1 /* $XConsortium: Grid.c /main/5 1995/07/15 20:40:45 drk $ */
2 /*
3  * Motif
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 1987-2012, The Open Group. All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * These libraries and programs are free software; you can
8  * redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU
9  * Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
10  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
11  * any later version.
12  *
13  * These libraries and programs are distributed in the hope that
14  * they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
16  * PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
17  * details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20  * License along with these librararies and programs; if not, write
21  * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
22  * Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
23  */
24 /*
26  */
27 /********************************** WARNING **********************************
28  *
29  * ExmGrid is a demonstration widget.  OSF provides this widget
30  * solely to teach programmers how to write their own Motif widgets.
31  * OSF does not support this widget in any way
32  *********************************** WARNING *********************************/
35 /******************************************************************************
36  *
37  * Grid.c - ExmGrid widget.  This widget manages its children as an MxN matrix.
38  *          The ExmGrid widget demonstrates how to
39  *             * create a relatively easy Motif manager widget.
40  *             * install and use the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait.
41  *             * install and use the XmQTdialogShellSavvy trait.
42  *          See the "OSF/Motif Widget Writer's Guide" for details.
43  *
44 ******************************************************************************/
46 /* Include appropriate header files. */
47 #include <Exm/GridP.h>  /* private header file for the ExmGrid widget */
48 #include <Xm/GadgetP.h> /* for gadget management functions */
49 #include <Xm/TraitP.h>  /* for trait access functions */
50 #include <Xm/DialogSavvyT.h> /* for XmQTdialogSavvy trait */
51 #include <Xm/SpecRenderT.h> /* for XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait */
54 /* Define macros. */
55 #define Max(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
56 #define WARNING_TOO_MANY_ROWS "Too many rows specified for ExmGrid.\n"
57 #define WARNING_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS "Too many columns specified for ExmGrid.\n"
60 /* Declare static functions. */
61 static void GetDialogTitle(
62                         Widget bb,
63                         int resource,
64                         XtArgVal *value) ;
65 static void ClassPartInitialize(
66                         WidgetClass widgetClass);
67 static void Initialize(
68                         Widget request_w,
69                         Widget new_w,
70                         ArgList args,
71                         Cardinal *num_args );
72 static void Destroy(
73                         Widget wid) ;
74 static void Resize (
75                         Widget w );
76 static void Redisplay (
77                         Widget w,
78                         XEvent *event,
79                         Region region);
80 static Boolean SetValues (
81                         Widget old_w,
82                         Widget request_w,
83                         Widget new_w,
84                         ArgList args,
85                         Cardinal *num_args );
86 static void SetValuesAlmost(
87                         Widget cw,
88                         Widget nw,
89                         XtWidgetGeometry *request,
90                         XtWidgetGeometry *reply) ;
91 static XtGeometryResult QueryGeometry (
92                         Widget w,
93                         XtWidgetGeometry *request,
94                         XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
95 static XtGeometryResult GeometryManager (
96                         Widget w,
97                         XtWidgetGeometry *request,
98                         XtWidgetGeometry *reply);
99 static void ChangeManaged (
100                         Widget w);
101 static Boolean ConstraintSetValues (
102                         Widget cw,
103                         Widget rw,
104                         Widget nw,
105                         ArgList args,
106                         Cardinal *num_args);
107 static void Layout (
108                         Widget wid,
109                         Widget instigator);
110 static void CalcSize (
111                         Widget wid,
112                         Widget instigator,
113                         Dimension *gridWidth,
114                         Dimension *gridHeight);
115 static Boolean NeedRelayout (
116                         Widget new,
117                         Widget cur);
118 static void CallMapUnmap(Widget wid,
119 			 Boolean map_unmap) ;
120 static XmRenderTable GetTable(Widget wid,
121 			   XtEnum type);
124 /* No translations and no actions. */
127 /* Define the resources for the ExmGrid widget. */
128 static XtResource resources[] =
129 {
130     {
131 	XmNrows,
132 	XmCRows,
133 	XmRShort,
134 	sizeof (short),
135 	XtOffsetOf( ExmGridRec, grid.rows),
136 	XmRImmediate,
137         (XtPointer) 4
138     },
139     {
140 	XmNcolumns,
141 	XmCColumns,
142 	XmRShort,
143 	sizeof (short),
144 	XtOffsetOf( ExmGridRec, grid.columns),
145 	XmRImmediate,
146         (XtPointer) 4
147     },
148     {
149 	XmNmarginWidth,
150 	XmCMarginWidth,
151 	XmRHorizontalDimension,
152 	sizeof (Dimension),
153 	XtOffsetOf( ExmGridRec, grid.margin_width),
154 	XmRImmediate,
155         (XtPointer) 10
156     },
157     {
158 	XmNmarginHeight,
159 	XmCMarginHeight,
160 	XmRVerticalDimension,
161 	sizeof (Dimension),
162 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.margin_height),
163 	XmRImmediate,
164         (XtPointer) 10
165     },
166     {
167 	XmNmapCallback,
168 	XmCCallback,
169 	XmRCallback,
170 	sizeof (XtCallbackList),
171 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.map_callback),
172 	XmRImmediate,
173 	(XtPointer) NULL
174     },
175     {
176 	XmNunmapCallback,
177 	XmCCallback,
178 	XmRCallback,
179 	sizeof (XtCallbackList),
180 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.unmap_callback),
181 	XmRImmediate,
182 	(XtPointer) NULL
183     },
184     {
185 	XmNdefaultPosition,
186 	XmCDefaultPosition,
187 	XmRBoolean, sizeof (Boolean),
188 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.default_position),
189 	XmRImmediate,
190 	(XtPointer) True
191     },
192     {
193 	XmNbuttonRenderTable,
194 	XmCButtonRenderTable,
195 	XmRButtonRenderTable,
196 	sizeof (XmRenderTable),
197 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.button_render_table),
198 	XmRCallProc, (XtPointer) NULL
199     },
200     {
201 	XmNlabelRenderTable,
202 	XmCLabelRenderTable,
203 	XmRLabelRenderTable,
204 	sizeof (XmRenderTable),
205 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.label_render_table),
206 	XmRCallProc, (XtPointer) NULL
207     },
208     {
209 	XmNtextRenderTable,
210 	XmCTextRenderTable,
211 	XmRTextRenderTable,
212 	sizeof (XmRenderTable),
213 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.text_render_table),
214 	XmRCallProc, (XtPointer) NULL
215     },
216     {
217 	XmNdialogTitle,
218 	XmCDialogTitle,
219 	XmRXmString,
220 	sizeof (XmString),
221 	XtOffsetOf(ExmGridRec, grid.dialog_title),
222 	XmRImmediate, (XtPointer) NULL
223     },
225 };
227 /* Three of the preceding resources will be handled as synthetic
228    resources. */
229 static XmSyntheticResource syn_resources[] =
230 {
231     {
232 	XmNmarginWidth,
233 	sizeof (Dimension),
234 	XtOffsetOf( ExmGridRec, grid.margin_width),
235 	XmeFromHorizontalPixels,
236 	XmeToHorizontalPixels
237     },
238     {
239 	XmNmarginHeight,
240 	sizeof (Dimension),
241 	XtOffsetOf( ExmGridRec, grid.margin_height),
242 	XmeFromVerticalPixels,
243 	XmeToVerticalPixels
244     },
245     {
246 	XmNdialogTitle,
247 	sizeof (XmString),
248 	XtOffsetOf( ExmGridRec, grid.dialog_title),
249 	GetDialogTitle,
250 	NULL
251      }
252 };
255 /* Define the two constraints of ExmGrid. */
256 static XtResource constraints[] =
257 {
258     {
259         ExmNgridMarginWidthWithinCell,
260         ExmCGridMarginWidthWithinCell,
261         XmRHorizontalDimension,
262         sizeof (Dimension),
263         XtOffsetOf( ExmGridConstraintRec, grid.grid_margin_width_within_cell),
264         XmRImmediate,
265         (XtPointer) 0
266     },
267     {
268         ExmNgridMarginHeightWithinCell,
269         ExmCGridMarginHeightWithinCell,
270         XmRVerticalDimension,
271         sizeof (Dimension),
272         XtOffsetOf( ExmGridConstraintRec, grid.grid_margin_height_within_cell),
273         XmRImmediate,
274         (XtPointer) 0
275     },
276 };
279 /* Both of the preceding constraints will be handled as synthetic
280    constraints. */
281 static XmSyntheticResource syn_constraints[] =
282 {
283     {
284         ExmNgridMarginWidthWithinCell,
285         sizeof (Dimension),
286         XtOffsetOf( ExmGridConstraintRec, grid.grid_margin_width_within_cell),
287         XmeFromHorizontalPixels,
288         XmeToHorizontalPixels
289     },
290     {
291         ExmNgridMarginHeightWithinCell,
292         sizeof (Dimension),
293         XtOffsetOf( ExmGridConstraintRec, grid.grid_margin_height_within_cell),
294         XmeFromVerticalPixels,
295         XmeToVerticalPixels
296     },
297 };
301 /* Define the widget class record.  See Chapter 4 of the
302    "OSF/Motif Widget Writer's Guide" for details. */
303 externaldef(exmgridclassrec) ExmGridClassRec exmGridClassRec =
304 {
305   { /* Here is the Core class record. */
306     /* superclass */                 (WidgetClass) &xmManagerClassRec,
307     /* class_name */                 "ExmGrid",
308     /* widget_size */                sizeof(ExmGridRec),
309     /* class_initialize */           NULL,
310     /* class_part_initialize */      ClassPartInitialize,
311     /* class_inited */               FALSE,
312     /* initialize */                 Initialize,
313     /* initialize_hook */            NULL,
314     /* realize */                    XtInheritRealize,
315     /* actions */                    NULL,
316     /* num_actions */                0,
317     /* resources */                  resources,
318     /* num_resources */              XtNumber(resources),
319     /* xrm_class */                  NULLQUARK,
320     /* compress_motion */            TRUE,
321     /* compress_exposure */          XtExposeCompressMaximal,
322     /* compress_enterleave */        TRUE,
323     /* visible_interest */           FALSE,
324     /* destroy */                    Destroy,
325     /* resize */                     Resize,
326     /* expose */                     Redisplay,
327     /* set_values */                 SetValues,
328     /* set_values_hook */            NULL,
329     /* set_values_almost */          SetValuesAlmost,
330     /* get_values_hook */            NULL,
331     /* accept_focus */               NULL,
332     /* version */                    XtVersion,
333     /* callback_private */           NULL,
334     /* tm_table */                   XtInheritTranslations,
335     /* query_geometry */             QueryGeometry,
336     /* display_accelerator */        NULL,
337     /* extension */                  NULL,
338   },
339   { /* Here is the Composite class record. */
340     /* geometry_manager */           GeometryManager,
341     /* change_managed */             ChangeManaged,
342     /* insert_child */               XtInheritInsertChild,
343     /* delete_child */               XtInheritDeleteChild,
344     /* extension */                  NULL,
345   },
346   { /* Here is the Constaint class record. */
347     /* constraint_resources */       constraints,
348     /* constraint_num_resources */   XtNumber(constraints),
349     /* constraint_size */            sizeof(ExmGridConstraintRec),
350     /* constraint_initialize */      NULL,
351     /* constraint_destroy */         NULL,
352     /* constraint_set_values */      ConstraintSetValues,
353     /* extension */                  NULL,
354   },
355   { /* Here is the XmManager class record. */
356     /* translations */               XtInheritTranslations,
357     /* syn_resources */              syn_resources,
358     /* num_syn_resources */          XtNumber(syn_resources),
359     /* syn_constraint_resources */   syn_constraints,
360     /* num_syn_constraint_resources */ XtNumber(syn_constraints),
361     /* parent_process */             XmInheritParentProcess,
362     /* extension */                  NULL,
363   },
364   { /* Here is the ExmGrid class record. */
365     /* layout */                     Layout,
366     /* calc_size */                  CalcSize,
367     /* need_relayout */              NeedRelayout,
368     /* extension */                  NULL,
369   }
370 };
372 /* Establish the widget class name as an externally accessible symbol.
373    Use the "externaldef" macro rather than the "extern" keyword. */
374 externaldef(exmgridwidgetclass) WidgetClass exmGridWidgetClass =
375     (WidgetClass) &exmGridClassRec;
378              /* Define trait record variables. */
380 /* Here is the trait record variable for the XmQTdialogSavvy trait. */
381 static XmConst XmDialogSavvyTraitRec gridDST = {
382   0,            /* version */
383   CallMapUnmap, /* trait method */
384 };
387 /* Here is the trait record variable for the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait. */
388 static XmConst XmSpecRenderTraitRec gridSRTT = {
389   0,		/* version */
390   GetTable,     /* trait method */
391 };
394 /****************************************************************************
395  *
396  *  GetDialogTitle
397  *      Copy the XmString in XmNdialogTitle before returning it to the user.
398  *
399  ****************************************************************************/
400 static void
GetDialogTitle(Widget wid,int resource,XtArgVal * value)401 GetDialogTitle(
402         Widget wid,
403         int resource,
404         XtArgVal *value)
405 {
406    *value = (XtArgVal)XmStringCopy(((ExmGridWidget) wid)->grid.dialog_title);
407 }
410 /****************************************************************************
411  *
412  *  ClassPartInitialize:
413  *      Called when this widget or a subclass of this widget is instantiated.
414  *
415  ****************************************************************************/
416 static void
ClassPartInitialize(WidgetClass widgetClass)417 ClassPartInitialize (
418         WidgetClass widgetClass
419                     )
420 {
421  ExmGridWidgetClass wc = (ExmGridWidgetClass)widgetClass;
422  ExmGridWidgetClass sc = (ExmGridWidgetClass)wc->core_class.superclass;
424   /* The following code allows subclasses of ExmGrid to inherit three of
425      ExmGrid's methods. */
426     if (wc->grid_class.layout == ExmInheritLayout)
427 	wc->grid_class.layout = sc->grid_class.layout;
428     if (wc->grid_class.calc_size == ExmInheritCalcSize)
429 	wc->grid_class.calc_size = sc->grid_class.calc_size;
430     if (wc->grid_class.need_relayout == ExmInheritNeedRelayout)
431 	wc->grid_class.need_relayout = sc->grid_class.need_relayout;
433   /* Install the XmQTdialogShellSavyy trait on this class and on
434      all its future subclasses. */
435     XmeTraitSet(widgetClass, XmQTdialogShellSavvy, (XtPointer) &gridDST);
437   /* Install the XmQTspecifyRenderTable trait on this class and on
438      all its future subclasses. */
439     XmeTraitSet(widgetClass, XmQTspecifyRenderTable, (XtPointer) &gridSRTT);
440 }
443 /**************************************************************************
444  *
445  *  Initialize:
446  *      Called when this widget is first instantiated.
447  *
448  ***************************************************************************/
449 static void
Initialize(Widget request_w,Widget new_w,ArgList args,Cardinal * num_args)450 Initialize (
451         Widget request_w,
452         Widget new_w,
453         ArgList args,
454         Cardinal *num_args
455            )
456 {
457  ExmGridWidget rw = (ExmGridWidget)request_w;
458  ExmGridWidget nw = (ExmGridWidget)new_w;
460   /* Initialize one of the internal fields of the ExmGrid widget. */
461     nw->grid.processing_constraints = False;
463   /* Ensure that user doesn't specify too many rows. */
464     if (rw->grid.rows > EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROWS) {
465       XmeWarning((Widget)rw, WARNING_TOO_MANY_ROWS);
466       nw->grid.rows = EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROWS;
467     }
469   /* Ensure that user doesn't specify too many columns. */
470     if (rw->grid.columns > EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS) {
471       XmeWarning((Widget)rw, WARNING_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS);
472       nw->grid.columns = EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS;
473     }
475   /* Copy in the dialog title XmString and update our shell */
476     if (nw->grid.dialog_title) {
477       nw->grid.dialog_title = XmStringCopy(rw->grid.dialog_title) ;
478       XmeSetWMShellTitle(nw->grid.dialog_title, XtParent(new_w)) ;
479     }
480 }
483 /****************************************************************************
484  *
485  *  Destroy:
486  *      Called when the widget is destroyed.
487  *
488  ****************************************************************************/
489 static void
Destroy(Widget wid)490 Destroy(
491         Widget wid )
492 {
493  ExmGridWidget grid = (ExmGridWidget)wid;
495   /* Deallocate the dynamic memory that holds the dialog_title. */
496     XmStringFree(grid->grid.dialog_title) ;
497 }
500 /****************************************************************************
501  *
502  *  Resize:
503  *
504  ****************************************************************************/
505 static void
Resize(Widget w)506 Resize (
507         Widget w
508        )
509 {
510  ExmGridWidgetClass gwc = (ExmGridWidgetClass) XtClass(w);
512   /* Configure the children by calling Layout. */
513     if (gwc->grid_class.layout)
514       (*(gwc->grid_class.layout))(w, NULL);
515     else
516       Layout (w, NULL);
517 }
522 /****************************************************************************
523  *
524  *  Redisplay:
525  *      Called by the Intrinsics in response to an exposure event.
526  *
527  ***************************************************************************/
528 static void
Redisplay(Widget w,XEvent * event,Region region)529 Redisplay (
530         Widget w,
531         XEvent *event,
532         Region region
533           )
534 {
535   /* Pass exposure event down to gadget children. */
536     XmeRedisplayGadgets (w, event, region);
537 }
541 /*****************************************************************************
542  *
543  *  SetValues:
544  *      Called by the Intrinsics whenever any of the resource values change.
545  *
546  ****************************************************************************/
547 static Boolean
SetValues(Widget old_w,Widget request_w,Widget new_w,ArgList args,Cardinal * num_args)548 SetValues (
549         Widget old_w,
550         Widget request_w,
551         Widget new_w,
552         ArgList args,
553         Cardinal *num_args
554           )
555 {
556  ExmGridWidget cw = (ExmGridWidget)old_w;
557  ExmGridWidget rw = (ExmGridWidget)request_w;
558  ExmGridWidget nw = (ExmGridWidget)new_w;
559  Boolean redisplay = False;
560  Boolean need_relayout;
561  ExmGridWidgetClass gwc = (ExmGridWidgetClass) XtClass(new_w);
563   /* Ensure that user doesn't specify too many rows. */
564     if (rw->grid.rows > EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROWS) {
565       XmeWarning((Widget)rw, WARNING_TOO_MANY_ROWS);
566       nw->grid.rows = EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_ROWS;
567     }
569   /* Ensure that user doesn't specify too many rows. */
570     if (rw->grid.columns > EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS) {
571       XmeWarning((Widget)rw, WARNING_TOO_MANY_COLUMNS);
572       nw->grid.columns = EXM_GRID_MAX_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS;
573     }
575   /* See if any class or subclass resources have changed. */
576     if (gwc->grid_class.need_relayout)
577       need_relayout = (*(gwc->grid_class.need_relayout))(old_w, new_w);
578     else
579       need_relayout = NeedRelayout (old_w, new_w);
581   /* If any geometry resources changed and a new size wasn't specified,
582      recalculate a new ideal size. */
583     if (need_relayout) {
584       /* Reset the widget size so that CalcSize can affect them. */
585 	if (nw->core.width == cw->core.width)
586           nw->core.width = 0;
587 	if (nw->core.height == cw->core.height)
588           nw->core.height = 0;
590       /* Call CalcSize. */
591         if (gwc->grid_class.calc_size)
592           (*(gwc->grid_class.calc_size))(new_w, NULL,
593                                          &nw->core.width, &nw->core.height);
594         else
595           CalcSize (new_w, NULL, &nw->core.width, &nw->core.height);
598       /* If the geometry resources have changed but the size hasn't,
599 	 we need to relayout manually, because Xt won't generate a
600 	 Resize at this point. */
601 	if ((nw->core.width == cw->core.width) &&
602           (nw->core.height == cw->core.height)) {
604          /* Call Layout to configure the children. */
605            if (gwc->grid_class.layout)
606              (*(gwc->grid_class.layout))(new_w, NULL);
607            else
608              Layout(new_w, NULL);
609            redisplay = True ;
610 	}
611     }
613  /* ExmGrid installs the XmQTdialogShellSavvy trait.  Therefore, ExmGrid
614     has to process the Xm_DIALOG_SAVVY_FORCE_ORIGIN case, which is as
615     follows.  A DialogShell always mimics the child position on itself.
616     That is, the "current" position of an ExmGrid within a DialogShell is
617     always 0.  Therefore, if an application tries to set ExmGrid's x or
618     y position to 0, the Intrinsics will not detect a position change and
619     wll not trigger a geometry request.  ExmGrid has to detect this special
620     request and set core.x and core.y to the special value,
622     tells DialogShell that ExmGrid really does want to move to an x or y
623     position of 0. */
625    if (XmIsDialogShell(XtParent(new_w)))  {   /* Is parent a DialogShell? */
626      Cardinal i ;
628     /* We have to look in the arglist since old_w->core.x is always 0, and
629        if new_w->core.x is also set to 0, we see no change. */
630       for (i=0; i<*num_args; i++) {
631          if (strcmp (args[i].name, XmNx) == 0) {
632 	   if ((args[i].value == 0) && (new_w->core.x == 0))
633              new_w->core.x = XmDIALOG_SAVVY_FORCE_ORIGIN;
634 	 }
635 	 if (strcmp (args[i].name, XmNy) == 0) {
636            if ((args[i].value == 0) && (new_w->core.y == 0))
637              new_w->core.y = XmDIALOG_SAVVY_FORCE_ORIGIN;
638          }
639       } /* end for */
640    } /* end of if */
642    /* Update wm shell title if it has changed */
643    if(nw->grid.dialog_title != cw->grid.dialog_title ) {
644         XmStringFree(cw->grid.dialog_title) ;
645         nw->grid.dialog_title = XmStringCopy(rw->grid.dialog_title) ;
646         XmeSetWMShellTitle(nw->grid.dialog_title, XtParent(new_w)) ;
647    }
649    return (redisplay);
650 }
654 /*************************************************************************
655  *
656  *  SetValuesAlmost:
657  *       Called by the Intrinsics when an XtMakeGeometryRequest call
658  *       returns either XmGeometryAlmost or XtGeometryNo.
659  *
660  ***************************************************************************/
661 static void
SetValuesAlmost(Widget cw,Widget nw,XtWidgetGeometry * request,XtWidgetGeometry * reply)662 SetValuesAlmost(
663         Widget cw,		/* unused */
664         Widget nw,
665         XtWidgetGeometry *request,
666         XtWidgetGeometry *reply )
667 {
668  ExmGridWidgetClass gwc = (ExmGridWidgetClass) XtClass(nw);
670   /* ExmGrid's parent said XtGeometryNo to ExmGrid's geometry request.
671      Therefore, we need to relayout because this request
672      was due to a change in internal geometry resource of the ExmGrid */
673     if (!reply->request_mode) {
674 	if (gwc->grid_class.layout)
675 	    (*(gwc->grid_class.layout))(nw, NULL);
676 	else
677 	    Layout(nw, NULL);
678     }
680     *request = *reply;
681 }
684 /*************************************************************************
685  *
686  *  QueryGeometry:
687  *       Called by a parent of Grid when the parent needs to find out Grid's
688  *       preferred size.  QueryGeometry calls CalcSize to do find the
689  *       preferred size.
690  *
691  ***************************************************************************/
692 static XtGeometryResult
QueryGeometry(Widget w,XtWidgetGeometry * request,XtWidgetGeometry * reply)693 QueryGeometry (
694         Widget w,
695         XtWidgetGeometry *request,
696         XtWidgetGeometry *reply
697               )
698 {
699  ExmGridWidgetClass gwc = (ExmGridWidgetClass) XtClass(w);
701   /* If ExmGrid's parent calls XtQueryGeometry before ExmGrid has been
702      realized, use the current size of ExmGrid as the preferred size. */
703   /* Deal with user initial size setting */
704     if (!XtIsRealized(w))  {  /* Widget is not yet realized. */
705 	reply->width = XtWidth(w) ;    /* might be 0 */
706 	reply->height = XtHeight(w) ;  /* might be 0 */
707     } else {	    /* Widget is realized. */
708 	/* always computes natural size afterwards */
709 	reply->width = 0;
710 	reply->height = 0;
711     }
713   /* Call CalcSize to figure out what the preferred size really is. */
714     if (gwc->grid_class.calc_size)
715       (*(gwc->grid_class.calc_size))(w, NULL, &reply->width, &reply->height);
716     else
717       CalcSize (w, NULL, &reply->width, &reply->height);
719   /* This function handles CWidth and CHeight */
720     return XmeReplyToQueryGeometry(w, request, reply) ;
721 }
724 /****************************************************************************
725  *
726  *  GeometryManager:
727  *       Called by Intrinsics in response to a geometry change request from
728  *       one of the children of ExmGrid.
729  *
730  ***************************************************************************/
731 static XtGeometryResult
GeometryManager(Widget w,XtWidgetGeometry * request,XtWidgetGeometry * reply)732 GeometryManager (
733         Widget w,  /* instigator */
734         XtWidgetGeometry *request,
735         XtWidgetGeometry *reply
736                 )
737 {
738  ExmGridWidget gw = (ExmGridWidget) XtParent(w);
739  XtWidgetGeometry parentRequest;
740  XtGeometryResult result;
741  Dimension curWidth, curHeight, curBW;
742  ExmGridWidgetClass gwc = (ExmGridWidgetClass) XtClass((Widget)gw);
744   /* If the request was caused by ConstraintSetValues reset the flag */
745     if (gw->grid.processing_constraints) {
746       gw->grid.processing_constraints = False;
747 	/* The ConstraintSetValues added one to border_width;
748 	   This is the Xt trick used to fire the GM when a non core
749 	   geometry resource (like a constraint) changes.
750 	   now take it away. */
751 	request->border_width -= 1;
752     }
754   /* Save the original child resources. */
755     curWidth = w->core.width;
756     curHeight = w->core.height;
757     curBW = w->core.border_width;
759   /* Deny any requests for a new position. */
760     if ((request->request_mode & CWX) || (request->request_mode & CWY))
761 	return XtGeometryNo ;
763    if (request->request_mode & CWWidth)
764      w->core.width = request->width;
765    if (request->request_mode & CWHeight)
766      w->core.height = request->height;
767    if (request->request_mode & CWBorderWidth)
768      w->core.border_width = request->border_width;
770   /* Calculate a new ideal size based on these requests. */
771   /* Setting width and height to 0 tells CalcSize to override these
772      fields with the calculated width and height. */
773     parentRequest.width = 0;
774     parentRequest.height = 0;
775     if (gwc->grid_class.calc_size)
776 	(*(gwc->grid_class.calc_size))((Widget)gw, w,
777 				       &parentRequest.width,
778 				       &parentRequest.height);
779     else
780 	CalcSize ((Widget)gw, w, &parentRequest.width, &parentRequest.height);
783   /* Ask the Grid's parent if new calculated size is acceptable. */
784     parentRequest.request_mode = CWWidth | CWHeight;
785     if (request->request_mode & XtCWQueryOnly)
786 	parentRequest.request_mode |= XtCWQueryOnly;
787     result = XtMakeGeometryRequest ((Widget)gw, &parentRequest, NULL);
789   /*  Turn XtGeometryAlmost into XtGeometryNo. */
790     if (result == XtGeometryAlmost)
791       result = XtGeometryNo;
793     if (result == XtGeometryNo ||
794 	request->request_mode & XtCWQueryOnly) {
795 	/* Restore original geometry. */
796 	w->core.width = curWidth;
797 	w->core.height = curHeight;
798 	w->core.border_width = curBW;
799    } else {
800        /* result == XtGeometryYes and this wasn't just a query */
801        if (gwc->grid_class.layout)
802 	   (*(gwc->grid_class.layout))((Widget)gw, w);
803        else
804 	   Layout ((Widget)gw, w); /* Layout with this child as the instigator,
805 			              so that we don't resize this child. */
806    }
808    return (result);
809 }
813 /**************************************************************************
814  *
815  *  ChangeManaged:
816  *      Called by the Intrinsics whenever either of the following happens:
817  *           * a managed child becomes unmanaged.
818  *           * an unmanaged child becomes managed.
819  *
820  *************************************************************************/
821 static void
ChangeManaged(Widget w)822 ChangeManaged(
823         Widget w
824              )
825 {
826  Dimension gridWidth, gridHeight;
827  ExmGridWidgetClass gwc = (ExmGridWidgetClass) XtClass(w);
829   /* If you get an initial (C) size from the user or application, keep it.
830      Otherwise, just force width and height to 0 so that CalcSize will
831      overwrite the appropriate fields. */
832     if (!XtIsRealized(w))  {
833 	/* The first time, only attempts to change non specified sizes */
834 	gridWidth = XtWidth(w) ;   /* might be 0 */
835 	gridHeight = XtHeight(w) ; /* might be 0 */
836     } else {
837 	gridWidth = 0 ;
838 	gridHeight = 0 ;
839     }
841   /* Determine the ideal size of Grid. */
842     if (gwc->grid_class.calc_size)
843 	(*(gwc->grid_class.calc_size))(w, NULL, &gridWidth, &gridHeight);
844     else
845 	CalcSize (w, NULL, &gridWidth, &gridHeight);
847  /* Ask parent of Grid if Grid's new size is acceptable.  Keep asking until
848     parent returns either XtGeometryYes or XtGeometryNo. */
849     while (XtMakeResizeRequest (w, gridWidth, gridHeight,
850    		                &gridWidth, &gridHeight) == XtGeometryAlmost);
852     /* Now that we have a size for the Grid, we can layout the children
853        of the grid. */
854     if (gwc->grid_class.layout)
855 	(*(gwc->grid_class.layout))(w, NULL);
856     else
857 	Layout (w, NULL);
859     /* Update keyboard traversal */
860     XmeNavigChangeManaged (w);
861 }
866 /**************************************************************************
867  *
868  *  ConstraintSetValues:
869  *      Called by Intrinsics if there is any change in any of the constraint
870  *      resources.
871  *
872  **************************************************************************/
873 static Boolean
ConstraintSetValues(Widget cw,Widget rw,Widget nw,ArgList args,Cardinal * num_args)874 ConstraintSetValues (
875     Widget cw,
876     Widget rw,
877     Widget nw,
878     ArgList args,
879     Cardinal *num_args
880                     )
881 {
882  ExmGridConstraint nc;
883  ExmGridConstraint cc;
884  ExmGridWidget gw;
886     if (!XtIsRectObj (nw))
887 	return (False);
889     gw = (ExmGridWidget)XtParent(nw);
890     nc = ExmGridCPart(nw);
891     cc = ExmGridCPart(cw);
893     /* Check for change in ExmNgridMarginWidth or ExmNgridMarginHeight */
894     if ((nc->grid_margin_width_within_cell !=
895 	 cc->grid_margin_width_within_cell ||
896 	 nc->grid_margin_height_within_cell !=
897 	 cc->grid_margin_height_within_cell) &&
898 	XtIsManaged (nw)) {
899 	/* Tell the Intrinsics and the GeometryManager method that a
900 	   reconfigure is needed. */
901 	gw->grid.processing_constraints = True;
902      /* A trick: by altering one of the core geometry fields, Xt will
903         call the parent's geometry_manager method. */
904 	nw->core.border_width += 1;
905     }
907     return (False);
908 }
911 /***************************************************************************
912  *
913  *  Layout:
914  *     Does all the placement of children.
915  *     Instigator tells whether or not to resize all children.
916  *
917  *************************************************************************/
918 static void
Layout(Widget wid,Widget instigator)919 Layout (
920         Widget wid,
921         Widget instigator
922        )
923 {
924  ExmGridWidget gw = (ExmGridWidget) wid ;
925  Dimension mw = gw->grid.margin_width;
926  Dimension mh = gw->grid.margin_height;
927  Dimension TotalWidthOfGridWidget  = gw->core.width;
928  Dimension TotalWidthOfGridMargins, TotalHeightOfGridMargins;
929  Dimension TotalHeightOfGridWidget = gw->core.height;
930  Dimension AvailWidthForChildren = 1, AvailHeightForChildren = 1;
931  Dimension WidthAllottedEachChild, HeightAllottedEachChild;
932  int i, row, column;
934     /* Lay out the children that ExmGrid is currently managing.
935        Each child will be placed somewhere on the rowxcolumn grid. */
936     TotalWidthOfGridMargins = 2 * mw;
937     if (TotalWidthOfGridWidget > TotalWidthOfGridMargins)
938 	AvailWidthForChildren = TotalWidthOfGridWidget -
939 	    TotalWidthOfGridMargins;
941     WidthAllottedEachChild = AvailWidthForChildren / gw->grid.columns;
943     TotalHeightOfGridMargins = 2 * mh;
944     if (TotalHeightOfGridWidget > TotalHeightOfGridMargins)
945 	AvailHeightForChildren = TotalHeightOfGridWidget -
946 	    TotalHeightOfGridMargins;
947     HeightAllottedEachChild = AvailHeightForChildren / gw->grid.rows;
949     /* Now that we know how much space is allotted for each child, we
950        can lay them all out. */
951     row = 0;
952     column = 0;
953     for (i = 0; i < gw->composite.num_children; i++) {
954 	Widget ic = gw->composite.children[i];
955 	ExmGridConstraint glc = ExmGridCPart (ic);
956 	Dimension gmw = glc->grid_margin_width_within_cell;
957 	Dimension gmh = glc->grid_margin_height_within_cell;
958 	Position ChildsStartingX, ChildsStartingY;
959 	Dimension ChildsActualWidth, ChildsActualHeight, cb;
961 	if (!XtIsManaged(ic))
962 	    continue;  /* ignored unmanaged children */
964 	cb = ic->core.border_width;
966 	/* Calculate the position and the size of the child.
967 	   During the layout, the children are all resized
968 	   to exactly fit the cell size minus the cell margin */
970 	ChildsActualWidth = WidthAllottedEachChild - (2 * (gmw + cb));
971 	ChildsStartingX = mw + (column * WidthAllottedEachChild) + gmw;
972 	ChildsStartingY = mh + (row * HeightAllottedEachChild) + gmh;
973 	ChildsActualHeight = HeightAllottedEachChild - 2 * (gmh + cb);
975 	/* If layout is instigated by the GeometryManager don't
976 	   configure the requesting child, just set its geometry and
977 	   let Xt configure it.   */
978 	if (ic != instigator) {
979 	    XmeConfigureObject (ic, ChildsStartingX, ChildsStartingY,
980 				ChildsActualWidth, ChildsActualHeight, cb);
981 	}
982 	else {
983 	    ic->core.x = ChildsStartingX;
984 	    ic->core.y = ChildsStartingY;
985 	    ic->core.width = ChildsActualWidth;
986 	    ic->core.height = ChildsActualHeight;
987 	    ic->core.border_width = cb;
988 	}
990 	/* Advance the column counter until we reach the right edge.
991 	   When we reach the right edge, reset the column
992 	   counter back to 0 (left edge) and advance the row counter. */
993 	column += 1;
995 	if (column == gw->grid.columns) {
996 	    column = 0;
997 	    row += 1;
998 	}
999     }
1000 }
1004 /******************************************************************************
1005  *
1006  *  CalcSize:
1007  *     Called by QueryGeometry, SetValues, GeometryManager, and ChangeManaged.
1008  *     Calculate the ideal size of the ExmGrid widget.
1009  *     Only affects the returned size if it is 0.
1010  *
1011  ****************************************************************************/
1012 static void
CalcSize(Widget wid,Widget instigator,Dimension * TotalWidthOfGridWidget,Dimension * TotalHeightOfGridWidget)1013 CalcSize (
1014         Widget wid,
1015         Widget instigator,
1016         Dimension *TotalWidthOfGridWidget,
1017         Dimension *TotalHeightOfGridWidget
1018          )
1019 {
1020  ExmGridWidget gw = (ExmGridWidget) wid ;
1021  Dimension maxWidth = 1;
1022  Dimension maxHeight = 1;
1023  int i;
1025   /* Examine each of Grid's children.  Find the biggest child.  The
1026      ideal size of the Grid will be large enough to accomodate the
1027      largest child. */
1028     for (i = 0; i < gw->composite.num_children; i++) {
1029 	Widget ic = gw->composite.children[i];
1030 	ExmGridConstraint glc = ExmGridCPart (ic);
1031 	Dimension width, height;
1032 	Dimension cw, ch, cb;
1033 	XtWidgetGeometry reply;
1035 	if (!XtIsManaged(ic))
1036             continue ;
1038 	/* Get child's preferred geometry if not the instigator. */
1039         if (ic != instigator) {
1040 	    XtQueryGeometry (ic, NULL, &reply);
1041 	    cw = (reply.request_mode & CWWidth) ? reply.width :
1042 		ic->core.width;
1043 	    ch = (reply.request_mode & CWHeight) ? reply.height :
1044 		ic->core.height;
1045 	} else {
1046 	    cw = ic->core.width;
1047 	    ch = ic->core.height;
1048 	}
1049 	cb = ic->core.border_width;
1051 	width = cw + 2 * (cb + glc->grid_margin_width_within_cell);
1052 	height = ch + 2 * (cb + glc->grid_margin_height_within_cell);
1054 	maxWidth  = Max (width, maxWidth);
1055         maxHeight = Max (height, maxHeight);
1056     }
1059  /* The total width of the grid widget should be set to the width of
1060     the largest child widget times the number of columns. */
1061    if (!*TotalWidthOfGridWidget) {
1062        *TotalWidthOfGridWidget = maxWidth * gw->grid.columns +
1063    			         (2 * (gw->grid.margin_width));
1064    }
1066  /* The total height of the grid widget should be set to the height of
1067     the largest child widget times the number of columns. */
1068    if (!*TotalHeightOfGridWidget) {
1069        *TotalHeightOfGridWidget = maxHeight * gw->grid.rows +
1070    			          (2 * (gw->grid.margin_height));
1071    }
1072 }
1075 /****************************************************************************
1076  *
1077  *  NeedRelayout:
1078  *     Called by SetValues.
1079  *     Returns True if a relayout is needed.
1080  *     based on this class and all superclass resources' changes.
1081  *
1082  ***************************************************************************/
1083 static Boolean
NeedRelayout(Widget old_w,Widget new_w)1084 NeedRelayout (
1085         Widget old_w,
1086         Widget new_w
1087          )
1088 {
1089  ExmGridWidget cw = (ExmGridWidget)old_w;
1090  ExmGridWidget nw = (ExmGridWidget)new_w;
1092     if (nw->grid.margin_width != cw->grid.margin_width ||
1093 	nw->grid.margin_height != cw->grid.margin_height ||
1094 	nw->grid.rows != cw->grid.rows ||
1095 	nw->grid.columns != cw->grid.columns) {
1096 	return True ;
1097     } else
1098 	return False ;
1099 }
1104 /*-- Trait methods --*/
1107 /****************************************************************
1108  *
1109  * Trait method for XmQTdialogShellSavvy trait.
1110  *
1111  **************************************************************/
1112 static void
CallMapUnmap(Widget wid,Boolean map_unmap)1113 CallMapUnmap(
1114 	 Widget wid,
1115 	 Boolean map_unmap)
1116 {
1117     ExmGridWidget grid = (ExmGridWidget) wid ;
1118     XmAnyCallbackStruct call_data;
1120     call_data.reason = (map_unmap)? XmCR_MAP : XmCR_UNMAP;
1121     call_data.event  = NULL;
1123     if (map_unmap) {
1124 	XtCallCallbackList (wid, grid->grid.map_callback,
1125 			    &call_data);
1126     } else {
1127 	XtCallCallbackList (wid, grid->grid.unmap_callback,
1128 			    &call_data);
1129     }
1130 }
1132 /*****************************************************************
1133  *
1134  * Trait method for XmQTspecifyRenderTable.
1135  *
1136 *****************************************************************/
1138 static XmRenderTable
GetTable(Widget wid,XtEnum type)1139 GetTable(
1140 	 Widget wid,
1141 	 XtEnum type)
1142 {
1143     ExmGridWidget grid = (ExmGridWidget) wid ;
1145     switch(type) {
1146     case XmLABEL_RENDER_TABLE : return grid->grid.label_render_table ;
1147     case XmBUTTON_RENDER_TABLE : return grid->grid.button_render_table ;
1148     case XmTEXT_RENDER_TABLE : return grid->grid.text_render_table ;
1149     }
1151     return NULL ;
1152 }
1155 /*******************************************************************************
1156  *
1157  *  ExmCreateGrid:
1158  *      Called by an application.
1159  *
1160  ******************************************************************************/
1161 Widget
ExmCreateGrid(Widget parent,char * name,ArgList arglist,Cardinal argcount)1162 ExmCreateGrid (
1163         Widget parent,
1164         char *name,
1165         ArgList arglist,
1166         Cardinal argcount
1167               )
1168 {
1169  /* This is a convenience function to instantiate an ExmGrid widget. */
1170    return (XtCreateWidget (name, exmGridWidgetClass, parent,
1171                            arglist, argcount));
1172 }
1175 /*******************************************************************************
1176  *
1177  *  ExmCreateGridDialog
1178  *      Called by an application to create an ExmGrid managed by a
1179  *      DialogShell.
1180  *
1181  ******************************************************************************/
1182 Widget
ExmCreateGridDialog(Widget parent,char * name,ArgList arglist,Cardinal argcount)1183 ExmCreateGridDialog (
1184         Widget parent,
1185         char *name,
1186         ArgList arglist,
1187         Cardinal argcount
1188               )
1189 {
1190    return XmeCreateClassDialog (exmGridWidgetClass,
1191                                 parent, name, arglist, argcount) ;
1193 }