3 * provides the TAGS tab of admin
4 * @package admin
5 */
6define('OFFSET_PATH', 1);
7require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/admin-globals.php');
8require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-functions.php');
10admin_securityChecks(TAGS_RIGHTS, currentRelativeURL());
12$_GET['page'] = 'tags';
14if (isset($_REQUEST['tagsort'])) {
15	$tagsort = sanitize($_REQUEST['tagsort']);
16	setOption('tagsort', ($tagsort && true));
17} else {
18	$tagsort = getOption('tagsort');
20$action = '';
21if (count($_POST) > 0) {
22	if (isset($_GET['newtags'])) {
23		XSRFdefender('new_tags');
24		foreach ($_POST as $value) {
25			if (!empty($value)) {
26				$value = html_decode(sanitize($value, 3));
27				$result = query_single_row('SELECT `id` FROM ' . prefix('tags') . ' WHERE `name`=' . db_quote($value));
28				if (!is_array($result)) { // it really is a new tag
29					query('INSERT INTO ' . prefix('tags') . ' (`name`) VALUES (' . db_quote($value) . ')');
30				}
31			}
32		}
33		$action = gettext('New tags added');
34	} // newtags
35	if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
36		XSRFdefender('tag_delete');
37		$kill = array();
38		foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
39			$key = str_replace('tags_', '', postIndexDecode($key));
40			$kill[] = mb_strtolower($key);
41		}
42		if (count($kill) > 0) {
43			$sql = "SELECT `id` FROM " . prefix('tags') . " WHERE ";
44			foreach ($kill as $tag) {
45				$sql .= "`name`=" . (db_quote($tag)) . " OR ";
46			}
47			$sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 4);
48			$dbtags = query_full_array($sql);
49			if (is_array($dbtags) && count($dbtags) > 0) {
50				$sqltags = "DELETE FROM " . prefix('tags') . " WHERE ";
51				$sqlobjects = "DELETE FROM " . prefix('obj_to_tag') . " WHERE ";
52				foreach ($dbtags as $tag) {
53					$sqltags .= "`id`='" . $tag['id'] . "' OR ";
54					$sqlobjects .= "`tagid`='" . $tag['id'] . "' OR ";
55				}
56				$sqltags = substr($sqltags, 0, strlen($sqltags) - 4);
57				query($sqltags);
58				$sqlobjects = substr($sqlobjects, 0, strlen($sqlobjects) - 4);
59				query($sqlobjects);
60			}
61		}
62		$action = gettext('Checked tags deleted');
63	} // delete
64	if (isset($_GET['rename'])) {
65		XSRFdefender('tag_rename');
66		unset($_POST['XSRFToken']);
67		foreach ($_POST as $key => $newName) {
68			if (!empty($newName)) {
69				$newName = sanitize($newName, 3);
70				$key = postIndexDecode($key);
71				$key = substr($key, 2); // strip off the 'R_'
72				$newtag = query_single_row('SELECT `id` FROM ' . prefix('tags') . ' WHERE `name`=' . db_quote($newName));
73				$oldtag = query_single_row('SELECT `id` FROM ' . prefix('tags') . ' WHERE `name`=' . db_quote($key));
74				if (is_array($newtag)) { // there is an existing tag of the same name
75					$existing = $newtag['id'] != $oldtag['id']; // but maybe it is actually the original in a different case.
76				} else {
77					$existing = false;
78				}
79				if ($existing) {
80					query('DELETE FROM ' . prefix('tags') . ' WHERE `id`=' . $oldtag['id']);
81					query('UPDATE ' . prefix('obj_to_tag') . ' SET `tagid`=' . $newtag['id'] . ' WHERE `tagid`=' . $oldtag['id']);
82				} else {
83					query('UPDATE ' . prefix('tags') . ' SET `name`=' . db_quote($newName) . ' WHERE `id`=' . $oldtag['id']);
84				}
85			}
86		}
87		$action = gettext('Tags renamed');
88	} // rename
95	<?php
96	printLogoAndLinks();
97	?>
98	<div id="main">
99		<?php
100		printTabs();
101		?>
102		<div id="content">
103			<?php
104			if (!empty($action)) {
105				?>
106				<div class="messagebox fade-message">
107					<h2><?php echo $action; ?></h2>
108				</div>
109				<?php
110			}
113			echo "<h1>" . gettext("Tag Management") . "</h1>";
114			if ($tagsort == 1) {
115				?>
116				<p class="buttons">
117					<a class="tagsort" href="?tagsort=0">
118						<img src="images/sortorder.png" alt="" /> <?php echo gettext('Order alphabetically'); ?>
119					</a>
120				</p>
121				<br />
122				<br />
123				<br class="clearall" />
124				<?php
125			} else {
126				?>
127				<p class="buttons">
128					<a class="tagsort" href="?tagsort=1">
129						<img src="images/sortorder.png" alt="" /> <?php echo gettext('Order by most used'); ?>
130					</a>
131				</p>
132				<br />
133				<br />
134				<br class="clearall" />
135				<?php
136			}
137			?>
138			<table class="bordered">
139				<tr>
140					<td valign='top'>
141						<h2 class="h2_bordered_edit"><?php echo gettext("Delete tags from the gallery"); ?></h2>
142						<form class="dirty-check" name="tag_delete" id="form_tagdelete" action="?delete=true&amp;tagsort=<?php echo html_encode($tagsort); ?>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
143							<?php XSRFToken('tag_delete'); ?>
144							<div class="box-tags-unpadded">
145								<?php
146								tagSelector(NULL, 'tags_', true, $tagsort, false);
147								?>
148							</div>
150							<p class="buttons">
151								<button type="submit" id='delete_tags' value="<?php echo gettext("Delete checked tags"); ?>">
152									<img src="images/fail.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Delete checked tags"); ?>
153								</button>
154							</p>
155							<label id="autocheck">
156								<input type="checkbox" name="checkAllAuto" id="checkAllAuto" onclick="$('.checkTagsAuto').prop('checked', $('#checkAllAuto').prop('checked'));"/>
157								<span id="autotext"><?php echo gettext('all'); ?></span>
158							</label>
159							<br class="clearall" />
160							<br />
161							<br />
163						</form>
164						<div class="tagtext">
165							<p><?php echo gettext('Place a checkmark in the box for each tag you wish to delete then press the <em>Delete checked tags</em> button. The brackets contain the number of times the tag appears.'); ?></p>
166						</div>
167					</td>
169					<td valign='top'>
170						<h2 class="h2_bordered_edit"><?php echo gettext("Rename tags"); ?></h2>
171						<form class="dirty-check" name="tag_rename" id="form_tagrename" action="?rename=true&amp;tagsort=<?php echo html_encode($tagsort); ?>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
172							<?php XSRFToken('tag_rename'); ?>
173							<div class="box-tags-unpadded">
174								<ul class="tagrenamelist">
175									<?php
176									$list = $_zp_admin_ordered_taglist;
177									foreach ($list as $item) {
178										$listitem = 'R_' . postIndexEncode($item);
179										?>
180										<li>
181											<label>
182												<?php echo $item; ?>
183												<br />
184												<input id="<?php echo $listitem; ?>" name="<?php echo $listitem; ?>" type="text" size='33' />
185											</label>
186										</li>
187										<?php
188									}
189									?>
190								</ul>
191							</div>
192							<p class="buttons">
193								<button type="submit" id='rename_tags' value="<?php echo gettext("Rename tags"); ?>">
194									<img src="images/pass.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Rename tags"); ?>
195								</button>
196							</p>
197							<br class="clearall" />
198							<br />
199							<br />
200						</form>
201						<div class="tagtext">
202							<p><?php echo gettext('To change the value of a tag enter a new value in the text box below the tag. Then press the <em>Rename tags</em> button'); ?></p>
203						</div>
204					</td>
206					<td valign='top'>
207						<h2 class="h2_bordered_edit"><?php echo gettext("New tags"); ?></h2>
208						<form class="dirty-check" name="new_tags" id="form_newtags" action="?newtags=true&amp;tagsort=<?php echo html_encode($tagsort); ?>" method="post" autocomplete="off">
209							<?php XSRFToken('new_tags'); ?>
210							<div class="box-tags-unpadded">
211								<ul class="tagnewlist">
212									<?php
213									for ($i = 0; $i < 40; $i++) {
214										?>
215										<li>
216											<input id="new_tag_<?php echo $i; ?>" name="new_tag_<?php echo $i; ?>" type="text" size='33'/>
217										</li>
218										<?php
219									}
220									?>
221								</ul>
222							</div>
223							<p class="buttons">
224								<button type="submit" id='save_tags' value="<?php echo gettext("Add tags"); ?>">
225									<img src="images/add.png" alt="" /><?php echo gettext("Add tags"); ?>
226								</button>
227							</p>
228							<br class="clearall" />
229							<br />
230							<br />
232						</form>
233						<div class="tagtext">
234							<p><?php echo gettext("Add tags to the list by entering their names in the input fields of the <em>New tags</em> list. Then press the <em>Add tags</em> button"); ?></p>
235						</div>
236					</td>
237				</tr>
238			</table>
240		</div>
241		<?php
242		printAdminFooter();
243		?>
244	</div>