1 /*
2  * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
3  *
4  * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
5  * © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
6  *
7  * drag.c: click and drag.
8  *
9  */
10 #pragma once
12 #include <config.h>
14 /** Callback for dragging */
15 typedef void (*callback_t)(Con *, Rect *, uint32_t, uint32_t,
16                            const xcb_button_press_event_t *, const void *);
18 /** Macro to create a callback function for dragging */
19 #define DRAGGING_CB(name)                                                      \
20     static void name(Con *con, Rect *old_rect, uint32_t new_x, uint32_t new_y, \
21                      const xcb_button_press_event_t *event, const void *extra)
23 /**
24  * This is the return value of a drag operation like drag_pointer.
25  *
26  * DRAGGING will indicate the drag action is still in progress and can be
27  * continued or resolved.
28  *
29  * DRAG_SUCCESS will indicate the intention of the drag action should be
30  * carried out.
31  *
32  * DRAG_REVERT will indicate an attempt should be made to restore the state of
33  * the involved windows to their condition before the drag.
34  *
35  * DRAG_ABORT will indicate that the intention of the drag action cannot be
36  * carried out (e.g. because the window has been unmapped).
37  *
38  */
39 typedef enum {
40     DRAGGING = 0,
44 } drag_result_t;
46 /**
47  * This function grabs your pointer and keyboard and lets you drag stuff around
48  * (borders). Every time you move your mouse, an XCB_MOTION_NOTIFY event will
49  * be received and the given callback will be called with the parameters
50  * specified (client, the original event), the original rect of the client,
51  * and the new coordinates (x, y).
52  *
53  * If use_threshold is set, dragging only starts after the user moves the
54  * pointer past a certain threshold. That is, the cursor will not be set and the
55  * callback will not be called until then.
56  *
57  */
58 drag_result_t drag_pointer(Con *con, const xcb_button_press_event_t *event,
59                            xcb_window_t confine_to, int cursor,
60                            bool use_threshold, callback_t callback,
61                            const void *extra);