1 /*
2  * This source file is part of MyGUI. For the latest info, see http://mygui.info/
3  * Distributed under the MIT License
4  * (See accompanying file COPYING.MIT or copy at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
5  */
10 #include "MyGUI_Prerequest.h"
11 #include "MyGUI_Macros.h"
12 #include "MyGUI_WidgetDefines.h"
13 #include "MyGUI_WidgetToolTip.h"
14 #include "MyGUI_MouseButton.h"
15 #include "MyGUI_KeyCode.h"
16 #include "MyGUI_MaskPickInfo.h"
17 #include "MyGUI_Delegate.h"
18 #include "MyGUI_EventPair.h"
20 namespace MyGUI
21 {
23 	/**
24 	General information about creating delegate for event :
25 	@example "Delegate usage"
26 	@code
27 		void anyFunc(...) { } // global function
29 		class AnyClass
30 		{
31 		public:
32 			static void anyStaticMethod(...) { } // static class method
33 			void anyMethod(...) { } // class method
34 		};
36 		AnyClass anyObject; // class instance
37 	@endcode
39 	delegate creating:
40 	@code
41 		eventAny = MyGUI::newDelegate(anyFunc);
42 		eventAny = MyGUI::newDelegate(AnyClass::anyStaticMethod);
43 		eventAny = MyGUI::newDelegate(&anyObject, &AnyClass::anyMethod);
44 	@endcode
45 	*/
47 	// делегаты для событий виджета
48 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate1<Widget*> EventHandle_WidgetVoid;
49 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<Widget*, Widget*> EventHandle_WidgetWidget;
50 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<Widget*, bool> EventHandle_WidgetBool;
51 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<Widget*, int> EventHandle_WidgetInt;
52 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<Widget*, size_t> EventHandle_WidgetSizeT;
53 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate3<Widget*, int, int> EventHandle_WidgetIntInt;
54 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate4<Widget*, int, int, MouseButton> EventHandle_WidgetIntIntButton;
55 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<Widget*, KeyCode> EventHandle_WidgetKeyCode;
56 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate3<Widget*, KeyCode, Char> EventHandle_WidgetKeyCodeChar;
57 	typedef delegates::CMultiDelegate2<Widget*, const ToolTipInfo& > EventHandle_WidgetToolTip;
59 	class MYGUI_EXPORT WidgetInput
60 	{
61 	public:
62 		WidgetInput();
63 		virtual ~WidgetInput() = default;
65 		/** Set need tool tip mode flag. Enable this if you need tool tip events for widget */
66 		void setNeedToolTip(bool _value);
67 		/** Get need tool tip mode flag */
68 		bool getNeedToolTip() const;
70 		/** Set mouse pointer for this widget */
71 		void setPointer(const std::string& _value);
72 		/** Get mouse pointer name for this widget */
73 		const std::string& getPointer() const;
75 		/** Set need key focus flag */
76 		void setNeedKeyFocus(bool _value);
77 		/** Is need key focus
78 			If disable this widget won't be reacting on keyboard at all.\n
79 			Enabled (true) by default.
80 		*/
81 		bool getNeedKeyFocus() const;
83 		/** Set need mouse focus flag */
84 		void setNeedMouseFocus(bool _value);
85 		/** Is need mouse focus
86 			If disable this widget won't be reacting on mouse at all.\n
87 			Enabled (true) by default.
88 		*/
89 		bool getNeedMouseFocus() const;
91 		/** Set inherits mode flag
92 			This mode makes all child widgets pickable even if widget don't
93 			need mouse focus (was set setNeedMouseFocus(false) ).\n
94 			Disabled (false) by default.
95 		*/
96 		void setInheritsPick(bool _value);
97 		/** Get inherits mode flag */
98 		bool getInheritsPick() const;
100 		/** Set picking mask for widget */
101 		void setMaskPick(const std::string& _filename);
102 		/** Set picking mask for widget */
103 		void setMaskPick(const MaskPickInfo& _info);
105 		bool isMaskPickInside(const IntPoint& _point, const IntCoord& _coord) const;
107 		bool getRootMouseFocus() const;
108 		bool getRootKeyFocus() const;
110 		/** Event : Widget lost mouse focus.\n
111 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::Widget* _new)\n
112 			@param _sender widget that called this event
113 			@param _new widget with mouse focus or nullptr
114 		*/
115 		EventHandle_WidgetWidget eventMouseLostFocus;
117 		/** Event : Widget got mouse focus.\n
118 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::Widget* _old)\n
119 			@param _sender widget that called this event
120 			@param _old widget with mouse focus or nullptr
121 		*/
122 		EventHandle_WidgetWidget eventMouseSetFocus;
124 		/** Event : Widget mouse move with captured widget.\n
125 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id)\n
126 			@param _sender widget that called this event
127 			@param _left - pointer position
128 			@param _top - pointer position
129 		*/
130 		EventPairAddParameter<EventHandle_WidgetIntInt, EventHandle_WidgetIntIntButton> eventMouseDrag;
132 		/** Event : Mouse move over widget.\n
133 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top)\n
134 			@param _sender widget that called this event
135 			@param _left - pointer position
136 			@param _top - pointer position
137 		*/
138 		EventHandle_WidgetIntInt eventMouseMove;
140 		/** Event : Mouse wheel over widget.\n
141 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _rel)\n
142 			@param _sender widget that called this event
143 			@param _rel relative wheel position
144 		*/
145 		EventHandle_WidgetInt eventMouseWheel;
147 		/** Event : Mouse button pressed.\n
148 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id)\n
149 			@param _sender widget that called this event
150 			@param _left - pointer position
151 			@param _top - pointer position
152 			@param _id Mouse button id
153 		*/
154 		EventHandle_WidgetIntIntButton eventMouseButtonPressed;
156 		/** Event : Mouse button released.\n
157 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id)\n
158 			@param _sender widget that called this event
159 			@param _left - pointer position
160 			@param _top - pointer position
161 			@param _id Mouse button id
162 		*/
163 		EventHandle_WidgetIntIntButton eventMouseButtonReleased;
165 		/** Event : Mouse button pressed and released.\n
166 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender)
167 			@param _sender widget that called this event
168 		*/
169 		EventHandle_WidgetVoid eventMouseButtonClick;
171 		/** Event : Mouse button double click.\n
172 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender)
173 			@param _sender widget that called this event
174 		*/
175 		EventHandle_WidgetVoid eventMouseButtonDoubleClick;
177 		/** Event : Widget lost keyboard focus.\n
178 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::Widget* _new)\n
179 			@param _sender widget that called this event
180 			@param _new widget with keyboard focus or nullptr
181 		*/
182 		EventHandle_WidgetWidget eventKeyLostFocus;
184 		/** Event : Widget got keyboard focus.\n
185 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::Widget* _old)\n
186 			@param _sender widget that called this event
187 			@param _old widget with keyboard focus or nullptr
188 		*/
189 		EventHandle_WidgetWidget eventKeySetFocus;
191 		/** Event : Key pressed.\n
192 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::KeyCode _key, MyGUI::Char _char)\n
193 			@param _sender widget that called this event
194 			@param _key code
195 			@param _char of pressed symbol (for multilanguage applications)
196 		*/
197 		EventHandle_WidgetKeyCodeChar eventKeyButtonPressed;
199 		/** Event : Key released.\n
200 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, MyGUI::KeyCode _key)\n
201 			@param _sender widget that called this event
202 			@param _key code
203 		*/
204 		EventHandle_WidgetKeyCode eventKeyButtonReleased;
206 		/** Event : Root widget changed mouse focus.\n
207 			info : this event sends only to root widget\n
208 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, bool _focus);
209 			@param _sender widget that called this event
210 			@param _focus Is widget got mouse focus.
211 		*/
212 		EventHandle_WidgetBool eventRootMouseChangeFocus;
214 		/** Event : Root widget changed keyboard focus.\n
215 			info : this event sends only to root widget\n
216 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, bool _focus);
217 			@param _sender widget that called this event
218 			@param _focus Is widget got keyboard focus.
219 		*/
220 		EventHandle_WidgetBool eventRootKeyChangeFocus;
222 		/** Event : Event about changing tooltip state.\n
223 			signature : void method(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, const MyGUI::ToolTipInfo& _info);
224 			@param _sender widget that called this event
225 			@param _info about tooltip
226 		*/
227 		EventHandle_WidgetToolTip eventToolTip;
229 		/*internal:*/
230 		void _riseMouseLostFocus(Widget* _new);
231 		void _riseMouseSetFocus(Widget* _old);
232 		void _riseMouseDrag(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
233 		void _riseMouseMove(int _left, int _top);
234 		void _riseMouseWheel(int _rel);
235 		void _riseMouseButtonPressed(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
236 		void _riseMouseButtonReleased(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
237 		void _riseMouseButtonClick();
238 		void _riseMouseButtonDoubleClick();
239 		void _riseKeyLostFocus(Widget* _new);
240 		void _riseKeySetFocus(Widget* _old);
241 		void _riseKeyButtonPressed(KeyCode _key, Char _char);
242 		void _riseKeyButtonReleased(KeyCode _key);
243 		void _riseMouseChangeRootFocus(bool _focus);
244 		void _riseKeyChangeRootFocus(bool _focus);
246 		void _setRootMouseFocus(bool _value);
247 		void _setRootKeyFocus(bool _value);
249 	protected:
250 		virtual void onMouseLostFocus(Widget* _new);
251 		virtual void onMouseSetFocus(Widget* _old);
252 		virtual void onMouseDrag(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
253 		virtual void onMouseMove(int _left, int _top);
254 		virtual void onMouseWheel(int _rel);
255 		virtual void onMouseButtonPressed(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
256 		virtual void onMouseButtonReleased(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id);
257 		virtual void onMouseButtonClick();
258 		virtual void onMouseButtonDoubleClick();
259 		virtual void onKeyLostFocus(Widget* _new);
260 		virtual void onKeySetFocus(Widget* _old);
261 		virtual void onKeyButtonPressed(KeyCode _key, Char _char);
262 		virtual void onKeyButtonReleased(KeyCode _key);
263 		virtual void onMouseChangeRootFocus(bool _focus);
264 		virtual void onKeyChangeRootFocus(bool _focus);
266 	private:
267 		std::string mPointer;
268 		MaskPickInfo mOwnMaskPickInfo;
270 		bool mNeedToolTip;
271 		bool mInheritsPick;
272 		bool mNeedKeyFocus;
273 		bool mNeedMouseFocus;
275 		bool mRootMouseFocus;
276 		bool mRootKeyFocus;
277 	};
279 } // namespace MyGUI
281 #endif // MYGUI_WIDGET_INPUT_H_