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READMEH A D25-Sep-20211.7 KiB3525

_colors-public.scssH A D25-Sep-20213.9 KiB12091

_colors.scssH A D25-Sep-20214.2 KiB7864

_common.scssH A D25-Sep-2021115.2 KiB

_drawing.scssH A D25-Sep-202118.6 KiB616536

gtk-contained-dark.cssH A D25-Sep-2021167.4 KiB2,0381,082

gtk-contained-dark.scssH A D25-Sep-202199 75

gtk-contained.cssH A D25-Sep-2021167.8 KiB2,0541,090

gtk-contained.scssH A D25-Sep-2021405 1310

gtk-dark.cssH A D25-Sep-202180 21

gtk.cssH A D25-Sep-202175 21

meson.buildH A D25-Sep-20211 KiB3127

parse-sass.shH A D25-Sep-2021303 148

render-assets.shH A D25-Sep-2021850 3528


4* Do not edit the CSS directly, edit the source SCSS files
5* To be able to use the latest/adequate version of SASS, install sassc
6* The configure script will detect whether or not you have sassc installed;
7  if you do, it will regenerate the CSS every time you modify the SCSS files
8  and rebuild GTK+.
10How to tweak the theme
13Adwaita is a complex theme, so to keep it maintainable it's written and processed in SASS. The
14generated CSS is then transformed into a GResource file during GTK+ build and used at runtime in a
15non-legible or editable form.
17It is very likely your change will happen in the _common.scss file. That's where all the widget
18selectors are defined. Here's a rundown of the "supporting" stylesheets, that are unlikely to be the
19right place for a drive by stylesheet fix:
21_colors.scss        - global color definitions. We keep the number of defined colors to a necessary minimum,
22                      most colors are derived form a handful of basics. It covers both the light variant and
23                      the dark variant.
25_colors-public.scss - SCSS colors exported through gtk to allow for 3rd party apps color mixing.
27_drawing.scss       - drawing helper mixings/functions to allow easier definition of widget drawing under
28                      specific context. This is why Adwaita isn't 15000 LOC.
30_common.scss        - actual definitions of style for each widget. This is where you are likely to add/remove
31                      your changes.
33You can read about SASS at http://sass-lang.com/documentation/. Once you make
34your changes to the _common.scss file, GTK+ will rebuild the CSS files.