1 /*
2  * tkTable.h --
3  *
4  *	This is the header file for the module that implements
5  *	table widgets for the Tk toolkit.
6  *
7  * Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Jeffrey Hobbs
8  *
9  * See the file "license.txt" for information on usage and redistribution
10  * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11  *
12  * RCS: @(#) $Id: tkTable.h,v 1.17 2004/07/20 20:46:21 hobbs Exp $
13  */
15 #ifndef _TKTABLE_H_
16 #define _TKTABLE_H_
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <ctype.h>
21 #include <tk.h>
22 #ifdef MAC_TCL
23 # include <Xatom.h>
24 #else
25 # include <X11/Xatom.h>
26 #endif /* MAC_TCL */
28 #if (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8) && (TCL_MINOR_VERSION == 0) /* Tcl8.0 stuff */
29 #define Tcl_GetString(objPtr)	Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objPtr, (int *)NULL)
30 #endif
33 #   define HAVE_TCL84
34 #endif
36 /*
37  * Tcl/Tk 8.4 introduced better CONST-ness in the APIs, but we use CONST84 in
38  * some cases for compatibility with earlier Tcl headers to prevent warnings.
39  */
40 #ifndef CONST84
41 #  define CONST84
42 #endif
44 /* This EXTERN declaration is needed for Tcl < 8.0.3 */
45 #ifndef EXTERN
46 # ifdef __cplusplus
47 #  define EXTERN extern "C"
48 # else
49 #  define EXTERN extern
50 # endif
51 #endif
55 #endif
56 #ifdef BUILD_Tktable
58 #else
60 #endif
62 #ifdef WIN32
63 #   define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
64 #   include <windows.h>
65 #   undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
66 /* VC++ has an entry point called DllMain instead of DllEntryPoint */
67 #   if defined(_MSC_VER)
68 #	define DllEntryPoint DllMain
69 #   endif
70 #endif
72 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)
73 /* XSync call defined in the internals for some reason */
74 #   ifndef XSync
75 #	define XSync(display, bool) {display->request++;}
76 #   endif
77 #endif /* defn of XSync */
79 #ifndef NORMAL_BG
80 #   ifdef WIN32
81 #	define NORMAL_BG	"SystemButtonFace"
83 #	define SELECT_BG	"SystemHighlight"
84 #	define SELECT_FG	"SystemHighlightText"
85 #	define DISABLED		"SystemDisabledText"
86 #	define HIGHLIGHT	"SystemWindowFrame"
87 #	define DEF_TABLE_FONT	"{MS Sans Serif} 8"
88 #   elif defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)
89 #	define NORMAL_BG	"systemWindowBody"
90 #	define ACTIVE_BG	"#ececec"
91 #	define SELECT_BG	"systemHighlight"
92 #	define SELECT_FG	"systemHighlightText"
93 #	define DISABLED		"#a3a3a3"
94 #	define HIGHLIGHT	"Black"
95 #	define DEF_TABLE_FONT	"Helvetica 12"
96 #   else
97 #	define NORMAL_BG	"#d9d9d9"
98 #	define ACTIVE_BG	"#fcfcfc"
99 #	define SELECT_BG	"#c3c3c3"
100 #	define SELECT_FG	"Black"
101 #	define DISABLED		"#a3a3a3"
102 #	define HIGHLIGHT	"Black"
103 #	define DEF_TABLE_FONT	"Helvetica -12"
104 #   endif
105 #endif /* NORMAL_BG */
107 #define MAX(A,B)	(((A)>(B))?(A):(B))
108 #define MIN(A,B)	(((A)>(B))?(B):(A))
109 #define BETWEEN(val,min,max)	( ((val)<(min)) ? (min) : \
110 				( ((val)>(max)) ? (max) : (val) ) )
111 #define CONSTRAIN(val,min,max)	if ((val) < (min)) { (val) = (min); } \
112 				else if ((val) > (max)) { (val) = (max); }
113 #define STREQ(s1, s2)	(strcmp((s1), (s2)) == 0)
114 #define ARSIZE(A)	(sizeof(A)/sizeof(*A))
115 #define INDEX_BUFSIZE	32		/* max size of buffer for indices */
116 #define TEST_KEY	"#TEST KEY#"	/* index for testing array existence */
118 /*
119  * Assigned bits of "flags" fields of Table structures, and what those
120  * bits mean:
121  *
122  * REDRAW_PENDING:	Non-zero means a DoWhenIdle handler has
123  *			already been queued to redisplay the table.
124  * REDRAW_BORDER:	Non-zero means 3-D border must be redrawn
125  *			around window during redisplay.	 Normally
126  *			only text portion needs to be redrawn.
127  * CURSOR_ON:		Non-zero means insert cursor is displayed at
128  *			present.  0 means it isn't displayed.
129  * TEXT_CHANGED:	Non-zero means the active cell text is being edited.
130  * HAS_FOCUS:		Non-zero means this window has the input focus.
131  * HAS_ACTIVE:		Non-zero means the active cell is set.
132  * HAS_ANCHOR:		Non-zero means the anchor cell is set.
133  * BROWSE_CMD:		Non-zero means we're evaluating the -browsecommand.
134  * VALIDATING:		Non-zero means we are in a valCmd
135  * SET_ACTIVE:		About to set the active array element internally
136  * ACTIVE_DISABLED:	Non-zero means the active cell is -state disabled
137  * OVER_BORDER:		Non-zero means we are over a table cell border
138  * REDRAW_ON_MAP:	Forces a redraw on the unmap
139  * AVOID_SPANS:		prevent cell spans from being used
140  *
141  * FIX - consider adding UPDATE_SCROLLBAR a la entry
142  */
143 #define REDRAW_PENDING		(1L<<0)
144 #define CURSOR_ON		(1L<<1)
145 #define	HAS_FOCUS		(1L<<2)
146 #define TEXT_CHANGED		(1L<<3)
147 #define HAS_ACTIVE		(1L<<4)
148 #define HAS_ANCHOR		(1L<<5)
149 #define BROWSE_CMD		(1L<<6)
150 #define REDRAW_BORDER		(1L<<7)
151 #define VALIDATING		(1L<<8)
152 #define SET_ACTIVE		(1L<<9)
153 #define ACTIVE_DISABLED		(1L<<10)
154 #define OVER_BORDER		(1L<<11)
155 #define REDRAW_ON_MAP		(1L<<12)
156 #define AVOID_SPANS		(1L<<13)
158 /* Flags for TableInvalidate && TableRedraw */
159 #define ROW		(1L<<0)
160 #define COL		(1L<<1)
161 #define CELL		(1L<<2)
163 #define CELL_BAD	(1<<0)
164 #define CELL_OK		(1<<1)
165 #define CELL_SPAN	(1<<2)
166 #define CELL_HIDDEN	(1<<3)
169 #define INV_FILL	(1L<<3)	/* use for Redraw when the affected
170 				 * row/col will affect neighbors */
171 #define INV_FORCE	(1L<<4)
172 #define INV_HIGHLIGHT	(1L<<5)
173 #define INV_NO_ERR_MSG	(1L<<5) /* Don't leave an error message */
175 /* These alter how the selection set/clear commands behave */
176 #define SEL_ROW		(1<<0)
177 #define SEL_COL		(1<<1)
178 #define SEL_BOTH	(1<<2)
179 #define SEL_CELL	(1<<3)
180 #define SEL_NONE	(1<<4)
182 /*
183  * Definitions for tablePtr->dataSource, by bit
184  */
185 #define DATA_NONE	0
186 #define DATA_CACHE	(1<<1)
187 #define	DATA_ARRAY	(1<<2)
188 #define DATA_COMMAND	(1<<3)
190 /*
191  * Definitions for configuring -borderwidth
192  */
193 #define BD_TABLE	0
194 #define BD_TABLE_TAG	(1<<1)
195 #define BD_TABLE_WIN	(1<<2)
197 /*
198  * Possible state values for tags
199  */
200 typedef enum {
203 } TableState;
205 /*
206  * Structure for use in parsing table commands/values.
207  * Accessor functions defined in tkTableUtil.c
208  */
209 typedef struct {
210   char *name;		/* name of the command/value */
211   int value;		/* >0 because 0 represents an error or proc */
212 } Cmd_Struct;
214 /*
215  * The tag structure
216  */
217 typedef struct {
218     Tk_3DBorder	bg;		/* background color */
219     Tk_3DBorder	fg;		/* foreground color */
221     char *	borderStr;	/* border style */
222     int		borders;	/* number of borders specified (1, 2 or 4) */
223     int		bd[4];		/* cell border width */
225     int		relief;		/* relief type */
226     Tk_Font	tkfont;		/* Information about text font, or NULL. */
227     Tk_Anchor	anchor;		/* default anchor point */
228     char *	imageStr;	/* name of image */
229     Tk_Image	image;		/* actual pointer to image, if any */
230     TableState	state;		/* state of the cell */
231     Tk_Justify	justify;	/* justification of text in the cell */
232     int		multiline;	/* wrapping style of multiline text */
233     int		wrap;		/* wrapping style of multiline text */
234     int		showtext;	/* whether to display text over image */
235     char *	ellipsis;	/* ellipsis to display on clipped text */
236 } TableTag;
238 /*  The widget structure for the table Widget */
240 typedef struct {
241     /* basic information about the window and the interpreter */
242     Tk_Window tkwin;
243     Display *display;
244     Tcl_Interp *interp;
245     Tcl_Command widgetCmd;	/* Token for entry's widget command. */
247     /*
248      * Configurable Options
249      */
250     int autoClear;
251     char *selectMode;		/* single, browse, multiple, or extended */
252     int selectType;		/* row, col, both, or cell */
253     int selectTitles;		/* whether to do automatic title selection */
254     int rows, cols;		/* number of rows and columns */
255     int defRowHeight;		/* default row height in chars (positive)
256 				 * or pixels (negative) */
257     int defColWidth;		/* default column width in chars (positive)
258 				 * or pixels (negative) */
259     int maxReqCols;		/* the requested # cols to display */
260     int maxReqRows;		/* the requested # rows to display */
261     int maxReqWidth;		/* the maximum requested width in pixels */
262     int maxReqHeight;		/* the maximum requested height in pixels */
263     char *arrayVar;		/* name of traced array variable */
264     char *rowSep;		/* separator string to place between
265 				 * rows when getting selection */
266     char *colSep;		/* separator string to place between
267 				 * cols when getting selection */
268     TableTag defaultTag;	/* the default tag colors/fonts etc */
269     char *yScrollCmd;		/* the y-scroll command */
270     char *xScrollCmd;		/* the x-scroll command */
271     char *browseCmd;		/* the command that is called when the
272 				 * active cell changes */
273     int caching;		/* whether to cache values of table */
274     char *command;		/* A command to eval when get/set occurs
275 				 * for table values */
276     int useCmd;			/* Signals whether to use command or the
277 				 * array variable, will be 0 if command errs */
278     char *selCmd;		/* the command that is called to when a
279 				 * [selection get] call occurs for a table */
280     char *valCmd;		/* Command prefix to use when invoking
281 				 * validate command.  NULL means don't
282 				 * invoke commands.  Malloc'ed. */
283     int validate;		/* Non-zero means try to validate */
284     Tk_3DBorder insertBg;	/* the cursor color */
285     Tk_Cursor cursor;		/* the regular mouse pointer */
286     Tk_Cursor bdcursor;		/* the mouse pointer when over borders */
287 #ifdef TITLE_CURSOR
288     Tk_Cursor titleCursor;	/* the mouse pointer when over titles */
289 #endif
290     int exportSelection;	/* Non-zero means tie internal table
291 				 * to X selection. */
292     TableState state;		/* Normal or disabled.	Table is read-only
293 				 * when disabled. */
294     int insertWidth;		/* Total width of insert cursor. */
295     int insertBorderWidth;	/* Width of 3-D border around insert cursor. */
296     int insertOnTime;		/* Number of milliseconds cursor should spend
297 				 * in "on" state for each blink. */
298     int insertOffTime;		/* Number of milliseconds cursor should spend
299 				 * in "off" state for each blink. */
300     int invertSelected;		/* Whether to draw selected cells swapping
301 				 * foreground and background */
302     int colStretch;		/* The way to stretch columns if the window
303 				 * is too large */
304     int rowStretch;		/* The way to stretch rows if the window is
305 				 * too large */
306     int colOffset;		/* X index of leftmost col in the display */
307     int rowOffset;		/* Y index of topmost row in the display */
308     int drawMode;		/* The mode to use when redrawing */
309     int flashMode;		/* Specifies whether flashing is enabled */
310     int flashTime;		/* The number of ms to flash a cell for */
311     int resize;			/* -resizeborders option for interactive
312 				 * resizing of borders */
313     int sparse;			/* Whether to use "sparse" arrays by
314 				 * deleting empty array elements (default) */
315     char *rowTagCmd, *colTagCmd;/* script to eval for getting row/tag cmd */
316     int highlightWidth;		/* Width in pixels of highlight to draw
317 				 * around widget when it has the focus.
318 				 * <= 0 means don't draw a highlight. */
319     XColor *highlightBgColorPtr;/* Color for drawing traversal highlight
320 				 * area when highlight is off. */
321     XColor *highlightColorPtr;	/* Color for drawing traversal highlight. */
322     char *takeFocus;		/* Used only in Tcl to check if this
323 				 * widget will accept focus */
324     int padX, padY;		/* Extra space around text (pixels to leave
325 				 * on each side).  Ignored for bitmaps and
326 				 * images. */
327     int ipadX, ipadY;		/* Space to leave empty around cell borders.
328 				 * This differs from pad* in that it is always
329 				 * present for the cell (except windows). */
331     /*
332      * Cached Information
333      */
334 #ifdef TITLE_CURSOR
335     Tk_Cursor *lastCursorPtr;	/* pointer to last cursor defined. */
336 #endif
337     int titleRows, titleCols;	/* the number of rows|cols to use as a title */
338     /* these are kept in real coords */
339     int topRow, leftCol;	/* The topleft cell to display excluding the
340 				 * fixed title rows.  This is just the
341 				 * config request.  The actual cell used may
342 				 * be different to keep the screen full */
343     int anchorRow, anchorCol;	/* the row,col of the anchor cell */
344     int activeRow, activeCol;	/* the row,col of the active cell */
345     int oldTopRow, oldLeftCol;	/* cached by TableAdjustParams */
346     int oldActRow, oldActCol;	/* cached by TableAdjustParams */
347     int icursor;		/* The index of the insertion cursor in the
348 				 * active cell */
349     int flags;			/* An or'ed combination of flags concerning
350 				 * redraw/cursor etc. */
351     int dataSource;		/* where our data comes from:
353     int maxWidth, maxHeight;	/* max width|height required in pixels */
354     int charWidth, charHeight;	/* size of a character in the default font */
355     int *colPixels, *rowPixels;	/* Array of the pixel widths/heights */
356     int *colStarts, *rowStarts;	/* Array of start pixels for rows|columns */
357     int scanMarkX, scanMarkY;	/* Used by "scan" and "border" to mark */
358     int scanMarkRow, scanMarkCol;/* necessary information for dragto */
359     /* values in these are kept in user coords */
360     Tcl_HashTable *cache;	/* value cache */
362     /*
363      * colWidths and rowHeights are indexed from 0, so always adjust numbers
364      * by the appropriate *Offset factor
365      */
366     Tcl_HashTable *colWidths;	/* hash table of non default column widths */
367     Tcl_HashTable *rowHeights;	/* hash table of non default row heights */
368     Tcl_HashTable *spanTbl;	/* table for spans */
369     Tcl_HashTable *spanAffTbl;	/* table for cells affected by spans */
370     Tcl_HashTable *tagTable;	/* table for style tags */
371     Tcl_HashTable *winTable;	/* table for embedded windows */
372     Tcl_HashTable *rowStyles;	/* table for row styles */
373     Tcl_HashTable *colStyles;	/* table for col styles */
374     Tcl_HashTable *cellStyles;	/* table for cell styles */
375     Tcl_HashTable *flashCells;	/* table of flashing cells */
376     Tcl_HashTable *selCells;	/* table of selected cells */
377     Tcl_TimerToken cursorTimer;	/* timer token for the cursor blinking */
378     Tcl_TimerToken flashTimer;	/* timer token for the cell flashing */
379     char *activeBuf;		/* buffer where the selection is kept
380 				 * for editing the active cell */
381     char **tagPrioNames;	/* list of tag names in priority order */
382     TableTag **tagPrios;	/* list of tag pointers in priority order */
383     TableTag *activeTagPtr;	/* cache of active composite tag */
384     int activeX, activeY;	/* cache offset of active layout in cell */
385     int tagPrioSize;		/* size of tagPrios list */
386     int tagPrioMax;		/* max allocated size of tagPrios list */
388     /* The invalid rectangle if there is an update pending */
389     int invalidX, invalidY, invalidWidth, invalidHeight;
390     int seen[4];			/* see TableUndisplay */
392 #ifdef POSTSCRIPT
393     /* Pointer to information used for generating Postscript for the canvas.
394      * NULL means no Postscript is currently being generated. */
395     struct TkPostscriptInfo *psInfoPtr;
396 #endif
398 #ifdef PROCS
399     Tcl_HashTable *inProc;	/* cells where proc is being evaled */
400     int showProcs;		/* whether to show embedded proc (1) or
401 				 * its calculated value (0) */
402     int hasProcs;		/* whether table has embedded procs or not */
403 #endif
404 } Table;
406 /*
408  */
410 /*
411  * A structure of the following type holds information for each window
412  * embedded in a table widget.
413  */
415 typedef struct TableEmbWindow {
416     Table *tablePtr;		/* Information about the overall table
417 				 * widget. */
418     Tk_Window tkwin;		/* Window for this segment.  NULL means that
419 				 * the window hasn't been created yet. */
420     Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr;	/* entry into winTable */
421     char *create;		/* Script to create window on-demand.
422 				 * NULL means no such script.
423 				 * Malloc-ed. */
424     Tk_3DBorder bg;		/* background color */
426     char *borderStr;		/* border style */
427     int borders;		/* number of borders specified (1, 2 or 4) */
428     int bd[4];			/* border width for cell around window */
430     int relief;			/* relief type */
431     int sticky;			/* How to align window in space */
432     int padX, padY;		/* Padding to leave around each side
433 				 * of window, in pixels. */
434     int displayed;		/* Non-zero means that the window has been
435 				 * displayed on the screen recently. */
436 } TableEmbWindow;
438 extern Tk_ConfigSpec tableSpecs[];
440 extern void	EmbWinDisplay(Table *tablePtr, Drawable window,
441 			TableEmbWindow *ewPtr, TableTag *tagPtr,
442 			int x, int y, int width, int height);
443 extern void	EmbWinUnmap(register Table *tablePtr,
444 			int rlo, int rhi, int clo, int chi);
445 extern void	EmbWinDelete(register Table *tablePtr, TableEmbWindow *ewPtr);
446 extern int	Table_WinMove(register Table *tablePtr,
447 			char *CONST srcPtr, char *CONST destPtr, int flags);
448 extern int	Table_WinDelete(register Table *tablePtr, char *CONST idxPtr);
449 extern int	Table_WindowCmd(ClientData clientData,
450 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
451 extern int	TableValidateChange(Table *tablePtr, int r,
452 			int c, char *oldVal, char *newVal, int idx);
453 extern void	TableLostSelection(ClientData clientData);
454 extern void	TableSetActiveIndex(register Table *tablePtr);
456 /*
457  * HEADERS IN tkTableCmds.c
458  */
460 extern int	Table_ActivateCmd(ClientData clientData,
461 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
462 extern int	Table_AdjustCmd(ClientData clientData,
463 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
464 extern int	Table_BboxCmd(ClientData clientData,
465 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
466 extern int	Table_BorderCmd(ClientData clientData,
467 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
468 extern int	Table_ClearCmd(ClientData clientData,
469 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
470 extern int	Table_CurselectionCmd(ClientData clientData,
471 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
472 extern int	Table_CurvalueCmd(ClientData clientData,
473 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
474 extern int	Table_GetCmd(ClientData clientData,
475 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
476 extern int	Table_ScanCmd(ClientData clientData,
477 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
478 extern int	Table_SeeCmd(ClientData clientData,
479 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
480 extern int	Table_SelAnchorCmd(ClientData clientData,
481 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
482 extern int	Table_SelClearCmd(ClientData clientData,
483 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
484 extern int	Table_SelIncludesCmd(ClientData clientData,
485 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
486 extern int	Table_SelSetCmd(ClientData clientData,
487 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
488 extern int	Table_ViewCmd(ClientData clientData,
489 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
491 /*
492  * HEADERS IN tkTableEdit.c
493  */
495 extern int	Table_EditCmd(ClientData clientData,
496 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
497 extern void	TableDeleteChars(register Table *tablePtr,
498 			int idx, int count);
499 extern void	TableInsertChars(register Table *tablePtr,
500 			int idx, char *string);
502 /*
503  * HEADERS IN tkTableTag.c
504  */
506 extern TableTag *TableNewTag(Table *tablePtr);
507 extern void	TableResetTag(Table *tablePtr, TableTag *tagPtr);
508 extern void	TableMergeTag(Table *tablePtr, TableTag *baseTag,
509 			TableTag *addTag);
510 extern void	TableInvertTag(TableTag *baseTag);
511 extern int	TableGetTagBorders(TableTag *tagPtr,
512 			int *left, int *right, int *top, int *bottom);
513 extern void	TableInitTags(Table *tablePtr);
514 extern TableTag *FindRowColTag(Table *tablePtr,
515 			int cell, int type);
516 extern void	TableCleanupTag(Table *tablePtr,
517 			TableTag *tagPtr);
518 extern int	Table_TagCmd(ClientData clientData,
519 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
521 /*
522  * HEADERS IN tkTableUtil.c
523  */
525 extern void	Table_ClearHashTable(Tcl_HashTable *hashTblPtr);
526 extern int	TableOptionBdSet(ClientData clientData,
527 			Tcl_Interp *interp, Tk_Window tkwin,
528 			CONST84 char *value, char *widgRec, int offset);
529 extern char *	TableOptionBdGet(ClientData clientData,
530 			Tk_Window tkwin, char *widgRec, int offset,
531 			Tcl_FreeProc **freeProcPtr);
532 extern int	TableTagConfigureBd(Table *tablePtr,
533 			TableTag *tagPtr, char *oldValue, int nullOK);
534 extern int	Cmd_OptionSet(ClientData clientData,
535 			Tcl_Interp *interp,
536 			Tk_Window unused, CONST84 char *value,
537 			char *widgRec, int offset);
538 extern char *	Cmd_OptionGet(ClientData clientData,
539 			Tk_Window unused, char *widgRec,
540 			int offset, Tcl_FreeProc **freeProcPtr);
542 /*
543  * HEADERS IN tkTableCell.c
544  */
546 extern int	TableTrueCell(Table *tablePtr, int row, int col,
547 					   int *trow, int *tcol);
548 extern int	TableCellCoords(Table *tablePtr, int row,
549 			int col, int *rx, int *ry, int *rw, int *rh);
550 extern int	TableCellVCoords(Table *tablePtr, int row,
551 			int col, int *rx, int *ry,
552 			int *rw, int *rh, int full);
553 extern void	TableWhatCell(register Table *tablePtr,
554 			int x, int y, int *row, int *col);
555 extern int	TableAtBorder(Table *tablePtr, int x, int y,
556 			int *row, int *col);
557 extern char *	TableGetCellValue(Table *tablePtr, int r, int c);
558 extern int	TableSetCellValue(Table *tablePtr, int r, int c,
559 			char *value);
560 extern int    TableMoveCellValue(Table *tablePtr,
561 			int fromr, int fromc, char *frombuf,
562 			int tor, int toc, char *tobuf, int outOfBounds);
564 extern int	TableGetIcursor(Table *tablePtr, char *arg,
565 			int *posn);
566 #define TableGetIcursorObj(tablePtr, objPtr, posnPtr) \
567 	TableGetIcursor(tablePtr, Tcl_GetString(objPtr), posnPtr)
568 extern int	TableGetIndex(register Table *tablePtr,
569 			char *str, int *row_p, int *col_p);
570 #define TableGetIndexObj(tablePtr, objPtr, rowPtr, colPtr) \
571 	TableGetIndex(tablePtr, Tcl_GetString(objPtr), rowPtr, colPtr)
572 extern int	Table_SetCmd(ClientData clientData,
573 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
574 extern int	Table_HiddenCmd(ClientData clientData,
575 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
576 extern int	Table_SpanCmd(ClientData clientData,
577 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
578 extern void	TableSpanSanCheck(register Table *tablePtr);
580 /*
582  */
583 /*
584  * We keep the old CellSort true because it is used for grabbing
585  * the selection, so we really want them ordered
586  */
587 extern char *	TableCellSort(Table *tablePtr, char *str);
588 #ifdef NO_SORT_CELLS
589 #  define TableCellSortObj(interp, objPtr) (objPtr)
590 #else
591 extern Tcl_Obj*	TableCellSortObj(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr);
592 #endif
594 /*
596  */
598 #ifdef POSTSCRIPT
599 extern int	Table_PostscriptCmd(ClientData clientData,
600 			Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]);
601 extern void	Tcl_DStringAppendAllTCL_VARARGS(Tcl_DString *, arg1);
602 #endif
604 /*
606  */
608 EXTERN int Tktable_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp);
609 EXTERN int Tktable_SafeInit(Tcl_Interp *interp);
611 extern void	TableGetActiveBuf(register Table *tablePtr);
612 extern void	ExpandPercents(Table *tablePtr, char *before,
613 			int r, int c, char *oldVal, char *newVal, int idx,
614 			Tcl_DString *dsPtr, int cmdType);
615 extern void	TableInvalidate(Table *tablePtr, int x, int y,
616 			int width, int height, int force);
617 extern void	TableRefresh(register Table *tablePtr,
618 			int arg1, int arg2, int mode);
619 extern void	TableGeometryRequest(Table *tablePtr);
620 extern void	TableAdjustActive(register Table *tablePtr);
621 extern void	TableAdjustParams(register Table *tablePtr);
622 extern void	TableConfigCursor(register Table *tablePtr);
623 extern void	TableAddFlash(Table *tablePtr, int row, int col);
626 #define TableInvalidateAll(tablePtr, flags) \
627 	TableInvalidate((tablePtr), 0, 0, Tk_Width((tablePtr)->tkwin),\
628 		Tk_Height((tablePtr)->tkwin), (flags))
630      /*
631       * Turn row/col into an index into the table
632       */
633 #define TableMakeArrayIndex(r, c, i)	sprintf((i), "%d,%d", (r), (c))
635      /*
636       * Turn array index back into row/col
637       * return the number of args parsed (should be two)
638       */
639 #define TableParseArrayIndex(r, c, i)	sscanf((i), "%d,%d", (r), (c))
641      /*
642       * Macro for finding the last cell of the table
643       */
644 #define TableGetLastCell(tablePtr, rowPtr, colPtr) \
645 	TableWhatCell((tablePtr),\
646 		Tk_Width((tablePtr)->tkwin)-(tablePtr)->highlightWidth-1,\
647 		Tk_Height((tablePtr)->tkwin)-(tablePtr)->highlightWidth-1,\
648 		(rowPtr), (colPtr))
650 /*
651  * end of header
653  */
657 #endif /* _TKTABLE_H_ */