1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        wx/mimetype.h
3 // Purpose:     classes and functions to manage MIME types
4 // Author:      Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Modified by:
6 //  Chris Elliott (biol75@york.ac.uk) 5 Dec 00: write support for Win32
7 // Created:     23.09.98
8 // Copyright:   (c) 1998 Vadim Zeitlin <zeitlin@dptmaths.ens-cachan.fr>
9 // Licence:     wxWindows licence (part of wxExtra library)
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef _WX_MIMETYPE_H_
13 #define _WX_MIMETYPE_H_
15 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 // headers and such
17 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 #include "wx/defs.h"
23 // the things we really need
24 #include "wx/string.h"
25 #include "wx/dynarray.h"
26 #include "wx/arrstr.h"
28 #include <stdarg.h>
30 // fwd decls
31 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxIconLocation;
32 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxFileTypeImpl;
33 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxMimeTypesManagerImpl;
35 // these constants define the MIME informations source under UNIX and are used
36 // by wxMimeTypesManager::Initialize()
37 enum wxMailcapStyle
38 {
39     wxMAILCAP_STANDARD = 1,
40     wxMAILCAP_NETSCAPE = 2,
41     wxMAILCAP_KDE = 4,
42     wxMAILCAP_GNOME = 8,
44     wxMAILCAP_ALL = 15
45 };
47 /*
48     TODO: would it be more convenient to have this class?
50 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMimeType : public wxString
51 {
52 public:
53     // all string ctors here
55     wxString GetType() const { return BeforeFirst(wxT('/')); }
56     wxString GetSubType() const { return AfterFirst(wxT('/')); }
58     void SetSubType(const wxString& subtype)
59     {
60         *this = GetType() + wxT('/') + subtype;
61     }
63     bool Matches(const wxMimeType& wildcard)
64     {
65         // implement using wxMimeTypesManager::IsOfType()
66     }
67 };
69 */
71 // wxMimeTypeCommands stores the verbs defined for the given MIME type with
72 // their values
73 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMimeTypeCommands
74 {
75 public:
wxMimeTypeCommands()76     wxMimeTypeCommands() {}
wxMimeTypeCommands(const wxArrayString & verbs,const wxArrayString & commands)78     wxMimeTypeCommands(const wxArrayString& verbs,
79                        const wxArrayString& commands)
80         : m_verbs(verbs),
81           m_commands(commands)
82     {
83     }
85     // add a new verb with the command or replace the old value
86     void AddOrReplaceVerb(const wxString& verb, const wxString& cmd);
Add(const wxString & s)87     void Add(const wxString& s)
88     {
89         m_verbs.Add(s.BeforeFirst(wxT('=')));
90         m_commands.Add(s.AfterFirst(wxT('=')));
91     }
93     // access the commands
GetCount()94     size_t GetCount() const { return m_verbs.GetCount(); }
GetVerb(size_t n)95     const wxString& GetVerb(size_t n) const { return m_verbs[n]; }
GetCmd(size_t n)96     const wxString& GetCmd(size_t n) const { return m_commands[n]; }
HasVerb(const wxString & verb)98     bool HasVerb(const wxString& verb) const
99         { return m_verbs.Index(verb) != wxNOT_FOUND; }
101     // returns empty string and wxNOT_FOUND in idx if no such verb
102     wxString GetCommandForVerb(const wxString& verb, size_t *idx = NULL) const;
104     // get a "verb=command" string
105     wxString GetVerbCmd(size_t n) const;
107 private:
108     wxArrayString m_verbs;
109     wxArrayString m_commands;
110 };
112 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 // wxFileTypeInfo: static container of information accessed via wxFileType.
114 //
115 // This class is used with wxMimeTypesManager::AddFallbacks() and Associate()
116 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
118 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxFileTypeInfo
119 {
120 private:
121     void DoVarArgInit(const wxString& mimeType,
122                       const wxString& openCmd,
123                       const wxString& printCmd,
124                       const wxString& desc,
125                       va_list argptr);
127     void VarArgInit(const wxString *mimeType,
128                     const wxString *openCmd,
129                     const wxString *printCmd,
130                     const wxString *desc,
131                     // the other parameters form a NULL terminated list of
132                     // extensions
133                     ...);
135 public:
136     // NB: This is a helper to get implicit conversion of variadic ctor's
137     //     fixed arguments into something that can be passed to VarArgInit().
138     //     Do not use, it's used by the ctor only.
139     struct CtorString
140     {
CtorStringCtorString141         CtorString(const char *str) : m_str(str) {}
CtorStringCtorString142         CtorString(const wchar_t *str) : m_str(str) {}
CtorStringCtorString143         CtorString(const wxString& str) : m_str(str) {}
CtorStringCtorString144         CtorString(const wxCStrData& str) : m_str(str) {}
CtorStringCtorString145         CtorString(const wxScopedCharBuffer& str) : m_str(str) {}
CtorStringCtorString146         CtorString(const wxScopedWCharBuffer& str) : m_str(str) {}
148         operator const wxString*() const { return &m_str; }
150         wxString m_str;
151     };
153     // ctors
155     // Ctor specifying just the MIME type (which is mandatory), the other
156     // fields can be set later if needed.
wxFileTypeInfo(const wxString & mimeType)157     wxFileTypeInfo(const wxString& mimeType)
158         : m_mimeType(mimeType)
159     {
160     }
162     // Ctor allowing to specify the values of all fields at once:
163     //
164     // wxFileTypeInfo(const wxString& mimeType,
165     //               const wxString& openCmd,
166     //               const wxString& printCmd,
167     //               const wxString& desc,
168     //               // the other parameters form a list of extensions for this
169     //               // file type and should be terminated with wxNullPtr (not
170     //               // just NULL!)
171     //               ...);
172     WX_DEFINE_VARARG_FUNC_CTOR(wxFileTypeInfo,
173                                4, (const CtorString&,
174                                    const CtorString&,
175                                    const CtorString&,
176                                    const CtorString&),
177                                VarArgInit, VarArgInit)
178 #ifdef __WATCOMC__
179     // workaround for http://bugzilla.openwatcom.org/show_bug.cgi?id=351
181                                 wxFileTypeInfo,
182                                 4, (const wxString&,
183                                     const wxString&,
184                                     const wxString&,
185                                     const wxString&),
186                                 (CtorString(f1),
187                                  CtorString(f2),
188                                  CtorString(f3),
189                                  CtorString(f4)));
191                                 wxFileTypeInfo,
192                                 4, (const wxCStrData&,
193                                     const wxCStrData&,
194                                     const wxCStrData&,
195                                     const wxCStrData&),
196                                 (CtorString(f1),
197                                  CtorString(f2),
198                                  CtorString(f3),
199                                  CtorString(f4)));
201                                 wxFileTypeInfo,
202                                 4, (const char*,
203                                     const char*,
204                                     const char*,
205                                     const char*),
206                                 (CtorString(f1),
207                                  CtorString(f2),
208                                  CtorString(f3),
209                                  CtorString(f4)));
211                                 wxFileTypeInfo,
212                                 4, (const wchar_t*,
213                                     const wchar_t*,
214                                     const wchar_t*,
215                                     const wchar_t*),
216                                 (CtorString(f1),
217                                  CtorString(f2),
218                                  CtorString(f3),
219                                  CtorString(f4)));
220 #endif
222         // the array elements correspond to the parameters of the ctor above in
223         // the same order
224     wxFileTypeInfo(const wxArrayString& sArray);
226         // invalid item - use this to terminate the array passed to
227         // wxMimeTypesManager::AddFallbacks
wxFileTypeInfo()228     wxFileTypeInfo() { }
230     // test if this object can be used
IsValid()231     bool IsValid() const { return !m_mimeType.empty(); }
233     // setters
234         // set the open/print commands
SetOpenCommand(const wxString & command)235     void SetOpenCommand(const wxString& command) { m_openCmd = command; }
SetPrintCommand(const wxString & command)236     void SetPrintCommand(const wxString& command) { m_printCmd = command; }
238         // set the description
SetDescription(const wxString & desc)239     void SetDescription(const wxString& desc) { m_desc = desc; }
241         // add another extension corresponding to this file type
AddExtension(const wxString & ext)242     void AddExtension(const wxString& ext) { m_exts.push_back(ext); }
244         // set the icon info
245     void SetIcon(const wxString& iconFile, int iconIndex = 0)
246     {
247         m_iconFile = iconFile;
248         m_iconIndex = iconIndex;
249     }
250         // set the short desc
SetShortDesc(const wxString & shortDesc)251     void SetShortDesc(const wxString& shortDesc) { m_shortDesc = shortDesc; }
253     // accessors
254         // get the MIME type
GetMimeType()255     const wxString& GetMimeType() const { return m_mimeType; }
256         // get the open command
GetOpenCommand()257     const wxString& GetOpenCommand() const { return m_openCmd; }
258         // get the print command
GetPrintCommand()259     const wxString& GetPrintCommand() const { return m_printCmd; }
260         // get the short description (only used under Win32 so far)
GetShortDesc()261     const wxString& GetShortDesc() const { return m_shortDesc; }
262         // get the long, user visible description
GetDescription()263     const wxString& GetDescription() const { return m_desc; }
264         // get the array of all extensions
GetExtensions()265     const wxArrayString& GetExtensions() const { return m_exts; }
GetExtensionsCount()266     size_t GetExtensionsCount() const {return m_exts.GetCount(); }
267         // get the icon info
GetIconFile()268     const wxString& GetIconFile() const { return m_iconFile; }
GetIconIndex()269     int GetIconIndex() const { return m_iconIndex; }
271 private:
272     wxString m_mimeType,    // the MIME type in "type/subtype" form
273              m_openCmd,     // command to use for opening the file (%s allowed)
274              m_printCmd,    // command to use for printing the file (%s allowed)
275              m_shortDesc,   // a short string used in the registry
276              m_desc;        // a free form description of this file type
278     // icon stuff
279     wxString m_iconFile;    // the file containing the icon
280     int      m_iconIndex;   // icon index in this file
282     wxArrayString m_exts;   // the extensions which are mapped on this filetype
285 #if 0 // TODO
286     // the additional (except "open" and "print") command names and values
287     wxArrayString m_commandNames,
288                   m_commandValues;
289 #endif // 0
290 };
292 WX_DECLARE_USER_EXPORTED_OBJARRAY(wxFileTypeInfo, wxArrayFileTypeInfo,
293                                   WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE);
295 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
296 // wxFileType: gives access to all information about the files of given type.
297 //
298 // This class holds information about a given "file type". File type is the
299 // same as MIME type under Unix, but under Windows it corresponds more to an
300 // extension than to MIME type (in fact, several extensions may correspond to a
301 // file type). This object may be created in many different ways and depending
302 // on how it was created some fields may be unknown so the return value of all
303 // the accessors *must* be checked!
304 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
306 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxFileType
307 {
308 friend class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxMimeTypesManagerImpl;  // it has access to m_impl
310 public:
311     // An object of this class must be passed to Get{Open|Print}Command. The
312     // default implementation is trivial and doesn't know anything at all about
313     // parameters, only filename and MIME type are used (so it's probably ok for
314     // Windows where %{param} is not used anyhow)
315     class MessageParameters
316     {
317     public:
318         // ctors
MessageParameters()319         MessageParameters() { }
320         MessageParameters(const wxString& filename,
321                           const wxString& mimetype = wxEmptyString)
m_filename(filename)322             : m_filename(filename), m_mimetype(mimetype) { }
324         // accessors (called by GetOpenCommand)
325             // filename
GetFileName()326         const wxString& GetFileName() const { return m_filename; }
327             // mime type
GetMimeType()328         const wxString& GetMimeType() const { return m_mimetype; }
330         // override this function in derived class
GetParamValue(const wxString & WXUNUSED (name))331         virtual wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& WXUNUSED(name)) const
332             { return wxEmptyString; }
334         // virtual dtor as in any base class
~MessageParameters()335         virtual ~MessageParameters() { }
337     protected:
338         wxString m_filename, m_mimetype;
339     };
341     // ctor from static data
342     wxFileType(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo);
344     // accessors: all of them return true if the corresponding information
345     // could be retrieved/found, false otherwise (and in this case all [out]
346     // parameters are unchanged)
347         // return the MIME type for this file type
348     bool GetMimeType(wxString *mimeType) const;
349     bool GetMimeTypes(wxArrayString& mimeTypes) const;
350         // fill passed in array with all extensions associated with this file
351         // type
352     bool GetExtensions(wxArrayString& extensions);
353         // get the icon corresponding to this file type and of the given size
354     bool GetIcon(wxIconLocation *iconloc) const;
355     bool GetIcon(wxIconLocation *iconloc,
356                  const MessageParameters& params) const;
357         // get a brief file type description ("*.txt" => "text document")
358     bool GetDescription(wxString *desc) const;
360     // get the command to be used to open/print the given file.
361         // get the command to execute the file of given type
362     bool GetOpenCommand(wxString *openCmd,
363                         const MessageParameters& params) const;
364         // a simpler to use version of GetOpenCommand() -- it only takes the
365         // filename and returns an empty string on failure
366     wxString GetOpenCommand(const wxString& filename) const;
367         // get the command to print the file of given type
368     bool GetPrintCommand(wxString *printCmd,
369                          const MessageParameters& params) const;
372         // return the number of commands defined for this file type, 0 if none
373     size_t GetAllCommands(wxArrayString *verbs, wxArrayString *commands,
374                           const wxFileType::MessageParameters& params) const;
376     // set an arbitrary command, ask confirmation if it already exists and
377     // overwriteprompt is true
378     bool SetCommand(const wxString& cmd, const wxString& verb,
379         bool overwriteprompt = true);
381     bool SetDefaultIcon(const wxString& cmd = wxEmptyString, int index = 0);
384     // remove the association for this filetype from the system MIME database:
385     // notice that it will only work if the association is defined in the user
386     // file/registry part, we will never modify the system-wide settings
387     bool Unassociate();
389     // operations
390         // expand a string in the format of GetOpenCommand (which may contain
391         // '%s' and '%t' format specifiers for the file name and mime type
392         // and %{param} constructions).
393     static wxString ExpandCommand(const wxString& command,
394                                   const MessageParameters& params);
396     // dtor (not virtual, shouldn't be derived from)
397     ~wxFileType();
399 private:
400     // default ctor is private because the user code never creates us
401     wxFileType();
403     // no copy ctor/assignment operator
404     wxFileType(const wxFileType&);
405     wxFileType& operator=(const wxFileType&);
407     // the static container of wxFileType data: if it's not NULL, it means that
408     // this object is used as fallback only
409     const wxFileTypeInfo *m_info;
411     // the object which implements the real stuff like reading and writing
412     // to/from system MIME database
413     wxFileTypeImpl *m_impl;
414 };
416 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
417 // wxMimeTypesManagerFactory
418 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
420 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMimeTypesManagerFactory
421 {
422 public:
wxMimeTypesManagerFactory()423     wxMimeTypesManagerFactory() {}
~wxMimeTypesManagerFactory()424     virtual ~wxMimeTypesManagerFactory() {}
426     virtual wxMimeTypesManagerImpl *CreateMimeTypesManagerImpl();
428     static void Set( wxMimeTypesManagerFactory *factory );
429     static wxMimeTypesManagerFactory *Get();
431 private:
432     static wxMimeTypesManagerFactory *m_factory;
433 };
435 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
436 // wxMimeTypesManager: interface to system MIME database.
437 //
438 // This class accesses the information about all known MIME types and allows
439 // the application to retrieve information (including how to handle data of
440 // given type) about them.
441 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
443 class WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMimeTypesManager
444 {
445 public:
446     // static helper functions
447     // -----------------------
449         // check if the given MIME type is the same as the other one: the
450         // second argument may contain wildcards ('*'), but not the first. If
451         // the types are equal or if the mimeType matches wildcard the function
452         // returns true, otherwise it returns false
453     static bool IsOfType(const wxString& mimeType, const wxString& wildcard);
455     // ctor
456     wxMimeTypesManager();
458     // NB: the following 2 functions are for Unix only and don't do anything
459     //     elsewhere
461     // loads data from standard files according to the mailcap styles
462     // specified: this is a bitwise OR of wxMailcapStyle values
463     //
464     // use the extraDir parameter if you want to look for files in another
465     // directory
466     void Initialize(int mailcapStyle = wxMAILCAP_ALL,
467                     const wxString& extraDir = wxEmptyString);
469     // and this function clears all the data from the manager
470     void ClearData();
472     // Database lookup: all functions return a pointer to wxFileType object
473     // whose methods may be used to query it for the information you're
474     // interested in. If the return value is !NULL, caller is responsible for
475     // deleting it.
476         // get file type from file extension
477     wxFileType *GetFileTypeFromExtension(const wxString& ext);
478         // get file type from MIME type (in format <category>/<format>)
479     wxFileType *GetFileTypeFromMimeType(const wxString& mimeType);
481     // enumerate all known MIME types
482     //
483     // returns the number of retrieved file types
484     size_t EnumAllFileTypes(wxArrayString& mimetypes);
486     // these functions can be used to provide default values for some of the
487     // MIME types inside the program itself
488     //
489     // The filetypes array should be terminated by either NULL entry or an
490     // invalid wxFileTypeInfo (i.e. the one created with default ctor)
491     void AddFallbacks(const wxFileTypeInfo *filetypes);
AddFallback(const wxFileTypeInfo & ft)492     void AddFallback(const wxFileTypeInfo& ft) { m_fallbacks.Add(ft); }
494     // create or remove associations
496         // create a new association using the fields of wxFileTypeInfo (at least
497         // the MIME type and the extension should be set)
498         // if the other fields are empty, the existing values should be left alone
499     wxFileType *Associate(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo);
501         // undo Associate()
502     bool Unassociate(wxFileType *ft) ;
504     // dtor (not virtual, shouldn't be derived from)
505     ~wxMimeTypesManager();
507 private:
508     // no copy ctor/assignment operator
509     wxMimeTypesManager(const wxMimeTypesManager&);
510     wxMimeTypesManager& operator=(const wxMimeTypesManager&);
512     // the fallback info which is used if the information is not found in the
513     // real system database
514     wxArrayFileTypeInfo m_fallbacks;
516     // the object working with the system MIME database
517     wxMimeTypesManagerImpl *m_impl;
519     // if m_impl is NULL, create one
520     void EnsureImpl();
522     friend class wxMimeTypeCmnModule;
523 };
526 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 // global variables
528 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
530 // the default mime manager for wxWidgets programs
531 extern WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_BASE(wxMimeTypesManager *) wxTheMimeTypesManager;
533 #endif // wxUSE_MIMETYPE
535 #endif
536   //_WX_MIMETYPE_H_