1// Go MySQL Driver - A MySQL-Driver for Go's database/sql package
3// Copyright 2014 The Go-MySQL-Driver Authors. All rights reserved.
5// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
7// You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9package mysql
11const defaultCollation = "utf8mb4_general_ci"
12const binaryCollation = "binary"
14// A list of available collations mapped to the internal ID.
15// To update this map use the following MySQL query:
18// Handshake packet have only 1 byte for collation_id.  So we can't use collations with ID > 255.
20// ucs2, utf16, and utf32 can't be used for connection charset.
21// https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset-connection.html#charset-connection-impermissible-client-charset
22// They are commented out to reduce this map.
23var collations = map[string]byte{
24	"big5_chinese_ci":      1,
25	"latin2_czech_cs":      2,
26	"dec8_swedish_ci":      3,
27	"cp850_general_ci":     4,
28	"latin1_german1_ci":    5,
29	"hp8_english_ci":       6,
30	"koi8r_general_ci":     7,
31	"latin1_swedish_ci":    8,
32	"latin2_general_ci":    9,
33	"swe7_swedish_ci":      10,
34	"ascii_general_ci":     11,
35	"ujis_japanese_ci":     12,
36	"sjis_japanese_ci":     13,
37	"cp1251_bulgarian_ci":  14,
38	"latin1_danish_ci":     15,
39	"hebrew_general_ci":    16,
40	"tis620_thai_ci":       18,
41	"euckr_korean_ci":      19,
42	"latin7_estonian_cs":   20,
43	"latin2_hungarian_ci":  21,
44	"koi8u_general_ci":     22,
45	"cp1251_ukrainian_ci":  23,
46	"gb2312_chinese_ci":    24,
47	"greek_general_ci":     25,
48	"cp1250_general_ci":    26,
49	"latin2_croatian_ci":   27,
50	"gbk_chinese_ci":       28,
51	"cp1257_lithuanian_ci": 29,
52	"latin5_turkish_ci":    30,
53	"latin1_german2_ci":    31,
54	"armscii8_general_ci":  32,
55	"utf8_general_ci":      33,
56	"cp1250_czech_cs":      34,
57	//"ucs2_general_ci":          35,
58	"cp866_general_ci":    36,
59	"keybcs2_general_ci":  37,
60	"macce_general_ci":    38,
61	"macroman_general_ci": 39,
62	"cp852_general_ci":    40,
63	"latin7_general_ci":   41,
64	"latin7_general_cs":   42,
65	"macce_bin":           43,
66	"cp1250_croatian_ci":  44,
67	"utf8mb4_general_ci":  45,
68	"utf8mb4_bin":         46,
69	"latin1_bin":          47,
70	"latin1_general_ci":   48,
71	"latin1_general_cs":   49,
72	"cp1251_bin":          50,
73	"cp1251_general_ci":   51,
74	"cp1251_general_cs":   52,
75	"macroman_bin":        53,
76	//"utf16_general_ci":         54,
77	//"utf16_bin":                55,
78	//"utf16le_general_ci":       56,
79	"cp1256_general_ci": 57,
80	"cp1257_bin":        58,
81	"cp1257_general_ci": 59,
82	//"utf32_general_ci":         60,
83	//"utf32_bin":                61,
84	//"utf16le_bin":              62,
85	"binary":          63,
86	"armscii8_bin":    64,
87	"ascii_bin":       65,
88	"cp1250_bin":      66,
89	"cp1256_bin":      67,
90	"cp866_bin":       68,
91	"dec8_bin":        69,
92	"greek_bin":       70,
93	"hebrew_bin":      71,
94	"hp8_bin":         72,
95	"keybcs2_bin":     73,
96	"koi8r_bin":       74,
97	"koi8u_bin":       75,
98	"utf8_tolower_ci": 76,
99	"latin2_bin":      77,
100	"latin5_bin":      78,
101	"latin7_bin":      79,
102	"cp850_bin":       80,
103	"cp852_bin":       81,
104	"swe7_bin":        82,
105	"utf8_bin":        83,
106	"big5_bin":        84,
107	"euckr_bin":       85,
108	"gb2312_bin":      86,
109	"gbk_bin":         87,
110	"sjis_bin":        88,
111	"tis620_bin":      89,
112	//"ucs2_bin":                 90,
113	"ujis_bin":            91,
114	"geostd8_general_ci":  92,
115	"geostd8_bin":         93,
116	"latin1_spanish_ci":   94,
117	"cp932_japanese_ci":   95,
118	"cp932_bin":           96,
119	"eucjpms_japanese_ci": 97,
120	"eucjpms_bin":         98,
121	"cp1250_polish_ci":    99,
122	//"utf16_unicode_ci":         101,
123	//"utf16_icelandic_ci":       102,
124	//"utf16_latvian_ci":         103,
125	//"utf16_romanian_ci":        104,
126	//"utf16_slovenian_ci":       105,
127	//"utf16_polish_ci":          106,
128	//"utf16_estonian_ci":        107,
129	//"utf16_spanish_ci":         108,
130	//"utf16_swedish_ci":         109,
131	//"utf16_turkish_ci":         110,
132	//"utf16_czech_ci":           111,
133	//"utf16_danish_ci":          112,
134	//"utf16_lithuanian_ci":      113,
135	//"utf16_slovak_ci":          114,
136	//"utf16_spanish2_ci":        115,
137	//"utf16_roman_ci":           116,
138	//"utf16_persian_ci":         117,
139	//"utf16_esperanto_ci":       118,
140	//"utf16_hungarian_ci":       119,
141	//"utf16_sinhala_ci":         120,
142	//"utf16_german2_ci":         121,
143	//"utf16_croatian_ci":        122,
144	//"utf16_unicode_520_ci":     123,
145	//"utf16_vietnamese_ci":      124,
146	//"ucs2_unicode_ci":          128,
147	//"ucs2_icelandic_ci":        129,
148	//"ucs2_latvian_ci":          130,
149	//"ucs2_romanian_ci":         131,
150	//"ucs2_slovenian_ci":        132,
151	//"ucs2_polish_ci":           133,
152	//"ucs2_estonian_ci":         134,
153	//"ucs2_spanish_ci":          135,
154	//"ucs2_swedish_ci":          136,
155	//"ucs2_turkish_ci":          137,
156	//"ucs2_czech_ci":            138,
157	//"ucs2_danish_ci":           139,
158	//"ucs2_lithuanian_ci":       140,
159	//"ucs2_slovak_ci":           141,
160	//"ucs2_spanish2_ci":         142,
161	//"ucs2_roman_ci":            143,
162	//"ucs2_persian_ci":          144,
163	//"ucs2_esperanto_ci":        145,
164	//"ucs2_hungarian_ci":        146,
165	//"ucs2_sinhala_ci":          147,
166	//"ucs2_german2_ci":          148,
167	//"ucs2_croatian_ci":         149,
168	//"ucs2_unicode_520_ci":      150,
169	//"ucs2_vietnamese_ci":       151,
170	//"ucs2_general_mysql500_ci": 159,
171	//"utf32_unicode_ci":         160,
172	//"utf32_icelandic_ci":       161,
173	//"utf32_latvian_ci":         162,
174	//"utf32_romanian_ci":        163,
175	//"utf32_slovenian_ci":       164,
176	//"utf32_polish_ci":          165,
177	//"utf32_estonian_ci":        166,
178	//"utf32_spanish_ci":         167,
179	//"utf32_swedish_ci":         168,
180	//"utf32_turkish_ci":         169,
181	//"utf32_czech_ci":           170,
182	//"utf32_danish_ci":          171,
183	//"utf32_lithuanian_ci":      172,
184	//"utf32_slovak_ci":          173,
185	//"utf32_spanish2_ci":        174,
186	//"utf32_roman_ci":           175,
187	//"utf32_persian_ci":         176,
188	//"utf32_esperanto_ci":       177,
189	//"utf32_hungarian_ci":       178,
190	//"utf32_sinhala_ci":         179,
191	//"utf32_german2_ci":         180,
192	//"utf32_croatian_ci":        181,
193	//"utf32_unicode_520_ci":     182,
194	//"utf32_vietnamese_ci":      183,
195	"utf8_unicode_ci":          192,
196	"utf8_icelandic_ci":        193,
197	"utf8_latvian_ci":          194,
198	"utf8_romanian_ci":         195,
199	"utf8_slovenian_ci":        196,
200	"utf8_polish_ci":           197,
201	"utf8_estonian_ci":         198,
202	"utf8_spanish_ci":          199,
203	"utf8_swedish_ci":          200,
204	"utf8_turkish_ci":          201,
205	"utf8_czech_ci":            202,
206	"utf8_danish_ci":           203,
207	"utf8_lithuanian_ci":       204,
208	"utf8_slovak_ci":           205,
209	"utf8_spanish2_ci":         206,
210	"utf8_roman_ci":            207,
211	"utf8_persian_ci":          208,
212	"utf8_esperanto_ci":        209,
213	"utf8_hungarian_ci":        210,
214	"utf8_sinhala_ci":          211,
215	"utf8_german2_ci":          212,
216	"utf8_croatian_ci":         213,
217	"utf8_unicode_520_ci":      214,
218	"utf8_vietnamese_ci":       215,
219	"utf8_general_mysql500_ci": 223,
220	"utf8mb4_unicode_ci":       224,
221	"utf8mb4_icelandic_ci":     225,
222	"utf8mb4_latvian_ci":       226,
223	"utf8mb4_romanian_ci":      227,
224	"utf8mb4_slovenian_ci":     228,
225	"utf8mb4_polish_ci":        229,
226	"utf8mb4_estonian_ci":      230,
227	"utf8mb4_spanish_ci":       231,
228	"utf8mb4_swedish_ci":       232,
229	"utf8mb4_turkish_ci":       233,
230	"utf8mb4_czech_ci":         234,
231	"utf8mb4_danish_ci":        235,
232	"utf8mb4_lithuanian_ci":    236,
233	"utf8mb4_slovak_ci":        237,
234	"utf8mb4_spanish2_ci":      238,
235	"utf8mb4_roman_ci":         239,
236	"utf8mb4_persian_ci":       240,
237	"utf8mb4_esperanto_ci":     241,
238	"utf8mb4_hungarian_ci":     242,
239	"utf8mb4_sinhala_ci":       243,
240	"utf8mb4_german2_ci":       244,
241	"utf8mb4_croatian_ci":      245,
242	"utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci":   246,
243	"utf8mb4_vietnamese_ci":    247,
244	"gb18030_chinese_ci":       248,
245	"gb18030_bin":              249,
246	"gb18030_unicode_520_ci":   250,
247	"utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci":       255,
250// A denylist of collations which is unsafe to interpolate parameters.
251// These multibyte encodings may contains 0x5c (`\`) in their trailing bytes.
252var unsafeCollations = map[string]bool{
253	"big5_chinese_ci":        true,
254	"sjis_japanese_ci":       true,
255	"gbk_chinese_ci":         true,
256	"big5_bin":               true,
257	"gb2312_bin":             true,
258	"gbk_bin":                true,
259	"sjis_bin":               true,
260	"cp932_japanese_ci":      true,
261	"cp932_bin":              true,
262	"gb18030_chinese_ci":     true,
263	"gb18030_bin":            true,
264	"gb18030_unicode_520_ci": true,