2--               GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome               --
3--                                                                   --
4--   Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet   --
5--                Copyright (C) 2000-2013, AdaCore                   --
6--                                                                   --
7-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
8-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
9-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
10-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
11--                                                                   --
12-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
15-- General Public License for more details.                          --
16--                                                                   --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
18-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
19-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
20-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
21--                                                                   --
22-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
23-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
24-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
25-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
26-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
27-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --
30--  <description>
31--  This package contains a number of types that are shared by several
32--  widgets in GtkAda.
33--  </description>
34--  <c_version>2.16.6</c_version>
36with Glib;
37with Glib.Generic_Properties;  use Glib.Generic_Properties;
38pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Generic_Properties);
39with Glib.Glist, Glib.GSlist;
40pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Glist);
41pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.GSlist);
43with System;
45package Gtk.Enums is
47   type Gtk_Anchor_Type is
48     (Anchor_Center,
49      Anchor_North,
50      Anchor_North_West,
51      Anchor_North_East,
52      Anchor_South,
53      Anchor_South_East,
54      Anchor_South_West,
55      Anchor_West,
56      Anchor_East);
57   --  Gtk_Anchor_Type indicates the exact location of the widget on its
58   --  side. Note that not all anchors are relevant for each side.
59   --
60   --  For instance, if you put a widget on Side_Right, with an anchor of
61   --  Anchor_North, Anchor_North_West or Anchor_North_East, the widget will
62   --  in fact appear on the upper right side of the remaining space in the
63   --  container.
64   --
65   --  Thus, if a previous child was added on Side_North, then the new child
66   --  will only appear on the second line in the container. The order the
67   --  children are inserted into the container is important.
69   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Anchor_Type);
71   Anchor_N  : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_North;
72   Anchor_NW : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_North_West;
73   Anchor_NE : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_North_East;
74   Anchor_S  : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_South;
75   Anchor_SW : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_South_West;
76   Anchor_SE : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_South_East;
77   Anchor_W  : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_West;
78   Anchor_E  : Gtk_Anchor_Type renames Anchor_East;
80   type Gtk_Arrow_Type is
81     (Arrow_Up,
82      Arrow_Down,
83      Arrow_Left,
84      Arrow_Right);
85   --  The various types of arrows that can be represented by GtkAda
87   type Gtk_Attach_Options is new Glib.Guint32;
88   --  The various options used for attaching widgets to tables
90   Expand : constant Gtk_Attach_Options := 1;
91   Shrink : constant Gtk_Attach_Options := 2;
92   Fill   : constant Gtk_Attach_Options := 4;
94   type Gtk_Button_Box_Style is
95     (Buttonbox_Default_Style,
96      Buttonbox_Spread,
97      Buttonbox_Edge,
98      Buttonbox_Start,
99      Buttonbox_End);
100   --  The style for button boxes
101   --  - Buttonbox_Spread: The children are spread regularly across the box
102   --  - Buttonbox_Edge  : Same as Spread, except that the first and last
103   --                      children are aligned on the border of the box.
104   --  - Buttonbox_Start : The children are put as much to the left (resp. top)
105   --                      as possible in the box.
106   --  - Buttonbox_End   : The children are put as much to the right
107   --                      (resp. bottom) as possible in the box.
109   type Gtk_Curve_Type is
110     (Curve_Type_Linear,       --  Linear interpolation
111      Curve_Type_Spline,       --  Spline interpolation
112      Curve_Type_Free);        --  Free form curve
113   --  The curve types that can be used in gtk-curve.ads
115   type Gtk_Delete_Type is
116     (Delete_Chars,
117      Delete_Word_Ends,
118      Delete_Words,
119      Delete_Display_Lines,
120      Delete_Display_Line_Ends,
121      Delete_Paragraph_Ends,
122      Delete_Paragraphs,
123      Delete_Whitespace);
124   --  The deletion modes used in the text editor.
125   --  Delete_Word_Ends will delete only the portion of the word to the
126   --  left/right of the cursor if we are in the middle of a word.
127   --  Delete_Paragraph_Ends acts like c-k in Emacs: it deletes the text until,
128   --  but not including, the end of line.
129   --  Delete_Paragraphs acts like c-k in pico: it deletes the whole line.
130   --  Delete_Whitespace acts like M-\ in Emacs, and removes all white spaces
131   --  surrounding the cursor.
133   type Gtk_Direction_Type is
134     (Dir_Tab_Forward,
135      Dir_Tab_Backward,
136      Dir_Up,
137      Dir_Down,
138      Dir_Left,
139      Dir_Right);
140   --  Focus movement types
142   type Gtk_Expander_Style is
143     (Expander_Collapsed,
144      Expander_Semi_Collapsed,
145      Expander_Semi_Expanded,
146      Expander_Expanded);
147   --  Expander styles, as seen in trees
149   type Gtk_Icon_Size is new Gint;
150   Icon_Size_Invalid       : constant Gtk_Icon_Size := 0;
151   Icon_Size_Menu          : constant Gtk_Icon_Size := 1;
152   Icon_Size_Small_Toolbar : constant Gtk_Icon_Size := 2;
153   Icon_Size_Large_Toolbar : constant Gtk_Icon_Size := 3;
154   Icon_Size_Button        : constant Gtk_Icon_Size := 4;
155   Icon_Size_Dnd           : constant Gtk_Icon_Size := 5;
156   Icon_Size_Dialog        : constant Gtk_Icon_Size := 6;
157   --  Built-in stock icon sizes. Depending on the context, icons should be
158   --  displayed larger or smaller (typically, icons in menus are much smaller
159   --  than icons in toolbars for instance).
160   --  New custom icon sizes can be created (see gtk-icon_factory.ads)
162   type Gtk_Text_Direction is
163     (Text_Dir_None,
164      Text_Dir_Ltr,
165      Text_Dir_Rtl);
166   --  The directory in which text should be written (left to right or
167   --  right to left).
169   type Gtk_Justification is
170     (Justify_Left,
171      Justify_Right,
172      Justify_Center,
173      Justify_Fill);
174   --  Within a paragraph, text can be justified in various ways: aligned on
175   --  the left, aligned on the right, centered, or justified (in which case
176   --  the width of the spaces might vary so that the text is aligned on both
177   --  sides).
179   type Gtk_Menu_Direction_Type is
180     (Menu_Dir_Parent,
181      Menu_Dir_Child,
182      Menu_Dir_Next,
183      Menu_Dir_Prev);
184   --  Direction where to move the selection.
186   type Gtk_Metric_Type is (Pixels, Inches, Centimeters);
187   --  The unit to use when you display a ruler at the top of a drawing area.
189   type Gtk_Movement_Step is
190     (Movement_Logical_Positions, --  move by forw/back graphemes
191      Movement_Visual_Positions,  --  move by left/right graphemes
192      Movement_Words,             --  move by forward/back words
193      Movement_Display_Lines,     --  move up/down lines (wrapped lines)
194      Movement_Display_Line_Ends, --  move up/down lines (wrapped lines)
195      Movement_Paragraphs,        --  move up/down paragraphs
196      Movement_Paragraph_Ends,    --  move to either end of a paragraph
197      Movement_Pages,             --  move by pages
198      Movement_Buffer_Ends,       --  move to ends of the buffer
199      Movement_Horizontal_Pages); --  move horizontally by pages
200   --  The various kind of movements that can be performed within an editor.
201   --  Gtk+ has builtin knowledge of all of the above.
202   --  Note that a paragraph is defined as a new-line ended line.
204   type Gtk_Number_Up_Layout is
205     (Left_To_Right_Top_To_Bottom,   --  nick=lrtb
206      Left_To_Right_Bottom_To_Top,   --  nick=lrbt
207      Right_To_Left_Top_To_Bottom,   --  nick=rltb
208      Right_To_Left_Bottom_To_Top,   --  nick=rlbt
209      Top_To_Bottom_Left_To_Right,   --  nick=tblr
210      Top_To_Bottom_Right_To_Left,   --  nick=tbrl
211      Bottom_To_Top_Left_To_Right,   --  nick=btlr
212      Bottom_To_Top_Right_To_Left);  --  nick=btrl
213   --  Used to determine the layout of pages on a sheet when printing multiple
214   --  pages per sheet.
216   type Gtk_Scroll_Step is
217     (Scroll_Steps,
218      Scroll_Pages,
219      Scroll_Ends,
220      Scroll_Horizontal_Steps,
221      Scroll_Horizontal_Pages,
222      Scroll_Horizontal_Ends);
223   --  The behavior of scrollbars for editors
225   type Gtk_Orientation is (Orientation_Horizontal, Orientation_Vertical);
226   --  Orientation of widgets. Most widgets have no such notion, but for
227   --  instance toolbars can display different kind of information depending
228   --  on their current orientation
230   type Gtk_Page_Orientation is
231     (Page_Orientation_Portrait,
232      Page_Orientation_Landscape,
233      Page_Orientation_Reverse_Portrait,
234      Page_Orientation_Reverse_Landscape);
235   --  Orientation of a printed page.
237   type Gtk_Corner_Type is
238     (Corner_Top_Left,
239      Corner_Bottom_Left,
240      Corner_Top_Right,
241      Corner_Bottom_Right);
242   --  Type used by Set_Placement below to determine the location of the
243   --  child widget with respect to the scrollbars.
244   --  Corner_Top_Left means the child is in the top left, with the scrollbars
245   --  underneath and to the right.
247   type Gtk_Grid_Lines is
248     (Grid_Lines_None,
249      Grid_Lines_Horizontal,
250      Grid_Lines_Vertical,
251      Grid_Lines_Both);
252   --  Used to indicate which grid lines to draw in a tree view.
254   type Gtk_Pack_Type is (Pack_Start, Pack_End);
255   --  Whether items should be added at the start or at the end of the list of
256   --  children for a widget. This impacts the visual rendering of containers
258   type Gtk_Path_Priority_Type is mod 2 ** 32;
259   --  Priorities for path lookups
261   Path_Prio_Lowest      : constant Gtk_Path_Priority_Type := 0;
262   Path_Prio_Gtk         : constant Gtk_Path_Priority_Type := 4;
263   Path_Prio_Application : constant Gtk_Path_Priority_Type := 8;
264   Path_Prio_Theme       : constant Gtk_Path_Priority_Type := 10;
265   Path_Prio_RC          : constant Gtk_Path_Priority_Type := 12;
266   Path_Prio_Highest     : constant Gtk_Path_Priority_Type := 15;
267   Path_Prio_Mask        : constant Gtk_Path_Priority_Type := 16#0f#;
269   type Gtk_Path_Type is (Path_Widget, Path_Widget_Class, Path_Class);
270   --  Widget path types
272   type Gtk_Policy_Type is (Policy_Always, Policy_Automatic, Policy_Never);
273   --  When should scrollbars be made visible in Gtk_Scrolled_Window
275   type Gtk_Position_Type is
276     (Pos_Left,
277      Pos_Right,
278      Pos_Top,
279      Pos_Bottom);
280   --  Use to define the position of children within a container
282   type Gtk_Page_Set is
283     (Page_Set_All,
284      Page_Set_Even,
285      Page_Set_Odd);
286   --  The set of pages to print
288   type Gtk_Print_Duplex is
289     (Print_Duplex_Simplex,
290      Print_Duplex_Horizontal,
291      Print_Duplex_Vertical);
292   --  Whether/how to print on both sides of a sheet.
294   type Gtk_Print_Pages is
295     (Print_Pages_All,
296      Print_Pages_Current,
297      Print_Pages_Ranges);
298   --  Which pages to print.
300   type Gtk_Print_Quality is
301     (Print_Quality_Low,
302      Print_Quality_Normal,
303      Print_Quality_High,
304      Print_Quality_Draft);
305   --  Quality of printed output.
307   type Gtk_Relief_Style is (Relief_Normal, Relief_Half, Relief_None);
308   --  Explains how the border of widgets should be displayed
310   type Gtk_Resize_Mode is
311     (Resize_Parent,     --  Pass request to the parent
312      Resize_Queue,      --  Queue resizes on this widget
313      Resize_Immediate); --  Perform the resizes now
314   --  The resizing of widgets is generally done asynchronously, for efficiency
315   --  reasons. This can have some impact on the visual rendering of the widget
316   --  which might be an issue in some cases.
317   --  This type is only used when you are writting your own containers.
319   type Gtk_Scroll_Type is
320     (Scroll_None,
321      Scroll_Jump,
322      Scroll_Step_Backward,
323      Scroll_Step_Forward,
324      Scroll_Page_Backward,
325      Scroll_Page_Forward,
326      Scroll_Step_Up,
327      Scroll_Step_Down,
328      Scroll_Page_Up,
329      Scroll_Page_Down,
330      Scroll_Step_Left,
331      Scroll_Step_Right,
332      Scroll_Page_Left,
333      Scroll_Page_Right,
334      Scroll_Start,
335      Scroll_End);
336   --  How clists should be scrolled
338   type Gtk_Selection_Mode is
339     (Selection_None,
340      Selection_Single,
341      Selection_Browse,
342      Selection_Multiple);
343   --  Indicates what selection is allowed in a tree (no selection allowed, a
344   --  single line, a single line when the mouse is released, or multiple
345   --  lines).
347   type Gtk_Sensitivity_Type is
348     (Gtk_Sensitivity_Auto,
349      Gtk_Sensitivity_On,
350      Gtk_Sensitivity_Off);
351   --  Determines how GTK+ handles the sensitivity of stepper arrows at
352   --  the end of range widgets.
354   type Gtk_Shadow_Type is
355     (Shadow_None,
356      Shadow_In,
357      Shadow_Out,
358      Shadow_Etched_In,
359      Shadow_Etched_Out);
360   --  The type of shadows that can be drawn around widgets
362   type Gtk_State_Type is
363     (State_Normal,
364      State_Active,
365      State_Prelight,
366      State_Selected,
367      State_Insensitive);
368   --  Widgets can be in various states. This impacts their visual rendering,
369   --  but can also impact whether they react to events or not (they do not
370   --  when in State_Insensitive mode).
372   type Gtk_Toolbar_Style is
373     (Toolbar_Icons,
374      Toolbar_Text,
375      Toolbar_Both,
376      Toolbar_Both_Horiz);
377   --  The style of toolbars. Toolbar_Both_Horiz indicates that both icon and
378   --  text should be displayed, arranged horizontally.
380   type Gtk_Unit is (Pixel, Points, Inch, MM);
381   --  Unit of distance measurement.
383   type Gtk_Update_Type is
384     (Update_Continuous,
385      Update_Discontinuous,
386      Update_Delayed);
387   --  For some widgets, this indicates how often they should be updated
389   type Gtk_Visibility is
390     (Visibility_None,
391      Visibility_Partial,
392      Visibility_Full);
393   --  Generic visibility flags. This indicate how visible a window currently
394   --  is.
396   type Gtk_Window_Position is
397     (Win_Pos_None,
398      Win_Pos_Center,
399      Win_Pos_Mouse,
400      Win_Pos_Center_Always,
401      Win_Pos_Center_On_Parent);
402   --  The position at which a new window should be initially displayed on the
403   --  screen.
405   type Gtk_Window_Type is
406     (Window_Toplevel,
407      Window_Popup);
408   --  GtkAda supports multiple types of windows. They all act as top-level
409   --  containers, but the amount of decoration is different. A popup window
410   --  has no title bar for instance.
412   type Gtk_Wrap_Mode is
413     (Wrap_None,
414      Wrap_Char,
415      Wrap_Word,
416      Wrap_Word_Char);
417   --  Text wrapping algorithm. This indicates where a text widget is allowed
418   --  to break its contents to display multiple lines when a line doesn't fit
419   --  on the screen.
421   type Gtk_Sort_Type is
422     (Sort_Ascending,
423      Sort_Descending);
424   --  How to sort
426   type Gtk_Pack_Direction is
427     (Pack_Direction_LTR,
428      Pack_Direction_RTL,
429      Pack_Direction_TTB,
430      Pack_Direction_BTT);
431   --  The direction in which children should be packed in their parents
432   --  (Left-to-Right, Right-To-Left, Top-To-Bottom or Bottom-To-Top)
434   type Gtk_Text_Window_Type is
435     (Text_Window_Private,
436      Text_Window_Widget,
437      Text_Window_Text,
438      Text_Window_Left,
439      Text_Window_Right,
440      Text_Window_Top,
441      Text_Window_Bottom);
442   --  The various components of a Gtk.Text_View widget
444   -------------------------------
445   --  Some Glib instantiations --
446   -------------------------------
448   function Convert (S : String) return System.Address;
449   function Convert (S : System.Address) return String;
450   function Convert_I (I : Gint) return System.Address;
451   function Convert_A (S : System.Address) return Gint;
452   pragma Import (C, Convert_I, "convert_i");
453   pragma Import (C, Convert_A, "convert_a");
455   package String_List is new Glib.Glist.Generic_List (UTF8_String);
456   package String_SList is new Glib.GSlist.Generic_SList (UTF8_String);
457   --  Warning: when you create this list, new memory gets allocated for
458   --  all the strings. You should use the function Free_String_List
459   --  instead of Glib.Glist.Free to be sure to free this memory.
461   procedure Free_String_List (List : in out String_List.Glist);
462   procedure Free_String_List (List : in out String_SList.GSlist);
463   --  Free the memory occupied by all the strings in the list, as well
464   --  as the memory occupied by the list itself.
466   package Gint_List is new
467     Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gint, Convert_I, Convert_A);
469   function Convert_UI (I : Guint) return System.Address;
470   function Convert_UA (S : System.Address) return Guint;
471   pragma Import (C, Convert_UI, "convert_ui");
472   pragma Import (C, Convert_UA, "convert_ua");
473   package Guint_List is new
474     Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Guint, Convert_UI, Convert_UA);
476   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Arrow_Type);
477   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Button_Box_Style);
478   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Curve_Type);
479   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Delete_Type);
480   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Direction_Type);
481   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Grid_Lines);
482   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Path_Type);
483   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Expander_Style);
484   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Text_Direction);
485   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Justification);
486   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Menu_Direction_Type);
487   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Metric_Type);
488   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Movement_Step);
489   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Number_Up_Layout);
490   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Orientation);
491   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Page_Orientation);
492   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Corner_Type);
493   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Pack_Type);
494   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Policy_Type);
495   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Position_Type);
496   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Page_Set);
497   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Print_Duplex);
498   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Print_Pages);
499   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Print_Quality);
500   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Relief_Style);
501   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Resize_Mode);
502   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Scroll_Type);
503   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Selection_Mode);
504   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Sensitivity_Type);
505   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Shadow_Type);
506   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_State_Type);
507   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Text_Window_Type);
508   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Toolbar_Style);
509   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Update_Type);
510   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Unit);
511   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Visibility);
512   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Window_Position);
513   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Window_Type);
514   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Wrap_Mode);
515   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Sort_Type);
517   ----------------
518   -- Properties --
519   ----------------
520   --  The following packages and types are used to represent properties of
521   --  the given type. They are used in the packages that use these properties
523   package Relief_Style_Properties is new
524     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Relief_Style);
525   package Resize_Mode_Properties is new
526     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Resize_Mode);
527   package Arrow_Type_Properties is new
528     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Arrow_Type);
529   package Shadow_Type_Properties is new
530     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Shadow_Type);
531   package Update_Type_Properties is new
532     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Update_Type);
533   package Position_Type_Properties is new
534     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Position_Type);
535   package Toolbar_Style_Properties is new
536     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Toolbar_Style);
537   package Justification_Properties is new
538     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Justification);
539   package Orientation_Properties is new
540     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Orientation);
541   package Window_Type_Properties is new
542     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Window_Type);
543   package Window_Position_Properties is new
544     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Window_Position);
545   package Text_Direction_Properties is new
546     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Text_Direction);
547   package Wrap_Mode_Properties is new
548     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Text_Direction);
549   package Policy_Properties is new
550     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Policy_Type);
551   package Pack_Direction_Properties is new
552     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Pack_Direction);
553   package Sort_Type_Properties is new
554     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Sort_Type);
555   package Metric_Type_Properties is new
556     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Metric_Type);
557   package Pack_Type_Properties is new
558     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Pack_Type);
559   package Icon_Size_Properties is new
560     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Icon_Size);
561   package Selection_Mode_Properties is new
562     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Selection_Mode);
563   package Sensitivity_Properties is new
564     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Sensitivity_Type);
565   package BBox_Style_Properties is new
566     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Button_Box_Style);
567   package Curve_Type_Properties is new
568     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Curve_Type);
570   type Property_Gtk_Relief_Style  is new Relief_Style_Properties.Property;
571   type Property_Gtk_Resize_Mode   is new Resize_Mode_Properties.Property;
572   type Property_Gtk_Arrow_Type    is new Arrow_Type_Properties.Property;
573   type Property_Gtk_Shadow_Type   is new Shadow_Type_Properties.Property;
574   type Property_Gtk_Update_Type   is new Update_Type_Properties.Property;
575   type Property_Gtk_Position_Type is new Position_Type_Properties.Property;
576   type Property_Gtk_Toolbar_Style is new Toolbar_Style_Properties.Property;
577   type Property_Gtk_Button_Box_Style is new BBox_Style_Properties.Property;
578   type Property_Gtk_Justification is new Justification_Properties.Property;
579   type Property_Gtk_Orientation   is new Orientation_Properties.Property;
580   type Property_Gtk_Window_Type   is new Window_Type_Properties.Property;
581   type Property_Gtk_Window_Position is new
582     Window_Position_Properties.Property;
583   type Property_Gtk_Text_Direction is new Text_Direction_Properties.Property;
584   type Property_Gtk_Wrap_Mode     is new Wrap_Mode_Properties.Property;
585   type Property_Gtk_Policy_Type   is new Policy_Properties.Property;
586   type Property_Pack_Direction    is new Pack_Direction_Properties.Property;
587   type Property_Sort_Type         is new Sort_Type_Properties.Property;
588   type Property_Metric_Type       is new Metric_Type_Properties.Property;
589   type Property_Pack_Type         is new Pack_Type_Properties.Property;
590   type Property_Gtk_Icon_Size     is new Icon_Size_Properties.Property;
591   type Property_Gtk_Selection_Mode is new Selection_Mode_Properties.Property;
592   type Property_Gtk_Sensitivity_Type is new Sensitivity_Properties.Property;
593   type Property_Gtk_Curve_Type    is new Curve_Type_Properties.Property;
595   -----------------
596   -- Obsolescent --
597   -----------------
598   --  All subprograms below are now obsolescent in gtk+. They might be removed
599   --  from future versions of gtk+ (and therefore GtkAda).
600   --  To find out whether your code uses any of these, we recommend compiling
601   --  with the -gnatwj switch
602   --  <doc_ignore>
604   type Gtk_Side_Type is (Side_Top, Side_Bottom, Side_Left, Side_Right);
605   --  pragma Obsolescent;
606   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Side_Type);
608   type Gtk_Match_Type is
609     (Match_All, Match_All_Tail, Match_Head, Match_Tail,
610      Match_Exact, Match_Last);
611   --  pragma Obsolescent;
612   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Match_Type);
614   type Gtk_Preview_Type is (Preview_Color, Preview_Grayscale);
615   --  pragma Obsolescent;
616   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Preview_Type);
618   type Gtk_Submenu_Direction is (Direction_Left, Direction_Right);
619   --  pragma Obsolescent;
621   type Gtk_Submenu_Placement is (Top_Bottom, Left_Right);
622   --  pragma Obsolescent;
624   type Gtk_Toolbar_Space_Style is (Toolbar_Space_Empty, Toolbar_Space_Line);
625   --  pragma Obsolescent;
627   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Toolbar_Space_Style);
629   package Toolbar_Space_Style_Properties is new
630     Generic_Internal_Discrete_Property (Gtk_Toolbar_Space_Style);
631   type Property_Toolbar_Space_Style is new
632     Toolbar_Space_Style_Properties.Property;
634   type Gtk_Tree_View_Mode is (Tree_View_Line, Tree_View_Item);
635   --  pragma Obsolescent;
637   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Submenu_Direction);
638   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Submenu_Placement);
639   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Tree_View_Mode);
640   --  </doc_ignore>
642   --  These comments are for the sake of our automatic tool to check whether
643   --  the bindings are up-to-date. They indicate that the functions are part
644   --  of GtkAda itself, no gtk+
645   --  External binding: convert_ui
646   --  External binding: convert_ua
647   --  External binding: convert_i
648   --  External binding: convert_a
649end Gtk.Enums;