2--               GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome               --
3--                                                                   --
4--   Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet   --
5--                Copyright (C) 2000-2013, AdaCore                   --
6--                                                                   --
7-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
8-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
9-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
10-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
11--                                                                   --
12-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
15-- General Public License for more details.                          --
16--                                                                   --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
18-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
19-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
20-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
21--                                                                   --
22-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
23-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
24-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
25-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
26-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
27-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --
30--  <description>
31--  This widget implements a top level window.
32--  It is used as the base class for dialogs, ...
34--  A window has both a default widget (to which events are sent if no other
35--  widget has been selected and has the focus), and a focus widget (which
36--  gets the events and overrides the default widget).
38--  You can set many hints on the window (its minimum and maximum size, its
39--  decoration, etc.) but these are only hints to the window manager, which
40--  might not respect them.
42--  A useful hint, respected by most window managers, can be used to force
43--  some secondary windows to stay on top of the main window on the screen
44--  (for instance, so that a smaller window can not be hidden by a bigger
45--  one). See the function Set_Transient_For below.
47--  A window can also be modal, i.e. grab all the mouse and keyboard events
48--  in the application while it is displayed.
50--  </description>
51--  <c_version>2.16.6</c_version>
52--  <group>Windows</group>
53--  <screenshot>gtk-window</screenshot>
55with Glib.Object;
56with Glib.Properties;
57with Gdk.Event;
58with Gdk.Pixbuf;
59with Gdk.Types;
60with Gdk.Window;
61with Gtk.Accel_Group;
62with Gtk.Bin;
63with Gtk.Enums;
64with Gtk.Widget;
66package Gtk.Window is
68   type Gtk_Window_Record is new Bin.Gtk_Bin_Record with private;
69   type Gtk_Window is access all Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
71   type Gtk_Window_Group_Record is
72     new Glib.Object.GObject_Record with null record;
73   type Gtk_Window_Group is access all Gtk_Window_Group_Record'Class;
75   procedure Gtk_New
76     (Window   : out Gtk_Window;
77      The_Type : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Window_Type := Gtk.Enums.Window_Toplevel);
78   --  Create a new window.
79   --  The_Type specifies the type of the window, and can be either a
80   --  top level window, a dialog or a popup window. You will most often only
81   --  need to use Window_Toplevel, the other types are mostly used internally
82   --  by gtk+.
83   --  A Popup window is used to display a temporary information window. It has
84   --  no borders nor resizing handles.
86   procedure Initialize
87     (Window   : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
88      The_Type : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Window_Type);
89   --  Internal initialization function.
90   --  See the section "Creating your own widgets" in the documentation.
92   function Get_Type return Glib.GType;
93   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Window.
95   procedure Set_Title
96     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record; Title : UTF8_String);
97   function Get_Title (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return UTF8_String;
98   --  Change the title of the window, as it appears in the title bar.
99   --  Note that on some systems you might not be able to change it.
101   procedure Set_Wmclass
102     (Window        : access Gtk_Window_Record;
103      Wmclass_Name  : String;
104      Wmclass_Class : String);
105   --  Don't use this function. It sets the X Window System "class" and
106   --  "name" hints for a window. According to the ICCCM, you should
107   --  always set these to the same value for all windows in an
108   --  application, and GTK sets them to that value by default, so calling
109   --  this function is sort of pointless. However, you may want to call
110   --  Set_Role on each window in your application, for the
111   --  benefit of the session manager. Setting the role allows the window
112   --  manager to restore window positions when loading a saved session.
114   procedure Set_Role (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record; Role : String);
115   function Get_Role  (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return String;
116   --  In combination with the window title, the window role allows a
117   --  window manager to identify "the same" window when an application is
118   --  restarted. So for example you might set the "toolbox" role on your
119   --  app's toolbox window, so that when the user restarts their session,
120   --  the window manager can put the toolbox back in the same place.
121   --  If a window already has a unique title, you don't need to set the
122   --  role, since the WM can use the title to identify the window when
123   --  restoring the session.
124   --  Role: unique identifier for the window to be used when restoring a
125   --  session
127   function Activate_Focus (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
128   --  Call Gtk.Widget.Activate on the widget that currently has the focus in
129   --  the window, ie sends an "activate" signal to that widget. Note that this
130   --  signal does not really exists and is mapped to some widget-specific
131   --  signal.
132   --  Return True if the widget could be activated, False otherwise.
133   --  The Focus widget is set through a signal "set_focus".
135   function Activate_Default
136     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
137   --  Activate the default widget in the window.
138   --  In other words, send an "activate" signal to that widget. Note that
139   --  this signal is a virtual one and is mapped to some widget specific
140   --  signal.
141   --  Return False is the widget could not be activated or if there was
142   --  no default widget.
143   --  You can set the default widget with the following calls:
144   --
145   --     Gtk.Widget.Set_Flags (Widget, Can_Default);
146   --     Gtk.Widget.Grab_Default (Widget);
148   procedure Set_Transient_For
149     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
150      Parent : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class);
151   function Get_Transient_For
152     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Gtk_Window;
153   --  Specify that Window is a transient window.
154   --  A transient window is a temporary window, like a popup menu or a
155   --  dialog box). Parent is the toplevel window of the application to which
156   --  Window belongs. A window that has set this can expect less decoration
157   --  from the window manager (for instance no title bar and no borders).
158   --  (see XSetTransientForHint(3) on Unix systems)
159   --
160   --  The main usage of this function is to force Window to be on top of
161   --  Parent on the screen at all times. Most window managers respect this
162   --  hint, even if this is not mandatory.
164   procedure Set_Type_Hint
165     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
166      Hint   : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window_Type_Hint);
167   function Get_Type_Hint
168     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record)
169      return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window_Type_Hint;
170   --  allow the window manager to decorate and handle the window in a way
171   --  which is suitable to the function of the window in your application.
172   --  This function should be called before the window becomes visible.
174   procedure Set_Keep_Above
175     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record; Setting : Boolean);
176   procedure Set_Keep_Below
177     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record; Setting : Boolean);
178   --  Asks to keep Window above, so that it stays on top. Note that you
179   --  shouldn't assume the window is definitely above afterward, because other
180   --  entities (e.g. the user or window managers) could not keep it above, and
181   --  not all window managers support keeping windows above. But normally the
182   --  window will end kept above. Just don't write code that crashes if not.
183   --
184   --  It's permitted to call this function before showing a window, in which
185   --  case the window will be kept above when it appears onscreen initially.
186   --
187   --  You can track the above state via the "window_state_event" signal on
188   --  Window.
189   --
190   --  Note that, according to the "Extended Window Manager Hints"
191   --  specification, the above state is mainly meant for user preferences and
192   --  should not be used by applications e.g. for drawing attention to their
193   --  dialogs.
195   procedure Set_Auto_Startup_Notification (Setting : Boolean);
196   --  By default, after showing the first Window for each screen, GTK+ calls
197   --  gdk_notify_startup_complete(). Call this function to disable the
198   --  automatic startup notification. You might do this if your first window
199   --  is a splash screen, and you want to delay notification until after your
200   --  real main window has been shown, for example.
201   --
202   --  In that example, you would disable startup notification temporarily,
203   --  show your splash screen, then re-enable it so that showing the main
204   --  window would automatically result in notification.
205   --
206   --  Notification is used by the desktop environment to show the user that
207   --  your application is still loading.
209   procedure Set_Startup_Id
210     (Window     : access Gtk_Window_Record;
211      Startup_Id : String);
212   --  Startup notification identifiers are used by desktop environment to
213   --  track application startup, to provide user feedback and other
214   --  features. This function changes the corresponding property on the
215   --  underlying Gdk_Window. Normally, startup identifier is managed
216   --  automatically and you should only use this function in special cases
217   --  like transferring focus from other processes. You should use this
218   --  function before calling Present or any equivalent function generating
219   --  a window map event.
220   --
221   --  This function is only useful on X11, not with other GTK+ targets.
223   function Get_Deletable (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
224   procedure Set_Deletable
225     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
226      Setting : Boolean);
227   --  By default, windows have a close button in the window frame. Some
228   --  window managers allow GTK+ to disable this button. If you set the
229   --  deletable property to False using this function, GTK+ will do its best
230   --  to convince the window manager not to show a close button. Depending on
231   --  the system, this function may not have any effect when called on a
232   --  window that is already visible, so you should call it before calling
233   --  Gtk.Window.Show.
234   --
235   --  On Windows, this function always works, since there's no window manager
236   --  policy involved.
238   procedure Set_Destroy_With_Parent
239     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
240      Setting : Boolean := True);
241   function Get_Destroy_With_Parent
242     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
243   --  Set whether destroying the transient parent of Window will also destroy
244   --  Window itself.
245   --  This is useful for dialogs that shouldn't persist beyond the lifetime
246   --  of the main window they're associated with, for example.
248   procedure Set_Geometry_Hints
249     (Window          : access Gtk_Window_Record;
250      Geometry_Widget : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
251      Geometry        : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Geometry;
252      Geom_Mask       : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window_Hints);
253   --  Specify some geometry hints for the window.
254   --  This includes its minimal and maximal sizes, ...
255   --  These attributes are specified in Geometry.
256   --  Geom_Mask indicates which of the fields in Geometry are set.
257   --  Geometry_Widget can be null (and thus is not an access parameter). It
258   --  adds some extra size to Geometry based on the actual size of
259   --  Geometry_Widget (the extra amount is Window'Size - Geometry_Widget'Size)
260   --
261   --  Geometry.Base_* indicates the size that is used by the window manager
262   --  to report the size: for instance, if Base_Width = 600 and actual width
263   --  is 200, the window manager will indicate a width of -400.
264   --
265   --  If your window manager respects the hints (and its doesn't have to),
266   --  then the user will never be able to resize the window to a size not
267   --  in Geometry.Min_* .. Geometry.Max_*.
268   --
269   --  Geometry.*_Inc specifies by which amount the size will be multiplied.
270   --  For instance, if Width_Inc = 50 and the size reported by the Window
271   --  Manager is 2x3, then the actual width of the window is 100.
272   --  Your window's size will always be a multiple of the *_Inc values.
273   --
274   --  Geometry.*_Aspect specifies the aspect ratio for the window. The window
275   --  will always be resized so that the ratio between its width and its
276   --  height remains in the range Min_Aspect .. Max_Aspect.
278   procedure Set_Decorated
279     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
280      Setting : Boolean := True);
281   function Get_Decorated (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
282   --  By default, windows are decorated with a title bar, resize
283   --  controls, etc. Some window managers allow GtkAda to disable these
284   --  decorations, creating a borderless window. If you set the decorated
285   --  property to False using this function, GtkAda will do its best to
286   --  convince the window manager not to decorate the window.
288   procedure Set_Modal
289     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;  Modal  : Boolean := True);
290   function Get_Modal (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
291   --  Define the window as being Modal.
292   --  It will grab the input from the keyboard and the mouse while it is
293   --  displayed and will release it when it is hidden. The grab is only in
294   --  effect for the windows that belong to the same application, and will not
295   --  affect other applications running on the same screen.
296   --  In cunjunction with Gtk.Main.Main, this is the easiest way to show a
297   --  dialog to which the user has to answer before the application can
298   --  continue.
300   procedure Set_Skip_Pager_Hint
301     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
302      Setting : Boolean);
303   function Get_Skip_Taskbar_Hint
304     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record)
305      return Boolean;
306   --  Windows may set a hint asking the desktop environment not to display
307   --  the window in the pager. This function sets this hint.
308   --  (A "pager" is any desktop navigation tool such as a workspace
309   --  switcher that displays a thumbnail representation of the windows
310   --  on the screen).
312   procedure Set_Skip_Taskbar_Hint
313     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
314      Setting : Boolean);
315   function Get_Skip_Pager_Hint
316     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record)
317      return Boolean;
318   --  Windows may set a hint asking the desktop environment not to display
319   --  the window in the task bar. This function sets this hint.
321   procedure Set_Urgency_Hint
322     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
323      Setting : Boolean);
324   function Get_Urgency_Hint
325     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record)
326      return Boolean;
327   --  Windows may set a hint asking the desktop environment to draw
328   --  the users attention to the window. This function sets this hint.
330   function List_Toplevels return Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist;
331   --  Return a list of all existing toplevel windows.
332   --  The widgets in the list are not individually referenced. If you want
333   --  to iterate through the list and perform actions involving
334   --  callbacks that might destroy the widgets, you must "ref"erence
335   --  all the widgets in the list first and then unref all the widgets
336   --  afterwards.
337   --  The list itself must be freed by the caller
339   procedure Present (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
340   --  Present a window to the user.
341   --  This may mean raising the window in the stacking order, deiconifying it,
342   --  moving it to the current desktop, and/or giving it the keyboard focus,
343   --  possibly dependent on the user's platform, window manager, and
344   --  preferences.
345   --
346   --  If Window is hidden, this function calls Gtk.Widget.Show as well.
347   --
348   --  If you are calling this function in response to a user interaction, it
349   --  is preferable to use Present_With_Time.
351   procedure Present_With_Time
352     (Window    : access Gtk_Window_Record;
353      Timestamp : Guint32);
354   --  Present a window to the user in response to a user interaction.
355   --  Timestamp is the timestamp of the user interaction (typically a button
356   --  or key press event) which triggered this call.
357   --
358   --  This function should be used when the user tries to open a window
359   --  that's already open. Say for example the preferences dialog is
360   --  currently open, and the user chooses Preferences from the menu
361   --  a second time; use Present to move the already-open dialog
362   --  where the user can see it.
364   procedure Stick (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
365   --  Ask to stick Window, which means that it will appear on all user
366   --  desktops. Note that you shouldn't assume the window is definitely
367   --  stuck afterward, because other entities (e.g. the user or window
368   --  manager) could unstick it again, and some window managers do not
369   --  support sticking windows. But normally the window will end up
370   --  stuck.
371   --
372   --  It's permitted to call this function before showing a window.
373   --
374   --  You can track stickiness via the "window_state_event" signal
375   --  on Gtk_Widget.
377   procedure Unstick (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
378   --  Ask to unstick Window, which means that it will appear on only
379   --  one of the user's desktops. Note that you shouldn't assume the
380   --  window is definitely unstuck afterward, because other entities
381   --  (e.g. the user or window manager) could stick it again. But
382   --  normally the window will end up stuck.
383   --
384   --  You can track stickiness via the "window_state_event" signal
385   --  on Gtk_Widget.
387   function Get_Opacity (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Gdouble;
388   procedure Set_Opacity
389     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
390      Opacity : Gdouble);
391   --  Request the windowing system to make Window partially transparent,
392   --  with opacity 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 fully opaque. (Values
393   --  of the opacity parameter are clamped to the [0.0,1.0] range.) On X11
394   --  this has any effect only on X screens with a compositing manager
395   --  running. See Gtk.Widget.Is_Composited. On Windows it should always work.
396   --
397   --  Note that on Windows, setting a window's opacity after the window has
398   --  been shown causes it to flicker once.
400   --------------
401   -- Position --
402   --------------
404   procedure Move (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record; X, Y : Gint);
405   --  Asks the window manager to move Window to the given position. Window
406   --  managers are free to ignore this; most window managers ignore requests
407   --  for initial window positions (instead using a user-defined placement
408   --  algorithm) and honor requests after the window has already been shown.
409   --
410   --  Note: the position is the position of the gravity-determined reference
411   --  point for the window. The gravity determines two things: first, the
412   --  location of the reference point in root window coordinates; and second,
413   --  which point on the window is positioned at the reference point.
414   --
415   --  By default the gravity is GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST, so the reference point is
416   --  simply the (x, y) supplied to Move. The top-left corner of the window
417   --  decorations (aka window frame or border) will be placed at (x, y).
418   --  Therefore, to position a window at the top left of the screen, you want
419   --  to use the default gravity (which is GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST) and move the
420   --  window to 0,0.
421   --
422   --  To position a window at the bottom right corner of the screen, you would
423   --  set GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST, which means that the reference point is at x +
424   --  the window width and y + the window height, and the bottom-right corner
425   --  of the window border will be placed at that reference point. So, to
426   --  place a window in the bottom right corner you would first set gravity to
427   --  south east, then write:
428   --    Move (Window, Gdk_Screen_Width  - Window_Width,
429   --                  Gdk_Screen_Height - Window_Height);
431   procedure Set_Position
432     (Window   : access Gtk_Window_Record;
433      Position : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Window_Position);
434   --  Specify how the position of the window should be computed.
435   --  If Position is Win_Pos_Center_Always or Win_Pos_Center, then the window
436   --  is centered on the screen. In the first case, it is also recentered
437   --  when the window is resized with Gtk.Widget.Set_Usize (ie except on
438   --  user action).
439   --  If Position is Win_Pos_Mouse, then the window is positioned so that it
440   --  centered around the mouse.
441   --  If Position is Win_Pos_None, no calculation is done. If
442   --  Gtk.Widget.Set_Uposition has been called, it is respected. This is the
443   --  default case.
445   procedure Get_Position
446     (Window         : access Gtk_Window_Record;
447      Root_X, Root_Y : out Gint);
448   --  This function returns the position you need to pass to gtk.window.move
449   --  to keep Window in its current position. This means that the meaning of
450   --  the returned value varies with window gravity. See Gtk.Window.Move for
451   --  more details.
452   --
453   --  If you haven't changed the window gravity, its gravity will be
454   --  GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST. This means that Get_Position gets the position of
455   --  the top-left corner of the window manager frame for the window.
456   --  gtk.window.move sets the position of this same top-left corner.
457   --
458   --  Get_Position is not 100% reliable because the X Window System does not
459   --  specify a way to obtain the geometry of the decorations placed on a
460   --  window by the window manager. Thus GTK+ is using a "best guess" that
461   --  works with most window managers.
462   --
463   --  Moreover, nearly all window managers are historically broken with
464   --  respect to their handling of window gravity. So moving a window to its
465   --  current position as returned by Get_Position tends to result in moving
466   --  the window slightly. Window managers are slowly getting better over
467   --  time.
468   --
469   --  If a window has gravity GRAVITY_STATIC the window manager frame is not
470   --  relevant, and thus Get_Position will always produce accurate results.
471   --  However you can't use static gravity to do things like place a window in
472   --  a corner of the screen, because static gravity ignores the window
473   --  manager decorations.
474   --
475   --  If you are saving and restoring your application's window positions, you
476   --  should know that it's impossible for applications to do this without
477   --  getting it somewhat wrong because applications do not have sufficient
478   --  knowledge of window manager state. The Correct Mechanism is to support
479   --  the session management protocol (see the "GnomeClient" object in the
480   --  GNOME libraries for example) and allow the window manager to save your
481   --  window sizes and positions.
483   procedure Begin_Move_Drag
484     (Window    : access Gtk_Window_Record;
485      Button    : Gint;
486      Root_X    : Gint;
487      Root_Y    : Gint;
488      Timestamp : Guint32);
489   --  Starts moving a window. This function is used if an application has
490   --  window movement grips. When GDK can support it, the window movement will
491   --  be done using the standard mechanism for the window manager or windowing
492   --  system. Otherwise, GDK will try to emulate window movement, potentially
493   --  not all that well, depending on the windowing system.
494   --  (Root_X, Root_Y): Position where the user clicked to initiate the drag,
495   --  in root window coordinates. Timestamp is the timestamp of the event that
496   --  initiated the drag
498   function Parse_Geometry
499     (Window   : access Gtk_Window_Record;
500      Geometry : String)
501      return Boolean;
502   --  Parses a standard X Window System geometry string - see the manual page
503   --  for X (type 'man X') for details on this. Parse_Geometry does work on
504   --  all GTK+ ports including Win32 but is primarily intended for an X
505   --  environment.
506   --
507   --  If either a size or a position can be extracted from the geometry
508   --  string, Parse_Geometry returns True and calls Set_Default_Size and/or
509   --  Move to resize/move the window.
510   --
511   --  If Parse_Geometry returns True, it will also set the HINT_USER_POS
512   --  and/or HINT_USER_SIZE hints indicating to the window manager that the
513   --  size/position of the window was user-specified. This causes most window
514   --  managers to honor the geometry.
515   --
516   --  Note that for Parse_Geometry to work as expected, it has to be called
517   --  when the window has its "final" size, i.e. after calling Show_All on the
518   --  contents and Set_Geometry_Hints on the window.
520   -----------
521   -- Sizes --
522   -----------
524   procedure Set_Resizable
525     (Window    : access Gtk_Window_Record;
526      Resizable : Boolean := True);
527   function Get_Resizable (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
528   --  Sets or gets whether the user can resize a window.
529   --  Windows are user resizable by default.
531   procedure Set_Gravity
532     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;
533      Gravity : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Gravity);
534   function Get_Gravity
535     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Gravity;
536   --  Window gravity defines the "reference point" to be used when
537   --  positioning or resizing a window. Calls to
538   --  Gtk.Widget.Set_UPosition will position a different point on the
539   --  window depending on the window gravity. When the window changes size
540   --  the reference point determined by the window's gravity will stay in
541   --  a fixed location.
542   --
543   --  See Gdk_Gravity for full details. To briefly summarize,
544   --  Gravity_North_West means that the reference point is the
545   --  northwest (top left) corner of the window
546   --  frame. Gravity_South_East would be the bottom right corner of
547   --  the frame, and so on. If you want to position the window contents,
548   --  rather than the window manager's frame, Gravity_Static moves
549   --  the reference point to the northwest corner of the Gtk_Window
550   --  itself.
551   --
552   --  The default window gravity is Gravity_North_West.
554   procedure Set_Has_Frame (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
555   function Get_Has_Frame  (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
556   --  If this function is called on a window before it is realized
557   --  or showed it will have a "frame" window around widget-window.
558   --  Using the signal frame_event you can receive all events targeted at the
559   --  frame.
560   --
561   --  This function is used by the linux-fb port to implement managed
562   --  windows, but it could concievably be used by X-programs that
563   --  want to do their own window decorations.
565   procedure Set_Frame_Dimensions
566     (Window                   : access Gtk_Window_Record;
567      Left, Top, Right, Bottom : Gint);
568   procedure Get_Frame_Dimensions
569     (Window                   : access Gtk_Window_Record;
570      Left, Top, Right, Bottom : out Gint);
571   --  Change the size of the frame border.
572   --  This has only an effect for windows with frames (see Set_Has_Frame).
574   procedure Fullscreen   (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
575   procedure Unfullscreen (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
576   --  Ask to place Window in fullscreen state.
577   --  You shouldn't assume the window is definitely full screen afterward,
578   --  because other entities (user or window manager) could unfullscreen it
579   --  again and not all window managers honor requests to fullscreen windows.
580   --  You can track the fullscreen state via the "window_state_event" signal.
582   procedure Iconify (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
583   --  Ask to iconify Window.
584   --  Note that you shouldn't assume the window is definitely iconified
585   --  afterward, because other entities (e.g. the user or window manager)
586   --  could deiconify it again, or there may not be a window manager in which
587   --  case iconification isn't possible, etc. But normally the window will end
588   --  up iconified. Just don't write code that crashes if not.
589   --
590   --  It's permitted to call this function before showing a window,
591   --  in which case the window will be iconified before it ever appears
592   --  onscreen.
593   --
594   --  You can track iconification via the "window_state_event" signal
595   --  on Gtk_Widget.
597   procedure Deiconify (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
598   --  Ask to deiconify Window.
599   --  Note that you shouldn't assume the window is definitely deiconified
600   --  afterward, because other entities (e.g. the user or window manager)
601   --  could iconify it again before your code which assumes deiconification
602   --  gets to run.
603   --
604   --  You can track iconification via the "window_state_event" signal
605   --  on Gtk_Widget.
607   procedure Maximize (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
608   --  Ask to maximize Window, so that it becomes full-screen.
609   --  Note that you shouldn't assume the window is definitely maximized
610   --  afterward, because other entities (e.g. the user or window manager)
611   --  could unmaximize it again, and not all window managers support
612   --  maximization. But normally the window will end up maximized.
613   --
614   --  It's permitted to call this function before showing a window,
615   --  in which case the window will be maximized when it appears onscreen
616   --  initially.
617   --
618   --  You can track maximization via the "window_state_event" signal
619   --  on Gtk_Widget.
621   procedure Unmaximize (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
622   --  Ask to unmaximize Window.
623   --  Note that you shouldn't assume the window is definitely unmaximized
624   --  afterward, because other entities (e.g. the user or window manager)
625   --  could maximize it again, and not all window managers honor requests to
626   --  unmaximize. But normally the window will end up unmaximized.
627   --
628   --  You can track maximization via the "window_state_event" signal
629   --  on Gtk_Widget.
631   procedure Set_Default_Size
632     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record; Width : Gint; Height : Gint);
633   procedure Get_Default_Size
634     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
635      Width  : out Gint;
636      Height : out Gint);
637   --  Sets the default size of a window. If the window's "natural" size (its
638   --  size request) is larger than the default, the default will be
639   --  ignored. More generally, if the default size does not obey the geometry
640   --  hints for the window (Set_Geometry_Hints can be used to set these
641   --  explicitly), the default size will be clamped to the nearest permitted
642   --  size.
643   --
644   --  Unlike Gtk.Widget.Set_Size_Request, which sets a size request for a
645   --  widget and thus would keep users from shrinking the window, this
646   --  function only sets the initial size, just as if the user had resized the
647   --  window themselves. Users can still shrink the window again as they
648   --  normally would. Setting a default size of -1 means to use the "natural"
649   --  default size (the size request of the window).
650   --
651   --  For more control over a window's initial size and how resizing works,
652   --  investigate Set_Geometry_Hints.
653   --
654   --  For some uses, Resize is a more appropriate function.  Resize changes
655   --  the current size of the window, rather than the size to be used on
656   --  initial display. Resize always affects the window itself, not the
657   --  geometry widget.
658   --
659   --  The default size of a window only affects the first time a window is
660   --  shown; if a window is hidden and re-shown, it will remember the size it
661   --  had prior to hiding, rather than using the default size.
662   --
663   --  Windows can't actually be 0x0 in size, they must be at least 1x1, but
664   --  passing 0 for Width and Height is OK, resulting in a 1x1 default size.
665   --
666   --  This has no effect on Popup windows (set in call to Gtk_New).
668   procedure Resize
669     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
670      Width, Height : Gint);
671   --  Resize the window as if the user had done so, obeying geometry
672   --  constraints. The default geometry constraint is that windows may
673   --  not be smaller than their size request; to override this
674   --  constraint, call Gtk.Widget.Set_Size_Request to set the window's
675   --  request to a smaller value.
676   --
677   --  If Resize is called before showing a window for the -- first time, it
678   --  overrides any default size set with -- Set_Default_Size.
679   --
680   --  Windows may not be resized smaller than 1 by 1 pixels. However, as a
681   --  special case, if both Width and Height are set to -1, the best requested
682   --  size is recomputed for the window, and used.
684   procedure Get_Size
685     (Window        : access Gtk_Window_Record;
686      Width, Height : out Gint);
687   --  Obtains the current size of Window. If Window is not onscreen, it
688   --  returns the size GTK+ will suggest to the window manager for the initial
689   --  window size (but this is not reliably the same as the size the window
690   --  manager will actually select). The size obtained by Get_Size is the last
691   --  size received in Gdk_Event_Configure, that is, GTK+ uses its
692   --  locally-stored size, rather than querying the X server for the size. As
693   --  a result, if you call Resize then immediately call Get_Size, the size
694   --  won't have taken effect yet. After the window manager processes the
695   --  resize request, GTK+ receives notification that the size has changed via
696   --  a configure event, and the size of the window gets updated.
697   --
698   --  Note 1: Nearly any use of this function creates a race condition,
699   --  because the size of the window may change between the time that you get
700   --  the size and the time that you perform some action assuming that size is
701   --  the current size. To avoid race conditions, connect to "configure_event"
702   --  on the window and adjust your size-dependent state to match the size
703   --  delivered in the Gdk_Event_Configure.
704   --
705   --  Note 2: The returned size does *not* include the size of the window
706   --  manager decorations (aka the window frame or border). Those are not
707   --  drawn by GTK+ and GTK+ has no reliable method of determining their size.
708   --
709   --  Note 3: If you are getting a window size in order to position the window
710   --  onscreen, there may be a better way. The preferred way is to simply set
711   --  the window's semantic type with Set_Type_Hint, which allows the window
712   --  manager to e.g. center dialogs. Also, if you set the transient parent of
713   --  dialogs with Set_Transient_For window managers will often center the
714   --  dialog over its parent window. It's much preferred to let the window
715   --  manager handle these things rather than doing it yourself, because all
716   --  apps will behave consistently and according to user prefs if the window
717   --  manager handles it. Also, the window manager can take the size of the
718   --  window decorations/border into account, while your application cannot.
719   --
720   --  In any case, if you insist on application-specified window positioning,
721   --  there's *still*> a better way than doing it yourself - Set_Position will
722   --  frequently handle the details for you.
724   procedure Reshow_With_Initial_Size (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record);
725   --  Hide Window, then reshows it, resetting the default size and position.
726   --  Used by GUI builders only.
728   procedure Begin_Resize_Drag
729     (Window    : access Gtk_Window_Record;
730      Edge      : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window_Edge;
731      Button    : Gint;
732      Root_X    : Gint;
733      Root_Y    : Gint;
734      Timestamp : Guint32);
735   --  Starts resizing a window. This function is used if an application has
736   --  window resizing controls. When GDK can support it, the resize will be
737   --  done using the standard mechanism for the window manager or windowing
738   --  system. Otherwise, GDK will try to emulate window resizing, potentially
739   --  not all that well, depending on the windowing system.
741   -----------
742   -- Icons --
743   -----------
745   procedure Set_Icon_Name (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record; Name : String);
746   function Get_Icon_Name  (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return String;
747   --  Set the icon for the window from a named themed icon. See
748   --  Gtk.Icon_Them for more details. This has nothing to do with the
749   --  WM_ICON_NAME property which is mentioned in the ICCCM (and related to
750   --  window managers)
752   procedure Set_Icon
753     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record; Icon : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf);
754   function Get_Icon
755     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
756   --  Sets up the icon representing Window. This icon is used when the window
757   --  is minimized (also known as iconified). Some window managers or desktop
758   --  environments may also place it in the window frame, or display it in
759   --  other contexts.
760   --
761   --  The icon should be provided in whatever size it was naturally drawn;
762   --  that is, don't scale the image before passing it to GTK+. Scaling is
763   --  postponed until the last minute, when the desired final size is known,
764   --  to allow best quality.
765   --
766   --  If you have your icon hand-drawn in multiple sizes, use
767   --  Set_Icon_List. Then the best size will be used.
768   --
769   --  This function is equivalent to calling Set_Icon_List with a single
770   --  element.
771   --
772   --  See also Set_Default_Icon_List to set the icon for all windows in your
773   --  application in one go.
775   procedure Set_Icon_List
776     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
777      List   : Glib.Object.Object_Simple_List.Glist);
778   function Get_Icon_List
779     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record)
780      return Glib.Object.Object_Simple_List.Glist;
781   --  Sets up the icon representing Window. The icon is used when the window
782   --  is minimized (also known as iconified). Some window managers or desktop
783   --  environments may also place it in the window frame, or display it in
784   --  other contexts.
785   --
786   --  Set_Icon_List allows you to pass in the same icon in several hand-drawn
787   --  sizes. The list should contain the natural sizes your icon is available
788   --  in; that is, don't scale the image before passing it to GTK+. Scaling is
789   --  postponed until the last minute, when the desired final size is known,
790   --  to allow best quality.
791   --
792   --  By passing several sizes, you may improve the final image quality of the
793   --  icon, by reducing or eliminating automatic image scaling.
794   --
795   --  Recommended sizes to provide: 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 at minimum, and larger
796   --  images (64x64, 128x128) if you have them.
797   --
798   --  Note that transient windows (those who have been set transient for
799   --  another window using Set_Transient_For) will inherit their icon from
800   --  their transient parent. So there's no need to explicitly set the icon on
801   --  transient windows.
803   function Set_Icon_From_File
804     (Window   : access Gtk_Window_Record;
805      Filename : String) return Boolean;
806   --  Equivalent to calling Set_Icon with a pixbuf loaded from Filename.
807   --  return False on failure.
809   procedure Set_Default_Icon_List
810     (List : Glib.Object.Object_Simple_List.Glist);
811   function Get_Default_Icon_List
812     return Glib.Object.Object_Simple_List.Glist;
813   --  Sets an icon list to be used as fallback for windows that haven't had
814   --  Set_Icon_List called on them to setup a window-specific icon list.
816   procedure Set_Default_Icon (Icon : Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf);
817   --  Sets an icon to be used as a fallback for windows that haven't had
818   --  Set_Icon called on them
820   function Set_Default_Icon_From_File (Filename : String) return Boolean;
821   --  Same as Set_Default_Icon, loads the pixbuf automatically.
823   function Get_Default_Icon_Name return String;
824   procedure Set_Default_Icon_Name (Name : String);
825   --  Gets/Sets icon to be used as a fallback for windows that haven't had a
826   --  themed icon set (set Set_Icon_Name).
828   ------------
829   -- Groups --
830   ------------
832   procedure Gtk_New (Group : out Gtk_Window_Group);
833   --  Create a new window group.
834   --  Grabs added with Gtk.Main.Grab_Add only affect windows within the same
835   --  group.
837   function Group_Get_Type return GType;
838   --  Return the internal type used for window groups
840   procedure Group_Add_Window
841     (Window_Group : access Gtk_Window_Group_Record;
842      Window       : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class);
843   --  Add a window to Window_Group
845   procedure Group_Remove_Window
846     (Window_Group : access Gtk_Window_Group_Record;
847      Window       : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class);
848   --  Remove a specific window from the group
850   function Group_List_Windows
851     (Window_Group : access Gtk_Window_Group_Record)
852      return Gtk.Widget.Widget_List.Glist;
853   --  Returns a list of the Gtk_Windows that belong to Window_Group.
855   function Get_Group
856     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Gtk_Window_Group;
857   --  Returns the group for Window or the default group, if
858   --  Window is null or if Window does not have an explicit
859   --  window group.
861   -----------
862   -- Focus --
863   -----------
865   function Get_Focus (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record)
866      return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
867   --  Return the widget that would have the keyboard focus if
868   --  Window itself has the focus. It currently has the focus
869   --  only if Has_Focus_Is_Set returns True.
870   --  To know whether the Window itself currently has the focus, check the
871   --    Has_Toplevel_Focus_Property
872   --  property described below
874   procedure Set_Focus
875     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
876      Focus  : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget);
877   --  Set the focus child for Window.
878   --  If Focus is not the current focus widget, and is focusable, sets
879   --  it as the focus widget for the window. If Focus is null, unsets
880   --  the focus widget for this window. To set the focus to a particular
881   --  widget in the toplevel, it is usually more convenient to use
882   --  gtk_widget_grab_focus() instead of this function.
884   procedure Set_Accept_Focus
885     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record;  Setting : Boolean);
886   function Get_Accept_Focus
887     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
888   --  Windows may set a hint asking the desktop environment not to receive
889   --  the input focus.
891   procedure Set_Focus_On_Map
892     (Window  : access Gtk_Window_Record; Setting : Boolean);
893   function Get_Focus_On_Map
894     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
895   --  Windows may set a hint asking the desktop environment not to receive
896   --  the input focus when the window is mapped.
898   function Has_Toplevel_Focus
899     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
900   --  Returns whether the input focus is within this Window. For real toplevel
901   --  windows, this is identical to Is_Active, but for embedded windows the
902   --  results will differ
904   function Is_Active (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean;
905   --  Returns whether the window is part of the current active toplevel. (That
906   --  is, the toplevel window receiving keystrokes.) The return value is True
907   --  if the window is active toplevel itself, but also if it is, say, a
908   --  Gtk_Plug embedded in the active toplevel. You might use this function if
909   --  you wanted to draw a widget differently in an active window from a
910   --  widget in an inactive window.
912   ------------------------
913   -- Keys and shortcuts --
914   ------------------------
916   function Get_Default_Widget
917     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
918   procedure Set_Default
919     (Window         : access Gtk_Window_Record;
920      Default_Widget : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
921   --  The default widget is the widget that's activated when the user presses
922   --  Enter in a dialog (for example). This function sets or unsets the
923   --  default widget for a Window. When setting (rather than unsetting) the
924   --  default widget it's generally easier to call Grab_Focus on the widget.
925   --  Before making a widget the default widget, you must set the CAN_DEFAULT
926   --  flag on the widget you'd like to make the default using
927   --  Gtk.Widget.Set_Flags. A null value indicates no default widget.
929   procedure Set_Mnemonic_Modifier
930     (Window   : access Gtk_Window_Record;
931      Modifier : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);
932   function Get_Mnemonic_Modifier
933     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record)
934      return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
935   --  Sets the mnemonic modifier for this window.
936   --  Modifier is the mask used to active mnemonics in this window
938   procedure Add_Mnemonic
939     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
940      Keyval : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
941      Target : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
942   procedure Remove_Mnemonic
943     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
944      Keyval : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
945      Target : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
946   --  Add a mnemonic to this window.
947   --  Target will receive the "activate" signal when Keyval is pressed inside
948   --  the window. In addition to keyval, the user must press the special key
949   --  defined through Set_Mnemonic_Modifier
951   function Mnemonic_Activate
952     (Window   : access Gtk_Window_Record;
953      Keyval   : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
954      Modifier : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type)
955     return Boolean;
956   --  Activates the targets associated with the mnemonic. This sends the
957   --  "activate" signal to the corresponding signal
959   function Activate_Key
960     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
961      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key) return Boolean;
962   --  Activates mnemonics and accelerators for this window. This is normally
963   --  called by the default key_press_event_handler for toplevel windows,
964   --  however in some cases it may be useful to call this directly when
965   --  overriding the standard key handling for a toplevel window.
966   --  Return True if the mnemonic was found and activated.
968   function Propagate_Key_Event
969     (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record;
970      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key) return Boolean;
971   --  Propagate a key press or release event to the focus widget and up the
972   --  focus container chain until a widget handles Event.
973   --  This is normally called by the default key_press_event handler, but
974   --  might be useful when overriding the standard key handling for a
975   --  toplevel window.
977   procedure Add_Accel_Group
978     (Window      : access Gtk_Window_Record;
979      Accel_Group : Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group);
980   procedure Remove_Accel_Group
981     (Window      : access Gtk_Window_Record;
982      Accel_Group : Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group);
983   --  Adds or Removes the specified accelerator group for the window, such
984   --  that calling Gtk.Accel_Groups.Active on Window will activate
985   --  accelerators in Accel_Group.
987   -----------------
988   -- Obsolescent --
989   -----------------
990   --  All subprograms below are now obsolescent in gtk+. They might be removed
991   --  from future versions of gtk+ (and therefore GtkAda).
992   --  To find out whether your code uses any of these, we recommend compiling
993   --  with the -gnatwj switch
994   --  <doc_ignore>
996   procedure Set_Resizeable
997     (Window    : access Gtk_Window_Record;
998      Resizable : Boolean := True) renames Set_Resizable;
999   --  pragma Obsolescent ("Use Gtk.Window.Set_Resizable instead");
1001   function Get_Resizeable (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record) return Boolean
1002     renames Get_Resizable;
1003   --  pragma Obsolescent ("Use Gtk.Window.Get_Resizable instead");
1005   procedure Set_Policy
1006     (Window       : access Gtk_Window_Record;
1007      Allow_Shrink : Boolean;
1008      Allow_Grow   : Boolean;
1009      Auto_Shrink  : Boolean);
1010   pragma Obsolescent;  --  Set_Policy
1011   --  Specify the behavior of the window with regards to size modifications.
1012   --  Default values when the window is created are:
1013   --    Allow_Shrink => False,
1014   --    Allow_Grow   => True,
1015   --    Auto_Shrink  => False.
1016   --
1017   --  If Allow_Shrink is False, then the minimum size of the window is
1018   --  calculated once depending on its children, and the window can never be
1019   --  smaller.
1020   --  If Allow_Grow is False, then the maximum size of the window is
1021   --  calculated once depending on its children, and the window can never be
1022   --  bigger.
1023   --  If Auto_Shrink if False, then the window is not shrinked when its
1024   --  content changes.
1026   --  </doc_ignore>
1028   ----------------
1029   -- Properties --
1030   ----------------
1032   --  <properties>
1033   --  The following properties are defined for this widget. See
1034   --  Glib.Properties for more information on properties.
1035   --
1036   --  - Name:  Type_Property
1037   --    Type:  Gtk_Window_Type
1038   --    Flags: read-write (construct only)
1039   --    Descr: The type of the window
1040   --    See also:  Gtk_New
1041   --
1042   --  - Name:  Title_Property
1043   --    Type:  UTF8_String
1044   --    Flags: read-write
1045   --    Descr: The title of the window
1046   --    See also:  Set_Title and Get_Title
1047   --
1048   --  - Name:  Role_Property
1049   --    Type:  String
1050   --    See:   Set_Role / Get_Role
1051   --
1052   --  - Name:  Allow_Shrink_Property
1053   --    Type:  Boolean
1054   --    Flags: read-write
1055   --    Descr: If TRUE, the window has no mimimum size. Don't use this
1056   --           feature, it makes no sense
1057   --    See also:  Set_Policy
1058   --
1059   --  - Name:  Allow_Grow_Property
1060   --    Type:  Boolean
1061   --    Flags: read-write
1062   --    Descr: If TRUE, users can expand the window beyond its minimum size.
1063   --    See also:  Set_Policy
1064   --
1065   --  - Name: Resizable_Property
1066   --    Type: Boolean
1067   --    See:  Set_Resizable / Get_Resizable
1068   --
1069   --  - Name:  Modal_Property
1070   --    Type:  Boolean
1071   --    Flags: read-write
1072   --    Descr: If TRUE, the window is modal (other windows are not usable
1073   --           while this one is up)
1074   --    See also:  Set_Modal
1075   --
1076   --  - Name:  Win_Pos_Property
1077   --    Type:  Gtk_Window_Position
1078   --    Flags: read-write
1079   --    Descr: The initial position of the window.
1080   --    See also:  Set_Position
1081   --
1082   --  - Name:  Default_Width_Property
1083   --    Type:  Gint
1084   --    Flags: read-write
1085   --    Descr: The default width of the window, or 0 to use the size request.
1086   --    See also:  Set_Default_Size
1087   --
1088   --  - Name:  Default_Height_Property
1089   --    Type:  Gint
1090   --    Flags: read-write
1091   --    Descr: The default height of the window, or 0 to use the size request.
1092   --    See also:  Set_Default_Size
1093   --
1094   --  - Name:  Destroy_With_Parent_Property
1095   --    Type:  Boolean
1096   --    Flags: read-write
1097   --    Descr: If this window should be destroyed when the parent is destroyed
1098   --    See also:  Set_Destroy_With_Parent
1099   --
1100   --  - Name:  Has_Toplevel_Focus_Property
1101   --    Type:  Boolean
1102   --    Flags: read-only
1103   --    Descr: Whether the input focus is within this Gtk_Window
1104   --
1105   --  - Name:  Is_Active_Property
1106   --    Type:  Boolean
1107   --    Flags: read-only
1108   --    Descr: Whether the toplevel is the current active window
1109   --
1110   --  Name:  Deletable_Property
1111   --  Type:  Boolean
1112   --  Descr: Whether the window frame should have a close button
1113   --
1114   --  Name:  Opacity_Property
1115   --  Type:  Double
1116   --  Descr: The opacity of the window, from 0.0 to 1.0
1117   --
1118   --  Name:  Startup_Id_Property
1119   --  Type:  String
1120   --  Descr: Unique startup identifier for the window used by
1121   --         startup-notification
1122   --
1123   --  Name:  Transient_For_Property
1124   --  Type:  Object
1125   --  Descr: The transient parent of the dialog
1126   --
1127   --  </properties>
1129   Type_Property                : constant Gtk.Enums.Property_Gtk_Window_Type;
1130   Title_Property               : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1131   Role_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1132   Allow_Shrink_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1133   Allow_Grow_Property          : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1134   Modal_Property               : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1135   Resizable_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1136   Has_Toplevel_Focus_Property  : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1137   Is_Active_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1138   Window_Position_Property  : constant Gtk.Enums.Property_Gtk_Window_Position;
1139   Default_Width_Property       : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1140   Default_Height_Property      : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1141   Destroy_With_Parent_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1142   Icon_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
1143   Icon_Name_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1144   Screen_Property              : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
1145   Type_Hint_Property          : constant Gdk.Window.Property_Window_Type_Hint;
1146   Skip_Taskbar_Hint_Property   : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1147   Skip_Pager_Hint_Property     : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1148   Urgency_Hint_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1149   Accept_Focus_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1150   Focus_On_Map_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1151   Decorated_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1152   Gravity_Property             : constant Gdk.Window.Property_Gravity;
1153   Deletable_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1154   Opacity_Property             : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Double;
1155   Startup_Id_Property          : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1156   Transient_For_Property       : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
1158   -------------
1159   -- Signals --
1160   -------------
1162   --  <signals>
1163   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
1164   --
1165   --  - "set_focus"
1166   --    procedure Handler (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
1167   --                       Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1168   --    Called when the widget that has the focus has changed.
1169   --    This widget gets all keyboard events that happen in the window.
1170   --    You should not block the emission of this signal, since most of
1171   --    the work is done in the default handler.
1172   --
1173   --  - "frame_event"
1174   --    function Handler
1175   --      (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
1176   --       Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
1177   --    If this function is called on a window before it is realized
1178   --    or showed it will have a "frame" window around widget-window.
1179   --    Called when the "frame" window set around a window receives events.
1180   --    This is mainly used by the linux-fb port to implement managed
1181   --    windows, but it could concievably be used by X-programs that
1182   --    want to do their own window decorations.
1183   --
1184   --  - "activate_focus"
1185   --    procedure Handler (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class);
1186   --    You should emit this signal to request that the currently focused
1187   --    widget receives the "activate" signal. This is the same as calling
1188   --    Activate_Focus, but can be bound to a key binding
1189   --
1190   --  - "activate_default"
1191   --    procedure Handler (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class);
1192   --    Same as Activate_Default, but can be bound to a key binding
1193   --
1194   --  - "move_focus"
1195   --    procedure Handler
1196   --       (Window    : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
1197   --        Direction : Gtk_Direction_Type);
1198   --    Emitted when a new child gains the focus
1199   --
1200   --  - "keys_changed"
1201   --    procedure Handler (Window : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class);
1202   --    Emitted when the key accelerators or mnemonics are changed for the
1203   --    window.
1204   --
1205   --  </signals>
1207   Signal_Set_Focus        : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "set_focus";
1208   Signal_Frame_Event      : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "frame_event";
1209   Signal_Activate_Focus   : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "activate_focus";
1210   Signal_Activate_Default : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "activate_default";
1211   Signal_Move_Focus       : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "move_focus";
1212   Signal_Keys_Changed     : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "keys_changed";
1215   type Gtk_Window_Record is new Bin.Gtk_Bin_Record with null record;
1217   Type_Property              : constant Gtk.Enums.Property_Gtk_Window_Type :=
1218     Gtk.Enums.Build ("type");
1219   Title_Property               : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
1220     Glib.Properties.Build ("title");
1221   Allow_Shrink_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1222     Glib.Properties.Build ("allow_shrink");
1223   Allow_Grow_Property          : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1224     Glib.Properties.Build ("allow_grow");
1225   Modal_Property               : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1226     Glib.Properties.Build ("modal");
1227   Win_Pos_Property       : constant Gtk.Enums.Property_Gtk_Window_Position :=
1228     Gtk.Enums.Build ("window_position");
1229   Default_Width_Property       : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
1230     Glib.Properties.Build ("default_width");
1231   Default_Height_Property      : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
1232     Glib.Properties.Build ("default_height");
1233   Destroy_With_Parent_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1234     Glib.Properties.Build ("destroy_with_parent");
1235   Has_Toplevel_Focus_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1236     Glib.Properties.Build ("has_toplevel_focus");
1237   Is_Active_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1238     Glib.Properties.Build ("is_active");
1239   Icon_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
1240     Glib.Properties.Build ("icon");
1241   Icon_Name_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
1242     Glib.Properties.Build ("icon-name");
1243   Screen_Property              : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
1244     Glib.Properties.Build ("screen");
1245   Type_Hint_Property        : constant Gdk.Window.Property_Window_Type_Hint :=
1246     Gdk.Window.Build ("type-hint");
1247   Skip_Taskbar_Hint_Property   : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1248     Glib.Properties.Build ("skip-taskbar-hint");
1249   Skip_Pager_Hint_Property     : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1250     Glib.Properties.Build ("skip-pager-hint");
1251   Urgency_Hint_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1252     Glib.Properties.Build ("urgency-hint");
1253   Accept_Focus_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1254     Glib.Properties.Build ("accept-focus");
1255   Focus_On_Map_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1256     Glib.Properties.Build ("focus-on-map");
1257   Decorated_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1258     Glib.Properties.Build ("decorated");
1259   Gravity_Property             : constant Gdk.Window.Property_Gravity :=
1260     Gdk.Window.Build ("gravity");
1261   Window_Position_Property     :
1262     constant Gtk.Enums.Property_Gtk_Window_Position :=
1263     Gtk.Enums.Build ("window-position");
1264   Resizable_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1265     Glib.Properties.Build ("resizable");
1266   Role_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
1267     Glib.Properties.Build ("role");
1268   Deletable_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
1269     Glib.Properties.Build ("deletable");
1270   Opacity_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Double :=
1271     Glib.Properties.Build ("opacity");
1272   Startup_Id_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
1273     Glib.Properties.Build ("startup-id");
1274   Transient_For_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
1275     Glib.Properties.Build ("transient-for");
1277   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_window_get_type");
1278   pragma Import (C, Group_Get_Type, "gtk_window_group_get_type");
1279end Gtk.Window;
1281--  <example>
1282--  <include>../examples/documentation/banner.adb</include>
1283--  </example>
1285--  No binding: gtk_window_get_screen
1286--  No binding: gtk_window_set_screen
1287--  No binding: gtk_window_add_embedded_xid
1288--  No binding: gtk_window_remove_embedded_xid