1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007-2011 Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>
4     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
5 */
10 #include <QStringList>
12 #include <KPluginInfo>
14 #include <plasma/plasma.h>
15 #include <plasma/plasma_export.h>
17 class KJob;
19 // not 5.6, as last Plasma API using this class only got removed later
22 namespace KPackage
23 {
24 class Package;
25 }
27 namespace Plasma
28 {
29 /**
30  * @class Package plasma/package.h <Plasma/Package>
31  *
32  * @short object representing an installed Plasma package
33  *
34  * Package defines what is in a package and provides easy access to the contents.
35  *
36  * To define a package, one might write the following code:
37  *
38  @code
39     Package package;
41     package.addDirectoryDefinition("images", "pics/", i18n("Images"));
42     QStringList mimeTypes;
43     mimeTypes << "image/svg" << "image/png" << "image/jpeg";
44     package.setMimeTypes("images", mimeTypes);
46     package.addDirectoryDefinition("scripts", "code/", i18n("Executable Scripts"));
47     mimeTypes.clear();
48     mimeTypes << "text/\*";
49     package.setMimeTypes("scripts", mimeTypes);
51     package.addFileDefinition("mainscript", "code/main.js", i18n("Main Script File"));
52     package.setRequired("mainscript", true);
53  @endcode
54  * One may also choose to create a subclass of PackageStructure and include the setup
55  * in the constructor.
56  *
57  * Either way, Package creates a self-documenting contract between the packager and
58  * the application without exposing package internals such as actual on-disk structure
59  * of the package or requiring that all contents be explicitly known ahead of time.
60  *
61  * Subclassing PackageStructure does have provide a number of potential const benefits:
62  *    * the package can be notified of path changes via the virtual pathChanged() method
63  *    * the subclass may implement mechanisms to install and remove packages using the
64  *      virtual install and uninstall methods
65  *    * subclasses can be compiled as plugins for easy re-use
66  *
67  * @deprecated Since 5.6, use KPackage::Package instead
68  **/
69 // TODO: write documentation on USING a package
71 class PackagePrivate;
72 class PackageStructure;
74 class PLASMA_EXPORT Package
75 {
76 public:
77     /**
78      * Default constructor
79      *
80      * @param structure if a NULL pointer is passed in, this will creates an empty (invalid) Package;
81      * otherwise the structure is allowed to set up the Package's initial layout
82      * @since 4.6
83      */
84     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 6, "Use KPackage API")
85     explicit Package(PackageStructure *structure = nullptr);
87     /**
88      * Copy constructore
89      * @since 4.6
90      */
91     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 6, "Use KPackage API")
92     Package(const KPackage::Package &other);
94     /**
95      * Copy constructore
96      * @since 4.6
97      */
98     PLASMA_DEPRECATED_VERSION(5, 6, "Use KPackage API")
99     Package(const Package &other);
101     ~Package();
103     /**
104      * Assignment operator
105      * @since 4.6
106      */
107     Package &operator=(const Package &rhs);
109     /**
110      * @return true if this package has a valid PackageStructure associatedw it with it.
111      * A package may not be valid, but have a valid structure. Useful when dealing with
112      * Package objects in a semi-initialized state (e.g. before calling setPath())
113      * @since 5.1
114      */
115     bool hasValidStructure() const;
117     /**
118      * @return true if all the required components exist
119      **/
120     bool isValid() const;
122     /**
123      * Sets the path to the root of this package
124      * @param path an absolute path, or a relative path to the default package root
125      * @since 4.3
126      */
127     void setPath(const QString &path);
129     /**
130      * @return the path to the root of this particular package
131      */
132     const QString path() const;
134     /**
135      * Get the path to a given file based on the key and an optional filename.
136      * Example: finding the main script in a scripting package:
137      *      filePath("mainscript")
138      *
139      * Example: finding a specific image in the images directory:
140      *      filePath("images", "myimage.png")
141      *
142      * @param key the key of the file type to look for,
143      * @param filename optional name of the file to locate within the package
144      * @return path to the file on disk. QString() if not found.
145      **/
146     QString filePath(const char *key, const QString &filename = QString()) const;
148     /**
149      * Get the list of files of a given type.
150      *
151      * @param fileType the type of file to look for, as defined in the
152      *               package structure.
153      * @return list of files by name, suitable for passing to filePath
154      **/
155     QStringList entryList(const char *key) const;
157     /**
158      * @return user visible name for the given entry
159      **/
160     QString name(const char *key) const;
162     /**
163      * @return true if the item at path exists and is required
164      **/
165     bool isRequired(const char *key) const;
167     /**
168      * @return the mimeTypes associated with the path, if any
169      **/
170     QStringList mimeTypes(const char *key) const;
172     /**
173      * @return the prefix paths inserted between the base path and content entries, in order of priority.
174      *         When searching for a file, all paths will be tried in order.
175      * @since 4.6
176      */
177     QStringList contentsPrefixPaths() const;
179     /**
180      * @return preferred package root. This defaults to plasma/plasmoids/
181      */
182     QString defaultPackageRoot() const;
184     /**
185      * @return service prefix used in desktop files. This defaults to plasma-applet-
186      */
187     QString servicePrefix() const;
189     /**
190      * @return true if paths/symlinks outside the package itself should be followed.
191      * By default this is set to false for security reasons.
192      */
193     bool allowExternalPaths() const;
195     /**
196      * @return the package metadata object.
197      */
198     KPluginInfo metadata() const;
200     /**
201      * @return a SHA1 hash digest of the contents of the package in hexadecimal form
202      * @since 4.4
203      */
204     QString contentsHash() const;
206     /**
207      * Adds a directory to the structure of the package. It is added as
208      * a not-required element with no associated mimeTypes.
209      *
210      * Starting in 4.6, if an entry with the given key
211      * already exists, the path is added to it as a search alternative.
212      *
213      * @param key  used as an internal label for this directory
214      * @param path the path within the package for this directory
215      * @param name the user visible (translated) name for the directory
216      **/
217     void addDirectoryDefinition(const char *key, const QString &path, const QString &name);
219     /**
220      * Adds a file to the structure of the package. It is added as
221      * a not-required element with no associated mimeTypes.
222      *
223      * Starting in 4.6, if an entry with the given key
224      * already exists, the path is added to it as a search alternative.
225      *
226      * @param key  used as an internal label for this file
227      * @param path the path within the package for this file
228      * @param name the user visible (translated) name for the file
229      **/
230     void addFileDefinition(const char *key, const QString &path, const QString &name);
232     /**
233      * Removes a definition from the structure of the package.
234      * @since 4.6
235      * @param key the internal label of the file or directory to remove
236      */
237     void removeDefinition(const char *key);
239     /**
240      * Sets whether or not a given part of the structure is required or not.
241      * The path must already have been added using addDirectoryDefinition
242      * or addFileDefinition.
243      *
244      * @param key the entry within the package
245      * @param required true if this entry is required, false if not
246      */
247     void setRequired(const char *key, bool required);
249     /**
250      * Defines the default mimeTypes for any definitions that do not have
251      * associated mimeTypes. Handy for packages with only one or predominantly
252      * one file type.
253      *
254      * @param mimeTypes a list of mimeTypes
255      **/
256     void setDefaultMimeTypes(QStringList mimeTypes);
258     /**
259      * Define mimeTypes for a given part of the structure
260      * The path must already have been added using addDirectoryDefinition
261      * or addFileDefinition.
262      *
263      * @param key the entry within the package
264      * @param mimeTypes a list of mimeTypes
265      **/
266     void setMimeTypes(const char *key, QStringList mimeTypes);
268     /**
269      * Sets the prefixes that all the contents in this package should
270      * appear under. This defaults to "contents/" and is added automatically
271      * between the base path and the entries as defined by the package
272      * structure. Multiple entries can be added.
273      * In this case each file request will be searched in all prefixes in order,
274      * and the first found will be returned.
275      *
276      * @param prefix paths the directory prefix to use
277      * @since 4.6
278      */
279     void setContentsPrefixPaths(const QStringList &prefixPaths);
281     /**
282      * Sets service prefix.
283      */
284     void setServicePrefix(const QString &servicePrefix);
286     /**
287      * Sets whether or not external paths/symlinks can be followed by a package
288      * @param allow true if paths/symlinks outside of the package should be followed,
289      *             false if they should be rejected.
290      */
291     void setAllowExternalPaths(bool allow);
293     /**
294      * Sets preferred package root.
295      */
296     void setDefaultPackageRoot(const QString &packageRoot);
298     /**
299      * Sets the fallback package root path
300      * If a file won't be found in this package, it will search it in the package
301      * with the same structure identified by path
302      * It is intended to be used by the packageStructure
303      * @param path package root path @see setPath
304      */
305     void setFallbackPackage(const Plasma::Package &package);
307     /**
308      * @return The fallback package root path
309      */
310     Plasma::Package fallbackPackage() const;
312     // Content structure description methods
313     /**
314      * @return all directories registered as part of this Package's structure
315      */
316     QList<const char *> directories() const;
318     /**
319      * @return all directories registered as part of this Package's required structure
320      */
321     QList<const char *> requiredDirectories() const;
323     /**
324      * @return all files registered as part of this Package's structure
325      */
326     QList<const char *> files() const;
328     /**
329      * @return all files registered as part of this Package's required structure
330      */
331     QList<const char *> requiredFiles() const;
333     /**
334      * Installs a package matching this package structure. By default installs a
335      * native Plasma::Package.
336      *
337      * @return KJob to track installation progress and result
338      **/
339     KJob *install(const QString &sourcePackage, const QString &packageRoot = QString());
341     /**
342      * Uninstalls a package matching this package structure.
343      *
344      * @return KJob to track removal progress and result
345      */
346     KJob *uninstall(const QString &packageName, const QString &packageRoot);
348     /**
349      * @returns the wrapped KPackage::Package instance, which deprecated this class
350      *
351      * @since 5.28
352      */
353     KPackage::Package kPackage() const;
355 private:
356     QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<PackagePrivate> d;
357     friend class PackagePrivate;
358     friend class PackageStructure;
359     friend class AppletPrivate;
360     friend class Applet;
361     friend class Corona;
362 };
364 }
365 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Plasma::Package)
369 #endif