1 // x11-rs: Rust bindings for X11 libraries 2 // The X11 libraries are available under the MIT license. 3 // These bindings are public domain. 4 5 x11_link! { Xrandr_2_2_0, xrandr, ["libXrandr.so.2.2.0", "libXrandr.so.2", "libXrandr.so"], 65, 6 pub fn XRRAddOutputMode (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, mode: RRMode) -> (), 7 pub fn XRRAllocGamma (size: c_int) -> *mut XRRCrtcGamma, 8 pub fn XRRAllocModeInfo (name: *const c_char, nameLength: c_int) -> *mut XRRModeInfo, 9 pub fn XRRChangeOutputProperty (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, property: Atom, type_: Atom, format: c_int, mode: c_int, data: *const c_uchar, nelements: c_int) -> (), 10 pub fn XRRChangeProviderProperty (dpy: *mut Display, provider: RRProvider, property: Atom, type_: Atom, format: c_int, mode: c_int, data: *const c_uchar, nelements: c_int) -> (), 11 pub fn XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration (config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, rotation: *mut Rotation) -> SizeID, 12 pub fn XRRConfigCurrentRate (config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration) -> c_short, 13 pub fn XRRConfigRates (config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, sizeID: c_int, nrates: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_short, 14 pub fn XRRConfigRotations (config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, current_rotation: *mut Rotation) -> Rotation, 15 pub fn XRRConfigSizes (config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, nsizes: *mut c_int) -> *mut XRRScreenSize, 16 pub fn XRRConfigTimes (config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, config_timestamp: *mut Time) -> Time, 17 pub fn XRRConfigureOutputProperty (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, property: Atom, pending: Bool, range: Bool, num_values: c_int, values: *mut c_long) -> (), 18 pub fn XRRConfigureProviderProperty (dpy: *mut Display, provider: RRProvider, property: Atom, pending: Bool, range: Bool, num_values: c_int, values: *mut c_long) -> (), 19 pub fn XRRCreateMode (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window, modeInfo: *mut XRRModeInfo) -> RRMode, 20 pub fn XRRDeleteOutputMode (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, mode: RRMode) -> (), 21 pub fn XRRDeleteOutputProperty (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, property: Atom) -> (), 22 pub fn XRRDeleteProviderProperty (dpy: *mut Display, provider: RRProvider, property: Atom) -> (), 23 pub fn XRRDestroyMode (dpy: *mut Display, mode: RRMode) -> (), 24 pub fn XRRFreeCrtcInfo (crtcInfo: *mut XRRCrtcInfo) -> (), 25 pub fn XRRFreeGamma (gamma: *mut XRRCrtcGamma) -> (), 26 pub fn XRRFreeModeInfo (modeInfo: *mut XRRModeInfo) -> (), 27 pub fn XRRFreeOutputInfo (outputInfo: *mut XRROutputInfo) -> (), 28 pub fn XRRFreePanning (panning: *mut XRRPanning) -> (), 29 pub fn XRRFreeProviderInfo (provider: *mut XRRProviderInfo) -> (), 30 pub fn XRRFreeProviderResources (resources: *mut XRRProviderResources) -> (), 31 pub fn XRRFreeScreenConfigInfo (config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration) -> (), 32 pub fn XRRFreeScreenResources (resources: *mut XRRScreenResources) -> (), 33 pub fn XRRGetCrtcGamma (dpy: *mut Display, crtc: RRCrtc) -> *mut XRRCrtcGamma, 34 pub fn XRRGetCrtcGammaSize (dpy: *mut Display, crtc: RRCrtc) -> c_int, 35 pub fn XRRGetCrtcInfo (dpy: *mut Display, resources: *mut XRRScreenResources, crtc: RRCrtc) -> *mut XRRCrtcInfo, 36 pub fn XRRGetCrtcTransform (dpy: *mut Display, crtc: RRCrtc, attributes: *mut *mut XRRCrtcTransformAttributes) -> Status, 37 pub fn XRRGetOutputInfo (dpy: *mut Display, resources: *mut XRRScreenResources, output: RROutput) -> *mut XRROutputInfo, 38 pub fn XRRGetOutputPrimary (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window) -> RROutput, 39 pub fn XRRGetOutputProperty (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, property: Atom, offset: c_long, length: c_long, _delete: Bool, pending: Bool, req_type: Atom, actual_type: *mut Atom, actual_format: *mut c_int, nitems: *mut c_ulong, bytes_after: *mut c_ulong, prop: *mut *mut c_uchar) -> c_int, 40 pub fn XRRGetPanning (dpy: *mut Display, resources: *mut XRRScreenResources, crtc: RRCrtc) -> *mut XRRPanning, 41 pub fn XRRGetProviderInfo (dpy: *mut Display, resources: *mut XRRScreenResources, provider: RRProvider) -> *mut XRRProviderInfo, 42 pub fn XRRGetProviderProperty (dpy: *mut Display, provider: RRProvider, property: Atom, offset: c_long, length: c_long, _delete: Bool, pending: Bool, req_type: Atom, actual_type: *mut Atom, actual_format: *mut c_int, nitems: *mut c_ulong, bytes_after: *mut c_ulong, prop: *mut *mut c_uchar) -> c_int, 43 pub fn XRRGetProviderResources (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window) -> *mut XRRProviderResources, 44 pub fn XRRGetScreenInfo (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window) -> *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, 45 pub fn XRRGetScreenResources (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window) -> *mut XRRScreenResources, 46 pub fn XRRGetScreenResourcesCurrent (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window) -> *mut XRRScreenResources, 47 pub fn XRRGetScreenSizeRange (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window, minWidth: *mut c_int, minHeight: *mut c_int, maxWidth: *mut c_int, maxHeight: *mut c_int) -> Status, 48 pub fn XRRListOutputProperties (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, nprop: *mut c_int) -> *mut Atom, 49 pub fn XRRListProviderProperties (dpy: *mut Display, provider: RRProvider, nprop: *mut c_int) -> *mut Atom, 50 pub fn XRRQueryExtension (dpy: *mut Display, event_base_return: *mut c_int, error_base_return: *mut c_int) -> Bool, 51 pub fn XRRQueryOutputProperty (dpy: *mut Display, output: RROutput, property: Atom) -> *mut XRRPropertyInfo, 52 pub fn XRRQueryProviderProperty (dpy: *mut Display, provider: RRProvider, property: Atom) -> *mut XRRPropertyInfo, 53 pub fn XRRQueryVersion (dpy: *mut Display, major_version_return: *mut c_int, minor_version_return: *mut c_int) -> Status, 54 pub fn XRRRates (dpy: *mut Display, screen: c_int, sizeID: c_int, nrates: *mut c_int) -> *mut c_short, 55 pub fn XRRRootToScreen (dpy: *mut Display, root: Window) -> c_int, 56 pub fn XRRRotations (dpy: *mut Display, screen: c_int, current_rotation: *mut Rotation) -> Rotation, 57 pub fn XRRSelectInput (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window, mask: c_int) -> (), 58 pub fn XRRSetCrtcConfig (dpy: *mut Display, resources: *mut XRRScreenResources, crtc: RRCrtc, timestamp: Time, x: c_int, y: c_int, mode: RRMode, rotation: Rotation, outputs: *mut RROutput, noutputs: c_int) -> Status, 59 pub fn XRRSetCrtcGamma (dpy: *mut Display, crtc: RRCrtc, gamma: *mut XRRCrtcGamma) -> (), 60 pub fn XRRSetCrtcTransform (dpy: *mut Display, crtc: RRCrtc, transform: *mut XTransform, filter: *const c_char, params: *mut XFixed, nparams: c_int) -> (), 61 pub fn XRRSetOutputPrimary (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window, output: RROutput) -> (), 62 pub fn XRRSetPanning (dpy: *mut Display, resources: *mut XRRScreenResources, crtc: RRCrtc, panning: *mut XRRPanning) -> Status, 63 pub fn XRRSetProviderOffloadSink (dpy: *mut Display, provider: XID, sink_provider: XID) -> c_int, 64 pub fn XRRSetProviderOutputSource (dpy: *mut Display, provider: XID, source_provider: XID) -> c_int, 65 pub fn XRRSetScreenConfig (dpy: *mut Display, config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, draw: Drawable, size_index: c_int, rotation: Rotation, timestamp: Time) -> Status, 66 pub fn XRRSetScreenConfigAndRate (dpy: *mut Display, config: *mut XRRScreenConfiguration, draw: Drawable, size_index: c_int, rotation: Rotation, rate: c_short, timestamp: Time) -> Status, 67 pub fn XRRSetScreenSize (dpy: *mut Display, window: Window, width: c_int, height: c_int, mmWidth: c_int, mmHeight: c_int) -> (), 68 pub fn XRRSizes (dpy: *mut Display, screen: c_int, nsizes: *mut c_int) -> *mut XRRScreenSize, 69 pub fn XRRTimes (dpy: *mut Display, screen: c_int, config_timestamp: *mut Time) -> Time, 70 pub fn XRRUpdateConfiguration (event: *mut XEvent) -> c_int, 71 variadic: 72 globals: 73 } 74