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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


MakefileH A D21-Mar-20092.4 KiB8954

READMEH A D21-Mar-2009693 2315

ResourceTestH A D21-Mar-2009395 1613

Slider.ccH A D21-Mar-20096.7 KiB267200

Slider.hH A D21-Mar-20092.6 KiB11064

StaticMenuTestH A D21-Mar-2009724 2720

TestAlignment.ccH A D21-Mar-200910.7 KiB366303

TestAlignment.hH A D21-Mar-20092.4 KiB6737

TestCompletion.ccH A D21-Mar-20094.9 KiB156122

TestCompletion.hH A D21-Mar-20091.3 KiB4113

TestInput.ccH A D21-Mar-20091.9 KiB7745

TestInput.hH A D21-Mar-20091.5 KiB5519

TestPeriodic.ccH A D21-Mar-20091.9 KiB6737

TestPeriodic.hH A D21-Mar-20091.3 KiB4415

TestPrefDialog.ccH A D21-Mar-20095.4 KiB228158

TestPrefDialog.hH A D21-Mar-20092.7 KiB11163

TestWindow.ccH A D21-Mar-20095.1 KiB192142

TestWindow.hH A D21-Mar-20091.4 KiB4918

VktestH A D21-Mar-20094.7 KiB151131

resourceTest.ccH A D21-Mar-20099.7 KiB354276

staticMenuTest.ccH A D21-Mar-20097.7 KiB284204

testVkComponentList.ccH A D21-Mar-20092.8 KiB11075

testVkNameList.ccH A D21-Mar-20095.9 KiB244187

testVkWidgetList.ccH A D21-Mar-20092.6 KiB9964

vktest.ccH A D21-Mar-200916.4 KiB607489


1ViewKlass test harness
3This directory contains 3 test programs;
5vktest, which contains test code for most of the ViewKlass classes,
6staticMenuTest, which is intended primarily for testing the static
7definition of Menus and resourceTest which provides a test harness
8for VkGetResource function.
10There are also 3 resource files, Vktest, StaticMenuTest and
11ResourceTest, which demonstrate many of the ways in which ViewKlass
12uses resources.
13These files should be copied to $HOME so that they are read during
14application startup. Alternatively you can set XAPPLRESDIR to point
15to this test directory.
17The Slider class is an example of a component derived from VkComponent.
20Have Fun,