1 /*
2     KWin - the KDE window manager
3     This file is part of the KDE project.
5     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2012 Martin Gräßlin <mgraesslin@kde.org>
6     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 David Edmundson <davidedmundson@kde.org>
8     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9 */
11 #include "scriptedeffect.h"
12 #include "scriptingutils.h"
13 #include "workspace_wrapper.h"
14 #include "scripting_logging.h"
16 #include "input.h"
17 #include "screenedge.h"
18 #include "screens.h"
19 // KDE
20 #include <KConfigGroup>
21 #include <kconfigloader.h>
22 #include <KGlobalAccel>
23 #include <KPluginMetaData>
24 // Qt
25 #include <QAction>
26 #include <QFile>
27 #include <QQmlEngine>
28 #include <QStandardPaths>
32 namespace KWin
33 {
35 struct AnimationSettings {
36     enum {
37         Type       = 1<<0,
38         Curve      = 1<<1,
39         Delay      = 1<<2,
40         Duration   = 1<<3,
41         FullScreen = 1<<4,
42         KeepAlive  = 1<<5
43     };
44     AnimationEffect::Attribute type;
45     QEasingCurve::Type curve;
46     QJSValue from;
47     QJSValue to;
48     int delay;
49     uint duration;
50     uint set;
51     uint metaData;
52     bool fullScreenEffect;
53     bool keepAlive;
54 };
animationSettingsFromObject(const QJSValue & object)56 AnimationSettings animationSettingsFromObject(const QJSValue &object)
57 {
58     AnimationSettings settings;
59     settings.set = 0;
60     settings.metaData = 0;
62     settings.to = object.property(QStringLiteral("to"));
63     settings.from = object.property(QStringLiteral("from"));
65     const QJSValue duration = object.property(QStringLiteral("duration"));
66     if (duration.isNumber()) {
67         settings.duration = duration.toUInt();
68         settings.set |= AnimationSettings::Duration;
69     } else {
70         settings.duration = 0;
71     }
73     const QJSValue delay = object.property(QStringLiteral("delay"));
74     if (delay.isNumber()) {
75         settings.delay = delay.toInt();
76         settings.set |= AnimationSettings::Delay;
77     } else {
78         settings.delay = 0;
79     }
81     const QJSValue curve = object.property(QStringLiteral("curve"));
82     if (curve.isNumber()) {
83         settings.curve = static_cast<QEasingCurve::Type>(curve.toInt());
84         settings.set |= AnimationSettings::Curve;
85     } else {
86         settings.curve = QEasingCurve::Linear;
87     }
89     const QJSValue type = object.property(QStringLiteral("type"));
90     if (type.isNumber()) {
91         settings.type = static_cast<AnimationEffect::Attribute>(type.toInt());
92         settings.set |= AnimationSettings::Type;
93     } else {
94         settings.type = static_cast<AnimationEffect::Attribute>(-1);
95     }
97     const QJSValue isFullScreen = object.property(QStringLiteral("fullScreen"));
98     if (isFullScreen.isBool()) {
99         settings.fullScreenEffect = isFullScreen.toBool();
100         settings.set |= AnimationSettings::FullScreen;
101     } else {
102         settings.fullScreenEffect = false;
103     }
105     const QJSValue keepAlive = object.property(QStringLiteral("keepAlive"));
106     if (keepAlive.isBool()) {
107         settings.keepAlive = keepAlive.toBool();
108         settings.set |= AnimationSettings::KeepAlive;
109     } else {
110         settings.keepAlive = true;
111     }
113     return settings;
114 }
fpx2FromScriptValue(const QJSValue & value)116 static KWin::FPx2 fpx2FromScriptValue(const QJSValue &value)
117 {
118     if (value.isNull()) {
119         return FPx2();
120     }
121     if (value.isNumber()) {
122         return FPx2(value.toNumber());
123     }
124     if (value.isObject()) {
125         const QJSValue value1 = value.property(QStringLiteral("value1"));
126         const QJSValue value2 = value.property(QStringLiteral("value2"));
127         if (!value1.isNumber() || !value2.isNumber()) {
128             qCDebug(KWIN_SCRIPTING) << "Cannot cast scripted FPx2 to C++";
129             return FPx2();
130         }
131         return FPx2(value1.toNumber(), value2.toNumber());
132     }
133     return FPx2();
134 }
create(const KPluginMetaData & effect)136 ScriptedEffect *ScriptedEffect::create(const KPluginMetaData &effect)
137 {
138     const QString name = effect.pluginId();
139     const QString scriptName = effect.value(QStringLiteral("X-Plasma-MainScript"));
140     if (scriptName.isEmpty()) {
141         qCDebug(KWIN_SCRIPTING) << "X-Plasma-MainScript not set";
142         return nullptr;
143     }
144     const QString scriptFile = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation,
145                                                       QLatin1String(KWIN_NAME "/effects/") + name + QLatin1String("/contents/") + scriptName);
146     if (scriptFile.isNull()) {
147         qCDebug(KWIN_SCRIPTING) << "Could not locate the effect script";
148         return nullptr;
149     }
150     return ScriptedEffect::create(name, scriptFile, effect.value(QStringLiteral("X-KDE-Ordering")).toInt());
151 }
create(const QString & effectName,const QString & pathToScript,int chainPosition)153 ScriptedEffect *ScriptedEffect::create(const QString& effectName, const QString& pathToScript, int chainPosition)
154 {
155     ScriptedEffect *effect = new ScriptedEffect();
156     if (!effect->init(effectName, pathToScript)) {
157         delete effect;
158         return nullptr;
159     }
160     effect->m_chainPosition = chainPosition;
161     return effect;
162 }
supported()164 bool ScriptedEffect::supported()
165 {
166     return effects->animationsSupported();
167 }
ScriptedEffect()169 ScriptedEffect::ScriptedEffect()
170     : AnimationEffect()
171     , m_engine(new QJSEngine(this))
172     , m_scriptFile(QString())
173     , m_config(nullptr)
174     , m_chainPosition(0)
175 {
176     Q_ASSERT(effects);
177     connect(effects, &EffectsHandler::activeFullScreenEffectChanged, this, [this]() {
178         Effect* fullScreenEffect = effects->activeFullScreenEffect();
179         if (fullScreenEffect == m_activeFullScreenEffect) {
180             return;
181         }
182         if (m_activeFullScreenEffect == this || fullScreenEffect == this) {
183             Q_EMIT isActiveFullScreenEffectChanged();
184         }
185         m_activeFullScreenEffect = fullScreenEffect;
186     });
187 }
~ScriptedEffect()189 ScriptedEffect::~ScriptedEffect()
190 {
191 }
init(const QString & effectName,const QString & pathToScript)193 bool ScriptedEffect::init(const QString &effectName, const QString &pathToScript)
194 {
195     qRegisterMetaType<QJSValueList>();
196     qRegisterMetaType<EffectWindowList>();
198     QFile scriptFile(pathToScript);
199     if (!scriptFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
200         qCDebug(KWIN_SCRIPTING) << "Could not open script file: " << pathToScript;
201         return false;
202     }
203     m_effectName = effectName;
204     m_scriptFile = pathToScript;
206     // does the effect contain an KConfigXT file?
207     const QString kconfigXTFile = QStandardPaths::locate(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QLatin1String(KWIN_NAME "/effects/") + m_effectName + QLatin1String("/contents/config/main.xml"));
208     if (!kconfigXTFile.isNull()) {
209         KConfigGroup cg = QCoreApplication::instance()->property("config").value<KSharedConfigPtr>()->group(QStringLiteral("Effect-%1").arg(m_effectName));
210         QFile xmlFile(kconfigXTFile);
211         m_config = new KConfigLoader(cg, &xmlFile, this);
212         m_config->load();
213     }
215     m_engine->installExtensions(QJSEngine::ConsoleExtension);
217     QJSValue globalObject = m_engine->globalObject();
219     QJSValue effectsObject = m_engine->newQObject(effects);
220     QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(effects, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
221     globalObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("effects"), effectsObject);
223     QJSValue selfObject = m_engine->newQObject(this);
224     QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(this, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
225     globalObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("effect"), selfObject);
227     // desktopChanged is overloaded, which is problematic. Old code exposed the signal also
228     // with parameters. QJSEngine does not so we have to fake it.
229     effectsObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("desktopChanged(int,int)"),
230                               effectsObject.property(QStringLiteral("desktopChangedLegacy")));
231     effectsObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("desktopChanged(int,int,KWin::EffectWindow*)"),
232                               effectsObject.property(QStringLiteral("desktopChanged")));
234     globalObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("Effect"),
235                              m_engine->newQMetaObject(&ScriptedEffect::staticMetaObject));
236 #ifndef KWIN_UNIT_TEST
237     globalObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("KWin"),
238                              m_engine->newQMetaObject(&QtScriptWorkspaceWrapper::staticMetaObject));
239 #endif
240     globalObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("Globals"),
241                              m_engine->newQMetaObject(&KWin::staticMetaObject));
242     globalObject.setProperty(QStringLiteral("QEasingCurve"),
243                              m_engine->newQMetaObject(&QEasingCurve::staticMetaObject));
245     static const QStringList globalProperties {
246         QStringLiteral("animationTime"),
247         QStringLiteral("displayWidth"),
248         QStringLiteral("displayHeight"),
250         QStringLiteral("registerShortcut"),
251         QStringLiteral("registerScreenEdge"),
252         QStringLiteral("registerTouchScreenEdge"),
253         QStringLiteral("unregisterScreenEdge"),
254         QStringLiteral("unregisterTouchScreenEdge"),
256         QStringLiteral("animate"),
257         QStringLiteral("set"),
258         QStringLiteral("retarget"),
259         QStringLiteral("redirect"),
260         QStringLiteral("complete"),
261         QStringLiteral("cancel"),
262     };
264     for (const QString &propertyName : globalProperties) {
265         globalObject.setProperty(propertyName, selfObject.property(propertyName));
266     }
268     const QJSValue result = m_engine->evaluate(QString::fromUtf8(scriptFile.readAll()));
270     if (result.isError()) {
271         qCWarning(KWIN_SCRIPTING, "%s:%d: error: %s", qPrintable(scriptFile.fileName()),
272                   result.property(QStringLiteral("lineNumber")).toInt(),
273                   qPrintable(result.property(QStringLiteral("message")).toString()));
274         return false;
275     }
277     return true;
278 }
animationEnded(KWin::EffectWindow * w,Attribute a,uint meta)280 void ScriptedEffect::animationEnded(KWin::EffectWindow *w, Attribute a, uint meta)
281 {
282     AnimationEffect::animationEnded(w, a, meta);
283     Q_EMIT animationEnded(w, 0);
284 }
pluginId() const286 QString ScriptedEffect::pluginId() const
287 {
288     return m_effectName;
289 }
isActiveFullScreenEffect() const291 bool ScriptedEffect::isActiveFullScreenEffect() const
292 {
293     return effects->activeFullScreenEffect() == this;
294 }
animate_helper(const QJSValue & object,AnimationType animationType)296 QJSValue ScriptedEffect::animate_helper(const QJSValue &object, AnimationType animationType)
297 {
298     QJSValue windowProperty = object.property(QStringLiteral("window"));
299     if (!windowProperty.isObject()) {
300         m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Window property missing in animation options"));
301         return QJSValue();
302     }
304     EffectWindow *window = qobject_cast<EffectWindow *>(windowProperty.toQObject());
305     if (!window) {
306         m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Window property references invalid window"));
307         return QJSValue();
308     }
310     QVector<AnimationSettings> settings{animationSettingsFromObject(object)}; // global
312     QJSValue animations = object.property(QStringLiteral("animations")); // array
313     if (!animations.isUndefined()) {
314         if (!animations.isArray()) {
315             m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Animations provided but not an array"));
316             return QJSValue();
317         }
319         const int length = static_cast<int>(animations.property(QStringLiteral("length")).toInt());
320         for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
321             QJSValue value = animations.property(QString::number(i));
322             if (value.isObject()) {
323                 AnimationSettings s = animationSettingsFromObject(value);
324                 const uint set = s.set | settings.at(0).set;
325                 // Catch show stoppers (incompletable animation)
326                 if (!(set & AnimationSettings::Type)) {
327                     m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Type property missing in animation options"));
328                     return QJSValue();
329                 }
330                 if (!(set & AnimationSettings::Duration)) {
331                     m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Duration property missing in animation options"));
332                     return QJSValue();
333                 }
334                 // Complete local animations from global settings
335                 if (!(s.set & AnimationSettings::Duration)) {
336                     s.duration = settings.at(0).duration;
337                 }
338                 if (!(s.set & AnimationSettings::Curve)) {
339                     s.curve = settings.at(0).curve;
340                 }
341                 if (!(s.set & AnimationSettings::Delay)) {
342                     s.delay = settings.at(0).delay;
343                 }
344                 if (!(s.set & AnimationSettings::FullScreen)) {
345                     s.fullScreenEffect = settings.at(0).fullScreenEffect;
346                 }
347                 if (!(s.set & AnimationSettings::KeepAlive)) {
348                     s.keepAlive = settings.at(0).keepAlive;
349                 }
351                 s.metaData = 0;
352                 typedef QMap<AnimationEffect::MetaType, QString> MetaTypeMap;
353                 static MetaTypeMap metaTypes({
354                     {AnimationEffect::SourceAnchor, QStringLiteral("sourceAnchor")},
355                     {AnimationEffect::TargetAnchor, QStringLiteral("targetAnchor")},
356                     {AnimationEffect::RelativeSourceX, QStringLiteral("relativeSourceX")},
357                     {AnimationEffect::RelativeSourceY, QStringLiteral("relativeSourceY")},
358                     {AnimationEffect::RelativeTargetX, QStringLiteral("relativeTargetX")},
359                     {AnimationEffect::RelativeTargetY, QStringLiteral("relativeTargetY")},
360                     {AnimationEffect::Axis, QStringLiteral("axis")}
361                 });
363                 for (auto it = metaTypes.constBegin(),
364                      end = metaTypes.constEnd(); it != end; ++it) {
365                     QJSValue metaVal = value.property(*it);
366                     if (metaVal.isNumber()) {
367                         AnimationEffect::setMetaData(it.key(), metaVal.toInt(), s.metaData);
368                     }
369                 }
371                 settings << s;
372             }
373         }
374     }
376     if (settings.count() == 1) {
377         const uint set = settings.at(0).set;
378         if (!(set & AnimationSettings::Type)) {
379             m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Type property missing in animation options"));
380             return QJSValue();
381         }
382         if (!(set & AnimationSettings::Duration)) {
383             m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Duration property missing in animation options"));
384             return QJSValue();
385         }
386     } else if (!(settings.at(0).set & AnimationSettings::Type)) { // invalid global
387         settings.removeAt(0); // -> get rid of it, only used to complete the others
388     }
390     if (settings.isEmpty()) {
391         m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("No animations provided"));
392         return QJSValue();
393     }
395     QJSValue array = m_engine->newArray(settings.length());
396     for (int i = 0; i < settings.count(); i++) {
397         const AnimationSettings &setting = settings[i];
398         int animationId;
399         if (animationType == AnimationType::Set) {
400             animationId = set(window,
401                               setting.type,
402                               setting.duration,
403                               setting.to,
404                               setting.from,
405                               setting.metaData,
406                               setting.curve,
407                               setting.delay,
408                               setting.fullScreenEffect,
409                               setting.keepAlive);
410         } else {
411             animationId = animate(window,
412                                   setting.type,
413                                   setting.duration,
414                                   setting.to,
415                                   setting.from,
416                                   setting.metaData,
417                                   setting.curve,
418                                   setting.delay,
419                                   setting.fullScreenEffect,
420                                   setting.keepAlive);
421         }
422         array.setProperty(i, animationId);
423     }
425     return array;
426 }
animate(KWin::EffectWindow * window,KWin::AnimationEffect::Attribute attribute,int ms,const QJSValue & to,const QJSValue & from,uint metaData,int curve,int delay,bool fullScreen,bool keepAlive)428 quint64 ScriptedEffect::animate(KWin::EffectWindow *window, KWin::AnimationEffect::Attribute attribute,
429                                 int ms, const QJSValue &to, const QJSValue &from, uint metaData, int curve,
430                                 int delay, bool fullScreen, bool keepAlive)
431 {
432     QEasingCurve qec;
433     if (curve < QEasingCurve::Custom)
434         qec.setType(static_cast<QEasingCurve::Type>(curve));
435     else if (curve == GaussianCurve)
436         qec.setCustomType(qecGaussian);
437     return AnimationEffect::animate(window, attribute, metaData, ms, fpx2FromScriptValue(to), qec,
438                                     delay, fpx2FromScriptValue(from), fullScreen, keepAlive);
439 }
animate(const QJSValue & object)441 QJSValue ScriptedEffect::animate(const QJSValue &object)
442 {
443     return animate_helper(object, AnimationType::Animate);
444 }
set(KWin::EffectWindow * window,KWin::AnimationEffect::Attribute attribute,int ms,const QJSValue & to,const QJSValue & from,uint metaData,int curve,int delay,bool fullScreen,bool keepAlive)446 quint64 ScriptedEffect::set(KWin::EffectWindow *window, KWin::AnimationEffect::Attribute attribute,
447                             int ms, const QJSValue &to, const QJSValue &from, uint metaData, int curve,
448                             int delay, bool fullScreen, bool keepAlive)
449 {
450     QEasingCurve qec;
451     if (curve < QEasingCurve::Custom)
452         qec.setType(static_cast<QEasingCurve::Type>(curve));
453     else if (curve == GaussianCurve)
454         qec.setCustomType(qecGaussian);
455     return AnimationEffect::set(window, attribute, metaData, ms, fpx2FromScriptValue(to), qec,
456                                 delay, fpx2FromScriptValue(from), fullScreen, keepAlive);
457 }
set(const QJSValue & object)459 QJSValue ScriptedEffect::set(const QJSValue &object)
460 {
461     return animate_helper(object, AnimationType::Set);
462 }
retarget(quint64 animationId,const QJSValue & newTarget,int newRemainingTime)464 bool ScriptedEffect::retarget(quint64 animationId, const QJSValue &newTarget, int newRemainingTime)
465 {
466     return AnimationEffect::retarget(animationId, fpx2FromScriptValue(newTarget), newRemainingTime);
467 }
retarget(const QList<quint64> & animationIds,const QJSValue & newTarget,int newRemainingTime)469 bool ScriptedEffect::retarget(const QList<quint64> &animationIds, const QJSValue &newTarget, int newRemainingTime)
470 {
471     return std::all_of(animationIds.begin(), animationIds.end(), [&](quint64 animationId) {
472         return retarget(animationId, newTarget, newRemainingTime);
473     });
474 }
redirect(quint64 animationId,Direction direction,TerminationFlags terminationFlags)476 bool ScriptedEffect::redirect(quint64 animationId, Direction direction, TerminationFlags terminationFlags)
477 {
478     return AnimationEffect::redirect(animationId, direction, terminationFlags);
479 }
redirect(const QList<quint64> & animationIds,Direction direction,TerminationFlags terminationFlags)481 bool ScriptedEffect::redirect(const QList<quint64> &animationIds, Direction direction, TerminationFlags terminationFlags)
482 {
483     return std::all_of(animationIds.begin(), animationIds.end(), [&](quint64 animationId) {
484         return redirect(animationId, direction, terminationFlags);
485     });
486 }
complete(quint64 animationId)488 bool ScriptedEffect::complete(quint64 animationId)
489 {
490     return AnimationEffect::complete(animationId);
491 }
complete(const QList<quint64> & animationIds)493 bool ScriptedEffect::complete(const QList<quint64> &animationIds)
494 {
495     return std::all_of(animationIds.begin(), animationIds.end(), [&](quint64 animationId) {
496         return complete(animationId);
497     });
498 }
cancel(quint64 animationId)500 bool ScriptedEffect::cancel(quint64 animationId)
501 {
502     return AnimationEffect::cancel(animationId);
503 }
cancel(const QList<quint64> & animationIds)505 bool ScriptedEffect::cancel(const QList<quint64> &animationIds)
506 {
507     bool ret = false;
508     for (const quint64 &animationId : animationIds) {
509         ret |= cancel(animationId);
510     }
511     return ret;
512 }
isGrabbed(EffectWindow * w,ScriptedEffect::DataRole grabRole)514 bool ScriptedEffect::isGrabbed(EffectWindow* w, ScriptedEffect::DataRole grabRole)
515 {
516     void *e = w->data(static_cast<KWin::DataRole>(grabRole)).value<void*>();
517     if (e) {
518         return e != this;
519     } else {
520         return false;
521     }
522 }
grab(EffectWindow * w,DataRole grabRole,bool force)524 bool ScriptedEffect::grab(EffectWindow *w, DataRole grabRole, bool force)
525 {
526     void *grabber = w->data(grabRole).value<void *>();
528     if (grabber == this) {
529         return true;
530     }
532     if (grabber != nullptr && grabber != this && !force) {
533         return false;
534     }
536     w->setData(grabRole, QVariant::fromValue(static_cast<void *>(this)));
538     return true;
539 }
ungrab(EffectWindow * w,DataRole grabRole)541 bool ScriptedEffect::ungrab(EffectWindow *w, DataRole grabRole)
542 {
543     void *grabber = w->data(grabRole).value<void *>();
545     if (grabber == nullptr) {
546         return true;
547     }
549     if (grabber != this) {
550         return false;
551     }
553     w->setData(grabRole, QVariant());
555     return true;
556 }
reconfigure(ReconfigureFlags flags)558 void ScriptedEffect::reconfigure(ReconfigureFlags flags)
559 {
560     AnimationEffect::reconfigure(flags);
561     if (m_config) {
562         m_config->read();
563     }
564     Q_EMIT configChanged();
565 }
registerShortcut(const QString & objectName,const QString & text,const QString & keySequence,const QJSValue & callback)567 void ScriptedEffect::registerShortcut(const QString &objectName, const QString &text,
568                                       const QString &keySequence, const QJSValue &callback)
569 {
570     if (!callback.isCallable()) {
571         m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Shortcut handler must be callable"));
572         return;
573     }
574     QAction *action = new QAction(this);
575     action->setObjectName(objectName);
576     action->setText(text);
577     const QKeySequence shortcut = QKeySequence(keySequence);
578     KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(action, QList<QKeySequence>() << shortcut);
579     input()->registerShortcut(shortcut, action);
580     connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, action, callback]() {
581         QJSValue actionObject = m_engine->newQObject(action);
582         QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(action, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership);
583         QJSValue(callback).call(QJSValueList{actionObject});
584     });
585 }
borderActivated(ElectricBorder edge)587 bool ScriptedEffect::borderActivated(ElectricBorder edge)
588 {
589     auto it = screenEdgeCallbacks().constFind(edge);
590     if (it != screenEdgeCallbacks().constEnd()) {
591         for (const QJSValue &callback : it.value()) {
592             QJSValue(callback).call();
593         }
594     }
595     return true;
596 }
readConfig(const QString & key,const QJSValue & defaultValue)598 QJSValue ScriptedEffect::readConfig(const QString &key, const QJSValue &defaultValue)
599 {
600     if (!m_config) {
601         return defaultValue;
602     }
603     return m_engine->toScriptValue(m_config->property(key));
604 }
displayWidth() const606 int ScriptedEffect::displayWidth() const
607 {
608     return screens()->displaySize().width();
609 }
displayHeight() const611 int ScriptedEffect::displayHeight() const
612 {
613     return screens()->displaySize().height();
614 }
animationTime(int defaultTime) const616 int ScriptedEffect::animationTime(int defaultTime) const
617 {
618     return Effect::animationTime(defaultTime);
619 }
registerScreenEdge(int edge,const QJSValue & callback)621 bool ScriptedEffect::registerScreenEdge(int edge, const QJSValue &callback)
622 {
623     if (!callback.isCallable()) {
624         m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Screen edge handler must be callable"));
625         return false;
626     }
627     auto it = screenEdgeCallbacks().find(edge);
628     if (it == screenEdgeCallbacks().end()) {
629         // not yet registered
630         ScreenEdges::self()->reserve(static_cast<KWin::ElectricBorder>(edge), this, "borderActivated");
631         screenEdgeCallbacks().insert(edge, QJSValueList{callback});
632     } else {
633         it->append(callback);
634     }
635     return true;
636 }
unregisterScreenEdge(int edge)638 bool ScriptedEffect::unregisterScreenEdge(int edge)
639 {
640     auto it = screenEdgeCallbacks().find(edge);
641     if (it == screenEdgeCallbacks().end()) {
642         //not previously registered
643         return false;
644     }
645     ScreenEdges::self()->unreserve(static_cast<KWin::ElectricBorder>(edge), this);
646     screenEdgeCallbacks().erase(it);
647     return true;
648 }
registerTouchScreenEdge(int edge,const QJSValue & callback)650 bool ScriptedEffect::registerTouchScreenEdge(int edge, const QJSValue &callback)
651 {
652     if (m_touchScreenEdgeCallbacks.constFind(edge) != m_touchScreenEdgeCallbacks.constEnd()) {
653         return false;
654     }
655     if (!callback.isCallable()) {
656         m_engine->throwError(QStringLiteral("Touch screen edge handler must be callable"));
657         return false;
658     }
659     QAction *action = new QAction(this);
660     connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [callback]() {
661         QJSValue(callback).call();
662     });
663     ScreenEdges::self()->reserveTouch(KWin::ElectricBorder(edge), action);
664     m_touchScreenEdgeCallbacks.insert(edge, action);
665     return true;
666 }
unregisterTouchScreenEdge(int edge)668 bool ScriptedEffect::unregisterTouchScreenEdge(int edge)
669 {
670     auto it = m_touchScreenEdgeCallbacks.find(edge);
671     if (it == m_touchScreenEdgeCallbacks.end()) {
672         return false;
673     }
674     delete it.value();
675     m_touchScreenEdgeCallbacks.erase(it);
676     return true;
677 }
engine() const679 QJSEngine *ScriptedEffect::engine() const
680 {
681     return m_engine;
682 }
684 } // namespace