2# Copyright (c) 2003-2015, Ashok P. Nadkarni
3# All rights reserved.
5# See the file LICENSE for license
7# TBD - allow access rights to be specified symbolically using procs
8# from security.tcl
9# TBD - add -user option to get_process_info and get_thread_info
10# TBD - add wrapper for GetProcessExitCode
12namespace eval twapi {}
15# Create a process
16proc twapi::create_process {path args} {
17    array set opts [parseargs args {
18        {debugchildtree.bool  0 0x1}
19        {debugchild.bool      0 0x2}
20        {createsuspended.bool 0 0x4}
21        {detached.bool        0 0x8}
22        {newconsole.bool      0 0x10}
23        {newprocessgroup.bool 0 0x200}
24        {separatevdm.bool     0 0x800}
25        {sharedvdm.bool       0 0x1000}
26        {inheriterrormode.bool 1 0x04000000}
27        {noconsole.bool       0 0x08000000}
28        {priority.arg normal {normal abovenormal belownormal high realtime idle}}
30        {feedbackcursoron.bool  0 0x40}
31        {feedbackcursoroff.bool 0 0x80}
32        {fullscreen.bool        0 0x20}
34        {cmdline.arg ""}
35        {inheritablechildprocess.bool 0}
36        {inheritablechildthread.bool 0}
37        {childprocesssecd.arg ""}
38        {childthreadsecd.arg ""}
39        {inherithandles.bool 0}
40        {env.arg ""}
41        {startdir.arg ""}
42        {desktop.arg __null__}
43        {title.arg ""}
44        windowpos.arg
45        windowsize.arg
46        screenbuffersize.arg
47        background.arg
48        foreground.arg
49        {showwindow.arg ""}
50        {stdhandles.arg ""}
51        {stdchannels.arg ""}
52        {returnhandles.bool 0}
54        token.arg
55    } -maxleftover 0]
57    set process_sec_attr [_make_secattr $opts(childprocesssecd) $opts(inheritablechildprocess)]
58    set thread_sec_attr [_make_secattr $opts(childthreadsecd) $opts(inheritablechildthread)]
60    # Check incompatible options
61    if {$opts(newconsole) && $opts(detached)} {
62        error "Options -newconsole and -detached cannot be specified together"
63    }
64    if {$opts(sharedvdm) && $opts(separatevdm)} {
65        error "Options -sharedvdm and -separatevdm cannot be specified together"
66    }
68    # Create the start up info structure
69    set si_flags 0
70    if {[info exists opts(windowpos)]} {
71        lassign [_parse_integer_pair $opts(windowpos)] xpos ypos
72        setbits si_flags 0x4
73    } else {
74        set xpos 0
75        set ypos 0
76    }
77    if {[info exists opts(windowsize)]} {
78        lassign [_parse_integer_pair $opts(windowsize)] xsize ysize
79        setbits si_flags 0x2
80    } else {
81        set xsize 0
82        set ysize 0
83    }
84    if {[info exists opts(screenbuffersize)]} {
85        lassign [_parse_integer_pair $opts(screenbuffersize)] xscreen yscreen
86        setbits si_flags 0x8
87    } else {
88        set xscreen 0
89        set yscreen 0
90    }
92    set fg 7;                           # Default to white
93    set bg 0;                           # Default to black
94    if {[info exists opts(foreground)]} {
95        set fg [_map_console_color $opts(foreground) 0]
96        setbits si_flags 0x10
97    }
98    if {[info exists opts(background)]} {
99        set bg [_map_console_color $opts(background) 1]
100        setbits si_flags 0x10
101    }
103    set si_flags [expr {$si_flags |
104                        $opts(feedbackcursoron) | $opts(feedbackcursoroff) |
105                        $opts(fullscreen)}]
107    switch -exact -- $opts(showwindow) {
108        ""        {set opts(showwindow) 1 }
109        hidden    {set opts(showwindow) 0}
110        normal    {set opts(showwindow) 1}
111        minimized {set opts(showwindow) 2}
112        maximized {set opts(showwindow) 3}
113        default   {error "Invalid value '$opts(showwindow)' for -showwindow option"}
114    }
115    if {[string length $opts(showwindow)]} {
116        setbits si_flags 0x1
117    }
119    if {[llength $opts(stdhandles)] && [llength $opts(stdchannels)]} {
120        error "Options -stdhandles and -stdchannels cannot be used together"
121    }
123    if {[llength $opts(stdhandles)]} {
124        if {! $opts(inherithandles)} {
125            error "Cannot specify -stdhandles option if option -inherithandles is specified as 0"
126        }
128        setbits si_flags 0x100
129    }
131    # Figure out process creation flags
133    set flags [expr {0x00000400 |
134                     $opts(createsuspended) | $opts(debugchildtree) |
135                     $opts(debugchild) | $opts(detached) | $opts(newconsole) |
136                     $opts(newprocessgroup) | $opts(separatevdm) |
137                     $opts(sharedvdm) | $opts(inheriterrormode) |
138                     $opts(noconsole) }]
140    switch -exact -- $opts(priority) {
141        normal      {set priority 0x00000020}
142        abovenormal {set priority 0x00008000}
143        belownormal {set priority 0x00004000}
144        ""          {set priority 0}
145        high        {set priority 0x00000080}
146        realtime    {set priority 0x00000100}
147        idle        {set priority 0x00000040}
148        default     {error "Unknown priority '$priority'"}
149    }
150    set flags [expr {$flags | $priority}]
152    # Create the environment strings
153    if {[llength $opts(env)]} {
154        set child_env [list ]
155        foreach {envvar envval} $opts(env) {
156            lappend child_env "$envvar=$envval"
157        }
158    } else {
159        set child_env "__null__"
160    }
162    trap {
163        # This is inside the trap because duplicated handles have
164        # to be closed.
165        if {[llength $opts(stdchannels)]} {
166            if {! $opts(inherithandles)} {
167                error "Cannot specify -stdhandles option if option -inherithandles is specified as 0"
168            }
169            if {[llength $opts(stdchannels)] != 3} {
170                error "Must specify 3 channels for -stdchannels option corresponding stdin, stdout and stderr"
171            }
173            setbits si_flags 0x100
175            # Convert the channels to handles
176            lappend opts(stdhandles) [duplicate_handle [get_tcl_channel_handle [lindex $opts(stdchannels) 0] read] -inherit]
177            lappend opts(stdhandles) [duplicate_handle [get_tcl_channel_handle [lindex $opts(stdchannels) 1] write] -inherit]
178            lappend opts(stdhandles) [duplicate_handle [get_tcl_channel_handle [lindex $opts(stdchannels) 2] write] -inherit]
179        }
181        set startup [list $opts(desktop) $opts(title) $xpos $ypos \
182                         $xsize $ysize $xscreen $yscreen \
183                         [expr {$fg|$bg}] $si_flags $opts(showwindow) \
184                         $opts(stdhandles)]
186        if {[info exists opts(token)]} {
187            lassign [CreateProcessAsUser $opts(token) [file nativename $path] \
188                         $opts(cmdline) \
189                         $process_sec_attr $thread_sec_attr \
190                         $opts(inherithandles) $flags $child_env \
191                         [file normalize $opts(startdir)] $startup \
192                        ]   ph   th   pid   tid
194        } else {
195            lassign [CreateProcess [file nativename $path] \
196                         $opts(cmdline) \
197                         $process_sec_attr $thread_sec_attr \
198                         $opts(inherithandles) $flags $child_env \
199                         [file normalize $opts(startdir)] $startup \
200                        ]   ph   th   pid   tid
201        }
202    } finally {
203        # If opts(stdchannels) is not an empty list, we duplicated the handles
204        # into opts(stdhandles) ourselves so free them
205        if {[llength $opts(stdchannels)]} {
206            # Free corresponding handles in opts(stdhandles)
207            close_handles $opts(stdhandles)
208        }
209    }
211    # From the Tcl source code - (tclWinPipe.c)
212    #     /*
213    #      * "When an application spawns a process repeatedly, a new thread
214    #      * instance will be created for each process but the previous
215    #      * instances may not be cleaned up.  This results in a significant
216    #      * virtual memory loss each time the process is spawned.  If there
217    #      * is a WaitForInputIdle() call between CreateProcess() and
218    #      * CloseHandle(), the problem does not occur." PSS ID Number: Q124121
219    #      */
220    # WaitForInputIdle $ph 5000 -- Apparently this is only needed for NT 3.5
223    if {$opts(returnhandles)} {
224        return [list $pid $tid $ph $th]
225    } else {
226        CloseHandle $th
227        CloseHandle $ph
228        return [list $pid $tid]
229    }
232# Wait until the process is ready
233proc twapi::process_waiting_for_input {pid args} {
234    array set opts [parseargs args {
235        {wait.int 0}
236    } -maxleftover 0]
238    if {$pid == [pid]} {
239        variable my_process_handle
240        return [WaitForInputIdle $my_process_handle $opts(wait)]
241    }
243    set hpid [get_process_handle $pid]
244    trap {
245        return [WaitForInputIdle $hpid $opts(wait)]
246    } finally {
247        CloseHandle $hpid
248    }
253# Get a handle to a process
254proc twapi::get_process_handle {pid args} {
255    # OpenProcess masks off the bottom two bits thereby converting
256    # an invalid pid to a real one.
257    if {(![string is integer -strict $pid]) || ($pid & 3)} {
258        win32_error 87 "Invalid PID '$pid'.";  # "The parameter is incorrect"
259    }
260    array set opts [parseargs args {
261        {access.arg process_query_information}
262        {inherit.bool 0}
263    } -maxleftover 0]
264    return [OpenProcess [_access_rights_to_mask $opts(access)] $opts(inherit) $pid]
267# Return true if passed pid is system
268proc twapi::is_system_pid {pid} {
269    # Note Windows 2000 System PID was 8 but we no longer support it.
270    return [expr {$pid == 4}]
273# Return true if passed pid is of idle process
274proc twapi::is_idle_pid {pid} {
275    return [expr {$pid == 0}]
278# Get my process id
279proc twapi::get_current_process_id {} {
280    return [::pid]
283# Get my thread id
284proc twapi::get_current_thread_id {} {
285    return [GetCurrentThreadId]
288# Get the exit code for a process. Returns "" if still running.
289proc twapi::get_process_exit_code {hpid} {
290    set code [GetExitCodeProcess $hpid]
291    return [expr {$code == 259 ? "" : $code}]
294# Return list of process ids
295# Note if -path or -name is specified, then processes for which this
296# information cannot be obtained are skipped
297proc twapi::get_process_ids {args} {
299    set save_args $args;                # Need to pass to process_exists
300    array set opts [parseargs args {
301        user.arg
302        path.arg
303        name.arg
304        logonsession.arg
305        glob} -maxleftover 0]
307    if {[info exists opts(path)] && [info exists opts(name)]} {
308        error "Options -path and -name are mutually exclusive"
309    }
311    if {$opts(glob)} {
312        set match_op ~
313    } else {
314        set match_op eq
315    }
317    # If we do not care about user or path, Twapi_GetProcessList
318    # is faster than EnumProcesses or the WTS functions
319    if {[info exists opts(user)] == 0 &&
320        [info exists opts(logonsession)] == 0 &&
321        [info exists opts(path)] == 0} {
322        if {[info exists opts(name)] == 0} {
323            return [Twapi_GetProcessList -1 0]
324        }
325        # We need to match against the name
326        return [recordarray column [Twapi_GetProcessList -1 2] -pid \
327                    -filter [list [list "-name" $match_op $opts(name) -nocase]]]
328    }
330    # Only want pids with a specific user or path or logon session
332    # If is the name we are looking for, try using the faster WTS
333    # API's first. If they are not available, we try a slower method
334    # If we need to match paths or logon sessions, we don't try this
335    # at all as the wts api's don't provide that info
336    if {[info exists opts(path)] == 0 &&
337        [info exists opts(logonsession)] == 0} {
338        if {![info exists opts(user)]} {
339            # How did we get here?
340            error "Internal error - option -user not specified where expected"
341        }
342        if {[catch {map_account_to_sid $opts(user)} sid]} {
343            # No such user. Return empty list (no processes)
344            return [list ]
345        }
347        if {[info exists opts(name)]} {
348            set filter_expr [list [list pUserSid eq $sid -nocase] [list pProcessName $match_op $opts(name) -nocase]]
349        } else {
350            set filter_expr [list [list pUserSid eq $sid -nocase]]
351        }
353        # Catch failures so we can try other means
354        if {! [catch {recordarray column [WTSEnumerateProcesses NULL] \
355                          ProcessId -filter $filter_expr} wtslist]} {
356            return $wtslist
357        }
358    }
360    set process_pids [list ]
363    # Either we are matching on path/logonsession, or the WTS call failed
364    # Try yet another way.
366    # Note that in the code below, we use "file join" with a single arg
367    # to convert \ to /. Do not use file normalize as that will also
368    # land up converting relative paths to full paths
369    if {[info exists opts(path)]} {
370        set opts(path) [file join $opts(path)]
371    }
373    set process_pids [list ]
374    if {[info exists opts(name)]} {
375        # Note we may reach here if the WTS call above failed
376        set all_pids [recordarray column [Twapi_GetProcessList -1 2] ProcessId -filter [list [list ProcessName $match_op $opts(name) -nocase]]]
377    } else {
378        set all_pids [Twapi_GetProcessList -1 0]
379    }
381    set filter_expr {}
382    set popts [list ]
383    if {[info exists opts(path)]} {
384        lappend popts -path
385        lappend filter_expr [list -path $match_op $opts(path) -nocase]
386    }
388    if {[info exists opts(user)]} {
389        lappend popts -user
390        lappend filter_expr [list -user eq $opts(user) -nocase]
391    }
392    if {[info exists opts(logonsession)]} {
393        lappend popts -logonsession
394        lappend filter_expr [list -logonsession eq $opts(logonsession) -nocase]
395    }
398    set matches [recordarray get [get_multiple_process_info -matchpids $all_pids {*}$popts] -filter $filter_expr]
399    return [recordarray column $matches -pid]
403# Return list of modules handles for a process
404proc twapi::get_process_modules {pid args} {
405    variable my_process_handle
407    array set opts [parseargs args {handle name path base size entry all}]
409    if {$opts(all)} {
410        foreach opt {handle name path base size entry} {
411            set opts($opt) 1
412        }
413    }
414    set noopts [expr {($opts(name) || $opts(path) || $opts(base) || $opts(size) || $opts(entry) || $opts(handle)) == 0}]
416    if {! $noopts} {
417        # Returning a record array
418        set fields {}
419        # ORDER MUST be same a value order below
420        foreach opt {handle name path base size entry} {
421            if {$opts($opt)} {
422                lappend fields -$opt
423            }
424        }
426    }
428    if {$pid == [pid]} {
429        set hpid $my_process_handle
430    } else {
431        set hpid [get_process_handle $pid -access {process_query_information process_vm_read}]
432    }
434    set results [list ]
435    trap {
436        foreach module [EnumProcessModules $hpid] {
437            if {$noopts} {
438                lappend results $module
439                continue
440            }
441            set rec {}
442            if {$opts(handle)} {
443                lappend rec $module
444            }
445            if {$opts(name)} {
446                if {[catch {GetModuleBaseName $hpid $module} name]} {
447                    set name ""
448                }
449                lappend rec $name
450            }
451            if {$opts(path)} {
452                if {[catch {GetModuleFileNameEx $hpid $module} path]} {
453                    set path ""
454                }
455                lappend rec [_normalize_path $path]
456            }
457            if {$opts(base) || $opts(size) || $opts(entry)} {
458                if {[catch {GetModuleInformation $hpid $module} imagedata]} {
459                    set base ""
460                    set size ""
461                    set entry ""
462                } else {
463                    lassign $imagedata base size entry
464                }
465                foreach opt {base size entry} {
466                    if {$opts($opt)} {
467                        lappend rec [set $opt]
468                    }
469                }
470            }
471            lappend results $rec
472        }
473    } finally {
474        if {$hpid != $my_process_handle} {
475            CloseHandle $hpid
476        }
477    }
479    if {$noopts} {
480        return $results
481    } else {
482        return [list $fields $results]
483    }
487# Kill a process
488# Returns 1 if process was ended, 0 if not ended within timeout
489proc twapi::end_process {pid args} {
491    if {$pid == [pid]} {
492        error "The passed PID is the PID of the current process. end_process cannot be used to commit suicide."
493    }
495    array set opts [parseargs args {
496        {exitcode.int 1}
497        force
498        {wait.int 0}
499    }]
501    # In order to verify the process is really gone, we open the process
502    # if possible and then wait on its handle. If access restrictions prevent
503    # us from doing so, we ignore the issue and will simply check for the
504    # the PID later (which is not a sure check since PID's can be reused
505    # immediately)
506    catch {set hproc [get_process_handle $pid -access synchronize]}
508    # First try to close nicely. We need to send messages to toplevels
509    # as well as message-only windows. We could make use of get_toplevel_windows
510    # and find_windows but those would require pulling in the whole
511    # twapi_ui package so do it ourselves.
512    set toplevels {}
513    foreach toplevel [EnumWindows] {
514        # Check if it belongs to pid. Errors are ignored, we simply
515        # will not send a message to that window
516        catch {
517            if {[lindex [GetWindowThreadProcessId $toplevel] 1] == $pid} {
518                lappend toplevels $toplevel
519            }
520        }
521    }
522    # Repeat for message only windows as EnumWindows skips them
523    set prev 0
524    while {1} {
525        # Again, errors are ignored
526        # -3 -> HWND_MESSAGE windows
527        if {[catch {
528            set toplevel [FindWindowEx [list -3 HWND] $prev "" ""]
529        }]} {
530            break
531        }
532        if {[pointer_null? $toplevel]} break
533        catch {
534            if {[lindex [GetWindowThreadProcessId $toplevel] 1] == $pid} {
535                lappend toplevels $toplevel
536            }
537        }
538        set prev $toplevel
539    }
541    if {[llength $toplevels]} {
542        # Try and close by sending them a message. WM_CLOSE is 0x10
543        foreach toplevel $toplevels {
544            # Send a message but come back right away
545            # See Bug #139 as to why PostMessage instead of SendNotifyMessage
546            catch {PostMessage $toplevel 0x10 0 0}
547        }
549        # Wait for the specified time to verify process has gone away
550        if {[info exists hproc]} {
551            set status [WaitForSingleObject $hproc $opts(wait)]
552            CloseHandle $hproc
553            set gone [expr {! $status}]
554        } else {
555            # We could not get a process handle to wait on, just check if
556            # PID still exists. This COULD be a false positive...
557            set gone [twapi::wait {process_exists $pid} 0 $opts(wait)]
558        }
559        if {$gone || ! $opts(force)} {
560            # Succeeded or do not want to force a kill
561            return $gone
562        }
564        # Only wait 10 ms since we have already waited above
565        if {$opts(wait)} {
566            set opts(wait) 10
567        }
568    }
570    # Open the process for terminate access. IF access denied (5), retry after
571    # getting the required privilege
572    trap {
573        set hproc [get_process_handle $pid -access {synchronize process_terminate}]
574    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
575        # Retry - if still fail, then just throw the error
576        eval_with_privileges {
577            set hproc [get_process_handle $pid -access {synchronize process_terminate}]
578        } SeDebugPrivilege
579    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
580        # Process does not exist, we must have succeeded above but just
581        # took a bit longer for it to exit
582        return 1
583    }
585    trap {
586        TerminateProcess $hproc $opts(exitcode)
587        set status [WaitForSingleObject $hproc $opts(wait)]
588        if {$status == 0} {
589            return 1
590        }
591    } finally {
592        CloseHandle $hproc
593    }
595    return 0
598# Get the path of a process
599proc twapi::get_process_path {pid args} {
600    return [twapi::_get_process_name_path_helper $pid path {*}$args]
603# Get the path of a process
604proc twapi::get_process_name {pid args} {
605    return [twapi::_get_process_name_path_helper $pid name {*}$args]
609# Return list of device drivers
610proc twapi::get_device_drivers {args} {
611    array set opts [parseargs args {name path base all}]
613    set fields {}
614    # Order MUST be same as order of values below
615    foreach opt {base name path} {
616        if {$opts($opt) || $opts(all)} {
617            lappend fields -$opt
618        }
619    }
621    set results [list ]
622    foreach module [EnumDeviceDrivers] {
623        unset -nocomplain rec
624        if {$opts(base) || $opts(all)} {
625            lappend rec $module
626        }
627        if {$opts(name) || $opts(all)} {
628            if {[catch {GetDeviceDriverBaseName $module} name]} {
629                    set name ""
630            }
631            lappend rec $name
632        }
633        if {$opts(path) || $opts(all)} {
634            if {[catch {GetDeviceDriverFileName $module} path]} {
635                set path ""
636            }
637            lappend rec [_normalize_path $path]
638        }
639        if {[info exists rec]} {
640            lappend results $rec
641        }
642    }
644    return [list $fields $results]
647# Check if the given process exists
648# 0 - does not exist or exists but paths/names do not match,
649# 1 - exists and matches path (or no -path or -name specified)
650# -1 - exists but do not know path and cannot compare
651proc twapi::process_exists {pid args} {
652    array set opts [parseargs args { path.arg name.arg glob}]
654    # Simplest case - don't care about name or path
655    if {! ([info exists opts(path)] || [info exists opts(name)])} {
656        if {$pid == [pid]} {
657            return 1
658        }
659        # TBD - would it be faster to do OpenProcess ? If success or
660        # access denied, process exists.
662        if {[llength [Twapi_GetProcessList $pid 0]] == 0} {
663            return 0
664        } else {
665            return 1
666        }
667    }
669    # Can't specify both name and path
670    if {[info exists opts(path)] && [info exists opts(name)]} {
671        error "Options -path and -name are mutually exclusive"
672    }
674    if {$opts(glob)} {
675        set string_cmd match
676    } else {
677        set string_cmd equal
678    }
680    if {[info exists opts(name)]} {
681        # Name is specified
682        set pidlist [Twapi_GetProcessList $pid 2]
683        if {[llength $pidlist] == 0} {
684            return 0
685        }
686        return [string $string_cmd -nocase $opts(name) [lindex $pidlist 1 0 1]]
687    }
689    # Need to match on the path
690    set process_path [get_process_path $pid -noexist "" -noaccess "(unknown)"]
691    if {[string length $process_path] == 0} {
692        # No such process
693        return 0
694    }
696    # Process with this pid exists
697    # Path still has to match
698    if {[string equal $process_path "(unknown)"]} {
699        # Exists but cannot check path/name
700        return -1
701    }
703    # Note we do not use file normalize here since that will tack on
704    # absolute paths which we do not want for glob matching
706    # We use [file join ] to convert \ to / to avoid special
707    # interpretation of \ in string match command
708    return [string $string_cmd -nocase [file join $opts(path)] [file join $process_path]]
711# Get the parent process of a thread. Return "" if no such thread
712proc twapi::get_thread_parent_process_id {tid} {
713    set status [catch {
714        set th [get_thread_handle $tid]
715        trap {
716            set pid [lindex [lindex [Twapi_NtQueryInformationThreadBasicInformation $th] 2] 0]
717        } finally {
718            CloseHandle $th
719        }
720    }]
722    if {$status == 0} {
723        return $pid
724    }
727    # Could not use undocumented function. Try slooooow perf counter method
728    set pid_paths [get_perf_thread_counter_paths $tid -pid]
729    if {[llength $pid_paths] == 0} {
730        return ""
731    }
733    if {[pdh_counter_path_value [lindex [lindex $pid_paths 0] 3] -var pid]} {
734        return $pid
735    } else {
736        return ""
737    }
740# Get the thread ids belonging to a process
741proc twapi::get_process_thread_ids {pid} {
742    return [recordarray cell [get_multiple_process_info -matchpids [list $pid] -tids] 0 -tids]
746# Get process information
747proc twapi::get_process_info {pid args} {
748    # To avert a common mistake where pid is unspecified, use current pid
749    # so [get_process_info -name] becomes [get_process_info [pid] -name]
750    # TBD - should this be documented ?
752    if {![string is integer -strict $pid]} {
753        set args [linsert $args 0 $pid]
754        set pid [pid]
755    }
757    set rec [recordarray index [get_multiple_process_info {*}$args -matchpids [list $pid]] 0 -format dict]
758    if {"-pid" ni $args && "-all" ni $args} {
759        dict unset rec -pid
760    }
761    return $rec
765# Get multiple process information
766# TBD - document and write tests
767proc twapi::get_multiple_process_info {args} {
769    # Options that are directly available from Twapi_GetProcessList
770    # Dict value is the flags to pass to Twapi_GetProcessList
771    set base_opts {
772        basepriority       1
773        parent             1        tssession          1
774        name               2
775        createtime         4        usertime           4
776        privilegedtime     4        handlecount        4
777        threadcount        4
778        pagefaults         8        pagefilebytes      8
779        pagefilebytespeak  8        poolnonpagedbytes  8
780        poolnonpagedbytespeak  8    poolpagedbytes     8
781        poolpagedbytespeak 8        virtualbytes       8
782        virtualbytespeak   8        workingset         8
783        workingsetpeak     8
784        ioreadops         16        iowriteops        16
785        iootherops        16        ioreadbytes       16
786        iowritebytes      16        iootherbytes      16
787    }
788    # Options that also dependent on Twapi_GetProcessList but not
789    # directly available
790    set base_calc_opts { elapsedtime 4   tids 32 }
792    # Note -user is also a potential token opt but not listed below
793    # because it can be gotten by other means
794    set token_opts {
795        disabledprivileges elevation enabledprivileges groupattrs groups
796        integrity integritylabel logonsession  primarygroup primarygroupsid
797        privileges restrictedgroupattrs restrictedgroups virtualized
798    }
800    set optdefs [lconcat {all pid user path commandline priorityclass {noexist.arg {(no such process)}} {noaccess.arg {(unknown)}} matchpids.arg} \
801                     [dict keys $base_opts] \
802                     [dict keys $base_calc_opts] \
803                     $token_opts]
804    array set opts [parseargs args $optdefs -maxleftover 0]
805    set opts(pid) 1; # Always return pid, -pid option is for backward compat
807    if {[info exists opts(matchpids)]} {
808        set pids $opts(matchpids)
809    } else {
810        set pids [Twapi_GetProcessList -1 0]
811    }
813    set now [get_system_time]
815    # We will return a record array. $records tracks a dict of record
816    # values keyed by pid, $fields tracks the names in the list elements
817    # [llength $fields] == [llength [lindex $records *]]
818    set records {}
819    set fields {}
821    # If user is requested, try getting it through terminal services
822    # if possible since the token method fails on some newer platforms
823    if {$opts(all) || $opts(user)} {
824        _get_wts_pids wtssids wtsnames
825    }
827    # See if any Twapi_GetProcessList options are requested and if
828    # so, calculate the appropriate flags
829    set baseflags 0
830    set basenoexistvals {}
831    dict for {opt flag} $base_opts {
832        if {$opts($opt) || $opts(all)} {
833            set baseflags [expr {$baseflags | $flag}]
834            lappend basefields -$opt
835            lappend basenoexistvals $opts(noexist)
836        }
837    }
838    dict for {opt flag} $base_calc_opts {
839        if {$opts($opt) || $opts(all)} {
840            set baseflags [expr {$baseflags | $flag}]
841        }
842    }
844    # See if we need to retrieve any base options
845    if {$baseflags} {
846        set pidarg [expr {[llength $pids] == 1 ? [lindex $pids 0] : -1}]
847        set data [twapi::Twapi_GetProcessList $pidarg [expr {$baseflags|1}]]
848        if {$opts(all) || $opts(elapsedtime) || $opts(tids)} {
849            array set baserawdata [recordarray getdict $data -key "-pid" -format dict]
850        }
851        if {[info exists basefields]} {
852            set fields $basefields
853            set records [recordarray getdict $data -slice $basefields -key "-pid"]
854        }
855    }
856    if {$opts(pid)} {
857        lappend fields -pid
858    }
859    foreach pid $pids {
860        # If base values were requested, but this pid does not exist
861        # use the "noexist" values
862        if {![dict exists $records $pid]} {
863            dict set records $pid $basenoexistvals
864        }
865        if {$opts(pid)} {
866            dict lappend records $pid $pid
867        }
868    }
870    # If all we need are baseline options, and no massaging is required
871    # (as for elapsedtime, for example), we can return what we have
872    # without looping through below. Saves significant time.
873    set done 1
874    foreach opt [list all user elapsedtime tids path commandline priorityclass \
875                     {*}$token_opts] {
876        if {$opts($opt)} {
877            set done 0
878            break
879        }
880    }
882    if {$done} {
883        set return_data {}
884        foreach pid $pids {
885            lappend return_data [dict get $records $pid]
886        }
887        return [list $fields $return_data]
888    }
890    set requested_token_opts {}
891    foreach opt $token_opts {
892        if {$opts(all) || $opts($opt)} {
893            lappend requested_token_opts -$opt
894        }
895    }
897    if {$opts(elapsedtime) || $opts(all)} {
898        lappend fields -elapsedtime
899        foreach pid $pids {
900            if {[info exists baserawdata($pid)]} {
901                set elapsed [twapi::kl_get $baserawdata($pid) -createtime]
902                if {$elapsed} {
903                    # 100ns -> seconds
904                    dict lappend records $pid [expr {($now-$elapsed)/10000000}]
905                } else {
906                    # For some processes like, System and Idle, kernel
907                    # returns start time of 0. Just use system uptime
908                    if {![info exists system_uptime]} {
909                        # Store locally so no refetch on each iteration
910                        set system_uptime [get_system_uptime]
911                    }
912                    dict lappend records $pid $system_uptime
913                }
914            } else {
915                dict lappend records $pid $opts(noexist)
916            }
917        }
918    }
920    if {$opts(tids) || $opts(all)} {
921        lappend fields -tids
922        foreach pid $pids {
923            if {[info exists baserawdata($pid)]} {
924                dict lappend records $pid [recordarray column [kl_get $baserawdata($pid) Threads] -tid]
925            } else {
926                dict lappend records $pid $opts(noexist)
927            }
928        }
929    }
931    if {$opts(all) || $opts(path)} {
932        lappend fields -path
933        foreach pid $pids {
934            dict lappend records $pid [get_process_path $pid -noexist $opts(noexist) -noaccess $opts(noaccess)]
935        }
936    }
938    if {$opts(all) || $opts(priorityclass)} {
939        lappend fields -priorityclass
940        foreach pid $pids {
941            trap {
942                set prioclass [get_priority_class $pid]
943            } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
944                set prioclass $opts(noaccess)
945            } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
946                set prioclass $opts(noexist)
947            }
948            dict lappend records $pid $prioclass
949        }
950    }
952    if {$opts(all) || $opts(commandline)} {
953        lappend fields -commandline
954        foreach pid $pids {
955            dict lappend records $pid [get_process_commandline $pid -noexist $opts(noexist) -noaccess $opts(noaccess)]
956        }
957    }
960    if {$opts(all) || $opts(user) || [llength $requested_token_opts]} {
961        foreach pid $pids {
962            # Now get token related info, if any requested
963            # For returning as a record array, we have to be careful that
964            # each field is added in a specific order for every pid
965            # keeping in mind a different method might be used for different
966            # pids. So we collect the data in dictionary token_records and add
967            # at the end in a fixed order
968            set token_records {}
969            set requested_opts $requested_token_opts
970            unset -nocomplain user
971            if {$opts(all) || $opts(user)} {
972                # See if we already have the user. Note sid of system idle
973                # will be empty string
974                if {[info exists wtssids($pid)]} {
975                    if {$wtssids($pid) == ""} {
976                        # Put user as System
977                        set user SYSTEM
978                    } else {
979                        # We speed up account lookup by caching sids
980                        if {[info exists sidcache($wtssids($pid))]} {
981                            set user $sidcache($wtssids($pid))
982                        } else {
983                            set user [lookup_account_sid $wtssids($pid)]
984                            set sidcache($wtssids($pid)) $user
985                        }
986                    }
987                } else {
988                    lappend requested_opts -user
989                }
990            }
992            if {[llength $requested_opts]} {
993                trap {
994                    dict set token_records $pid [_token_info_helper -pid $pid {*}$requested_opts]
995                } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
996                    foreach opt $requested_opts {
997                        dict set token_records $pid $opt $opts(noaccess)
998                    }
999                    # The NETWORK SERVICE and LOCAL SERVICE processes cannot
1000                    # be accessed. If we are looking for the logon session for
1001                    # these, try getting it from the witssid if we have it
1002                    # since the logon session is hardcoded for these accounts
1003                    if {"-logonsession" in  $requested_opts} {
1004                        if {![info exists wtssids]} {
1005                            _get_wts_pids wtssids wtsnames
1006                        }
1007                        if {[info exists wtssids($pid)]} {
1008                            # Map user SID to logon session
1009                            switch -exact -- $wtssids($pid) {
1010                                S-1-5-18 {
1011                                    # SYSTEM
1012                                    dict set token_records $pid -logonsession 00000000-000003e7
1013                                }
1014                                S-1-5-19 {
1015                                    # LOCAL SERVICE
1016                                    dict set token_records $pid -logonsession 00000000-000003e5
1017                                }
1018                                S-1-5-20 {
1019                                    # LOCAL SERVICE
1020                                    dict set token_records $pid -logonsession 00000000-000003e4
1021                                }
1022                            }
1023                        }
1024                    }
1026                    # Similarly, if we are looking for user account, special case
1027                    # system and system idle processes
1028                    if {"-user" in  $requested_opts} {
1029                        if {[is_idle_pid $pid] || [is_system_pid $pid]} {
1030                            set user SYSTEM
1031                        }
1032                    }
1034                } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1035                    foreach opt $requested_opts {
1036                        if {$opt eq "-user"} {
1037                            if {[is_idle_pid $pid] || [is_system_pid $pid]} {
1038                                set user SYSTEM
1039                            } else {
1040                                set user $opts(noexist)
1041                            }
1042                        } else {
1043                            dict set token_records $pid $opt $opts(noexist)
1044                        }
1045                    }
1046                }
1047            }
1048            # Now add token values in a specific order - MUST MATCH fields BELOW
1049            if {$opts(all) || $opts(user)} {
1050                dict lappend records $pid $user
1051            }
1052            foreach opt $requested_token_opts {
1053                if {[dict exists $token_records $pid $opt]} {
1054                    dict lappend records $pid [dict get $token_records $pid $opt]
1055                }
1056            }
1057        }
1058        # Now add token field names in a specific order - MUST MATCH ABOVE
1059        if {$opts(all) || $opts(user)} {
1060            lappend fields -user
1061        }
1062        foreach opt $requested_token_opts {
1063            if {[dict exists $token_records $pid $opt]} {
1064                lappend fields $opt
1065            }
1066        }
1067    }
1069    set return_data {}
1070    foreach pid $pids {
1071        lappend return_data [dict get $records $pid]
1072    }
1073    return [list $fields $return_data]
1078# Get thread information
1079# TBD - add info from GetGUIThreadInfo
1080proc twapi::get_thread_info {tid args} {
1081    # TBD - modify so tid is optional like for get_process_info
1083    # Options that are directly available from Twapi_GetProcessList
1084    if {![info exists ::twapi::get_thread_info_base_opts]} {
1085        # Array value is the flags to pass to Twapi_GetProcessList
1086        array set ::twapi::get_thread_info_base_opts {
1087            pid 32
1088            elapsedtime 96
1089            waittime 96
1090            usertime 96
1091            createtime 96
1092            privilegedtime 96
1093            contextswitches 96
1094            basepriority 160
1095            priority 160
1096            startaddress 160
1097            state 160
1098            waitreason 160
1099        }
1100    }
1102    set token_opts {
1103        user
1104        primarygroup
1105        primarygroupsid
1106        groups
1107        restrictedgroups
1108        groupattrs
1109        restrictedgroupattrs
1110        privileges
1111        enabledprivileges
1112        disabledprivileges
1113    }
1115    array set opts [parseargs args \
1116                        [concat [list all \
1117                                     relativepriority \
1118                                     tid \
1119                                     [list noexist.arg "(no such thread)"] \
1120                                     [list noaccess.arg "(unknown)"]] \
1121                             [array names ::twapi::get_thread_info_base_opts] \
1122                             $token_opts ]]
1124    set requested_opts [_array_non_zero_switches opts $token_opts $opts(all)]
1125    # Now get token info, if any
1126    if {[llength $requested_opts]} {
1127        trap {
1128            trap {
1129                set results [_token_info_helper -tid $tid {*}$requested_opts]
1130            } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 1008} {
1131                # Thread does not have its own token. Use it's parent process
1132                set results [_token_info_helper -pid [get_thread_parent_process_id $tid] {*}$requested_opts]
1133            }
1134        } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
1135            # No access
1136            foreach opt $requested_opts {
1137                lappend results $opt $opts(noaccess)
1138            }
1139        } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1140            # Thread does not exist
1141            foreach opt $requested_opts {
1142                lappend results $opt $opts(noexist)
1143            }
1144        }
1146    } else {
1147        set results [list ]
1148    }
1150    # Now get the base options
1151    set flags 0
1152    foreach opt [array names ::twapi::get_thread_info_base_opts] {
1153        if {$opts($opt) || $opts(all)} {
1154            set flags [expr {$flags | $::twapi::get_thread_info_base_opts($opt)}]
1155        }
1156    }
1158    if {$flags} {
1159        # We need at least one of the base options
1160        foreach tdata [recordarray column [twapi::Twapi_GetProcessList -1 $flags] Threads] {
1161            set tdict [recordarray getdict $tdata -key "-tid" -format dict]
1162            if {[dict exists $tdict $tid]} {
1163                array set threadinfo [dict get $tdict $tid]
1164                break
1165            }
1166        }
1167        # It is possible that we looped through all the processes without
1168        # a thread match. Hence we check again that we have threadinfo for
1169        # each option value
1170        foreach opt {
1171            pid
1172            waittime
1173            usertime
1174            createtime
1175            privilegedtime
1176            basepriority
1177            priority
1178            startaddress
1179            state
1180            waitreason
1181            contextswitches
1182        } {
1183            if {$opts($opt) || $opts(all)} {
1184                if {[info exists threadinfo]} {
1185                    lappend results -$opt $threadinfo(-$opt)
1186                } else {
1187                    lappend results -$opt $opts(noexist)
1188                }
1189            }
1190        }
1192        if {$opts(elapsedtime) || $opts(all)} {
1193            if {[info exists threadinfo(-createtime)]} {
1194                lappend results -elapsedtime [expr {[clock seconds]-[large_system_time_to_secs $threadinfo(-createtime)]}]
1195            } else {
1196                lappend results -elapsedtime $opts(noexist)
1197            }
1198        }
1199    }
1202    if {$opts(all) || $opts(relativepriority)} {
1203        trap {
1204            lappend results -relativepriority [get_thread_relative_priority $tid]
1205        } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
1206            lappend results -relativepriority $opts(noaccess)
1207        } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1208            lappend results -relativepriority $opts(noexist)
1209        }
1210    }
1212    if {$opts(all) || $opts(tid)} {
1213        lappend results -tid $tid
1214    }
1216    return $results
1219# Get a handle to a thread
1220proc twapi::get_thread_handle {tid args} {
1221    # OpenThread masks off the bottom two bits thereby converting
1222    # an invalid tid to a real one. We do not want this.
1223    if {$tid & 3} {
1224        win32_error 87;         # "The parameter is incorrect"
1225    }
1227    array set opts [parseargs args {
1228        {access.arg thread_query_information}
1229        {inherit.bool 0}
1230    }]
1231    return [OpenThread [_access_rights_to_mask $opts(access)] $opts(inherit) $tid]
1234# Suspend a thread
1235proc twapi::suspend_thread {tid} {
1236    set htid [get_thread_handle $tid -access thread_suspend_resume]
1237    trap {
1238        set status [SuspendThread $htid]
1239    } finally {
1240        CloseHandle $htid
1241    }
1242    return $status
1245# Resume a thread
1246proc twapi::resume_thread {tid} {
1247    set htid [get_thread_handle $tid -access thread_suspend_resume]
1248    trap {
1249        set status [ResumeThread $htid]
1250    } finally {
1251        CloseHandle $htid
1252    }
1253    return $status
1256# Get the command line for a process
1257proc twapi::get_process_commandline {pid args} {
1259    if {[is_system_pid $pid] || [is_idle_pid $pid]} {
1260        return ""
1261    }
1263    array set opts [parseargs args {
1264        {noexist.arg "(no such process)"}
1265        {noaccess.arg "(unknown)"}
1266    }]
1268    trap {
1269        # Assume max command line len is 1024 chars (2048 bytes)
1270        trap {
1271            set hpid [get_process_handle $pid -access {process_query_information process_vm_read}]
1272        } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1273            # Process does not exist
1274            return $opts(noexist)
1275        }
1277        # Get the address where the PEB is stored - see Nebbett
1278        set peb_addr [lindex [Twapi_NtQueryInformationProcessBasicInformation $hpid] 1]
1280        # Read the PEB as binary
1281        # The pointer to the process parameter block is the 5th pointer field.
1282        # The struct looks like:
1283        # 32 bit -
1284        # typedef struct _PEB {
1285        # BYTE                          Reserved1[2];
1286        # BYTE                          BeingDebugged;
1287        # BYTE                          Reserved2[1];
1288        # PVOID                         Reserved3[2];
1289        # PPEB_LDR_DATA                 Ldr;
1290        # PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS  ProcessParameters;
1291        # BYTE                          Reserved4[104];
1292        # PVOID                         Reserved5[52];
1293        # PPS_POST_PROCESS_INIT_ROUTINE PostProcessInitRoutine;
1294        # BYTE                          Reserved6[128];
1295        # PVOID                         Reserved7[1];
1296        # ULONG                         SessionId;
1297        # } PEB, *PPEB;
1298        # 64 bit -
1299        # typedef struct _PEB {
1300        #   BYTE Reserved1[2];
1301        #   BYTE BeingDebugged;
1302        #   BYTE Reserved2[21];
1303        #   PPEB_LDR_DATA LoaderData;
1304        #   PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS ProcessParameters;
1305        #   BYTE Reserved3[520];
1306        #   PPS_POST_PROCESS_INIT_ROUTINE PostProcessInitRoutine;
1307        #   BYTE Reserved4[136];
1308        #   ULONG SessionId;
1309        # } PEB;
1310        # So in both cases the pointer is 4 pointers from the start
1312        if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(pointerSize)]} {
1313            set pointer_size $::tcl_platform(pointerSize)
1314        } else {
1315            set pointer_size 4
1316        }
1317        if {$pointer_size == 4} {
1318            set pointer_scanner n
1319        } else {
1320            set pointer_scanner m
1321        }
1322        set mem [ReadProcessMemory $hpid [expr {$peb_addr+(4*$pointer_size)}] $pointer_size]
1323        if {![binary scan $mem $pointer_scanner proc_param_addr]} {
1324            error "Could not read PEB of process $pid"
1325        }
1327        # Now proc_param_addr contains the address of the Process parameter
1328        # structure which looks like:
1329        # typedef struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS {
1330        #                      Offsets:     x86  x64
1331        #    BYTE           Reserved1[16];   0    0
1332        #    PVOID          Reserved2[10];  16   16
1333        #    UNICODE_STRING ImagePathName;  56   96
1334        #    UNICODE_STRING CommandLine;    64  112
1336        # UNICODE_STRING is defined as
1337        # typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING {
1338        #  USHORT Length;
1339        #  USHORT MaximumLength;
1340        #  PWSTR  Buffer;
1341        # } UNICODE_STRING;
1343        # Note - among twapi supported builds, tcl_platform(pointerSize)
1344        # not existing implies 32-bits
1345        if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(pointerSize)] &&
1346            $::tcl_platform(pointerSize) == 8} {
1347            # Read the CommandLine field
1348            set mem [ReadProcessMemory $hpid [expr {$proc_param_addr + 112}] 16]
1349            if {![binary scan $mem tutunum cmdline_bytelen cmdline_bufsize unused cmdline_addr]} {
1350                error "Could not get address of command line"
1351            }
1352        } else {
1353            # Read the CommandLine field
1354            set mem [ReadProcessMemory $hpid [expr {$proc_param_addr + 64}] 8]
1355            if {![binary scan $mem tutunu cmdline_bytelen cmdline_bufsize cmdline_addr]} {
1356                error "Could not get address of command line"
1357            }
1358        }
1360        if {1} {
1361            if {$cmdline_bytelen == 0} {
1362                set cmdline ""
1363            } else {
1364                trap {
1365                    set mem [ReadProcessMemory $hpid $cmdline_addr $cmdline_bytelen]
1366                } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 299} {
1367                    # ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY
1368                    # Rumour has it this can be a transient error if the
1369                    # process is initializing, so try once more
1370                    Sleep 0;    # Relinquish control to OS to run other process
1371                    # Retry
1372                    set mem [ReadProcessMemory $hpid $cmdline_addr $cmdline_bytelen]
1373                }
1374            }
1375        } else {
1377            parameters have changed
1378            # Old pre-2.3 code
1379            # Now read the command line itself. We do not know the length
1380            # so assume MAX_PATH (1024) chars (2048 bytes). However, this may
1381            # fail if the memory beyond the command line is not allocated in the
1382            # target process. So we have to check for this error and retry with
1383            # smaller read sizes
1384            set max_len 2048
1385            while {$max_len > 128} {
1386                trap {
1387                    ReadProcessMemory $hpid $cmdline_addr $pgbl $max_len
1388                    break
1389                } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 299} {
1390                    # Reduce read size
1391                    set max_len [expr {$max_len / 2}]
1392                }
1393            }
1394            # OK, got something. It's in Unicode format, may not be null terminated
1395            # or may have multiple null terminated strings. THe command line
1396            # is the first string.
1397        }
1398        set cmdline [encoding convertfrom unicode $mem]
1399        set null_offset [string first "\0" $cmdline]
1400        if {$null_offset >= 0} {
1401            set cmdline [string range $cmdline 0 [expr {$null_offset-1}]]
1402        }
1404    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
1405        # Access denied
1406        set cmdline $opts(noaccess)
1407    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 299} {
1408        # Only part of the Read* could be completed
1409        # Access denied
1410        set cmdline $opts(noaccess)
1411    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1412        # The parameter is incorrect
1413        # Access denied (or should it be noexist?)
1414        set cmdline $opts(noaccess)
1415    } finally {
1416        if {[info exists hpid]} {
1417            CloseHandle $hpid
1418        }
1419    }
1421    return $cmdline
1425# Get process parent - can return ""
1426proc twapi::get_process_parent {pid args} {
1427    array set opts [parseargs args {
1428        {noexist.arg "(no such process)"}
1429        {noaccess.arg "(unknown)"}
1430    }]
1432    if {[is_system_pid $pid] || [is_idle_pid $pid]} {
1433        return ""
1434    }
1436    trap {
1437        set parent [recordarray cell [twapi::Twapi_GetProcessList $pid 1] 0 InheritedFromProcessId]
1438        if {$parent ne ""} {
1439            return $parent
1440        }
1441    } onerror {} {
1442        # Just try the other methods below
1443    }
1445    trap {
1446        set hpid [get_process_handle $pid]
1447        return [lindex [Twapi_NtQueryInformationProcessBasicInformation $hpid] 5]
1449    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
1450        set error noaccess
1451    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1452        set error noexist
1453    } finally {
1454        if {[info exists hpid]} {
1455            CloseHandle $hpid
1456        }
1457    }
1459    return $opts($error)
1462# Get the base priority class of a process
1463proc twapi::get_priority_class {pid} {
1464    set ph [get_process_handle $pid]
1465    trap {
1466        return [GetPriorityClass $ph]
1467    } finally {
1468        CloseHandle $ph
1469    }
1472# Get the base priority class of a process
1473proc twapi::set_priority_class {pid priority} {
1474    if {$pid == [pid]} {
1475        variable my_process_handle
1476        SetPriorityClass $my_process_handle $priority
1477        return
1478    }
1480    set ph [get_process_handle $pid -access process_set_information]
1481    trap {
1482        SetPriorityClass $ph $priority
1483    } finally {
1484        CloseHandle $ph
1485    }
1488# Get the priority of a thread
1489proc twapi::get_thread_relative_priority {tid} {
1490    set h [get_thread_handle $tid]
1491    trap {
1492        return [GetThreadPriority $h]
1493    } finally {
1494        CloseHandle $h
1495    }
1498# Set the priority of a thread
1499proc twapi::set_thread_relative_priority {tid priority} {
1500    switch -exact -- $priority {
1501        abovenormal { set priority 1 }
1502        belownormal { set priority -1 }
1503        highest     { set priority 2 }
1504        idle        { set priority -15 }
1505        lowest      { set priority -2 }
1506        normal      { set priority 0 }
1507        timecritical { set priority 15 }
1508        default {
1509            if {![string is integer -strict $priority]} {
1510                error "Invalid priority value '$priority'."
1511            }
1512        }
1513    }
1515    set h [get_thread_handle $tid -access thread_set_information]
1516    trap {
1517        SetThreadPriority $h $priority
1518    } finally {
1519        CloseHandle $h
1520    }
1523# Return type of process elevation
1524proc twapi::get_process_elevation {args} {
1525    lappend args -elevation
1526    return [lindex [_token_info_helper $args] 1]
1529# Return integrity level of process
1530proc twapi::get_process_integrity {args} {
1531    lappend args -integrity
1532    return [lindex [_token_info_helper $args] 1]
1535# Return whether a process is running under WoW64
1536proc twapi::wow64_process {args} {
1537    array set opts [parseargs args {
1538        pid.arg
1539        hprocess.arg
1540    } -maxleftover 0]
1542    if {[info exists opts(hprocess)]} {
1543        if {[info exists opts(pid)]} {
1544            error "Options -pid and -hprocess cannot be used together."
1545        }
1546        return [IsWow64Process $opts(hprocess)]
1547    }
1549    if {[info exists opts(pid)] && $opts(pid) != [pid]} {
1550        trap {
1551            set hprocess [get_process_handle $opts(pid)]
1552            return [IsWow64Process $hprocess]
1553        } finally {
1554            if {[info exists hprocess]} {
1555                CloseHandle $hprocess
1556            }
1557        }
1558    }
1560    # Common case - checking about ourselves
1561    variable my_process_handle
1562    return [IsWow64Process $my_process_handle]
1565# Check whether a process is virtualized
1566proc twapi::virtualized_process {args} {
1567    lappend args -virtualized
1568    return [lindex [_token_info_helper $args] 1]
1571proc twapi::set_process_integrity {level args} {
1572    lappend args -integrity $level
1573    _token_set_helper $args
1576proc twapi::set_process_virtualization {enable args} {
1577    lappend args -virtualized $enable
1578    _token_set_helper $args
1581# Map a process handle to its pid
1582proc twapi::get_pid_from_handle {hprocess} {
1583    return [lindex [Twapi_NtQueryInformationProcessBasicInformation $hprocess] 4]
1586# Check if current process is an administrative process or not
1587proc twapi::process_in_administrators {} {
1589    # Administrators group SID - S-1-5-32-544
1591    if {[get_process_elevation] ne "limited"} {
1592        return [CheckTokenMembership NULL S-1-5-32-544]
1593    }
1595    # When running as with a limited token under UAC, we cannot check
1596    # if the process is in administrators group or not since the group
1597    # will be disabled in the token. Rather, we need to get the linked
1598    # token (which is unfiltered) and check that.
1599    set tok [lindex [_token_info_helper -linkedtoken] 1]
1600    trap {
1601        return [CheckTokenMembership $tok S-1-5-32-544]
1602    } finally {
1603        close_token $tok
1604    }
1607# Get a module handle
1608# TBD - document
1609proc twapi::get_module_handle {args} {
1610    array set opts [parseargs args {
1611        path.arg
1612        pin.bool
1613    } -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
1615    return [GetModuleHandleEx $opts(pin) [file nativename $opts(path)]]
1618# Get a module handle from an address
1619# TBD - document
1620proc twapi::get_module_handle_from_address {addr args} {
1621    array set opts [parseargs args {
1622        pin.bool
1623    } -nulldefault -maxleftover 0]
1625    return [GetModuleHandleEx [expr {$opts(pin) ? 5 : 4}] $addr]
1629proc twapi::load_user_profile {token args} {
1630    # PI_NOUI -> 0x1
1631    parseargs args {
1632        username.arg
1633        {noui.bool 0 0x1}
1634        defaultuserpath.arg
1635        servername.arg
1636        roamingprofilepath.arg
1637    } -maxleftover 0 -setvars -nulldefault
1639    if {$username eq ""} {
1640        set username [get_token_user $token -name]
1641    }
1643    return [eval_with_privileges {
1644        LoadUserProfile [list $token $noui $username $roamingprofilepath $defaultuserpath $servername]
1645    } {SeRestorePrivilege SeBackupPrivilege}]
1648# TBD - document
1649proc twapi::get_profile_type {} {
1650    return [dict* {0 local 1 temporary 2 roaming 4 mandatory} [GetProfileType]]
1654proc twapi::_env_block_to_dict {block normalize} {
1655    set env_dict {}
1656    foreach env_str $block {
1657        set pos [string first = $env_str]
1658        set key [string range $env_str 0 $pos-1]
1659        if {$normalize} {
1660            set key [string toupper $key]
1661        }
1662        lappend env_dict $key [string range $env_str $pos+1 end]
1663    }
1664    return $env_dict
1667proc twapi::get_system_environment_vars {args} {
1668    parseargs args {normalize.bool} -nulldefault -setvars -maxleftover 0
1669    return [_env_block_to_dict [CreateEnvironmentBlock 0 0] $normalize]
1672proc twapi::get_user_environment_vars {token args} {
1673    parseargs args {inherit.bool normalize.bool} -nulldefault -setvars -maxleftover 0
1674    return [_env_block_to_dict [CreateEnvironmentBlock $token $inherit] $normalize]
1677proc twapi::expand_system_environment_vars {s} {
1678    return [ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser 0 $s]
1681proc twapi::expand_user_environment_vars {tok s} {
1682    return [ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUser $tok $s]
1686# Utility procedures
1688# Get the path of a process
1689proc twapi::_get_process_name_path_helper {pid {type name} args} {
1691    if {$pid == [pid]} {
1692        # It is our process!
1693        set exe [info nameofexecutable]
1694        if {$type eq "name"} {
1695            return [file tail $exe]
1696        } else {
1697            return $exe
1698        }
1699    }
1701    array set opts [parseargs args {
1702        {noexist.arg "(no such process)"}
1703        {noaccess.arg "(unknown)"}
1704    } -maxleftover 0]
1706    if {![string is integer $pid]} {
1707        error "Invalid non-numeric pid $pid"
1708    }
1709    if {[is_system_pid $pid]} {
1710        return "System"
1711    }
1712    if {[is_idle_pid $pid]} {
1713        return "System Idle Process"
1714    }
1716    # Try the quicker way if looking for a name
1717    if {$type eq "name" &&
1718        ![catch {
1719            Twapi_GetProcessList $pid 2
1720        } plist]} {
1721        set name [lindex $plist 1 0 1]
1722        if {$name ne ""} {
1723            return $name
1724        }
1725    }
1727    # We first try using GetProcessImageFileName as that does not require
1728    # the PROCESS_VM_READ privilege
1729    if {[min_os_version 6 0]} {
1730        set privs [list process_query_limited_information]
1731    } else {
1732        set privs [list process_query_information]
1733    }
1735    trap {
1736        set hprocess [get_process_handle $pid -access $privs]
1737        set path [GetProcessImageFileName $hprocess]
1738        if {$type eq "name"} {
1739            return [file tail $path]
1740        }
1741        # Returned path is in native format, convert to win32
1742        return [normalize_device_rooted_path $path]
1743    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1744        return $opts(noexist)
1745    } onerror {} {
1746        # Other errors, continue on to other methods
1747    } finally {
1748        if {[info exists hprocess]} {
1749            twapi::close_handle $hprocess
1750        }
1751    }
1753    trap {
1754        set hprocess [get_process_handle $pid -access {process_query_information process_vm_read}]
1755    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 87} {
1756        return $opts(noexist)
1757    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
1758        # Access denied
1759        # If it is the name we want, first try WTS and if that
1760        # fails try getting it from PDH (slowest)
1762        if {[string equal $type "name"]} {
1763            if {! [catch {WTSEnumerateProcesses NULL} precords]} {
1765                return [lindex [recordarray column $precords pProcessName -filter [list [list ProcessId == $pid]]] 0]
1766            }
1768            # That failed as well, try PDH. TBD - get rid of PDH
1769            set pdh_path [lindex [lindex [twapi::get_perf_process_counter_paths [list $pid] -pid] 0] 3]
1770            array set pdhinfo [pdh_parse_counter_path $pdh_path]
1771            return $pdhinfo(instance)
1772        }
1773        return $opts(noaccess)
1774    }
1776    trap {
1777        set module [lindex [EnumProcessModules $hprocess] 0]
1778        if {[string equal $type "name"]} {
1779            set path [GetModuleBaseName $hprocess $module]
1780        } else {
1781            set path [_normalize_path [GetModuleFileNameEx $hprocess $module]]
1782        }
1783    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 5} {
1784        # Access denied
1785        # On win2k (and may be Win2k3), if the process has exited but some
1786        # app still has a handle to the process, the OpenProcess succeeds
1787        # but the EnumProcessModules call returns access denied. So
1788        # check for this case
1789        if {[min_os_version 5 0]} {
1790            # Try getting exit code. 259 means still running.
1791            # Anything else means process has terminated
1792            if {[GetExitCodeProcess $hprocess] == 259} {
1793                return $opts(noaccess)
1794            } else {
1795                return $opts(noexist)
1796            }
1797        } else {
1798            rethrow
1799        }
1800    } onerror {TWAPI_WIN32 299} {
1801        # Partial read - usually means either we are WOW64 and target
1802        # is 64bit, or process is exiting / starting and not all mem is
1803        # reachable yet
1804        return $opts(noaccess)
1805    } finally {
1806        CloseHandle $hprocess
1807    }
1808    return $path
1811# Fill in arrays with result from WTSEnumerateProcesses if available
1812proc twapi::_get_wts_pids {v_sids v_names} {
1813    # Note this call is expected to fail on NT 4.0 without terminal server
1814    if {! [catch {WTSEnumerateProcesses NULL} precords]} {
1815        upvar $v_sids wtssids
1816        upvar $v_names wtsnames
1817        array set wtssids [recordarray getlist $precords -slice {ProcessId pUserSid} -format flat]
1818        array set wtsnames [recordarray getlist $precords -slice {ProcessId pUserSid} -format flat]
1819    }
1822# Return various information from a process token
1823proc twapi::_token_info_helper {args} {
1824    package require twapi_security
1825    proc _token_info_helper {args} {
1826        if {[llength $args] == 1} {
1827            # All options specified as one argument
1828            set args [lindex $args 0]
1829        }
1831        if {0} {
1832            Following options are passed on to get_token_info:
1833            elevation
1834            virtualized
1835            groups
1836            restrictedgroups
1837            primarygroup
1838            primarygroupsid
1839            privileges
1840            enabledprivileges
1841            disabledprivileges
1842            logonsession
1843            linkedtoken
1844            Option -integrity is not passed on because it has to deal with
1845            -raw and -label options
1846        }
1848        array set opts [parseargs args {
1849            pid.arg
1850            hprocess.arg
1851            tid.arg
1852            hthread.arg
1853            integrity
1854            raw
1855            label
1856            user
1857        } -ignoreunknown]
1859        if {[expr {[info exists opts(pid)] + [info exists opts(hprocess)] +
1860                   [info exists opts(tid)] + [info exists opts(hthread)]}] > 1} {
1861            error "At most one option from -pid, -tid, -hprocess, -hthread can be specified."
1862        }
1864        if {$opts(user)} {
1865            lappend args -usersid
1866        }
1868        if {[info exists opts(hprocess)]} {
1869            set tok [open_process_token -hprocess $opts(hprocess)]
1870        } elseif {[info exists opts(pid)]} {
1871            set tok [open_process_token -pid $opts(pid)]
1872        } elseif {[info exists opts(hthread)]} {
1873            set tok [open_thread_token -hthread $opts(hthread)]
1874        } elseif {[info exists opts(tid)]} {
1875            set tok [open_thread_token -tid $opts(tid)]
1876        } else {
1877            # Default is current process
1878            set tok [open_process_token]
1879        }
1881        trap {
1882            array set result [get_token_info $tok {*}$args]
1883            if {[info exists result(-usersid)]} {
1884                set result(-user) [lookup_account_sid $result(-usersid)]
1885                unset result(-usersid)
1886            }
1887            if {$opts(integrity)} {
1888                if {$opts(raw)} {
1889                    set integrity [get_token_integrity $tok -raw]
1890                } elseif {$opts(label)} {
1891                    set integrity [get_token_integrity $tok -label]
1892                } else {
1893                    set integrity [get_token_integrity $tok]
1894                }
1895                set result(-integrity) $integrity
1896            }
1897        } finally {
1898            close_token $tok
1899        }
1901        return [array get result]
1902    }
1904    return [_token_info_helper {*}$args]
1907# Set various information for a process token
1908# Caller assumed to have enabled appropriate privileges
1909proc twapi::_token_set_helper {args} {
1910    package require twapi_security
1912    proc _token_set_helper {args} {
1913        if {[llength $args] == 1} {
1914            # All options specified as one argument
1915            set args [lindex $args 0]
1916        }
1918        array set opts [parseargs args {
1919            virtualized.bool
1920            integrity.arg
1921            {noexist.arg "(no such process)"}
1922            {noaccess.arg "(unknown)"}
1923            pid.arg
1924            hprocess.arg
1925        } -maxleftover 0]
1927        if {[info exists opts(pid)] && [info exists opts(hprocess)]} {
1928            error "Options -pid and -hprocess cannot be specified together."
1929        }
1931        # Open token with appropriate access rights depending on request.
1932        set access [list token_adjust_default]
1934        if {[info exists opts(hprocess)]} {
1935            set tok [open_process_token -hprocess $opts(hprocess) -access $access]
1936        } elseif {[info exists opts(pid)]} {
1937            set tok [open_process_token -pid $opts(pid) -access $access]
1938        } else {
1939            # Default is current process
1940            set tok [open_process_token -access $access]
1941        }
1943        set result [list ]
1944        trap {
1945            if {[info exists opts(integrity)]} {
1946                set_token_integrity $tok $opts(integrity)
1947            }
1948            if {[info exists opts(virtualized)]} {
1949                set_token_virtualization $tok $opts(virtualized)
1950            }
1951        } finally {
1952            close_token $tok
1953        }
1955        return $result
1956    }
1957    return [_token_set_helper {*}$args]
1960# Map console color name to integer attribute
1961proc twapi::_map_console_color {colors background} {
1962    set attr 0
1963    foreach color $colors {
1964        switch -exact -- $color {
1965            blue   {setbits attr 1}
1966            green  {setbits attr 2}
1967            red    {setbits attr 4}
1968            white  {setbits attr 7}
1969            bright {setbits attr 8}
1970            black  { }
1971            default {error "Unknown color name $color"}
1972        }
1973    }
1974    if {$background} {
1975        set attr [expr {$attr << 4}]
1976    }
1977    return $attr