1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        wx/dialup.h
3 // Purpose:     Network related wxWidgets classes and functions
4 // Author:      Vadim Zeitlin
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created:     07.07.99
7 // RCS-ID:      $Id: dialup.h 49804 2007-11-10 01:09:42Z VZ $
8 // Copyright:   (c) Vadim Zeitlin
9 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
10 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef _WX_DIALUP_H
13 #define _WX_DIALUP_H
17 #include "wx/event.h"
19 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 // misc
21 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_BASE wxArrayString;
25 #define WXDIALUP_MANAGER_DEFAULT_BEACONHOST  wxT("www.yahoo.com")
27 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 // A class which groups functions dealing with connecting to the network from a
29 // workstation using dial-up access to the net. There is at most one instance
30 // of this class in the program accessed via GetDialUpManager().
31 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 /* TODO
34  *
35  * 1. more configurability for Unix: i.e. how to initiate the connection, how
36  *    to check for online status, &c.
37  * 2. a function to enumerate all connections (ISPs) and show a dialog in
38  *    Dial() allowing to choose between them if no ISP given
39  * 3. add an async version of dialing functions which notify the caller about
40  *    the progress (or may be even start another thread to monitor it)
41  * 4. the static creation/accessor functions are not MT-safe - but is this
42  *    really crucial? I think we may suppose they're always called from the
43  *    main thread?
44  */
46 class WXDLLEXPORT wxDialUpManager
47 {
48 public:
49     // this function should create and return the object of the
50     // platform-specific class derived from wxDialUpManager. It's implemented
51     // in the platform-specific source files.
52     static wxDialUpManager *Create();
54     // could the dialup manager be initialized correctly? If this function
55     // returns false, no other functions will work neither, so it's a good idea
56     // to call this function and check its result before calling any other
57     // wxDialUpManager methods
58     virtual bool IsOk() const = 0;
60     // virtual dtor for any base class
~wxDialUpManager()61     virtual ~wxDialUpManager() { }
63     // operations
64     // ----------
66     // fills the array with the names of all possible values for the first
67     // parameter to Dial() on this machine and returns their number (may be 0)
68     virtual size_t GetISPNames(wxArrayString& names) const = 0;
70     // dial the given ISP, use username and password to authentificate
71     //
72     // if no nameOfISP is given, the function will select the default one
73     //
74     // if no username/password are given, the function will try to do without
75     // them, but will ask the user if really needed
76     //
77     // if async parameter is false, the function waits until the end of dialing
78     // and returns true upon successful completion.
79     // if async is true, the function only initiates the connection and returns
80     // immediately - the result is reported via events (an event is sent
81     // anyhow, but if dialing failed it will be a DISCONNECTED one)
82     virtual bool Dial(const wxString& nameOfISP = wxEmptyString,
83                       const wxString& username = wxEmptyString,
84                       const wxString& password = wxEmptyString,
85                       bool async = true) = 0;
87     // returns true if (async) dialing is in progress
88     virtual bool IsDialing() const = 0;
90     // cancel dialing the number initiated with Dial(async = true)
91     // NB: this won't result in DISCONNECTED event being sent
92     virtual bool CancelDialing() = 0;
94     // hang up the currently active dial up connection
95     virtual bool HangUp() = 0;
97     // online status
98     // -------------
100     // returns true if the computer has a permanent network connection (i.e. is
101     // on a LAN) and so there is no need to use Dial() function to go online
102     //
103     // NB: this functions tries to guess the result and it is not always
104     //     guaranteed to be correct, so it's better to ask user for
105     //     confirmation or give him a possibility to override it
106     virtual bool IsAlwaysOnline() const = 0;
108     // returns true if the computer is connected to the network: under Windows,
109     // this just means that a RAS connection exists, under Unix we check that
110     // the "well-known host" (as specified by SetWellKnownHost) is reachable
111     virtual bool IsOnline() const = 0;
113     // sometimes the built-in logic for determining the online status may fail,
114     // so, in general, the user should be allowed to override it. This function
115     // allows to forcefully set the online status - whatever our internal
116     // algorithm may think about it.
117     virtual void SetOnlineStatus(bool isOnline = true) = 0;
119     // set misc wxDialUpManager options
120     // --------------------------------
122     // enable automatical checks for the connection status and sending of
123     // wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED/wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED events. The interval
124     // parameter is only for Unix where we do the check manually: under
125     // Windows, the notification about the change of connection status is
126     // instantenous.
127     //
128     // Returns false if couldn't set up automatic check for online status.
129     virtual bool EnableAutoCheckOnlineStatus(size_t nSeconds = 60) = 0;
131     // disable automatic check for connection status change - notice that the
132     // wxEVT_DIALUP_XXX events won't be sent any more neither.
133     virtual void DisableAutoCheckOnlineStatus() = 0;
135     // additional Unix-only configuration
136     // ----------------------------------
138     // under Unix, the value of well-known host is used to check whether we're
139     // connected to the internet. It's unused under Windows, but this function
140     // is always safe to call. The default value is www.yahoo.com.
141     virtual void SetWellKnownHost(const wxString& hostname,
142                                   int portno = 80) = 0;
144     // Sets the commands to start up the network and to hang up again. Used by
145     // the Unix implementations only.
146     virtual void
147     SetConnectCommand(const wxString& commandDial = wxT("/usr/bin/pon"),
148                       const wxString& commandHangup = wxT("/usr/bin/poff")) = 0;
149 };
151 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 // wxDialUpManager events
153 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 // the event class for the dialup events
161 class WXDLLEXPORT wxDialUpEvent : public wxEvent
162 {
163 public:
164     wxDialUpEvent(bool isConnected, bool isOwnEvent) : wxEvent(isOwnEvent)
165     {
166         SetEventType(isConnected ? wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED
167                                  : wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED);
168     }
170     // is this a CONNECTED or DISCONNECTED event?
171     bool IsConnectedEvent() const
172         { return GetEventType() == wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED; }
174     // does this event come from wxDialUpManager::Dial() or from some extrenal
175     // process (i.e. does it result from our own attempt to establish the
176     // connection)?
177     bool IsOwnEvent() const { return m_id != 0; }
179     // implement the base class pure virtual
180     virtual wxEvent *Clone() const { return new wxDialUpEvent(*this); }
182 private:
183     DECLARE_NO_ASSIGN_CLASS(wxDialUpEvent)
184 };
186 // the type of dialup event handler function
187 typedef void (wxEvtHandler::*wxDialUpEventFunction)(wxDialUpEvent&);
189 #define wxDialUpEventHandler(func) \
190     (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)wxStaticCastEvent(wxDialUpEventFunction, &func)
192 // macros to catch dialup events
193 #define EVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED(func) \
194     wx__DECLARE_EVT0(wxEVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED, wxDialUpEventHandler(func))
195 #define EVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED(func) \
196     wx__DECLARE_EVT0(wxEVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED, wxDialUpEventHandler(func))
199 #endif // wxUSE_DIALUP_MANAGER
201 #endif // _WX_DIALUP_H