1 extern crate hyper;
2 extern crate websocket;
4 use self::hyper::uri::RequestUri::AbsolutePath;
6 use self::websocket::WebSocketError;
7 use futures::future::{err, Future};
9 use std::rc::Rc;
11 use crate::options::StaticFile;
13 use self::websocket::server::upgrade::r#async::IntoWs;
15 use super::ws_peer::{PeerForWs};
16 use super::{box_up_err, io_other_error, BoxedNewPeerFuture, Peer};
17 use super::{ConstructParams, L2rUser, PeerConstructor, Specifier};
19 #[derive(Debug)]
20 pub struct WsServer<T: Specifier>(pub T);
21 impl<T: Specifier> Specifier for WsServer<T> {
construct(&self, cp: ConstructParams) -> PeerConstructor22     fn construct(&self, cp: ConstructParams) -> PeerConstructor {
23         let restrict_uri = Rc::new(cp.program_options.restrict_uri.clone());
24         let serve_static_files = Rc::new(cp.program_options.serve_static_files.clone());
25         let inner = self.0.construct(cp.clone());
26         //let l2r = cp.left_to_right;
27         inner.map(move |p, l2r| {
28             // FIXME: attack of `Vec::clone`s.
29             ws_upgrade_peer(
30                 p,
31                 restrict_uri.clone(),
32                 serve_static_files.clone(),
33                 cp.program_options.websocket_reply_protocol.clone(),
34                 cp.program_options.custom_reply_headers.clone(),
35                 cp.program_options.clone(),
36                 l2r,
37             )
38         })
39     }
40     specifier_boilerplate!(noglobalstate has_subspec);
41     self_0_is_subspecifier!(proxy_is_multiconnect);
42 }
43 specifier_class!(
44     name = WsServerClass,
45     target = WsServer,
46     prefixes = ["ws-upgrade:", "upgrade-ws:", "ws-u:", "u-ws:"],
47     arg_handling = subspec,
48     overlay = true,
49     MessageOriented,
50     MulticonnectnessDependsOnInnerType,
51     help = r#"
52 WebSocket upgrader / raw server. Specify your own protocol instead of usual TCP. [A]
54 All other WebSocket server modes actually use this overlay under the hood.
56 Example: serve incoming connection from socat
58     socat tcp-l:1234,fork,reuseaddr exec:'websocat -t ws-u\:stdio\: mirror\:'
59 "#
60 );
62 specifier_alias!(
63     name = WsTcpServerClass,
64     prefixes = ["ws-listen:", "ws-l:", "l-ws:", "listen-ws:"],
65     alias = "ws-u:tcp-l:",
66     help = r#"
67 WebSocket server. Argument is host and port to listen.
69 Example: Dump all incoming websocket data to console
71     websocat ws-l: -
73 Example: the same, but more verbose:
75     websocat ws-l:tcp-l: reuse:-
76 "#
77 );
79 specifier_alias!(
80     name = WsInetdServerClass,
81     prefixes = ["inetd-ws:", "ws-inetd:"],
82     alias = "ws-u:inetd:",
83     help = r#"
84 WebSocket inetd server. [A]
86 TODO: transfer the example here
87 "#
88 );
90 specifier_alias!(
91     name = WsUnixServerClass,
92     prefixes = ["l-ws-unix:"],
93     alias = "ws-u:unix-l:",
94     help = r#"
95 WebSocket UNIX socket-based server. [A]
96 "#
97 );
99 specifier_alias!(
100     name = WsAbstractUnixServerClass,
101     prefixes = ["l-ws-abstract:"],
102     alias = "ws-l:abstract-l:",
103     help = r#"
104 WebSocket abstract-namespaced UNIX socket server. [A]
105 "#
106 );
108 #[path = "http_serve.rs"]
109 pub mod http_serve;
ws_upgrade_peer( inner_peer: Peer, restrict_uri: Rc<Option<String>>, serve_static_files: Rc<Vec<StaticFile>>, websocket_protocol: Option<String>, custom_reply_headers: Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>, opts: Rc<super::Options>, l2r: L2rUser, ) -> BoxedNewPeerFuture111 pub fn ws_upgrade_peer(
112     inner_peer: Peer,
113     restrict_uri: Rc<Option<String>>,
114     serve_static_files: Rc<Vec<StaticFile>>,
115     websocket_protocol: Option<String>,
116     custom_reply_headers: Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>,
117     opts: Rc<super::Options>,
118     l2r: L2rUser,
119 ) -> BoxedNewPeerFuture {
120     let step1 = PeerForWs(inner_peer);
121     let step2: Box<
122         dyn Future<Item = self::websocket::server::upgrade::r#async::Upgrade<_>, Error = _>,
123     > = step1.into_ws();
124     let step3 = step2
125         .or_else(|(innerpeer, hyper_incoming, _bytesmut, e)| {
126             http_serve::http_serve(innerpeer.0, hyper_incoming, serve_static_files)
127             .then(|_|
128                 err(WebSocketError::IoError(io_other_error(e)))
129             )
130         })
131         .and_then(
132             move |mut x| -> Box<dyn Future<Item = Peer, Error = websocket::WebSocketError>> {
133                 info!("Incoming connection to websocket: {}", x.request.subject.1);
135                 use ::websocket::header::WebSocketProtocol;
137                 let mut protocol_check = true;
138                 {
139                     let pp : Option<&WebSocketProtocol> = x.request.headers.get();
140                     if let Some(rp) = websocket_protocol {
141                         // Unconditionally set this protocol
142                         x.headers.set_raw("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol",
143                             vec![rp.as_bytes().to_vec()],
144                         );
145                         // Warn if not present in client protocols
146                         let mut present = false;
147                         if let Some(pp) = pp {
148                             if let Some(pp) = pp.iter().next() {
149                                 if pp == &rp {
150                                     present = true;
151                                 }
152                             }
153                         }
154                         if !present {
155                             if pp.is_none() {
156                                 warn!("Client failed to specify Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header. Replying with it anyway, against the RFC.");
157                             } else {
158                                 protocol_check = false;
159                             }
160                         }
161                     } else {
162                         // No protocol specified, just choosing the first if any.
163                         if let Some(pp) = pp {
164                             if pp.len() > 1 {
165                                 warn!("Multiple `Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`s specified in the request. Choosing the first one. Use --server-protocol to make it explicit.")
166                             }
167                             if let Some(pp) = pp.iter().next() {
168                                 x.headers.set_raw(
169                                     "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol",
170                                     vec![pp.as_bytes().to_vec()],
171                                 );
172                             }
173                         }
174                     }
175                 }
177                 for (hn, hv) in custom_reply_headers {
178                     x.headers.append_raw(hn, hv);
179                 }
181                 debug!("{:?}", x.request);
182                 debug!("{:?}", x.headers);
184                 if !protocol_check {
185                     return Box::new(
186                             x.reject()
187                                 .and_then(|_| {
188                                     warn!("Requested Sec-WebSocket-Protocol does not match --server-protocol option");
189                                     ::futures::future::err(crate::util::simple_err(
190                                         "Requested Sec-WebSocket-Protocol does not match --server-protocol option"
191                                             .to_string(),
192                                     ))
193                                 })
194                                 .map_err(|e| websocket::WebSocketError::IoError(io_other_error(e))),
195                         )
196                             as Box<dyn Future<Item = Peer, Error = websocket::WebSocketError>>;
197                 }
200                 match l2r {
201                     L2rUser::FillIn(ref y) => {
202                         let uri = &x.request.subject.1;
203                         let mut z = y.borrow_mut();
204                         z.uri = Some(format!("{}", uri));
206                         let h : &websocket::header::Headers = &x.request.headers;
207                         for q in opts.headers_to_env.iter() {
208                             if let Some(v) = h.get_raw(q) {
209                                 if v.is_empty() { continue }
210                                 if v.len() > 1 {
211                                     warn!("Extra request header for {} ignored", q);
212                                 }
213                                 if let Ok(val) = String::from_utf8(v[0].clone()) {
214                                     z.headers.push((
215                                         q.clone(),
216                                         val,
217                                     ));
218                                 } else {
219                                     warn!("Header {} value contains invalid UTF-8", q);
220                                 }
221                             } else {
222                                 warn!("No request header {}, so no envvar H_{}", q, q);
223                             }
224                         }
225                     },
226                     L2rUser::ReadFrom(_) => {},
227                 }
230                 if let Some(ref restrict_uri) = *restrict_uri {
231                     let check_passed = match x.request.subject.1 {
232                         AbsolutePath(ref x) if x == restrict_uri => true,
233                         _ => false,
234                     };
235                     if !check_passed {
236                         return Box::new(
237                             x.reject()
238                                 .and_then(|_| {
239                                     warn!("Incoming request URI doesn't match the --restrict-uri value");
240                                     ::futures::future::err(crate::util::simple_err(
241                                         "Request URI doesn't match --restrict-uri parameter"
242                                             .to_string(),
243                                     ))
244                                 })
245                                 .map_err(|e| websocket::WebSocketError::IoError(io_other_error(e))),
246                         )
247                             as Box<dyn Future<Item = Peer, Error = websocket::WebSocketError>>;
248                     }
249                 };
250                 Box::new(x.accept().map(move |(y, headers)| {
251                     debug!("{:?}", headers);
252                     info!("Upgraded");
253                     let close_on_shutdown =  !opts.websocket_dont_close;
254                     super::ws_peer::finish_building_ws_peer(&*opts, y, close_on_shutdown, None)
255                 })) as Box<dyn Future<Item = Peer, Error = websocket::WebSocketError>>
256             },
257         );
258     let step4 = step3.map_err(box_up_err);
259     Box::new(step4) as BoxedNewPeerFuture
260 }