseUrlScheme
312     *
313     * @param mixed[] $url    The URL parts to evaluate.
314     * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve.
315     *
316     * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters.
317     */
318    private static function parseDatabaseUrlPath(array $url, array $params) : array
319    {
320        if (! isset($url['path'])) {
321            return $params;
322        }
324        $url['path'] = self::normalizeDatabaseUrlPath($url['path']);
326        // If we do not have a known DBAL driver, we do not know any connection URL path semantics to evaluate
327        // and therefore treat the path as regular DBAL connection URL path.
328        if (! isset($params['driver'])) {
329            return self::parseRegularDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params);
330        }
332        if (strpos($params['driver'], 'sqlite') !== false) {
333            return self::parseSqliteDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params);
334        }
336        return self::parseRegularDatabaseUrlPath($url, $params);
337    }
339    /**
340     * Parses the query part of the given connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters.
341     *
342     * @param mixed[] $url    The connection URL parts to evaluate.
343     * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve.
344     *
345     * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters.
346     */
347    private static function parseDatabaseUrlQuery(array $url, array $params) : array
348    {
349        if (! isset($url['query'])) {
350            return $params;
351        }
353        $query = [];
355        parse_str($url['query'], $query); // simply ingest query as extra params, e.g. charset or sslmode
357        return array_merge($params, $query); // parse_str wipes existing array elements
358    }
360    /**
361     * Parses the given regular connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters.
362     *
363     * Assumes that the "path" URL part is already normalized via {@link normalizeDatabaseUrlPath}.
364     *
365     * @see normalizeDatabaseUrlPath
366     *
367     * @param mixed[] $url    The regular connection URL parts to evaluate.
368     * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve.
369     *
370     * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters.
371     */
372    private static function parseRegularDatabaseUrlPath(array $url, array $params) : array
373    {
374        $params['dbname'] = $url['path'];
376        return $params;
377    }
379    /**
380     * Parses the given SQLite connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters.
381     *
382     * Assumes that the "path" URL part is already normalized via {@link normalizeDatabaseUrlPath}.
383     *
384     * @see normalizeDatabaseUrlPath
385     *
386     * @param mixed[] $url    The SQLite connection URL parts to evaluate.
387     * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve.
388     *
389     * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters.
390     */
391    private static function parseSqliteDatabaseUrlPath(array $url, array $params) : array
392    {
393        if ($url['path'] === ':memory:') {
394            $params['memory'] = true;
396            return $params;
397        }
399        $params['path'] = $url['path']; // pdo_sqlite driver uses 'path' instead of 'dbname' key
401        return $params;
402    }
404    /**
405     * Parses the scheme part from given connection URL and resolves the given connection parameters.
406     *
407     * @param mixed[] $url    The connection URL parts to evaluate.
408     * @param mixed[] $params The connection parameters to resolve.
409     *
410     * @return mixed[] The resolved connection parameters.
411     *
412     * @throws DBALException If parsing failed or resolution is not possible.
413     */
414    private static function parseDatabaseUrlScheme(array $url, array $params) : array
415    {
416        if (isset($url['scheme'])) {
417            // The requested driver from the URL scheme takes precedence
418            // over the default custom driver from the connection parameters (if any).
419            unset($params['driverClass']);
421            // URL schemes must not contain underscores, but dashes are ok
422            $driver = str_replace('-', '_', $url['scheme']);
423            assert(is_string($driver));
425            // The requested driver from the URL scheme takes precedence over the
426            // default driver from the connection parameters. If the driver is
427            // an alias (e.g. "postgres"), map it to the actual name ("pdo-pgsql").
428            // Otherwise, let checkParams decide later if the driver exists.
429            $params['driver'] = self::$driverSchemeAliases[$driver] ?? $driver;
431            return $params;
432        }
434        // If a schemeless connection URL is given, we require a default driver or default custom driver
435        // as connection parameter.
436        if (! isset($params['driverClass']) && ! isset($params['driver'])) {
437            throw DBALException::driverRequired($params['url']);
438        }
440        return $params;
441    }