1 /*
2  * copied from from linux kernel 2.2.4
3  * removed internal stuff (#ifdef __KERNEL__)
4  */
7 #include <xorg-config.h>
8 #endif
10 #ifndef _LINUX_FB_H
11 #define _LINUX_FB_H
13 #include <asm/types.h>
15 /* Definitions of frame buffers						*/
17 #define FB_MAJOR	29
19 #define FB_MODES_SHIFT		5       /* 32 modes per framebuffer */
20 #define FB_NUM_MINORS		256     /* 256 Minors               */
21 #define FB_MAX			(FB_NUM_MINORS / (1 << FB_MODES_SHIFT))
22 #define GET_FB_IDX(node)	(MINOR(node) >> FB_MODES_SHIFT)
24 /* ioctls
25    0x46 is 'F'								*/
26 #define FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO	0x4600
27 #define FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO	0x4601
28 #define FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO	0x4602
29 #define FBIOGETCMAP		0x4604
30 #define FBIOPUTCMAP		0x4605
31 #define FBIOPAN_DISPLAY		0x4606
32 /* 0x4607-0x460B are defined below */
33 /* #define FBIOGET_MONITORSPEC	0x460C */
34 /* #define FBIOPUT_MONITORSPEC	0x460D */
35 /* #define FBIOSWITCH_MONIBIT	0x460E */
36 #define FBIOGET_CON2FBMAP	0x460F
37 #define FBIOPUT_CON2FBMAP	0x4610
38 #define FBIOBLANK		0x4611
40 #define FB_TYPE_PACKED_PIXELS		0       /* Packed Pixels        */
41 #define FB_TYPE_PLANES			1       /* Non interleaved planes */
42 #define FB_TYPE_INTERLEAVED_PLANES	2       /* Interleaved planes   */
43 #define FB_TYPE_TEXT			3       /* Text/attributes      */
45 #define FB_AUX_TEXT_MDA		0       /* Monochrome text */
46 #define FB_AUX_TEXT_CGA		1       /* CGA/EGA/VGA Color text */
47 #define FB_AUX_TEXT_S3_MMIO	2       /* S3 MMIO fasttext */
48 #define FB_AUX_TEXT_MGA_STEP16	3       /* MGA Millenium I: text, attr, 14 reserved bytes */
49 #define FB_AUX_TEXT_MGA_STEP8	4       /* other MGAs:      text, attr,  6 reserved bytes */
51 #define FB_VISUAL_MONO01		0       /* Monochr. 1=Black 0=White */
52 #define FB_VISUAL_MONO10		1       /* Monochr. 1=White 0=Black */
53 #define FB_VISUAL_TRUECOLOR		2       /* True color   */
54 #define FB_VISUAL_PSEUDOCOLOR		3       /* Pseudo color (like atari) */
55 #define FB_VISUAL_DIRECTCOLOR		4       /* Direct color */
56 #define FB_VISUAL_STATIC_PSEUDOCOLOR	5       /* Pseudo color readonly */
58 #define FB_ACCEL_NONE		0       /* no hardware accelerator      */
59 #define FB_ACCEL_ATARIBLITT	1       /* Atari Blitter                */
60 #define FB_ACCEL_AMIGABLITT	2       /* Amiga Blitter                */
61 #define FB_ACCEL_S3_TRIO64	3       /* Cybervision64 (S3 Trio64)    */
62 #define FB_ACCEL_NCR_77C32BLT	4       /* RetinaZ3 (NCR 77C32BLT)      */
63 #define FB_ACCEL_S3_VIRGE	5       /* Cybervision64/3D (S3 ViRGE)  */
64 #define FB_ACCEL_ATI_MACH64GX	6       /* ATI Mach 64GX family         */
65 #define FB_ACCEL_DEC_TGA	7       /* DEC 21030 TGA                */
66 #define FB_ACCEL_ATI_MACH64CT	8       /* ATI Mach 64CT family         */
67 #define FB_ACCEL_ATI_MACH64VT	9       /* ATI Mach 64CT family VT class */
68 #define FB_ACCEL_ATI_MACH64GT	10      /* ATI Mach 64CT family GT class */
69 #define FB_ACCEL_SUN_CREATOR	11      /* Sun Creator/Creator3D        */
70 #define FB_ACCEL_SUN_CGSIX	12      /* Sun cg6                      */
71 #define FB_ACCEL_SUN_LEO	13      /* Sun leo/zx                   */
72 #define FB_ACCEL_IMS_TWINTURBO	14      /* IMS Twin Turbo               */
73 #define FB_ACCEL_3DLABS_PERMEDIA2 15    /* 3Dlabs Permedia 2            */
74 #define FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGA2064W 16     /* Matrox MGA2064W (Millenium)  */
75 #define FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGA1064SG 17    /* Matrox MGA1064SG (Mystique)  */
76 #define FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGA2164W 18     /* Matrox MGA2164W (Millenium II) */
77 #define FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGA2164W_AGP 19 /* Matrox MGA2164W (Millenium II) */
78 #define FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGAG100	20      /* Matrox G100 (Productiva G100) */
79 #define FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGAG200	21      /* Matrox G200 (Myst, Mill, ...) */
80 #define FB_ACCEL_SUN_CG14	22      /* Sun cgfourteen                */
81 #define FB_ACCEL_SUN_BWTWO	23      /* Sun bwtwo                     */
82 #define FB_ACCEL_SUN_CGTHREE	24      /* Sun cgthree                   */
83 #define FB_ACCEL_SUN_TCX	25      /* Sun tcx                       */
84 #define FB_ACCEL_MATROX_MGAG400	26      /* Matrox G400                  */
85 #define FB_ACCEL_NV3		27      /* nVidia RIVA 128              */
86 #define FB_ACCEL_NV4		28      /* nVidia RIVA TNT              */
87 #define FB_ACCEL_NV5		29      /* nVidia RIVA TNT2             */
88 #define FB_ACCEL_CT_6555x	30      /* C&T 6555x                    */
89 #define FB_ACCEL_3DFX_BANSHEE	31      /* 3Dfx Banshee                 */
90 #define FB_ACCEL_ATI_RAGE128	32      /* ATI Rage128 family           */
92 struct fb_fix_screeninfo {
93     char id[16];                /* identification string eg "TT Builtin" */
94     char *smem_start;           /* Start of frame buffer mem */
95     /* (physical address) */
96     __u32 smem_len;             /* Length of frame buffer mem */
97     __u32 type;                 /* see FB_TYPE_*                */
98     __u32 type_aux;             /* Interleave for interleaved Planes */
99     __u32 visual;               /* see FB_VISUAL_*              */
100     __u16 xpanstep;             /* zero if no hardware panning  */
101     __u16 ypanstep;             /* zero if no hardware panning  */
102     __u16 ywrapstep;            /* zero if no hardware ywrap    */
103     __u32 line_length;          /* length of a line in bytes    */
104     char *mmio_start;           /* Start of Memory Mapped I/O   */
105     /* (physical address) */
106     __u32 mmio_len;             /* Length of Memory Mapped I/O  */
107     __u32 accel;                /* Type of acceleration available */
108     __u16 reserved[3];          /* Reserved for future compatibility */
109 };
111 /* Interpretation of offset for color fields: All offsets are from the right,
112  * inside a "pixel" value, which is exactly 'bits_per_pixel' wide (means: you
113  * can use the offset as right argument to <<). A pixel afterwards is a bit
114  * stream and is written to video memory as that unmodified. This implies
115  * big-endian byte order if bits_per_pixel is greater than 8.
116  */
117 struct fb_bitfield {
118     __u32 offset;               /* beginning of bitfield        */
119     __u32 length;               /* length of bitfield           */
120     __u32 msb_right;            /* != 0 : Most significant bit is */
121     /* right */
122 };
124 #define FB_NONSTD_HAM		1       /* Hold-And-Modify (HAM)        */
126 #define FB_ACTIVATE_NOW		0       /* set values immediately (or vbl) */
127 #define FB_ACTIVATE_NXTOPEN	1       /* activate on next open        */
128 #define FB_ACTIVATE_TEST	2       /* don't set, round up impossible */
129 #define FB_ACTIVATE_MASK       15
130                                         /* values                       */
131 #define FB_ACTIVATE_VBL	       16       /* activate values on next vbl  */
132 #define FB_CHANGE_CMAP_VBL     32       /* change colormap on vbl       */
133 #define FB_ACTIVATE_ALL	       64       /* change all VCs on this fb    */
135 #define FB_ACCELF_TEXT		1       /* text mode acceleration */
137 #define FB_SYNC_HOR_HIGH_ACT	1       /* horizontal sync high active  */
138 #define FB_SYNC_VERT_HIGH_ACT	2       /* vertical sync high active    */
139 #define FB_SYNC_EXT		4       /* external sync                */
140 #define FB_SYNC_COMP_HIGH_ACT	8       /* composite sync high active   */
141 #define FB_SYNC_BROADCAST	16      /* broadcast video timings      */
142                                         /* vtotal = 144d/288n/576i => PAL  */
143                                         /* vtotal = 121d/242n/484i => NTSC */
144 #define FB_SYNC_ON_GREEN	32      /* sync on green */
146 #define FB_VMODE_NONINTERLACED  0       /* non interlaced */
147 #define FB_VMODE_INTERLACED	1       /* interlaced   */
148 #define FB_VMODE_DOUBLE		2       /* double scan */
149 #define FB_VMODE_MASK		255
151 #define FB_VMODE_YWRAP		256     /* ywrap instead of panning     */
152 #define FB_VMODE_SMOOTH_XPAN	512     /* smooth xpan possible (internally used) */
153 #define FB_VMODE_CONUPDATE	512     /* don't update x/yoffset       */
155 struct fb_var_screeninfo {
156     __u32 xres;                 /* visible resolution           */
157     __u32 yres;
158     __u32 xres_virtual;         /* virtual resolution           */
159     __u32 yres_virtual;
160     __u32 xoffset;              /* offset from virtual to visible */
161     __u32 yoffset;              /* resolution                   */
163     __u32 bits_per_pixel;       /* guess what                   */
164     __u32 grayscale;            /* != 0 Graylevels instead of colors */
166     struct fb_bitfield red;     /* bitfield in fb mem if true color, */
167     struct fb_bitfield green;   /* else only length is significant */
168     struct fb_bitfield blue;
169     struct fb_bitfield transp;  /* transparency                 */
171     __u32 nonstd;               /* != 0 Non standard pixel format */
173     __u32 activate;             /* see FB_ACTIVATE_*            */
175     __u32 height;               /* height of picture in mm    */
176     __u32 width;                /* width of picture in mm     */
178     __u32 accel_flags;          /* acceleration flags (hints)   */
180     /* Timing: All values in pixclocks, except pixclock (of course) */
181     __u32 pixclock;             /* pixel clock in ps (pico seconds) */
182     __u32 left_margin;          /* time from sync to picture    */
183     __u32 right_margin;         /* time from picture to sync    */
184     __u32 upper_margin;         /* time from sync to picture    */
185     __u32 lower_margin;
186     __u32 hsync_len;            /* length of horizontal sync    */
187     __u32 vsync_len;            /* length of vertical sync      */
188     __u32 sync;                 /* see FB_SYNC_*                */
189     __u32 vmode;                /* see FB_VMODE_*               */
190     __u32 reserved[6];          /* Reserved for future compatibility */
191 };
193 struct fb_cmap {
194     __u32 start;                /* First entry  */
195     __u32 len;                  /* Number of entries */
196     __u16 *red;                 /* Red values   */
197     __u16 *green;
198     __u16 *blue;
199     __u16 *transp;              /* transparency, can be NULL */
200 };
202 struct fb_con2fbmap {
203     __u32 console;
204     __u32 framebuffer;
205 };
207 struct fb_monspecs {
208     __u32 hfmin;                /* hfreq lower limit (Hz) */
209     __u32 hfmax;                /* hfreq upper limit (Hz) */
210     __u16 vfmin;                /* vfreq lower limit (Hz) */
211     __u16 vfmax;                /* vfreq upper limit (Hz) */
212     unsigned dpms:1;            /* supports DPMS */
213 };
215 #if 1
220 #endif
222 #if 1                           /* Preliminary */
224    /*
225     *    Hardware Cursor
226     */
228 #define FBIOGET_FCURSORINFO     0x4607
229 #define FBIOGET_VCURSORINFO     0x4608
230 #define FBIOPUT_VCURSORINFO     0x4609
231 #define FBIOGET_CURSORSTATE     0x460A
232 #define FBIOPUT_CURSORSTATE     0x460B
234 struct fb_fix_cursorinfo {
235     __u16 crsr_width;           /* width and height of the cursor in */
236     __u16 crsr_height;          /* pixels (zero if no cursor)   */
237     __u16 crsr_xsize;           /* cursor size in display pixels */
238     __u16 crsr_ysize;
239     __u16 crsr_color1;          /* colormap entry for cursor color1 */
240     __u16 crsr_color2;          /* colormap entry for cursor color2 */
241 };
243 struct fb_var_cursorinfo {
244     __u16 width;
245     __u16 height;
246     __u16 xspot;
247     __u16 yspot;
248     __u8 data[1];               /* field with [height][width]        */
249 };
251 struct fb_cursorstate {
252     __s16 xoffset;
253     __s16 yoffset;
254     __u16 mode;
255 };
257 #define FB_CURSOR_OFF		0
258 #define FB_CURSOR_ON		1
259 #define FB_CURSOR_FLASH		2
261 #endif                          /* Preliminary */
263 #endif                          /* _LINUX_FB_H */