1 //
2 // "$Id: Fl_Printer.H 8699 2011-05-20 16:39:06Z manolo $"
3 //
4 // Printing support for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
5 //
6 // Copyright 2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
10 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 //
13 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // Library General Public License for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
19 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
21 // USA.
22 //
23 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
24 //
25 //     http://www.fltk.org/str.php
26 //
27 /** \file Fl_Printer.H
28  \brief declaration of classes Fl_Printer, Fl_System_Printer and Fl_PostScript_Printer.
29  */
31 #ifndef Fl_Printer_H
32 #define Fl_Printer_H
34 #include <FL/x.H>
35 #include <FL/Fl_Paged_Device.H>
36 #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
37 #include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
38 #include <FL/Fl_RGB_Image.H>
39 #include <FL/Fl_Bitmap.H>
40 #include <stdio.h>
41 #if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32))
42 #include <FL/Fl_PostScript.H>
43 #elif defined(WIN32)
44 #include <commdlg.h>
45 #endif
47 #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32) || defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
48 /**
49  Print support under MSWindows and Mac OS.
51  Class Fl_System_Printer is implemented only on the MSWindows and Mac OS platforms.
52  It has no public constructor.
53  Use Fl_Printer instead that is cross-platform and has the same API.
54  */
55 class Fl_System_Printer : public Fl_Paged_Device {
56   friend class Fl_Printer;
57 private:
58   /** \brief the printer's graphics context, if there's one, NULL otherwise */
59   void *gc;
60   void set_current(void);
61 #ifdef __APPLE__
62   float scale_x;
63   float scale_y;
64   float angle; // rotation angle in radians
65   Fl_PMPrintSession  printSession;
66   Fl_PMPageFormat    pageFormat;
67   Fl_PMPrintSettings printSettings;
68 #elif defined(WIN32)
69   int   abortPrint;
70   PRINTDLG      pd;
71   HDC           hPr;
72   int           prerr;
73   int left_margin;
74   int top_margin;
75   void absolute_printable_rect(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
76 #endif
77 protected:
78   /** \brief The constructor */
79   Fl_System_Printer(void);
80 public:
81   static const char *class_id;
class_name()82   const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
83   int start_job(int pagecount, int *frompage = NULL, int *topage = NULL);
84   int start_page (void);
85   int printable_rect(int *w, int *h);
86   void margins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom);
87   void origin(int *x, int *y);
88   void origin(int x, int y);
89   void scale (float scale_x, float scale_y = 0.);
90   void rotate(float angle);
91   void translate(int x, int y);
92   void untranslate(void);
93   int end_page (void);
94   void end_job (void);
95   /** \brief The destructor */
96   ~Fl_System_Printer(void);
97 }; // class Fl_System_Printer
99 #endif
101 #if !(defined(__APPLE__) || defined(WIN32) )
102 /**
103  Print support under Unix/Linux.
105  Class Fl_PostScript_Printer is implemented only on the Unix/Linux platform.
106  It has no public constructor.
107  Use Fl_Printer instead that is cross-platform and has the same API.
108  */
109 class Fl_PostScript_Printer : public Fl_PostScript_File_Device {
110   friend class Fl_Printer;
111 protected:
112   /** The constructor */
Fl_PostScript_Printer(void)113   Fl_PostScript_Printer(void) {};
114 public:
115   static const char *class_id;
class_name()116   const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
117   int start_job(int pages, int *firstpage = NULL, int *lastpage = NULL);
118 };
120 #endif
122 /**
123  * \brief OS-independent print support.
124  *
125  Fl_Printer allows to use all FLTK drawing, color, text, and clip functions, and to have them operate
126  on printed page(s). There are two main, non exclusive, ways to use it.
127  <ul><li>Print any widget (standard, custom, Fl_Window, Fl_Gl_Window) as it appears
128  on screen, with optional translation, scaling and rotation. This is done by calling print_widget()
129  or print_window_part().
130  <li>Use a series of FLTK graphics commands (e.g., font, text, lines, colors, clip, image) to
131  compose a page appropriately shaped for printing.
132  </ul>
133  In both cases, begin by start_job(), start_page(), printable_rect() and origin() calls
134  and finish by end_page() and end_job() calls.
135  <p><b>Platform specifics</b>
136  <ul>
137  <li>Unix/Linux platforms:
138  Class Fl_RGB_Image prints but loses its transparency if it has one.
139  See class Fl_PostScript_Graphics_Driver for a description of how UTF-8 strings appear in print.
140  Use the static public attributes of this class to set the print dialog to other languages
141  than English. For example, the "Printer:" dialog item Fl_Printer::dialog_printer can be set to French with:
142  \code
143  Fl_Printer::dialog_printer = "Imprimante:";
144  \endcode
145  before creation of the Fl_Printer object.
146  Use Fl_PostScript_File_Device::file_chooser_title to customize the title of the file chooser dialog that opens
147  when using the "Print To File" option of the print dialog.
148  <li>MSWindows platform: Transparent Fl_RGB_Image 's don't print with exact transparency on most printers.
149  Fl_RGB_Image 's don't rotate() well.
150  A workaround is to use the print_window_part() call.
151  <li>Mac OS X platform: all graphics requests print as on display.
152  </ul>
153  */
154 class FL_EXPORT Fl_Printer : public Fl_Paged_Device {
155 public:
156   static const char *class_id;
class_name()157   const char *class_name() {return class_id;};
158   /** \brief The constructor */
159   Fl_Printer(void);
160   int start_job(int pagecount, int *frompage = NULL, int *topage = NULL);
161   int start_page(void);
162   int printable_rect(int *w, int *h);
163   void margins(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom);
164   void origin(int *x, int *y);
165   void origin(int x, int y);
166   void scale(float scale_x, float scale_y = 0.);
167   void rotate(float angle);
168   void translate(int x, int y);
169   void untranslate(void);
170   int end_page (void);
171   void end_job (void);
172   void print_widget(Fl_Widget* widget, int delta_x=0, int delta_y=0);
173   void print_window_part(Fl_Window *win, int x, int y, int w, int h, int delta_x=0, int delta_y=0);
174   void set_current(void);
175   Fl_Graphics_Driver* driver(void);
176   /** \brief The destructor */
177   ~Fl_Printer(void);
179   /** \name These attributes are effective under the Xlib platform only.
180    \{
181    */
182   static const char *dialog_title;
183   static const char *dialog_printer;
184   static const char *dialog_range;
185   static const char *dialog_copies;
186   static const char *dialog_all;
187   static const char *dialog_pages;
188   static const char *dialog_from;
189   static const char *dialog_to;
190   static const char *dialog_properties;
191   static const char *dialog_copyNo;
192   static const char *dialog_print_button;
193   static const char *dialog_cancel_button;
194   static const char *dialog_print_to_file;
195   static const char *property_title;
196   static const char *property_pagesize;
197   static const char *property_mode;
198   static const char *property_use;
199   static const char *property_save;
200   static const char *property_cancel;
201   /** \} */
202 private:
203 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__)
204   Fl_System_Printer *printer;
205 #else
206   Fl_PostScript_Printer *printer;
207 #endif
208 };
210 #endif // Fl_Printer_H
212 //
213 // End of "$Id: Fl_Printer.H 8699 2011-05-20 16:39:06Z manolo $"
214 //