1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2005 Aaron Seigo <aseigo@kde.org>
4     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
5 */
7 #ifndef PLASMA_DEFS_H
8 #define PLASMA_DEFS_H
10 /** @header plasma/plasma.h <Plasma/Plasma> */
12 #include <QObject>
14 #include <plasma/plasma_export.h>
16 class QAction;
18 /**
19  * Namespace for everything in libplasma
20  */
21 namespace Plasma
22 {
23 /**
24  * @class Types plasma/plasma.h <Plasma/Plasma>
25  * @short Enums and constants used in Plasma
26  *
27  */
28 class PLASMA_EXPORT Types : public QObject
29 {
30     Q_OBJECT
32 public:
33     ~Types() override;
34     /**
35      * The Constraint enumeration lists the various constraints that Plasma
36      * objects have managed for them and which they may wish to react to,
37      * for instance in Applet::constraintsUpdated
38      */
39     enum Constraint {
40         NoConstraint = 0, /**< No constraint; never passed in to Applet::constraintsEvent on its own */
41         FormFactorConstraint = 1, /**< The FormFactor for an object */
42         LocationConstraint = 2, /**< The Location of an object */
43         ScreenConstraint = 4, /**< Which screen an object is on */
44         ImmutableConstraint = 8, /**< the immutability (locked) nature of the applet changed  */
45         StartupCompletedConstraint = 16, /**< application startup has completed */
46         ContextConstraint = 32, /**< the context (e.g. activity) has changed */
47         UiReadyConstraint = 64,
48         /**< The ui has been completely loaded */ // (FIXME: merged with StartupCompletedConstraint?)
49         AllConstraints = FormFactorConstraint | LocationConstraint | ScreenConstraint | ImmutableConstraint,
50     };
51     Q_ENUM(Constraint)
52     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Constraints, Constraint)
54     /**
55      * This enumeration lists the various hints that an applet can pass to its
56      * constraint regarding the way that it is represented
57      */
58     enum ConstraintHints { // TODO KF6 ConstraintHints -> ConstraintHint
59         NoHint = 0,
60         CanFillArea = 1,
61         /**< The CompactRepresentation can fill the area and ignore constraint margins*/ // (TODO: KF6 CanFillArea -> CompactRepresentationFillArea)
62         MarginAreasSeparator = CanFillArea | 2, /**< The applet acts as a separator between the standard and slim panel margin areas*/
63     };
64     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ConstraintFlags, ConstraintHints)
65     Q_FLAG(ConstraintFlags)
67     /**
68      * The FormFactor enumeration describes how a Plasma::Applet should arrange
69      * itself. The value is derived from the container managing the Applet
70      * (e.g. in Plasma, a Corona on the desktop or on a panel).
71      **/
72     enum FormFactor {
73         Planar = 0, /**< The applet lives in a plane and has two
74                    degrees of freedom to grow. Optimize for
75                    desktop, laptop or tablet usage: a high
76                    resolution screen 1-3 feet distant from the
77                    viewer. */
78         MediaCenter, /**< As with Planar, the applet lives in a plane
79                     but the interface should be optimized for
80                     medium-to-high resolution screens that are
81                     5-15 feet distant from the viewer. Sometimes
82                     referred to as a "ten foot interface".*/
83         Horizontal, /**< The applet is constrained vertically, but
84                    can expand horizontally. */
85         Vertical, /**< The applet is constrained horizontally, but
86                 can expand vertically. */
87         Application, /**< The Applet lives in a plane and should be optimized to look as a full application,
88                      for the desktop or the particular device. */
89     };
90     Q_ENUM(FormFactor)
92     /**
93      * Display hints that come from the containment that suggest the applet how to look and behave.
94      * @since 5.77
95      */
96     enum ContainmentDisplayHint {
97         NoContainmentDisplayHint = 0,
98         ContainmentDrawsPlasmoidHeading =
99             1, /**< The containment will draw an titlebar-looking header for the applets, so the applets shouldn't attempt to paint a similar thing **/
100         ContainmentForcesSquarePlasmoids =
101             2, /**< The containment will force every plasmoid to be constrained in a square icon (An example is the System Tray)**/
102         DesktopFullyCovered =
103             4, /**< The desktop area for the contaiment's screen is not visible at all, for instance a window has been maximized on top of it */
104     };
105     Q_ENUM(ContainmentDisplayHint)
106     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ContainmentDisplayHints, ContainmentDisplayHint)
107     Q_FLAG(ContainmentDisplayHints)
109     /**
110      * This enumeration describes the type of the Containment.
111      * DesktopContainments represent main containments that will own a screen in a mutually exclusive fashion,
112      * while PanelContainments are accessories which can be present multiple per screen.
113      */
114     enum ContainmentType {
115         NoContainmentType = -1, /**< @internal */
116         DesktopContainment = 0, /**< A desktop containment */
117         PanelContainment, /**< A desktop panel */
119         CustomContainment = 127, /**< A containment that is neither a desktop nor a panel
120                                 but something application specific */
121         CustomPanelContainment = 128, /**< A customized desktop panel */
122         CustomEmbeddedContainment = 129, /**< A customized containment embedded in another applet */
123     };
124     Q_ENUM(ContainmentType)
126     /**
127      * A descriptive type for QActions, to help categorizing them when presented to the user
128      */
129     enum ActionType {
130         AddAction = 0, /**< The action will cause something new being created*/
131         ConfigureAction = 100, /**< The Action will make some kind of configuration ui to appear */
132         ControlAction = 200, /**< Generic control, similar to ConfigureAction TODO: better doc */
133         MiscAction = 300, /**< A type of action that doesn't fit in the other categories */
134         DestructiveAction =
135             400, /**< A dangerous action, such as deletion of objects, plasmoids and files. They are intended to be shown separated from other actions */
136         UserAction = DestructiveAction + 1000, /**< If new types are needed in a C++ implementation, define them as ids more than  UserAction*/
137     };
138     Q_ENUM(ActionType)
140     /**
141      * The Direction enumeration describes in which direction, relative to the
142      * Applet (and its managing container), popup menus, expanders, balloons,
143      * message boxes, arrows and other such visually associated widgets should
144      * appear in. This is usually the opposite of the Location.
145      **/
146     enum Direction {
147         Down = 0, /**< Display downards */
148         Up, /**< Display upwards */
149         Left, /**< Display to the left */
150         Right, /**< Display to the right */
151     };
152     Q_ENUM(Direction)
154     /**
155      * The Location enumeration describes where on screen an element, such as an
156      * Applet or its managing container, is positioned on the screen.
157      **/
158     enum Location {
159         Floating = 0, /**< Free floating. Neither geometry or z-ordering
160                      is described precisely by this value. */
161         Desktop, /**< On the planar desktop layer, extending across
162                 the full screen from edge to edge */
163         FullScreen, /**< Full screen */
164         TopEdge, /**< Along the top of the screen*/
165         BottomEdge, /**< Along the bottom of the screen*/
166         LeftEdge, /**< Along the left side of the screen */
167         RightEdge, /**< Along the right side of the screen */
168     };
169     Q_ENUM(Location)
171     /**
172      * The position enumeration
173      *
174      **/
175     enum Position {
176         LeftPositioned, /**< Positioned left */
177         RightPositioned, /**< Positioned right */
178         TopPositioned, /**< Positioned top */
179         BottomPositioned, /**< Positioned bottom */
180         CenterPositioned, /**< Positioned in the center */
181     };
182     Q_ENUM(Position)
184     /**
185      * The popup position enumeration relatively to his attached widget
186      *
187      **/
188     enum PopupPlacement {
189         FloatingPopup = 0, /**< Free floating, non attached popup */
190         TopPosedLeftAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the top, aligned
191                                  to the left of the widget */
192         TopPosedRightAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the top, aligned
193                                   to the right of the widget */
194         LeftPosedTopAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the left, aligned
195                                  to the top of the widget */
196         LeftPosedBottomAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the left, aligned
197                                     to the bottom of the widget */
198         BottomPosedLeftAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the bottom, aligned
199                                     to the left of the widget */
200         BottomPosedRightAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the bottom, aligned
201                                      to the right of the widget */
202         RightPosedTopAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the right, aligned
203                                   to the top of the widget */
204         RightPosedBottomAlignedPopup, /**< Popup positioned on the right, aligned
205                                     to the bottom of the widget */
206     };
207     Q_ENUM(PopupPlacement)
209     /**
210      * Flip enumeration
211      */
212     enum FlipDirection {
213         NoFlip = 0, /**< Do not flip */
214         HorizontalFlip = 1, /**< Flip horizontally */
215         VerticalFlip = 2, /**< Flip vertically */
216     };
217     Q_ENUM(FlipDirection)
218     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Flip, FlipDirection)
220     /**
221      * Possible timing alignments
222      **/
223     enum IntervalAlignment {
224         NoAlignment = 0, /**< No alignment **/
225         AlignToMinute, /**< Align to the minute **/
226         AlignToHour, /**< Align to the hour **/
227     };
228     Q_ENUM(IntervalAlignment)
230     /**
231      * Defines the immutability of items like applets, corona and containments
232      * they can be free to modify, locked down by the user or locked down by the
233      * system (e.g. kiosk setups).
234      */
235     enum ImmutabilityType {
236         Mutable = 1, /**< The item can be modified in any way **/
237         UserImmutable = 2, /**< The user has requested a lock down, and can undo
238                           the lock down at any time **/
239         SystemImmutable = 4, /**<  the item is locked down by the system, the user
240                            can't unlock it **/
241     };
242     Q_ENUM(ImmutabilityType)
244     /**
245      * The ComonentType enumeration refers to the various types of components,
246      * or plugins, supported by plasma.
247      */
248     enum ComponentType {
249         AppletComponent = 1, /**< Plasma::Applet based plugins **/
250         DataEngineComponent = 2, /**< Plasma::DataEngine based plugins **/
251         ContainmentComponent = 4, /**< Plasma::Containment based plugins **/
252         WallpaperComponent = 8, /**< Plasma::Wallpaper based plugins **/
253         GenericComponent = 16, /** Generic repositories of files, usually they keep QML files and their assets **/
254     };
255     Q_ENUM(ComponentType)
256     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ComponentTypes, ComponentType)
258     enum MarginEdge {
259         TopMargin = 0, /**< The top margin **/
260         BottomMargin, /**< The bottom margin **/
261         LeftMargin, /**< The left margin **/
262         RightMargin, /**< The right margin **/
263     };
264     Q_ENUM(MarginEdge)
266     /**
267      * Status of an applet
268      * @since 4.3
269      */
270     enum ItemStatus {
271         UnknownStatus = 0, /**< The status is unknown **/
272         PassiveStatus = 1, /**< The Item is passive **/
273         ActiveStatus = 2, /**< The Item is active **/
274         NeedsAttentionStatus = 3, /**< The Item needs attention **/
275         RequiresAttentionStatus = 4, /**< The Item needs persistent attention **/
276         AcceptingInputStatus = 5, /**< The Item is accepting input **/
277         // FIXME KF6: this should be the smallest status
278         HiddenStatus = 6, /**< The Item will be hidden totally  **/
279     };
280     Q_ENUM(ItemStatus)
282     enum TrustLevel {
283         UnverifiableTrust = 0, /**< The trust of the object can not be verified, usually because no
284                                 trust information (e.g. a cryptographic signature) was provided */
285         CompletelyUntrusted, /**< The signature is broken/expired/false */
286         UnknownTrusted, /**< The signature is valid, but the key is unknown */
287         UserTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with a key signed by one of the
288                       user's own keys*/
289         SelfTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with one of the user's own keys*/
290         FullyTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with a key signed by the vendor's key*/
291         UltimatelyTrusted, /**< The signature is valid and made with the vendor's key*/
292     };
293     Q_ENUM(TrustLevel)
295     /**
296      * Description on how draw a background for the applet
297      */
298     enum BackgroundHints {
299         NoBackground = 0, /**< Not drawing a background under the applet, the applet has its own implementation */
300         StandardBackground = 1, /**< The standard background from the theme is drawn */
301         TranslucentBackground = 2, /**< An alternate version of the background is drawn, usually more translucent */
302         ShadowBackground = 4, /**< The applet won't have a svg background but a drop shadow of its content done via a shader */
303         ConfigurableBackground = 8, /** If the hint has this flag, the user is able to configure this background */
304         DefaultBackground = StandardBackground, /**< Default settings: both standard background */
305     };
306     Q_ENUM(BackgroundHints)
307     // TODO KF6: BackgroundHint and BackgroundHints
308     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(BackgroundFlags, BackgroundHints)
310 private:
311     Types(QObject *parent = nullptr);
312 };
314 /**
315  * Converts a location to a direction. Handy for figuring out which way to send a popup based on
316  * location or to point arrows and other directional items.
317  *
318  * @param location the location of the container the element will appear in
319  * @return the visual direction the element should be oriented in
320  **/
321 PLASMA_EXPORT Types::Direction locationToDirection(Types::Location location);
323 /**
324  * Converts a location to the direction facing it. Handy for figuring out which way to collapse
325  * a popup or to point arrows at the item itself.
326  *
327  * @param location the location of the container the element will appear in
328  * @return the visual direction the element should be oriented in
329  **/
330 PLASMA_EXPORT Types::Direction locationToInverseDirection(Types::Location location);
332 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Types::ContainmentDisplayHints)
334 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Types::ConstraintFlags)
336 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Types::ComponentTypes)
337 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Types::BackgroundFlags)
339 } // Plasma namespace
341 #endif // multiple inclusion guard