1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        translation.h
3 // Purpose:     wxTranslation class
4 // Author:      wxWidgets team
5 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 /**
10     This class allows getting translations for strings.
12     In wxWidgets this class manages message catalogs which contain the
13     translations of the strings used to the current language. Unlike wxLocale,
14     it isn't bound to locale. It can be used either independently of, or in
15     conjunction with wxLocale. In the latter case, you should initialize
16     wxLocale (which creates wxTranslations instance) first; in the former, you
17     need to create a wxTranslations object and Set() it manually.
19     Only one wxTranslations instance is active at a time; it is set with the
20     Set() method and obtained using Get().
22     Unlike wxLocale, wxTranslations' primary mean of identifying language
23     is by its "canonical name", i.e. ISO 639 code, possibly combined with
24     ISO 3166 country code and additional modifiers (examples include
25     "fr", "en_GB" or "ca@valencia"; see wxLocale::GetCanonicalName() for
26     more information). This allows apps using wxTranslations API to use even
27     languages not recognized by the operating system or not listed in
28     wxLanguage enum.
30     @since 2.9.1
32     @see wxLocale, wxTranslationsLoader, wxFileTranslationsLoader
33  */
34 class wxTranslations
35 {
36 public:
37     /// Constructor
38     wxTranslations();
40     /**
41         Returns current translations object, may return NULL.
43         You must either call this early in app initialization code, or let
44         wxLocale do it for you.
45      */
46     static wxTranslations *Get();
48     /**
49         Sets current translations object.
51         Deletes previous translation object and takes ownership of @a t.
52      */
53     static void Set(wxTranslations *t);
55     /**
56         Changes loader use to read catalogs to a non-default one.
58         Deletes previous loader and takes ownership of @a loader.
60         @see wxTranslationsLoader, wxFileTranslationsLoader, wxResourceTranslationsLoader
61      */
62     void SetLoader(wxTranslationsLoader *loader);
64     /**
65         Sets translations language to use.
67         wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT has special meaning: best suitable translation,
68         given user's preference and available translations, will be used.
69      */
70     void SetLanguage(wxLanguage lang);
72     /**
73         Sets translations language to use.
75         Empty @a lang string has the same meaning as wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT in
76         SetLanguage(wxLanguage): best suitable translation, given user's
77         preference and available translations, will be used.
78      */
79     void SetLanguage(const wxString& lang);
81     /**
82         Returns list of all translations of @a domain that were found.
84         This method can be used e.g. to populate list of application's
85         translations offered to the user. To do this, pass the app's main
86         catalog as @a domain.
88         @see GetBestTranslation()
89      */
90     wxArrayString GetAvailableTranslations(const wxString& domain) const;
92     /**
93         Returns the best UI language for the @a domain.
95         The language is determined from the preferred UI language or languages
96         list the user configured in the OS. Notice that this may or may not
97         correspond to the default @em locale as obtained from
98         wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage(); modern operation systems (Windows
99         Vista+, OS X) have separate language and regional (= locale) settings.
101         @param domain
102             The catalog domain to look for.
104         @param msgIdLanguage
105             Specifies the language of "msgid" strings in source code
106             (i.e. arguments to GetString(), wxGetTranslation() and the _() macro).
108         @return Language code if a suitable match was found, empty string
109                 otherwise.
111         @since 2.9.5
112      */
113     wxString GetBestTranslation(const wxString& domain, wxLanguage msgIdLanguage);
115     /**
116         Returns the best UI language for the @a domain.
118         The language is determined from the preferred UI language or languages
119         list the user configured in the OS. Notice that this may or may not
120         correspond to the default @em locale as obtained from
121         wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage(); modern operation systems (Windows
122         Vista+, OS X) have separate language and regional (= locale) settings.
124         @param domain
125             The catalog domain to look for.
127         @param msgIdLanguage
128             Specifies the language of "msgid" strings in source code
129             (i.e. arguments to GetString(), wxGetTranslation() and the _() macro).
131         @return Language code if a suitable match was found, empty string
132                 otherwise.
134         @since 2.9.5
135      */
136     wxString GetBestTranslation(const wxString& domain,
137                                 const wxString& msgIdLanguage = "en");
139     /**
140         Add standard wxWidgets catalogs ("wxstd" and possible port-specific
141         catalogs).
143         @return @true if a suitable catalog was found, @false otherwise
145         @see AddCatalog()
146      */
147     bool AddStdCatalog();
149     /**
150         Add a catalog for use with the current locale.
152         By default, it is searched for in standard places (see
153         wxFileTranslationsLoader), but you may also prepend additional
154         directories to the search path with
155         wxFileTranslationsLoader::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix().
157         All loaded catalogs will be used for message lookup by GetString() for
158         the current locale.
160         In this overload, @c msgid strings are assumed
161         to be in English and written only using 7-bit ASCII characters.
162         If you have to deal with non-English strings or 8-bit characters in the
163         source code, see the instructions in @ref overview_nonenglish.
165         @return
166             @true if catalog was successfully loaded, @false otherwise (which might
167             mean that the catalog is not found or that it isn't in the correct format).
168      */
169     bool AddCatalog(const wxString& domain);
171     /**
172         Same as AddCatalog(const wxString&), but takes an additional argument,
173         @a msgIdLanguage.
175         @param domain
176             The catalog domain to add.
178         @param msgIdLanguage
179             Specifies the language of "msgid" strings in source code
180             (i.e. arguments to GetString(), wxGetTranslation() and the _() macro).
181             It is used if AddCatalog() cannot find any catalog for current language:
182             if the language is same as source code language, then strings from source
183             code are used instead.
185         @return
186             @true if catalog was successfully loaded, @false otherwise (which might
187             mean that the catalog is not found or that it isn't in the correct format).
188      */
189     bool AddCatalog(const wxString& domain, wxLanguage msgIdLanguage);
191     /**
192         Same as AddCatalog(const wxString&, wxLanguage), but takes two
193         additional arguments, @a msgIdLanguage and @a msgIdCharset.
195         This overload is only available in non-Unicode build.
197         @param domain
198             The catalog domain to add.
200         @param msgIdLanguage
201             Specifies the language of "msgid" strings in source code
202             (i.e. arguments to GetString(), wxGetTranslation() and the _() macro).
203             It is used if AddCatalog() cannot find any catalog for current language:
204             if the language is same as source code language, then strings from source
205             code are used instead.
207         @param msgIdCharset
208             Lets you specify the charset used for msgids in sources
209             in case they use 8-bit characters (e.g. German or French strings).
211         @return
212             @true if catalog was successfully loaded, @false otherwise (which might
213             mean that the catalog is not found or that it isn't in the correct format).
214      */
215     bool AddCatalog(const wxString& domain,
216                     wxLanguage msgIdLanguage,
217                     const wxString& msgIdCharset);
219     /**
220         Check if the given catalog is loaded, and returns @true if it is.
222         According to GNU gettext tradition, each catalog normally corresponds to
223         'domain' which is more or less the application name.
225         @see AddCatalog()
226      */
227     bool IsLoaded(const wxString& domain) const;
229     /**
230         Retrieves the translation for a string in all loaded domains unless the @a domain
231         parameter is specified (and then only this catalog/domain is searched).
233         Returns @NULL if translation is not available.
235         This function is thread-safe.
237         @remarks Domains are searched in the last to first order, i.e. catalogs
238                  added later override those added before.
240         @since 3.0
241     */
242     const wxString *GetTranslatedString(const wxString& origString,
243                                         const wxString& domain = wxEmptyString) const;
245     /**
246         Retrieves the translation for a string in all loaded domains unless the @a domain
247         parameter is specified (and then only this catalog/domain is searched).
249         Returns @NULL if translation is not available.
251         This form is used when retrieving translation of string that has different
252         singular and plural form in English or different plural forms in some
253         other language.
255         @param origString  The singular form of the string to be converted.
256         @param n           The number on which the plural form choice depends on.
257                            (In some languages, there are different plural forms
258                            for e.g. n=2 and n=3 etc., in addition to the singular
259                            form (n=1) being different.)
260         @param domain      The only domain (i.e. message catalog) to search if
261                            specified. By default this parameter is empty,
262                            indicating that all loaded catalogs should be
263                            searched.
265         See GNU gettext manual for additional information on plural forms handling.
266         This method is called by the wxGetTranslation() function and _() macro.
268         This function is thread-safe.
270         @remarks Domains are searched in the last to first order, i.e. catalogs
271                  added later override those added before.
273         @since 3.0
274     */
275     const wxString *GetTranslatedString(const wxString& origString,
276                                         unsigned n,
277                                         const wxString& domain = wxEmptyString) const;
279     /**
280         Returns the header value for header @a header.
281         The search for @a header is case sensitive. If an @a domain is passed,
282         this domain is searched. Else all domains will be searched until a
283         header has been found.
285         The return value is the value of the header if found. Else this will be empty.
286     */
287     wxString GetHeaderValue(const wxString& header,
288                             const wxString& domain = wxEmptyString) const;
289 };
292 /**
293     Abstraction of translations discovery and loading.
295     This interface makes it possible to override wxWidgets' default catalogs
296     loading mechanism and load MO files from locations other than the
297     filesystem (e.g. embed them in executable).
299     Implementations must implement the LoadCatalog() method.
301     @see wxFileTranslationsLoader, wxResourceTranslationsLoader
303     @since 2.9.1
304  */
305 class wxTranslationsLoader
306 {
307 public:
308     /// Trivial default constructor.
309     wxTranslationsLoader();
311     /**
312         Called to load requested catalog.
314         If the catalog is found, LoadCatalog() should create wxMsgCatalog
315         instance with its data and return it. The caller will take ownership
316         of the catalog.
318         @param domain        Domain to load.
319         @param lang          Language to look for. This is "canonical name"
320                              (see wxLocale::GetCanonicalName()), i.e. ISO 639
321                              code, possibly combined with country code or
322                              additional modifiers (e.g. "fr", "en_GB" or
323                              "ca@valencia").
325         @return Loaded catalog or NULL on failure.
326      */
327     virtual wxMsgCatalog *LoadCatalog(const wxString& domain,
328                                       const wxString& lang) = 0;
330     /**
331         Implements wxTranslations::GetAvailableTranslations().
332      */
333     virtual wxArrayString GetAvailableTranslations(const wxString& domain) const = 0;
334 };
336 /**
337     Standard wxTranslationsLoader implementation.
339     This finds catalogs in the filesystem, using the standard Unix layout.
340     This is the default unless you change the loader with
341     wxTranslations::SetLoader().
343     Catalogs are searched for in standard places (system locales directory,
344     `LC_PATH` on Unix systems, Resources subdirectory of the application bundle
345     on OS X, executable's directory on Windows), but you may also prepend
346     additional directories to the search path with
347     AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix().
349     @since 2.9.1
350  */
351 class wxFileTranslationsLoader : public wxTranslationsLoader
352 {
353 public:
354     /**
355         Add a prefix to the catalog lookup path: the message catalog files will
356         be looked up under prefix/lang/LC_MESSAGES and prefix/lang directories
357         (in this order).
359         This only applies to subsequent invocations of
360         wxTranslations::AddCatalog().
361     */
362     static void AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(const wxString& prefix);
363 };
365 /**
366     This loader makes it possible to load translations from Windows
367     resources.
369     If you wish to store translation MO files in resources, you have to
370     enable this loader before calling wxTranslations::AddCatalog() or
371     wxLocale::AddCatalog():
373     @code
374     wxTranslations::Get()->SetLoader(new wxResourceTranslationsLoader);
375     @endcode
377     Translations are stored in resources as compiled MO files, with type
378     set to "MOFILE" (unless you override GetResourceType()) and name
379     consisting of the domain, followed by underscore, followed by language
380     identification. For example, the relevant part of .rc file would look
381     like this:
383     @code
384     myapp_de     MOFILE   "catalogs/de/myapp.mo"
385     myapp_fr     MOFILE   "catalogs/fr/myapp.mo"
386     myapp_en_GB  MOFILE   "catalogs/en_GB/myapp.mo"
387     @endcode
389     This class is only available on Windows.
391     @since 2.9.1
392  */
393 class wxResourceTranslationsLoader : public wxTranslationsLoader
394 {
395 protected:
396     /**
397         Returns resource type to use for translations.
399         Default type is "MOFILE".
400      */
401     virtual wxString GetResourceType() const;
403     /**
404         Returns handle of the module to load resources from.
406         By default, the main executable is used.
407      */
408     virtual WXHINSTANCE GetModule() const;
409 };
412 /**
413     Represents a loaded translations message catalog.
415     This class should only be used directly by wxTranslationsLoader
416     implementations.
418     @since 2.9.1
419  */
420 class wxMsgCatalog
421 {
422 public:
423     /**
424         Creates catalog loaded from a MO file.
426         @param filename  Path to the MO file to load.
427         @param domain    Catalog's domain. This typically matches
428                          the @a filename.
430         @return Successfully loaded catalog or NULL on failure.
431      */
432     static wxMsgCatalog *CreateFromFile(const wxString& filename,
433                                         const wxString& domain);
435     /**
436         Creates catalog from MO file data in memory buffer.
438         @param data      Data in MO file format.
439         @param domain    Catalog's domain. This typically matches
440                          the @a filename.
442         @return Successfully loaded catalog or NULL on failure.
443      */
444     static wxMsgCatalog *CreateFromData(const wxScopedCharBuffer& data,
445                                         const wxString& domain);
446 };
449 // ============================================================================
450 // Global functions/macros
451 // ============================================================================
453 /** @addtogroup group_funcmacro_string */
454 //@{
456 /**
457     This macro is identical to _() but for the plural variant of
458     wxGetTranslation().
460     @return A const wxString.
462     @header{wx/intl.h}
463 */
464 #define wxPLURAL(string, plural, n)
466 /**
467     This macro doesn't do anything in the program code -- it simply expands to
468     the value of its argument.
470     However it does have a purpose which is to mark the literal strings for the
471     extraction into the message catalog created by @c xgettext program. Usually
472     this is achieved using _() but that macro not only marks the string for
473     extraction but also expands into a wxGetTranslation() call which means that
474     it cannot be used in some situations, notably for static array
475     initialization.
477     Here is an example which should make it more clear: suppose that you have a
478     static array of strings containing the weekday names and which have to be
479     translated (note that it is a bad example, really, as wxDateTime already
480     can be used to get the localized week day names already). If you write:
482     @code
483     static const char * const weekdays[] = { _("Mon"), ..., _("Sun") };
484     ...
485     // use weekdays[n] as usual
486     @endcode
488     The code wouldn't compile because the function calls are forbidden in the
489     array initializer. So instead you should do this:
491     @code
492     static const char * const weekdays[] = { wxTRANSLATE("Mon"), ...,
493     wxTRANSLATE("Sun") };
494     ...
495     // use wxGetTranslation(weekdays[n])
496     @endcode
498     Note that although the code @b would compile if you simply omit
499     wxTRANSLATE() in the above, it wouldn't work as expected because there
500     would be no translations for the weekday names in the program message
501     catalog and wxGetTranslation() wouldn't find them.
503     @return A const wxChar*.
505     @header{wx/intl.h}
506 */
507 #define wxTRANSLATE(string)
509 /**
510     This function returns the translation of @a string in the current
511     @c locale(). If the string is not found in any of the loaded message
512     catalogs (see @ref overview_i18n), the original string is returned. In
513     debug build, an error message is logged -- this should help to find the
514     strings which were not yet translated.  If @a domain is specified then only
515     that domain/catalog is searched for a matching string.  As this function is
516     used very often, an alternative (and also common in Unix world) syntax is
517     provided: the _() macro is defined to do the same thing as
518     wxGetTranslation().
520     This function is thread-safe.
522     @note This function is not suitable for literal strings in Unicode builds
523           since the literal strings must be enclosed in wxT() macro which makes
524           them unrecognised by @c xgettext, and so they are not extracted to
525           the message catalog. Instead, use the _() and wxPLURAL() macro for
526           all literal strings.
528     @see wxGetTranslation(const wxString&, const wxString&, unsigned, const wxString&)
530     @header{wx/intl.h}
531 */
532 const wxString& wxGetTranslation(const wxString& string,
533                                  const wxString& domain = wxEmptyString);
535 /**
536     This is an overloaded version of
537     wxGetTranslation(const wxString&, const wxString&), please see its
538     documentation for general information.
540     This version is used when retrieving translation of string that has
541     different singular and plural forms in English or different plural forms in
542     some other language. Like wxGetTranslation(const wxString&,const wxString&),
543     the @a string parameter must contain the singular form of the string to be
544     converted and is used as the key for the search in the catalog. The
545     @a plural parameter is the plural form (in English). The parameter @a n is
546     used to determine the plural form. If no message catalog is found,
547     @a string is returned if "n == 1", otherwise @a plural is returned.
549     See GNU gettext Manual for additional information on plural forms handling:
550     <http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html#Plural-forms>
551     For a shorter alternative see the wxPLURAL() macro.
553     This function is thread-safe.
555     @header{wx/intl.h}
556 */
557 const wxString& wxGetTranslation(const wxString& string,
558                                  const wxString& plural, unsigned n,
559                                  const wxString& domain = wxEmptyString);
561 /**
562     Macro to be used around all literal strings that should be translated.
564     This macro expands into a call to wxGetTranslation(), so it marks the
565     message for the extraction by @c xgettext just as wxTRANSLATE() does, but
566     also returns the translation of the string for the current locale during
567     execution.
569     This macro is thread-safe.
571     @header{wx/intl.h}
572 */
573 const wxString& _(const wxString& string);
575 //@}