1 // Copyright © 2015-2017 winapi-rs developers
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
3 // <LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
4 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option.
5 // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed
6 // except according to those terms.
7 use ctypes::{c_double, c_float, c_int, c_schar, c_short, c_uchar, c_uint, c_ushort, c_void};
8 //48
9 pub type GLenum = c_uint;
10 pub type GLboolean = c_uchar;
11 pub type GLbitfield = c_uint;
12 pub type GLbyte = c_schar;
13 pub type GLshort = c_short;
14 pub type GLint = c_int;
15 pub type GLsizei = c_int;
16 pub type GLubyte = c_uchar;
17 pub type GLushort = c_ushort;
18 pub type GLuint = c_uint;
19 pub type GLfloat = c_float;
20 pub type GLclampf = c_float;
21 pub type GLdouble = c_double;
22 pub type GLclampd = c_double;
23 pub type GLvoid = c_void;
24 //63
25 //68
26 //AccumOp
27 pub const GL_ACCUM: GLenum = 0x0100;
28 pub const GL_LOAD: GLenum = 0x0101;
29 pub const GL_RETURN: GLenum = 0x0102;
30 pub const GL_MULT: GLenum = 0x0103;
31 pub const GL_ADD: GLenum = 0x0104;
32 //AlphaFunction
33 pub const GL_NEVER: GLenum = 0x0200;
34 pub const GL_LESS: GLenum = 0x0201;
35 pub const GL_EQUAL: GLenum = 0x0202;
36 pub const GL_LEQUAL: GLenum = 0x0203;
37 pub const GL_GREATER: GLenum = 0x0204;
38 pub const GL_NOTEQUAL: GLenum = 0x0205;
39 pub const GL_GEQUAL: GLenum = 0x0206;
40 pub const GL_ALWAYS: GLenum = 0x0207;
41 // TODO: we're missing about 1500 lines of defines and methods
42 // until that time, you can use the excellent GL crate
43 // https://github.com/brendanzab/gl-rs
44 extern "system" {
glAccum( op: GLenum, value: GLfloat, )45     pub fn glAccum(
46         op: GLenum,
47         value: GLfloat,
48     );
glAlphaFunc( func: GLenum, reference: GLclampf, )49     pub fn glAlphaFunc(
50         func: GLenum,
51         reference: GLclampf,
52     );
53 }