2# <20190707.1805.40>
4##################### Start of Documentation  ###################################
5# Commands:
6# ::pwLocker::getPw       Asks for password given Id
7# ::pwLocker::putPw       Encripts a password and puts it in the table
8# ::pwLocker::init        Sets addresses of en/decript routine,
9#                         table address & table save routine
11# This is an attempt to provide a password locker to
12# keep multiple passwords and recall them by id.
13# Most of the time the id will be a VFS address and user.
14# However we will not restrict the id so almost anything
15# will work. Well, not really. We create password entries
16# that start with "protocol" "://" "username" "@" "address"
17# However, while we keep all of this, we allow "nil" protocol,
18# and address. We replace "nil" address with "localhost" and
19# assume that is also kept in the table.
20# On fetching a password we decrypt it and pass it back as a result.
22# To provide a bit of security, we require a "use pattern"
23# which must match one of the functions in the call stack
24# or we don't return the password. This means you can not
25# just call up tkcon and call this routine to get the
26# unencrypted password.
28# The saved password then has three parts:
29# 1) The ID, must be unique.
30# 2) An encrypted password. (This may be 3 parts as well.)
31# 3) A "use pattern" which matches (glob match) a tcl
32#    function in the call stack.
34# This code does NOT encrypt or decrypt but rather calls
35# other code to do that. It is hoped that at some time
36# we may have more advanced encrypt/decrypt code.
38# For password storage we use a provided list of (triplets).
39# passed in by name.
41# The three parts of the password are:
42# a) the password
43# b) the identfile
44# c) the passphrase
46# For the most part (always?) only ssh and friends use parts b) and c).
47# ssh and friends include ssh, scp, sftp rsync and putty
49# To initialize, call:
51# ::pwLocker::init passwdList encryptRoutine decryptRoutine Save
53#                  where passwdList is the name of the password list
54#                  encryptRoutine and decryptRoutine are commands and
55#                  possible leading parms. Save is an optional command to
56#                  save a modified "passwdList" and is called whenever the
57#                  list is modified (i.e. a new password is saved).
58#                  The password of interest will be added to these as
59#                  they are called.
61#                  The passwordList entry should be an Id (which is an arbitrary
62#                  string) followed by the encrypted password followed by an
63#                  arbitrary entries. If a password entry is replaced, these
64#                  will be saved. As a matter of convience the port (i.e. :<num>)
65#                  is only considered part of the id if so requested (see below).
67# A small attempt at protection:
69# If a ::pwLocker::getPw request is made from a 'level' of less than 2 an
70# "Illegal attempt to access passwordLocker"
71# error is thrown unless the calling proc matches "*MenuInvoke".
72# In filerunner this intercepts command line and tkcon calls to get a password.
74# To get a password:
75# ::pwLocker::getPw Id args
77#                        where Id is the id the password is stored under.
78#                        The Id is assumed to have URL format and may or may not
79#                        contain the user name. Examples:
80#                        ftp://user@address      a full url
81#                        ftp://@address  (or ftp:://address)  has a null user name
82#                        ://user@host   a null protocol used for user
83#                        ://            null protocol, user &  host
84#                                       (host taken as localhost)
85#                        user           All null except user name, taken to mean
86#                                       ://user@localhost
87#                        ftp://*@address Any user name (glob characters may be used)
88#                        Null protocol assumes a non-protocol related request such as
89#                        might be used with "sudo".
91#                        If the user name is supplied and the id is found
92#                        the password is returned. Otherwise, if "noprompt" is false
93#                        a GUI is presented to ask for the password. If the username
94#                        is changed as part of that response and no password is
95#                        provided, the URL with the name modified is looked up
96#                        (as if a new call). If a password is entered in the GUI then
97#                        it is returned (even if the username is changed). In this
98#                        case the caller has no clue that the name was changed.
100#                        If "noprompt" is true -1 is returned on failure.
101#                        If "returnall" is true, sucess returns the password and
102#                        failure will return all fields from the GUI responce.
104#                        If found and the "use pattern" fails to find
105#                        a satisfying proc, an error is thrown.
107# Args is a (possibly empty) set of doublets with the following meaning:
109#    key:     value:
110#    user   <username>   If the Id has a null name, this is used. This is also
111#                        be part of the requested input in the GUI.
112#    newuser <bool>      If true, a new user name is allowed. If neither the Id
113#                        or the "user" (above) is provided, this is defaulted to
114#                        true, otherwise the default is false.
115#    abort   <bool> or string  If string, throw error "<string>" if Cancel or window
116#                        destroyed.
117#                        If 1 throw "User aborted request" on Cancel or window
118#                        destroyed.
119#                        If 0 (default) return -1 on Cancel of window destroyed.
120#    full     <bool>     If true, return all 3 parts of the password
121#                        {password identfile passphrase} default is to just
122#                        return the password part. This also affects the
123#                        GUI prompt if no password is found. If true all three
124#                        parts are requested, if false, only the password part.
125#                        Default is false.
126#    prompt   {info}     If prompting for a password, include {info} in the request.
127#                        If 'prompt' is present and not {}, a prompt is forced even
128#                        if a password is present. This should be the second call
129#                        once it is found that the first password has failed.
130#    startwith <list>    If prompting, use these <list> hints. <list> is taken as
131#                        the three parts of a password. This would usually be used
132#                        where a prior request failed to "open" the resource.
133#                        If this option is coded, pwLocker goes immediately to
134#                        the GUI prompt without looking for an existing entry in
135#                        the locker.
136#    useport   <bool>    Usually the port is excluded from the id search. If this
137#                        is true, the port will be included. In any case, if
138#                        port is in the id it will be included in any saved
139#                        password id. The port string is ":<n>" where <n> is
140#                        a decimal number of at least 1 digit.
141#    noprompt <binary>   Do not prompt if no password found, just return -1
142#    nocase   <binary>   It true, do a 'nocase' search.
143#    display  <ops>      <ops> should be a dictionary with name followed by the
144#                        starting value. Each entry will result in a display of
145#                        with the value given. E.G. display {z: {} newname foo}
146#                        would give two entrys "z:" <blank> and "newname" foo.
147#                        The returnall option will return these values.
148#    returnall <bool>    If true, all the detail will be returned as a dict list
149#                        e.g. password <value> op<n> <value> save <bool> name <value>
150#                        In this case the password is saved or not depending on
151#                        the presents of the "display" option and the "keep"
152#                        option from the GUI result. If "keep" is true and "display"
153#                        is not coded, the keep is honored. Otherwise, it is
154#                        expected that the "display" results need to be examined
155#                        and/or used by the caller to do the save.
157#  keys may be abbreviated (to any unique set of one or more letter(s)
159#  Note that a -1 return is used for "no password" including a "Cancel" result
160#  on a prompt. This is to allow a nil password as a possible return.
162# To put a password:
164# ::pwLocker::putPw newId newPassWord args
166#                        If 'newId' is already in the password list, that
167#                        entry is deleted. The new entry is then added to
168#                        the front of the list (after being encrypted)
169#                        Here "args" is a list of arbitrary length
170#                        which this code just appends these to the entry.
172##################### End of Documentation  ###################################
174# the debug flag turns off the initial clearing of the pwroutines
175# and the security checks...
176set pwLockerDebug 1
177namespace eval pwLocker {
178  # Set to 0 to allow reload for debugging
179  if {$::pwLockerDebug} {
180    variable pwAddress
181    variable encryptRoutine
182    variable decryptRoutine
183    variable saveFun
184  } else {
185    variable pwAddress      {}
186    variable encryptRoutine {}
187    variable decryptRoutine {}
188    variable saveFun        {}
189  }
191  proc init {name encrypt decrypt {SaveFun {}}} {
192    variable encryptRoutine $encrypt
193    variable decryptRoutine $decrypt
194    variable pwAddress      $name
195    variable saveFun        $SaveFun
196  }
198  proc getPw {id args} {
199    variable {}
200    variable pwAddress
201    variable encryptRoutine
202    variable decryptRoutine
203    array unset ::pwLocker:: *
204    # was init called???
205    foreach par {pwAddress encryptRoutine decryptRoutine} {
206      if {[set $par] == {}} {
207	return -code error\
208	    "pwLocker::getPw detected no or incorrect pwLocker::init call."
209      }
210    }
211    # Ok, lets take a look...
212    set keys {full prompt startwith noprompt nocase newuser
213      abort useport display returnall user}
214    set binKeys {abort full useport noprompt nocase returnall newuser}
215    foreach key $keys {
216      if {$key in $binKeys} {
217	set $key 0
218      } else {
219	set $key {}
220      }
221    }
222    lappend abort "User aborted request." 0
223    while {$args ni {{} {{}}} } {
224      set args [lassign $args opt]
225      frputs args opt
226      # is this a list?
227      if {[llength $opt] > 1} {
228	# yes, break it up and push it ahead of the rest
229	set args [linsert $args 0 {*}$opt]
230	continue
231      }
232      # not a list, get value part...
233      set args [lassign $args value]
234      frputs value
235      set tar [lsearch -glob -all -inline $keys "$opt*"]
236      if {$tar == -1 || [llength $tar] != 1} {
237	error "pwLocker::getPw: option ($opt) must be one of $keys but was $tar"
238      }
239      set ${tar}Provided 1
240      if {$tar in $binKeys} {
241	set $tar $value
242      } else {
243	lappend $tar $value
244      }
245    }
246    set (-full-) $full
247    frputs full (-full-) prompt Id id
248    if {![regexp {(([^:]+)://){0,1}(([^@]+)($|@($|([^/]+)($|/.*$))))} $id ->\
249	      i1 protcol i3 uname i5 i6 addr  i8]} {
250      # Very bad news, not one of the id formats we recognize
251      return -code error "Password Locker: unrecognized id format"
252    }
253    # Break the Id apart and fill in the blanks, if possible. We assume we are
254    # either dealing with a URL (protocol://{user@}add{/path}
255    # Or a simple password      (user{@add})
256    # Note that in the simple password the address is optional
257    # while in the URL the user is optional...
258    #
259    if {[IsVFS $id]} {
260      append VFSpro "://"
261      lassign [split $VFSadd @] (user) VFSadd
262      if {$VFSadd == {}} {
263	set VFSadd $(user)
264	set (user) {}
265      }
266    } else {
267      set VFSpro {}
268      lassign [split $id @] (user) VFSadd
269      if {$VFSadd == {}} {
270	set VFSadd "localhost"
271      }
272    }
273    # set len [string length $id]
274    # set eoprot [string first "://" $id]
275    # set protocol [string range $id 0 $eoprot-1]
276    # set eousr  [string first "@" $id]
277    # set afterSlash [expr {$eoprot == -1 ? 0 : $eoprot+3}]
278    # if {$eousr == -1} {
279    #   set (user) {}
280    #   set add [string range $id $afterSlash end]
281    # } else {
282    #   set (user) [string range $id $afterSlash $eousr-1]
283    #   set add [string range $id $eousr+1 end]
284    # }
286    if {$useport != 1} {
287      set adds [regsub {:\d+} $VFSadd {*}]
288    }
290    if {$user != {}} {
291      # specified user overrides one in the id
292      set (user) [lindex $user end]
293    }
294    if {$(user) == {} && ![info exists newuserProvided]} {
295      set newuser 1
296    }
297    while {1} {
298      set Id $VFSpro
299      append Id [expr {$(user) == {} ? {} : "$(user)@"}] $adds
300      # we need to special case cifs because the VFS 'path' is really
301      # part of the share
302      if {$VFSpro == "cifs://"} {
303	set end [expr {[set pend [string first / $VFSpath 1]] == -1 ?
304		       "end" : $pend -1}]
305	append Id [string range 0 $end]
306      }
307      # Got the options, do the work
308      if {$startwith != {}} {
309	set la {}
310	lassign {*}$startwith (password) (disk) (passphrase)
311      } else {
312	lassign {} (password) (disk) (passphrase)
313      }
314      set la [lsearch -glob -inline -all\
315		  {*}[expr {$nocase ? "-nocase" : ""}]\
316		  -index 0 [set $pwAddress] $Id]
317      frputs la
318      if {[llength $prompt] > 0} {
319	set la {}
320      }
321      frputs la prompt (user) Id
322      switch  -exact [llength $la] {
323	0 {
324	  # Password not found, here we ask for it with several options...
325	  if {$noprompt == 1} {
326	    return -1
327	  }
328	  set la2 {}
329	  set pr {}
330	  set co 0
331	  set mesChoose {}
332	  if {$newuser} {
333	    incr co
334	    lappend pr  [list [_ "User name:"] \
335			     [list -textvariable [namespace current]::(user) \
336				  -state [expr {$newuser ? "normal" : "disabled"}]]]
337	  }
338	  set (-showCount-) $co
339	  incr co
340	  lappend pr  [list [_ "Password:"] \
341			   [list -textvariable [namespace current]::(password)\
342				-show "*" ]]
343	  if {$(-full-) == 1} {
344	    incr co 2
345	    lappend pr [list [_ "ssh private key disk address:"]\
346			    [list -textvariable [namespace current]::(disk) \
347				 -show "*" ]]
348	    lappend pr [list [_ "Pass phrase:"]\
349			    [list -textvariable [namespace current]::(passphrase)\
350				 -show "*" ]]
351	  }
352	  set opc 0
353	  # We use the "-" to avoid collisions with our vars
354	  frputs display
355	  if {$display != {}} {
356	    foreach {val op} {*}$display {
357	      incr co
358	      set (${val}) $op
359	      lappend pr [list $val:\
360			      [list -textvariable [namespace current]::(${val})]]
361	    }
362	  }
363	  #set (name) $user
364	  set (-showpw-) 0
365	  set (keep) 0
366	  set (-user-) $(user)
367	  set (-pw-) [list $(password) $(disk) $(passphrase)]
368	  incr co 4
369	  set dId $VFSpro
370	  append dId [expr {$(user) == {} ? $VFSadd : "$(user)@$VFSadd"}]
371	  frputs dId (user) VFSadd
372	  set (-uni-) [incr ::uni]
373	  set rt [smart_dialog .password_entry_dialog$(-uni-) . PassWord \
374		      [concat [list $mesChoose {}  [_ "Enter password for %s\n\
375                             \nOK activates, cancel or window-delete cancels."\
376							$dId] "\n"] {*}$prompt]\
377		      0 $co  [list {*}$pr \
378				  [list [_ "Keep Password"] \
379				       [list -variable [namespace current]::(keep)]]\
380				  [list [_ "Show password"] \
381				       [list -variable [namespace current]::(-showpw-)\
382					    -command  [namespace current]::PwShow]]\
383				  [list [_ "OK"]]\
384				  [list [_ "Cancel"]]\
385				 ]\
386		     ]
387	  frputs "[namespace current] " rt co abort
388	  if {$rt == -1 || $rt == ($co -1)} {
389	    if {[string is boolean [set v [lindex $abort end]]]} {
390	      frputs v
391	      if {!$v} {
392		return -1
393	      } else {
394		return -code error [lindex $abort 0]
395	      }
396	    }
397       	    return -code error "$v"
398	  }
399	  set pw [list $(password) $(disk) $(passphrase)]
400	  # If the username was changed....
401	  # if the pass word was not changed, check for the new user
402	  frputs (user) (-user-) (-pw-) pw
403	  if {$(user) != $(-user-) && $(-pw-) == $pw} {continue}
405	  # We have a new user and a new password.
406	  if {$(keep) && $display == {}} {
407	    append (id) $VFSpro $(user) "@" $VFSadd
408	    frputs (id) pw
409	    putPw $(id) $pw
410	  }
411	  if {$returnall} {
412	    frputs
413	    # build the id based on the new info
414	    return [array get ::pwLocker:: {[a-zA-Z]*}]
415	  }
416	  if {$(-full-) != 1} {
417	    return $(password)
418	  }
419	  return $pw
420	}
421	default {
422	  if {[info level] <= 1 && !$::pwLockerDebug} {
423	    array set info [info frame -2]
424	    if {![string match *MenuInvoke $info(proc)]} {
425	      frputs info(proc)
426	      return -code error\
427		  "Illegal attempt to access passwordLocker for $id"
428	    }
429	  }
430	  array unset info
431	  # We may have more than one. This is Ok only if the resulting
432	  # passwords are all the same.
434	  set pwds {}
435	  set pwdCount 0
436	  foreach ent $la {
437	    set fpw [eval [list {*}$decryptRoutine [lindex $ent 1]]]
438	    if {$fpw ni $pwds} {
439	      lappend pwds $fpw
440	      incr pwdCount
441	    }
442	  }
443	  frputs pwds pwdCount la
444	  if {$pwdCount > 1} {
445	    return -code error "Password locker found $pwdCount passwords \
446                   for\n$id"
447	  }
448	  if {$(-full-) == 1} {
449	    return [array get {} {[a-zA-Z]}]
450	  }
451	  return [lindex $fpw 0 0]
452	}
453      }
454    }
455  }
456  proc PwShow {} {
457    variable {}
458    set add $(-showCount-)
459    frputs add
460    set showChar [expr {$(-showpw-) ? {} : {*}}]
461    .password_entry_dialog$(-uni-).$add config -show $showChar
462    if {$(-full-)} {
464      .password_entry_dialog$(-uni-).[incr add] config -show $showChar
465      .password_entry_dialog$(-uni-).[incr add] config -show $showChar
466    }
467  }
469  # args will be appended to the password entry after the password
470  # for vfs and cifs passwords these are drive and flag words
472  proc putPw {newId newPw args} {
473    variable pwAddress
474    variable encryptRoutine
475    variable saveFun
476    set newId [regsub -all {\*} $newId {}]
477    set la [lsearch -exact -index 0 [set $pwAddress] $newId]
478    set extra {}
479    if {$la != -1} {
480      set extra [lrange [lindex [set $pwAddress] $la] 2 end]
481      set $pwAddress [lreplace [set $pwAddress] $la $la]
482    } else {
483      set extra $args
484    }
485    set pw [eval [list {*}$encryptRoutine $newPw]]
486    set $pwAddress [linsert [set $pwAddress] 0 [list $newId $pw {*}$extra]]
487    if {$saveFun != {}} {
488      eval [list {*}$saveFun]
489    }
490  }