3 * provides the Plugins tab of admin
4 * @package admin
5 */
6// force UTF-8 Ø
8define('OFFSET_PATH', 1);
9require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-globals.php');
11admin_securityChecks(NULL, currentRelativeURL());
13define('PLUGINS_PER_PAGE', max(1, getOption('plugins_per_page')));
14if (isset($_GET['subpage'])) {
15	$subpage = sanitize_numeric($_GET['subpage']);
16} else {
17	if (isset($_POST['subpage'])) {
18		$subpage = sanitize_numeric($_POST['subpage']);
19	} else {
20		$subpage = 0;
21	}
24$_GET['page'] = 'plugins';
25list($tabs, $subtab, $pluginlist, $paths, $member) = getPluginTabs();
27/* handle posts */
28if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
29	if ($_GET['action'] == 'saveplugins') {
30		if (isset($_POST['checkForPostTruncation'])) {
31			XSRFdefender('saveplugins');
32			$filelist = array();
33			foreach ($_POST as $plugin => $value) {
34				preg_match('/^present_zp_plugin_(.*)$/xis', $plugin, $matches);
35				if ($matches) {
36					$filelist[] = $matches[1];
37				}
38			}
39			foreach ($filelist as $extension) {
40				$extension = filesystemToInternal($extension);
41				$opt = 'zp_plugin_' . $extension;
42				if (isset($_POST[$opt])) {
43					$value = sanitize_numeric($_POST[$opt]);
44					if (!getOption($opt)) {
45						$option_interface = NULL;
46						require_once(getPlugin($extension . '.php'));
47						if ($option_interface && is_string($option_interface)) {
48							$if = new $option_interface; //	prime the default options
49						}
50					}
51					setOption($opt, $value);
52				} else {
53					setOption($opt, 0);
54				}
55			}
56			$notify = '&saved';
57		} else {
58			$notify = '&post_error';
59		}
60		redirectURL(FULLWEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER . "/admin-plugins.php?page=plugins&tab=" . html_encode($subtab) . "&subpage=" . html_encode($subpage) . $notify);
61	}
63$saved = isset($_GET['saved']);
65zp_apply_filter('texteditor_config', 'zenphoto');
68$rangeset = getPageSelector($pluginlist, PLUGINS_PER_PAGE);
69$filelist = array_slice($pluginlist, $subpage * PLUGINS_PER_PAGE, PLUGINS_PER_PAGE);
71<script type="text/javascript">
72	<!--
73	function toggleDetails(plugin) {
74		toggle(plugin + '_show');
75		toggle(plugin + '_hide');
76	}
78	$(document).ready(function() {
79		$(".plugin_doc").colorbox({
80			close: '<?php echo gettext("close"); ?>',
81			maxHeight: "98%",
82			innerWidth: '560px'
83		});
84	});
85	var pluginsToPage = ['<?php echo implode("','", $pluginlist); ?>'];
86	function gotoPlugin(plugin) {
87		i = Math.floor(jQuery.inArray(plugin, pluginsToPage) / <?php echo PLUGINS_PER_PAGE; ?>);
88		window.location = '<?php echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?>/admin-plugins.php?page=plugins&tab=<?php echo html_encode($subtab); ?>&subpage=' + i + '&show=' + plugin + '#' + plugin;
89	}
93echo "\n</head>";
94echo "\n<body>";
96echo "\n" . '<div id="main">';
99echo "\n" . '<div id="content">';
101/* Page code */
103if ($saved) {
104	echo '<div class="messagebox fade-message">';
105	echo "<h2>" . gettext("Applied") . "</h2>";
106	echo '</div>';
109<h1><?php echo gettext('Plugins'); ?></h1>
111$subtab = printSubtabs();
113<div class="tabbox">
114	<?php
115	zp_apply_filter('admin_note', 'users', 'users');
116	if (isset($_GET['post_error'])) {
117		echo '<div class="errorbox">';
118		echo "<h2>" . gettext('Error') . "</h2>";
119		echo gettext('The form submission is incomplete. Perhaps the form size exceeds configured server or browser limits.');
120		echo '</div>';
121	}
122	?>
123	<p>
124		<?php
125		echo gettext("Plugins provide optional functionality for Zenphoto.") . ' ';
126		echo gettext("They may be provided as part of the Zenphoto distribution or as offerings from third parties.") . ' ';
127		echo sprintf(gettext("Third party plugins are placed in the <code>%s</code> folder and are automatically discovered."), USER_PLUGIN_FOLDER) . ' ';
128		echo gettext("If the plugin checkbox is checked, the plugin will be loaded and its functions made available. If the checkbox is not checked the plugin is disabled and occupies no resources.");
129		?>
130		<a href="http://www.zenphoto.org/news/category/extensions" alt="Zenphoto extensions section"> <?php echo gettext('Find more plugins'); ?></a>
131	</p>
132	<p class='notebox'><?php echo gettext("<strong>Note:</strong> Support for a particular plugin may be theme dependent! You may need to add the plugin theme functions if the theme does not currently provide support."); ?>
133	</p>
134	<form class="dirty-check" id="form_plugins" action="?action=saveplugins&amp;page=plugins&amp;tab=<?php echo html_encode($subtab); ?>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
135		<?php XSRFToken('saveplugins'); ?>
136		<input type="hidden" name="saveplugins" value="yes" />
137		<input type="hidden" name="subpage" value="<?php echo $subpage; ?>" />
138		<p class="buttons">
139			<button type="submit" value="<?php echo gettext('Apply') ?>"><img src="images/pass.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Apply"); ?></strong></button>
140			<button type="reset" value="<?php echo gettext('Reset') ?>"><img src="images/reset.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Reset"); ?></strong></button>
141		</p><br class="clearall" /><br /><br />
142		<table class="bordered options">
143			<tr>
144				<th id="imagenav" colspan="3">
145					<?php printPageSelector($subpage, $rangeset, 'admin-plugins.php', array('page' => 'plugins', 'tab' => $subtab)); ?>
146				</th>
147			</tr>
148			<tr>
149				<th colspan="2"><span class="displayleft"><?php echo gettext("Available Plugins"); ?></span></th>
150				<th colspan="1">
151					<span class="displayleft"><?php echo gettext("Description"); ?></span>
152				</th>
154			</tr>
155			<?php
156			foreach ($filelist as $extension) {
157				$opt = 'zp_plugin_' . $extension;
158				$third_party_plugin = strpos($paths[$extension], ZENFOLDER) === false;
159				$pluginStream = file_get_contents($paths[$extension]);
160				$parserr = 0;
161				$plugin_name = '';
162				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_name', $pluginStream)) {
163					if (false === eval($str)) {
164						$plugin_name = ''; // silent fallback on failure
165					}
166				}
167				if(empty($plugin_name)) {
168					$plugin_name = $extension;
169				}
170				$plugin_description = '';
171				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_description', $pluginStream)) {
172					if (false === eval($str)) {
173						$parserr = $parserr | 1;
174						$plugin_description = gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_description</em> string!</strong>');
175					} else {
176						$plugin_description  = processExtensionVariable($plugin_description);
177					}
178				}
179				$plugin_deprecated = '';
180				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_deprecated', $pluginStream)) {
181					if (false === eval($str)) {
182						$parserr = $parserr | 2;
183						$plugin_deprecated = gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_deprecated</em> string!</strong>');
184					} else {
185						$plugin_deprecated  = processExtensionVariable($plugin_deprecated);
186					}
187				}
188				$plugin_notice = '';
189				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_notice', $pluginStream)) {
190					if (false === eval($str)) {
191						$parserr = $parserr | 3;
192						$plugin_notice = gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_notice</em> string!</strong>');
193					} else {
194						$plugin_notice = processExtensionVariable($plugin_notice);
195					}
196				}
197				$plugin_author = '';
198				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_author', $pluginStream)) {
199					if (false === eval($str)) {
200						$parserr = $parserr | 4;
201						$plugin_author = gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_author</em> string!</strong>');
202					}
203				}
204				$plugin_version = '';
205				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_version', $pluginStream)) {
206					if (false === eval($str)) {
207						$parserr = $parserr | 5;
208						$plugin_version = ' ' . gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_version</em> string!</strong>');
209					}
210				}
211				$plugin_disable = false;
212				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_disable', $pluginStream)) {
213					if (false === eval($str)) {
214						$parserr = $parserr | 6;
215						$plugin_disable = gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_disable</em> string!</strong>');
216					}
217				}
218				$plugin_disable = isIncompatibleExtension($plugin_disable);
219				if ($plugin_disable) {
220					disableExtension($extension);
221				}
222				$plugin_siteurl = '';
223				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_siteurl', $pluginStream)) {
224					if (false === eval($str)) {
225						$parserr = $parserr | 7;
226						$plugin_siteurl = gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_siteurl</em> string!</strong>');
227					}
228				}
229				$plugin_date = '';
230				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_date', $pluginStream)) {
231					if (false === eval($str)) {
232						$parserr = $parserr | 8;
233						$plugin_date = gettext('<strong>Error parsing <em>plugin_date</em> string!</strong>');
234					}
235				}
236				$plugin_URL = FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/pluginDoc.php?extension=' . $extension;
237				if ($third_party_plugin) {
238					$plugin_URL .= '&amp;thirdparty';
239				}
240				$currentsetting = getOption($opt);
241				$plugin_is_filter = 1 | THEME_PLUGIN;
242				if ($str = isolate('$plugin_is_filter', $pluginStream)) {
243					eval($str);
244					if ($plugin_is_filter < THEME_PLUGIN) {
245						if ($plugin_is_filter < 0) {
246							$plugin_is_filter = abs($plugin_is_filter) | THEME_PLUGIN | ADMIN_PLUGIN;
247						} else {
248							if ($plugin_is_filter == 1) {
249								$plugin_is_filter = 1 | THEME_PLUGIN;
250							} else {
251								$plugin_is_filter = $plugin_is_filter | CLASS_PLUGIN;
252							}
253						}
254					}
255					if ($currentsetting && $currentsetting != $plugin_is_filter) {
256						setOption($opt, $plugin_is_filter); //	the script has changed its setting!
257					}
258				}
259				$optionlink = NULL;
260				if ($str = isolate('$option_interface', $pluginStream)) {
261					if (preg_match('/\s*=\s*new\s(.*)\(/i', $str)) {
262						$plugin_notice .= '<br /><br />' . gettext('<strong>Note:</strong> Instantiating the option interface within the plugin may cause performance issues. You should instead set <code>$option_interface</code> to the name of the class as a string.');
263					} else {
264						$option_interface = NULL;
265						eval($str);
266						if ($option_interface) {
267							$optionlink = FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin-options.php?page=options&amp;tab=plugin&amp;single=' . $extension;
268						}
269					}
270				}
273				$selected_style = '';
274				if ($currentsetting > THEME_PLUGIN) {
275					$selected_style = ' class="currentselection"';
276				}
277				if (isset($_GET['show']) && $_GET['show'] == $extension) {
278					$selected_style = ' class="highlightselection"';
279				}
280				?>
281				<tr<?php echo $selected_style; ?>>
282					<td width="30%">
283						<input type="hidden" name="present_<?php echo $opt; ?>" id="present_<?php echo $opt; ?>" value="1" />
284						<label id="<?php echo $extension; ?>">
285							<?php
286							if ($third_party_plugin) {
287								$whose = gettext('third party plugin');
288								$path = stripSuffix($paths[$extension]) . '/logo.png';
289								if (file_exists($path)) {
290									$ico = str_replace(SERVERPATH, WEBPATH, $path);
291								} else {
292									$ico = 'images/place_holder_icon.png';
293								}
294							} else {
295								$whose = 'Zenphoto official plugin';
296								$ico = 'images/zp_gold.png';
297							}
298							?>
299							<img class="zp_logoicon" src="<?php echo $ico; ?>" alt="<?php echo gettext('logo'); ?>" title="<?php echo $whose; ?>" />
300							<?php
301							if ($plugin_is_filter & CLASS_PLUGIN) {
302								$icon = $plugin_is_filter | THEME_PLUGIN | ADMIN_PLUGIN;
303							} else {
304								$icon = $plugin_is_filter;
305							}
306							if ($icon & THEME_PLUGIN | FEATURE_PLUGIN) {
307								?>
308								<a title="<?php echo gettext('theme plugin'); ?>"><img class="zp_logoicon" src="images/pictures.png" /></a>
309								<?php
310							} else {
311								?>
312								<img src="images/place_holder_icon.png" />
313								<?php
314							}
315							if ($icon & ADMIN_PLUGIN) {
316								?>
317								<a title="<?php echo gettext('admin plugin'); ?>"><img class="zp_logoicon" src="images/cache.png" /></a>
318								<?php
319							} else {
320								?>
321								<img src="images/place_holder_icon.png" />
322								<?php
323							}
324							$attributes = '';
325							if ($parserr) {
326								$optionlink = false;
327								$attributes .= ' disabled="disabled"';
328							} else {
329								if ($currentsetting > THEME_PLUGIN) {
330									$attributes .= ' checked="checked"';
331								}
332							}
333							if ($plugin_disable) {
334								?>
335								<span class="icons" id="<?php echo $extension; ?>_checkbox">
336									<img src="images/action.png" alt="" class="zp_logoicon" />
337									<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $opt; ?>" id="<?php echo $opt; ?>" value="0" />
338								</span>
339								<?php
340							} else {
341								?>
342								<input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $opt; ?>" id="<?php echo $opt; ?>" value="<?php echo $plugin_is_filter; ?>"<?php echo $attributes; ?> />
343								<?php
344							}
345							echo '<strong>' . html_encode($plugin_name) . '</strong>';
346							if (!empty($plugin_version)) {
347								echo ' v' . $plugin_version;
348							}
349							if(!empty($plugin_date)) {
350								echo ' <small>(' . html_encode($plugin_date) .')</small>';
351							}
352							?>
353						</label>
354						<?php
355						if ($subtab == 'all') {
356							$tab = $member[$extension];
357							echo '<span class="displayrightsmall"><a href="' . html_encode($tabs[$tab]) . '"><em>' . $tab . '</em></a></span>';
358						}
359						?>
360					</td>
361					<td width="60">
362						<span class="icons"><a class="plugin_doc" href="<?php echo $plugin_URL; ?>"><img class="icon-position-top3" src="images/info.png" title="<?php printf(gettext('More information on %s'), $extension); ?>" alt=""></a></span>
363						<?php
364						if ($optionlink) {
365							?>
366							<span class="icons"><a href="<?php echo $optionlink; ?>" title="<?php printf(gettext("Change %s options"), $extension); ?>"><img class="icon-position-top3" src="images/options.png" alt="" /></a></span>
367							<?php
368						}
369						?>
370					</td>
371					<td colspan="2">
372						<?php
373						echo $plugin_description;
375						if($plugin_deprecated) {
376							echo '<p class="notebox">' . $plugin_deprecated . '</p>';
377						}
378						if ($plugin_disable) {
379							?>
380							<div id="showdisable_<?php echo $extension; ?>" class="warningbox">
381								<?php
382								if ($plugin_disable) {
383									echo $plugin_disable;
384								}
385								?>
386							</div>
387							<?php
388						}
389						if ($plugin_notice) {
390							?>
391							<div class="notebox">
392								<?php echo $plugin_notice;?>
393							</div>
394							<?php
395						}
396						echo '<p><small><strong>' . sprintf(gettext('by %s'), $plugin_author);
397						if(!empty($plugin_siteurl)) {
398							echo ' | <a href="' . html_encode($plugin_siteurl) . '" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="'. html_encode($plugin_siteurl).'">' . gettext('Visit plugin site') . '</a>';
399						}
400						echo '</strong></small></p>';
401						?>
402					</td>
403				</tr>
404				<?php
405			}
406			?>
407			<tr>
408				<td colspan="4" id="imagenavb">
409					<?php printPageSelector($subpage, $rangeset, 'admin-plugins.php', array('page' => 'plugins', 'tab' => $subtab)); ?>
410				</td>
411			</tr>
412		</table>
413		<br />
414		<ul class="iconlegend">
415			<li><img src="images/zp_gold.png" alt=""><?php echo gettext('Official plugin'); ?></li>
416			<li><img src="images/info.png" alt=""><?php echo gettext('Usage info'); ?></li>
417			<li><img src="images/options.png" alt=""><?php echo gettext('Options'); ?></li>
418			<li><img src="images/warn.png" alt=""><?php echo gettext('Warning note'); ?></li>
419		</ul>
420		<p class="buttons">
421			<button type="submit" value="<?php echo gettext('Apply') ?>"><img src="images/pass.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Apply"); ?></strong></button>
422			<button type="reset" value="<?php echo gettext('Reset') ?>"><img src="images/reset.png" alt="" /><strong><?php echo gettext("Reset"); ?></strong></button>
423		</p><br /><br />
424		<input type="hidden" name="checkForPostTruncation" value="1" />
425	</form>
428echo "\n" . '</div>'; //content
430echo "\n" . '</div>'; //main
431echo "\n</body>";
432echo "\n</html>";