1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3  Copyright © 2010 Christian Persch
5  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option)
8  any later version.
10  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16  along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  <enum id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.LocationMode'>
21    <value nick='path-bar' value='0'/>
22    <value nick='filename-entry' value='1'/>
23  </enum>
25  <enum id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.SortColumn'>
26    <value nick='name' value='0'/>
27    <value nick='size' value='1'/>
28    <value nick='type' value='2'/>
29    <value nick='modified' value='3'/>
30  </enum>
32  <enum id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.SortOrder'>
33    <value nick='ascending' value='0'/>
34    <value nick='descending' value='1'/>
35  </enum>
37  <enum id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.StartupMode'>
38    <value nick='recent' value='0'/>
39    <value nick='cwd' value='1'/>
40  </enum>
42  <enum id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.ClockFormat'>
43    <value nick='24h' value='0'/>
44    <value nick='12h' value='1'/>
45  </enum>
47  <enum id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.DateFormat'>
48    <value nick='regular' value='0'/>
49    <value nick='with-time' value='1'/>
50  </enum>
52  <enum id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.TypeFormat'>
53    <value nick='mime' value='0'/>
54    <value nick='description' value='1'/>
55    <value nick='category' value='2'/>
56  </enum>
58  <schema id='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser' path='/org/gtk/settings/file-chooser/'>
59    <key name='last-folder-uri' type='s'>
60      <default>""</default>
61    </key>
62    <key name='location-mode' enum='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.LocationMode'>
63      <default>'path-bar'</default>
64      <summary>Location mode</summary>
65      <description>
66	Controls whether the file chooser shows just a path bar, or a visible entry
67        for the filename as well, for the benefit of typing-oriented users. The
68        possible values for these modes are "path-bar" and "filename-entry".
69      </description>
70    </key>
71    <key name='show-hidden' type='b'>
72      <default>false</default>
73      <summary>Show hidden files</summary>
74      <description>
75	Controls whether the file chooser shows hidden files or not.
76      </description>
77    </key>
78    <key type="b" name="sort-directories-first">
79      <default>false</default>
80      <summary>Show folders first</summary>
81      <description>
82        If set to true, then folders are shown before files in the list.
83      </description>
84    </key>
85    <key name='expand-folders' type='b'>
86      <default>false</default>
87      <summary>Expand folders</summary>
88      <description>This key is deprecated; do not use it.</description>
89    </key>
90    <key name='show-size-column' type='b'>
91      <default>true</default>
92      <summary>Show file sizes</summary>
93      <description>
94	Controls whether the file chooser shows a column with file sizes.
95      </description>
96    </key>
97    <key name='show-type-column' type='b'>
98      <default>true</default>
99      <summary>Show file types</summary>
100      <description>
101	Controls whether the file chooser shows a column with file types.
102      </description>
103    </key>
104    <key name='sort-column' enum='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.SortColumn'>
105      <default>'name'</default>
106      <summary>Sort column</summary>
107      <description>
108	Can be one of "name", "modified", or "size".  It controls
109	which of the columns in the file chooser is used for sorting
110	the list of files.
111      </description>
112    </key>
113    <key name='sort-order' enum='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.SortOrder'>
114      <default>'ascending'</default>
115      <summary>Sort order</summary>
116      <description>
117	Can be one of the strings "ascending" or "descending".
118      </description>
119    </key>
120    <key name='window-position' type='(ii)'>
121      <default>(-1, -1)</default>
122      <summary>Window position</summary>
123      <description>
124	The (x, y) coordinates of the upper-left corner of the GtkFileChooserDialog's
125        window.
126      </description>
127    </key>
128    <key name='window-size' type='(ii)'>
129      <default>(-1, -1)</default>
130      <summary>Window size</summary>
131      <description>
132	The size (width, height) of the GtkFileChooserDialog's window, in pixels.
133      </description>
134    </key>
135    <key name='startup-mode' enum='org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.StartupMode'>
136      <default>'recent'</default>
137      <summary>Startup mode</summary>
138      <description>
139	Either "recent" or "cwd"; controls whether the file chooser
140	starts up showing the list of recently-used files, or the
141	contents of the current working directory.
142      </description>
143    </key>
144    <key name='sidebar-width' type='i'>
145      <default>148</default>
146      <summary>Sidebar width</summary>
147      <description>
148	Width in pixels of the file chooser's places sidebar.
149      </description>
150    </key>
151    <key name="clock-format" enum="org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.ClockFormat">
152      <default>'24h'</default>
153      <summary>Time format</summary>
154      <description>
155        Whether the time is shown in 24h or 12h format.
156      </description>
157    </key>
158    <key name="date-format" enum="org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.DateFormat">
159      <default>'regular'</default>
160      <summary>Date format</summary>
161      <description>
162        The amount of detail to show in the Modified column.
163      </description>
164    </key>
165    <key name="type-format" enum="org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser.TypeFormat">
166      <default>'category'</default>
167      <summary>Type format</summary>
168      <description>
169        Different ways to show the 'Type' column information.
170        Example outputs for a video mp4 file:
171        'mime' -> 'video/mp4'
172        'description' -> 'MPEG-4 video'
173        'category' -> 'Video'
174      </description>
175    </key>
176  </schema>