1 //
2 // "$Id: checkers.cxx 8168 2011-01-02 03:55:23Z matt $"
3 //
4 // Checkers game for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
5 //
6 // Hours of fun: the FLTK checkers game!
7 // Based on a very old algorithm, but it still works!
8 //
9 // Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
10 //
11 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
13 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // Library General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
22 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
23 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
24 // USA.
25 //
26 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
27 //
28 //     http://www.fltk.org/str.php
29 //
31 const char* copyright =
32 "Checkers game\n"
33 "Copyright (C) 1997-2010 Bill Spitzak    spitzak@d2.com\n"
34 "Original Pascal code:\n"
35 "Copyright 1978, Oregon Minicomputer Software, Inc.\n"
36 "2340 SW Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 97201\n"
37 "Written by Steve Poulsen 18-Jan-79\n"
38 "\n"
39 "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify "
40 "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by "
41 "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or "
42 "(at your option) any later version.\n"
43 "\n"
44 "This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, "
45 "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of "
47 "GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
48 "\n"
49 "You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public "
50 "License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software "
51 "Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 "
52 "USA.";
54 // Define FLTK to get the fltk interface
55 // Define VT100 to get the VT100 interface
56 // Define both to get a program that takes a -t switch
58 #define FLTK
59 //#define VT100
61 #undef check
63 #include <string.h>
64 #include <stdlib.h>
65 #include <stdio.h>
66 #include <stdarg.h>
67 #include <time.h>
69 #ifdef VT100
70 #include <ctype.h>	// toupper
71 #endif
73 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
74 // The algorithim:
76 int maxevaluate=2500;		// max number of moves to examine on a turn
77 int maxnodes = 2500;		// maximum number of nodes in search tree
78 int maxply = 20;		// maximum depth to look ahead
79 char forcejumps = 1;		// is forced jumps rule in effect?
81 // scoring parameters: (all divided by 5 from original code)
82 // some signs seem to be backwards, marked them with (-) in comment
83 const int spiece = 800;		// value of a piece
84 const int sking = 1200;		// value of a king
85 const int sadvan = 160;		// value of mypieces/theirpieces-1
86 // const int smobil = ?		// moves *enemy* can make w/o being jumped
87 const int sallpin = 80;		// mobil == 0
88 const int sdeny = 10;		// moves enemy can make that will be jumped
89 const int spin = 32;		// enemy pieces that have no move except jumped
90 const int sthreat = -10;	// enemy pieces we can jump if not moved (-)
91 const int sgrad = 1;		// score of piece positions
92 const int sback = 10;		// back row occupied so enemy can't make king
93 const int smoc2 = 200;		// more mobility, more center
94 const int smoc3 = -8;		// less mobility, less center
95 const int smoc4 = -80;		// more mobility, less center
96 const int smode2 = -14;		// less mobility, less denied
97 const int smode3 = -40;		// more mobility, more denied (-)
98 const int sdemmo = -20;		// more denied, more moves (-)
99 const int scent = 10;		// pieces in center
100 const int skcent = 100;		// kings in center
102 const int depthpenalty=4;	// guess
103 const int noise=2;		// values less or eq to this apart are eq
105 // const int sattackking = 4;	// not used
106 // const int sattackpiece = 3;
108 struct node {
109   node *father;
110   node *son;		// best son
111   node *brother;	// next brother
112   short int value;	// value of this board position to player making move
113   unsigned char from,to; // the move to reach this board
114   long int jump;	// bit map of locations jumped
115   unsigned char mobil;
116   unsigned char deny;
117   unsigned char pin;
118   unsigned char threat;
119   short int gradient;
120   unsigned who:1;	// 0 = black's move, 1 = white's move
121   unsigned king:1;	// 1 = move causes piece to be kinged
122   unsigned back:1;
123   unsigned moc2:1;
124   unsigned moc3:1;
125   unsigned moc4:1;
126   unsigned mode2:1;
127   unsigned mode3:1;
128   unsigned demmo:1;
129 };
131 int nodes;		// count of nodes
133 /*	Board positions:	Border positions:
135 	      WHITE		  00  01  02  03  04
136 	  05  06  07  08	04  XX  XX  XX  XX
137 	09  10  11  12		  XX  XX  XX  XX  13
138 	  14  15  16  17	13  XX  XX  XX  XX
139 	18  19  20  21		  XX  XX  XX  XX  22
140 	  23  24  25  26	22  XX  XX  XX  XX
141 	27  28  29  30		  XX  XX  XX  XX  31
142 	  32  33  34  36	31  XX  XX  XX  XX
143 	36  37  38  39		  XX  XX  XX  XX  40
144 	      BLACK		40  41  42  43  44
146 */
148 typedef char piece;
150 // Piece values so that BLACK and WHITE are bit flags:
151 #define EMPTY 0
152 #define BLACK 1
153 #define WHITE 2
154 #define KING 4
155 #define BLACKKING 5
156 #define WHITEKING 6
157 #define BLUE 8
159 const piece flip[9] = {
162 const int offset[9][4] = {	// legal move directions
163   {0,0,0,0},
164   {-5,-4,0,0},
165   {4,5,0,0},
166   {0,0,0,0},
167   {0,0,0,0},
168   {4,5,-4,-5},
169   {4,5,-4,-5},
170   {0,0,0,0},
171   {0,0,0,0}
172 };
174 piece b[45];		// current board position being considered
176 int evaluated;		// number of moves evaluated this turn
178 char centralsquares[45];
179 char is_protected[45];
181 piece flipboard[45];	// swapped if enemy is black
182 piece *tb;		// pointer to real or swapped board
183 #define FRIEND BLACK
185 #define ENEMY WHITE
check(int target,int direction)188 char check(int target,int direction) {
189   // see if enemy at target can be jumped from direction by our piece
190   int dst = target-direction;
191   if (tb[dst]) return(0);
192   int src = target+direction;
193   if (tb[src] == FRIENDKING);
194   else if (direction < 0 || tb[src] != FRIEND) return(0);
195   piece aa = tb[target]; piece bb = tb[src];
196   tb[target] = EMPTY; tb[src] = EMPTY;
197   int safe =
198     (   (tb[src-4]&FRIEND && tb[src-8]&ENEMY)
199      || (tb[src-5]&FRIEND && tb[src-10]&ENEMY)
200      || (tb[dst-4]&ENEMY && !tb[dst+4])
201      || (tb[dst-5]&ENEMY && !tb[dst+5])
202      || (tb[src+4]&FRIEND && tb[src+8]==ENEMYKING)
203      || (tb[src+5]&FRIEND && tb[src+10]==ENEMYKING)
204      || (tb[dst+4]==ENEMYKING && !tb[dst-4])
205      || (tb[dst+5]==ENEMYKING && !tb[dst-5]));
206   tb[target] = aa; tb[src] = bb;
207   return(safe);
208 }
210 int deniedmoves,undeniedmoves;
analyzemove(int direction,int src)211 void analyzemove(int direction,int src) {
212   int target = src+direction;
213   if (!tb[target]) {
214     if (!tb[target+direction]) is_protected[target] = 1;
215     piece a = tb[src]; tb[src] = EMPTY;
216     if (check(target,4) || check(target,5) ||
217 	check(target,-4) || check(target,-5) ||
218 	(tb[src+4]&ENEMY && check(src+4,4)) ||
219 	(tb[src+5]&ENEMY && check(src+5,5)) ||
220 	(tb[src-4]&ENEMY && check(src-4,-4)) ||
221 	(tb[src-5]&ENEMY && check(src-5,-5)))
222       deniedmoves++;
223     else undeniedmoves++;
224     tb[src] = a;
225   }
226 }
evaluateboard(node * n,int print)228 void evaluateboard(node *n,int print) {
230   if (!n->who) tb = b;	// move was black's
231   else {
232     for (int i=0; i<45; i++) flipboard[44-i] = flip[(int)b[i]];
233     tb = flipboard;
234   }
236   memset(is_protected,0,sizeof(is_protected));
237   int friendpieces = 0;
238   int enemypieces = 0;
239   int friendkings = 0;
240   int enemykings = 0;
241   int friendkcent = 0;
242   int friendcent = 0;
243   int enemykcent = 0;
244   int enemycent = 0;
245   n->mobil = n->deny = n->pin = n->threat = 0;
247   int i;
248   for (i=5; i<40; i++) switch(tb[i]) {
249   case ENEMYKING:
250     enemykings++;
251     enemykcent += centralsquares[i];
252     deniedmoves = 0;
253     undeniedmoves = 0;
254     if (i>8) {
255       analyzemove(-4,i);
256       analyzemove(-5,i);
257     }
258     goto J1;
259   case ENEMY:
260     deniedmoves = 0;
261     undeniedmoves = 0;
262   J1:	enemypieces++;
263     enemycent += centralsquares[i];
264     if (i<36) {
265       analyzemove(4,i);
266       analyzemove(5,i);
267     }
268     if (deniedmoves && !undeniedmoves) n->pin++;
269     n->deny += deniedmoves;
270     n->mobil += undeniedmoves;
271     break;
272   case FRIENDKING:
273     friendkings++;
274     friendkcent += centralsquares[i];
275     if (tb[i+4]&ENEMY && !tb[i+8] && !(tb[i+4]==ENEMYKING && !tb[i-4]))
276       n->threat++;
277     if (tb[i+5]&ENEMY && !tb[i+10] && !(tb[i+5]==ENEMYKING && !tb[i-5]))
278       n->threat++;
279   case FRIEND:
280     friendpieces++;
281     friendcent += centralsquares[i];
282     if (tb[i-4]&ENEMY && !tb[i-8] && tb[i+4]) n->threat++;
283     if (tb[i-5]&ENEMY && !tb[i-10] && tb[i+5]) n->threat++;
284     break;
285   }
287   int gradient[40];
288   for (i=4; i<9; i++) gradient[i] = tb[i] ? 0 : 32;
289   int total = 0;
290   for (i=9; i<40; i++) {
291     int x = (gradient[i-4]+gradient[i-5])/2;
292     if (tb[i]==FRIEND) total += x;
293     gradient[i] = (tb[i]&FRIEND || (!tb[i] && !is_protected[i])) ? x : 0;
294   }
295   n->gradient = total;
297   n->back = tb[39]==FRIEND && tb[37]==FRIEND && !enemykings;
299   node* f = n->father;
301   n->moc2 = f->mobil>n->mobil && friendcent>enemycent;
302   n->moc3 = f->mobil<=n->mobil && friendcent<enemycent;
303   n->moc4 = f->mobil>n->mobil && friendcent<enemycent;
304   n->mode2 = f->mobil<=n->mobil && n->deny<f->deny;
305   n->mode3 = f->mobil>n->mobil && n->deny>f->deny;
306   n->demmo = n->deny>f->deny && f->deny+f->mobil>n->deny+n->mobil;
308   total =
309     spiece	* (friendpieces - enemypieces) +
310     (sking-spiece) * (friendkings	- enemykings) +
311     //	mobil?
312     sdeny	* (n->deny	- f->deny) +
313     spin	* (n->pin	- f->pin) +
314     sthreat	* (n->threat	- f->threat) +
315     sgrad	* (n->gradient	- f->gradient) +
316     sback	* (n->back	- f->back) +
317     smoc2	* (n->moc2	- f->moc2) +
318     smoc3	* (n->moc3	- f->moc3) +
319     smoc4	* (n->moc4	- f->moc4) +
320     smode2	* (n->mode2	- f->mode2) +
321     smode3	* (n->mode3	- f->mode3) +
322     sdemmo	* (n->demmo	- f->demmo) +
323     scent	* (friendcent	- enemycent) +
324     (skcent-scent) * (friendkcent	- enemykcent);
325   if (!n->mobil) total += sallpin;
327   if (!enemypieces) total = 30000;
328   else if (friendpieces > enemypieces)
329     total += (sadvan*friendpieces)/enemypieces-sadvan;
330   else total -= (sadvan*enemypieces)/friendpieces-sadvan;
332   if (print) {
333     printf("\tParent\tNew\tScore\n");
334     printf("pieces\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",enemypieces,friendpieces,
335 	   spiece*(friendpieces-enemypieces));
336     printf("kings\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",enemykings,friendkings,
337 	   (sking-spiece)*(friendkings-enemykings));
338     printf("mobil\t%d\t%d\n",f->mobil,n->mobil);
339     printf("deny\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->deny,n->deny,sdeny*(n->deny-f->deny));
340     printf("pin\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->pin,n->pin,spin*(n->pin-f->pin));
341     printf("threat\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->threat,n->threat,sthreat*(n->threat-f->threat));
342     printf("grad\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->gradient,n->gradient,sgrad*(n->gradient-f->gradient));
343     printf("back\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->back,n->back,sback*(n->back-f->back));
344     printf("moc2\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->moc2,n->moc2,smoc2*(n->moc2-f->moc2));
345     printf("moc3\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->moc3,n->moc3,smoc3*(n->moc3-f->moc3));
346     printf("moc4\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->moc4,n->moc4,smoc4*(n->moc4-f->moc4));
347     printf("mode2\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->mode2,n->mode2,smode2*(n->mode2-f->mode2));
348     printf("mode3\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->mode3,n->mode3,smode3*(n->mode3-f->mode3));
349     printf("demmo\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",f->demmo,n->demmo,sdemmo*(n->demmo-f->demmo));
350     printf("cent\t%d\t%d\t%dn",enemycent,friendcent,scent*(friendcent-enemycent));
351     printf("kcent\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",enemykcent,friendkcent,skcent*(friendkcent-enemykcent));
352     printf("total:\t\t\t%d\n",total);
353   }
354   else {
355     n->value = total;
356     evaluated++;
357   }
358 }	// end of evaluateboard
360 // --------------------- Tree management -----------------
362 node *freelist;
newnode(void)364 node *newnode(void) {
365   node *n;
366   if (freelist) {
367     n = freelist;
368     freelist = n->brother;
369   }
370   else n = (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
371   memset(n,0,sizeof(node));
372   nodes++;
373   return(n);
374 }
extract(node * n)376 void extract(node *n) {
377   node* i = n->father;
378   if (i) {
379     node* j = i->son;
380     if (j==n) i->son = n->brother;
381     else while (j) {
382       i = j; j = j->brother;
383       if (j==n) {i->brother = n->brother; break;}
384     }
385   }
386   n->brother = 0;
387 }
killnode(node * x)389 void killnode(node *x) {
390   if (!x) return;
391   node *y;
392   for (y = x; ; y = y->brother) {
393     nodes--;
394     killnode(y->son); y->son = 0;
395     if (!y->brother) break;
396   }
397   y->brother = freelist;
398   freelist = x;
399 }
401 int seed;		// current random number
insert(node * n)403 void insert(node *n) {
404   int val = n->value;
405   node **pp;
406   for (pp = &(n->father->son); *pp; pp = &((*pp)->brother)) {
407     int val1 = (*pp)->value;
408     if (abs(val-val1) <= noise) {
409       seed = (seed*13077+5051)%0100000;
410       if ((seed & 070) >= 060) break;
411     }
412     else if (val > val1) break;
413   }
414   n->brother = *pp;
415   *pp = n;
416 }
418 // --------------------------------------------------------------
movepiece(node * f,int i,node * jnode)420 void movepiece(node* f, int i, node* jnode) {
421   static char jumphappened;
423   for (int k=0; k<4; k++) {
424     int direction = offset[(int)b[i]][k];
425     if (!direction) break;
426     int j = i+direction;
427     if (b[j] == EMPTY) {
428       if (!jnode && (!forcejumps || !f->son || !f->son->jump)) {
429 	node* n = newnode();
430 	n->father = f;
431 	n->who = !f->who;
432 	n->from = i;
433 	n->to = j;
434 	piece oldpiece = b[i]; b[i] = EMPTY;
435 	if (!(oldpiece&KING) && n->who ? (j>=36) : (j<=8)) {
436 	  n->king = 1;
437 	  b[j] = oldpiece|KING;
438 	}
439 	else b[j] = oldpiece;
440 	evaluateboard(n,0);
441 	insert(n);
442 	b[i] = oldpiece; b[j] = EMPTY;
443       }
444     } else if (((b[j]^b[i])&(WHITE|BLACK))==(WHITE|BLACK) && !b[j+direction]) {
445       if (forcejumps && f->son && !f->son->jump) {
446 	killnode(f->son);
447 	f->son = 0;
448       }
449       int jumploc = j;
450       j += direction;
451       node* n = newnode();
452       n->father = f;
453       n->who = !f->who;
454       n->from = i;
455       n->to = j;
456       n->jump = (1<<(jumploc-10));
457       piece oldpiece = b[i]; b[i] = EMPTY;
458       if (!(oldpiece&KING) && n->who ? (j>=36) : (j<=8)) {
459 	n->king = 1;
460 	b[j] = oldpiece|KING;
461       }
462       else b[j] = oldpiece;
463       if (jnode) {
464 	n->from = jnode->from;
465 	n->jump |= jnode->jump;
466 	n->king |= jnode->king;
467       }
468       piece jumpedpiece = b[jumploc];
469       b[jumploc] = EMPTY;
470       jumphappened = 0;
471       movepiece(f,j,n);
472       if (forcejumps && jumphappened) killnode(n);
473       else {evaluateboard(n,0); insert(n);}
474       b[i] = oldpiece; b[j] = EMPTY;
475       b[jumploc] = jumpedpiece;
476       jumphappened = 1;
477     }
478   }
479 }
expandnode(node * f)481 void expandnode(node *f) {
482   if (f->son || f->value > 28000) return;	// already done
483   piece turn = f->who ? BLACK : WHITE;
484   for (int i=5; i<40; i++) if (b[i]&turn) movepiece(f,i,0);
485   if (f->son) {
486     f->value = -f->son->value;
487     if (f->brother) f->value -= depthpenalty;
488   }
489   else f->value = 30000;
490 }
makemove(node * n)492 void makemove(node *n) {
493   b[n->to] = b[n->from];
494   if (n->king) b[n->to] |= KING;
495   b[n->from] = EMPTY;
496   if (n->jump) for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
497     if (n->jump & (1<<i)) b[10+i] = EMPTY;
498   }
499 }
501 int didabort(void);
fullexpand(node * f,int level)503 int fullexpand(node *f, int level) {
504   if (didabort() || nodes > maxnodes-(maxply*10) || evaluated > maxevaluate) return(0);
505   expandnode(f);
506   if (!f->son) return(1);
507   piece oldboard[45];
508   memmove(oldboard,b,sizeof(b));
509   node* n = f->son;
510   if (!n->jump && n->brother) {if (level<1) return(1); level--;}
511   int i;
512   node* sons[32]; for (i=0; (sons[i++] = n); n = n->brother);
513   int ret = 1;
514   for (i=0; ret && (n = sons[i++]);) {
515     makemove(n);
516     ret = fullexpand(n,level);
517     memmove(b,oldboard,sizeof(b));
518     extract(n);
519     insert(n);
520   }
521   f->value = -f->son->value;
522   return(ret);
523 }
descend(node * f)525 int descend(node *f) {
526   static int depth;
527   if (didabort() || nodes > maxnodes || depth >= maxply) return(0);
528   if (f->son) {
529     node* n = f->son;
530     makemove(n);
531     depth++;
532     int ret = descend(n);
533     depth--;
534     extract(n);
535     insert(n);
536     f->value = -f->son->value;
537     return(ret);
538   }
539   else {expandnode(f); return(1);}
540 }
542 char debug;
calcmove(node * root)544 node *calcmove(node *root) {	// return best move after root
545   expandnode(root);
546   if (!root->son) return(0);	// no move due to loss
547   if (debug) printf("calcmove() initial nodes = %d\n",nodes);
548   evaluated = 0;
549   if (root->son->brother) {
550     int x;
551     for (x = 1; abs(root->value)<28000 && fullexpand(root,x); x++);
552     piece saveboard[45]; memmove(saveboard,b,sizeof(b));
553     while (abs(root->value)<28000) {
554       x = descend(root);
555       memmove(b,saveboard,sizeof(b));
556       if (!x) break;
557     }
558   }
559   if (debug) printf(" evaluated %d, nodes = %d\n", evaluated, nodes);
560   return(root->son);
561 }
563 // the actual game state ----------------
565 node *root,*undoroot;
567 piece jumpboards[24][45];	// saved boards for undoing jumps
568 int nextjump;
570 char user;	// 0 = black, 1 = white
571 char playing;
572 char autoplay;
newgame(void)574 void newgame(void) {
576   int n;
577   for (n=0; n<5; n++) b[n] = BLUE;
578   for (n=5; n<18; n++) b[n] = WHITE;
579   for (n=18; n<27; n++) b[n] = EMPTY;
580   for (n=27; n<40; n++) b[n] = BLACK;
581   for (n=40; n<45; n++) b[n] = BLUE;
582   b[13] = b[22] = b[31] = BLUE;
584   centralsquares[15] = centralsquares[16] =
585     centralsquares[19] = centralsquares[20] =
586     centralsquares[24] = centralsquares[25] =
587     centralsquares[28] = centralsquares[29] = 1;
589   // set up initial search tree:
590   nextjump = 0;
591   killnode(undoroot);
592   undoroot = root = newnode();
594   // make it white's move, so first move is black:
595   root->who = 1;
596   user = 0;
597   playing = 1;
598 }
domove(node * move)600 void domove(node* move) {
601   if (move->jump) memmove(jumpboards[nextjump++],b,sizeof(b));
602   makemove(move);
603   extract(move);
604   killnode(root->son);
605   root->son = move;
606   root = move;
607   if (debug) evaluateboard(move,1);
608 }
undomove()610 node* undomove() {
611   node *n = root;
612   if (n == undoroot) return 0; // no more undo possible
613   if (n->jump) memmove(b,jumpboards[--nextjump],sizeof(b));
614   else {
615     b[n->from] = b[n->to];
616     if (n->king) b[n->from] &= (WHITE|BLACK);
617     b[n->to] = EMPTY;
618   }
619   root = n->father;
620   killnode(n);
621   root->son = 0;
622   root->value = 0;	// prevent it from thinking game is over
623   playing = 1;
624   if (root == undoroot) user = 0;
625   return n;
626 }
628 const char _usermoves[] =
629 "B1D1F1H1A2C2E2G2??B3D3F3H3A4C4E4G4??B5D5F5H5A6C6E6G6??B7D7F7H7A8C8E8G8??";
630 #define usermoves(x,y) _usermoves[2*((x)-5)+(y)-1]
dumpnode(node * n,int help)632 void dumpnode(node *n, int help) {
633   int x = n->from;
634   int y = n->to;
635   if (help) printf("%c%c %c%c\t- ",
636 		   usermoves(x,1),usermoves(x,2),
637 		   usermoves(y,1),usermoves(y,2));
638   printf("%s %ss from %c%c to %c%c",
639 	 n->who ? "White" : "Black",
640 	 n->jump ? "jump" : "move",
641 	 usermoves(x,1),usermoves(x,2),
642 	 usermoves(y,1),usermoves(y,2));
643   if (n->jump) {
644     for (int i=0; i<32; i++) if (n->jump & (1<<i))
645       printf(", %c%c",usermoves(10+i,1),usermoves(10+i,2));
646     printf(" removed");
647   }
648   printf(" (%+d).\n",n->value);
649 }
651 int abortflag;
653 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
654 // VT100 Interface:
655 #ifdef VT100
positioncursor(int i)657 void positioncursor(int i) {
658   printf("\033[%d;%dH",
659 	 usermoves(i,2)-'0'+1,
660 	 2*(usermoves(i,1)-'A')+1);
661 }
outpiecename(piece n)663 void outpiecename(piece n) {
664   printf(n&BLACK ? "\033[1;7m" : "\033[1m");
665   putchar(" BW??BW??"[n]);
666   putchar(" BW??KK??"[n]);
667   printf("\033[0m");
668 }
VT100board(void)670 void VT100board(void) {
671   printf("\033<\033[H\033[J\033[10r");
672   int l = 0;
673   puts(" A B C D E F G H");
674   for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
675     int j = 9*i+5;
676     int k;
677     for (k=0; k<4; k++) {
678       printf("\033[7m  \033[0m");
679       outpiecename(b[j+k]);
680     }
681     l++;
682     printf("%d\n",l);
683     j += 4;
684     for (k=0; k<4; k++) {
685       outpiecename(b[j+k]);
686       printf("\033[7m  \033[0m");
687     }
688     l++;
689     printf("%d\n",l);
690   }
691 }
VT100move(node * n,int)693 void VT100move(node *n, int) {
694   if (!n) return;
695   printf("\0337");
696   positioncursor(n->from);
697   outpiecename(b[n->from]);
698   positioncursor(n->to);
699   outpiecename(b[n->to]);
700   if (n->jump) for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
701     if (n->jump & (1<<i)) {
702       positioncursor(10+i);
703       outpiecename(b[10+i]);
704     }
705   }
706   printf("\0338");
707 }
decode(char * m)709 int decode(char *m) {
710   int i;
711   for(i=5; i<=40; i++)
712     if (toupper(m[0])==usermoves(i,1) && m[1]==usermoves(i,2)) return(i);
713   return(0);
714 }
716 #include <signal.h>
sigint(...)718 static void sigint(...) {
719   abortflag = 1;
720   signal(SIGINT,sigint);
721 }
fixexit(int x)723 void fixexit(int x) {
724   printf("\0337\033[r\0338");
725   exit(x);
726 }
728 // Returns a son, or 0 if no move specified, or root to cause "help"
getusermove(void)729 node *getusermove(void) {
730   int i,j;
731   node *t;
732   char line[100],*m1,*m2;
734   if (playing)
735     printf("\033[1m%s's move?\033[0m ",root->who ? "Black" : "White");
736   else
737     printf("\033[1mCommand?\033[0m ");
738   abortflag = 0;
739   if (!fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin)) {
740     putchar('\n');
741     if (feof(stdin)) fixexit(0);
742     return 0;
743   }
744   for (m1 = line; *m1 && *m1<=' '; m1++);
745   if (!*m1) return(0);
746   m2 = m1+1;
747   if (*m2) m2++;
748   for (; *m2 && *m2<'0'; m2++);
749   if (playing && m1[1]>='0' && m1[1]<='9') {
750     i = decode(m1);
751     j = decode(m2);
752     if (i && j) for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother)
753       if (t->from == i && t->to == j) return(t);
754     puts("Valid moves are:");
755     m1[0] = 'L';
756   }
757   switch(toupper(m1[0])) {
758   case 0: return(0);
759   case 'A':
760     if (playing) autoplay = 1;
761     return(root);
762   case 'C':
763     puts(copyright);
764     break;
765   case 'D':
766     debug = !debug;
767     printf("Debug is now %s.", debug ? "on" : "off");
768     break;
769   case 'F':
770     forcejumps = !forcejumps;
771     printf("Forced jumps rule is now %s.",forcejumps ? "on" : "off");
772     killnode(root->son); root->son = 0;
773     return(0);
774   case 'L':
775     expandnode(root);
776     if (playing) for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) dumpnode(t,1);
777     break;
778   case 'M':
779     return(playing ? root : 0);
780   case 'N':
781     newgame();
782     VT100board();
783     return(0);
784   case 'P':
785     printf("I expect the following moves:\n");
786     for (t = root->son; t; t = t->son) dumpnode(t,0);
787     break;
788   case 'Q':
789     fixexit(0);
790   case 'R':
791     VT100board();
792     break;
793   case 'S':
794     user = !user;
795     return(root);
796   case 'U':
797     VT100move(undomove(),1);
798     VT100move(undomove(),1);
799     return(0);
800   case '+':
801     maxevaluate = maxnodes = 2*maxevaluate;
802     goto J2;
803   case '-':
804     if (maxevaluate > 1)
805       maxevaluate = maxnodes = maxevaluate/2;
806   J2: printf("Moves evaluated set to %d.",maxevaluate);
807     break;
808   default:
809     puts(
810 	 "A(utoplay)\n"
811 	 "C(opyright)\n"
812 	 "D(ebug on/off)\n"
813 	 "F(orce jumps rule on/off)\n"
814 	 "L(ist legal moves)\n"
815 	 "M(ake a move for me)\n"
816 	 "N(ew game)\n"
817 	 "P(redict next few moves)\n"
818 	 "Q(uit)\n"
819 	 "R(edraw screen)\n"
820 	 "S(witch sides)\n"
821 	 "U(ndo)\n"
822 	 "+	- smarter\n"
823 	 "-	- stupider");
824     expandnode(root);
825     for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) dumpnode(t,1);
826   }
827   return(0);
828 }
VT100main()830 int VT100main() {
831   signal(SIGINT,sigint);
832   VT100board();
833   for (;;) {
834     if (playing) {
835       expandnode(root);
836       if (!root->son) {
837 	printf("%s has no move.  Game over.",root->who ? "Black" : "White");
838 	playing = autoplay = 0;
839       }
840     }
841     node* move;
842     if (playing && (autoplay || root->who == user)) {
843       move = calcmove(root);
844       if (move->value <= -30000) {
845  	printf("%s resigns.", move->who ? "White" : "Black");
846  	move = 0;
847  	playing = autoplay = 0;
848       }
849     } else {
850       move = getusermove();
851       if (move == root) move = calcmove(root);
852     }
853     if (move) {
854       dumpnode(move,0);
855       domove(move);
856       VT100move(move,0);
857     }
858   }
859 }
861 #endif
863 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
864 // fltk interface:
865 #ifdef FLTK
867 #include <FL/Fl.H>
868 #include <FL/Fl_Double_Window.H>
869 #include <FL/Fl_Bitmap.H>
870 #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
871 #include <FL/Fl_Menu_Item.H>
872 #include <FL/fl_ask.H>
874 //----------------------------------------------------------------
875 // old 4-level NeXT images have been seperated into bitmaps so they
876 // can be drawn with arbitrary colors and real transparency.  This is
877 // rather tedious and perhaps fltk should provide a direct support
878 // to do this:
880 #include "pixmaps/black_1.xbm"
881 #include "pixmaps/black_2.xbm"
882 #include "pixmaps/black_3.xbm"
883 #include "pixmaps/black_4.xbm"
884 #include "pixmaps/white_1.xbm"
885 #include "pixmaps/white_2.xbm"
886 #include "pixmaps/white_3.xbm"
887 #include "pixmaps/white_4.xbm"
888 #include "pixmaps/blackking_1.xbm"
889 #include "pixmaps/blackking_2.xbm"
890 #include "pixmaps/blackking_3.xbm"
891 #include "pixmaps/blackking_4.xbm"
892 #include "pixmaps/whiteking_1.xbm"
893 #include "pixmaps/whiteking_2.xbm"
894 #include "pixmaps/whiteking_3.xbm"
895 #include "pixmaps/whiteking_4.xbm"
897 Fl_Bitmap *bm[4][4];
make_bitmaps()899 void make_bitmaps() {
900   if (bm[0][0]) return;
901   bm[0][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
902   bm[0][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
903   bm[0][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
904   bm[0][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(black_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
905   bm[1][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
906   bm[1][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
907   bm[1][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
908   bm[1][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(white_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
909   bm[2][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
910   bm[2][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
911   bm[2][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
912   bm[2][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(blackking_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
913   bm[3][0] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_1_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
914   bm[3][1] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_2_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
915   bm[3][2] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_3_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
916   bm[3][3] = new Fl_Bitmap(whiteking_4_bits, black_1_width, black_1_height);
917 }
919 #define ISIZE black_1_width
draw_piece(int which,int x,int y)921 void draw_piece(int which, int x, int y) {
922   if (!fl_not_clipped(x,y,ISIZE,ISIZE)) return;
923   switch (which) {
924   case BLACK: which = 0; break;
925   case WHITE: which = 1; break;
926   case BLACKKING: which = 2; break;
927   case WHITEKING: which = 3; break;
928   default: return;
929   }
930   fl_color(FL_BLACK); bm[which][0]->draw(x, y);
931   fl_color(FL_INACTIVE_COLOR); bm[which][1]->draw(x, y);
932   fl_color(FL_SELECTION_COLOR); bm[which][2]->draw(x, y);
933   fl_color(FL_WHITE); bm[which][3]->draw(x, y);
934 }
936 //----------------------------------------------------------------
938 class Board : public Fl_Double_Window {
939   void draw();
940   int handle(int);
941 public:
942   void drag_piece(int, int, int);
943   void drop_piece(int);
944   void animate(node* move, int backwards);
945   void computer_move(int);
Board(int w,int h)946   Board(int w, int h) : Fl_Double_Window(w,h) {color(15);}
947 };
949 #define BOXSIZE 52
950 #define BORDER 4
952 #define BMOFFSET 5
954 static int erase_this;  // real location of dragging piece, don't draw it
955 static int dragging;	// piece being dragged
956 static int dragx;	// where it is
957 static int dragy;
958 static int showlegal;	// show legal moves
squarex(int i)960 int squarex(int i) {return (usermoves(i,1)-'A')*BOXSIZE+BMOFFSET;}
squarey(int i)961 int squarey(int i) {return (usermoves(i,2)-'1')*BOXSIZE+BMOFFSET;}
draw()963 void Board::draw() {
964   make_bitmaps();
965   // -- draw the board itself
966   fl_draw_box(box(),0,0,w(),h(),color());
967   // -- draw all dark tiles
968   fl_color((Fl_Color)10 /*107*/);
969   int x; for (x=0; x<8; x++) for (int y=0; y<8; y++) {
970     if (!((x^y)&1)) fl_rectf(BORDER+x*BOXSIZE, BORDER+y*BOXSIZE,
972   }
973   // -- draw outlines around the fileds
974   fl_color(FL_DARK3);
975   for (x=0; x<9; x++) {
976     fl_rectf(x*BOXSIZE,0,BORDER,h());
977     fl_rectf(0,x*BOXSIZE,w(),BORDER);
978   }
979   for (int j = 5; j < 40; j++) if (j != erase_this) {
980     draw_piece(b[j], squarex(j), squarey(j));
981   }
982   if (showlegal) {
983     fl_color(FL_WHITE);
984     node* n;
985     for (n = root->son; n; n = showlegal==2 ? n->son : n->brother) {
986       int x1 = squarex(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
987       int y1 = squarey(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
988       int x2 = squarex(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
989       int y2 = squarey(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
990       fl_line(x1,y1,x2,y2);
991       fl_push_matrix();
992       fl_mult_matrix(x2-x1,y2-y1,y1-y2,x2-x1,x2,y2);
993       fl_begin_polygon();
994       fl_vertex(0,0);
995       fl_vertex(-.3, .1);
996       fl_vertex(-.3, -.1);
997       fl_end_polygon();
998       fl_pop_matrix();
999     }
1000     int num = 1;
1001     fl_color(FL_BLACK);
1002     fl_font(FL_BOLD,10);
1003     for (n = root->son; n; n = showlegal==2 ? n->son : n->brother) {
1004       int x1 = squarex(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
1005       int y1 = squarey(n->from)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
1006       int x2 = squarex(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
1007       int y2 = squarey(n->to)+BOXSIZE/2-5;
1008       char buf[20]; sprintf(buf,"%d",num);
1009       fl_draw(buf, x1+int((x2-x1)*.85)-3, y1+int((y2-y1)*.85)+5);
1010       num++;
1011     }
1012   }
1013   if (dragging) draw_piece(dragging, dragx, dragy);
1014 }
1016 // drag the piece on square i to dx dy, or undo drag if i is zero:
drag_piece(int j,int dx,int dy)1017 void Board::drag_piece(int j, int dx, int dy) {
1018   dy = (dy&-2) | (dx&1); // make halftone shadows line up
1019   if (j != erase_this) drop_piece(erase_this); // should not happen
1020   if (!erase_this) { // pick up old piece
1021     dragx = squarex(j); dragy = squarey(j);
1022     erase_this = j;
1023     dragging = b[j];
1024   }
1025   if (dx != dragx || dy != dragy) {
1026     damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL, dragx, dragy, ISIZE, ISIZE);
1027     damage(FL_DAMAGE_ALL, dx, dy, ISIZE, ISIZE);
1028   }
1029   dragx = dx;
1030   dragy = dy;
1031 }
1033 // drop currently dragged piece on square i
drop_piece(int j)1034 void Board::drop_piece(int j) {
1035   if (!erase_this) return; // should not happen!
1036   erase_this = 0;
1037   dragging = 0;
1038   int x = squarex(j);
1039   int y = squarey(j);
1040   if (x != dragx || y != dragy) {
1041     damage(4, dragx, dragy, ISIZE, ISIZE);
1042     damage(4, x, y, ISIZE, ISIZE);
1043   }
1044 }
1046 // show move (call this *before* the move, *after* undo):
animate(node * move,int backwards)1047 void Board::animate(node* move, int backwards) {
1048   if (showlegal) {showlegal = 0; redraw();}
1049   if (!move) return;
1050   int f = move->from;
1051   int t = move->to;
1052   if (backwards) {int x = f; f = t; t = x;}
1053   int x1 = squarex(f);
1054   int y1 = squarey(f);
1055   int x2 = squarex(t);
1056   int y2 = squarey(t);
1057   const int STEPS=35;
1058   for (int j=0; j<STEPS; j++) {
1059     int x = x1+(x2-x1)*j/STEPS;
1060     int y = y1+(y2-y1)*j/STEPS;
1061     drag_piece(move->from,x,y);
1062     Fl::flush();
1063   }
1064   drop_piece(t);
1065   if (move->jump) redraw();
1066 }
1068 int busy; // causes pop-up abort menu
computer_move(int help)1070 void Board::computer_move(int help) {
1071   if (!playing) return;
1072   cursor(FL_CURSOR_WAIT);
1073   Fl::flush();
1074   busy = 1; abortflag = 0;
1075   node* move = calcmove(root);
1076   busy = 0;
1077   if (move) {
1078     if (!help && move->value <= -30000) {
1079       fl_message("%s resigns", move->who ? "White" : "Black");
1080       playing = autoplay = 0;
1081       cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT);
1082       return;
1083     }
1084     animate(move,0);
1085     domove(move);
1086   }
1087   expandnode(root);
1088   if (!root->son) {
1089     fl_message("%s has no move", root->who ? "Black" : "White");
1090     playing = autoplay = 0;
1091   }
1092   if (!autoplay) cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT);
1093 }
1095 extern Fl_Menu_Item menu[];
1096 extern Fl_Menu_Item busymenu[];
handle(int e)1098 int Board::handle(int e) {
1099   if (busy) {
1100     const Fl_Menu_Item* m;
1101     switch(e) {
1102     case FL_PUSH:
1103       m = busymenu->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y(), 0, 0, 0);
1104       if (m) m->do_callback(this, (void*)m);
1105       return 1;
1106     case FL_SHORTCUT:
1107       m = busymenu->test_shortcut();
1108       if (m) {m->do_callback(this, (void*)m); return 1;}
1109       return 0;
1110     default:
1111       return 0;
1112     }
1113   }
1114   node *t, *n;
1115   static int deltax, deltay;
1116   int dist;
1117   const Fl_Menu_Item* m;
1118   switch (e) {
1119   case FL_PUSH:
1120     if (Fl::event_button() > 1) {
1121       m = menu->popup(Fl::event_x(), Fl::event_y(), 0, 0, 0);
1122       if (m) m->do_callback(this, (void*)m);
1123       return 1;
1124     }
1125     if (playing) {
1126       expandnode(root);
1127       for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) {
1128 	int x = squarex(t->from);
1129 	int y = squarey(t->from);
1130 	if (Fl::event_inside(x,y,BOXSIZE,BOXSIZE)) {
1131 	  deltax = Fl::event_x()-x;
1132 	  deltay = Fl::event_y()-y;
1133 	  drag_piece(t->from,x,y);
1134 	  return 1;
1135 	}
1136       }
1137     }
1138     return 0;
1139   case FL_SHORTCUT:
1140     m = menu->test_shortcut();
1141     if (m) {m->do_callback(this, (void*)m); return 1;}
1142     return 0;
1143   case FL_DRAG:
1144     drag_piece(erase_this, Fl::event_x()-deltax, Fl::event_y()-deltay);
1145     return 1;
1146   case FL_RELEASE:
1147     // find the closest legal move he dropped it on:
1148     dist = 50*50; n = 0;
1149     for (t = root->son; t; t = t->brother) if (t->from==erase_this) {
1150       int d1 = Fl::event_x()-deltax-squarex(t->to);
1151       int d = d1*d1;
1152       d1 = Fl::event_y()-deltay-squarey(t->to);
1153       d += d1*d1;
1154       if (d < dist) {dist = d; n = t;}
1155     }
1156     if (!n) {drop_piece(erase_this); return 1;} // none found
1157     drop_piece(n->to);
1158     domove(n);
1159     if (showlegal) {showlegal = 0; redraw();}
1160     if (n->jump) redraw();
1161     computer_move(0);
1162     return 1;
1163   default:
1164     return 0;
1165   }
1166 }
quit_cb(Fl_Widget *,void *)1168 void quit_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {exit(0);}
FLTKmain(int argc,char ** argv)1170 int FLTKmain(int argc, char** argv) {
1171   Fl::visual(FL_DOUBLE|FL_INDEX);
1173   b.color(FL_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
1174   b.callback(quit_cb);
1175   b.show(argc,argv);
1176   return Fl::run();
1177 }
autoplay_cb(Fl_Widget * bp,void *)1179 void autoplay_cb(Fl_Widget*bp, void*) {
1180   if (autoplay) {autoplay = 0; return;}
1181   if (!playing) return;
1182   Board* b = (Board*)bp;
1183   autoplay = 1;
1184   while (autoplay) {b->computer_move(0); b->computer_move(0);}
1185 }
1187 #include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
1188 Fl_Window *copyright_window;
copyright_cb(Fl_Widget *,void *)1189 void copyright_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {
1190   if (!copyright_window) {
1191     copyright_window = new Fl_Window(400,270,"Copyright");
1192     copyright_window->color(FL_WHITE);
1193     Fl_Box *b = new Fl_Box(20,0,380,270,copyright);
1194     b->labelsize(10);
1196     copyright_window->end();
1197   }
1198   copyright_window->hotspot(copyright_window);
1199   copyright_window->set_non_modal();
1200   copyright_window->show();
1201 }
debug_cb(Fl_Widget *,void * v)1203 void debug_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*v) {
1204   debug = !debug;
1205   ((Fl_Menu_Item*)v)->flags =
1207 }
forced_cb(Fl_Widget * b,void * v)1209 void forced_cb(Fl_Widget*b, void*v) {
1210   forcejumps = !forcejumps;
1211   ((Fl_Menu_Item*)v)->flags =
1213   killnode(root->son); root->son = 0;
1214   if (showlegal) {expandnode(root); b->redraw();}
1215 }
move_cb(Fl_Widget * pb,void *)1217 void move_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) {
1218   Board* b = (Board*)pb;
1219   if (playing) b->computer_move(1);
1220   if (playing) b->computer_move(0);
1221 }
newgame_cb(Fl_Widget * b,void *)1223 void newgame_cb(Fl_Widget*b, void*) {
1224   showlegal = 0;
1225   newgame();
1226   b->redraw();
1227 }
legal_cb(Fl_Widget * pb,void *)1229 void legal_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) {
1230   if (showlegal == 1) {showlegal = 0; ((Board*)pb)->redraw(); return;}
1231   if (!playing) return;
1232   expandnode(root);
1233   showlegal = 1; ((Board*)pb)->redraw();
1234 }
predict_cb(Fl_Widget * pb,void *)1236 void predict_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) {
1237   if (showlegal == 2) {showlegal = 0; ((Board*)pb)->redraw(); return;}
1238   if (playing) expandnode(root);
1239   showlegal = 2; ((Board*)pb)->redraw();
1240 }
switch_cb(Fl_Widget * pb,void *)1242 void switch_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) {
1243   user = !user;
1244   ((Board*)pb)->computer_move(0);
1245 }
undo_cb(Fl_Widget * pb,void *)1247 void undo_cb(Fl_Widget*pb, void*) {
1248   Board* b = (Board*)pb;
1249   b->animate(undomove(),1);
1250   b->animate(undomove(),1);
1251 }
1253 //--------------------------
1255 #include <FL/Fl_Slider.H>
1256 #include <FL/Fl_Value_Output.H>
1258 Fl_Window *intel_window;
1259 Fl_Value_Output *intel_output;
intel_slider_cb(Fl_Widget * w,void *)1261 void intel_slider_cb(Fl_Widget*w, void*) {
1262   double v = ((Fl_Slider*)w)->value();
1263   int n = int(v*v);
1264   intel_output->value(n);
1265   maxevaluate = maxnodes = n;
1266 }
intel_cb(Fl_Widget *,void *)1268 void intel_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {
1269   if (!intel_window) {
1270     intel_window = new Fl_Window(200,25,"Checkers Intelligence");
1271     Fl_Slider* s = new Fl_Slider(60,0,140,25);
1272     s->type(FL_HOR_NICE_SLIDER);
1273     s->minimum(1); s->maximum(500); s->value(50);
1274     s->callback(intel_slider_cb);
1275     intel_output = new Fl_Value_Output(0,0,60,25);
1276     intel_output->value(maxevaluate);
1277     intel_window->resizable(s);
1278   }
1279   intel_window->hotspot(intel_window);
1280   intel_window->set_non_modal();
1281   intel_window->show();
1282 }
1284 //---------------------------
stop_cb(Fl_Widget *,void *)1286 void stop_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {abortflag = 1;}
continue_cb(Fl_Widget *,void *)1288 void continue_cb(Fl_Widget*, void*) {}
1290 Fl_Menu_Item menu[] = {
1291   {"Autoplay", 'a', autoplay_cb},
1292   {"Legal moves", 'l', legal_cb},
1293   {"Move for me", 'm', move_cb},
1294   {"New game", 'n', newgame_cb},
1295   {"Predict", 'p', predict_cb},
1296   {"Switch sides", 's', switch_cb},
1297   {"Undo", 'u', undo_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER},
1298   {"Forced jumps rule", 'f', forced_cb, 0, FL_MENU_TOGGLE|FL_MENU_VALUE},
1299   {"Debug", 'd', debug_cb, (void *)"d", FL_MENU_TOGGLE},
1300   {"Intelligence...", 'i', intel_cb, 0, FL_MENU_DIVIDER},
1301   {"Copyright", 'c', copyright_cb},
1302   {"Quit", 'q', quit_cb},
1303   {0}};
1305 Fl_Menu_Item busymenu[] = {
1306   {"Stop", '.', stop_cb},
1307   {"Autoplay", 'a', autoplay_cb},
1308   {"Continue", 0, continue_cb},
1309   {"Debug", 'd', debug_cb, (void *)"d", FL_MENU_TOGGLE},
1310   {"Intelligence...", 'i', intel_cb},
1311   {"Copyright", 'c', copyright_cb},
1312   {"Quit", 'q', quit_cb},
1313   {0}};
1315 #endif
1317 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1318 // parts shared by both interface:
1320 #ifdef FLTK
1321 #ifdef VT100
1322 #define BOTH
1323 #endif
1324 #endif
1326 #ifdef BOTH
1327 int terminal;
arg(int,char ** argv,int & i)1328 int arg(int, char **argv, int &i) {
1329   if (argv[i][1] == 't') {terminal = 1; i++; return 1;}
1330   return 0;
1331 }
1332 #endif
didabort(void)1334 int didabort(void) {
1335 #ifdef FLTK
1336 #ifdef BOTH
1337   if (!terminal)
1338 #endif
1339     Fl::check();
1340 #endif
1341   if (abortflag) {
1342     autoplay = 0;
1343     abortflag = 0;
1344     return 1;
1345   }
1346   return(0);
1347 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)1349 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
1350   seed = time(0);
1351   newgame();
1352 #ifdef BOTH
1353   int i = 1;
1354   if (Fl::args(argc, argv, i, arg) < argc) {
1355     fprintf(stderr," -t : use VT100 display\n", Fl::help);
1356     exit(1);
1357   }
1358   if (!getenv("DISPLAY")) terminal = 1;
1359   if (!terminal)
1360 #endif
1361 #ifdef FLTK
1362     return FLTKmain(argc,argv);
1363 #endif
1364 #ifdef VT100
1365   return VT100main();
1366 #endif
1367 }
1369 //
1370 // End of "$Id: checkers.cxx 8168 2011-01-02 03:55:23Z matt $".
1371 //