1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        toplevel.h
3 // Purpose:     interface of wxTopLevelWindow
4 // Author:      wxWidgets team
5 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 /**
9     Styles used with wxTopLevelWindow::RequestUserAttention().
10 */
11 enum
12 {
13     wxUSER_ATTENTION_INFO = 1,  ///< Requests user attention,
14     wxUSER_ATTENTION_ERROR = 2  ///< Results in a more drastic action.
15 };
17 /**
18     Styles used with wxTopLevelWindow::ShowFullScreen().
19 */
20 enum
21 {
22     wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR   = 0x0001,  ///< Don't display the menu bar.
23     wxFULLSCREEN_NOTOOLBAR   = 0x0002,  ///< Don't display toolbar bars.
24     wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR = 0x0004,  ///< Don't display the status bar.
25     wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER    = 0x0008,  ///< Don't display any border.
26     wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION   = 0x0010,  ///< Don't display a caption.
28     /**
29         Combination of all above, will display the least possible.
30     */
32                           wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR | wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER |
33                           wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION
34 };
36 #define wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE (wxSYSTEM_MENU |          \
37                                wxRESIZE_BORDER |        \
38                                wxMINIMIZE_BOX |         \
39                                wxMAXIMIZE_BOX |         \
40                                wxCLOSE_BOX |            \
41                                wxCAPTION |              \
42                                wxCLIP_CHILDREN)
44 /**
45     @class wxTopLevelWindow
47     wxTopLevelWindow is a common base class for wxDialog and wxFrame. It is an
48     abstract base class meaning that you never work with objects of this class
49     directly, but all of its methods are also applicable for the two classes
50     above.
52     Note that the instances of wxTopLevelWindow are managed by wxWidgets in the
53     internal top level window list.
55     @beginEventEmissionTable
56     @event{EVT_MAXIMIZE(id, func)}
57         Process a @c wxEVT_MAXIMIZE event. See wxMaximizeEvent.
58     @event{EVT_MOVE(func)}
59         Process a @c wxEVT_MOVE event, which is generated when a window is moved.
60         See wxMoveEvent.
61     @event{EVT_MOVE_START(func)}
62         Process a @c wxEVT_MOVE_START event, which is generated when the user starts
63         to move or size a window. wxMSW only.
64         See wxMoveEvent.
65     @event{EVT_MOVE_END(func)}
66         Process a @c wxEVT_MOVE_END event, which is generated when the user stops
67         moving or sizing a window. wxMSW only.
68         See wxMoveEvent.
69     @event{EVT_SHOW(func)}
70         Process a @c wxEVT_SHOW event. See wxShowEvent.
71     @endEventTable
73     @library{wxcore}
74     @category{managedwnd}
76     @see wxDialog, wxFrame
77 */
78 class wxTopLevelWindow : public wxNonOwnedWindow
79 {
80 public:
81     /**
82         Default ctor.
83     */
84     wxTopLevelWindow();
86     /**
87         Constructor creating the top level window.
88     */
89     wxTopLevelWindow(wxWindow *parent,
90                     wxWindowID id,
91                     const wxString& title,
92                     const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
93                     const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
94                     long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
95                     const wxString& name = wxFrameNameStr);
97     /**
98         Destructor. Remember that wxTopLevelWindows do not get immediately
99         destroyed when the user (or the app) closes them; they have a
100         @b delayed destruction.
102         See @ref overview_windowdeletion for more info.
103     */
104     virtual ~wxTopLevelWindow();
106     /**
107         Creates the top level window.
108     */
109     bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
110                 wxWindowID id,
111                 const wxString& title,
112                 const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
113                 const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
114                 long style = wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE,
115                 const wxString& name = wxFrameNameStr);
117     /**
118         Returns @true if the platform supports making the window translucent.
120         @see SetTransparent()
121     */
122     virtual bool CanSetTransparent();
124     /**
125         A synonym for CentreOnScreen().
126     */
127     void CenterOnScreen(int direction = wxBOTH);
129     /**
130         Centres the window on screen.
132         @param direction
133             Specifies the direction for the centering. May be @c wxHORIZONTAL,
134             @c wxVERTICAL or @c wxBOTH.
136         @see wxWindow::CentreOnParent()
137     */
138     void CentreOnScreen(int direction = wxBOTH);
140     /**
141         Enables or disables the Close button (most often in the right upper
142         corner of a dialog) and the Close entry of the system menu (most often
143         in the left upper corner of the dialog).
145         Currently only implemented for wxMSW and wxGTK.
147         Returns @true if operation was successful. This may be wrong on X11
148         (including GTK+) where the window manager may not support this operation
149         and there is no way to find out.
150     */
151     virtual bool EnableCloseButton(bool enable = true);
153     /**
154         Returns a pointer to the button which is the default for this window, or
155         @c @NULL. The default button is the one activated by pressing the Enter
156         key.
157     */
158     wxWindow* GetDefaultItem() const;
160     /**
161         Get the default size for a new top level window.
163         This is used internally by wxWidgets on some platforms to determine the
164         default size for a window created using ::wxDefaultSize so it is not
165         necessary to use it when creating a wxTopLevelWindow, however it may be
166         useful if a rough estimation of the window size is needed for some
167         other reason.
169         @since 2.9.2
170      */
171     static wxSize GetDefaultSize();
173     /**
174         Returns the standard icon of the window. The icon will be invalid if it
175         hadn't been previously set by SetIcon().
177         @see GetIcons()
178     */
179     wxIcon GetIcon() const;
181     /**
182         Returns all icons associated with the window, there will be none of them
183         if neither SetIcon() nor SetIcons() had been called before. Use
184         GetIcon() to get the main icon of the window.
186         @see wxIconBundle
187     */
188     const wxIconBundle& GetIcons() const;
190     /**
191         Gets a string containing the window title.
193         @see SetTitle()
194     */
195     virtual wxString GetTitle() const;
197     /**
198         Unique to the wxWinCE port. Responds to showing/hiding SIP (soft input
199         panel) area and resize window accordingly. Override this if you want to
200         avoid resizing or do additional operations.
201     */
202     virtual bool HandleSettingChange(WXWPARAM wParam,
203                                      WXLPARAM lParam);
205     /**
206         Iconizes or restores the window.
208         @param iconize
209             If @true, iconizes the window; if @false, shows and restores it.
211         @see IsIconized(), Maximize(), wxIconizeEvent.
212     */
213     virtual void Iconize(bool iconize = true);
215     /**
216         Returns @true if this window is currently active, i.e.\ if the user is
217         currently working with it.
218     */
219     virtual bool IsActive();
221     /**
222         Returns @true if this window is expected to be always maximized, either
223         due to platform policy or due to local policy regarding particular
224         class.
225     */
226     virtual bool IsAlwaysMaximized() const;
228     /**
229         Returns @true if the window is in fullscreen mode.
231         @see ShowFullScreen()
232     */
233     virtual bool IsFullScreen() const;
235     /**
236         Returns @true if the window is iconized.
237     */
238     virtual bool IsIconized() const;
240     /**
241         Returns @true if the window is maximized.
242     */
243     virtual bool IsMaximized() const;
245     /**
246         This method is specific to wxUniversal port.
248         Returns @true if this window is using native decorations, @false if we
249         draw them ourselves.
251         @see UseNativeDecorations(),
252              UseNativeDecorationsByDefault()
253     */
254     bool IsUsingNativeDecorations() const;
256     /**
257         See wxWindow::SetAutoLayout(): when auto layout is on, this function gets
258         called automatically when the window is resized.
259     */
260     virtual bool Layout();
262     /**
263         Maximizes or restores the window.
265         @param maximize
266             If @true, maximizes the window, otherwise it restores it.
268         @see Iconize()
269     */
270     virtual void Maximize(bool maximize = true);
272     /**
273         MSW-specific function for accessing the system menu.
275         Returns a wxMenu pointer representing the system menu of the window
276         under MSW. The returned wxMenu may be used, if non-@c NULL, to add
277         extra items to the system menu. The usual @c wxEVT_MENU
278         events (that can be processed using @c EVT_MENU event table macro) will
279         then be generated for them. All the other wxMenu methods may be used as
280         well but notice that they won't allow you to access any standard system
281         menu items (e.g. they can't be deleted or modified in any way
282         currently).
284         Notice that because of the native system limitations the identifiers of
285         the items added to the system menu must be multiples of 16, otherwise
286         no events will be generated for them.
288         The returned pointer must @em not be deleted, it is owned by the window
289         and will be only deleted when the window itself is destroyed.
291         This function is not available in the other ports by design, any
292         occurrences of it in the portable code must be guarded by
293         @code #ifdef __WXMSW__ @endcode preprocessor guards.
295         @since 2.9.3
296      */
297     wxMenu *MSWGetSystemMenu() const;
299     /**
300         Use a system-dependent way to attract users attention to the window when
301         it is in background.
303         @a flags may have the value of either @c ::wxUSER_ATTENTION_INFO
304         (default) or @c ::wxUSER_ATTENTION_ERROR which results in a more drastic
305         action. When in doubt, use the default value.
308         @note This function should normally be only used when the application
309               is not already in foreground.
311         This function is currently implemented for Win32 where it flashes
312         the window icon in the taskbar, and for wxGTK with task bars
313         supporting it.
315     */
316     virtual void RequestUserAttention(int flags = wxUSER_ATTENTION_INFO);
318     /**
319         Restore a previously iconized or maximized window to its normal state.
321         In wxGTK this method currently doesn't return the maximized window to
322         its normal state and you must use Maximize() with @false argument
323         explicitly for this. In the other ports, it both unmaximizes the
324         maximized windows and uniconizes the iconized ones.
326         @see Iconize(), Maximize()
327      */
328     void Restore();
330     /**
331         Changes the default item for the panel, usually @a win is a button.
333         @see GetDefaultItem()
334     */
335     wxWindow* SetDefaultItem(wxWindow* win);
338     wxWindow*  SetTmpDefaultItem(wxWindow * win);
339     wxWindow* GetTmpDefaultItem() const;
342     /**
343         Sets the icon for this window.
345         @param icon
346             The wxIcon to associate with this window.
348         @remarks The window takes a 'copy' of @a icon, but since it uses
349                  reference counting, the copy is very quick. It is safe to
350                  delete @a icon after calling this function.
352         @note In wxMSW, @a icon must be either 16x16 or 32x32 icon.
354         @see wxIcon, SetIcons()
355     */
356     void SetIcon(const wxIcon& icon);
358     /**
359         Sets several icons of different sizes for this window: this allows
360         using different icons for different situations (e.g. task switching bar,
361         taskbar, window title bar) instead of scaling, with possibly bad looking
362         results, the only icon set by SetIcon().
364         @param icons
365             The icons to associate with this window.
367         @note In wxMSW, @a icons must contain a 16x16 or 32x32 icon,
368               preferably both.
370         @see wxIconBundle
371     */
372     virtual void SetIcons(const wxIconBundle& icons);
374     /**
375         Sets action or menu activated by pressing left hardware button on the
376         smart phones. Unavailable on full keyboard machines.
378         @param id
379             Identifier for this button.
380         @param label
381             Text to be displayed on the screen area dedicated to this hardware
382             button.
383         @param subMenu
384             The menu to be opened after pressing this hardware button.
386         @see SetRightMenu().
387     */
388     void SetLeftMenu(int id = wxID_ANY,
389                      const wxString& label = wxEmptyString,
390                      wxMenu* subMenu = NULL);
392     /**
393         A simpler interface for setting the size hints than SetSizeHints().
394     */
395     virtual void SetMaxSize(const wxSize& size);
397     /**
398         A simpler interface for setting the size hints than SetSizeHints().
399     */
400     virtual void SetMinSize(const wxSize& size);
402     /**
403         Sets action or menu activated by pressing right hardware button on the
404         smart phones. Unavailable on full keyboard machines.
406         @param id
407             Identifier for this button.
408         @param label
409             Text to be displayed on the screen area dedicated to this hardware
410             button.
411         @param subMenu
412             The menu to be opened after pressing this hardware button.
414         @see SetLeftMenu().
415     */
416     void SetRightMenu(int id = wxID_ANY,
417                       const wxString& label = wxEmptyString,
418                       wxMenu* subMenu = NULL);
420     /**
421         Allows specification of minimum and maximum window sizes, and window
422         size increments. If a pair of values is not set (or set to -1), no
423         constraints will be used.
425         @param minW
426             The minimum width.
427         @param minH
428             The minimum height.
429         @param maxW
430             The maximum width.
431         @param maxH
432             The maximum height.
433         @param incW
434             Specifies the increment for sizing the width (GTK/Motif/Xt only).
435         @param incH
436             Specifies the increment for sizing the height (GTK/Motif/Xt only).
438         @remarks Notice that this function not only prevents the user from
439                  resizing the window outside the given bounds but it also
440                  prevents the program itself from doing it using
441                  wxWindow::SetSize().
443     */
444     virtual void SetSizeHints(int minW, int minH,
445                               int maxW = -1, int maxH = -1,
446                               int incW = -1, int incH = -1);
448     /**
449         Allows specification of minimum and maximum window sizes, and window
450         size increments. If a pair of values is not set (or set to -1), no
451         constraints will be used.
453         @param minSize
454             The minimum size of the window.
455         @param maxSize
456             The maximum size of the window.
457         @param incSize
458             Increment size (only taken into account under X11-based ports such
459             as wxGTK/wxMotif/wxX11).
461         @remarks Notice that this function not only prevents the user from
462                  resizing the window outside the given bounds but it also
463                  prevents the program itself from doing it using
464                  wxWindow::SetSize().
465     */
466     void SetSizeHints(const wxSize& minSize,
467                       const wxSize& maxSize = wxDefaultSize,
468                       const wxSize& incSize = wxDefaultSize);
470     /**
471         Sets the window title.
473         @param title
474             The window title.
476         @see GetTitle()
477     */
478     virtual void SetTitle(const wxString& title);
480     /**
481         If the platform supports it will set the window to be translucent.
483         @param alpha
484             Determines how opaque or transparent the window will be, if the
485             platform supports the operation. A value of 0 sets the window to be
486             fully transparent, and a value of 255 sets the window to be fully
487             opaque.
488     */
489     virtual bool SetTransparent(wxByte alpha);
491     /**
492         This virtual function is not meant to be called directly but can be
493         overridden to return @false (it returns @true by default) to allow the
494         application to close even if this, presumably not very important, window
495         is still opened. By default, the application stays alive as long as
496         there are any open top level windows.
497     */
498     virtual bool ShouldPreventAppExit() const;
500     /**
501         This function sets the wxTopLevelWindow's modified state on OS X,
502         which currently draws a black dot in the wxTopLevelWindow's close button.
503         On other platforms, this method does nothing.
505         @see OSXIsModified()
506     */
507     virtual void OSXSetModified(bool modified);
509     /**
510         Returns the current modified state of the wxTopLevelWindow on OS X.
511         On other platforms, this method does nothing.
513         @see OSXSetModified()
514     */
515     virtual bool OSXIsModified() const;
517     /**
518         Sets the file name represented by this wxTopLevelWindow.
520         Under OS X, this file name is used to set the "proxy icon", which
521         appears in the window title bar near its title, corresponding to this
522         file name. Under other platforms it currently doesn't do anything but
523         it is harmless to call it now and it might be implemented to do
524         something useful in the future so you're encouraged to use it for any
525         window representing a file-based document.
527         @since 2.9.4
528     */
529     virtual void SetRepresentedFilename(const wxString& filename);
531     /**
532         Show the wxTopLevelWindow, but do not give it keyboard focus. This can be
533         used for pop up or notification windows that should not steal the current
534         focus.
535      */
536     virtual void ShowWithoutActivating();
538     /**
539         Depending on the value of @a show parameter the window is either shown
540         full screen or restored to its normal state. @a style is a bit list
541         containing some or all of the following values, which indicate what
542         elements of the window to hide in full-screen mode:
544         - @c ::wxFULLSCREEN_NOMENUBAR
545         - @c ::wxFULLSCREEN_NOTOOLBAR
546         - @c ::wxFULLSCREEN_NOSTATUSBAR
547         - @c ::wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER
548         - @c ::wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION
549         - @c ::wxFULLSCREEN_ALL (all of the above)
551         This function has not been tested with MDI frames.
553         @note Showing a window full screen also actually @ref wxWindow::Show()
554               "Show()"s the window if it isn't shown.
556         @see IsFullScreen()
557     */
558     virtual bool ShowFullScreen(bool show, long style = wxFULLSCREEN_ALL);
560     /**
561         This method is specific to wxUniversal port.
563         Use native or custom-drawn decorations for this window only. Notice that
564         to have any effect this method must be called before really creating the
565         window, i.e. two step creation must be used:
567         @code
568         MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame;       // use default ctor
569         frame->UseNativeDecorations(false); // change from default "true"
570         frame->Create(parent, title, ...);  // really create the frame
571         @endcode
573         @see UseNativeDecorationsByDefault(),
574              IsUsingNativeDecorations()
575     */
576     void UseNativeDecorations(bool native = true);
578     /**
579         This method is specific to wxUniversal port.
581         Top level windows in wxUniversal port can use either system-provided
582         window decorations (i.e. title bar and various icons, buttons and menus
583         in it) or draw the decorations themselves. By default the system
584         decorations are used if they are available, but this method can be
585         called with @a native set to @false to change this for all windows
586         created after this point.
588         Also note that if @c WXDECOR environment variable is set, then custom
589         decorations are used by default and so it may make sense to call this
590         method with default argument if the application can't use custom
591         decorations at all for some reason.
593         @see UseNativeDecorations()
594     */
595     void UseNativeDecorationsByDefault(bool native = true);
596 };