2--                  GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome                   --
3--                                                                          --
4--                     Copyright (C) 2014-2015, AdaCore                     --
5--                                                                          --
6-- This library is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
7-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
8-- Software  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your  option) any later --
9-- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
10-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
11-- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                            --
12--                                                                          --
13-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
14-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
15-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
16--                                                                          --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
18-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
19-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
20-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
21--                                                                          --
24with Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists;
25with Ada.Text_IO;   use Ada.Text_IO;
26with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
28package body Gtkada.Canvas_View.Rtrees is
30   package Box_Lists is new Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists (Box_Access);
32   function Choose_Leaf_Node
33      (Self : Rtree; Rect : Model_Rectangle) return Box_Access;
34   --  Choose the best node to insert Rect into, starting at the root.
35   --  It never returns a leaf node, only a node that accepts children.
37   function Least_Enlargement
38      (Nodes : Box_Array; Rect : Model_Rectangle)
39      return not null Box_Access;
40   --  Returns the node from Nodes that would require the least enlargement to
41   --  contain Rect.
43   procedure Linear_Pick_Seeds
44      (Width, Height : Gdouble;
45       Nodes : Box_Array;
46       Node1, Node2 : out Box_Access);
47   --  Select, among the children of a box (Nodes), the two that are less
48   --  likely to be in the same parent after a split. This uses the linear
49   --  search proposed in the original paper on R-Trees.
50   --  Width and Height are the total dimensions of the box.
52   procedure Internal_Find
53      (Self : Rtree;
54       Rect : Model_Rectangle;
55       Callback : not null access procedure (Node : Box_Access));
56   --  Calls Callback for each item in the given area.
58   procedure Add_Child (Self : Box_Access; Child : Box_Access);
59   --  Add a new child. This doesn't update the bounding boxes or ensures that
60   --  the number of children is kept below the threshold.
62   procedure Recompute_Bounding_Box (Self : Box_Access);
63   --  Recompute the tightest bounding box for all children of Self.
65   ---------------
66   -- Add_Child --
67   ---------------
69   procedure Add_Child (Self : Box_Access; Child : Box_Access) is
70   begin
71      for C in Self.Children'Range loop
72         if Self.Children (C) = null then
73            Self.Children (C) := Child;
74            Child.Parent := Self;
75            return;
76         end if;
77      end loop;
78   end Add_Child;
80   ----------------------------
81   -- Recompute_Bounding_Box --
82   ----------------------------
84   procedure Recompute_Bounding_Box (Self : Box_Access) is
85      C : Box_Access;
86      P : Box_Access := Self;
87   begin
88      while P /= null loop
89         C := P.Children (P.Children'First);
90         if C = null then
91            P.Rect := (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
92         else
93            P.Rect := C.Rect;
95            for Child in P.Children'First + 1 .. P.Children'Last loop
96               C := P.Children (Child);
97               exit when C = null;
98               Union (P.Rect, C.Rect);
99            end loop;
100         end if;
102         P := P.Parent;
103      end loop;
104   end Recompute_Bounding_Box;
106   -----------------------
107   -- Least_Enlargement --
108   -----------------------
110   function Least_Enlargement
111      (Nodes : Box_Array; Rect : Model_Rectangle)
112      return not null Box_Access
113   is
114      Best_Choice : Box_Access;
115      Best_Choice_Enlarge : Gdouble := Gdouble'Last;
116      Ltree       : Box_Access;
117      New_Width, New_Height, Enlarge, Old_Ratio : Gdouble;
118   begin
119      for C in Nodes'Range loop
120         Ltree := Nodes (C);
121         exit when Ltree = null;
123         Old_Ratio := Ltree.Rect.Width * Ltree.Rect.Height;
124         New_Width := Gdouble'Max
125            (Ltree.Rect.X + Ltree.Rect.Width, Rect.X + Rect.Width)
126            - Gdouble'Min (Ltree.Rect.X, Rect.X);
127         New_Height := Gdouble'Max
128            (Ltree.Rect.Y + Ltree.Rect.Height, Rect.Y + Rect.Height)
129            - Gdouble'Min (Ltree.Rect.Y, Rect.Y);
130         Enlarge := abs (New_Width * New_Height - Old_Ratio);
132         if Enlarge < Best_Choice_Enlarge then
133            Best_Choice := Ltree;
134            Best_Choice_Enlarge := Enlarge;
135         end if;
136      end loop;
137      return Best_Choice;
138   end Least_Enlargement;
140   ----------------------
141   -- Choose_Leaf_Node --
142   ----------------------
144   function Choose_Leaf_Node
145      (Self : Rtree; Rect : Model_Rectangle) return Box_Access
146   is
147      Best_Choice : Box_Access := Self.Root;
148      C           : Box_Access;
149   begin
150      --  Stop when we can go no further down in the tree (nodes below are
151      --  leaves)
153      loop
154         C := Best_Choice.Children (Best_Choice.Children'First);
155         exit when C = null or else C.Object /= null;
157         Best_Choice := Least_Enlargement (Best_Choice.Children, Rect);
158      end loop;
159      return Best_Choice;
160   end Choose_Leaf_Node;
162   -----------------------
163   -- Linear_Pick_Seeds --
164   -----------------------
166   procedure Linear_Pick_Seeds
167      (Width, Height : Gdouble;
168       Nodes : Box_Array;
169       Node1, Node2 : out Box_Access)
170   is
171      --  Find extreme rectangles along all dimensions.
172      --  Along each dimensions, find the entry whose rectangle has the
173      --  highest low side, and the one with the lowest high-side. Record
174      --  the separations.
176      X_High : Box_Access := Nodes (Nodes'First);  --  highest low x
177      X_Low  : Box_Access := X_High;
178      Highest_Low_X : Gdouble := X_Low.Rect.X;
179      Lowest_High_X : Gdouble := X_High.Rect.X + X_High.Rect.Width;
181      Y_High : Box_Access := Nodes (Nodes'First);  --  highest low y
182      Y_Low  : Box_Access := Y_High;
183      Highest_Low_Y : Gdouble := Y_Low.Rect.Y;
184      Lowest_High_Y : Gdouble := Y_High.Rect.Y + Y_High.Rect.Height;
186      N : Box_Access;
187      Candidate_X, Candidate_Y : Gdouble;
188   begin
189      for C in Nodes'First + 1 .. Nodes'Last loop
190         N := Nodes (C);
191         exit when N = null;
193         if N.Rect.X >= Highest_Low_X then
194            X_Low := N;
195            Highest_Low_X := N.Rect.X;
196         elsif N.Rect.X + N.Rect.Width <= Lowest_High_X then
197            X_High := N;
198            Lowest_High_X := N.Rect.X + N.Rect.Width;
199         end if;
201         if N.Rect.Y >= Highest_Low_Y then
202            Y_Low := N;
203            Highest_Low_Y := N.Rect.Y;
204         elsif N.Rect.Y + N.Rect.Height <= Lowest_High_Y then
205            Y_High := N;
206            Lowest_High_Y := N.Rect.Y + N.Rect.Height;
207         end if;
208      end loop;
210      --  Adjust the shape of the rectangle cluster
211      --  Normalize the separations by dividing by the width of the entire
212      --  set along the corresponding dimensions.
214      Candidate_X := abs (Lowest_High_X - Highest_Low_X) / Width;
215      Candidate_Y := abs (Lowest_High_Y - Highest_Low_Y) / Height;
217      --  Select the most extreme pair (the pair with the greatest normalized
218      --  separation along any dimensions)
220      if Candidate_X > Candidate_Y
221         and then X_Low /= X_High
222      then
223         Node1 := X_Low;
224         Node2 := X_High;
225      elsif Y_Low /= Y_High then
226         Node1 := Y_Low;
227         Node2 := Y_High;
228      else
229         --  One node encapsulates all the others.
230         Node1 := X_Low;
231         for C in Nodes'Range loop
232            if Nodes (C) /= Node1 then
233               Node2 := Nodes (C);
234               exit;
235            end if;
236         end loop;
237      end if;
238   end Linear_Pick_Seeds;
240   -------------------
241   -- Internal_Find --
242   -------------------
244   procedure Internal_Find
245      (Self : Rtree;
246       Rect : Model_Rectangle;
247       Callback : not null access procedure (Node : Box_Access))
248   is
249      use Box_Lists;
250      To_Analyze : Box_Lists.List;
251      Current, C : Box_Access;
252   begin
253      --  The implementation is non-recursive to improve efficiency
255      if Self.Root /= null then
256         To_Analyze.Append (Box_Access'(Self.Root));
257         while not To_Analyze.Is_Empty loop
258            Current := To_Analyze.First_Element;
259            To_Analyze.Delete_First;
261            for Child in Current.Children'Range loop
262               C := Current.Children (Child);
263               exit when C = null;
265               if Rect = No_Rectangle
266                  or else Intersects (Rect, C.Rect)
267               then
268                  if C.Object /= null then
269                     Callback (C);
270                  else
271                     To_Analyze.Append (C);
272                  end if;
273               end if;
274            end loop;
275         end loop;
276      end if;
277   end Internal_Find;
279   ----------
280   -- Find --
281   ----------
283   function Find
284      (Self : Rtree; Rect : Model_Rectangle) return Items_Lists.List
285   is
286      use Items_Lists;
287      Results    : Items_Lists.List;
288      procedure Append (Node : Box_Access);
289      procedure Append (Node : Box_Access) is
290      begin
291         Results.Append (Node.Object);
292      end Append;
293   begin
294      Internal_Find (Self, Rect, Append'Access);
295      return Results;
296   end Find;
298   ------------
299   -- Insert --
300   ------------
302   procedure Insert
303      (Self : in out Rtree;
304       Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class)
305   is
306      Child : constant Box_Access := new Box'
307         (Max_Children_Plus_1 => 0,
308          Rect         => Item.Model_Bounding_Box,
309          Object       => Abstract_Item (Item),
310          others       => <>);
311      Parent, P, P2 : Box_Access;
312      N1, N2        : Box_Access;
313      New_Parent    : Box_Access;
314      Old_Root      : Box_Access;
315   begin
316      if Self.Root = null then
317         Self.Root := new Box'
318            (Max_Children_Plus_1 => Self.Max_Children + 1,
319             others => <>);
320      end if;
322      if Self.Root.Children (Self.Root.Children'First) = null then
323         --  Initial insertion in an empty tree
324         Add_Child (Self.Root, Child);
325         Recompute_Bounding_Box (Self.Root);
327      else
328         --  Compute the best node to insert the new child. The returned node
329         --  has leaves as children (i.e. they don't themselves contain nodes)
331         Parent := Choose_Leaf_Node (Self, Child.Rect);
332         Add_Child (Parent, Child);
334         --  Walk up the tree and resize the bounding boxes as needed
336         P := Parent;
337         while P /= null loop
338            Union (P.Rect, Child.Rect);
339            P := P.Parent;
340         end loop;
342         --  Now split the nodes as needed when they are full: starting with
343         --  the new parent A, we check if it has too many children. If yes,
344         --  its parent will have one more child B. The children of A are then
345         --  shared between A and B, where the algorithm tries to minimize the
346         --  area of both A and B.
347         --  Parent might now have too many children as well, so we go up the
348         --  tree and normalize the nodes (we might eventually have to create
349         --  a new root). This ensures a balanced tree.
351         P := Parent;
352         while P /= null and then P.Children (P.Children'Last) /= null loop
353            Linear_Pick_Seeds
354               (Width  => P.Rect.Width,
355                Height => P.Rect.Height,
356                Nodes  => P.Children,
357                Node1  => N1,
358                Node2  => N2);
360            New_Parent := new Box'
361               (Max_Children_Plus_1 => Self.Max_Children + 1,
362                Rect                => N2.Rect,
363                others              => <>);
364            Add_Child (New_Parent, N2);
366            declare
367               Nodes : constant Box_Array := P.Children;
368            begin
369               P.Children := (1 => N1, others => null);
370               P.Rect := N1.Rect;
372               for C in Nodes'Range loop
373                  exit when Nodes (C) = null;
374                  if Nodes (C) /= N1 and then Nodes (C) /= N2 then
375                     P2 := Least_Enlargement ((P, New_Parent), Nodes (C).Rect);
376                     Add_Child (P2, Nodes (C));
377                     Union (P2.Rect, Nodes (C).Rect);
378                  end if;
379               end loop;
380            end;
382            --  If we are splitting the root node, we need to create a new
383            --  root
385            if P.Parent = null then
386               Old_Root := Self.Root;
387               Self.Root := new Box'
388                  (Max_Children_Plus_1 => Self.Max_Children + 1,
389                   Rect => Old_Root.Rect,
390                   others => <>);
391               Add_Child (Self.Root, Old_Root);
392               Add_Child (Self.Root, New_Parent);
393               Union (Self.Root.Rect, New_Parent.Rect);
394            else
395               Add_Child (P.Parent, New_Parent);
396            end if;
398            P := P.Parent;
399         end loop;
400      end if;
401   end Insert;
403   -----------
404   -- Clear --
405   -----------
407   procedure Clear (Self : in out Rtree) is
408      procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
409         (Box'Class, Box_Access);
410      procedure Recurse (B : in out Box_Access);
411      procedure Recurse (B : in out Box_Access) is
412      begin
413         for C in B.Children'Range loop
414            exit when B.Children (C) = null;
415            Recurse (B.Children (C));
416         end loop;
417         Unchecked_Free (B);
418      end Recurse;
419   begin
420      if Self.Root /= null then
421         Recurse (Self.Root);
422      end if;
423   end Clear;
425   --------------
426   -- Is_Empty --
427   --------------
429   function Is_Empty (Self : Rtree) return Boolean is
430   begin
431      return Self.Root = null;
432   end Is_Empty;
434   ----------------
435   -- Dump_Debug --
436   ----------------
438   procedure Dump_Debug (Self : Rtree) is
439      procedure Internal (B : Box_Access; Prefix : String);
440      procedure Internal (B : Box_Access; Prefix : String) is
441      begin
442         if B.Object /= null then
443            Put_Line
444               (Prefix & "[leaf "
445                & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.X) & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.Y)
446                & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.Width) & 'x'
447                & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.Height)
448                & ']');
449         else
450            Put_Line
451               (Prefix & "["
452                & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.X) & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.Y)
453                & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.Width) & 'x'
454                & Gdouble'Image (B.Rect.Height));
455            for C in B.Children'Range loop
456               exit when B.Children (C) = null;
457               Internal (B.Children (C), Prefix & "  ");
458            end loop;
459            Put_Line (Prefix & "]");
460         end if;
461      end Internal;
462   begin
463      if Self.Root /= null then
464         Internal (Self.Root, "");
465      end if;
466   end Dump_Debug;
468   ------------------
469   -- Bounding_Box --
470   ------------------
472   function Bounding_Box (Self : Rtree) return Model_Rectangle is
473   begin
474      if Self.Root = null then
475         return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
476      else
477         return Self.Root.Rect;
478      end if;
479   end Bounding_Box;
481   ---------------------
482   -- For_Each_Object --
483   ---------------------
485   procedure For_Each_Object
486      (Self     : Rtree;
487       Callback : not null access procedure
488          (Item : not null access Abstract_Item_Record'Class);
489       In_Area  : Model_Rectangle := No_Rectangle)
490   is
491      procedure Append (Node : Box_Access);
492      pragma Inline (Append);
494      procedure Append (Node : Box_Access) is
495      begin
496         Callback (Node.Object);
497      end Append;
498   begin
499      Internal_Find (Self, In_Area, Append'Access);
500   end For_Each_Object;
502end Gtkada.Canvas_View.Rtrees;