1 /********************************************************************************
2 *                                                                               *
3 *                     A p p l i c a t i o n   O b j e c t                       *
4 *                                                                               *
5 *********************************************************************************
6 * Copyright (C) 1997,2006 by Jeroen van der Zijp.   All Rights Reserved.        *
7 *********************************************************************************
8 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *
9 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public                    *
10 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either                  *
11 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.            *
12 *                                                                               *
13 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               *
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *
16 * Lesser General Public License for more details.                               *
17 *                                                                               *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public              *
19 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software           *
20 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.    *
21 *********************************************************************************
22 * $Id: FXApp.h,v 1.230 2006/01/22 17:57:58 fox Exp $                            *
23 ********************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef FXAPP_H
25 #define FXAPP_H
27 #ifndef FXOBJECT_H
28 #include "FXObject.h"
29 #endif
31 namespace FX {
34 // Forward declarations
35 class FXApp;
36 class FXWindow;
37 class FXIcon;
38 class FXBitmap;
39 class FXCursor;
40 class FXRootWindow;
41 class FXMainWindow;
42 class FXPopup;
43 class FXFont;
44 class FXDC;
45 class FXDCWindow;
46 class FXVisual;
47 class FXGLVisual;
48 class FXGLContext;
49 class FXTranslator;
50 class FXComposeContext;
52 // Opaque FOX objects
53 struct FXTimer;
54 struct FXChore;
55 struct FXSignal;
56 struct FXRepaint;
57 struct FXInput;
58 struct FXInvocation;
62 /// File input modes for addInput
63 enum FXInputMode {
64   INPUT_NONE   = 0,                 /// Inactive
65   INPUT_READ   = 1,                 /// Read input fd
66   INPUT_WRITE  = 2,                 /// Write input fd
67   INPUT_EXCEPT = 4                  /// Except input fd
68   };
71 /// All ways of being modal
72 enum FXModality {
73   MODAL_FOR_NONE,                 /// Non modal event loop (dispatch normally)
74   MODAL_FOR_WINDOW,               /// Modal dialog (beep if outside of modal dialog)
75   MODAL_FOR_POPUP                 /// Modal for popup (always dispatch to popup)
76   };
79 /// Default cursors provided by the application
80 enum FXDefaultCursor {
81   DEF_ARROW_CURSOR,                     /// Arrow cursor
82   DEF_RARROW_CURSOR,                    /// Reverse arrow cursor
83   DEF_TEXT_CURSOR,                      /// Text cursor
84   DEF_HSPLIT_CURSOR,                    /// Horizontal split cursor
85   DEF_VSPLIT_CURSOR,                    /// Vertical split cursor
86   DEF_XSPLIT_CURSOR,                    /// Cross split cursor
87   DEF_SWATCH_CURSOR,                    /// Color swatch drag cursor
88   DEF_MOVE_CURSOR,                      /// Move cursor
89   DEF_DRAGH_CURSOR,                     /// Resize horizontal edge
90   DEF_DRAGV_CURSOR,                     /// Resize vertical edge
91   DEF_DRAGTL_CURSOR,                    /// Resize upper-leftcorner
92   DEF_DRAGBR_CURSOR=DEF_DRAGTL_CURSOR,  /// Resize bottom-right corner
93   DEF_DRAGTR_CURSOR,                    /// Resize upper-right corner
94   DEF_DRAGBL_CURSOR=DEF_DRAGTR_CURSOR,  /// Resize bottom-left corner
95   DEF_DNDSTOP_CURSOR,                   /// Drag and drop stop
96   DEF_DNDCOPY_CURSOR,                   /// Drag and drop copy
97   DEF_DNDMOVE_CURSOR,                   /// Drag and drop move
98   DEF_DNDLINK_CURSOR,                   /// Drag and drop link
99   DEF_CROSSHAIR_CURSOR,                 /// Cross hair cursor
100   DEF_CORNERNE_CURSOR,                  /// North-east cursor
101   DEF_CORNERNW_CURSOR,                  /// North-west cursor
102   DEF_CORNERSE_CURSOR,                  /// South-east cursor
103   DEF_CORNERSW_CURSOR,                  /// South-west cursor
104   DEF_HELP_CURSOR,                      /// Help arrow cursor
105   DEF_HAND_CURSOR,                      /// Hand cursor
106   DEF_ROTATE_CURSOR,                    /// Rotate cursor
107   DEF_WAIT_CURSOR                       /// Wait cursor
108   };
112 /// FOX Event
113 struct FXAPI FXEvent {
114   FXuint      type;           /// Event type
115   FXuint      time;           /// Time of last event
116   FXint       win_x;          /// Window-relative x-coord
117   FXint       win_y;          /// Window-relative y-coord
118   FXint       root_x;         /// Root x-coord
119   FXint       root_y;         /// Root y-coord
120   FXint       state;          /// Mouse button and modifier key state
121   FXint       code;           /// Button, Keysym, or mode; DDE Source
122   FXString    text;           /// Text of keyboard event
123   FXint       last_x;         /// Window-relative x-coord of previous mouse location
124   FXint       last_y;         /// Window-relative y-coord of previous mouse location
125   FXint       click_x;        /// Window-relative x-coord of mouse press
126   FXint       click_y;        /// Window-relative y-coord of mouse press
127   FXint       rootclick_x;    /// Root-relative x-coord of mouse press
128   FXint       rootclick_y;    /// Root-relative y-coord of mouse press
129   FXuint      click_time;     /// Time of mouse button press
130   FXuint      click_button;   /// Mouse button pressed
131   FXint       click_count;    /// Click-count
132   FXbool      moved;          /// Moved cursor since press
133   FXRectangle rect;           /// Rectangle
134   FXbool      synthetic;      /// True if synthetic expose event
135   FXDragType  target;         /// Target drag type being requested
136   };
139 /// Application Object
140 class FXAPI FXApp : public FXObject {
143   // We've got many friends
144   friend class FXId;
145   friend class FXBitmap;
146   friend class FXImage;
147   friend class FXIcon;
148   friend class FXCursor;
149   friend class FXDrawable;
150   friend class FXWindow;
151   friend class FXShell;
152   friend class FXRootWindow;
153   friend class FXTopWindow;
154   friend class FXMainWindow;
155   friend class FXPopup;
156   friend class FXFont;
157   friend class FXVisual;
158   friend class FXGLVisual;
159   friend class FXGLContext;
160   friend class FXDC;
161   friend class FXDCWindow;
162   friend class FXDragCorner;
163   friend class FXDockHandler;
164   friend class FXComposeContext;
166 private:
168   // Platform independent private data
169   void            *display;             // Display we're talking to
170   const FXchar    *dpy;                 // Initial display guess
171   FXHash           hash;                // Window handle hash table
172   FXRegistry       registry;            // Application setting registry
173   FXWindow        *activeWindow;        // Active toplevel window
174   FXWindow        *cursorWindow;        // Window under the cursor
175   FXWindow        *mouseGrabWindow;     // Window which grabbed the mouse
176   FXWindow        *keyboardGrabWindow;  // Window which grabbed the keyboard
177   FXWindow        *keyWindow;           // Window in which keyboard key was pressed
178   FXWindow        *selectionWindow;     // Selection window
179   FXWindow        *clipboardWindow;     // Clipboard window
180   FXWindow        *dropWindow;          // Drop target window
181   FXWindow        *dragWindow;          // Drag source window
182   FXWindow        *refresher;           // GUI refresher pointer
183   FXWindow        *refresherstop;       // GUI refresher end pointer
184   FXPopup         *popupWindow;         // Current popup window
185   FXRootWindow    *root;                // Root window
186   FXVisual        *monoVisual;          // Monochrome visual
187   FXVisual        *defaultVisual;       // Default [color] visual
188   FXTimer         *timers;              // List of timers, sorted by time
189   FXChore         *chores;              // List of chores
190   FXRepaint       *repaints;            // Unhandled repaint rectangles
191   FXTimer         *timerrecs;           // List of recycled timer records
192   FXChore         *chorerecs;           // List of recycled chore records
193   FXRepaint       *repaintrecs;         // List of recycled repaint records
194   FXInvocation    *invocation;          // Modal loop invocation
195   FXSignal        *signals;             // Array of signal records
196   FXint            nsignals;            // Number of signals
197   FXFont          *normalFont;          // Normal font
198   FXFont          *stockFont;           // Stock font
199   FXMutex          appMutex;            // Application wide mutex
200   FXEvent          event;               // Event
201   FXuint           stickyMods;          // Sticky modifier state
202   FXInput         *inputs;              // Input file descriptors being watched
203   FXint            ninputs;             // Number of inputs
204   FXint            maxinput;            // Maximum input number
205   FXuchar         *ddeData;             // DDE array
206   FXuint           ddeSize;             // DDE array size
207   FXuint           maxcolors;           // Maximum number of colors to allocate
208   FXuint           typingSpeed;         // Typing speed
209   FXuint           clickSpeed;          // Double click speed
210   FXuint           scrollSpeed;         // Scroll speed
211   FXuint           scrollDelay;         // Scroll delay
212   FXuint           blinkSpeed;          // Cursor blink speed
213   FXuint           animSpeed;           // Animation speed
214   FXuint           menuPause;           // Menu popup delay
215   FXuint           tooltipPause;        // Tooltip popup delay
216   FXuint           tooltipTime;         // Tooltip display time
217   FXint            dragDelta;           // Minimum distance considered a move
218   FXint            wheelLines;          // Scroll by this many lines
219   FXint            scrollBarSize;       // Scrollbar size
220   FXColor          borderColor;         // Border color
221   FXColor          baseColor;           // Background color of GUI controls
222   FXColor          hiliteColor;         // Highlight color of GUI controls
223   FXColor          shadowColor;         // Shadow color of GUI controls
224   FXColor          backColor;           // Background color
225   FXColor          foreColor;           // Foreground color
226   FXColor          selforeColor;        // Select foreground color
227   FXColor          selbackColor;        // Select background color
228   FXColor          tipforeColor;        // Tooltip foreground color
229   FXColor          tipbackColor;        // Tooltip background color
230   FXColor          selMenuTextColor;    // Select foreground color in menus
231   FXColor          selMenuBackColor;    // Select background color in menus
232   FXCursor        *waitCursor;          // Current wait cursor
233   FXuint           waitCount;           // Number of times wait cursor was called
234   FXuint           windowCount;         // Number of windows
235   FXCursor        *cursor[DEF_WAIT_CURSOR+1];
236   FXTranslator    *translator;          // Message translator
237   FXint                appArgc;         // Argument count
238   const FXchar *const *appArgv;         // Argument vector
239   const FXchar    *inputmethod;         // Input method name
240   const FXchar    *inputstyle;          // Input method style
241   bool             initialized;         // Has been initialized
243 private:
244   static FXApp    *app;                 // Application pointer
246   // Platform dependent private stuff
247 #ifndef WIN32
248 private:
249   FXID             wmDeleteWindow;      // Catch delete window
250   FXID             wmQuitApp;           // Catch quit application
251   FXID             wmProtocols;         // Window manager protocols
252   FXID             wmMotifHints;        // Motif hints
253   FXID             wmTakeFocus;         // Focus explicitly set by app
254   FXID             wmState;             // Window state
255   FXID             wmNetState;          // Extended Window Manager window state
256   FXID             wmNetIconName;       // Extended Window Manager icon name
257   FXID             wmNetWindowName;     // Extended Window Manager window name
258   FXID             wmNetSupported;      // Extended Window Manager states list
259   FXID             wmNetWindowType;     // Extended Window Manager types
260   FXID             wmNetHMaximized;     // Extended Window Manager horizontally maximized
261   FXID             wmNetVMaximized;     // Extended Window Manager vertically maximized
262   FXID             wmNetMoveResize;     // Extended Window Manager drag corner
263   FXID             wmNetPing;           // Extended Window Manager ping
264   FXID             wmNetTypes[8];       // Extended Window Manager window types
265   FXID             wmNetStates[12];     // Extended Window Manager state
266   FXID             wmWindowRole;        // Window Role
267   FXID             wmClientLeader;      // Client leader
268   FXID             wmClientId;          // Client id
269   FXID             embedAtom;           // XEMBED support
270   FXID             embedInfoAtom;       // XEMBED info support
271   FXID             timestampAtom;       // Server time
272   FXID             ddeTargets;          // DDE targets atom
273   FXID             ddeAtom;             // DDE exchange atom
274   FXID             ddeDelete;           // DDE delete target atom
275   FXID             ddeIncr;             // DDE incremental data exchange atom
276   FXDragType      *ddeTypeList;         // DDE drop type list
277   FXuint           ddeNumTypes;         // DDE number of drop types
278   FXDragAction     ddeAction;           // DDE action
279   FXDragAction     ansAction;           // Reply action
280   FXID             xcbSelection;        // Clipboard selection
281   FXDragType      *xcbTypeList;         // Clipboard type list
282   FXuint           xcbNumTypes;         // Clipboard number of types on list
283   FXDragType      *xselTypeList;        // Selection type list
284   FXuint           xselNumTypes;        // Selection number of types on list
285   FXDragType      *xdndTypeList;        // XDND type list
286   FXuint           xdndNumTypes;        // XDND number of types
287   FXID             xdndProxy;           // XDND proxy atom
288   FXID             xdndAware;           // XDND awareness atom
289   FXID             xdndEnter;           // XDND enter window message
290   FXID             xdndLeave;           // XDND leave window message
291   FXID             xdndPosition;        // XDND position update message
292   FXID             xdndStatus;          // XDND status feedback message
293   FXID             xdndDrop;            // XDND drop message
294   FXID             xdndFinished;        // XDND finished message
295   FXID             xdndSelection;       // XDND selection atom
296   FXID             xdndActionMove;      // XDND Move action
297   FXID             xdndActionCopy;      // XDND Copy action
298   FXID             xdndActionLink;      // XDND Link action
299   FXID             xdndActionPrivate;   // XDND Private action
300   FXID             xdndTypes;           // XDND types list atom
301   FXID             xdndSource;          // XDND drag source window
302   FXID             xdndTarget;          // XDND drop target window
303   FXID             xdndProxyTarget;     // XDND window to set messages to
304   FXbool           xdndStatusPending;   // XDND waiting for status feedback
305   FXbool           xdndStatusReceived;  // XDND received at least one status
306   FXbool           xdndWantUpdates;     // XDND target wants new positions while in rect
307   FXbool           xdndFinishSent;      // XDND finish sent
308   FXRectangle      xdndRect;            // XDND rectangle bounding target
309   FXint            xrreventbase;        // XRR event base
310   FXID             stipples[23];        // Standard stipple patterns
311   void            *r_fds;               // Set of file descriptors for read
312   void            *w_fds;               // Set of file descriptors for write
313   void            *e_fds;               // Set of file descriptors for exceptions
314   void            *xim;                 // Input method
315   FXbool           shmi;                // Use XSHM Image possible
316   FXbool           shmp;                // Use XSHM Pixmap possible
317   FXbool           synchronize;         // Synchronized
319 #else
321   FXushort         ddeTargets;          // DDE targets atom
322   FXushort         ddeAtom;             // DDE Exchange Atom
323   FXDragType       ddeDelete;           // DDE Delete Target Atom
324   FXDragType      *ddeTypeList;         // DDE drop type list
325   FXuint           ddeNumTypes;         // DDE number of drop types
326   FXDragAction     ddeAction;           // DDE action
327   FXDragAction     ansAction;           // Reply action
328   FXDragType      *xselTypeList;        // Selection type list
329   FXuint           xselNumTypes;        // Selection number of types on list
330   void*            xdndTypes;           // Handle to file mapping object for types list
331   FXushort         xdndAware;           // XDND awareness atom
332   FXID             xdndSource;          // XDND drag source window
333   FXID             xdndTarget;          // XDND drop target window
334   FXbool           xdndStatusPending;   // XDND waiting for status feedback
335   FXbool           xdndFinishPending;   // XDND waiting for drop-confirmation
336   FXbool           xdndStatusReceived;  // XDND received at least one status
337   FXbool           xdndFinishSent;      // XDND finish sent
338   FXRectangle      xdndRect;            // XDND rectangle bounding target
339   FXID             stipples[17];        // Standard stipple bitmaps
340   void           **handles;             // Waitable object handles
342 #endif
344 private:
346   // Internal helper functions
347   FXApp(const FXApp&);
348   FXApp &operator=(const FXApp&);
349   static void signalhandler(int sig);
350   static void immediatesignalhandler(int sig);
351   void leaveWindow(FXWindow *window,FXWindow *ancestor);
352   void enterWindow(FXWindow *window,FXWindow *ancestor);
353   void selectionSetData(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType type,FXuchar* data,FXuint size);
354   void selectionGetData(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType type,FXuchar*& data,FXuint& size);
355   void selectionGetTypes(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType*& types,FXuint& numtypes);
356   void clipboardSetData(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType type,FXuchar* data,FXuint size);
357   void clipboardGetData(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType type,FXuchar*& data,FXuint& size);
358   void clipboardGetTypes(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType*& types,FXuint& numtypes);
359   void dragdropSetData(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType type,FXuchar* data,FXuint size);
360   void dragdropGetData(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType type,FXuchar*& data,FXuint& size);
361   void dragdropGetTypes(const FXWindow* window,FXDragType*& types,FXuint& numtypes);
362 #ifndef WIN32
363   void addRepaint(FXID win,FXint x,FXint y,FXint w,FXint h,FXbool synth=0);
364   void removeRepaints(FXID win,FXint x,FXint y,FXint w,FXint h);
365   void scrollRepaints(FXID win,FXint dx,FXint dy);
366   static void imcreatecallback(void*,FXApp*,void*);
367   static void imdestroycallback(void*,FXApp*,void*);
368 #else
369   static FXival CALLBACK wndproc(FXID hwnd,FXuint iMsg,FXuval wParam,FXival lParam);
370 protected:
371   virtual FXival dispatchEvent(FXID hwnd,FXuint iMsg,FXuval wParam,FXival lParam);
372 #endif
374 protected:
376   /// Return TRUE when new raw event is available
377   virtual bool getNextEvent(FXRawEvent& ev,bool blocking=true);
379   /// Dispatch raw event
380   virtual bool dispatchEvent(FXRawEvent& ev);
382 public:
383   long onCmdQuit(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
384   long onCmdDump(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
385   long onCmdHover(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*);
387 public:
389   /// Messages applications understand
390   enum {
391     ID_QUIT=1,    /// Terminate the application normally
392     ID_DUMP,      /// Dump the current widget tree
393     ID_HOVER,
394     ID_LAST
395     };
397 public:
399   /// Information
400   static const FXuchar copyright[];     /// Copyright notice of library
402 public:
404   /**
405   * Construct application object; the name and vendor strings are used
406   * as keys into the registry database for this application's settings.
407   * Only one single application object can be constructed.
408   */
409   FXApp(const FXString& name="Application",const FXString& vendor="FoxDefault");
411   /// Get application name
getAppName()412   const FXString& getAppName() const { return registry.getAppKey(); }
414   /// Get vendor name
getVendorName()415   const FXString& getVendorName() const { return registry.getVendorKey(); }
417   /// Connection to display; this is called by init()
418   bool openDisplay(const FXchar* dpyname=NULL);
420   /// Close connection to the display
421   bool closeDisplay();
423   /// Return pointer
getDisplay()424   void* getDisplay() const { return display; }
426   /// Is application initialized
isInitialized()427   bool isInitialized() const { return initialized; }
429   /// Get argument count
getArgc()430   FXint getArgc() const { return appArgc; }
432   /// Get argument vector
getArgv()433   const FXchar *const *getArgv() const { return appArgv; }
435   /// Return true if input method support
436   bool hasInputMethod() const;
438   /// Get default visual
getDefaultVisual()439   FXVisual* getDefaultVisual() const { return defaultVisual; }
441   /// Change default visual
442   void setDefaultVisual(FXVisual* vis);
444   /// Get monochrome visual
getMonoVisual()445   FXVisual* getMonoVisual() const { return monoVisual; }
447   /// Get root Window
getRootWindow()448   FXRootWindow* getRootWindow() const { return root; }
450   /// Set root Window
451   void setRootWindow(FXRootWindow* rt);
453   /// Return window at the end of the focus chain
454   FXWindow *getFocusWindow() const;
456   /// Get the window under the cursor, if any
getCursorWindow()457   FXWindow *getCursorWindow() const { return cursorWindow; }
459   /// Get the active toplevel window, if any
getActiveWindow()460   FXWindow *getActiveWindow() const { return activeWindow; }
462   /// Get current popup window, if any
getPopupWindow()463   FXPopup* getPopupWindow() const { return popupWindow; }
465   /// Find window from id
466   FXWindow* findWindowWithId(FXID xid) const;
468   /// Find window from root x,y, starting from given window
469   FXWindow* findWindowAt(FXint rx,FXint ry,FXID window=0) const;
471   /// Create application's windows
472   virtual void create();
474   /// Destroy application's windows
475   virtual void destroy();
477   /// Detach application's windows
478   virtual void detach();
480   /**
481   * Add timeout message to be sent to target object in ms milliseconds;
482   * the timer fires only once after the interval expires.  The void* ptr
483   * is user data which will be passed into the void* ptr of the message
484   * handler.  If a timer with the same target and message already exists,
485   * it will be rescheduled.
486   */
487   void addTimeout(FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel,FXuint ms=1000,void* ptr=NULL);
489   /**
490   * Remove timeout identified by tgt and sel.
491   */
492   void removeTimeout(FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel);
494   /**
495   * Return TRUE if given timeout has been set
496   */
497   bool hasTimeout(FXObject *tgt,FXSelector sel) const;
499   /**
500   * Return, in ms, the time remaining until the given timer fires.
501   * If the timer is past due, 0 is returned.  If there is no such
502   * timer, infinity (UINT_MAX) is returned.
503   */
504   FXuint remainingTimeout(FXObject *tgt,FXSelector sel);
506   /**
507   * Process any timeouts due at this time.
508   */
509   void handleTimeouts();
511   /**
512   * Add a idle processing message to be sent to target object when
513   * the system becomes idle, i.e. there are no events to be processed.
514   * The void* ptr is user data which will be passed into the void* ptr
515   * of the message handler. If a chore with the same target and message
516   * already exists, it will be rescheduled.
517   */
518   void* addChore(FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel,void *ptr=NULL);
520   /**
521   * Remove idle processing message identified by tgt and sel.
522   */
523   void* removeChore(FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel);
525   /**
526   * Return TRUE if given chore has been set
527   */
528   bool hasChore(FXObject *tgt,FXSelector sel) const;
530   /**
531   * Add signal processing message to be sent to target object when
532   * the signal sig is raised; flags are to be set as per POSIX definitions.
533   * When immediate is TRUE, the message will be sent to the target right away;
534   * this should be used with extreme care as the application is interrupted
535   * at an unknown point in its execution.
536   */
537   void addSignal(FXint sig,FXObject* tgt,FXSelector sel,FXbool immediate=FALSE,FXuint flags=0);
539   /// Remove signal message for signal sig
540   void removeSignal(FXint sig);
542   /**
543   * Add a file descriptor fd to be watched for activity as determined
544   * by mode, where mode is a bitwise OR (INPUT_READ, INPUT_WRITE, INPUT_EXCEPT).
545   * A message of type SEL_IO_READ, SEL_IO_WRITE, or SEL_IO_EXCEPT will be sent
546   * to the target when the specified activity is detected on the file descriptor.
547   */
548   bool addInput(FXInputHandle fd,FXuint mode,FXObject *tgt,FXSelector sel);
550   /**
551   * Remove input message and target object for the specified file descriptor
552   * and mode, which is a bitwise OR of (INPUT_READ, INPUT_WRITE, INPUT_EXCEPT).
553   */
554   bool removeInput(FXInputHandle fd,FXuint mode);
556   /// Return key state of given key
557   bool getKeyState(FXuint keysym) const;
559   /// Peek to determine if there's an event
560   bool peekEvent();
562   /// Perform one event dispatch; return true if event was dispatched
563   bool runOneEvent(bool blocking=true);
565   /**
566   * Run the main application event loop until stop() is called,
567   * and return the exit code passed as argument to stop().
568   */
569   FXint run();
571   /**
572   * Run an event loop till some flag becomes non-zero, and
573   * then return.
574   */
575   FXint runUntil(FXuint& condition);
577   /**
578   * Run event loop while events are available, non-modally.
579   * Return when no more events, timers, or chores are outstanding.
580   */
581   FXint runWhileEvents();
583   /**
584   * Run event loop while there are events are available in the queue.
585   * Returns 1 when all events in the queue have been handled, and 0 when
586   * the event loop was terminated due to stop() or stopModal().
587   * Except for the modal window and its children, user input to all windows
588   * is blocked; if the modal window is NULL, all user input is blocked.
589   */
590   FXint runModalWhileEvents(FXWindow* window=NULL);
592   /**
593   * Run modal event loop, blocking keyboard and mouse events to all windows
594   * until stopModal is called.
595   */
596   FXint runModal();
598   /**
599   * Run a modal event loop for the given window, until stop() or stopModal() is
600   * called. Except for the modal window and its children, user input to all
601   * windows is blocked; if the modal window is NULL all user input is blocked.
602   */
603   FXint runModalFor(FXWindow* window);
605   /**
606   * Run modal while window is shown, or until stop() or stopModal() is called.
607   * Except for the modal window and its children, user input to all windows
608   * is blocked; if the modal window is NULL all user input is blocked.
609   */
610   FXint runModalWhileShown(FXWindow* window);
612   /**
613   * Run popup menu while shown, until stop() or stopModal() is called.
614   * Also returns when entering previous cascading popup menu.
615   */
616   FXint runPopup(FXWindow* window);
618   /// True if the window is modal
619   bool isModal(FXWindow* window) const;
621   /// Return window of current modal loop
622   FXWindow* getModalWindow() const;
624   /// Return mode of current modal loop
625   FXModality getModality() const;
627   /**
628   * Terminate the outermost event loop, and all inner modal loops;
629   * All more deeper nested event loops will be terminated with code equal
630   * to 0, while the outermost event loop will return code equal to value.
631   */
632   void stop(FXint value=0);
634   /**
635   * Break out of the matching modal loop, returning code equal to value.
636   * All deeper nested event loops are terminated with code equal to 0.
637   */
638   void stopModal(FXWindow* window,FXint value=0);
640   /**
641   * Break out of the innermost modal loop, returning code equal to value.
642   */
643   void stopModal(FXint value=0);
645   /// Force GUI refresh
646   void forceRefresh();
648   /// Schedule a refresh
649   void refresh();
651   /// Flush pending repaints
652   void flush(bool sync=false);
654   /**
655   * Paint all windows marked for repainting.
656   * On return all the applications windows have been painted.
657   */
658   void repaint();
660   /**
661   * Initialize application.
662   * Parses and removes common command line arguments, reads the registry.
663   * Finally, if connect is TRUE, it opens the display.
664   */
665   virtual void init(int& argc,char** argv,bool connect=true);
667   /**
668   * Exit application.
669   * Closes the display and writes the registry.
670   */
671   virtual void exit(FXint code=0);
673   /**
674   * Return a reference to the registry.  The registry keeps
675   * settings and configuration information for an application,
676   * which are automatically loaded when the application starts
677   * up, and saved when the application terminates.
678   */
reg()679   FXRegistry& reg(){ return registry; }
681   /// Register new DND type
682   FXDragType registerDragType(const FXString& name) const;
684   /// Get drag type name
685   FXString getDragTypeName(FXDragType type) const;
687   /// Return drag window if a drag operation is in progress
getDragWindow()688   FXWindow* getDragWindow() const { return dragWindow; }
690   /// Beep
691   void beep();
693   /// Return application instance
instance()694   static inline FXApp* instance(){ return app; }
696   /// Change default font
697   void setNormalFont(FXFont* font);
699   /// Return default font
getNormalFont()700   FXFont* getNormalFont() const { return normalFont; }
702   /// Begin of wait-cursor block; wait-cursor blocks may be nested.
703   void beginWaitCursor();
705   /// End of wait-cursor block
706   void endWaitCursor();
708   /// Change to a new wait cursor
709   void setWaitCursor(FXCursor *cur);
711   /// Return current wait cursor
getWaitCursor()712   FXCursor* getWaitCursor() const { return waitCursor; }
714   /// Obtain a default cursor
getDefaultCursor(FXDefaultCursor which)715   FXCursor* getDefaultCursor(FXDefaultCursor which) const { return cursor[which]; }
717   /// Change default cursor
718   void setDefaultCursor(FXDefaultCursor which,FXCursor* cur);
720   /**
721   * Write a window and its children, and all resources reachable from this
722   * window, into the stream store. (EXPERIMENTAL!)
723   */
724   FXbool writeWindow(FXStream& store,FXWindow *window);
726   /**
727   * Read a window and its children from the stream store, and append
728   * it under father; note it is initially not created yet. (EXPERIMENTAL!)
729   */
730   FXbool readWindow(FXStream& store,FXWindow*& window,FXWindow* father,FXWindow* owner);
732   /**
733   * Return a reference to the application-wide mutex.
734   * Normally, the main user interface thread holds this mutex,
735   * insuring that no other threads are modifying data during the
736   * processing of user interface messages. However, whenever the
737   * main user interface thread blocks for messages, it releases
738   * this mutex, to allow other threads to modify the same data.
739   * When a new message becomes available, the main user interface
740   * thread regains the mutex prior to dispatching the message.
741   * Other threads should hold this mutex only for short durations,
742   * so as to not starve the main user interface thread.
743   */
mutex()744   FXMutex& mutex(){ return appMutex; }
746   /**
747   * Change message translator.
748   * The new translator will be owned by FXApp.
749   */
750   void setTranslator(FXTranslator* trans);
752   /// Return message translator
getTranslator()753   FXTranslator* getTranslator() const { return translator; }
755   /// Obtain application-wide settings
getTypingSpeed()756   FXuint getTypingSpeed() const { return typingSpeed; }
getClickSpeed()757   FXuint getClickSpeed() const { return clickSpeed; }
getScrollSpeed()758   FXuint getScrollSpeed() const { return scrollSpeed; }
getScrollDelay()759   FXuint getScrollDelay() const { return scrollDelay; }
getBlinkSpeed()760   FXuint getBlinkSpeed() const { return blinkSpeed; }
getAnimSpeed()761   FXuint getAnimSpeed() const { return animSpeed; }
getMenuPause()762   FXuint getMenuPause() const { return menuPause; }
getTooltipPause()763   FXuint getTooltipPause() const { return tooltipPause; }
getTooltipTime()764   FXuint getTooltipTime() const { return tooltipTime; }
getDragDelta()765   FXint getDragDelta() const { return dragDelta; }
getWheelLines()766   FXint getWheelLines() const { return wheelLines; }
getScrollBarSize()767   FXint getScrollBarSize() const { return scrollBarSize; }
769   /// Change application-wide settings
770   void setTypingSpeed(FXuint speed);
771   void setClickSpeed(FXuint speed);
772   void setScrollSpeed(FXuint speed);
773   void setScrollDelay(FXuint delay);
774   void setBlinkSpeed(FXuint speed);
775   void setAnimSpeed(FXuint speed);
776   void setMenuPause(FXuint pause);
777   void setTooltipPause(FXuint pause);
778   void setTooltipTime(FXuint time);
779   void setDragDelta(FXint delta);
780   void setWheelLines(FXint lines);
781   void setScrollBarSize(FXint size);
783   /// Obtain default colors
getBorderColor()784   FXColor getBorderColor() const { return borderColor; }
getBaseColor()785   FXColor getBaseColor() const { return baseColor; }
getHiliteColor()786   FXColor getHiliteColor() const { return hiliteColor; }
getShadowColor()787   FXColor getShadowColor() const { return shadowColor; }
getBackColor()788   FXColor getBackColor() const { return backColor; }
getForeColor()789   FXColor getForeColor() const { return foreColor; }
getSelforeColor()790   FXColor getSelforeColor() const { return selforeColor; }
getSelbackColor()791   FXColor getSelbackColor() const { return selbackColor; }
getTipforeColor()792   FXColor getTipforeColor() const { return tipforeColor; }
getTipbackColor()793   FXColor getTipbackColor() const { return tipbackColor; }
getSelMenuTextColor()794   FXColor getSelMenuTextColor() const { return selMenuTextColor; }
getSelMenuBackColor()795   FXColor getSelMenuBackColor() const { return selMenuBackColor; }
797   /// Change default colors
798   void setBorderColor(FXColor color);
799   void setBaseColor(FXColor color);
800   void setHiliteColor(FXColor color);
801   void setShadowColor(FXColor color);
802   void setBackColor(FXColor color);
803   void setForeColor(FXColor color);
804   void setSelforeColor(FXColor color);
805   void setSelbackColor(FXColor color);
806   void setTipforeColor(FXColor color);
807   void setTipbackColor(FXColor color);
808   void setSelMenuTextColor(FXColor color);
809   void setSelMenuBackColor(FXColor color);
811   /// Get number of existing windows
getWindowCount()812   FXuint getWindowCount() const { return windowCount; }
814   /// Save
815   virtual void save(FXStream& store) const;
817   /// Load
818   virtual void load(FXStream& store);
820   /// Dump widget information
821   void dumpWidgets() const;
823   /// Destroy the application and all reachable resources
824   virtual ~FXApp();
825   };
827 }
829 #endif