2out(A) ->
3    %% To use the extended version of the basic echo callback, add
4    %% 'extversion=true' in the query string.
5    CallbackMod = case queryvar(A, "extversion") of
6                      {ok, "true"} -> basic_echo_callback_extended;
7                      _            -> basic_echo_callback
8                  end,
10    %% To enable keepalive timer add 'keepalive=true' in the query string.
11    KeepAlive = case queryvar(A, "keepalive") of
12                    {ok, "true"} -> true;
13                    _            -> false
14                end,
16    %% To define a keepalive timeout value, add 'timeout=Int' in the query
17    %% string.
18    Tout  = case queryvar(A, "timeout") of
19                {ok, Val} ->
20                    try
21                        list_to_integer(Val)
22                    catch
23                        _:_ -> infinity
24                    end;
25                _ ->
26                    infinity
27            end,
29    %% To drop connection when a timeout occured, add 'drop=true' in the query
30    %% string.
31    Drop = case queryvar(A, "drop") of
32               {ok, "true"} -> true;
33               _            -> false
34           end,
36    %% To reject unmasked frames , add 'close_unmasked=true' in the query
37    %% string.
38    CloseUnmasked = case queryvar(A, "close_unmasked") of
39                        {ok, "true"} -> true;
40                        _            -> false
41                    end,
43    %% NOTE: change the line below to
44    %%   Opts = [{origin, any}],
45    %% if you want to accept calls from any origin.
46    Opts = [
47            {origin,            "http://" ++ (A#arg.headers)#headers.host},
48            {keepalive,         KeepAlive},
49            {keepalive_timeout, Tout},
50            {drop_on_timeout,   Drop},
51            {close_if_unmasked, CloseUnmasked}
52           ],
53    {websocket, CallbackMod, Opts}.