1# Winit Scope
3Winit aims to expose an interface that abstracts over window creation and input handling, and can
4be used to create both games and applications. It supports the main graphical platforms:
5- Desktop
6  - Windows
7  - macOS
8  - Unix
9    - via X11
10    - via Wayland
11- Mobile
12  - iOS
13  - Android
14- Web
15  - via WASM
17Most platforms expose capabilities that cannot be meaningfully transposed onto others. Winit does not
18aim to support every single feature of every platform, but rather to abstract over the common features
19available everywhere. In this context, APIs exposed in winit can be split into different "support tiers":
21- **Core:** Features that are essential to providing a well-formed abstraction over each platform's
22  windowing and input APIs.
23- **Platform:** Platform-specific features that can't be meaningfully exposed through a common API and
24  cannot be implemented outside of Winit without exposing a significant amount of Winit's internals
25  or interfering with Winit's abstractions.
26- **Usability:** Features that are not strictly essential to Winit's functionality, but provide meaningful
27  usability improvements and cannot be reasonably implemented in an external crate. These are
28  generally optional and exposed through Cargo features.
30Core features are taken care of by the core Winit maintainers. Platform features are not.
31When a platform feature is submitted, the submitter is considered the expert in the
32feature and may be asked to support the feature should it break in the future.
34Winit ***does not*** directly expose functionality for drawing inside windows or creating native
35menus, but ***does*** commit to providing APIs that higher-level crates can use to implement that
38## `1.0` and stability
40When all core features are implemented to the satisfaction of the Winit maintainers, Winit 1.0 will
41be released and the library will enter maintenance mode. For the most part, new core features will not
42be added past this point. New platform features may be accepted and exposed through point releases.
44### Tier upgrades
45Some platform features could in theory be exposed across multiple platforms, but have not gone
46through the implementation work necessary to function on all platforms. When one of these features
47gets implemented across all platforms, a PR can be opened to upgrade the feature to a core feature.
48If that gets accepted, the platform-specific functions gets deprecated and become permanently
49exposed through the core, cross-platform API.
51# Features
53## Extending this section
55If your PR makes notable changes to Winit's features, please update this section as follows:
57- If your PR adds a new feature, add a brief description to the relevant section. If the feature is a core
58  feature, add a row to the feature matrix and describe what platforms the feature has been implemented on.
60- If your PR begins a new API rework, add a row to the `Pending API Reworks` table. If the PR implements the
61  API rework on all relevant platforms, please move it to the `Completed API Reworks` table.
63- If your PR implements an already-existing feature on a new platform, either mark the feature as *completed*,
64  or mark it as *mostly completed* and link to an issue describing the problems with the implementation.
66## Core
68### Windowing
69- **Window initialization**: Winit allows the creation of a window
70- **Providing pointer to init OpenGL**: Winit provides the necessary pointers to initialize a working opengl context
71- **Providing pointer to init Vulkan**: Same as OpenGL but for Vulkan
72- **Window decorations**: The windows created by winit are properly decorated, and the decorations can
73  be deactivated
74- **Window decorations toggle**: Decorations can be turned on or off after window creation
75- **Window resizing**: The windows created by winit can be resized and generate the appropriate events
76  when they are. The application can precisely control its window size if desired.
77- **Window resize increments**: When the window gets resized, the application can choose to snap the window's
78  size to specific values.
79- **Window transparency**: Winit allows the creation of windows with a transparent background.
80- **Window maximization**: The windows created by winit can be maximized upon creation.
81- **Window maximization toggle**: The windows created by winit can be maximized and unmaximized after
82  creation.
83- **Window minimization**: The windows created by winit can be minimized after creation.
84- **Fullscreen**: The windows created by winit can be put into fullscreen mode.
85- **Fullscreen toggle**: The windows created by winit can be switched to and from fullscreen after
86  creation.
87- **Exclusive fullscreen**: Winit allows changing the video mode of the monitor
88  for fullscreen windows, and if applicable, captures the monitor for exclusive
89  use by this application.
90- **HiDPI support**: Winit assists developers in appropriately scaling HiDPI content.
91- **Popup / modal windows**: Windows can be created relative to the client area of other windows, and parent
92  windows can be disabled in favor of popup windows. This feature also guarantees that popup windows
93  get drawn above their owner.
96### System Information
97- **Monitor list**: Retrieve the list of monitors and their metadata, including which one is primary.
98- **Video mode query**: Monitors can be queried for their supported fullscreen video modes (consisting of resolution, refresh rate, and bit depth).
100### Input Handling
101- **Mouse events**: Generating mouse events associated with pointer motion, click, and scrolling events.
102- **Mouse set location**: Forcibly changing the location of the pointer.
103- **Cursor grab**: Locking the cursor so it cannot exit the client area of a window.
104- **Cursor icon**: Changing the cursor icon, or hiding the cursor.
105- **Touch events**: Single-touch events.
106- **Touch pressure**: Touch events contain information about the amount of force being applied.
107- **Multitouch**: Multi-touch events, including cancellation of a gesture.
108- **Keyboard events**: Properly processing keyboard events using the user-specified keymap and
109  translating keypresses into UTF-8 characters, handling dead keys and IMEs.
110- **Drag & Drop**: Dragging content into winit, detecting when content enters, drops, or if the drop is cancelled.
111- **Raw Device Events**: Capturing input from input devices without any OS filtering.
112- **Gamepad/Joystick events**: Capturing input from gamepads and joysticks.
113- **Device movement events**: Capturing input from the device gyroscope and accelerometer.
115## Platform
116### Windows
117* Setting the taskbar icon
118* Setting the parent window
120* Theme the title bar according to Windows 10 Dark Mode setting or set a preferred theme
122### macOS
123* Window activation policy
124* Window movable by background
125* Transparent titlebar
126* Hidden titlebar
127* Hidden titlebar buttons
128* Full-size content view
130### Unix
131* Window urgency
132* X11 Window Class
133* X11 Override Redirect Flag
134* GTK Theme Variant
135* Base window size
137### iOS
138* `winit` has a minimum OS requirement of iOS 8
139* Get the `UIWindow` object pointer
140* Get the `UIViewController` object pointer
141* Get the `UIView` object pointer
142* Get the `UIScreen` object pointer
143* Setting the `UIView` hidpi factor
144* Valid orientations
145* Home indicator visibility
146* Status bar visibility
147* Deferrring system gestures
148* Support for custom `UIView` derived class
149* Getting the device idiom
150* Getting the preferred video mode
152### Web
153* Get if systems preferred color scheme is "dark"
155## Usability
156* `serde`: Enables serialization/deserialization of certain types with Serde. (Maintainer: @Osspial)
158## Compatibility Matrix
162- ✔️: Works as intended
163- ▢: Mostly works but some bugs are known
164- ❌: Missing feature or large bugs making it unusable
165- **N/A**: Not applicable for this platform
166- ❓: Unknown status
168### Windowing
169|Feature                          |Windows|MacOS   |Linux x11   |Linux Wayland  |Android|iOS    |WASM      |
170|-------------------------------- | ----- | ----   | -------    | -----------   | ----- | ----- | -------- |
171|Window initialization            |✔️     |✔️     |▢[#5]      |✔️             |▢[#33]|▢[#33] |✔️        |
172|Providing pointer to init OpenGL |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |✔️     |✔️    |**N/A**|
173|Providing pointer to init Vulkan |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |✔️     |❓     |**N/A**|
174|Window decorations               |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |▢[#306]        |**N/A**|**N/A**|**N/A**|
175|Window decorations toggle        |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |**N/A**|**N/A**|**N/A**|
176|Window resizing                  |✔️     |▢[#219]|✔️         |▢[#306]        |**N/A**|**N/A**|✔️        |
177|Window resize increments         |❌     |❌     |❌         |❌             |❌    |❌     |**N/A**|
178|Window transparency              |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |**N/A**|**N/A**|N/A        |
179|Window maximization              |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |**N/A**|**N/A**|**N/A**|
180|Window maximization toggle       |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |**N/A**|**N/A**|**N/A**|
181|Window minimization              |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |**N/A**|**N/A**|**N/A**|
182|Fullscreen                       |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |**N/A**|✔️     |✔️        |
183|Fullscreen toggle                |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |**N/A**|✔️     |✔️        |
184|Exclusive fullscreen             |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |**N/A**         |❌    |✔️     |**N/A**|
185|HiDPI support                    |✔️     |✔️     |✔️         |✔️             |▢[#721]|✔️    |✔️ \*1|
186|Popup windows                    |❌     |❌     |❌         |❌             |❌    |❌     |**N/A**|
188\*1: `WindowEvent::ScaleFactorChanged` is not sent on `stdweb` backend.
190### System information
191|Feature          |Windows|MacOS |Linux x11|Linux Wayland|Android|iOS      |WASM      |
192|---------------- | ----- | ---- | ------- | ----------- | ----- | ------- | -------- |
193|Monitor list     |✔️    |✔️    |✔️       |✔️          |**N/A**|✔️       |**N/A**|
194|Video mode query |✔️    |✔️    |✔️       |✔️          |❌     |✔️      |**N/A**|
196### Input handling
197|Feature                 |Windows   |MacOS   |Linux x11|Linux Wayland|Android|iOS    |WASM      |
198|----------------------- | -----    | ----   | ------- | ----------- | ----- | ----- | -------- |
199|Mouse events            |✔️       |▢[#63]  |✔️       |✔️          |**N/A**|**N/A**|✔️        |
200|Mouse set location      |✔️       |✔️      |✔️       |❓           |**N/A**|**N/A**|**N/A**|
201|Cursor grab             |✔️       |▢[#165] |▢[#242]  |✔️         |**N/A**|**N/A**|❓        |
202|Cursor icon             |✔️       |✔️      |✔️       |✔️           |**N/A**|**N/A**|✔️        |
203|Touch events            |✔️       |❌      |✔️       |✔️          |✔️    |✔️     |❌        |
204|Touch pressure          |✔️       |❌      |❌       |❌          |❌    |✔️     |❌        |
205|Multitouch              |✔️       |❌      |✔️       |✔️          |✔️    |✔️     |❌        |
206|Keyboard events         |✔️       |✔️      |✔️       |✔️          |❓     |❌     |✔️        |
207|Drag & Drop             |▢[#720]  |▢[#720] |▢[#720]  |❌[#306]    |**N/A**|**N/A**|❓        |
208|Raw Device Events       |▢[#750]  |▢[#750] |▢[#750]  |❌          |❌    |❌     |❓        |
209|Gamepad/Joystick events |❌[#804] |❌      |❌       |❌          |❌    |❌     |❓        |
210|Device movement events  |❓        |❓       |❓       |❓           |❌    |❌     |❓        |
212### Pending API Reworks
213Changes in the API that have been agreed upon but aren't implemented across all platforms.
215|Feature                             |Windows|MacOS |Linux x11|Linux Wayland|Android|iOS    |WASM      |
216|------------------------------      | ----- | ---- | ------- | ----------- | ----- | ----- | -------- |
217|New API for HiDPI ([#315] [#319])   |✔️    |✔️    |✔️       |✔️          |▢[#721]|✔️    |❓        |
218|Event Loop 2.0 ([#459])             |✔️    |✔️    |❌       |✔️          |❌     |✔️    |❓        |
219|Keyboard Input ([#812])             |❌    |❌    |❌       |❌          |❌     |❌    |❓        |
221### Completed API Reworks
222|Feature                             |Windows|MacOS |Linux x11|Linux Wayland|Android|iOS    |WASM      |
223|------------------------------      | ----- | ---- | ------- | ----------- | ----- | ----- | -------- |
225[#165]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/165
226[#219]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/219
227[#242]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/242
228[#306]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/306
229[#315]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/315
230[#319]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/319
231[#33]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/33
232[#459]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/459
233[#5]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/5
234[#63]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/63
235[#720]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/720
236[#721]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/721
237[#750]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/750
238[#804]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/804
239[#812]: https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit/issues/812