2--               GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome               --
3--                                                                   --
4--   Copyright (C) 1998-2000, E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet  --
5--                Copyright (C) 2000-2013, AdaCore                   --
6--                                                                   --
7-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
8-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
9-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
10-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
11--                                                                   --
12-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
15-- General Public License for more details.                          --
16--                                                                   --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
18-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
19-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
20-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
21--                                                                   --
22-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
23-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
24-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
25-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
26-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
27-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --
30--  A Gdk_Window is the physical window that appears on the screen.
31--  This is the low-level structure known to the X server or to Win32.
32--  All the widgets are internally associated with a specific Gdk_Window,
33--  that holds attributes such as the window decoration, whether the window
34--  can be interactively resized,...
36--  On some systems, the graphic server knows how to display non-rectangular
37--  windows (this is part of the X extensions).
39--  If you simply want to create a simply window, you should instead look
40--  at the functions provided in Gtk.Window and Gtk.Widget, which are higher
41--  level than these. See also the function Gtk.Widget.Get_Window to get the
42--  Gdk_Window associated with a widget. Be aware that some of them don't have
43--  such windows!
45--  Scrolling can be implemented in several ways with GtkAda (toplevel
46--  scrolling should be done with the Gtk_Scrolled_Window widget, but you
47--  might want to handle scrolling yourself). See the function
48--  Gdk.Event.Get_Graphics_Expose for more information.
49--  <c_version>1.3.6</c_version>
50--  <c_version>2.12</c_version> for some of the functions
51--  <group>Gdk, the low-level API</group>
53with System;
54with Glib; use Glib;
55with Glib.Object;
56with Glib.Generic_Properties; use Glib.Generic_Properties;
57pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Generic_Properties);
58with Glib.Glist;
59pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Glist);
60with Cairo;
61with Gdk;
62with Gdk.Color;
63with Gdk.Cursor;
64with Gdk.Event;
65with Gdk.Rectangle;
66with Gdk.Types;
67with Unchecked_Conversion;
69package Gdk.Window is
71   subtype Gdk_Window is Gdk.Gdk_Window;
73   Null_Window : constant Gdk_Window;
75   type Gdk_Window_Class is (Input_Output, Input_Only);
77   type Gdk_Window_Type is
78     (Window_Root,
79      --  there is only one root window and it is initialized at startup.
80      --  Creating a window of type Window_Root is an error.
82      Window_Toplevel,
83      --  Windows which interact with the window manager.
85      Window_Child,
86      --  Windows which are children of some other type of window.
87      --  (Any other type of window). Most windows are child windows.
89      Window_Dialog,
90      --  A special kind of toplevel window which interacts with the window
91      --  manager slightly differently than a regular toplevel window.
92      --  Dialog windows should be used for any transient window.
94      Window_Temp,
95      --  ???
97      Window_Foreign
98      --  A window that actually belongs to another application.
99     );
100   --  Type of windows.
102   type Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type is mod 2 ** 32;
103   Wa_Title    : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 1;
104   Wa_X        : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 2;
105   Wa_Y        : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 3;
106   Wa_Cursor   : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 4;
107   Wa_Colormap : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 5;
108   Wa_Visual   : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 6;
109   Wa_Wmclass  : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 7;
110   Wa_Noredir  : constant Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type := 2 ** 8;
112   type Gdk_Window_Hints is mod 2 ** 32;
113   --  Size restriction.
114   Gdk_Hint_Pos        : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 0;
115   Gdk_Hint_Min_Size   : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 1;
116   Gdk_Hint_Max_Size   : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 2;
117   Gdk_Hint_Base_Size  : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 3;
118   Gdk_Hint_Aspect     : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 4;
119   Gdk_Hint_Resize_Inc : constant Gdk_Window_Hints := 2 ** 5;
121   type Gdk_Window_Type_Hint is
122     (Window_Type_Hint_Normal,
123      --  Normal toplevel window
125      Window_Type_Hint_Dialog,
126      --  Dialog window
128      Window_Type_Hint_Menu,
129      --  Window used to implement a menu.
131      Window_Type_Hint_Toolbar
132      --  Toolbar: Window used to implement toolbars.
133     );
134   --  Hints for the window manager that indicate what type of function the
135   --  window has. The window manager can use this when determining decoration
136   --  and behaviour of the window. The hint must be set before mapping the
137   --  window.
139   type Gdk_Wm_Decoration is mod 2 ** 32;
140   Decor_All      : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 0;
141   Decor_Border   : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 1;
142   Decor_Resize_H : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 2;
143   Decor_Title    : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 3;
144   Decor_Menu     : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 4;
145   Decor_Minimize : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 5;
146   Decor_Maximize : constant Gdk_Wm_Decoration := 2 ** 6;
148   type Gdk_Wm_Function is mod 2 ** 32;
149   Func_All      : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 0;
150   Func_Resize   : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 1;
151   Func_Move     : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 2;
152   Func_Minimize : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 3;
153   Func_Maximize : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 4;
154   Func_Close    : constant Gdk_Wm_Function := 2 ** 5;
156   type Gdk_Gravity is
157     (Gravity_North_West,
158      Gravity_North,
159      Gravity_North_East,
160      Gravity_West,
161      Gravity_Center,
162      Gravity_East,
163      Gravity_South_West,
164      Gravity_South,
165      Gravity_South_East,
166      Gravity_Static);
168   type Gdk_Window_Edge is
169     (Window_Edge_North_West,
170      Window_Edge_North,
171      Window_Edge_North_East,
172      Window_Edge_West,
173      Window_Edge_East,
174      Window_Edge_South_West,
175      Window_Edge_South,
176      Window_Edge_South_East);
178   type Gdk_Geometry is record
179      Min_Width   : Gint;
180      Min_Height  : Gint;
181      Max_Width   : Gint;
182      Max_Height  : Gint;
183      Base_Width  : Gint;
184      Base_Height : Gint;
185      Width_Inc   : Gint;
186      Height_Inc  : Gint;
187      Min_Aspect  : Gdouble;
188      Max_Aspect  : Gdouble;
189      Win_Gravity : Gdk_Gravity;
190   end record;
192   procedure Gdk_New
193     (Window          : out Gdk_Window;
194      Parent          : Gdk_Window;
195      Attributes      : Gdk_Window_Attr;
196      Attributes_Mask : Gdk_Window_Attributes_Type);
197   --  Creates a new gdk_window.
198   --  There are few reasons for creating such windows yourself, and almost
199   --  none if you are not creating a new widget.
200   --  One nice thing with using such a window (rather than drawing directly on
201   --  a gtk_widget is that you can get separate Events for this window
202   --  (Expose, Button_Press, ...) without having do detect yourself where the
203   --  event applied.
204   --  Note that you should almost always call Set_User_Data on the newly
205   --  created window, so that events are redirected to a specific widget.
206   --
207   --  You cannot pass a null value for Attributes.
208   --
209   --  Attributes_Mask indicates which fields are relevant in Attributes. Some
210   --  of the fields are always taken into account, and thus do not have an
211   --  associated mask.
212   --
213   --  See the package Gdk.Window_Attr for more information on window
214   --  attributes.
215   --
216   --  Changing the background color of the window can be done through
217   --  Gtk.Style.Set_Background
219   procedure Set_User_Data
220     (Window : Gdk.Gdk_Window;
221      Widget : access Glib.Object.GObject_Record'Class);
222   --  Sets a special field in the window.
223   --  All the events reported by the Xserver (or the Windows server) for
224   --  Window will be redirected to Widget through the standard signals
225   --  "expose_event", "button_press_event", ...
226   --  You almost always need to call this function after creating a new
227   --  Gdk_Window yourself, or you won't be able to handle the events.
229   function Get_User_Data
230     (Window : Gdk.Gdk_Window) return Glib.Object.GObject;
231   --  Return the widget to which events are reported when they happen on
232   --  Window. This is the widget that was set through the call to
233   --  Set_User_data.
235   function Get_Type return Glib.GType;
236   --  Return the internal lue associated with Gdk_Window.
238   procedure Destroy (Window : in out Gdk_Window);
239   --  Destroy a window and all its children.
241   type Gdk_Filter_Return is
242     (Continue,  --  Event not handled, continue processing
243      Translate, --  Translated event stored
244      Remove);   --  Terminate processing, removing event
246   type Gdk_Filter_Func is access function
247     (System_Event : C_Proxy;
248      Event        : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event;
249      Data         : System.Address) return Gdk_Filter_Return;
250   pragma Convention (C, Gdk_Filter_Func);
251   --  A filter function, that will be called before the standard processing
252   --  in gtk+. System_Event is the raw event from the system,
253   --
254   --  Event hasn't been set when this function is set, and the function should
255   --  set it to a meaningful value if it returns Translate.
256   --
257   --  Data is the user_data that was passed with Add_Filter.
259   procedure Add_Filter
260     (Window : Gdk.Gdk_Window;
261      Filter : Gdk_Filter_Func;
262      Data   : System.Address);
263   --  Add an event filter to Window, allowing you to intercept events
264   --  before they reach GDK. This is a low-level operation and makes it
265   --  easy to break GDK and/or GTK+, so you have to know what you're
266   --  doing. Pass null for Window to get all events for all windows,
267   --  instead of events for a specific window.
268   --
269   --  This can be used for a temporary keyboard grab, although you should
270   --  consider using Gdk.Main.Keyboard_Grab instead.
272   procedure Remove_Filter
273     (Window : Gdk.Gdk_Window;
274      Filter : Gdk_Filter_Func;
275      Data   : System.Address);
276   --  Removing the filter that was previously associated with Filter and Data
278   function Get_Window_Type (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window_Type;
280   procedure Window_At_Pointer
281     (Win_X  : out Gint;
282      Win_Y  : out Gint;
283      Window : out Gdk_Window);
284   --  Return the window and the coordinates corresponding to the current
285   --  position of the cursor.
287   procedure Show (Window : Gdk_Window);
289   procedure Show_Unraised (Window : Gdk_Window);
290   --  Show Window on screen, but does not modify its stacking order. In
291   --  contrast, Show will raise the window to the top of the window stack.
293   procedure Hide (Window : Gdk_Window);
295   procedure Withdraw (Window : Gdk_Window);
297   procedure Move
298     (Window : Gdk_Window;
299      X      : Gint;
300      Y      : Gint);
302   procedure Resize
303     (Window : Gdk_Window;
304      Width  : Gint;
305      Height : Gint);
307   procedure Move_Resize
308     (Window : Gdk_Window;
309      X      : Gint;
310      Y      : Gint;
311      Width  : Gint;
312      Height : Gint);
314   procedure Reparent
315     (Window     : Gdk_Window;
316      New_Parent : Gdk_Window;
317      X          : Gint;
318      Y          : Gint);
320   procedure Clear (Window : Gdk_Window);
322   procedure Clear_Area
323     (Window : Gdk_Window;
324      X      : Gint;
325      Y      : Gint;
326      Width  : Gint;
327      Height : Gint);
328   --  Does not generate an expose event.
330   procedure Clear_Area_E
331     (Window : Gdk_Window;
332      X      : Gint;
333      Y      : Gint;
334      Width  : Gint;
335      Height : Gint);
336   --  Same as Clear_Area, but generates an expose event.
338   procedure Copy_Area
339     (Window        : Gdk_Window;
340      Gc            : Gdk.Gdk_GC;
341      X             : Gint;
342      Y             : Gint;
343      Source_Window : Gdk_Window;
344      Source_X      : Gint;
345      Source_Y      : Gint;
346      Width         : Gint;
347      Height        : Gint);
348   --  Obsolete. Use Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Drawable instead.
350   function Create_Similar_Surface
351     (Window  : Gdk_Window;
352      Content : Cairo.Cairo_Content;
353      Width   : Glib.Gint;
354      Height  : Glib.Gint) return Cairo.Cairo_Surface;
355   --  Same as Cairo.Surface.Create_Similar, using Windows as similar surface.
357   procedure Gdk_Raise (Window : Gdk_Window);
359   procedure Lower (Window : Gdk_Window);
361   procedure Focus (Window : Gdk_Window; Timestamp : Guint32);
363   procedure Set_Override_Redirect
364     (Window            : Gdk_Window;
365      Override_Redirect : Boolean := True);
367   procedure Scroll (Window : Gdk_Window; Dx, Dy : Gint);
369   procedure Shape_Combine_Mask
370     (Window     : Gdk_Window;
371      Shape_Mask : Gdk.Gdk_Bitmap;
372      Offset_X   : Gint;
373      Offset_Y   : Gint);
374   --  Allow for making shaped (partially transparent) windows.
375   --  This featureis  needed for Drag and Drop for example.
376   --  Shape_Mask can be the mask from Gdk.Pixmap.Create_From_Xpm.
378   procedure Shape_Combine_Region
379     (Window       : Gdk_Window;
380      Shape_Region : Gdk.Gdk_Region;
381      Offset_X     : Gint;
382      Offset_Y     : Gint);
384   procedure Set_Child_Shapes (Window : Gdk_Window);
385   --  Quickly take the shapes of all the child windows of a window and use
386   --  their shapes as the shape mask for this window - useful for container
387   --  windows that do not want to look like a big box.
389   procedure Merge_Child_Shapes (Window : Gdk_Window);
390   --  Merge (ie add) child shapes to your own window's shape keeping its
391   --  current shape and adding the child shapes to it.
393   function Is_Visible (Window : Gdk_Window) return Boolean;
395   function Is_Viewable (Window : Gdk_Window) return Boolean;
397   function Get_State (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk.Event.Gdk_Window_State;
398   --  Return the current state of the Windows.
399   --  See Gdk.Event.Gdk_Window_State for more details.
401   function Set_Static_Gravities
402     (Window     : Gdk_Window;
403      Use_Static : Boolean) return Boolean;
405   procedure Set_Hints
406     (Window     : Gdk_Window;
407      X          : Gint;
408      Y          : Gint;
409      Min_Width  : Gint;
410      Min_Height : Gint;
411      Max_Width  : Gint;
412      Max_Height : Gint;
413      Flags      : Gdk_Window_Hints);
415   procedure Set_Type_Hint
416     (Window : Gdk_Window;
417      Hint   : Gdk_Window_Type_Hint);
419   procedure Set_Modal_Hint
420     (Window : Gdk_Window;
421      Modal  : Boolean);
423   procedure Set_Geometry_Hints
424     (Window   : Gdk_Window;
425      Geometry : in out Gdk_Geometry;
426      Flags    : Gdk_Window_Hints);
428   procedure Set_Title (Window : Gdk_Window; Title : UTF8_String);
430   procedure Set_Role (Window : Gdk_Window; Role : String);
432   procedure Set_Transient_For
433     (Window : Gdk_Window; Leader : Gdk_Window);
435   procedure Set_Opacity (Window : Gdk_Window; Opacity : Gdouble);
436   --  Request the windowing system to make Window partially transparent, with
437   --  opacity 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 fully opaque (Values of the
438   --  opacity parameter are clamped to the [0,1] range).
439   --
440   --  On X11, this works only on X screens with a compositing manager running
441   --  (see Gdk.Screen.Is_Composited)
442   --
443   --  For setting up per-pixel alpha, see Gdk.Screen.Get_Rgba_Colormap
444   --  For making non-toplevel windows translucent, see Set_Composited
445   --
446   --  Since: gtk+ 2.12
448   procedure Set_Composited (Window : Gdk_Window; Composited : Boolean);
449   --  Sets Window as composited, or unsets it. Composited windows do not
450   --  automatically have their contents drawn to the screen. Drawing is
451   --  redirected to an offscreen buffer and an expose event is emitted on the
452   --  parent of the composited window. It is the responsibility of the
453   --  parent's expose handler to manually merge the off-screen content onto
454   --  the screen in whatever way it sees fit.
455   --
456   --  It only makes sense for child windows to be composited; see Set_Opacity
457   --  if you need translucent toplevel windows.
458   --
459   --  An additional effect of this call is that the area of this window is no
460   --  longer clipped from regions marked for invalidation on its parent. Draws
461   --  done on the parent window are also no longer clipped by the child.
462   --
463   --  This call is only supported on some systems (currently, only X11 with
464   --  new enough Xcomposite and Xdamage extensions). You must call
465   --  gdk_display_supports_composite() to check if setting a window as
466   --  composited is supported before attempting to do so.
467   --
468   --  Since: 2.12
470   procedure Set_Background
471     (Window : Gdk_Window; Color : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
473   procedure Set_Back_Pixmap
474     (Window          : Gdk_Window;
475      Pixmap          : Gdk.Gdk_Pixmap;
476      Parent_Relative : Boolean);
478   procedure Set_Cursor
479     (Window : Gdk_Window; Cursor : Gdk.Cursor.Gdk_Cursor);
480   --  Note: the window must be realized first, ie have an associated X11/Win32
481   --  window.
483   procedure Get_Geometry
484     (Window : Gdk_Window;
485      X      : out Gint;
486      Y      : out Gint;
487      Width  : out Gint;
488      Height : out Gint;
489      Depth  : out Gint);
490   --  You can get the size of the root window (ie the size of the screen)
491   --  simply by giving Null_Window as the first argument to this procedure.
493   procedure Get_Position
494     (Window : Gdk_Window;
495      X      : out Gint;
496      Y      : out Gint);
498   procedure Get_Origin
499     (Window  : Gdk_Window;
500      X       : out Gint;
501      Y       : out Gint;
502      Success : out Boolean);
503   --  Obtains the position of a window in root window coordinates. (Compare
504   --  with Get_Position and Get_Geometry which return the position of a window
505   --  relative to its parent window)
507   procedure Get_Desk_Relative_Origin
508     (Window  : Gdk_Window;
509      X       : out Gint;
510      Y       : out Gint;
511      Success : out Boolean);
513   procedure Get_Root_Origin
514     (Window : Gdk_Window;
515      X      : out Gint;
516      Y      : out Gint);
517   --  Obtains the top-left corner of the window manager frame in root window
518   --  coordinates.
520   procedure Get_Frame_Extents
521     (Window : Gdk_Window;
522      Rect   : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);
524   procedure Get_Pointer
525     (Window : Gdk_Window;
526      X      : out Gint;
527      Y      : out Gint;
528      Mask   : out Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
529      Result : out Gdk_Window);
531   function Get_Parent (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window;
533   function Get_Toplevel (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window;
535   --  Gdk_Window_List
536   --
537   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (Gdk_Window, System.Address);
538   function Convert is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Gdk_Window);
540   package Gdk_Window_List is new
541     Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gpointer => Gdk_Window);
543   function Get_Children (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window_List.Glist;
545   function Peek_Children (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Window_List.Glist;
547   function Get_Events (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask;
549   procedure Set_Events
550     (Window : Gdk_Window; Event_Mask : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask);
552   procedure Set_Icon
553     (Window      : Gdk_Window;
554      Icon_Window : Gdk_Window;
555      Pixmap      : Gdk_Pixmap;
556      Mask        : Gdk_Bitmap);
557   --  Currently not supported under Windows
559   procedure Set_Icon_Name
560     (Window : Gdk_Window;
561      Name   : UTF8_String);
563   procedure Set_Group (Window : Gdk_Window; Leader : Gdk_Window);
564   --  Sets the group leader window for window. By default, GDK sets the group
565   --  leader for all toplevel windows to a global window implicitly created by
566   --  GDK. With this function you can override this default.
567   --
568   --  The group leader window allows the window manager to distinguish all
569   --  windows that belong to a single application. It may for example allow
570   --  users to minimize/unminimize all windows belonging to an application at
571   --  once. You should only set a non-default group window if your application
572   --  pretends to be multiple applications.
574   procedure Set_Decorations
575     (Window      : Gdk_Window;
576      Decorations : Gdk_Wm_Decoration);
578   procedure Get_Decorations
579     (Window      : Gdk_Window;
580      Decorations : out Gdk_Wm_Decoration;
581      Success     : out Boolean);
583   procedure Set_Functions
584     (Window    : Gdk_Window;
585      Functions : Gdk_Wm_Function);
587   procedure Invalidate_Rect
588     (Window              : Gdk_Window;
589      Rectangle           : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle;
590      Invalidate_Children : Boolean);
592   function Get_Toplevels return Gdk_Window_List.Glist;
593   --  The returned list must be freed by calling Gdk_Window_List.Free.
594   --  Consider using Gtk.Window.List_Toplevels instead.
596   procedure Iconify (Window : Gdk_Window);
598   procedure Deiconify (Window : Gdk_Window);
600   procedure Stick (Window : Gdk_Window);
602   procedure Unstick (Window : Gdk_Window);
604   procedure Maximize (Window : Gdk_Window);
606   procedure Unmaximize (Window : Gdk_Window);
608   procedure Register_Dnd (Window : Gdk_Window);
610   function Get_Update_Area (Window : Gdk_Window) return Gdk_Region;
612   procedure Freeze_Updates (Window : Gdk_Window);
614   procedure Thaw_Updates (Window : Gdk_Window);
616   procedure Process_All_Updates;
618   procedure Process_Updates
619     (Window : Gdk_Window; Update_Children : Boolean := True);
621   procedure Set_Debug_Updates (Setting : Boolean := True);
623   procedure Ref (Window : Gdk_Window);
624   --  Increment the reference counter associated with window.
626   procedure Unref (Window : Gdk_Window);
627   --  Decrement the reference counter associated with window.
629   function Get_Window_Id (Window : Gdk_Window) return System.Address;
630   --  Return the target specific window id.
631   --  Under Windows, this returns a HWND object.
632   --  Under X, this returns a Window object.
634   pragma Convention (C, Gdk_Window_Type_Hint);
636   pragma Convention (C, Gdk_Gravity);
637   for Gdk_Gravity use
638     (Gravity_North_West => 1,
639      Gravity_North      => 2,
640      Gravity_North_East => 3,
641      Gravity_West       => 4,
642      Gravity_Center     => 5,
643      Gravity_East       => 6,
644      Gravity_South_West => 7,
645      Gravity_South      => 8,
646      Gravity_South_East => 9,
647      Gravity_Static     => 10);
649   package Window_Type_Hint_Properties is new
650     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gdk_Window_Type_Hint);
651   package Gravity_Properties is new Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property
652     (Gdk_Gravity);
654   type Property_Window_Type_Hint  is new Window_Type_Hint_Properties.Property;
655   type Property_Gravity           is new Gravity_Properties.Property;
659   Null_Window : constant Gdk_Window := null;
660   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gdk_window_object_get_type");
661   pragma Import (C, Add_Filter, "gdk_window_add_filter");
662   pragma Import (C, Clear, "gdk_window_clear");
663   pragma Import (C, Clear_Area, "gdk_window_clear_area");
664   pragma Import (C, Clear_Area_E, "gdk_window_clear_area_e");
665   pragma Import (C, Focus, "gdk_window_focus");
666   pragma Import (C, Scroll, "gdk_window_scroll");
667   pragma Import (C, Shape_Combine_Mask, "gdk_window_shape_combine_mask");
668   pragma Import (C, Shape_Combine_Region, "gdk_window_shape_combine_region");
669   pragma Import (C, Get_State, "gdk_window_get_state");
670   pragma Import (C, Set_Type_Hint, "gdk_window_set_type_hint");
671   pragma Import (C, Get_Frame_Extents, "gdk_window_get_frame_extents");
672   pragma Import (C, Iconify, "gdk_window_iconify");
673   pragma Import (C, Deiconify, "gdk_window_deiconify");
674   pragma Import (C, Stick, "gdk_window_stick");
675   pragma Import (C, Unstick, "gdk_window_unstick");
676   pragma Import (C, Maximize, "gdk_window_maximize");
677   pragma Import (C, Unmaximize, "gdk_window_unmaximize");
678   pragma Import (C, Register_Dnd, "gdk_window_register_dnd");
679   pragma Import (C, Get_Update_Area, "gdk_window_get_update_area");
680   pragma Import (C, Freeze_Updates, "gdk_window_freeze_updates");
681   pragma Import (C, Thaw_Updates, "gdk_window_thaw_updates");
682   pragma Import (C, Process_All_Updates, "gdk_window_process_all_updates");
683   pragma Import (C, Get_Events, "gdk_window_get_events");
684   pragma Import (C, Get_Geometry, "gdk_window_get_geometry");
685   pragma Import (C, Get_Parent, "gdk_window_get_parent");
686   pragma Import (C, Get_Position, "gdk_window_get_position");
687   pragma Import (C, Get_Root_Origin, "gdk_window_get_root_origin");
688   pragma Import (C, Get_Toplevel, "gdk_window_get_toplevel");
689   pragma Import (C, Get_Window_Type, "gdk_window_get_window_type");
690   pragma Import (C, Hide, "gdk_window_hide");
691   pragma Import (C, Lower, "gdk_window_lower");
692   pragma Import (C, Merge_Child_Shapes, "gdk_window_merge_child_shapes");
693   pragma Import (C, Move, "gdk_window_move");
694   pragma Import (C, Move_Resize, "gdk_window_move_resize");
695   pragma Import (C, Gdk_Raise, "gdk_window_raise");
696   pragma Import (C, Ref, "gdk_drawable_ref");
697   pragma Import (C, Remove_Filter, "gdk_window_remove_filter");
698   pragma Import (C, Reparent, "gdk_window_reparent");
699   pragma Import (C, Resize, "gdk_window_resize");
700   pragma Import (C, Set_Child_Shapes, "gdk_window_set_child_shapes");
701   pragma Import (C, Set_Decorations, "gdk_window_set_decorations");
702   pragma Import (C, Set_Events, "gdk_window_set_events");
703   pragma Import (C, Set_Functions, "gdk_window_set_functions");
704   pragma Import (C, Set_Geometry_Hints, "gdk_window_set_geometry_hints");
705   pragma Import (C, Set_Group, "gdk_window_set_group");
706   pragma Import (C, Set_Hints, "gdk_window_set_hints");
707   pragma Import (C, Set_Transient_For, "gdk_window_set_transient_for");
708   pragma Import (C, Show, "gdk_window_show");
709   pragma Import (C, Show_Unraised, "gdk_window_show_unraised");
710   pragma Import (C, Unref, "gdk_drawable_unref");
711   pragma Import (C, Withdraw, "gdk_window_withdraw");
712   pragma Import (C, Set_Cursor, "gdk_window_set_cursor");
713   pragma Import (C, Set_Icon, "gdk_window_set_icon");
714   pragma Import (C, Get_Window_Id, "ada_gdk_get_window_id");
715   pragma Import (C, Set_Opacity, "gdk_window_set_opacity");
716   pragma Import
717     (C, Create_Similar_Surface, "gdk_window_create_similar_surface");
719   pragma Convention (C, Gdk_Window_Type);
721   pragma Convention (C, Gdk_Window_Class);
723   pragma Convention (C, Gdk_Window_Edge);
725end Gdk.Window;
727--  missing:
728--  gdk_set_sm_client_id
729--  gdk_window_begin_paint_rect
730--  gdk_window_begin_paint_region
731--  gdk_window_end_paint
732--  gdk_window_begin_resize_drag
733--  gdk_window_begin_move_drag
734--  gdk_window_invalidate_region
735--  gdk_window_constrain_size